Xbox Smartglass V1.0 works on Nexus 7 and other 4.x devices - Nexus 7 General

i grabbed this from the market earlier, and im hearing its not available no more, it shows on the store but tells people there device isnt supported.
well it is
just download the file and install with your file explorer, i use EFS
didnt know where to put this so i guessed general is ok
if im breaking any rules then please remove
this is Xbox Smartglass V1.0.apk16mb
Hope you enjoy, seeing as MS said this wont be on our devices for a while

MS has been actively scurrying the internet handing out take down notices for people hosting that app. No idea why their panties are in such a bunch about people enjoying one of their apps..

Hopefully people get it while they can then, its not bad, you can control your xbox with it as well as see your friends etc etc


many themes in the market application

why are there so many themes in the market application? should make a seperate to Theme market. too many themes in there. its annoying
I agree its getting old. It seems like every time I go into the market I have to sift through 15 themes to find anything good.
I agree. There has got to be a better way to handle distribution of these themes.
what's worse is that a lot of them are made by the same people. RSD keeps making themes for the phone and then selling them for a dollar. i'm sorry but i don't think you should charge for a theme, no matter how much work you did. i make themes too but i'm not gonna tell people that they have to give me money in order to try it. most themers do the stuff cause it's fun not cause they wanna get rich
It's easy money. Make a theme, upload it, charge 99c and make some money... now everyone is on it. Tis a shame they isnt more categories on Market, so many of them are misplaced. I wonder if Google plan on doing anything about it? You can literally spend 10-15mins scrolling down until you reach the bottom.
+1 I have to sift through so many themes they are annoying!
Then there are the comic books, the other day there had to be like 20 of them submitted at once.
In some ways the 'openness'* is part of the problem. I've not investigated how you put a program etc on market place and what the uploader has to do, to charge but it seems like people can charge what they want. I saw one earlier which seemed to be pictures of cars (and another for bikes) and he wanted $4.99.
I wish it was a little more regulated... I never thought I'd say that!! or atleast no facility to charge for apps.
Or even if Google could add new categories...
* I know all the tethering apps have been removed so clearly it's not 100% open
DynaMight said:
* I know all the tethering apps have been removed so clearly it's not 100% open
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There is actually nothing open about the market. For example, if the market had an api, I could write an alternative market client with a capability to filter out all these annoying themes/videos/comics. The point is that the market, like GMail and all the other closed applications on the G1's Android build, is a closed value-added product.
Unfortunately since Market client is closed-source, we can only hope Google gets the message and builds in some sort of filtering in a future version. They did pretty promptly address the comment spam issue, which shows some promise.
I too am sick of the themes and everything else associated with the alternate home screens. Hopefully as the market matures they will address the issue.

[app] GoogleMaps

If you're like me you get really pissed that you can't download GMM [easily] on Opera or PIE6 or your computer without spoofing your user agent. So because I love you guys and I like starting threads I went onto Fmstrat's badass RegistryChanger site to create an IE version rollback (attached) and got the cab for the latest Google Maps, v3.0.1.5, for y'all to download here.
No idea what improvements this has over, probably nothing you'll notice, but hey, this is xda, gotta have the latest build of anything, right?
Love, Doug
Is there anyway to get gmaps to automatically upgrade itself? I couldn't find the option anywhere.
Nope, not to my knowledge, and given that putting an auto-update thing for a popular program weighing in at a megabyte for cell phones that often have slow connections or expensive connections (like when people travel overseas), you'll get too many people complaining about sneaky updating tactics and writing slashdot articles. Not to mention 99% of gmm users out there wouldn't notice the difference between this version and a several month old version and it probably wouldn't generate much more revenue for Google to force (or assist) everybody to update to the newest build.
On the other hand, it would be nice for us if we could get the google people to give this thing apptodate support. Why not. It would of course also be nice if a lot more devs would do that. Doesn't sound too hard... c'mon, devs, apptodate.
Appreciate the find ... do you know if it includes Latitudes?
Yes, it's got Latitude. Just like Street View, they'll soon stop going out of their way to announce that each version has Latitude.

Official Google Nav for 1.6 and above in Market
When trying to download onto my phone from the Market, I get an error message 'Package file was not signed correctly.'
I'm running Cyanogen 4.2.5 on my Rogers Magic 32A.
Doesn't work for me in denmark
I think this is only US.
It's been released for the Market on all devices, but I think it has something to do with our devices using test-keys and not release-keys...
Same problem in Belgium with 32A using CyanogenMod 4.2.5 with Kernel 2.6.29bfs.
Very sad
working fantastic on my MT3G running Dwang 1.13. Didn't get an 'update available' notification, but installing it from the market worked flawlessly. I gotta say, navigation with google layers is freakin' awesome
cursordroid said:
When trying to download onto my phone from the Market, I get an error message 'Package file was not signed correctly.'
I'm running Cyanogen 4.2.5 on my Rogers Magic 32A.
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I have the same phone and ROM version and it updated just fine from the Market. However, I did push the software to my phone, following the instructions here. Not sure if that's why it works without issue.
So i guess its confirmed that this is still US only. BAH
"Some features of Android 2.0 are not available on Android 1.6, for example, the ability to use the "navigate to" voice command as shown in our demo video. However, you can still create a shortcut that will allow you to launch Navigation and start getting directions to a specific place from your current location with just a single touch from your home screen."
If it is US only, why did they not restrict it to the US on the market ? Or maybe that's technically not possible with the current market configuration ?
Neejay said:
"Some features of Android 2.0 are not available on Android 1.6, for example, the ability to use the "navigate to" voice command as shown in our demo video. However, you can still create a shortcut that will allow you to launch Navigation and start getting directions to a specific place from your current location with just a single touch from your home screen."
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Click to collapse
Or you can search the Market for 'Nav Launcher' and it will enable these features through an external application. Works fine for me.
Same issue on a Mytouch 3G (32B,) in the US and also running Cyanogen 4.2.5.
This is a fresh install of cyanogen as well (literally nothing more than the 1.6 base image and then the cyanogen update.)
I'm also getting the "package not signed" error. Not sure what the problem is. Running CyanogenMod Android 1.6, but I honestly don't remember what version of Cyanogen it is.
This official update no different than the 1.6 hacked Maps w/Navigation that was pulled from the Droid dump.
Even if you can get it installed, you still need to use either Directions shortcuts or the Nav Launcher to get it working outside the US.
I keep getting errors cannont remove / no such file or directory
on cyan 4.2.5 seams like nothing different from 2.0 droid nav
I sure do wish that people stop giving apps 1 start because it doesn't work on cyanogenmod..... these are precisely the people that bring down heat on developers with their crying. God forbid they have to do a search on the net... and, dare I say, read 3 lines of text.
People need to realize we are not flashing official software here, and so we have no right to b*tch if something that's made for official software doesn't work on our hacked ones. There is not one dev here that I can remember who doesn't clearly say that if you break your phone it's your responsibility, not his, or the manufacturers. That's why we have this community here, if you're having problems most members here will help you out however they can because that's what this place is about tweaking our equipment as much as possible and fixing it when we mess up. I would say most people here enjoy helping others out with tech related stuff, I know I do in whatever way possible, but I have no sympathy for those that can't be a$$ed to read a few lines and just want to flash their phones with total disregard of what could happen.
How do you think google feels everytime they see a one star rating on one of their apps, or any other app, that works perfectly fine on official images when the person comments "DIS SUXXORS, IT B NOT WORKING ON C.M 4.2.5"? It's a miracle they didn't crack down on cyanogen much sooner than they did. PLEASE, PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE if you have issues with something you downloaded from XDA or any other site on the net that deals with this kind of stuff, don't go complaining to your mobile carrier, or whoever developed your mobile's official software; come here and ask for help... besides 99% of the time I'm fairly sure that we'll do a much better job of helping than anybody you can contact from your mobile carrier, or official developers. Also, if you brick you're phone be responsible for you're mistake; don't try to be sly and send it in because it's not working to your dev because again this only attracts unnecessary attention to this site. I'm fairly sure that cease & desist that xda received from MS a few years back was due to precisely this.
I've customized windows mobile, palm, symbian, android phones, plus ps1, ps2, ps3, psp, wii, and so far I've never brick anything, or at least not to the point I can't bring it back, so does this mean I'm super lucky? or super smart? Not really, it's quite simple really my secret is this: READ, Read like your equipment depended on it because quite frankly IT DOES.
Sorry for the rant guys, it's not directed at any one of you, but maybe just maybe one of these "people" will find it and correct themselves. I'd actually wish the mods would post something on the main page, but then again who am I kidding the problem originally arises from them not reading in the first place.
I agree.
Also not working on my phone (32a Magic). Currently looking for a work around.
I have searched for:
Google Maps
Google Maps Navigation
Etc, Etc, Etc...
and can NOT find this version in the market???
I updated to the latest "Google Maps" from the market, but it does not have the NAV Features.
Redownloaded and now get the "Package Not Signed" error as well.

apk downloads

Hi all,
Do you folks have suggestions of good places to download apk's so I can still install apk's to my device even though it's not connected (would download on pc and transfer to device)?
Be carfull with questions like this if they think you are asking for "warez" you can be banned, if you are looking for free to download apks check the devlopers sites as most of the time they are up for free. If you cant find anything and its not Private or Paid ill help you but I will dont get you anything that needs to be bought.
Definitely not looking for warez type sites or for apk's you have to pay for. basically looking for freeware type sites so i an download and manually install when i don't have access to the market. I haven't been able to work out how to wifi tether my Gpad with my Touch HD so when at the office so I can't get my Gpad online to gain access to the market since we only use wired lan.
I'm looking for something similar. One spot where I can find apk's like flash, new york times or other official apps that for whatever reason do not show up in the market. has a few.
Sent from my SGH-T959 using XDA App
I purchased a number of apps from Handango/Pocket Gear. They had an option to download to PC. Result was the APK for the programs. It was also beneficial for flashing a ROM and having to re-install.

Stumbleupon for Windows phone 7

Working on my release of a Stumbleupon type App for Windows Phone. Its in the market place as Trip and Fall buts its a very early beta. Right now the problem I am having is building catagories of sites for the app. I figured I could get some suggestions here.
So if you know of some cool websites Post them and I can add them to the lists.

