extract and pack initramfs from kernel tutorial - Galaxy Tab Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

What you need:
1. Linux
2. Git (recomended)
3. Internet
4. GCC toolchain from google (size is realy BIGG)
git clone _ttps://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilt_
or good one
4. Pack and repack tools from xiaolu
5. Now working tools but good include
I modify xiaolu tools for p1000 see attachment (base adress and include)
Command are (ag is a directory):
./unpack.sh zImage ag
./gen_initramfs.sh -o output.cpio -u 0 -g 0 ag
./repack.sh zImage output.cpio new_zImage
I modify init.rc to swap sdcard int and ext (internal sdcard now broken by mmc cap erase).


[Dev][Panda] AOSP 2.3.7_r1 (GWK74) compilation guide for buzz

Direct link to the precompiled ROM: http://www.filefactory.com/file/cfe8147/GWK74-buzz-20111111.zip (please hit thanks if you find this ROM useful )
Setting up the development environment
Install the current stable Debian: squeeze (6.0) amd64 (not the i386 version, and not the testing/unstable version). Do not ask me for a working Ubuntu version -- I don't know. Use Debian instead
apt-get install python git bzip2 zip unzip lzma patch bison flex \
make gcc g++ gcc-multilib g++-multilib gperf libz-dev lib32z-dev curl \
libncurses5-dev lib32ncurses5-dev libx11-dev openjdk-6-jdk
Downloading the sources and other packages
AOSP 2.3.7r1 (GWK74) is the current version of the AOSP
arco's 2.6.35 kernel is the base for the kernel we will build
koush's vendor files contain the HTC proprietary blobs for buzz
CyanogenMod's device/htc/buzz
git clone https://github.com/arco/buzz-kernel-2.6.35.git
git clone https://github.com/koush/proprietary_vendor_htc
git clone https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_htc_buzz.git -b gingerbread-release
mkdir ~/bin
curl https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/googlesource/git-repo/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod +x ~/bin/repo
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
mkdir 2.3.7_r1; cd 2.3.7_r1
repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b android-2.3.7_r1
repo sync
mkdir -p vendor/htc
cp -r ../proprietary_vendor_htc/buzz vendor/htc
cp -r ../android_device_htc_buzz device/htc/buzz
The "repo sync" may take a while, so please be patient
Compiling the kernel
cd ../buzz-kernel-2.6.35
make ARCH=arm buzz_defconfig
At this point you can edit .config and change CONFIG_MSM_CPU_FREQ_ONDEMAND_MAX to overclock the CPU, for example setting it to 700 MHz.
make ARCH=arm -j4 CROSS_COMPILE=../2.3.7_r1/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi-
cp arch/arm/boot/zImage ../2.3.7_r1/device/htc/buzz/prebuilt/kernel
cp drivers/net/wireless/bcm4329/bcm4329.ko ../2.3.7_r1/device/htc/buzz/prebuilt/bcm4329.ko
Patching the sources
Several files must be patched. The following patches are from CyanogenMod 7:
armv6j.mk.patch: adds a new architecture (ARMv6J) which targets the MSM7225
browser.patch: provides a small fix to prevent the Browser from crashing
camera.patch: enables the use of Froyo (2.2) libcamera.so
dalvik-armv6j.patch: adds a new ARMv6J target for JIT compilation by the Dalvik runtime environment
gpsshim.patch: enables the use of Froyo (2.2) libgps.so
libagl.patch: enables the use of copybit to make software OpenGL support a bit faster (I think)
surfaceflinger.patch: another cool patch from CM7 when transparency is not supported
The following patches were made by myself:
config.xml.patch: several values which are present in CM7 but not AOSP must be disabled
LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS.patch: a bunch of Android.mk in hardware/msm7k lack this variable
ota-no-recovery.patch: prevent ota_from_target_files from flashing the recovery (we like our ClockworkMod better )
vendork-blobs.mk.patch: adds library libOmxCore.so which is needed by mediaserver
The following patches are from Google:
apns-conf.xml.patch: adds a bunch of APNs that are not present in the default AOSP file
For your convenience, I have included all the patches in a single file, which is attached to this post (patch-buzz.zip).
cd ../2.3.7_r1
wget -O patch-buzz.zip "http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=779411"
unzip patch-buzz.zip; ./patch-buzz/apply.sh
ln -s full.mk build/target/product/full_base.mk
rm -rf device/htc/buzz/overlay/packages
Setting up a custom vendor
At this point you may want to add a number of custom additions, for example:
a simple boot animation: http://forum.cyanogenmod.com/topic/19198-simple-generic-boot-animation/
Superuser root package: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=682828
Torch from CyanogenMod: http://download.cyanogenmod.com/?type=stable&device=buzz
Talk and Android Market: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/Latest_Version
Google Maps for WildFire: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=15218646&postcount=4
mkdir vendor/xdbg; cd vendor/xdbg
wget http://duck.at.shangtai.net/files/android/bootanimation.zip
wget -O su- http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6408470/su-releases/su-
wget http://download.cyanogenmod.com/get/update-cm-7.1.0-buzz-signed.zip
Also download gapps from http://goo-inside.me/gapps/gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip , put it in 2.3.7_r1/vendor/xdbg and run:
unzip su-
wget -O system/app/Maps.apk http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=641716
unzip update-cm-7.1.0-buzz-signed.zip system/lib/libOmxCore.so
unzip update-cm-7.1.0-buzz-signed.zip system/app/Torch.apk
unzip -o gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip
mv system/lib/libOmxCore.so ../htc/buzz/proprietary
I haven't tried it, but you can try to include the LatinIME.apk from CM7 in order to get the dictionaries (not included by default in AOSP).
Now we'll create the Makefile that specifies which files are to be copied in the ROM. Be careful when copy-pasting to not truncate the last line which is quite long:
echo "\$(call inherit-product, vendor/xdbg/xdbg.mk)" >>../../device/htc/buzz/buzz.mk
cat >xdbg.mk <<"EOF"
vendor/xdbg/bootanimation.zip:system/media/bootanimation.zip \
vendor/xdbg/system/bin/su:system/xbin/su \
vendor/xdbg/system/lib/libvoicesearch.so:system/lib/libvoicesearch.so \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Superuser.apk:system/app/Superuser.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Torch.apk:system/app/Torch.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Talk.apk:system/app/Talk.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Vending.apk:system/app/Vending.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/GenieWidget.apk:system/app/GenieWidget.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Maps.apk:system/app/Maps.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/NetworkLocation.apk:system/app/NetworkLocation.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk:system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk:system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk:system/app/GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar:system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar \
Building the ROM
cd ../..
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch [I](choose htc_buzz-userdebug)[/I]
make -j5 otapackage WITH_DEXPREOPT=true[I]
(5 is for a quad-core with 4GB of RAM. you can decrease it if you have less RAM)[/I]
Remove WITH_DEXPREOPT=true above to generate a de-odexed ROM.
Advantage of a de-odexed ROM: you can easily replace APKs or JARs in /system.
Disadvantages: the first boot takes a while because all APKs must be odexed. Also the dalkvik cache takes a significant amount of space (up to 50 MB) in /data (CM7 uses /cache so this is not a problem).
Note that you will not need the Android SDK since adb and other tools will be present in the PATH after you run lunch and the out/host part is compiled.
The generated ROM is out/target/product/buzz/htc_buzz-ota-*.zip. Wiping the whole data partition in ClockworkMod is required if your previous ROM was built with different signing keys.
Finally, I'd like to thank everyone who made this possible: cyanogen, arco, koush, HDCRJacob, schiznik, _thalamus & AdamG, ben1066, nhnt11 and everyone else who contributed on porting the AOSP on the WildFire. You guys are awesome
also reserved for future use
Thats a very comprehensive guide )
I think you may be overcomplicating things though - if you run "make -jX otapackage" instead of just make, the build process will create a flashable zip for you.
Further to this, you can create your own vendor_blah repo, which will allow you to remove things like the recovery from the otapackage, and set a custom modversion during the build
schiznik said:
Thats a very comprehensive guide )
I think you may be overcomplicating things though - if you run "make -jX otapackage" instead of just make, the build process will create a flashable zip for you.
Further to this, you can create your own vendor_blah repo, which will allow you to remove things like the recovery from the otapackage, and set a custom modversion during the build
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Super cool! I'll add your suggestions in a later release I need to get back my WildFire to test it all, so far I have great hope to fix the graphics with the patches from arco68. BTW, in your testing, would you recomment the 2.6.32 (htc-kernel-buzz) or 2.6.35 from arco's GitHub? Both seem fairly similar to me although the 2.6.35 get updated more often.
schiznik said:
I think you may be overcomplicating things though - if you run "make -jX otapackage" instead of just make, the build process will create a flashable zip for you.
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I prefer making bacon myself. Then it compiles, squishes and zips in one process.
arco68 said:
I prefer making bacon myself. Then it compiles, squishes and zips in one process.
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Hey arco68 Any comment on the vs kernels? I'd say the 2.6.35 should be more fitted to GR* (like 2.6.32 was for FR*), but I'd really like to hear your opinion on this.
I prefer 2.6.35 for gingerbread, as it's easier to keep up to date and patch with stuff from CAF and Google's kernels.
arco68 said:
I prefer 2.6.35 for gingerbread, as it's easier to keep up to date and patch with stuff from CAF and Google's kernels.
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Yea 2.6.35 is the gb kernel. I can't use make bacon as I don't use cm's vendor, make devnull does the same though
Many thanks for the input arco68
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Do you know what would be so nice? It would be really nice is someone could update this to the newest source so that it could actually be relivant
Minor thread hijack...
If you want to build Oxygen for buzz - you can do the below:
mkdir android ; cd android/
repo init -u [email protected]:schiznik/oxygen_manifest.git -b gingerbread
repo sync
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch 8
make oxygen
You can optionally use "repo -j20 sync" to sync 20 of the repo's at once, and make -jX oxygen, where X is the number of CPU cores that you are using to build.
Once completed, there is a update-oxygen-*.zip file in out/target/product/buzz/ that can be flashed.
Nice !Very interisting
Thanks a lot, schiznik. I'll update the main thread.
EDIT: main thread updated. the sources compile, although I haven't tested the resulting ROM yet.
schiznik said:
Minor thread hijack...
If you want to build Oxygen for buzz - you can do the below:
mkdir android ; cd android/
repo init -u [email protected]:schiznik/oxygen_manifest.git -b gingerbread
repo sync
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch 8
make oxygen
You can optionally use "repo -j20 sync" to sync 20 of the repo's at once, and make -jX oxygen, where X is the number of CPU cores that you are using to build.
Once completed, there is a update-oxygen-*.zip file in out/target/product/buzz/ that can be flashed.
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For those who have tried this and get the reply "public key error". Try editing the repo init line to read "repo init -u https://github.com/schiznik/oxygen_manifest -b gingerbread" this works for me. I'm busy report syncing now, will inform you further, when it completes.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
Gandolff said:
For those who have tried this and get the reply "public key error". Try editing the repo init line to read "repo init -u https;//github.com/schiznik/oxygen_manifest -b gingerbread" this works for me. I'm busy report syncing now, will inform you further, when it completes.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
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Update, repo sync complete, but to many errors to create software package. I'm looking onto it.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
xdbg said:
Link to prebuilt ROM: http://www.filefactory.com/file/cfe8147/n/GWK74-buzz-20111111.zip
Setting up the development environment
Install the current stable Debian: squeeze (6.0) amd64 (not the i386 version, and not the testing/unstable version). Do not ask me for a working Ubuntu version -- I don't know. Use Debian instead
apt-get install python git bzip2 zip unzip lzma patch bison flex \
make gcc g++ gcc-multilib g++-multilib gperf libz-dev lib32z-dev curl \
libncurses5-dev lib32ncurses5-dev libx11-dev openjdk-6-jdk
Downloading the sources and other packages
AOSP 2.3.7r1 (GWK74) is the current version of the AOSP
arco's 2.6.35 kernel is the base for the kernel we will build
koush's vendor files contain the HTC proprietary blobs for buzz
CyanogenMod's device/htc/buzz
git clone https://github.com/arco/buzz-kernel-2.6.35.git
git clone https://github.com/koush/proprietary_vendor_htc
git clone https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_htc_buzz.git -b gingerbread-release
mkdir ~/bin
curl https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/googlesource/git-repo/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod +x ~/bin/repo
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
mkdir 2.3.7_r1; cd 2.3.7_r1
repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b android-2.3.7_r1
repo sync
mkdir -p vendor/htc
cp -r ../proprietary_vendor_htc/buzz vendor/htc
cp -r ../android_device_htc_buzz device/htc/buzz
The "repo sync" may take a while, so please be patient
Compiling the kernel
cd ../buzz-kernel-2.6.35
make ARCH=arm buzz_defconfig
At this point you can edit .config and change CONFIG_MSM_CPU_FREQ_ONDEMAND_MAX to overclock the CPU, for example setting it to 700 MHz.
make ARCH=arm -j4 CROSS_COMPILE=../2.3.7_r1/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi-
cp arch/arm/boot/zImage ../2.3.7_r1/device/htc/buzz/prebuilt/kernel
cp drivers/net/wireless/bcm4329/bcm4329.ko ../2.3.7_r1/device/htc/buzz/prebuilt/bcm4329.ko
Patching the sources
Several files must be patched. The following patches are from CyanogenMod 7:
armv6j.mk.patch: adds a new architecture (ARMv6J) which targets the MSM7225
browser.patch: provides a small fix to prevent the Browser from crashing
camera.patch: enables the use of Froyo (2.2) libcamera.so
dalvik-armv6j.patch: adds a new ARMv6J target for JIT compilation by the Dalvik runtime environment
gpsshim.patch: enables the use of Froyo (2.2) libgps.so
libagl.patch: enables the use of copybit to make software OpenGL support a bit faster (I think)
surfaceflinger.patch: another cool patch from CM7 when transparency is not supported
The following patches were made by myself:
config.xml.patch: several values which are present in CM7 but not AOSP must be disabled
LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS.patch: a bunch of Android.mk in hardware/msm7k lack this variable
ota-no-recovery.patch: prevent ota_from_target_files from flashing the recovery (we like our ClockworkMod better )
vendork-blobs.mk.patch: adds library libOmxCore.so which is needed by mediaserver
The following patches are from Google:
apns-conf.xml.patch: adds a bunch of APNs that are not present in the default AOSP file
For your convenience, I have included all the patches in a single file, which is attached to this post (patch-buzz.zip).
cd ../2.3.7_r1
wget -O patch-buzz.zip "http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=779411"
unzip patch-buzz.zip; ./patch-buzz/apply.sh
ln -s full.mk build/target/product/full_base.mk
rm -rf device/htc/buzz/overlay/packages
Setting up a custom vendor
At this point you may want to add a number of custom additions, for example:
a simple boot animation: http://forum.cyanogenmod.com/topic/19198-simple-generic-boot-animation/
Superuser root package: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=682828
Torch from CyanogenMod: http://download.cyanogenmod.com/?type=stable&device=buzz
Talk and Android Market: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/Latest_Version
Google Maps for WildFire: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=15218646&postcount=4
mkdir vendor/xdbg; cd vendor/xdbg
wget http://duck.at.shangtai.net/files/android/bootanimation.zip
wget -O su- http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6408470/su-releases/su-
wget http://download.cyanogenmod.com/get/update-cm-7.1.0-buzz-signed.zip
Also download gapps from http://goo-inside.me/gapps/gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip , put it in 2.3.7_r1/vendor/xdbg and run:
unzip su-
wget -O system/app/Maps.apk http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=641716
unzip update-cm-7.1.0-buzz-signed.zip system/lib/libOmxCore.so
unzip update-cm-7.1.0-buzz-signed.zip system/app/Torch.apk
unzip -o gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip
mv system/lib/libOmxCore.so ../htc/buzz/proprietary
I haven't tried it, but you can try to include the LatinIME.apk from CM7 in order to get the dictionaries (not included by default in AOSP).
Now we'll create the Makefile that specifies which files are to be copied in the ROM. Be careful when copy-pasting to not truncate the last line which is quite long:
echo "\$(call inherit-product, vendor/xdbg/xdbg.mk)" >>../../device/htc/buzz/buzz.mk
cat >xdbg.mk <<"EOF"
vendor/xdbg/bootanimation.zip:system/media/bootanimation.zip \
vendor/xdbg/system/bin/su:system/xbin/su \
vendor/xdbg/system/lib/libvoicesearch.so:system/lib/libvoicesearch.so \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Superuser.apk:system/app/Superuser.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Torch.apk:system/app/Torch.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Talk.apk:system/app/Talk.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Vending.apk:system/app/Vending.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/GenieWidget.apk:system/app/GenieWidget.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Maps.apk:system/app/Maps.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/NetworkLocation.apk:system/app/NetworkLocation.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk:system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk:system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk:system/app/GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar:system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar \
Building the ROM
cd ../..
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch [I](choose htc_buzz-userdebug)[/I]
make -j5 otapackage WITH_DEXPREOPT=true[I]
(5 is for a quad-core with 4GB of RAM. you can decrease it if you have less RAM)[/I]
Remove WITH_DEXPREOPT=true above to generate a de-odexed ROM.
Advantage of a de-odexed ROM: you can easily replace APKs or JARs in /system.
Disadvantages: the first boot takes a while because all APKs must be odexed. Also the dalkvik cache takes a significant amount of space (up to 50 MB) in /data (CM7 uses /cache so this is not a problem).
Note that you will not need the Android SDK since adb and other tools will be present in the PATH after you run lunch and the out/host part is compiled.
The generated ROM is out/target/product/buzz/htc_buzz-ota-*.zip. Wiping the whole data partition in ClockworkMod is required if your previous ROM was built with different signing keys.
Finally, I'd like to thank everyone who made this possible: cyanogen, arco, koush, HDCRJacob, schiznik, _thalamus & AdamG, ben1066, nhnt11 and everyone else who contributed on porting the AOSP on the WildFire. You guys are awesome
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Plessis guys there is there problem with this download link. I'm not able to download the file.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
Gandolff said:
Plessis guys there is there problem with this download link. I'm not able to download the file.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
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Did you *really* need to quote the entire post?
I'm assuming you meant the GWK74​-buzz​-20111111​.zip from filefactory - I cant seem to download it either.
No I was trying for just the 1st paragraph, but, sorry mistakes do happen.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium

[GUIDE] Rolling your own CM7 kernel

I have like 3 private messages per day asking help on the kernel so I decided to write a short tutorial on how to build your own CM7 kernel.
- Linux distro such as Ubuntu (recommended).
- Time and 10 GB.
(Instructions tailored for Ubuntu, somewhat similar for other distros)
1. First we need to download some stuff, open your terminal and type these commands:
sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ lucid partner"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg sun-java6-jdk flex bison gperf libsdl-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi
Toolchain is already included.
If you're in a 64-bit machine, run this command too:
sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32z1-dev lib32ncurses5-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib
2. Open terminal, navigate to a folder where you want the kernel source and type this:
git clone git://github.com/CyanogenMod/lge-kernel-sniper.git
After the download, navigate (in the terminal of course) to the new folder.
3. Now we need to edit the Makefile in that newly created folder, open it. Look for the flags:
ARCH ?= ...
Change to:
ARCH ?= arm
CROSS_COMPILE ?= /usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-
Save and close.
4. Now we need a .config file. Run this command (the terminal must be in that kernel folder where Makefile is):
make ARCH=arm cyanogenmod_hub_defconfig
Voilá, you can find the .config in the folder (control+h to show hidden files).
5. Edit the kernel as you want. You can grab some ideas from my incomplete source of knzo kernel for CM7: http://github.com/mnlsrv/kernel
6. Let's compile it! Run the command:
make -j4
In the end you'll get a zImage and .ko files (modules).
7. Now use unpackbootimg or Dsixda kitchen to unpack CM7's boot.img (you can extract it from a nightly), replace zImage with yours and repack.
8. Now you need to flash the boot.img; just use the zip for knzo kernel and replace the boot.img for yours; replace the modules too (/system/lib/modules).
9. Flash and enjoy.
Hope I didn't forget to mention any step.
I am not an active dev, but would like to thank you at the first place. Any beginner in android development will surely be grateful to this simple step wise guide....
A few tips:
Custom governors go into /drivers/cpufreq.
Custom I/O schedulers go into /block/.
For each addition you need to change Kconfig and Makefile. Then the .config will need to be updated and this is automatic when you run the make command. Open and edit .config when you're more familiar with all of it.
Here https://github.com/mnlsrv/kernel/commits/master you can see some commits (changes) I did to the kernel and if you click on one of it, it will show exactly how and which files were changed.
Only a remark:
- To completely add a governor, you have to edit /include/linux/cpufreq.c too in order to set a different default governor without compile errors.
if i have more time ,i'll have a try
thank you knzo,you did a great job!
So kind of you knzo... I'll definitely try this if I still have black....
However... Black is still the best phone I ever had.... miss my black very much...
Keep the good works guys, i keep my eyes to this community, wondering how far this device will go....
Beginners guide to making kernel images
Here I have logged down my own experiences with making Optimus Black kernel binary. Being a Windows person myself I know how troublesome and confusing a development under MinGW can get so I decided to do it under VirtualBox instead. I sincerely hope that the steps described below are a good reference to everybody who is interested in modding his or her own kernel but hasn't gotten over the administrative burden yet. Written as from beginner to beginner I tried to be as concise as possible, leaving out nothing important and everything optional. Just enough to get from zero to updated kernel on your phone.
1. Prepare the environment
Download VirtualBox from https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads and install it. I downloaded version 4.1.6 which was the latest version at the moment (http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/4.1.6/VirtualBox-4.1.6-74713-Win.exe)
Download Ubuntu from http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download and install it under VirtualBox. I downloaded latest 32-bit version (http://www.ubuntu.com/start-download?distro=desktop&bits=32&release=latest). Install Guest Additions afterwards as well if you want to use clipboard between host and guest operating systems.
Open terminal and create a folder under your home directory for all the things involved.
mkdir android
cd android
Install Git and get the kernel source. I had to use http protocol as git protocol was blocked for me.
sudo apt-get install git
git clone http://github.com/CyanogenMod/lge-kernel-sniper.git
2. This is the part where you change the code
Done? Move to the next step and cross your fingers. For the purpose of this guide we are not changing anything.
3. Make the kernel image
Go to kernel directory
cd lge-kernel-sniper
Install Arm toolchain and make the kernel image
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi lzma
export ARCH=arm
export CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/bin/arm-linux-gnueabi-
make cyanogenmod_hub_defconfig
There was one thing I had to modify before make completed without errors. Inside drivers/net/wireless/bcm4329 I had to remove -Werror from the Makefile because the warnings were considered as errors otherwise. If everything goes well you'll find zImage under arch/arm/boot directory.
4. Create and deploy the update image (see also http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1350679)
Download Kernel Injector update image template
cd ..
wget -O output.zip http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=785468
Update zImage inside update.zip
zip -j update.zip lge-kernel-sniper/arch/arm/boot/zImage
Update modules inside update.zip
mkdir modules
find lge-kernel-sniper/ -name "*.ko" -exec cp {} modules \;
zip -d update modules/\*
zip update modules/*
Use your favourite method of getting the update.zip to your phone's SD card, boot into recovery and flash.
Good luck! And as always - comments and suggestions are most welcome!
- Aprold

[GUIDE] Build CM10 kernel from source + wkpark's RAM hack

For any CM10 ROM, except new bootloader one, hackfest, and CM10.1
This tutorial shows you how to build CM10 kernel from RC and the CM team's source(it is their work), and using wkpark's ramhack patch or other patches
If you are uncomfortable in building the kernel, you use my flashable sample kernel at the end of the post, which uses 56 MB RAM hack.
A Linux system
An internet connectionc
Some time and patience
But the time required for downloading resources, and building once everything is set up, is only a fraction of the time required for a full CM10 ROM
You can follow this guide, with or without having built CM10 following Raum1807's excellent CM10 building guide. At one of the places, the difference occurs whether you had built CM10 before or not, and I have listed it at that place
For a first time build, you need to follow all the steps, but 2nd time onwards, you can skip to the build step or RAM hack setting step
Install any CM10 ROM on the device (old bootloader, non-hackfest, non-CM10.1 one)
If you already have CM10 environment set up, skip to "Create an environment variable..." part
Install development support packages:
Debian based Linux distributions (like Ubuntu)
64bit systems:
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential \
zip curl libc6-dev libncurses5-dev:i386 x11proto-core-dev \
libx11-dev:i386 libreadline6-dev:i386 libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 \
libgl1-mesa-dev g++-multilib mingw32 openjdk-6-jdk tofrodos \
python-markdown libxml2-utils schedtool pngcrush xsltproc zlib1g-dev:i386
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libGL.so
Red Hat based Linux distributions
32bit and 64bit systems:
git gnupg java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel flex bison gperf SDL-devel esound-devel wxGTK-devel zip curl ncurses-devel zlib-devel gcc-c++ glibc-devel
64bit only:
glibc-devel.i686 libstdc++.i686 zlib-devel.i686 ncurses-devel.i686
Setting up Java (thanks to Raum for the java setup guide)
You need a Java Development Kit for building CM10. Recommended is the SUN JDK 6. As of writing the most recent version is SUN JDK 6 Update 37.
1. Download the jdk-6u37-linux-i586.bin from the Oracle/Sun Java Download Area. If you are on 64-bit Ubuntu as I am, you should grab jdk-6u37-linux-x64.bin.
2. Make the bin file executable:
$ chmod +x jdk-6u37-linux-x64.bin
3. Extract the bin file:
$ ./jdk-6u37-linux-x64.bin
4. Move the extracted folder to this this location:
$ sudo mv jdk1.6.0_37 /usr/lib/jvm/./jdk-6u37-linux-x64.bin
5. Install the new Java source in system:
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-6u37-linux-x64.bin/bin/javac 1
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-6u37-linux-x64.bin/bin/java 1
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javaws javaws /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-6u37-linux-x64.bin/bin/javaws 1
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javadoc javadoc /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-6u37-linux-x64.bin/bin/javadoc 1
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javah javah /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-6u37-linux-x64.bin/bin/javah 1
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javap javap /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-6u37-linux-x64.bin/bin/javap 1
$ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/jar jar /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-6u37-linux-x64.bin/bin/jar 1
6. Select the default Java version for your system:
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javac
$ sudo update-alternatives --config java
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javaws
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javadoc
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javah
$ sudo update-alternatives --config javap
$ sudo update-alternatives --config jar
7. Check Java version:
$ java -version
8. Verify the symlinks. Javac, Java, Javaws, Javadoc, Javah, Javap and Jar should all point to the new Java location and version:
$ ls -la /etc/alternatives/java* && ls -la /etc/alternatives/jar
If you have CM10 source fetched already (if you have built cm10)
If the directory name where the cm10 source exists is "cm10" (as in Raum's building guide)
Create an environment variable denoting the location of the android toolchain as follows:
export CCOMPILER=${HOME}/cm10/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi-
Or else, replace the path/name if yours is different
(If your arm-eabi version is not 4.4.3, check the folder name and change it accordingly)
If you do not have cm10 source on your pc, then you need to download the ARM EABI Toolchain separately
Download link, ready to extract
If above does not work, download from official site here
Download and extract then, create an environment variable denoting the location of the toolchain as follows:
export CCOMPILER=[extraction directory]/bin/arm-eabi-
Download Kernel Source Code:
mkdir -p ~/kernel
cd ~/kernel
Now download RC's CM10 kernel source
In terminal, do
Old bootloader:
git clone git://github.com/CyanogenMod/lge-kernel-star.git -b jellybean
New bootloader:
Here, pengus77 has made the necessary changes in his repo, so we fetch from that
git clone git://github.com/pengus77/lge-kernel-star.git
Thus, there should be a folder named "lge-kernel-star" inside /kernel folder
Then in terminal, cd to that directory "lge-kernel-star"
cd lge-kernel-star
Getting the config file
The next step is to copy the file "/kernel/lge-kernel-star/arch/arm/configs/cyanogenmod_p990_defconfig" to "/kernel/lge-kernel-star and rename it to ".config"
using the command:
cp arch/arm/configs/cyanogenmod_p990_defconfig .config
(Thanks to tonyp for the tip!)
Configure the build:
If it happens to ask anything, just accept the defaults at every step by pressing enter.
Applying patches like wkpark's RAM hack patch
If you skip this step, the kernel will work, but you'll have a completely stock kernel without RAM hack or other tweaks
Download wkpark's two patches from here and here, and put them in your /kernel directory
cd ~/kernel
Now to apply the patches, we use the patch command like this:
patch -Np1 -d lge-kernel-star < patchname.patch
(replace patchname with name of the patch file)
Here, -N is for ignoring patches that seem to be already applied or reversed
p<num> Strip the smallest prefix containing num(here num=1) leading slashes from each file name found in the patch file
In this case, num=1 according to the path names in wkpark's patch, and in a lot of cases, the value of 1 is common
-d is to change to the directory immediately, before doing anything else
You need to apply wkpark's two patches one by one (0001-..., then bootloader-...)
If you get errors while patching, if they are basic errors like file not found etc. then you should manage to fix it yourself.
But if you get errors like "HUNK ... failed",
patch -Np1 --ignore-whitespace -d lge-kernel-star < patchname.patch
A "HUNK ignored" is ok, if patch was attempted previously, since that file might have been successfully patched last time
if a HUNK still fails, then read the troubleshooting guide
Setting RAM hack size (If you skipped the above patching step, dont do this)
wkpark's patch makes it possible for you to set ramhack size in kernel command line parameter.
The cmdline parameter has to have the full boot.img command line parameters, which you can obtain from dmesg. I have done it for you, so you can save time on that
Here's how it looks for the old bootloader: (for the new one, ignore this)
<5>[70:01:01 00:00:00.000] Kernel command line: loglevel=0 muic_state=1 CRC=10203036179a93 brdrev=1.0 uniqueid=37c7006421f6097 video=tegrafb console=ttyS0,115200n8 usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 tegraboot=sdmmc tegrapart=recovery:35e00:2800:800,linux:34700:1000:800,mbr:400:200:800,system:600:2bc00:800,cache:2c200:8000:800,misc:34200:400:800,userdata:38700:c0000:800 [email protected] vmalloc=128M androidboot.mode=normal androidboot.hardware=star androidboot.serialno=37c7006421f6097
Paste the line starting from loglevel=0 till the end (serialno) into .config file in lge-kernel-star folder in
Insert a carveout size in between vmalloc and androidboot.mode
Determing carveout size: carveout=<152 - RAM hack size>M
For example, if RAM hack size is 56, then carveout is 96M
So in that case, the cmdline is like this:
old bootloader:
CONFIG_CMDLINE="loglevel=0 muic_state=1 CRC=10203036179a93 brdrev=1.0 uniqueid=37c7006421f6097 video=tegrafb console=ttyS0,115200n8 usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 tegraboot=sdmmc tegrapart=recovery:35e00:2800:800,linux:34700:1000:800,mbr:400:200:800,system:600:2bc00:800,cache:2c200:8000:800,misc:34200:400:800,userdata:38700:c0000:800 [email protected] vmalloc=128M carveout=96M androidboot.mode=normal androidboot.hardware=star androidboot.serialno=37c7006421f6097"
new bootloader:
CONFIG_CMDLINE="tegraid= [email protected] carveout=152M android.commchip=0 vmalloc=128M androidboot.serialno=037c7006421f6097 video=tegrafb no_console_suspend=1 console=ttyS0,115200n8 debug_uartport=lsport,-3 androidboot.mode=normal usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 [email protected] [email protected] muic_state=0 tegraboot=sdmmc tegrapart=recovery:35e00:2800:800,boot:34700:1000:800,mbr:400:200:800,persist:600:2bc00:800,cache:2c200:7f00:800,misc:34200:400:800,userdata:38700:c0000:800,bcttable:0:600:800,bootloader:100:300:800,data/ve:f8800:1400:800,system:34c000:40000:800 "
and save the file
Dont set carveout too low, or else some gpu-intensive stuff may not work properly.
In terminal,
cd ~/kernel/lge-kernel-star
make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=$CCOMPILER -j`grep 'processor' /proc/cpuinfo | wc -l`
This step may take a while, depending on your computer. Took ~5-10 mins for the first build for me, and ~1 min for the second build onwards.
If it asks in the terminal "use default config?" then say "y", if not, then ignore this
If you get some error and the building aborts within a few seconds, try the "Create environment variable part" again, and then return back directly to the build step.
After it is done, you should have a kernel stored in ~/kernel/lge-kernel-star/arch/arm/boot/zImage
Preparing the flashable zip for the kernel
Some compiled modules need to be included so that problems like wifi not switching on dont occur.
They are:
They will be used while preparing the flashable zip below.
Thanks to feav's compiled modules and benee's anykernel updater for star, all this is ready-made and you can simply:
Download the sample kernel zip attached below and replace /kernel/zImage and and the above modules in system/lib/modules/hw in that with yours, edit updater-script if you want.
Your flashable zip is now ready
Put the sample kernel below as a backup in case your kernel does not boot and you need a working phone immediately.
Flash the kernel in recovery, wipe cache, dalvik cache and reboot.
If the phone goes past the LG logo screen(s) and into the bootscreen of the ROM, then it should work
Then you can check "kernel version" in settings->about phone to see your kernel information,
and you can see the new RAM size (which should be 342 MB + RAM hack size) in some app like battery dr saver, or antutu benchmark's system info.
If it doesnt work, make sure you have followed the entire guide properly and then ask queries
If you want to revert to another kernel, flash that kernel in recovery, or for stock kernel, flash your ROM.
Keeping kernel source up to date (for building again later after RC has made changes to the source):
cd ~/kernel/lge-kernel-star
git pull
This will update your source with the latest commits by RC. Then you can rebuild the kernel by doing the "create environment variable" and then skip directly to the build stage
Standard disclaimer:
I am not responsible if anything goes wrong with your phone or anything else.
aremcee/RC and the rest of the CM team for all their work. This is their kernel you are building
wkpark for his valuable contributions, including the ramhack patches and cracking the new bootloader
benee for his Anykernel updater for star, and other tweaks
feav for his compiled wifi modules
pengus77 for the work to make it suitable for the new bootloader
Download links for sample kernels:
Troubleshooting guide:
1. Patch failure
HUNK failed means that a particular file was not patched to some problem. In this case, a .rej file is saved in the same folder as the file to be patched, and it contains the stuff not patched.
Do not neglect "failed" hunk since it means a partially applied patch(some files patched, some files not), and may cause problems. "Ignored hunk" is ok, if the patch had been attempted before on a file and had succeeded on that file last time.
To manually patch the failed hunk, go that file where the hunk failed (has same name as .rej file without .rej extension)
For example, if .rej file is board-star.c.rej, and it contains the following sample lines (look for lines beginning with '+' and remove the + before adding, similar for -) go to board-star.c, and add the lines manually like this:
#define RAM_RESERVED_SIZE 100*1024
/* Force the reserved_buffer to be at its old (Froyo/GB) location
for reboot to work with the older bootloader */
if (strstr(saved_command_line, "brdrev=")) {
extern void *reserved_buffer;
pr_info("The older bootloader detected\n");
if (memblock_end_of_DRAM() > 0x17f80000) {
if (memblock_reserve(0x17f80000, RAM_RESERVED_SIZE)) {
pr_err("Fail to get reserved_buffer for the older bootloader\n");
} else {
pr_info("Change reserved_buffer for the older bootloader\n");
reserved_buffer = phys_to_virt(0x17f80000);
} else {
pr_info("Change reserved_buffer\n");
reserved_buffer = ioremap(0x17f80000, RAM_RESERVED_SIZE);
This was in the .rej file, and is to be added immediately after
in board-star.c (and before the next #if defined or closing bracket)
Similarly, the - lines to be deleted and + lines are to be added in that failed hunk file
(do this manual stuff only if hunk fails)
2. If ramhack kernel fails, but normal kernel works:
From your pc, in terminal do
adb shell dmesg > dmesg.txt
or from your phone, in android terminal emulator, do
dmesg > /sdcard/dmesg.txt
Copy it from your dmesg.txt starting from loglevel=0 till the end (serialno)
Look for a line in dmesg.txt which resembles this:
<5>[70:01:01 00:00:00.000] Kernel command line: loglevel=0 muic_state=1 CRC=10203036179a93 brdrev=1.0 uniqueid=37c7006421f6097 video=tegrafb console=ttyS0,115200n8 usbcore.old_scheme_first=1 tegraboot=sdmmc tegrapart=recovery:35e00:2800:800,linux:34700:1000:800,mbr:400:200:800,system:600:2bc00:800,cache:2c200:8000:800,misc:34200:400:800,userdata:38700:c0000:800 [email protected] vmalloc=128M androidboot.mode=normal androidboot.hardware=star androidboot.serialno=37c7006421f6097
Use your own phone's parameters instead of this and then set carveout size.
3. Problem with config file:
Pulling kernel config from device:
You need to retrieve a working kernel config from the device, and unzip it.
For that, connect your phone to your pc, enable USB debugging if it was disabled, and then in terminal
adb pull /proc/config.gz ~/kernel/lge-star-kernel-jellybean/config.gz
cat config.gz | gunzip > .config
Alternatively, you can pull the .config from the newest boot.img
scripts/extract-ikconfig boot.img > .config
Changes and updates:
Added changes to be made for the new bootloader (in red color)
Updated the guide, added some fixes and changes
Slightly modified version of wkpark's 2nd patch (bootloader one) which may possibly fix one of the errors and may remove need for manually adding some lines
Last one
rugglez.....you rock mate....
I am not sure if I will really do something as I am getting old(lolz) and if I understand enough....
but thanks mate, for keeping spirits alive for this device
Did you see these posts: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=34600723&postcount=189
Did you experienced any ploblem with USB?
rugglez.....you rock mate....
I am not sure if I will really do something as I am getting old(lolz) and if I understand enough....
but thanks mate, for keeping spirits alive for this device
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
There are always some things worth experiencing once in life, like if you are an Android user, building a ROM and a kernel. You have experienced it with your wonderful AF kernel, thats important
feav said:
Did you see these posts: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=34600723&postcount=189
Did you experienced any ploblem with USB?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
USB works fine, both adb and mass storage
This guide may seem intimidating, but trust me, once you complete it the first time, you'll find it really simple from the next build onwards.
Uploaded a slightly modified version of wkpark's 2nd patch (bootloader one) which may possibly fix one of the errors and may remove need for manually adding some lines. Updated link in OP and attached here too.
I tried the sample kernel and my camera stops functioning and so with other apps such as contacts, they don't start at all. Im on dec 20 nightly. Could it be the ramhack size? Maybe 32mb will suffice. Just saying.
Thanks to this, will probably try this next week..
aldyu said:
I tried the sample kernel and my camera stops functioning and so with other apps such as contacts, they don't start at all. Im on dec 20 nightly. Could it be the ramhack size? Maybe 32mb will suffice. Just saying.
Thanks to this, will probably try this next week..
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Uploaded 32 MB ram hack kernel for those having problem with camera, try it out.
Download link 32MB RH
Added 24MB version too. Here you go:
24MB RH kernel
Thanks rugglez, 32 mb rh is ok so far, cm10 is way smoother and can still play nfs most wanted. Btw, can you apply the patch for double lg logo too by wkpark?
Sent from my P990-CM10
After installing the new kernel, if some apps still don't work or there any lag, disable "force gpu rendering" and "disable hardware overlays" in developer settings.
Thank you for your work! Just flashed the 32mb version without any problem. On cm7 the 48mb ramhack was the biggest without breaking 720p recording. Maybe you should give it a try!
Uhm download a kernel zip file?
How about git clone?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
tonyp said:
Uhm download a kernel zip file?
How about git clone?
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Git clone size = ~440mb
Zip size = 120mb which extracts to that same size
Takes more time to download more for people like me with slow Internet, no other reason
Hi rugglez, got the ff. error when installing the required packages, Im on ubuntu 12.10 x64.
Note, selecting 'libsdl1.2-dev' instead of 'libsdl-dev'
Package sun-java6-jdk is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package 'sun-java6-jdk' has no installation candidate
E: Unable to locate package libwxgtk2.6-dev
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libwxgtk2.6-dev'
How to fix? Thanks.
aldyu said:
Hi rugglez, got the ff. error when installing the required packages, Im on ubuntu 12.10 x64.
Note, selecting 'libsdl1.2-dev' instead of 'libsdl-dev'
Package sun-java6-jdk is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package 'sun-java6-jdk' has no installation candidate
E: Unable to locate package libwxgtk2.6-dev
E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libwxgtk2.6-dev'
How to fix? Thanks.
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Can you install the dependencies from Raum's CM10 building thread here?
Follow steps 1 and 2 there.
Let me know if that works, ive updated the guide's step 1(setting up environment)
Installing the dependencies from this guide was the only thing i didnt test, since i had the CM10 environment set up already
a step is missing from this guide.
adb pull /proc/config.gz ~/kernel/lge-star-kernel-jellybean/config.gz
cat config.gz | gunzip > .config
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
mv config arch/arm/configs/<your_config_name>_defconfig
make <your_config_name>_defconfig
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
then continue...
if you don't make the default config the compiler throws out some errors.
ps: nice guide btw
rugglez said:
Git clone size = ~1.5gb
Zip size = 440mb which extracts to that same size
Takes forever to download more than a gig for people like me with slow Internet, no other reason
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hmm.. downloading it now and wondering why it's only 120mb, not 440mb as you said.
rugglez said:
Can you install the dependencies from Raum's CM10 building thread here?
Follow steps 1 and 2 there.
Let me know if that works, ive updated the guide's step 1(setting up environment)
Installing the dependencies from this guide was the only thing i didnt test, since i had the CM10 environment set up already
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Click to collapse
Thanks, ok now using your updated guide.
Btw, did you happen to upload a copy of the kernel zip file? Downloading from github takes forever, only 8 kb/s.
aldyu said:
Thanks, ok now using your updated guide.
Btw, did you happen to upload a copy of the kernel zip file? Downloading from github takes forever, only 8 kb/s.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just use "git clone git://github.com/CyanogenMod/lge-kernel-star.git", it should give you better download speed than for the zipped archive.
I synced the whole CM10 source tree on the remote buildbox in about 5-10 minutes - so github does provide great downspeed
@rugglez: You should add to the OP that you don't have to use adb to get the kernel config, it's already there
Please refer to the old cm7 kernel how to by pastime: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1227241
I really like the fact that more and more building guides get posted here - and that more and more people are building their own ROMs and kernels these days.
After building (which already is a great start) many people even want to learn more about android development in general. That's the true xda spirit!

[GUIDE] Building An Android Kernel

There are a lot of people out there wondering how to build kernels. It sounds confusing and hard, but once you get the hang of it, it is actually quite easy. I got the jist of it in just a few practices. Now I give all of my information to you, in the simplest, most comprehensible and most noob friendly way I can. In this guide, I will be building the kernel for my phone, the Samsung Galaxy Victory 4G LTE. So make your adjustments where necessary.
What You Will Need:
A linux OS. I now use Ubuntu 14.04 Manjaro, and Manjaro or Arch are preferred. (Ubuntu is easiest)
(Optional) A boot.img for your device
Required files
Required Files:
Open terminal and paste the following (I assume you already have java and perl and all that jazz):
In Ubuntu/ Debian:
sudo apt-get install abootimg git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev ia32-libs lib32z1-dev lib32ncurses5-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib
For Arch/Manjaro, do
sudo pacman -S gcc git gnupg flex bison gperf sdl wxgtk squashfs-tools curl ncurses zlib schedtool perl-switch zip unzip libxslt python2-virtualenv bc
for 32 and 64 bit systems. For only 64 bit, add the following:
sudo pacman -S gcc-multilib lib32-zlib lib32-ncurses lib32-readline
Also, abootimg can be installed using
yaourt -S abootimg-git
For other distros, you may have to modify the command to get the required files, such as using yum
Also, make sure you have setup git and it is ready to go.
Setting Up Folders:
You are going to need a folder to build you kernel in. For this tutorial, I will use my setup: /home/nick/android/kernel/SPH-L300/Kernel. Kernel is the source directory that is made from the source zip and SPH-L300 I will also use a lot, which contains Kernel.
Downloading The Source:
Download the zip from http://opensource.samsung.com/ or from InsanelyCool's stock kernel source. Then I put it in the SPH-L300 folder. Afterwards, unzip it. You should have 2 files, Kernel.tar.gz and Platform.tar.gz. We are going to focus on Kernel.tar.gz, so unzip it. This will make the Kernel folder.
Now, in your terminal, cd to somewhere to keep your toolchains. I keep mine in ~/android/kernel.
Now type
git clone git://github.com/DooMLoRD/android_prebuilt_toolchains.git toolchains
for the toolchains I used. They should be put in the folder toolchains.
Modifying The Kernel:
Now is the time to modify the kernel. You can apply patches and change governors and frequencies etc here.
Applying a Patch:
The kernel version is 3.0.31. You can upgrade it using patches. Patches can be found here. You have to apply one patch at a time, which is why scripts come in handy when patching multiple times. I am going to show you how to upgrade to 3.0.33, since you can do that without error.
First, download patch-3.0.31-32.bz2 (or .gz) and download patch-3.0.32-33.bz2 (or .gz).
Extract both and move the extracted files into the Kernel source folder.
Cd to this folder in your terminal and type
patch -p1 < patch-3.0.31-32
. If you get something about
...assume -R? [n]
just press enter then press y then enter again.
Do the same steps for applying the other patch, just mod the command to work.
Building The Kernel:
Setting Up Environment:
In the Kernel source directory, open the file Makefile and press ctrl-f. Then enter CROSS_COMPILE, and look for CROSS_COMPILE = /xxxxx, where xxxxx is a directory. Change that directory to the toolchain of your choice. **Not all toolchains work!** For me, it would look like: CROSS_COMPILE = /home/nick/android/kernel/toolchains/arm-eabi-linaro-4.6.2/bin/arm-eabi- for Linaro 4.6.2. Save the file and exit.
Make sure your terminal is in the Kernel source directory.
Kernel Name:
If you want to change the kernel name, in terminal type
Compiling It:
Next, type
export ARCH=arm
into terminal.
Almost there. The next step is to type
make gogh_defconfig
into terminal.
If you added options such as governors, do
make menuconfig
to activate them.
Otherwise, type
make -jx
where x is the number of processes per core. I use
-j2 for a dual core cpu. This takes about 20-30 mins for me. A quad-core Intel cpu takes 4 mins if you use -j5. For Intel, it is the # of cores + 1.
Actually Putting The Kernel Together:
Now that it has built, assuming you have had no errors and the terminal finishes with
Kernel: arch/arm/boot/zImage is ready
you are ready to assemble the kernel. Cd to outside your Kernel source to the folder that contains it. For me that would be SPH-L300. You are going to need a working boot.img for this phone to speed up this process by a lot. Whether its stock, mine, or Insanelycool's, just paste it into the folder.
In terminal, type
abootimg -x boot.img
mkdir initrd && cd initrd && zcat ../initrd.img | cpio -i
And finally
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../initrd.img
This splits the boot.img, and puts the ramdisk in the initrd folder.
Now, navigate to (kernel source)/arch/arm/boot and copy the zImage to where you were before (the SPH-L300 folder for me). When you paste, override the pre-existing zImage.
If you would like to change the splash screen before the bootanimation, swap out initlogo.rle in the initrd folder with the image of you choice. It must be a rle image and must be named initlogo to work. I won't tell you how to convert png's to rle's cuz I am sure you know how to Google.
Now, we actually but the boot.img together. In terminal, type
cd ../ && abootimg --create boot.img -k zImage -r initrd.img && abootimg --create boot.img -f bootimg.cfg -k zImage -r initrd.img
and make sure you are in the initrd folder. If you get the error updated is too big for Boot Image, use this command:
cd ../ && abootimg --create boot.img -k zImage -r initrd.img && abootimg --create boot.img -f bootimg.cfg -k zImage -c "bootsize=xxxxxx" -r initrd.img
and replace the x's with the size the kernel wants to be. This will give you a new boot.img in the containing folder (SPH-L300 for me). Now just zip it up and tell the updater-script where to flash it and voila!, you just made you own kernel.
Feel free to ask any questions below.
please help me a aint got a clue using ubuntu 15.10 withe kernel 4.3
Nick_73 said:
There are a lot of people out there wondering how to build kernels. It sounds confusing and hard, but once you get the hang of it, it is actually quite easy. I got the jist of it in just a few practices. Now I give all of my information to you, in the simplest, most comprehensible and most noob friendly way I can. In this guide, I will be building the kernel for my phone, the Samsung Galaxy Victory 4G LTE. So make your adjustments where necessary.
What You Will Need:
A linux OS. I now use Ubuntu 14.04 Manjaro, and Manjaro or Arch are preferred. (Ubuntu is easiest)
(Optional) A boot.img for your device
Required files
Required Files:
Open terminal and paste the following (I assume you already have java and perl and all that jazz):
In Ubuntu/ Debian:
sudo apt-get install abootimg git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev ia32-libs lib32z1-dev lib32ncurses5-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib
For Arch/Manjaro, do
sudo pacman -S gcc git gnupg flex bison gperf sdl wxgtk squashfs-tools curl ncurses zlib schedtool perl-switch zip unzip libxslt python2-virtualenv bc
for 32 and 64 bit systems. For only 64 bit, add the following:
sudo pacman -S gcc-multilib lib32-zlib lib32-ncurses lib32-readline
Also, abootimg can be installed using
yaourt -S abootimg-git
For other distros, you may have to modify the command to get the required files, such as using yum
Also, make sure you have setup git and it is ready to go.
Setting Up Folders:
You are going to need a folder to build you kernel in. For this tutorial, I will use my setup: /home/nick/android/kernel/SPH-L300/Kernel. Kernel is the source directory that is made from the source zip and SPH-L300 I will also use a lot, which contains Kernel.
Downloading The Source:
Download the zip from http://opensource.samsung.com/ or from InsanelyCool's stock kernel source. Then I put it in the SPH-L300 folder. Afterwards, unzip it. You should have 2 files, Kernel.tar.gz and Platform.tar.gz. We are going to focus on Kernel.tar.gz, so unzip it. This will make the Kernel folder.
Now, in your terminal, cd to somewhere to keep your toolchains. I keep mine in ~/android/kernel.
Now type
git clone git://github.com/DooMLoRD/android_prebuilt_toolchains.git toolchains
for the toolchains I used. They should be put in the folder toolchains.
Modifying The Kernel:
Now is the time to modify the kernel. You can apply patches and change governors and frequencies etc here.
Applying a Patch:
The kernel version is 3.0.31. You can upgrade it using patches. Patches can be found here. You have to apply one patch at a time, which is why scripts come in handy when patching multiple times. I am going to show you how to upgrade to 3.0.33, since you can do that without error.
First, download patch-3.0.31-32.bz2 (or .gz) and download patch-3.0.32-33.bz2 (or .gz).
Extract both and move the extracted files into the Kernel source folder.
Cd to this folder in your terminal and type
patch -p1 < patch-3.0.31-32
. If you get something about
...assume -R? [n]
just press enter then press y then enter again.
Do the same steps for applying the other patch, just mod the command to work.
Building The Kernel:
Setting Up Environment:
In the Kernel source directory, open the file Makefile and press ctrl-f. Then enter CROSS_COMPILE, and look for CROSS_COMPILE = /xxxxx, where xxxxx is a directory. Change that directory to the toolchain of your choice. **Not all toolchains work!** For me, it would look like: CROSS_COMPILE = /home/nick/android/kernel/toolchains/arm-eabi-linaro-4.6.2/bin/arm-eabi- for Linaro 4.6.2. Save the file and exit.
Make sure your terminal is in the Kernel source directory.
Kernel Name:
If you want to change the kernel name, in terminal type
Compiling It:
Next, type
export ARCH=arm
into terminal.
Almost there. The next step is to type
make gogh_defconfig
into terminal.
If you added options such as governors, do
make menuconfig
to activate them.
Otherwise, type
make -jx
where x is the number of processes per core. I use
-j2 for a dual core cpu. This takes about 20-30 mins for me. A quad-core Intel cpu takes 4 mins if you use -j5. For Intel, it is the # of cores + 1.
Actually Putting The Kernel Together:
Now that it has built, assuming you have had no errors and the terminal finishes with
Kernel: arch/arm/boot/zImage is ready
you are ready to assemble the kernel. Cd to outside your Kernel source to the folder that contains it. For me that would be SPH-L300. You are going to need a working boot.img for this phone to speed up this process by a lot. Whether its stock, mine, or Insanelycool's, just paste it into the folder.
In terminal, type
abootimg -x boot.img
mkdir initrd && cd initrd && zcat ../initrd.img | cpio -i
And finally
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../initrd.img
This splits the boot.img, and puts the ramdisk in the initrd folder.
Now, navigate to (kernel source)/arch/arm/boot and copy the zImage to where you were before (the SPH-L300 folder for me). When you paste, override the pre-existing zImage.
If you would like to change the splash screen before the bootanimation, swap out initlogo.rle in the initrd folder with the image of you choice. It must be a rle image and must be named initlogo to work. I won't tell you how to convert png's to rle's cuz I am sure you know how to Google.
Now, we actually but the boot.img together. In terminal, type
cd ../ && abootimg --create boot.img -k zImage -r initrd.img && abootimg --create boot.img -f bootimg.cfg -k zImage -r initrd.img
and make sure you are in the initrd folder. If you get the error updated is too big for Boot Image, use this command:
cd ../ && abootimg --create boot.img -k zImage -r initrd.img && abootimg --create boot.img -f bootimg.cfg -k zImage -c "bootsize=xxxxxx" -r initrd.img
and replace the x's with the size the kernel wants to be. This will give you a new boot.img in the containing folder (SPH-L300 for me). Now just zip it up and tell the updater-script where to flash it and voila!, you just made you own kernel.
Feel free to ask any questions below.
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Actually where is the zImage located in output/arch/arm/boot/ or in source/arch/arm/boot/ both the files are different for me
Sent from my SM-G530H using Tapatalk
pradeepreddychimmula said:
Actually where is the zImage located in output/arch/arm/boot/ or in source/arch/arm/boot/ both the files are different for me
Sent from my SM-G530H using Tapatalk
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Click to collapse
The one you made may be a diff size depending on the compression and mods you've done
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
Nick_73 said:
The one you made may be a diff size depending on the compression and mods you've done
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I mean which is the compiled one
Sent from my SM-G530H using Tapatalk
pradeepreddychimmula said:
I mean which is the compiled one
Sent from my SM-G530H using Tapatalk
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Click to collapse
The one u compiled should be the output
Sent from my A0001 using Tapatalk
Nick_73 said:
There are a lot of people out there wondering how to build kernels. It sounds confusing and hard, but once you get the hang of it, it is actually quite easy. I got the jist of it in just a few practices. Now I give all of my information to you, in the simplest, most comprehensible and most noob friendly way I can. In this guide, I will be building the kernel for my phone, the Samsung Galaxy Victory 4G LTE. So make your adjustments where necessary.
What You Will Need:
A linux OS. I now use Ubuntu 14.04 Manjaro, and Manjaro or Arch are preferred. (Ubuntu is easiest)
(Optional) A boot.img for your device
Required files
Required Files:
Open terminal and paste the following (I assume you already have java and perl and all that jazz):
In Ubuntu/ Debian:
sudo apt-get install abootimg git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev ia32-libs lib32z1-dev lib32ncurses5-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib
For Arch/Manjaro, do
sudo pacman -S gcc git gnupg flex bison gperf sdl wxgtk squashfs-tools curl ncurses zlib schedtool perl-switch zip unzip libxslt python2-virtualenv bc
for 32 and 64 bit systems. For only 64 bit, add the following:
sudo pacman -S gcc-multilib lib32-zlib lib32-ncurses lib32-readline
Also, abootimg can be installed using
yaourt -S abootimg-git
For other distros, you may have to modify the command to get the required files, such as using yum
Also, make sure you have setup git and it is ready to go.
Setting Up Folders:
You are going to need a folder to build you kernel in. For this tutorial, I will use my setup: /home/nick/android/kernel/SPH-L300/Kernel. Kernel is the source directory that is made from the source zip and SPH-L300 I will also use a lot, which contains Kernel.
Downloading The Source:
Download the zip from http://opensource.samsung.com/ or from InsanelyCool's stock kernel source. Then I put it in the SPH-L300 folder. Afterwards, unzip it. You should have 2 files, Kernel.tar.gz and Platform.tar.gz. We are going to focus on Kernel.tar.gz, so unzip it. This will make the Kernel folder.
Now, in your terminal, cd to somewhere to keep your toolchains. I keep mine in ~/android/kernel.
Now type
git clone git://github.com/DooMLoRD/android_prebuilt_toolchains.git toolchains
for the toolchains I used. They should be put in the folder toolchains.
Modifying The Kernel:
Now is the time to modify the kernel. You can apply patches and change governors and frequencies etc here.
Applying a Patch:
The kernel version is 3.0.31. You can upgrade it using patches. Patches can be found here. You have to apply one patch at a time, which is why scripts come in handy when patching multiple times. I am going to show you how to upgrade to 3.0.33, since you can do that without error.
First, download patch-3.0.31-32.bz2 (or .gz) and download patch-3.0.32-33.bz2 (or .gz).
Extract both and move the extracted files into the Kernel source folder.
Cd to this folder in your terminal and type
patch -p1 < patch-3.0.31-32
. If you get something about
...assume -R? [n]
just press enter then press y then enter again.
Do the same steps for applying the other patch, just mod the command to work.
Building The Kernel:
Setting Up Environment:
In the Kernel source directory, open the file Makefile and press ctrl-f. Then enter CROSS_COMPILE, and look for CROSS_COMPILE = /xxxxx, where xxxxx is a directory. Change that directory to the toolchain of your choice. **Not all toolchains work!** For me, it would look like: CROSS_COMPILE = /home/nick/android/kernel/toolchains/arm-eabi-linaro-4.6.2/bin/arm-eabi- for Linaro 4.6.2. Save the file and exit.
Make sure your terminal is in the Kernel source directory.
Kernel Name:
If you want to change the kernel name, in terminal type
Compiling It:
Next, type
export ARCH=arm
into terminal.
Almost there. The next step is to type
make gogh_defconfig
into terminal.
If you added options such as governors, do
make menuconfig
to activate them.
Otherwise, type
make -jx
where x is the number of processes per core. I use
-j2 for a dual core cpu. This takes about 20-30 mins for me. A quad-core Intel cpu takes 4 mins if you use -j5. For Intel, it is the # of cores + 1.
Actually Putting The Kernel Together:
Now that it has built, assuming you have had no errors and the terminal finishes with
Kernel: arch/arm/boot/zImage is ready
you are ready to assemble the kernel. Cd to outside your Kernel source to the folder that contains it. For me that would be SPH-L300. You are going to need a working boot.img for this phone to speed up this process by a lot. Whether its stock, mine, or Insanelycool's, just paste it into the folder.
In terminal, type
abootimg -x boot.img
mkdir initrd && cd initrd && zcat ../initrd.img | cpio -i
And finally
find . | cpio -o -H newc | gzip > ../initrd.img
This splits the boot.img, and puts the ramdisk in the initrd folder.
Now, navigate to (kernel source)/arch/arm/boot and copy the zImage to where you were before (the SPH-L300 folder for me). When you paste, override the pre-existing zImage.
If you would like to change the splash screen before the bootanimation, swap out initlogo.rle in the initrd folder with the image of you choice. It must be a rle image and must be named initlogo to work. I won't tell you how to convert png's to rle's cuz I am sure you know how to Google.
Now, we actually but the boot.img together. In terminal, type
cd ../ && abootimg --create boot.img -k zImage -r initrd.img && abootimg --create boot.img -f bootimg.cfg -k zImage -r initrd.img
and make sure you are in the initrd folder. If you get the error updated is too big for Boot Image, use this command:
cd ../ && abootimg --create boot.img -k zImage -r initrd.img && abootimg --create boot.img -f bootimg.cfg -k zImage -c "bootsize=xxxxxx" -r initrd.img
and replace the x's with the size the kernel wants to be. This will give you a new boot.img in the containing folder (SPH-L300 for me). Now just zip it up and tell the updater-script where to flash it and voila!, you just made you own kernel.
Feel free to ask any questions below.
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How to covert zImage- to boot.img
Sent from my SM-G530H using Tapatalk
pradeepreddychimmula said:
How to covert zImage- to boot.img
Sent from my SM-G530H using Tapatalk
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
It tells u in the instructions how to put the zImage into the boot.img
Sent from my 1+ One using Tapatalk
Fantastic guide. Much appreciated!!! Thank you.
Now if i need to compile a custom kernel, i know where to look at.
Nick_73 said:
(I assume you already have java and perl and all that jazz)
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Click to collapse
it's not noob friendly. how do i know about other stuff that required for compiling?
Thank's for this tutorial. I have a Unbuntu box with 4Gig RAM and I'm interested in trying this out. Would that be sufficient for compiling android or should I upgrade my machine first?
I'm compiling this kernel https://github.com/MiCode/Xiaomi_Kernel_OpenSource/tree/ido-l-oss
But the kernel stop booting as it doesn't found a sound card.
Running ls /dev/snd return only timer while it will have some pcm and other device in stock kernel.
Can somebody point me where to look at?
Sent from my Redmi 3 using XDA Labs
can I have one?
can I have a copy of the Victory's rom o.o it sounds AWESOME
Soory but I am newbie building kernels for every device is same thanks in advance

Question Twrp for Tab A8 SM-X205

Hello Guys,
I need Twrp for My Tab A8 SM-X205. I've already try to build but no success and is not list on twrp.me please i need HELP !
device tree for Tab A8 SM-X205 : https://github.com/U4I5/twrp_device_samsung_Tab_A8_4G who can build img file ?
rename ~/TWRP/twrpdtgen/output/samsung/gta8/omni_gta8.mk to twrp_gta8.mk
delete vendorsetup.sh
Make a copy of recovery.fstab and rename to twrp.flags
Move both files recovery.fstab and twrp.flags to recovery/root/system/etc
(create these folders)
open twrp_gta8.mk and :
1. delete the 3 lines below # Inherit from those products, Most specific first.
replace those 3 lines with this
$(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/aosp_base.mk)
2. delete $(call inherit-product, vendor/omni/config/gsm.mk)
3. change omni to twrp (2 places)
open AndroidProducts.mk
change omni to twrp (4 spots)
4. Optional: add extra items to BoardConfig.mk
cd ~
sudo apt install git aria2 -y
git clone https://gitlab.com/OrangeFox/misc/scripts
cd scripts
sudo bash setup/android_build_env.sh
sudo bash setup/install_android_sdk.sh
• Make a directory called ~/a12s-twrp
cd ~/twrp
repo init --depth=1 -u https://github.com/minimal-manifest-twrp/platform_manifest_twrp_aosp.git -b twrp-11
repo sync -c --no-clone-bundle --no-tags --optimized-fetch --prune --force-sync -j1
copy ~/TWRP/twrpdtgen/output/samsung to /twrp/device
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch twrp_gta8-eng
mka recoveryimage –j1
Recovery.img at out/Samsung/gta8/...img
Dkpost3 said:
rename ~/TWRP/twrpdtgen/output/samsung/gta8/omni_gta8.mk to twrp_gta8.mk
delete vendorsetup.sh
Make a copy of recovery.fstab and rename to twrp.flags
Move both files recovery.fstab and twrp.flags to recovery/root/system/etc
(create these folders)
open twrp_gta8.mk and :
1. delete the 3 lines below # Inherit from those products, Most specific first.
replace those 3 lines with this
$(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/aosp_base.mk)
2. delete $(call inherit-product, vendor/omni/config/gsm.mk)
3. change omni to twrp (2 places)
open AndroidProducts.mk
change omni to twrp (4 spots)
4. Optional: add extra items to BoardConfig.mk
cd ~
sudo apt install git aria2 -y
git clone https://gitlab.com/OrangeFox/misc/scripts
cd scripts
sudo bash setup/android_build_env.sh
sudo bash setup/install_android_sdk.sh
• Make a directory called ~/a12s-twrp
cd ~/twrp
repo init --depth=1 -u https://github.com/minimal-manifest-twrp/platform_manifest_twrp_aosp.git -b twrp-11
repo sync -c --no-clone-bundle --no-tags --optimized-fetch --prune --force-sync -j1
copy ~/TWRP/twrpdtgen/output/samsung to /twrp/device
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch twrp_gta8-eng
mka recoveryimage –j1
Recovery.img at out/Samsung/gta8/...img
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hey bro thank but I have to rename omni to twrp of these ligne : PRODUCT_NAME := omni_gta8 $(call inherit-product, vendor/omni/config/common.mk) ?
Dkpost3 said:
rename ~/TWRP/twrpdtgen/output/samsung/gta8/omni_gta8.mk to twrp_gta8.mk
delete vendorsetup.sh
Make a copy of recovery.fstab and rename to twrp.flags
Move both files recovery.fstab and twrp.flags to recovery/root/system/etc
(create these folders)
open twrp_gta8.mk and :
1. delete the 3 lines below # Inherit from those products, Most specific first.
replace those 3 lines with this
$(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/aosp_base.mk)
2. delete $(call inherit-product, vendor/omni/config/gsm.mk)
3. change omni to twrp (2 places)
open AndroidProducts.mk
change omni to twrp (4 spots)
4. Optional: add extra items to BoardConfig.mk
cd ~
sudo apt install git aria2 -y
git clone https://gitlab.com/OrangeFox/misc/scripts
cd scripts
sudo bash setup/android_build_env.sh
sudo bash setup/install_android_sdk.sh
• Make a directory called ~/a12s-twrp
cd ~/twrp
repo init --depth=1 -u https://github.com/minimal-manifest-twrp/platform_manifest_twrp_aosp.git -b twrp-11
repo sync -c --no-clone-bundle --no-tags --optimized-fetch --prune --force-sync -j1
copy ~/TWRP/twrpdtgen/output/samsung to /twrp/device
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch twrp_gta8-eng
mka recoveryimage –j1
Recovery.img at out/Samsung/gta8/...img
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can you do it for me i got some error please : build/make/core/dex_preopt_libart.mk:18: error:
Ur!el said:
Can you do it for me i got some error please : build/make/core/dex_preopt_libart.mk:18: error:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ur!el said:
Hey bro thank but I have to rename omni to twrp of these ligne : PRODUCT_NAME := omni_gta8 $(call inherit-product, vendor/omni/config/common.mk) ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
omni_gta8 NO
twrp_gta8.mk - yes
Dkpost3 said:
rename ~/TWRP/twrpdtgen/output/samsung/gta8/omni_gta8.mk to twrp_gta8.mk
delete vendorsetup.sh
Make a copy of recovery.fstab and rename to twrp.flags
Move both files recovery.fstab and twrp.flags to recovery/root/system/etc
(create these folders)
open twrp_gta8.mk and :
1. delete the 3 lines below # Inherit from those products, Most specific first.
replace those 3 lines with this
$(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/aosp_base.mk)
2. delete $(call inherit-product, vendor/omni/config/gsm.mk)
3. change omni to twrp (2 places)
open AndroidProducts.mk
change omni to twrp (4 spots)
4. Optional: add extra items to BoardConfig.mk
cd ~
sudo apt install git aria2 -y
git clone https://gitlab.com/OrangeFox/misc/scripts
cd scripts
sudo bash setup/android_build_env.sh
sudo bash setup/install_android_sdk.sh
• Make a directory called ~/a12s-twrp
cd ~/twrp
repo init --depth=1 -u https://github.com/minimal-manifest-twrp/platform_manifest_twrp_aosp.git -b twrp-11
repo sync -c --no-clone-bundle --no-tags --optimized-fetch --prune --force-sync -j1
copy ~/TWRP/twrpdtgen/output/samsung to /twrp/device
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch twrp_gta8-eng
mka recoveryimage –j1
Recovery.img at out/Samsung/gta8/...img
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Why not to create twrp file instead of this for every normal user like me to flash it and use
Did this worked with anyone
Dkpost3 said:
rename ~/TWRP/twrpdtgen/output/samsung/gta8/omni_gta8.mk to twrp_gta8.mk
delete vendorsetup.sh
Make a copy of recovery.fstab and rename to twrp.flags
Move both files recovery.fstab and twrp.flags to recovery/root/system/etc
(create these folders)
open twrp_gta8.mk and :
1. delete the 3 lines below # Inherit from those products, Most specific first.
replace those 3 lines with this
$(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/aosp_base.mk)
2. delete $(call inherit-product, vendor/omni/config/gsm.mk)
3. change omni to twrp (2 places)
open AndroidProducts.mk
change omni to twrp (4 spots)
4. Optional: add extra items to BoardConfig.mk
cd ~
sudo apt install git aria2 -y
git clone https://gitlab.com/OrangeFox/misc/scripts
cd scripts
sudo bash setup/android_build_env.sh
sudo bash setup/install_android_sdk.sh
• Make a directory called ~/a12s-twrp
cd ~/twrp
repo init --depth=1 -u https://github.com/minimal-manifest-twrp/platform_manifest_twrp_aosp.git -b twrp-11
repo sync -c --no-clone-bundle --no-tags --optimized-fetch --prune --force-sync -j1
copy ~/TWRP/twrpdtgen/output/samsung to /twrp/device
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch twrp_gta8-eng
mka recoveryimage –j1
Recovery.img at out/Samsung/gta8/...img
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
And if worked ,why no one published ithe file ??
I have a bit of experience building TWRP for the Galaxy Tab A 8.0 (2019), Galaxy Tab A 10.1" (2019) and Galaxy Tab A7 (2020), so when I saw the $149 deal this week I thought I'd give the A8 a try. I unlocked the bootloader, updated to XAR-X200XXU1AVG1-20220804205906, and made my first build of TWRP 3.6.2_11.
My first attempt generated a boot loop, which isn't all that unusual. I pulled my camera out to capture the diagnostic log that was flashing on the screen, but the boot loop stopped after about a dozen iterations. I didn't worry at the time, since I assumed I could force a reboot using Power & Vol Down...but that's not working, no matter how long I hold the two buttons.
Unfortunately, without the ability to force restart, I can't get back to Download Mode to flash the stock recovery in Odin. I'm basically dead in the water until my battery is depleted, which could be weeks.
Any suggestions on how to force restart if Power & Vol Down isn't working? I've never had an issue doing this with Samsung tablets based on Qualcomm or Exynos chipsets, but this is my first experience with Unisoc.
UPDATE: A week was sufficient reset time and connecting USB with Vol Up & Down got me to Download Mode. I'm back in business. Moral of the story is to catch a boot loop quickly to return to Download Mode. Don't let it loop more than a few times.
(And the X200XXU1AVG1 kernel source is now posted.)
Okay, I have a TWRP 3.6.2_11 build booting and running on SM-X200 except for user data encryption, which I'll continue to work on tomorrow. If anyone has any insights into how to get TWRP to recognized metadata encryption on this device, please let me know.
Update: Now posted here: https://forum.xda-developers.com/t/...-for-2021-galaxy-tab-a8-10-5-sm-x200.4488691/
Can't use the TWRP user interface. no function available. what am I doing wrong. had to install stock recovery again
I have TWRP ready for SM-X205. However, this will not work because there is such a thing as Android Verified Boot. It can be disabled by patching vbmeta.img
Now I'm trying to do it, but so far without success. TWRP starts, but instead of the system. Android does not start, TWRP starts. If any of you are ready to help in resolving this issue, I would be very grateful.
unpack and add magiskboot in orangefox.zip
OK, I'll try this.
AndrewMarkov621 said:
OK, I'll try this.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
send me a tree, I'll make twrp
TWRP is already there
Dkpost3 said:
unpack and add magiskboot in orangefox.zip
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Does not work, Odin refuses to flash the device.
Actually, here is the result of the TWRP build. When booting into the system, it writes something like "Warranty bit: boot" "Warranty bit: recovery". And goes into the bootloop. At the moment I'm trying to assemble a patched vbmeta, however, so far without success, I can't even get the encryption keys, because a lot of time has passed since writing the guide on the Internet and Android protection has stepped far ahead. I hope that someday I will be able to at least get off the ground.
P.S. The version that one of the participants of the SM-X200 theme put together works on the SM-X205 in the same way as mine. Magisk is installed on the device, root is received.
I was able to install TWRP definitively. It works fine with Android. However, it cannot perform any functions, the internal storage does not see, it gives this:
If you remount the partitions to ext2 and then to ext4, then everything works. However, the Storage section is not mounted in any way, it was in vfat, and remained. The system does not load after these manipulations, only the installation of stock firmware helps. Something like that.

