Boot animation has white / missing frames - Android Themes

I cannot for the life of me figure out why this boot animation I put together is just showing a white screen for half of it. I'm using it on a Samsung Galaxy S3. I've attached the boot animation. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


[REQ] Original Android 1.0 Bootanimation

I was remembering back when I had a G1 and had rooted for the first time. I was fascinated by the boot animation, and was wondering if it was possible to get that animation on to CM7? The bootanimation looks like the pic i have attached to the post, the little android logo on the right has a white glow around him. I'm using the attached pic as my splash screen and the bootanimation would be nice to go with it. I would highly appreciate.
P.S. If you want the splash screen just send me a PM and I would gladly share it with you.
here you can download it:
Stock AOSP Android 1.0 - 1.1 Bootanimation

[Boot Animation/Splash] 8-bit HD Bootup

Not sure what prompted me to spend a day making this and, if it's not painfully obvious, I relied on PowerPoint and Paint for most of this. Since it's finished, though, I decided to share. Hope someone enjoys rocking it on their TB as much as I do.
Also, added a .gif of the sequence down below. Timing is off and quality is poor in the .gif, but the contains all .png's. The .gif is of the White version. My OCD noticed a little ring of light color around the Droid in the Black version, so I went back in with Gimp and made a White version and am uploading both.
Note: I didn't add a sound for it. I prefer to not have a boot sound, but if someone finds/mixes one appropriate, I'm game to try it.
Files attached below, but also MultiUploaded
Black Boot Animation -
Black Splash Screen -
White Boot Animation -
White Splash Screen -
How to change your Boot Animation
How to change your Splash screen
In the Downloads below, the Black version's files come first.
*scratching head....
Where is the gif? Only see a jpeg.

Issues creating bootanimation

Hi community.
I need some help please, i'm facing a problem with my bootanimation. When i preview it with boot animation creator or boot animation previewer my animation its ok, but when viewing on phone the colors are weird and not displaying as it should. Even you see the images one by one you will see that has nothing to do with phone display result.
I will attach to you try and tell me if something wrong.
It runs 30fps.
Thanks in advance.

problem with boot animations

I have problem with my device when i change my boot animation to other (Like: Watch Dogs animation) my phone still on black screen when it is need to show me the boot animation and no screen ????
can anyone fix it ??

[REQ] Transformers Boot Animation With Sound WIP Help?

I've had trouble finding a Transformers boot animation that I like that includes sound. I've started trying to make my own with Boot Animation Factory, but the sound is way out of sync with the video. I don't know if the problem is due to rendering the png images incorrectly or what. Perhaps there's a better boot animation creation tool now?
I'd like to try to do a pacific rim boot animation but as of yet I haven't found any source material I like to work with. (I usually like to stick to animated logos & whatnot.)
Here's the video I was trying to convert to a boot animation:
I'm still a bit new to android at the moment, but I do have backgrounds in programming, web design, and graphic design. Any help with either converting this video to a boot animation, or just pointing me in the right direction to make it properly myself would be greatly appreciated. I'm making it for a 10.1" tablet running android 4.4.2

