ANDROID EMULATOR with NFC Broadcom middleware STACK - XDA-University

Hi Friends,
I want to connect NFC firmware to Android Emulator running with newly arrived Broadcom Stack.
But I could not find any NFC related settings or modules in the default emulators provided by the SDK version 4.2 (API 17) downloaded onto Eclipse.
Can some one help me out or give details whether this functionality with NFC Broadcom stack is available in any emulator?


googles maps 3.4

hi to all
with the nexus of update Gmaps has multitouch
you think it is possible to integrate into other phones??
IMHO, chances are yes, but probably only if you're running a ROM based on Android 2.x, since it's likely that GMaps 3.4 will require additional API support not present in earlier versions of Android.

Nougat Android Pay

I am currently using LineageOS, however when I want ti use Android Pay, it only shows that it support purchase in apps, however purchase in stores is not supported. After checking I discovered that the HCE is not supported in the Rom, my NFC is working fine. Any fix for this problem?
There's no solution to this. Opensource nfc driver that we use on custom roms does not support hce.

[Request] ANT+ module for Pie

After Android 9 update ANT+ support does not seem to work anymore.
Previously, on Android 8.x with ANT Radio Services and ANT+ Plugins Services installed, ANT+ support was working fine.
Seems to be issue with google, all devices updated to Pie has the issues.
Would it be possible to looking for a solutions through magisk module?

[Modules] Google Board / Google Phone [systemless]

Presenting modules for Google Keyboard and Google Phone which include Google Contacts.
There are several devices which are not compatble for Google Phone hence I have included Google Phone Framework in the module hence it will work in almost all devices.
Please note that Google Board module that I have done is for arm64 v8a only. If anyone is interested for other versions please post in this forum and I will create a module and update here.
hi, can you please create a zip module for android 11 from gboard?

Moto G5S Plus API

My query regards using the class CellSignalStrengthGsm in my Android Studio app, spefically the getTimingAdvance() method which I believe will return the GSM TA of a connected link with a base station. I am running Android 7.1 with API level of 25, and the problem is the getTimingAdvance() method is only implemented for API 26. I already use CellSignalStrengthLte, which implements a TA method from API 17 for Lte. I guess if I target an API of 26 in AS then it probably won't connect to the BB modem, so my only option is to upgrade the phone to Android 8 (API 26). Correct?

