Audio jitters from phone while using bluetooth? - One (M7) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I link my phone to bluetooth to play audio through various devices and when I get a notification the proper sound plays seamlessly through the bluetooth medium. However, a squeaky and completely distorted version simultaneously plays from the phone itself. It sounds a lot like Cousin It from the adams family...
Does it do this for you folks?
Could it be a bug in trickdroid?
I've done a lazy fix by just putting the phone on vibrate when I'm listening to tunes but then I don't get any notifications...


Volume issius

For those that have HTC HD7 some did notice that if you connect the device via jack to car radio, speakers or just headphones volume is quite low.
It seems to be either software bug or EU regulation of some sort.
If you start a game, I used monopoly while playing zune music, you will see how loud is loud. Have your headphones connected and you will also see it does not distort sound.
Yeh, I noticed this too, but it seems kind of like that all over, the games are very loud through the phone speakers compared to music too, and again without distortion.
They were going to introduce max music volume level in EU so that young one's do not loos part or all of hearing. Do not rememeber if it went in or not but it seems HD7 is applying to that rule. Video and games are loud music is not.

[Q] My headphones are scratchy on my One, any way to fix?

I've got beautiful Sennheiser Momentum's here and I've got a problem. They make scratchy noises in higher pitches, say slow or silent songs with high voices. This happens with Beats off at the last two volume settings and with Beats On even before that. The same mp3 does not sound scratchy when I play it over my PC with the same headphones plugged in. It's defnitely the phone because the In ears that came with the phone sound equally scratchy at exact the same volumes.
Is there any way to equalize the standard audio settings without having to use another audio player? I am running ARHD 31.6 and tried it with and without PureXAudio, doesn't change anything.
I reset my phone now to make sure the XAudio-stuff isnt flying around, but the problem remains. But I think I found the culprit, the particular song where you can hear it really good simply seems to be too low on volume in the file itself - i can barely endure other songs at that volume, very loud, so I think the song has a low db and the htc just isn't that good when it comes to making songs loud and so it starts to scratch. Is there any way or EQ that can fix that or a normalizer?
I have noticed that my phones speaker was louder and better clarity on first use but after that it went downhill from there. My phone is currently in for repair due to a total speaker failure after the phone got really hot while using a CM 10.2 ROM, do not know if that was the reason but that was the ROM I was using at the time.
Well my best guess is that the built in EQ isn't the best out there and causes screeching in some frequencies. I can't notice anything in most of the songs but there are some which are problematic constantly and they are 320kbps and sound fine on my pc.

Audio Issue?

I was listening to music tonight with wired headphones, all of a sudden the music would get super quiet and then either turn back up or pause. Is this a setting I am missing or what. I googled it briefly but came up with no solution
A silent notification could be your problem
I noticed this as well on my Note 9. Also happened on my S9+. I found that some websites auto-play video, like CNN's site. That causes the phones audio player to either pause or lower in volume. Most annoying.

Static/hissing noise at low volume

I have a problem with my new Xiaomi Mi 8. I would like to confirm if its only my device doing that or other devices too. Its running Android 9 with Miui
When I set the lowest possible volume (not muted) the static noise is louder than the sound coming out of built in speaker or earphones connected via jack. It is pretty noticable even when the sound is set to high and there are e.g. silent parts of song. It does not matter which app I use (youtube, spotify, default music app). When I connect my bluetooth headset everything is okay and the sound is clear.
For testing purposes I am using song Kaleo - Way We Go Down. I find it most noticable there. The song even breaks and stops playing for a few milliseconds in the begining. Can you guys somehow test this issue and reply here with the results? I want to see if I am the only one having this problem.
Btw when I connect my earphones to my 4 years old iphone 6 the sound is crystal clear.
Thank you.

[HELP] Bluetooth not working for app sound but working fine for musics

When I connect my Bluetooth earphones to my XZ2, musics and videos play just fine.
But when it comes to eventful sound (e.g. notification sound, words reading out by clicking in dictionary app or Duolingo, sound effect in games etc. ), it doesn't work reliably. Sometimes it plays the sound, sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it plays only part of the sound. And the sound level varies inspite of the same settings.
I am sure that the earphones are not broken as I tested them with my retired Nexus 6 and the above issue doesn't happen.
I also noted that every time I change the Bluetooth AVRCP version, the first eventful sound would be successfully played but the subsequent eventful sound will not be played. And I cannot change the Bluetooth audio codec from "Streaming: Disable optional codecs), it will automatically spring back after switching to other apps.
I would be thankful if anyone could shed some light on this issue.

