To Anonymous who found leak ICS - LG Optimus 2x

Anonymous , any chance you can see if you can find a debug firmware for the optimus 3d ?? THANKS
ps:sorry for intruding on the forum, but your brethrens over at the optimus3d feel left out and depressed from no ICS love

+1 can you please look for it, all O3D comunity would really appreciate it.

+1, to be honest, Optimus 2x has a much bigger wingspan on devs than the Optimus 3D has, I have the feeling that we need some help, please

yeah the optimus 2x forum, has a LOT MORE highly skilled developers , we have only a hand few , so if someone could help out it would be great

Anonymous , can you please find the cure for cancer and also if possible let's get rid of the world hunger issue...
Wow, people will never be satisfied with what's given to them. Instead of being grateful for the O2x leak to the guy that most likely risked his job for doing this, let's go flood the poor fellow with requests for other phones. That sounds nice.

lol can't belive what i'm reading here :laugh:

heavencanwait said:
Anonymous , can you please find the cure for cancer and also if possible let's get rid of the world hunger issue...
Wow, people will never be satisfied with what's given to them. Instead of being grateful for the O2x leak to the guy that most likely risked his job for doing this, let's go flood the poor fellow with requests for other phones. That sounds nice.
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Yeeeeeeah, love U too biaaaatch... man what a jerk U're

He is true. You think that leaking is easy?
Maybe ask him for a final version now? Why not LOL.

Sarcasm.ha.ha.ha, i wasnt asking him to pul one out of his ass, if you had a look at the date of the debug rom for optimus 2x you would realize that its not that new, in fact a couple months olds, its all in the matter of searching the right area, which this guy has, and was merely asking for some help.
Its really no point arguing with the haters , because most don't even develop roms, and merely pretend to know, so i know you cant help at all, hence why you use sarcasm
So to those who can help ,please and thank you



I have experienced growing tensions in this part of the forum for a while. People flaming each other here and there because of things that is best left ignored or easily solved. I'm not perfect but here's my way of thinking and I think this forum would thrive if all flamers would stick to it.
Be positive. Have a gentle mindset when it comes to reporting bugs/issues you might have. If someone tells you to search, try yourself, ask them for a search term or just explain what you searched for and how you could not find it. It someone asks you something, don't go hating on the person for asking a dumb question, you have the choice to either ignore or help. Flaming should not be an option. DO NOT FLAME AND USE DOWNGRADING WORDS, PLEASE.
Today, someone expressed their feelings about itje's Touch IT 9.0 ROM and this has led to Touch IT being a closed ROM only availible to those who is friends with itje or those who he chooses to take part of his release group. This could have easily been avoided if certain words hade not been put into use. Please, think for a second before posting you negative answers. It has effects on other cooks and forum members.
I am very new to this forum. This is only my second post. But i have been here for 1 month now and i agree with you.
I have been on many forums that has users who uses negative answers and forgive me if i sound little harsh to itje and all others who coock ROM's. But this is the internet. There will always be someone who don't like what you or me are doing.
Sure i would also be sad if too many say they don't like what i am doing but this would aspire me to do better.
If i could coock ROM's like you in this forum could then i would do so even if someone doesn't like it.
Sorry if someone doesn't like what i'm saying but i have been on many forums where people have left because someone doesn't like what they are doing.
And i don't understand that. I'm sorry but i don't.
That's all for me. Hope itje will release his ROM's to the public again becuase i like his work.
felixkry said:
Be positive. Have a gentle mindset when it comes to reporting bugs/issues you might have. If someone tells you to search, try yourself, ask them for a search term or just explain what you searched for and how you could not find it. It someone asks you something, don't go hating on the person for asking a dumb question, you have the choice to either ignore or help. Flaming should not me an option. DO NOT FLAME AND USE DOWNGRADING WORDS, PLEASE.
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just incase its difficult for someone to read
funny that! i have been saying this all along! look at my post in the old thread 'everyone is a cooking master these days'. now there is a thread that should never have been started but which highlighted they way things have gone on here! some people who have been on here longer than others for some reason class themselves as above others and feel they have the right to make assumptions about people by their posts!. some might have seen my post in the touch-it 9 thread re the sms issue that was plaguing latest rhodium manila. if ya look you will see fards response to me posting my issues in that thread! basically he assumed that he knew about who i was by that and told me that i needed to get married etc to understand how itje felt about people posting probs over and over again. now i got offended by that cause one he doesn't know me and 2 what gives him the right to address me like that! NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE has the right to disrespect anyone's opinion or choice to do what they want on here within the regs. i will not stand any **** from anyone who thinks they have the right to chat to me like they know me! i try roms in fact i try all the roms posted on here just to see how they work! i hooked up wid WC because he respects me and vice versa. this place is about sharing and helping others and unfortunately we must have been like that once - a noob! remember your 1st flash and somethign went wrong! how panicky you felt and ya just posted without searching as ya may have felt ya broke ya phone etc. we all do it and thats what make us human! i respect everyone and i have no bad vibes wid anyone........... WC I love ya man. took me on face value and showed me love!
shingers5 said:
funny that! i have been saying this all along! look at my post in the old thread 'everyone is a cooking master these days'. now there is a thread that should never have been started but which highlighted they way things have gone on here! some people who have been on here longer than others for some reason class themselves as above others and feel they have the right to make assumptions about people by their posts!. some might have seen my post in the touch-it 9 thread re the sms issue that was plaguing latest rhodium manila. if ya look you will see fards response to me posting my issues in that thread! basically he assumed that he knew about who i was by that and told me that i needed to get married etc to understand how itje felt about people posting probs over and over again. now i got offended by that cause one he doesn't know me and 2 what gives him the right to address me like that! NO ONE AND I MEAN NO ONE has the right to disrespect anyone's opinion or choice to do what they want on here within the regs. i will not stand any **** from anyone who thinks they have the right to chat to me like they know me! i try roms in fact i try all the roms posted on here just to see how they work! i hooked up wid WC because he respects me and vice versa. this place is about sharing and helping others and unfortunately we must have been like that once - a noob! remember your 1st flash and somethign went wrong! how panicky you felt and ya just posted without searching as ya may have felt ya broke ya phone etc. we all do it and thats what make us human! i respect everyone and i have no bad vibes wid anyone........... WC I love ya man. took me on face value and showed me love!
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You have the right as much as anyone to get angry, but this is not what this thread is about. I am, through this thread, asking everyone to reconsider the things they have written before they post it so that we can avoid leaving cookers, hurt feelings and sold devices. Simply a request.
felixkry said:
You have the right as much as anyone to get angry, but this is not what this thread is about. I am, through this thread, asking everyone to reconsider the things they have written before they post it so that we can avoid leaving cookers, hurt feelings and sold devices. Simply a request.
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misunderstood mate as always! i totally agree wid what you said and was listing an example of how i have experienced what ya chat about! never angry mate as words dont bother! just dont like assumptions being made about me by what i have posted! rememba i am cool, live cool and dont stress anything!
so you are suggesting that 'cooks' have sold devices because of what people post without thinking? come on man i assume we are all mature on here and have some form of tolerance level for the things we expect to get on here be it negative or positive! in life we have take the good and bad in everything and everyone! you need to know what to ignore and what ya take on board! it is all about choice mate everything in life is about that!
shingers5 said:
misunderstood mate as always! i totally agree wid what you said and was listing an example of how i have experienced what ya chat about! never angry mate as words dont bother! just dont like assumptions being made about me by what i have posted! rememba i am cool, live cool and dont stress anything!
so you are suggesting that 'cooks' have sold devices because of what people post without thinking? come on man i assume we are all mature on here and have some form of tolerance level for the things we expect to get on here be it negative or positive! in life we have take the good and bad in everything and everyone! you need to know what to ignore and what ya take on board! it is all about choice mate everything in life is about that!
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Exactly - choice. Many people choose to flame when the mature thing is to just help or ignore, or simply search or ask again nicely. I'm sorry I missunderstood you post as angry.
To further answer, what I suggest is that fards sold his X1 for a Touch HD, if it was because he was tired of the mood in this part of the forum or not I do not know. itje has chosen to not make his ROMs public and as a result of this I read that one person was planning on selling their X1. It all has a domino effect. If it is right of these persons to react like they do is debatable, but they are entitled to their own reaction. The thing is that I don't think that people are aware of the consequences of being rude.
That is why I started this thread - so that people can avoid to piss each other off and so that we can have a helpful and productive forum.
felixkry said:
Exactly - choice. Many people choose to flame when the mature thing is to just help or ignore, or simply search or ask again nicely. I'm sorry I missunderstood you post as angry.
To further answer, what I suggest is that fards sold his X1 for a Touch HD, if it was because he was tired of the mood in this part of the forum or not I do not know. itje has chosen to not make his ROMs public and as a result of this I read that one person was planning on selling their X1. It all has a domino effect. If it is right of these persons to react like they do is debatable, but they are entitled to their own reaction. The thing is that I don't think that people are aware of the consequences of being rude.
That is why I started this thread - so that people can avoid to piss each other off and so that we can have a helpful and productive forum.
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do you think that requesting donations has some part to play with the way people post? i think that no money is free and certain people donate and expect something in return! if they don't get that then they seem to get angry and it reflects in post! i am not saying that only people who donate do that in any way. i honestly think that donations should only go to the people who started this whole xda thing and keep it running! also the people who release the kitchens as they make rom building possible! i just feel that when you take from people even if its donated there is a certain amount of pressure and expectancy that comes with that! when it is not delivered the reaction can be severe thus the recent backlash in certain threads! only my opinion!
@ your response to my question - people change their phones all the time as i get bored wid phones so quickly thats why i got so many! 2 weeks max and i need something else to play with! so if i get em all then i can use a diff one everyday! i am sure the people who suggested that they may sell their phones or who already have done are mature enough to recognize that it was not this forum or anything said in it that caused that to happen! any way i'm out! said ma peice and thats that!
shingers5;3867296if ya look you will see fards response to me posting my issues in that thread! basically he assumed that he knew about who i was by that and told me that i needed to get married etc to understand how itje felt about people posting probs over and over again. now i got offended by that cause one he doesn't know me and 2 what gives him the right to address me like that! [/QUOTE said:
do we need to go over that all over again?
ah f*ck it I give up!
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What about to set some report thing that would make like a % warn except it would say % flamer and than people would wach their reputation?
Also you could click report flame/spam post and if enough people would think it is spam it would tag the user and make that post fade.... (like on thottbot you can see the good comments are yelow and comments with rating lower than 5 arent even shown (but you can change the treshold)
Maybe a filter "do not show post from users marked flamers more than 30 times"
This is a developers forum; I'm sure there is some folks who can write a thing or two to make the forums better
Just throwing ideas here, because I belive people can't change based on one post (specialy the flamers and spammers don't), so why not a more direct approach...
fards said:
do we need to go over that all over again?
ah f*ck it I give up!
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stop being so damn melodramatic and no need to swear. bottom line is ya had no right to say it and instead of being a mature and apologize ya try to make it look like i am dragging it out! i find this hilarious all this!
Time and time again the same problems occur,
I've been on this forum for years.
and to be honest it is getting boring (this is meant in general and not aimed at anyone)
how much skill has this forum lost because of this *****iness.
im sorry, this has got to stop,
I Love the roms and support the likes of (but not limited to) ITJE and fards contribute to the forum, and respect the work that they do, as such i would never flame them, everyone should have this level f respect and in return the cooks and specialist should return the favor
this is why i have suggested in the past that cooks have read only release threads, this way, found faults, fixes updates etc can be kept together. a seperate thread can then be made to discuss faults.
I dunno just rambling now and adding no value, please ignore me
rosebud said:
Time and time again the same problems occur,
I've been on this forum for years.
and to be honest it is getting boring (this is meant in general and not aimed at anyone)
how much skill has this forum lost because of this *****iness.
im sorry, this has got to stop,
I Love the roms and support the likes of (but not limited to) ITJE and fards contribute to the forum, and respect the work that they do, as such i would never flame them, everyone should have this level f respect and in return the cooks and specialist should return the favor
this is why i have suggested in the past that cooks have read only release threads, this way, found faults, fixes updates etc can be kept together. a seperate thread can then be made to discuss faults.
I dunno just rambling now and adding no value, please ignore me
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I think that made perfectly good sense man Thanks for understanding what I meant with this thread.
I dont know, but flaming goes both ways in this forum or any other forum as a matter of fact.
a. A newbie comes in and asks a question, some chefs flip out and be like read the bloody first page or other works I did in a not so mild manner. True I believe that they should have read the instructions on the first page in highlighted color, but no need to come off as an asshat towards anyone.
b. a newbie flashes their rom to one of the customs, I believe that the guy who flashed their rom have no right to be like this is **** i lost some of my features. That is a serious slap in the face for the chef who put in their hard work to create this rom. Remember chefs are doing this for us for free, we are not obligated to flash ... we flash by our own accord and have to agree to some sort of disclaimer about device performance when flashed. So if you flash, and have some issues, take a look at the first page for their bugs, if not do an in thread search for the exact same problem that you are having, chances are you would find the solution.
c. This one is a classic ... someone asks a question, quickly some guys reply, do a damn search, stating comments that people are idiots or something to the sort ... basically flaming the question poster hard making it seems that the question poster wasted this amount of time or bandwidth on their part. I swear some flamers are extremely melodramatic, waiting for every chance to get off on someone and secretly high five someone in their society.
bottom line is guys, chill out take it easy. this here isnt a life or death situation, you wont die if you do a quick search on something, nor you wont die if you just help someone in a polite manner or maybe just ignore them.
ahhhhhh, the irony
tincmulc said:
This is a developers forum
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that's the problem. Imho this isn't anymore a developer forum. In the last 2 year as winmobile widely spreads up (because of carriers, mode, prettier devices and so on) this has become a 50% dev and 50% leech forum. 20% of leech are going to become future devs and want to "learn", the last 30% are only noobs who wants "free lunch" and pretend to be 100% assisted to make their device cooler. I often read "sorry but I can't read 50 pages of thread..." WHAT?!?!?!?! Someone has spent dozen of hours to cook a rom or develop a program and you deserves yourself the right to don't read?!?!!?
we have to try to resist
guap said:
that's the problem. Imho this isn't anymore a developer forum. In the last 2 year as winmobile widely spreads up (because of carriers, mode, prettier devices and so on) this has become a 50% dev and 50% leech forum. 20% of leech are going to become future devs and want to "learn", the last 30% are only noobs who wants "free lunch" and pretend to be 100% assisted to make their device cooler. I often read "sorry but I can't read 50 pages of thread..." WHAT?!?!?!?! Someone has spent dozen of hours to cook a rom or develop a program and you deserves yourself the right to don't read?!?!!?
we have to try to resist
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well said..or written
guap said:
I often read "sorry but I can't read 50 pages of thread..." WHAT?!?!?!?! Someone has spent dozen of hours to cook a rom or develop a program and you deserves yourself the right to don't read?!?!!?
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Itje, I agreed. And this one is the quote of the today.
guap said:
. I often read "sorry but I can't read 50 pages of thread..." WHAT?!?!?!?! Someone has spent dozen of hours to cook a rom or develop a program and you deserves yourself the right to don't read?!?!!?
we have to try to resist
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so because someone writes this does it give anyone the right to disrespect them and talk down to them! what right has anyone on here got to talk down to anyone because of what they wrote! no one has the right end off! can you imagine your reaction if someone spoke to you in a similar fashion because of a stupid post! so called devs need to understand that because of the quality of work they produce they have amassed a following. that in its pure sense is a compliment to their work! learning to embrace whats pure and shun whats not is they key! in life there is good and bad in everything and people never remember you for the good you do in life. they only ever remember that one time ya slipped up, fuked up or didnt live up to expected standards! thats human nature and we all have done it at one time or another in our lives! ignoring the stupid posts, pm etc is the key! block dem of your messenger etc.

DEVS,please read this

devs should work on bootloader cracking.not that i am forcing them to do,but i am BEGGING them.we have plenty of great roms for use.look at froyobread.its a perfect we have gingerDX.for a few weeks it will be a perfect 2.3 rom.
Now its time for future.and i know that bootloader cracking is very,very hard.and dont tell me that,why dont you do it yourself.believe me,i would if i knew.i think that we have too much talented devs,and i think they can do it,but only if they work together as a team.and we,normal users should leave them alone untill they do so.we should not spam them,ask them when will it be cracked and everything else.they will announce it when it will be done.
I love xperia x8 as much as you do.and im thankful to god that we have souch wonderful devs.we wouldnt have souch a wonderful phone without i will say this once again:
i really like this thread, but its up to the devs
and you know you will be hit with critism
Thank you devs!!
love this thread..hope the DEV will considering this.. ^^
Somebody show this thread to developers since i posted it into the wrong section...
Sent from my X8 using Tapatalk

[Q] Buy knzo a OB

Hey guys, I just wanna do a quick survey, how many ppl would help, to get knzo a new/used P970, so he can join back to our section. Since this seems to be the only Problem, that keeps him from joining back...
So I wanna get a quick resonance, of how many people here would join me.
You know he already did great things for us, so lets reward this to him and help financing this phone.
Let's see how many ppl we can get together here, and then we can talk about, how much everyone is willing to pay.
I only want you to reply, if your sure about willing to pay.
I am thinking about a max amount of 5€/person, since I think this is an amout, that everyone can effort.
And you all want a great ROM, I am quite sure
And we got a lot of members around here and most only take the files and use them, like me as well. But somewhen comes the time for payback
So gimme a quick feedback, if you are willing to join me.
Hope we get enough ppl together.
He is already exist p970?
N00BY0815 said:
I am thinking about a max amount of 5€/person, since I think this is an amout, that everyone can effort.
And you all want a great ROM, I am quite sure
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I am willing, but need knzo's update if he's willing to support us, and for how long (let's say untill we have stable ICS... ).
I've donated once Samsung Galaxy i5700 developer, he got the phone, but never finished the job he was meant to do (done lot of other great stuff, but no 3d driver).
+1. knzo would be the biggest addition back to the P970.
i am willing to contribute, but am a student without any account or card.
all i can have is cash from mah parents
but i can afford 10 euro if it is possible to get bank transfer going. i'll do it frm mah dads a/c.
i think we should get a bounty going???....& this topic should be stickied to the Q&A sub forum.
I already wrote, I wouldnt want anyone to pay more than 5 euros. But I was writing with him a bit and he doesnt know, if he really wants/is able to come back, for some personal reasons.
I guess everyone would understand this as well, since we all/or most at least should have a private life as well. So lets see, how it turns out and if he wants to come back, I'll revive this thread and we'll let the money flow to him
knzo would be the biggest addition back to the P970.
Please come back
Anyone donated something? And what's with knzzo do he know this?
Sent from my LG-P970 using XDA App
I think he doesnt know until now, but better wait with donations, since he isnt sure, if he really wants to come back

Project TecnoBread

Hello people, im here in order to talk you about my latest work...
I have been making roms based on gingerbread modding apps and ui to get almost a full holo experience, in this case i have been working modding flix123 20s rom and i have almost a few bugs but since i seen that ics updates will roll out in some weeks i see useless to mod gingerbread so i ask you this:
Would you people, really like me to finish my work?, well the community work since it have some devs parts such as status bar look...(of course i ask everybody to use those parts in TecnoBread)
In case you ask, why TecnoBread? Easy, Tecno because the techno look, but in my place its called tecno so it sounds better like that...and bread because its based on gingerbread
TecnoBread does not only feature a better look, it also have lot of new features such as:
New fonts
New bootanimation
New launcher
Latest Gapps
Removed some LG apps
Build.prop tweaks
New sounds
New ui
New transitions
New locker
New wallpapers
And more things that i dont remember now
Also for those people who thinked that a 15 yo boy cant do nothing i just say that "age is not important, knowlegde is" so next time think about it, i leave you all with some screenshots of the current work wich can also be found on my album in my profile
Thanks you all and hope you like what you see
Good luck
sent from my monster:the lg optimus 2x using xda
the screenshots look very good, you really should go ahead and finish it :good:
Keep in mind that *hopefully* end of September final ICS for SU660 will be out, BUT this doesn't mean we (P990) will receive it at the same time.
Just publish your ROM, if there are 2 weeks between your release and ICS it's enough - people's interest or let's say people's feedbacks on a specific version of a ROM begin to decrease drastically some days after the release. If you don't publish a new release of the same ROM in time, two weeks after the first release nearly noone will post anymore new feedbacks or posts in your ROM thread.
That's completely usual, just look at Temasek's CM7 thread - once he stopped (nearly) no more postings in his thread.
So what I want to say is: try to release your ROM some time before ICS, 2 weeks are enough, enjoy the big interest that will be there in the first days and if you want to keep it that way, just update your ROM every once in a while so that users will keep posting and being interested, until ICS finally comes out
Stefan Gündhör said:
the screenshots look very good, you really should go ahead and finish it :good:
Keep in mind that *hopefully* end of September final ICS for SU660 will be out, BUT this doesn't mean we (P990) will receive it at the same time.
Just publish your ROM, if there are 2 weeks between your release and ICS it's enough - people's interest or let's say people's feedbacks on a specific version of a ROM begin to decrease drastically some days after the release. If you don't publish a new release of the same ROM in time, two weeks after the first release nearly noone will post anymore new feedbacks or posts in your ROM thread.
That's completely usual, just look at Temasek's CM7 thread - once he stopped (nearly) no more postings in his thread.
So what I want to say is: try to release your ROM some time before ICS, 2 weeks are enough, enjoy the big interest that will be there in the first days and if you want to keep it that way, just update your ROM every once in a while so that users will keep posting and being interested, until ICS finally comes out
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Thanks, i will think about it...lets just say that im not full of free planing a big party, i have school, in case i try to finish, it will take some time to fix those glitchy bugs
Good luck
sent from my monster:the lg optimus 2x using xda
The screenshots are sure quite nice, so why not finish the job and publish it? I'm pretty sure some people will like to use it, and chances are that many won't upgrade right away to ICS / JB until CM releases a fully working, stable CM10 for us so I'd say you still have plenty of time to work on your ROM.
Keep up the good work!
I think it would take quite a while before a complte bug-free CM9/CM10 arrives even after LG releases ICS for our P990. So meanwhile there will be so many eager users who would like to test/taste your ROM.
Personally, I really liked the screens you have posted. The only thing I hate about Gingerbread is the in-call screen and I would definitely give it a try if you have remodeled the in-call screen as well in your ROM.
Looks like a ROM I'd like to have as a daily ROM until a fully usable CM10 is avalible.
Keep up the good work and give us something we can test
Even at 15 you look quite promising, present us with a bug free rom, we are waiting eagerly
Eagerly waiting mate.good things are always come
O2X with Magical ROM and supersonic kernels from my buddies
Looking very promising, nice screens!!
Keep thing simple and functional is
the key to a great rom.
A great "before ICS" rom.
Why u all treat my like a five years old boy?... i dont know how 15 boys look in your place but im not a baby lol
Btw, thank u all, i will try to finish TecnoBread as soon as posible...
sent from my monster:the lg optimus 2x using xda
leroy_coco said:
Thanks, i will think about it...lets just say that im not full of free planing a big party, i have school, in case i try to finish, it will take some time to fix those glitchy bugs
Good luck
sent from my monster:the lg optimus 2x using xda
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Siempre y cuando no te montes una gran fiesta como la de Proyecto X, todo bien :laugh: jaja
The Rom looks nice, I think you should finish it, at least for yourself, so you can say that you finished your project, then share it with the world
Something that I think might make your Rom more useful is if it has a swype menu in the notification bar top area and if the notifications are deleted by swyping as well. Those are features from CM7 that will also be in the official ICS release that I can't seem to live without.
So whatever you decide, you know there's people interested, and even if the ICS update comes a day after your build release, at least you finished it and it helps you in your formation, so you can develop good ICS based Roms in the future.
frikou said:
Siempre y cuando no te montes una gran fiesta como la de Proyecto X, todo bien :laugh: jaja
The Rom looks nice, I think you should finish it, at least for yourself, so you can say that you finished your project, then share it with the world
Something that I think might make your Rom more useful is if it has a swype menu in the notification bar top area and if the notifications are deleted by swyping as well. Those are features from CM7 that will also be in the official ICS release that I can't seem to live without.
So whatever you decide, you know there's people interested, and even if the ICS update comes a day after your build release, at least you finished it and it helps you in your formation, so you can develop good ICS based Roms in the future.
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This rom is based on stock v20s y si, mi idea era hacerla al estilo projecto x, suerte y gracias
sent from my monster:the lg optimus 2x using xda
leroy_coco said:
Why u all treat my like a five years old boy?... i dont know how 15 boys look in your place but im not a baby lol
Btw, thank u all, i will try to finish TecnoBread as soon as posible...
sent from my monster:the lg optimus 2x using xda
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What? Noone did that, ppl just gave you the feedback you asked for.
Also maybe if you wouldn't mention your age and that you don't want to be seen as a child in every second post it would be a lot easier to think of you as a mature person
post 1 - mimimi age is not important, tell me if I should finish my work
### [in between positive user feedback]
post 2 - actually I don't even have time for the thing I asked you people to tell me if I should finish it
### [in between positive user feedback]
post 3 - mimimi I'm not a baby​
Stefan Gündhör said:
What? Noone did that, ppl just gave you the feedback you asked for.
Also maybe if you wouldn't mention your age and that you don't want to be seen as a child in every second post it would be a lot easier to think of you as a mature person
post 1 - mimimi age is not important, tell me if I should finish my work
### [in between positive user feedback]
post 2 - actually I don't even have time for the thing I asked you people to tell me if I should finish it
### [in between positive user feedback]
post 3 - mimimi I'm not a baby​
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Lol, i just asked if u want me to release it and every quote i see is like a text made for a 10 yo boy, u explain all and things i didnt ask for like if i didnt know a [email protected]€& but the true fact is that this forum is full of ppl with my age and ppl with more than 35 yo and hasnt done everything my case...well i didnt done anything yet but at least im trying
What i ask for is just to treat my like what im am, maybe in your place 15 boys looks like babys(example:asia) compared to how we look here, lot of ppl tell me i look like 18 so just forget my age since we dont really need to know it
I know what im not saying in need help but some replys look like a software developement class
Or maybe i get angry too fast....or maybe im just an idiot, who knows?
KoolSavas95 said:
Sent from my monster: the LG Optimus 2x using xda premium
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Same tapatalk signature,?
sent from my monster:the lg optimus 2x using xda
leroy_coco said:
Lol, i just asked if u want me to release it and every quote i see is like a text made for a 10 yo boy, u explain all and things i didnt ask for like if i didnt know a [email protected]€& but the true fact is that this forum is full of ppl with my age and ppl with more than 35 yo and hasnt done everything my case...well i didnt done anything yet but at least im trying
What i ask for is just to treat my like what im am, maybe in your place 15 boys looks like babys(example:asia) compared to how we look here, lot of ppl tell me i look like 18 so just forget my age since we dont really need to know it
I know what im not saying in need help but some replys look like a software developement class
Or maybe i get angry too fast....or maybe im just an idiot, who knows?
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Oh boy you just got some additional beginners advice, who you obviously are as this is going to be your first ROM release, and you are confusing this well-meant additional advice with being treated like a baby.
However having this posting of you in mind in my eyes you clearly are an immature, whiny boy, who's always misinterpreting and whining around about how 15 yo boys look in other countries WTF WHO CARES? People gave you the feedback you asked for and you keep whining and whining ...
Please keep the problems with your age which you obviously are having out of the forum.
Things could be so easy:
to avoid prejudices, just don't tell your age in every post. don't tell it and people can't judge you on what they don't know.
do not just TELL people that you are soooo mature and no baby, but ACT mature instead, The things you posted here are not mature at all...
Stefan Gündhör said:
Oh boy you just got some additional beginners advice, who you obviously are as this is going to be your first ROM release, and you are confusing this well-meant additional advice with being treated like a baby.
However having this posting of you in mind in my eyes you clearly are an immature, whiny boy, who's always misinterpreting and whining around about how 15 yo boys look in other countries WTF WHO CARES? People gave you the feedback you asked for and you keep whining and whining ...
Please keep the problems with your age which you obviously are having out of the forum.
Things could be so easy:
to avoid prejudices, just don't tell your age in every post. don't tell it and people can't judge you on what they don't know.
do not just TELL people that you are soooo mature and no baby, but ACT mature instead, The things you posted here are not mature at all...
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WTF? Lol i dont hv problems with my age is just that the first time i open a thread in the O2X forum some assholes were complaining cuz i was 15 and believe me that it make me feel like bad recieved here...its not a good experience...thats all
Next time ask lol
sent from my monster:the lg optimus 2x using xda
If you can add back key for close applications and apollo :3
Sent from my Optimus 2X using xda app-developers app
neo5icek said:
If you can add back key for close applications and apollo :3
Sent from my Optimus 2X using xda app-developers app
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I can add some extra apps to the rom but porting CM7 features to TB(TecnoBread) wont be easy...i will see what i can do
Good luck
sent from my monster:the lg optimus 2x using xda
leroy_coco said:
Why u all treat my like a five years old boy?... i dont know how 15 boys look in your place but im not a baby lol
Btw, thank u all, i will try to finish TecnoBread as soon as posible...
sent from my monster:the lg optimus 2x using xda
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leroy_coco said:
Lol, i just asked if u want me to release it and every quote i see is like a text made for a 10 yo boy, u explain all and things i didnt ask for like if i didnt know a [email protected]€& but the true fact is that this forum is full of ppl with my age and ppl with more than 35 yo and hasnt done everything my case...well i didnt done anything yet but at least im trying
What i ask for is just to treat my like what im am, maybe in your place 15 boys looks like babys(example:asia) compared to how we look here, lot of ppl tell me i look like 18 so just forget my age since we dont really need to know it
I know what im not saying in need help but some replys look like a software developement class
Or maybe i get angry too fast....or maybe im just an idiot, who knows?
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I wanted to post that I love what you did to the GB ROM and to continue your work.
Then I saw your post where you complained about other people treating you like a young boy. I checked and didn't see a single post where anyone is treating you "like a baby".
Being a developer myself I think the feedback you got was good and if I would be the OP I would have been glad about the encouraging posts you got.
Now you made another ridiculous post stating that people explain everything you didn't ask for to you like a 10 year boy. I don't see anyone doing that? WTF are you talking about?
There's just one person who isn't treating yourself as an adult - and that person is you.
The reason that you image people to make posts treating you as a boy does indeed make you one.
So bottom line is: as long as you see every normal post as a threat to your age I don't need your ROM. As soon as you get mature enough to not misinterpret every single post and stop trying to read things between the lines which are not there: I'd be glad to see your ROM out here.
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda app-developers app
tonyp said:
I wanted to post that I love what you did to the CM7 ROM and to continue your work.
Then I saw your post where you complained about other people treating you like a young boy. I checked and didn't see a single post where anyone is treating you "like a baby".
Being a developer myself I think the feedback you got was good and if I would be the OP I would have been glad about the encouraging posts you got.
Now you made another ridiculous post stating that people explain everything you didn't ask for to you like a 10 year boy. I don't see anyone doing that? WTF are you talking about?
There's just one person who isn't treating yourself as an adult - and that person is you.
So bottom line is: as long as you see every normal post as a threat to your age I don't need your ROM. As soon as you get mature enough to not misinterpret every single post and stop trying to read things between the lines which are not there: I'd be glad to see your ROM out here.
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda app-developers app
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Yeah...maybe you all right but dude...
, now i can see that capslock are usefull
Next time read the full post
Good luck
Sent from my monster using xda app

Thank You to A great developer for a great ROM DjangoManoucheX by carburano

I did not know of carburano's work with the LG Optimus 2X for GB but with ICS I do have to say I really appreciate the time and effort he has put into the development. His thread in the development section is one of the most read and posted thread. I believe it is almost as large as the JB threads and in some cases larger. Even his old GB thread is still being posted to and growing monstrous in size.
I have tried to keep up with his ICS thread but it is so hard with the large number of posts everyday, some seeming to be constant repeats of previously asked questions or small replies to others. In some cases people just quote someone else and add lol. Everything I see points to carburano being very dedicated and committed to his work and followers. I can understand the difficulties he has sifting through the posts looking for good feedback and positive replies to his hard work. I am certain that he reads over every post and each one takes up some of the time he sets aside for us all.
Being such a large and popular thread I was surprised not to see more threads on DjangoManoucheX (yes I even used the search feature) where people would discuss everything from how a particular ril performs to which baseband people are using with his rom. But than again without them being started by the creator of this fabulous rom few people may take them seriously and in some cases may not take the time to search for them.
@carburano thank you for breathing life into my phones have never worked better. I have 3 LG2X's and some nights I may install roms with different kernels to see how they work for a few days, taking note of particular things I like better than others and how things are implemented. I enjoy this type of playing with the phones, I spent many years as a electronics and computer technician and finding something that keeps me this excited is beyond words to explain. Yet after many tests I keep coming back to your rom as the standard.
Please take the popularity of your thread and rom as I hopefully believe it is meant to be, a positive show of how much everyone appreciates your work. Some people may get over excited like kids in a candy store waiting for the store keeper to restock the shelves and sometimes this may lead to them typing to fast or some things lost in translation. Seeing your work and any new release you put out is like Christmas time all over again.
I would have tried to post this on the DM rom thread as I could find no other thread praising your work but 2 things stopped me
1. I am new so can not. I have lurked in the shadows for to long watching and
2. I need to try and figure out what the "on topic" topic's are. So hopefully in the general area is where I should put this.
Thank You again carburano I believe things could not be better with you keeping the phone and your followers so well looked after.
Heya, I'm glad you liked his ROMs but the thing is carburano is not a developer, he is a "rom cooker". . He "cooks" a rom using the preferences/addons/themes etc.. he likes.
Other than that, I support this post. I think he is a great contributor to this community.
thanks carburano.
I appreciate the clarification in terminology. I am behind and need to catch up some.
My main goal was to try and express my gratitude and maybe others for the work he puts in to make our life and phones better and easier.
Carburano is a great cooker, and even so good that we could say developer, at least he's able to give Roms as good as he was a 'developer'.. And a good person as far as I 'know' him
But the community deceived me a lot theses days because they didn't really understand the meaning of XDA and of what he is doing, for FREE.
He would not provide his update to everyone because some have though his thread was a general/Q&A thread... and what some replied ?! "Ok, no problem, we don't care, if you don't provide us a even better Rom every week we switch to an other". But boys tell me, what's are the problems that 'everybody' encounter with the 1.4 ? It is fully and absolutely working, stock based and theme with a kernel that LG was dreamimg to build but wasn't even able to.
So what do theses guys want... every developer deserve respect for what they are giving to our phone which was at the beginning made for the developer's phone only, so you can't complain of anything about what Carburano is doing
@Carburano: Thank a lot for what you gave us, giving our old phone an extended life
R: Thank You to A great developer for a great ROM DjangoManoucheX by carburano
I'm sorry but i cannot continue with this environment, i've stolen many days to my private life not to hear that i must release soon otherwise i'm an id***... I prefer to continue dmx privately and if things will be fine i will give you links. I promised to avoid open a new thread for my roms and i will keep this promise. Ciao guys. This is it
Sent from DjangoManouche!
A sad day it is.
When we take something for granted that was given for free and than expect to be treated like we paid for it.
carburano and other developers / chef's / cookers already have enough things to do with there own life that their free time and evenings should be spent doing the things they love because they want to and not because people try to make them feel bad about not giving all their time to one thing.
I have stayed off forums on many different websites and out of the conversation because I am more than happy to patiently wait for the next release or happy to work out all the bugs that I can on my own before I bother anyone, but now it is to late I should have joined earlier if for nothing else than to click on the thanks button.
@carburano because of the great work I have seen in your rom it has peaked my curiosity to maybe give it a try myself and see what I can do with my phones. It is a good thing there are high quality developers and chefs on XDA that I can try to seek guidance from. I would expect there are alot of people who do create their own custom roms but also keep them private to avoid the stress that seems to be taking over.
I learned from playing addictive online games that Real Life takes priority and you need to take the time to ensure it does not slip past you while you look at the computer screen.
No problem man.. You are absolutly true, the community have been really disrespectful towards you and your life that we all know very busy, and I really hope that your decision will make some minds change..
Again, thank for your work..
Hi carburano, i really reeeally reeeeeeeally love your work on DMX. I always come back to your rom when i try others rom's. That speed, smoothnes, battery life.
Well, now its over because some idiot's. :banghead:
But if you relese newer version's of your DMX, can you please send me links?
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda app-developers app
This forum is dying anyways got the O2x for 2 years now and i ordered my Nexus 4 thanks for keeping this phone alive devs but i think this is just the end for the O2x.
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda app-developers app
carburano said:
I'm sorry but i cannot continue with this environment, i've stolen many days to my private life not to hear that i must release soon otherwise i'm an id***... I prefer to continue dmx privately and if things will be fine i will give you links. I promised to avoid open a new thread for my roms and i will keep this promise. Ciao guys. This is it
Sent from DjangoManouche!
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Take the advice of your quote and live well, your work speaks for itself. If you decide to share any further work I know there are dedicated people who are more than willing to provide positive feedback to what works and does not work. My wife gets mad at me when I change her phone because I see something I want to test out on it so I will have to just keep playing with my other 2 LG2X's for now.
Micronuub said:
This forum is dying anyways got the O2x for 2 years now and i ordered my Nexus 4 thanks for keeping this phone alive devs but i think this is just the end for the O2x.
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda app-developers app
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Not for me. I want my O2X to live forever.
I've just had my power button replaced, and I'm even considering buying a new battery for it just so I can make it feel new.
Welll guys...
Life goes on.....
Thx Carbo,one more time...
Carbru bro what I am seeing this?
Please dont!
You are a greatest dev and contributor since years for our 2x. You've made a great effort. We miss you please come back:/
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda app-developers app
R: Thank You to A great developer for a great ROM DjangoManoucheX by carburano
spica1234 said:
Carbru bro what I am seeing this?
Please dont!
You are a greatest dev and contributor since years for our 2x. You've made a great effort. We miss you please come back:/
Sent from my LG-P990 using xda app-developers app
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Last months my thread became o2x trashbin.. It was my fault too... So i took this decision.
I alteady miss xda but i cannot continue in this way
Sent from DjangoManouche!
carburano said:
Last months my thread became o2x trashbin.. It was my fault too... So i took this decision.
I alteady miss xda but i cannot continue in this way
Sent from DjangoManouche!
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Man, this is sad because of a few stupid guys, we lose a great dev like you ! :crying:
I've been a fan from your first ICS release, I loved your jokes during install, like the cookie recipe and the fake windows install !
Now I have DM X1.2 and can't update anymore
Can you send a link for us who enjoyed all your hard work ? :good:
Thanks for your time and work Carburano, don't let stupid people upset you !
But Carburano, why so many of us have to be punished this way like the bad ones? I'm still at Stock 2.3, when I see the news about DjangoManouche X 1.5 I see the perfect rom to my phone. I just hope some day I can use your rom, because to me, your rom seem to be the best one. We will miss you man!
carburano said:
Last months my thread became o2x trashbin.. It was my fault too... So i took this decision.
I alteady miss xda but i cannot continue in this way
Sent from DjangoManouche!
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Hey mate,
I do have one suggestion which you might want to try.
Create an Q&A or userthread in the general section, where people can post more freely.
Add big fat red lines at your op stating that every kind of offtopic needs to get posted there and only posts for bug reports etc. are allowed in your dev thread.
Then consequently report users who break the ground rules.
If someone does it continuously ask the mods if they could hand him an infraction.
This forum is about development and contributions - not about dumbasses who can't keep their mouth shut and think they need to clutter threads in the development section.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
I tried to find Waldo and failed
Well I looked in the official release thread for DM 1.5 link and I think I found the post where carburano had placed his link but I think it has already been removed or maybe moved to a new post due to the problems that thread was having. No one wanted to be subjected to the same problems he was having. That is sorting through all the extra off topic posts.
For some people I hope it opened their eyes to the problem, for others all they could do was complain about it even though carburano posted the exact page where he shared.
I'am happy playing with 1.4 it works great.
@carburano good job in the way you posted the link, if even a few people now think twice before they post threads or where they post them I would say you accomplished the task of educating them.
I will keep looking in my spare time, maybe get lucky one day.
I need link for Dm1.5?Thnks.
R: Thank You to A great developer for a great ROM DjangoManoucheX by carburano
tonyp said:
Hey mate,
I do have one suggestion which you might want to try.
Create an Q&A or userthread in the general section, where people can post more freely.
Add big fat red lines at your op stating that every kind of offtopic needs to get posted there and only posts for bug reports etc. are allowed in your dev thread.
Then consequently report users who break the ground rules.
If someone does it continuously ask the mods if they could hand him an infraction.
This forum is about development and contributions - not about dumbasses who can't keep their mouth shut and think they need to clutter threads in the development section.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk HD
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I read rc/rd pm... And it's a good idea but now i will wait until things come back to normality and then i will think about it
Sent from DjangoManouche!

