[GUIDE] Free VOIP calls w/ iLBC codec - Nexus 4 General

UPDATE: This may not work any more because Google said that they will cut off the Google Talk XMPP on 5/15/2014, which PBXES relies on.
This guide is not about how to make free calls. It's about how to make free calls using iLBC codec so that you can make reliable calls over 3g connection. If you only want the instructions, then skip to part V.
(edited) I have changed my VoIP set up to PIAF on AWS EC2. See my signature.
There are several known methods to make free VoIP (internet) calls over 3g. I'll briefly discuss each to explain why there's no perfect solution. I'm not claiming my solution is perfect, either. You have to try them out and find out yourself what works for you.
1. Groove IP app
codec: PCMU (aka G711u, uncompressed signal used by PSTN and Google Voice, only good for fast/reliable wifi connection)
pros: simple setup, works well on wifi. If you use VoIP only on wifi, this is for you.
cons: echo. The voice quality is terrible on mobile data (3g) connection.
2. talkatone app
codec: speex for standard quality
pros: easy setup, good quality on 3g using speex .
cons: doesn't integrate well with android
3. Vonage mobile app
codec: G729(?) when making regular calls. iSAC when calling a Vonage member.
pros: G729 provides an excellent quality even on 3g.
cons: can't receive calls and doesn't integrate with Android. You need to input 10 digit number to make a call, unless the number is in your contacts.
4. Google Voice/pbxes/sipdroid (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1791957)
codec: lots of options based on connection type
pros: excellent battery life (http://code.google.com/p/sipdroid/wiki/NewStandbyTechnique), If you choose speex codec for 3g, then call quality is pretty good on 3g.
cons: must unlock the screen before answering the call. doesn't support better codecs such as iLBC/G729.
5. simonics GV gateway https://simonics.com/gvgw/ + sip client of your choice
codec: PCMU
pros: simpler setup than pbxes, some ppl claim it's more reliable.
cons: limited codec support. no multiple registrations
6. Setting up your own asterisk server (http://enjoytechnology.info/)
pros: everything is configurable
cons: requires a 24/7 running server
I have been primarily using #4 setup but wasn't satisfied with the call quality on 3g so I was about to do #6. But I found a way to tweak #4 to use iLBC codec and greatly improved the call quality on 3g.
The call quality basically depends on (1) the codec that your phone uses and (2) the network throughput. Unfortunately, there's no perfect solution because of trade-offs.
PCMU (64kbps) is the uncompressed signal that is transmitted at PSTN. So it will give you the best quality as long as your network throughput supports it. This is the preferred codec for wifi connection. However, 3g network cannot consistently sustain 64kbps and will suffer from packet loss resulting in jitter. This explains why Groove IP works best on wifi but not over 3g.
At the other end of the spectrum is GSM codec (8kbps). It's designed in 1990 for wireless communication over 2g. It's the most compressed signal, which is used by your regular GSM providers (AT&T, Tmo). These wireless providers allocate sufficient capacity on voice calls so your voice calls will suffer little jitter. However, the call quality is inferior to PCMU codec.
There are many codecs in between. For example, Sipdroid and talktatone can use speex, which requires low bandwidth. These apps can send the same signal twice to compensate for packet loss.
The 2 codecs that haven't been used widely in commercial apps are G729 and iLBC. These 2 codecs require low bandwidth (<15kbps) but have algorithm to interpolate loss packets. It is suggested these 2 codecs are ideal codec for 3g connection. Here are some readings comparing G729 vs iLBC.
In short, both are excellent codecs for 3g. iLBC has a better quality but requires more CPU power, which Nexus 4 can easily handle. My setup relies on iLBC.
My setup is an extension to #4 method above. It involves 4 free resources.
1. Google Voice (same phone number for in/out calls and free outbound calls using gtalk)
2. callcentric (VoIP provider for free inbound calls)
3. pbxes (PBX that manages in/out calls)
4. csipsimple (android VOIP app that supports iLBC)
Once set up properly, here's how the incoming and outgoing calls will work.
1. Incoming GV calls
Someone calls your GV number. GV forwards the call to callcentric. Pbxes intercepts the call and rings your phone. Your phone displays caller ID (CID) properly.
2. Outgoing GV calls
You place a call in your phone dialer. Pbxes calls the number using gtalk trunk. The recipient will see your GV number as CID.
What are the benefits of my setup?
1. Completely free in/out calls. You don't even give out any CC information. All I'm paying is 30/m for Tmobile's 100 min, unlimited data prepaid plan.
2. Excellent call quality even on 3g using iLBC codec. I often get better call quality than Tmo's GSM.
3. Keeping the same number for in/out calls.
4. Full Android integration.
5. Battery life. Only requires 1 SIP registration to pbxes using TCP port. Battery stat screenshots after 10 hours are attached here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=35889479&postcount=91
Are you still with me? Then follow these steps.
#1. Get a fast phone that can handle iLBC codec. FYI, a 2-yr old Galaxy S has the sufficient CPU power for iLBC.
#2. Get an unlimited fast data plan such as Tmobile's $30 prepaid plan. http://prepaid-phones.t-mobile.com/monthly-4g-plans
#3. Install and set up Google Voice app on your phone. Without GV, you can't open a free pbxes account in #4.
#4. Install Sipdroid to create a pbxes account.
When Sipdroid opens, it will detect whether you have GV app installed. If so, it will give you an option to open a free pbxes account linked with Google Voice. Create the pbxes account. In case Gmail flags for an attempted login, allow pbxes to gain access. Once you create the pbxes account, make test calls in and out using Sipdroid. Some ISPs may block you from using VoIP so make sure you can make calls before the next step. As of now, sipdroid doesn't support iLBC codec so we will be using other sip clients for making calls.
#5. Log in to pbxes.org and click "personal data".
Fill out all the blanks. Doesn't need to be correct. If you skip this step, pbxes has been known to remove the account later. While you are doing it, I recommend changing the pbxes login password that you used in step #4 to something else. In addition, pick a data center (server) closest to you to lower latency. If you have registration issues, change to a different server. FYI, I had registration issues with www7 (Miami) server.
#6. Open a free phone number (DID) account at callcentric.com.
You can only get a NY area code number but it doesn't matter because you will be giving out your GV number to your friends. All incoming calls to callcentric (including GV forwarded calls) will be free. You can decline E911 service to stay completely free. Callcentric supports efficient codecs such as G.729 and iLBC. We will be relying on iLBC. The outgoing calls are not free but we will be using GV to make free outbound calls.
Next, we have to link pbxes with callcentric so that pbxes can receive GV forwarded calls to callcentric. There are two ways to do this. (If you are wondering why we are using callcentric instead of gtalk, it's because pbxes has issues with iLBC for gtalk incoming calls. Callcentric handles iLBC better so we are piggybacking it.)
#7a. Callcentric call forwarding to pbxes.
Log in to callcentric.com. Go to preferences>DID forwarding. Input your [email protected] in the box and save. AFAIK, callcentric doesn't charge call forwarding to a SIP address (our method). However, it does to a regular phone number.
#7b. Have pbxes intercept the calls to callcentric.
Log in to pbxes.org. Click add trunk, select SIP trunk and input callcentric credentials. (user name starts with your callcentric 1777 number.) Select "audio bypass" to pass-through callcentric's iLBC signal to the phone. See the attachment for what my setup looks like.
Here's a tutorial on adding trunks: http://www4.pbxes.com/wiki/index.php/Getting_Started
#8. Add extension(s) in pbxes.
Log in pbxes.org. Click extensions. If you followed step #4, you should see extension "Sipdroid-200." You can add new ones or modify extension 200. Change the password to something that you can easily remember. This will be the password you will use to register your phone to pbxes in the next step. Finally, select "audio bypass."
#9. Install nightly version csipsimple app from http://nightlies.csipsimple.com/trunk/. The play store version crashed with iLBC.
First, add the pbxes account. If you are new to VoIP, use the wizard for pbxes. User name should be yourgoogleID-200, where 200 is the extension you used in #8. The password is what you changed to in #8. (I recommended you change the password in #8 so that you don't use your gmail password everywhere.)
Do not add callcentric account because having 2 registrations drains battery faster. If you followed the steps above, you will still be able to receive callcentric calls from your pbxes account.
I prefer csipsimple because it is has lots of options to configure. But it can be too overwhelming to some people. If you can't get it to work, then try other sip clients such as media5-fone.
#10. Let's change csipsimple for better call quality.
First, in settings/media/codecs, select iLBC as the only codec for 3g connection. If you have a strong wifi connection, then select PCMU for wifi connection.
(optional) If you experience looping when making calls, set up filters appropriately. I set up mine such that all calls will be made by pbxes except for 911.
#11. Google Voice (from webpage)
Add callcentric DID number (not the 1777 number). All the GV forwarded calls to callcentric will be forwarded to pbxes and ring csipsimple on your phone.
Uncheck Google chat so that pbxes only receives callcentric forwarded calls. FYI, GV doesn't support iLBC codec natively.
(optional) uncheck Tmo mobile number, if you are completely satisfied with this setup. If GV is forwarding to your cell, then your cell will be ringing twice and you may accidentally answer the cell phone using your minutes.
#12. (optional) Test in/out calls.
I use these numbers to test the audio quality.
*43 (pbxes echo test)
(909) 390-0003 (PSTN echo test)
(408) 647-4636 (record/playback)
Note that during a call in csipsimple, you can click the settings button in the lower right corner to change the in/out volumes and enable/disable echo cancellation.
You should also test incoming call quality using Google Voice call back. This is where I had the most troubleshooting. My incoming call quality was awful until I found callcentric trick.
I have tested this setup in many different scenarios including in a car running at 45 mph and very happy with the results. Of course, YMMV depending on how good your 3g connection is.
What are the drawbacks?
1. latency (audio delay). iLBC codec makes CPU interpolate to make up for loss packets. This is why the call quality is better than other codecs over 3g. However, the disadvantage is it increases audio lag. I'm experiencing a 0.5s lag one way on 3g. This is not too bad considering a cell>GV>cell call has a similar latency (http://www.howardforums.com/showthread.php/1621673-Voice-Latency-Test-Results, couldn't find a more recent test result)
2. Once a caller calls your GV number, it takes 5-6 seconds for your phone to ring. This is a limitation of PSTN and GV forwarding not VOIP. On the other hand, if a caller calls my cell number directly, it rings in 4-5 seconds. So all the call routing through caller>Google Voice>callcentric>pbxes>phone will add 1 extra second for your phone to ring compared with caller>phone.
3. Pbxes with gtalk trunk will make your Google chat status show as "online and available" all the time. Your friends may think you are online when you are actually not. Another side effect is you won't be able to answer GV calls from PC gmail any more. I haven't found any workaround to fix this other than creating a new google voice account.
4. Nexus 4 VoIP issues. It has been reported that several hardware mic functions (echo/noise cancellation) are disabled for N4 VoIP. http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=41626 OTOH, echo cancellation is enabled in Galaxy Nexus. You can mitigate the issue with adjusting the media settings in sip client. But if you are in a noisy area, the mic is going to pick up all the noise. Consider using the headset.
1. If your family/friends know how to internet call, then it's best to give out your SIP address; [email protected]. Then the call will go out fast and the phone quality will be the best because you are not using PSTN at all. If both caller and recipient are using the same pbxes server, then pbxes is the only node between the two. For example, when my wife with the same setup calls me @pbxes, my phone rings in less than 2 seconds and the call quality is the best.
2. Create multiple extensions (300, 400, etc) in pbxes.
I have 3 devices registered to pbxes simultaneously: my cell phone, my tablet and the ATA for my home POTS phone. When I receive a GV call, all 3 devices ring simultaneously. And I can call any other extension independently by entering its 3 digit extension number.
3. Try other sip clients
I suggested csipsimple because it's open source and free despite being an unstable nightly version. You should try out other apps because they may perform better for you. For example, when I use media5-fone (free w/ ads, $5 to remove ads), the audio latency improved but it consumed a little more battery.
4. Battery improvement
My Nexus 4 easily lasts 16 hours w/ 3+ hour screen time. There are several things you can do to improve battery life. Use TCP only in client to communicate with pbxes.org. If you use csipsimple, you need to change the account settings. First, use the wizard to switch to expert mode. Then you will see "transport" option in the account settings. Select TCP. Another thing you can do to improve battery life is to experiment with larger keep alive intervals.
5. Use a different gmail account for your GV number
If you are uncomfortable with giving out your gmail password (even the app specific one) to pbxes, then transfer your GV number to another gmail account. http://support.google.com/voice/bin/static.py?hl=en&ts=1378507&page=ts.cs The whole process took less than 30 minutes. Once done, you don't need to create a new pbxes account. Just log in pbxes.org, go to Trunk>Gtalk and make the necessary changes. If done properly, you can make calls out again instantly. If you are using GV app, then you need to add the new account.
6. Delayed GV call forwarding
You can set up pbxes such that it rings your cell phone if you don't answer the internet call in X seconds. See
VIII. Troubleshooting
1. This guide is definitely not simple. Lots of things can go wrong. If you want help, then provide as much information as possible. Posting a screenshot of pbxes call monitor log will be a good start.
2. If csipsimple doesn't work, try other sip clients such as media5-fone. If you can't make a call with media5 either, then you know at least it's not csip's fault.
3. If you suspect pbxes malfunctioning, change the datacenter (server) from pbxes.org.

Since you've done so much testing, maybe you could include some more information on how your setup works. Like, how many seconds does it ring? How about voicemail? Any issues if you enter/leave your home (i.e., wifi area) during a call, etc.

How about audio delay? Mine is noticeable using Google voice and the carrier.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2

I would like to test this setup. Can you give more details and examples for steps 3-b and 3-c in creating the trunk and inbound routing on pbxes.org?
Thanks again for any help that you can provide!

I'm very untested in this as well. Why not just port my number to the $30/mn plan. Then use gv from my PC to make calls or from groveip on my N4?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium

plee3 said:
I would like to test this setup. Can you give more details and examples for steps 3-b and 3-c in creating the trunk and inbound routing on pbxes.org?
Thanks again for any help that you can provide!
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If you have never changed settings in pbxes, then this guide may be helpful.
If I get a chance in the future, I might update the OP with more instructions for those who have never used pbxes before.
marty331 said:
I'm very untested in this as well. Why not just port my number to the $30/mn plan. Then use gv from my PC to make calls or from groveip on my N4?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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Because grooveIP uses PCMU and PCMA codecs, which won't work reliably on 3g mobile data. The biggest advantage of my setup is iLBC codec, arguably the best codecs for 3g mobile connection. Another great codec for 3g is G729 but I haven't found an integrated way to use G729 for free.
frigidazzi said:
How about audio delay? Mine is noticeable using Google voice and the carrier.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
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Latency, or delay, is inherent to all VOIP calls. To mitigate the delay, pick a server closest to you in settings from pbxes website.
post-mortem said:
Since you've done so much testing, maybe you could include some more information on how your setup works. Like, how many seconds does it ring? How about voicemail? Any issues if you enter/leave your home (i.e., wifi area) during a call, etc.
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GV calls forwarded to pbxes ring about 17 seconds. This is well documented in another XDA thread.
I rely solely on GV voicemail.
When you leave wifi, you lose registration to SIP server.

I passed 2 tests today.
1. I can have a pretty good conversation while driving at 45 mph. I haven't had a chance to test on highways yet.
2. My wife is satisfied with the set up on her N4.
In addition, I found media5-fone app has less latency than csipsimple. However, you have to pay to remove the ads and it consumes more battery even w/ TCP connection.

acegolfer said:
I passed 2 tests today.
1. I can have a pretty good conversation while driving at 45 mph. I haven't had a chance to test on highways yet.
2. My wife is satisfied with the set up on her N4.
In addition, I found media5-fone app has less latency than csipsimple. However, you have to pay to remove the ads and it consumes more battery even w/ TCP connection.
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Good news. Have you tried Bluetooth with media5-fone? I am having some issues using Bluetooth with csipsimple and am looking for another SIP client other than sipdroid.
Thanks... plee3

acegolfer said:
When you leave wifi, you lose registration to SIP server.
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What exactly does that mean?

andoird213 said:
What exactly does that mean?
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This means if you are on a call using wifi, when you leave your wifi range, your call will be dropped as your SIP connection is lost.
Hope this helps... plee3

plee3 said:
Good news. Have you tried Bluetooth with media5-fone? I am having some issues using Bluetooth with csipsimple and am looking for another SIP client other than sipdroid.
Thanks... plee3
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I have not tried Bluetooth with N4. In fact, I don't know where my BT headsets are.
FYI, media5 is a free app with ads. It costs $5 to remove ads.

plee3 said:
I would like to test this setup. Can you give more details and examples for steps 3-b and 3-c in creating the trunk and inbound routing on pbxes.org? plee3
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Thanks for sharing all these details, if I knew more about the pbxes setup, I might give this a shot. Any chance you'd share screenshots of your pbxes setup? I've tried modifying mine before, but never successfully.

quarksurfer said:
Thanks for sharing all these details, if I knew more about the pbxes setup, I might give this a shot. Any chance you'd share screenshots of your pbxes setup? I've tried modifying mine before, but never successfully.
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3-b. Add a trunk using callcentric SIP credentials in pbxes. Log in to pbxes.org, click add trunk, select SIP trunk and input callcentric credentials. (user name starts with 1777 number.)
3-c. Add an inbound route for callcentric trunk. This will pull any calls to callcentric and route them to N4. (OTOH, if you try to push the call from callcentric end, it will not be free.)
3-d. Select "audio bypass" in both callcentric trunk and extensions. pbxes will pass-through the calls from callcentric to N4 so that you can use iLBC codec. (pbxes claims to support iLBC but when I answer gtalk calls, there's no sound. That's why we need callcentric for incoming calls.)
This is what my pbxes looks like for 3-b and 3-c.

acegolfer said:
I have not tried Bluetooth with N4. In fact, I don't know where my BT headsets are.
FYI, media5 is a free app with ads. It costs $5 to remove ads.
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Thanks for the info, but the free version does not support Bluetooth (you need to upgrade to the paid version to enable Bluetooth).
Thanks again... plee3

How about vonage? free calls to numbers in the US

Just wanted to say I followed your guide and it appears to be working great.
Only issue I had was pbxe was sending calls to Google voice and call centric and my T-Mobile number. So I had a bunch of voice mails lol.
Think its all figured out now though. Incoming I have just call centric and out going to Google talk.
Just had a question, sure I am just being paranoid. But how secure is this setup? Like on the phone giving my social etc can someone listen in?
Also I am getting voice mail notificaion all of a sudden. Can't clear it and Google voice / tmobile show no new mail. Any idea?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app

plee3 said:
Thanks for the info, but the free version does not support Bluetooth (you need to upgrade to the paid version to enable Bluetooth).
Thanks again... plee3
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Ic. I didn't pay $5 to get the full media5 version. The little latency in csipsimple didn't bother me in real life settings.

intekmdma said:
How about vonage? free calls to numbers in the US
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I heard good things about vonage app so I tested vonage on 3g a few days ago. The call quality of vonage was similar to my setup but it had more latency. I believe vonage is using either G729 or iLBC codec but the server is farther than my pbxes server. YMMV.
However, I found a bigger problem with vonage. I couldn't get it integrated with android. This means you need to open the vonage app and type in the 10 digit phone number to make a call. This won't work well when I'm on the fly, which is when I need vonage the most.
ogrillion said:
Just wanted to say I followed your guide and it appears to be working great.
Only issue I had was pbxe was sending calls to Google voice and call centric and my T-Mobile number. So I had a bunch of voice mails lol.
Think its all figured out now though. Incoming I have just call centric and out going to Google talk.
Just had a question, sure I am just being paranoid. But how secure is this setup? Like on the phone giving my social etc can someone listen in?
Also I am getting voice mail notificaion all of a sudden. Can't clear it and Google voice / tmobile show no new mail. Any idea?
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Not too sure about VOIP security. I'm relying on 3 services: GV/callcentric/pbxes so there could be a loose end. For example, I heard that Google "hears" everything. But any wireless company does the same.
I'm guessing you have a voice mail in pbxes because you said it's not GV or Tmo. To clear it, call pbxes voice mail by dialing *97.
In addition, I found csipsimple has a wrong voice mail input for pbxes. Here's how to change it, if you want to long press "1" to access pbxes voice mail or want to change it to GV voicemail number.

In OP, I recommended pulling rather than pushing to avoid callcentric call forwarding charges. But I may have been wrong about it.
If call forward to SIP URI is free, then callcentric can push the GV calls instead of pbxes pulling GV calls.
1. log in to callcentric.com
2. go to preferences>DID forwarding
3. locate the number that you added to Google Voice. click edit.
4. enter your pbxes SIP URI such as "[email protected]" and save.
I have made several test calls but don't see callcentric (which doesn't have my CC infor) is billing anything.
Why pushing (compared with pulling)?
1. It's faster. Once the phone call is placed, It takes 1 second less for your phone to ring. In my testing, the total time is now about 5 seconds, which is still slow because GV relies on PSTN. OTOH, if a phone call is made directly to @pbxes.org SIP, then it takes 2 seconds to ring. I have convinced my wife to call me using SIP URI.
2. It's more reliable. Pulling requires pbxes to register callcentric and intercept the calls.
3. It's simpler. You can skip steps 3-b and 3-c, which seem to be the confusing part.

I can't imagine they could bill you even if they wanted too without any kind of credit card info. I didn't even put a real name or address so I don't know.. lol.. But it does let me put in any number I want to forward too, I didn't actually try calling though because I am afraid of a bill. I imagine it would say something like this call can't be completed please add credit or whatever.
Its funny I followed your guide, doing all this reading.. for no real reason since i get like 3 calls a month.. Fun learning experience anyway.


Sipdroid + GV + Skype Lite = Skype voip?

Here is a question (let me know if this is a re-post):
There is a way to make free calls in the US using Sipdroid full, Gizmo5 and GV (if you have a google voice account) per this guide:
This works great when I use GV to call any U.S. number. I decided to try to add Skype Lite to the mix. I set up GV to control any outgoing call in hope that the call that Skype out calls will be intercepted by GV and then routed through Gizmo5 to Sipdroid. I used Skype lite to call my home number (I have Skypeout unlimited world) and even though I got the call back through Sipdroid and heard the ringing tune in my G1, My home phone never rang.
What did I do wrong?
Any change this can work?
Why would you want to use skype? Its just a proprietary mess. You can simply use sipdroid straight up with any generic sip account.
lbcoder said:
Why would you want to use skype? Its just a proprietary mess. You can simply use sipdroid straight up with any generic sip account.
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I am using Skype for several years at home. I have unlimited world account for international calls, I have phone adapters at home that work with Skype and an impatient wife that would kill me if I introduce another solutions. All my friends using Skype to communicate. I don't want to have duplicate services or change my life.
al74 said:
I am using Skype for several years at home. I have unlimited world account for international calls, I have phone adapters at home that work with Skype and an impatient wife that would kill me if I introduce another solutions. All my friends using Skype to communicate. I don't want to have duplicate services or change my life.
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Thats too bad. Skype, being proprietary, does not and will not ever dominate the voip market -- you're going to have to ditch it eventually. It's easier to do it now rather than wait until you have no choice.

Sipdroid on the Captivate

how is Sipdroid performing on the AT&T branded phone?
its not bad, but it seems a little quiet. i had linphone on my iphone and it sounded much better
I think overall the captivate is quiet in the headphones/handset. Is there a way to add sipdroid to the list of programs to use when making an outbound call?
Use Google Voice
Use sipdroid
Use Cell
Is this possible?^
Main Target said:
I think overall the captivate is quiet in the headphones/handset. Is there a way to add sipdroid to the list of programs to use when making an outbound call?
Use Google Voice
Use sipdroid
Use Cell
Is this possible?^
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as long as you are connected with SIPDroid, you can use the options in the app:
SIPDroid only
SIPDroid when available
if you are using the first 2 options, it will default to SIPDroid.
Hmm thats a shame. I would have much preferred to be presented with that option much like googlevoice does.
I did just find the option that will overide sipdroid if you add a + at the end of a call....but how about dialing out of the phone book?
So are you guys using the latest sipdroid (1.5.x) on Captivate and it doesn't crash the dialer -- it works normally just a bit quiet, that's it?

Phone Inbound calls

Has anyone been able to receive inbound calls on the DS7 using any sort of voip, if so can some send me the proceedures, I can make outbound using spdroid.
I use Nimbuzz. I set up the voip provider as gizmo5 and used google voice and set up my gizmo # as my phone. Now I can take calls to my google voice # and they go to dell streak 7, works great
Sergnes said:
I use Nimbuzz. I set up the voip provider as gizmo5 and used google voice and set up my gizmo # as my phone. Now I can take calls to my google voice # and they go to dell streak 7, works great
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Gizmo5 is not taking new registration .
Sipdroid + Google Voice.
Confirmed working for outbound/inbound calls. Google Voice number is the # to call.
jiwengang said:
Sipdroid + Google Voice.
Confirmed working for outbound/inbound calls. Google Voice number is the # to call.
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Is there a service required for sipdroid or is GV the only service needed with the sipdroid app?
ArthurJGuy said:
Is there a service required for sipdroid or is GV the only service needed with the sipdroid app?
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Basically having google voice account and gv apps + sipdroid apps with pbxes account got it done
Sent from my Dell Streak 7 using XDA App
jiwengang said:
Sipdroid + Google Voice.
Confirmed working for outbound/inbound calls. Google Voice number is the # to call.
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Inbound goes right to voicemail
Sent from my Dell Streak 7 using XDA App
lou0611 said:
Inbound goes right to voicemail
Sent from my Dell Streak 7 using XDA App
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What is your inbound routing in pbxes? mine was set as
username-extension to pick inbound calls.
I believe at GV side, there shouldn't be any change to existing set up.
Make sure at "calls" tab, it is not set as "call screening"
And at GV setting, Phones tab, select "Google Chat" as one of the forwarding target.
Then your sipdroid will under the hood of "Google Chat" for this matter.
When you test, make sure use another number, not anything related to GV or sipdroid.
check green light status of sipdroid.
Hope it works!
jiwengang said:
What is your inbound routing in pbxes? mine was set as
username-extension to pick inbound calls.
I believe at GV side, there shouldn't be any change to existing set up.
Make sure at "calls" tab, it is not set as "call screening"
And at GV setting, Phones tab, select "Google Chat" as one of the forwarding target.
Then your sipdroid will under the hood of "Google Chat" for this matter.
When you test, make sure use another number, not anything related to GV or sipdroid.
check green light status of sipdroid.
Hope it works!
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Don't they have to dial my gV number for me to receive calls on my ds7
lou0611 said:
Don't they have to dial my gV number for me to receive calls on my ds7
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sure they need. that is how I test my inbound calls.
but on settings, you need to link gchat in your gv setup.
which part you are not sure with?
i mean don't use your gv linked phone to test calling your gv number see if sipdroid will ring. that will result to voice mail directly
jiwengang said:
sure they need. that is how I test my inbound calls.
but on settings, you need to link gchat in your gv setup.
which part you are not sure with?
i mean don't use your gv linked phone to test calling your gv number see if sipdroid will ring. that will result to voice mail directly
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Google Voice Settings:
Voice - Checked Google Chat Forwards to [email protected]
Calls Settings:
Call screening off
Caller id = Dispaly my Google Voice number (incoming and outgoing)
PBXES.org settings:
Extension 100 setup:
Display Name = My Name
username lou0611-100
password XXXXXXXX
dtmfmode = auto
audiobypass = no
dial = sip/lou0611-100
outbound CID = Lou0611-100
call forwarding is blank
voicemail= disabled
TRUNK = lou0611-100
Set Destinatios = Lou DeMartino <100>
Add Route
WARNING: You have not defined a general outbound route!You should create a default route. You can arrange it as the last one of your routes.
any help?
I have "0 Gtalk" in my outbound setting
route name: gtalk
trunk sequence: 0 (then in dropdown box GTalk/[email protected]
thats all my setting in outbound route 0 GTalk page.
jiwengang said:
I have "0 Gtalk" in my outbound setting
route name: gtalk
trunk sequence: 0 (then in dropdown box GTalk/[email protected]
thats all my setting in outbound route 0 GTalk page.
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What do you have in trunk settings
lou0611 said:
What do you have in trunk settings
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Just now in outbound trunk I have one GTalk.
The setup of GTalk is in Trunck Settings.
password is EXACTLY same with my [email protected] and password for that account.
well, when I installed my Sipdroid, it asked me to link with my GTalk. That was the moment I keyed in my gtalk username and log in. It populated in this pbxes setting.
jiwengang said:
Just now in outbound trunk I have one GTalk.
I got it I had Google talk pointing to the dell streak number instead of my cell which I had associated . So when someone calls my gV I get the call on my streak and when they call my cell number I get it on my cell.
Thanks so much for your time and effort.
Sent from my Dell Streak 7 using XDA App
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@jiwengang what are your settings for call clarity on sipdroid? cause mines works like complete **** over a 4G connection
I use Groove IP + Gvoice on my DS7-TMO. Works great for both in/outbound with Wifi and 3/4G. Also use NetTalk or Viber as back up (both are free). Use Heywire or Text+ as SMS. DS7 can now call, receive, send SMS etc.. like a real smart phone.
minhphuongpham said:
I use Groove IP + Gvoice on my DS7-TMO. Works great for both in/outbound with Wifi and 3/4G. Also use NetTalk or Viber as back up (both are free). Use Heywire or Text+ as SMS. DS7 can now call, receive, send SMS etc.. like a real smart phone.
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I also use this config, and it works perfect ....

[Q] Deployed to Afghanistan - Anyway to make/receive WifI only calls?

I'm deployed to Afghanistan with no service. I do however have good access to wifi. Is there anyway to use my capitvate to make/receive calls on wifi only.
I'm guessing that google voice (or some other such service) is probably involved. Thanks in advance.
Yes! With a SIP Provider such as Gizmo5 (new signups currently closed), Google Voice, Google Voice Callback, and Sipdroid or CSipSimple it's possible to use only wifi to make calls. I'll post more information soon.
Step 1 - Register for Google Voice
Step 2 - Register for SIP Account (try sipgate) and make sure it has unlimited free incoming calls
Step 3 - Set up your SIP # with Google Voice
Step 4 - Set up the Call Back app with your google voice info
Step 5 - Set up your SIP application with information from your SIP Provider
Step 6 - Toggle Call Back, Dial Out, Accept the incoming call and wait for the other person to answer!
I think this covers it. I haven't used this set up in a while and I might be missing some information. Let me know if you have any questions.
You could also use netTalk or skype both available in the market.
And thanks for your service to this great country of ours!
rpicaso said:
And thanks for your service to this great country of ours!
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+1 to that!
I use Ooma for my home phone and their Android app works well over WiFi.
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA Premium App
Yes! Thanks so much for serving it means a lot. Stay safe.
Att does not support calls and texts through wifi like t mobile. So you will have to use a 3rd party app like google voice as others have said
Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I897 using XDA App
what about skype?
You can do this..
Download an app called line 2. Its free calls and texts through 3g or wifi and its 10 bucks a month. Not bad for unlimited.

Excellent call quality with gTalk-to-gTalk

I'm having great success calling another android user with Google Talk (Gtalk) app in N4.
Google Talk is Google's instant messaging (IM) program, trying to compete against Skype. You can do IM, voice chat (call) and video chat.
I have heard great things about Skype-to-Skype call quality and did some research. Skype's excellent call quality attributes to primarily 2 factors. First, it uses Skype's own audio codec (SILK?). Second, Skype uses p2p protocol, which means it doesn't have many nodes to connect the 2 users. However, the biggest problem of Skype on Android is it's a major battery hog. Since Skype doesn't support push notification on Android (it does in iOS), the app needs constant polling, which drains the battery at a rate roughly 10% an hour. Usually, you will need to recharge the phone twice a day.
Here comes Google Talk. I'll discuss the pros and cons of its voice call feature.
To my knowledge, Gtalk uses iSAC codec for voice chats among several codec options, when possible. iSAC is a wideband (16kHz vs 8kHz used for phone calls) HD codec, comparable to HD G722. iSAC uses variable bit rate (10 - 52kbps). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_Speech_Audio_Codec
What does this mean? You can have HD quality voice calls even on 3g. The call is crisp clear and there's almost zero latency because it uses p2p protocol (similar to Skype). If you are happy with Skype-to-Skype call quality, you will also like Gtalk.
How about battery drain? Nothing extra for most android users because your phone is already running Gtalk 24/7 by default. (If you don't plan to use Gtalk, sign out to save a little battery.) Gtalk uses push notification, which is much more efficient than constant polling.
Gtalk has several disadvantages so YMMV.
First, it doesn't call fork (ringing multiple devices simultaneously). If you want to receive gtalk call from your phone, you must sign out gtalk (gchat) from all other places including gmail and pbxes. Google is said to be working on this issue.
Second, when you accept the voice chat, the default mode is speaker phone. You need 3 clicks (menu>audio>handset earpiece) to change this every time. Silly Google.
Third, not everybody uses Gtalk. Even most android users don't use gtalk despite it's already running.
Fourth, you can't make/receive phone calls. I tried gtalk2voip but didn't like the quality.
Fifth, there's no shortcut to initiate the voice chat. Requires 3+ clicks to make a call.
Overall, if you call only a handful of people who use android, then this might be a solution that offers great quality and great battery life.
This is more of a "feature application" than a "voip alternative" of any sort in my opinion.
Way too many things to do to make a "call"..and at the same time, the recepient of the "call" also needs to have google chat like you mentioned.
Much cheaper alternative would be to just use a voip provier like skype or voip.ms.. yes the codec/quality might be worse, but I think it would be worth not having to go through hoops in order to have a voice conversation.
krazykeyur said:
This is more of a "feature application" than a "voip alternative" of any sort in my opinion.
Way too many things to do to make a "call"..and at the same time, the recepient of the "call" also needs to have google chat like you mentioned.
Much cheaper alternative would be to just use a voip provier like skype or voip.ms.. yes the codec/quality might be worse, but I think it would be worth not having to go through hoops in order to have a voice conversation.
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At the moment it cant replace "traditional" VoIP solution. Google has to allow the gmail's pstn calling feature in android app. It already has the structure to provide the service and Google just have to flip the switch.
I have asked why Google hasn't made the move yet in several forums and the consensus is Google is playing nice with the wireless carriers.
It is speculated that Google will soon provide wireless data service without voice. I believe that's when android Google talk app will be able to call and receive phone calls natively. It will be a best voip solution given the push and codec it uses.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
So...why dont you just use google voice since its designed for calling. Gtalk is great for messaging and video chatting but i would choose voice for the calling.
skimura89 said:
So...why dont you just use google voice since its designed for calling. Gtalk is great for messaging and video chatting but i would choose voice for the calling.
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I think you got confused. Strictly speaking, Google voice is not a VoIP service. It's a pstn call forwarding service.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
Thanks for this solid post. I nearly always use google talk to text my buddies on android but havent thought about using the voice aspect of it. perhaps I should think more about that..
I have absolutely horrible sound quality during video chats on Google Talk. Video isn't great, but sound is incredibly quiet no matter how loud or close the person I'm talking to is.
acegolfer said:
Second, when you accept the voice chat, the default mode is speaker phone. You need 3 clicks (menu>audio>handset earpiece) to change this every time. Silly Google.
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I don't even see how to initiate a voice chat. What are the steps?
spitswap said:
I don't even see how to initiate a voice chat. What are the steps?
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Press the microphone while in a chat
Sent from my Jelly Nexus 4
I'm the OP and found Vonage Mobile will be a better solution, when you have a small number of regular callers.
In short, similar to gTalk, it provides great call quality and great battery life but much better user experience.
has anyone in toronto tried talkatone or viber or dell's fongo app? all these free voice phone apps have pretty crappy voice, the other person can never really hear you :crying:
DarkhShadow said:
Press the microphone while in a chat
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I pressed the microphone button while in chat and it converts whatever I say into text. Can someone posts step by step instructions?
acegolfer said:
I'm the OP and found Vonage Mobile will be a better solution, when you have a small number of regular callers.
In short, similar to gTalk, it provides great call quality and great battery life but much better user experience.
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Tried this and it works fine. Easy to use and call quality seems OK so far. Would be nice to check out the gTalk function though just to compare.

