[Q] Screen Brightness and External Battery - Xperia Z Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

I've got a few questions I'd like to ask the Xerpia commuity. I'd like to say that I love this phone since upgrading from my SG2. I have the Xperia Z from T-Mobile and look forward to creating themes for it.
1. I see that some people have mentioned setting the bightness slider to a certain level and using the auto brightness function when they work to save battery life. How does this help in saving battery life? Is it setting a level for the screen not go below and then letting the sensor adjust more brightness if needed? I usually set my devices to 1/4 of the way with sensor off thinking the sensor measuring light would be an extra drain on the battery.
2. I'm new to this device and the only hesitaton to get it because of the built in battery. I've owned plenty of smart phones to know the battery life is truely dependant on how you use it; use it more and battery drains faster etc. There was no expectation that this one would be any different. Has anyone had good results using an external battery pack to charge the phone on the go? If so which brand would you recommend? These things have dropped in price over the last year and I'm considering getting one to take on trips or events where having access to a plug wouldn't be a real option. Many of them claim to charge phones 2 or 3 times on each charge (depending on size of the batteries at play of course).

fsured said:
I've got a few questions I'd like to ask the Xerpia commuity. I'd like to say that I love this phone since upgrading from my SG2. I have the Xperia Z from T-Mobile and look forward to creating themes for it.
1. I see that some people have mentioned setting the bightness slider to a certain level and using the auto brightness function when they work to save battery life. How does this help in saving battery life? Is it setting a level for the screen not go below and then letting the sensor adjust more brightness if needed? I usually set my devices to 1/4 of the way with sensor off thinking the sensor measuring light would be an extra drain on the battery.
2. I'm new to this device and the only hesitaton to get it because of the built in battery. I've owned plenty of smart phones to know the battery life is truely dependant on how you use it; use it more and battery drains faster etc. There was no expectation that this one would be any different. Has anyone had good results using an external battery pack to charge the phone on the go? If so which brand would you recommend? These things have dropped in price over the last year and I'm considering getting one to take on trips or events where having access to a plug wouldn't be a real option. Many of them claim to charge phones 2 or 3 times on each charge (depending on size of the batteries at play of course).
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Good questions.
Personally I use the brightness slider at about a 3rd with the auto on, I also have a toggle in the drop down notification that dims the screen on touch, you can find that in settings - display - quick settings. I find my battery life to be perfectly acceptable, it lasts all day as long as I don't do any serious gaming or massive uploads/downloads.
As for external batteries I personally have one of these...
It's 4200mAh so a decent amount more than the Xperia Z itself, 2330mAh if I'm right. It isn't too expensive at £17 (don't know what that is in foreign money). It fits well and charges the battery at about the same rate as the mains charger except it's through the pins.
The Z has a great battery, it could be better but then what phone has a perfect battery. Just don't go crazy on the heavy usage, you'll destroy the battery in minutes, 40 minutes on GTA:Vice City and my battery is gone.


Diamond consumes a lot of power

Hi there,
just a short question. I've update my Diamond to the naked version of the official 2.03 ROM (can be found around here) and the radio 1.09.something (that quad band radio with supposedly good battery life and gps reception).
After a clean hard reset I only installed powerguard to measure the drain as a reference (so I can compare what installations of some programs might do).
I was shocked to see that the drain was 167mA out of the box with 3G already disabled, no WiFi or anything running. Is that normal? The auto brightness kept the level at around 5/10.
I was able to bring it down to 64 by disableing auto brightness and lowering the level to 2/10.
When the brightness dimms completely I get 53mA.
Are those values that are normal for a Diamond? Those 60-70mA with lower brightness would at least give you some time to work with the device but at ~170mA the battery drains like nothing and would be flat in less then 8 hours (the 1340 battery that is). You don't work with the device constantly but the drain out of the box shocked my quite a bit.
Yes, thats our beloved Diamond alright.
Well, around 60-80mA are workable and much better than the close to 200mA out of the box. But I wonder where HTC got the claim for stanby usage from. Standby (with display off, just sleeping away there) my Diamond consumes 15mA. Using the standard 900mA battery would keep the Diamond on the net for 60hours. Using the 1340mA battery this increases somewhat to 90hours.
The official claims are in the 300+hour range though for phone standby times. That would mean that the drain would be as low as 3mA. Where on earth did HTC measure that???
The 1340mA battery should give me 2 days of Diamond before needing to charge (mainly standby, some data tranfer, little WiFi and GPS) and that's not much worse than my old Eten X500 was able to do with its 1500mA battery.
with extended battery and 3g off, i am able to get a weeks (7 days) worth of odd phone calls, a fairshare of txt messaging, a little bit of gprs, no gps. If i turn the 3g on the extended battery lasts around 3days with a fair bit of usage.
I think its just the phone, no matter what powersettings you have its just power hungry. I went through many different power settings, roms etc to finally find something not as hungry and what free'd up ram
Lets do some math here -> 7 days would mean roughly 160 hours. With the extended battery (we're talking about the 1340 one do we) you're average drain would have to be as low as 8-9mA - including the spikes when you do some work. I think that's highly unlikely given the fact that the diamond usually does never fall below 10mA just sitting there on standby. Usually I see values of 12-15mA during that state.
Doeing work once in a while and making some calls, I'd say my average would be around 30 giving me barely two days of usage.
I simply rely on the base 900mA battery as backup so far. It's light to carry around and when my 1340mA one is done I quickly change them and get another couple of good hours. At home I recharge both. Battery changing is done very quickly on the diamond and the rubberdized back of the 1340mA set holds the stock 900mA just as well (so I don't have to carry around two back covers). This way the 900mA stock one also gets trained and does not sit idle in the case degenerating over time.
And since the 1340s are relatively cheap atm (I paid 25 Euros for one including the back cover) I may end up simply getting another one of those. Those two and the stock would get me through the work week and on weekends it's recharging time.
I can't really remember how the old phones did it. My first mobiles would last two weeks on standby and my first Qtek would achieve 1 week. They did not have larger batteries did they?
The Diamond is not particularly power hungry though. I ran some test on the HP messenger (914C that was) of my coworker today and this one has a large battery (close to 1900mA as far as I remember) but struggles just as much to get through two days, maybe even more so then the Diamond as the 914C seems to drain even worse. And the oh-so-hip iPhone 3G (we have three guys at work with those) barely gets through a single day. Those poor souls always carry a charger. Guess modern devices are just hungry for electrons.
Another question is about the "training" of the battery. The usual consensus is that the battery need a couple of cycles to reach its potential. But who does this work mathematically/electronically? The drain values don't get lower as they are system depentend and the battery does not generate more capacity then the 900mA or 1340mA. So where does the extra runtime come from???
Some more observations...
1.) There has to be something wrong with the PowerGuard app. Either the measurements are rubbish or the Diamonds can fall into some sort of deep sleep when not used for a longer time that PowerGuard is not aware of.
I recharded my 1340mA yesterday morning (that was over ~40hours ago). I used it through two full working days now with normal usage for me (2-3 shorter phone calls a day, some download using Edge and some WiFi and some 15min of GPS each day). Now I'm at 40% battery. That would even get me a third day of usage like I need.
Not sure if the power drains measured by PowerGuard are higher than reality or if the Diamond goes into some sort of deep sleep when not used for a longer time with even lower drainage then the 12mA.
Whatever I'm quite happy to see that the 1340mA will give me two full days of heavy usage (for my standards) or three days of standard usage.
2.) The Diamond drain is relatively good compared to other devices. We did some more tests today at work and especially the HP models drain their battery much faster resulting in shorter life then the Diamond - and they have 1900mA batteries.
We did equal tasks on the devices and the "drop per task" on the Diamond was better then on comparable modern devices. Some older ones are way better though including older HTC models that some of us still use.

N1-Be honest. How is your battery?

Okay, a little back story. I've been a BB user for quite some time now, got bored and made the switch to N1 this past January.
At this point I'm ready to say: The N1 power consumption or battery BLOWS CHUNKS. But folks thats my take.
I mean here I am with the most powerful and best phone in the world right now and I have to keep my brightness at 33% (GOD forbid I forget and keep it at 100%, I wont make it through the day!). I have to keep my GPS off (so my geo tagging is always off by a few thousand freaking meters). I have to limit my use and take it easy on data intensive apps. It's ludicrous, I want to use this damn thing.
Don't get me wrong I'm fine with the 33% brightness and with the light use (because I'm a student and quite frankly I don't really push the phone like that, due to being in class). But I would still like it if the phone wasn't CRYING for the "milk" bottle every day sharply/promptly at 8 pm.
So the phone makes it through the day (hurrah). But it still annoys me that now I have this new "nag": "get home and charge me Ori". So if anything spontaneous pops up like say: a date with a nice young lady, you can bet your bottom dollar my phone won't be making it alive that night. It's another constraint on an already constrained enough life.
My buddy says "dude I don't know whats wrong with your idiot self.. blah blah blah.. my Nexus battery is great". But the damn jerk is coming from a G1 !!! go figure LOL...
When evaluating something you don't compare it to a pitiful performance. You see how you stack up against the best. So if you reached your conclusion because you are comparing it to a G1 or Cliq I have to honestly disagree with your method of reaching that conclusion.
PS. I'm not a nagging *****. I know I came off a BB. Thats why I'm not asking for much. I would just like to see the phone consistently make it to 11 PM every night from a 7AM 100% charge. Is that too much to ask for?
my battery never dips below 50%... of course i'm working most of the day instead of playing with my phone.
Seems about the same as my Nokia N95's was to be honest.
try the undervolted kernel, it saves you quite a bit of juice.
ill toss my input in on this after i run the att one for a few days to see how much running strictly on 2g actually saves, the tmo band one i had last a good 12-14 hours if i was playing with it mildly at work. thats with the check mark for 2g only, wireless is usually constantly on, and gps always on(but not always running up in the status bar), brightness set to auto
Not sure if there's whole lot you can do if you want to keep brightness at 100% and GPS chip on all the time.
I hike quite a bit and I use SportyPal to track my progress. Obviously when I hike, the screen is off but GPS chip is always on. Although I never managed to completely drain the battery so far, I would say it will last around 7-8 hours. I do use SetCPU so that when battery reaches below 40%, clock goes way down to the minimum possible.
Other than getting an extended battery, not sure if there is a solution. 100% screen brightness and GPS really taxes batteries on all cell phones.
By the way, this is MUCH MUCH better than HTC Magic (which in turn was much better than HTC Diamond). I'm not sure how they did it since the battery capacity is the same, screen is larger, and CPU is faster. I am happy.
Battery is better than the last few HTC devices I've used and on par with the TP2 (all had similar features, large touch screen, Wifi, GPS, BT). So I would say it's about par for the course as far as I am concerned.
Try the 3200mah battery from Seido... you can run all day with wifi, gps, and bluetooth plus have screen at 100% and still have 50%+ battery at 8pm.
If battery life is more important than the slim look, get the sedio 3200mAh battery.
With 0% brightness, occasional use (GMail, GVoice, GTalk), GPS and Sync on, about 20 minutes of talking, meebo IM running... The battery just lasts 12 hours. CPU profile set to 512MHz when below 50% battery; and is fixed at 245MHz when in standby/sleep.
For the amount of things that it can do I'm happy with the battery life.
If I'm going out I carry the AC cable in my coat pocket
I realize this may not be the best solution for most of you, but I also have a portable Duracell charger. It normally acts as a charger for 4 AA batteries. But I can plug-in a USB cable on the charger and the other end to N1. It gives me roughly another 2000mah worth of juice using 4 Eneloops. The charger is bulky though so no good if you want to carry them in pockets. But works for me when I carry a backpack with me. I needed this charger anyways for AA batteries so it's a nice bonus that it can provide some mobile juice for N1.
My battery life is pretty great. I'm running the latest Cyan with the EPE54B radio, i keep the screen on about 75% brightness and never change it, I leave wifi and gps on always, I have bluetooth on and connected for about 2 hours a day, for the 8 hours I'm at work I don't use my phone much only to send some txts and maybe use a couple apps. So I unplug my phone at 7am and when I leave work at 5pm I have 82% battery left everyday with my normal usage.
Just for reference; before switching to Cyan and the latest radio i would have 75% battery when I left work.
What are you people doing with your phones that you have to carry a charger or a spare battery with you?!
I'm coming from a HD2 and I easily get better battery life than half you guys even with heavy streaming radio/youtube usage and that thing has an enormous power-sucking screen!
Thread revival time !!!
OK so I discovered a few things that are worthy of mentioning since I last posted this issue.
My Nexus off/wake button crapped out and I sent it back for repair. When I got it back it was wiped (like new). I forgot to setup my facebook app and widget. For about 2 days I was going around with the facebook app "off" (it was finals week as such I was not paying much attention to facebook or distractions). I noticed better battery performance. Eventually I set it up but my "Sync Contacts" setting is set to "Don't Sync".
Also I got the SMODA widget that gives u direct "on-off" 3G capability. So whenever I'm at around 30% battery life I throttle the connection to squeeze out as much life as I can. Unless I'm browsing and I need 3G.
Good day to you all and enjoy the world cup.
In all honesty, I've been getting the best battery life I've ever had with Froyo. I only charge my phone in the car with the car dock to and from work (25 minute commute) and occassionally let it sit on the desk dock when I'm messing around online. With those charging habits, I typically get two days of use out of it and have no issues doing any of the things I need to do with it without a charger (games, navigation, calls, texts, web+market browsing, etc.). I could not say the same about any of the Cyanogen ROM's I was running before.
Hope that helps.
I have to admit...I am a bit bummed about the battery life. I have the stocked 2.1, on the ATT N1. I have turned off the brightness and I can get 3/4 of the day on the battery. I thought it would last all day but I definitely have to charge it by end of day.
I am looking forward to Froyo for, by all accounts, the battery life has been improved.
Again, I should emphasize that "I'm a BIT bummed" for all in all...I'm still loving my N1 and haven't looked back.
I've got Froyo on mine and this is what I've noticed.
If I turn my phone on, and send about 10 text messages in an hour, then turn it off, my battery life will be around: 94%.
If I let it idle for an hour without any action, my battery will drain about 1%/hr.
If I am using the internet and sms and just constantly using the processor on the phone, in abour an hr I'll be at 85% battery.
This is all with the backlight set at 11% (lowest setting it will go)
my battery last 27 hours on reg use... 17 hours on heavey use...
Pauls Froyo
3200 Bat
GPS always on
Brightness Auto
Listening to music alot on it to.
I find that on the ATT nexus one, setting to gsm auto (prl) makes a tremendous difference for idle time. With this setting I lost only 11 % in 12 hours of idle. And when I unplug, after 1 hour my battery will still be at 100% with no use.
This setting still gives you 3g too, so no worries.
My N1 on froyo started to hog alot of juice. I don't know why, it was fine the first 2 weeks but after that it started to suck up loads for some reason. Got tired of trying new kernels and i did many options so i gave up and went back to Cyanogen.. Running 5.0.8 Test5 with Froyo Kernel and it's about 20-24 hours since i last hooked it off the charger and it's at 56% left. Amazing. Tho' im a light user and i keep most stuff off when i don't use it. Even 3G.
I think that our perception of what we should get concerning battery life is a bit skewed. If I have RIM device (last was BB on metroPCS) I can go like two days without charing. All my email is push. There is no Facebook widget, or weather widget, etc constantly updating. The screen is half the size with weak resolution. The processor is half the speed, or less. The ram is barely enough to run the device. I could go on and on.
The fact is you have a computer, a small computer you can carry in your pocket. This machine is about as powerful as a desktop was 2 years ago. You are powering it with battery that is 1500mh and is the size of a dollar bill folded in half. What do you want exactly?
If you want a battery that lasts 2 or three days, get a dumb phone. If want a pocked PC, you are going to have to deal with the fact that doing all of the things your phone does uses battery power.
If I unplug my laptop I get 2hours and 15minutes. My phone lasts about 7-8hours. I stream music an hour or two, text, play some games, browse the web. I know that it is going to die. I have a spare battery. I change it if I can't charge it.
Battery life is worse than a Blackberry and better than iPhone, and you get the fastest device on the market. What more could you ask for?

[Q] 4 hour battery life on heavy non gaming usage

i am getting 4 hours tops of batterylife on my z1
i have maximum brightness auto turned off i have wifi and bluetooth off
i have a live wallpaper
i have skype steam running in the back
it takes 2 hours for it to drop to 50 and 4 hours to 0 from full charge on pretty much full on screen time
is this normal even on that kind of heavy usage
I would recommend using wakelock detector to see what's really soaking up your battery. It's a free application and it's pretty self explanatory. Charge up your phone and use it heavily again and report back to us with your findings through wake lock detector.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda app-developers app
Have push mail on ? My phone was empty very quick before the update .257 but now its much better.
I think if you mean with 4 hours onscreen it is normal otherwise it is not.
Use wakelock detector already mentioned
4 hours on screen time with full brightness sounds reasonable. I can play heavy games for about 3,5 to 4 hours with medium display brightness.
Always keep in mind that the display is the biggest power consumer in modern Smartphones.
OfficerTux said:
4 hours on screen time with full brightness sounds reasonable. I can play heavy games for about 3,5 to 4 hours with medium display brightness.
Always keep in mind that the display is the biggest power consumer in modern Smartphones.
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so the battery really is that bad?
using stamina it drops 20 or so % during the night
Actually the battery with its 3000 mAh is gigantic. And I think 4 Hours of heavy usage with full brightness is ok.
20% over night with STAMINA mode is too much though.
OfficerTux said:
Actually the battery with its 3000 mAh is gigantic. And I think 4 Hours of heavy usage with full brightness is ok.
20% over night with STAMINA mode is too much though.
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i have steam and skype whitlisted in stamina
really dissapointed in the battery life then
i guess theres no such thing as a full day of usage then
is there any smartphone that can handle that?
Do you actively use your phone all day (screen on all the time)?
With medium usage (WhatsApp, Surfing, Some calls) I can go for at least one, maybe two days.
I slept for 10 hours and my battery drained 9% with wifi and GSM on from full charge. your using the stock charger right? charging faster then recommended will reduce the life of the battery and can cause this kind of issue, but the phone is so new i wouldn't expect that to be the cause. I know the stock charger 1.5A. With a 2A charger it is likely the phone will charge at 2A.
Its probably a software related issue your having, but 20% overnight seems like a lot..
crusnikmachine said:
I slept for 10 hours and my battery drained 9% with wifi and GSM on from full charge. your using the stock charger right? charging faster then recommended will reduce the life of the battery and can cause this kind of issue, but the phone is so new i wouldn't expect that to be the cause. I know the stock charger 1.5A. With a 2A charger it is likely the phone will charge at 2A.
Its probably a software related issue your having, but 20% overnight seems like a lot..
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i use the dock charger
zzcool said:
i use the dock charger
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I would something is hitting your phone for wakelocks. 20% over night is a bit high. I know google currents is a know offender so uncheck that if you have it syncing. Try turning off google location access. Turn off gps and nfc. Using you phone at max brightness will always be very draining, leave on on auto unless your outside in daylight or in the car. Facebook is also bad for wakelocks. Any app that is polling for updates will be hard on battery. My experience has been a much improved battery life over my previous devices. On an average work day I leave at 8 and get home at 430, and I usually have 70-75 % by bedtime usually around 30%. I leave most my apps syncing all the time as well. I know the phone is new to you so I would say you might be playing with it more than you normally would.
zzcool said:
i have steam and skype whitlisted in stamina
really dissapointed in the battery life then
i guess theres no such thing as a full day of usage then
is there any smartphone that can handle that?
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I suspect that steam / skype will be preventing the phone from ever going to sleep.
I would suggest capping the max frequency of the cpu to quite slow or setting the governer to a conservative level (an app could be forcing the cpu to stay at a high frequency most of the time which will just drain the battery in no time)
However this usually requires a custom kernal or at least root which isn't very well developed on the Z1 yet.
If you can run a wakelock program that also logs the time spent at each cpu speed ... that would help people help you ...
As for any phone being able to handle it, unlikely the battery is relatively large but so is the screen, most phablets have only a fractionally bigger battery.
Only a full blown tablet will get you a much bigger battery that might be able to last you twice as long.
I typically go 3-4 days between charges on the .257 firmware without stamina mode and paired to a smartwatch 2.
I used to get 3 days on the 534 firmware with stamina mode! (i work in an area of very weak signal so i get 25% no signal time over a battery charge)

New Z3C - Battery dissapointing

I just bought my Z3C a couple of days ago. First thing I did was charge it fully and then I started using it. It went from 100 to 0% in about 21 hours. During that time a SIM card was inserted only during the last couple of hours, but I did use the phone fairly often. The attached thumbnails show the details.
I did notice that it almost loses no charge in standby. But today I noticed an increased decline during screen on time after standby time. See last screenshot attached.
I expected more from this battery based on reviews and Sony's claims. Is this normal or is my battery faulty? While some here report similar numbers, others seems to get a lot more out of their batteries.
Amplifiction said:
I just bought my Z3C a couple of days ago. First thing I did was charge it fully and then I started using it. It went from 100 to 0% in about 21 hours. During that time a SIM card was inserted only during the last couple of hours, but I did use the phone fairly often. The attached thumbnails show the details.
I did notice that it almost loses no charge in standby. But today I noticed an increased decline during screen on time after standby time. See last screenshot attached.
I expected more from this battery based on reviews and Sony's claims. Is this normal or is my battery faulty? While some here report similar numbers, others seems to get a lot more out of their batteries.
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You shouldn't expect more from this battery based on reviews, you should just look at what some people got out of their phones.
Give the phone some time to settle in. And don't forget that it's almost summer for us now, more sun means using the screen at a higher brightness so that will also have some impact on your battery life.
Look what kind of useless apps are running in the background and stop them and don't worry about the estimate, it really doesn't mean much. Right now my estimate is 9 days, because I barely touched my phone.
I really don't believe in such a thing as faulty battery. Charge your phone, restart it and see how it reacts then.
Is Stamina mode enabled? If not, then what you have is typical. Getting a full day out of one charge is about all you can expect from a smartphone without some form of battery saving measures enabled.
Dsteppa said:
You shouldn't expect more from this battery based on reviews, you should just look at what some people got out of their phones.
Give the phone some time to settle in. And don't forget that it's almost summer for us now, more sun means using the screen at a higher brightness so that will also have some impact on your battery life.
Look what kind of useless apps are running in the background and stop them and don't worry about the estimate, it really doesn't mean much. Right now my estimate is 9 days, because I barely touched my phone.
I really don't believe in such a thing as faulty battery. Charge your phone, restart it and see how it reacts then.
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I'd indeed like to hear from people whether or not they get comparable performance. Do you? I'll keep an eye on my battery during the next few days. So you think this is not abnormal?
PuffDaddy_d said:
Is Stamina mode enabled? If not, then what you have is typical. Getting a full day out of one charge is about all you can expect from a smartphone without some form of battery saving measures enabled.
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I'm not sure at what point I turned on Stamina in the battery cycle I posted. It is turned now, however, and I hope it will make a difference. What do you get out of your Z3C?
Amplifiction said:
I'd indeed like to hear from people whether or not they get comparable performance. Do you? I'll keep an eye on my battery during the next few days. So you think this is not abnormal?
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Here are my results:
At the moment I have 3d 10h battery life and still 40% left. Tomorrow after work @ 12 our time I'll charge my phone again, so that's almost 5 days.
(But that's with a lot of idle time)
(Vergeet geen apps te freezen en je telefoon te restarten)
With moderate usage, you should generally expect just about 2 full days of battery life from this phone. And that is with Stamina mode enabled to help the phone sleep when the screen is off. However, this is not accounting for any extreme measures some people take to extend their battery life (e.g. disabling background data/sync). Once you remove these features, you're no longer using the smartphone as it was intended, so it's not a fair comparison.
I can easily get 2 days out of my Z3C before I think about charging it. And I've never used Stamina Mode.
I guess I could install some app to monitor battery usage and stats but I'm not that bothered tbh.
We all manage a variation on the smartphone thing, in terms of data, wifi, gaming, emails, browsing, texts, calls, etc, and its slightly different, in terms of use, from one user to another.
I'd echo the sentiments of another user who said give your battery time to settle in. Give it a full charge, discharge cycle a couple of times, and don't worry too much about it!
Thanks for your feedback, guys. I'm currently fully charging and discharging my battery. Several cycles complete.
The best result I've gotten so far is a little under two days with moderate usage and thorough measures to increase battery life. I turn on airplane mode when I go to sleep. Stamina mode is also enabled, but only the reduced performance part. I'm also using 2battery, which turns off WiFi and data when phone is in standby, and turns them back on briefly every 15 minutes. (While I agree that turning off data connections defeats the purpose of a smartphone, I also believe that there is no need for a constant connection when I'm not using my phone. 2battery achieves that. Although I must say it doesn't seem to kick in a lot on lollipop.)
So despite these measures my battery seems weak compared to yours. Anyway, I'll be taking your advice and I'll give it some more time.
Sent from my D5803 using XDA Free mobile app
Amplifiction said:
Thanks for your feedback, guys. I'm currently fully charging and discharging my battery. Several cycles complete.
The best result I've gotten so far is a little under two days with moderate usage and thorough measures to increase battery life. I turn on airplane mode when I go to sleep. Stamina mode is also enabled, but only the reduced performance part. I'm also using 2battery, which turns off WiFi and data when phone is in standby, and turns them back on briefly every 15 minutes. (While I agree that turning off data connections defeats the purpose of a smartphone, I also believe that there is no need for a constant connection when I'm not using my phone. 2battery achieves that. Although I must say it doesn't seem to kick in a lot on lollipop.)
So despite these measures my battery seems weak compared to yours. Anyway, I'll be taking your advice and I'll give it some more time.
Sent from my D5803 using XDA Free mobile app
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I have like never used Stamina mode, try out these apps:
You need to be rooted tho (Which shouldn't be a problem)
Are you using GPS or is it always on?
Your battery is fine. You probably lost some standby life when you put a SIM in it, as that would cause your cell radios to begin seeking your carrier's towers.
Do activate Stamina mode if you haven't already done so.
Dsteppa said:
I have like never used Stamina mode, try out these apps:
You need to be rooted tho (Which shouldn't be a problem)
Are you using GPS or is it always on?
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Thanks for the pointers! I have Better Battery Stats, and will give the other two a go. Sounds like DS Battery Saver goes beyond 2Battery, which just manages data and wifi. It can also kill apps, but I suppose you use Greenify for that?
I am indeed rooted. GPS is always on as far as I know. Haven't really paid attention to it. Why do you ask? Does that consume a lot of power?
Amplifiction said:
Thanks for the pointers! I have Better Battery Stats, and will give the other two a go. Sounds like DS Battery Saver goes beyond 2Battery, which just manages data and wifi. It can also kill apps, but I suppose you use Greenify for that?
I am indeed rooted. GPS is always on as far as I know. Haven't really paid attention to it. Why do you ask? Does that consume a lot of power?
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Well yeah of course GPS uses a lot, especially when you don't use it, it's just wasted energy so to speak.
Greenify lets apps go to sleep earlier/faster so that they can cause less wakelocks.
With Greenify and DS BS I don't need Stamina mode and many of us are even wondering if Stamina is working most of the times, these two apps I'm certain that they work.
Dsteppa said:
Well yeah of course GPS uses a lot, especially when you don't use it, it's just wasted energy so to speak.
Greenify lets apps go to sleep earlier/faster so that they can cause less wakelocks.
With Greenify and DS BS I don't need Stamina mode and many of us are even wondering if Stamina is working most of the times, these two apps I'm certain that they work.
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Well, I've been keeping an eye on it for the past week, and I seem to be losing next to no charge when screen is off. My phone is in deep sleep over 75% of the time. (According to Better Battery Stats)
I do seem to be losing 1% charge for every 3 minutes or so while my screen is on. Is that normal? We're not talking gaming or anything demanding, just some browsing and messaging.
Amplifiction said:
Well, I've been keeping an eye on it for the past week, and I seem to be losing next to no charge when screen is off. My phone is in deep sleep over 75% of the time. (According to Better Battery Stats)
I do seem to be losing 1% charge for every 3 minutes or so while my screen is on. Is that normal? We're not talking gaming or anything heavy, just some browsing and messaging.
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I think the best way to measure if it's correct or not, to for example put some movies on your phone and let them play constantly, see how long your phone can manage.
You should get at least 6 hours of on screen time using that method
It's too late to say this, but after getting a new battery/phone you should always drain it fully and then fully charge the battery so that the battery has a proper charge (it saves a lot of battery capacity and battery life)
Sent from my D5833 using XDA Free mobile app
nzzane said:
It's too late to say this, but after getting a new battery/phone you should always drain it fully and then fully charge the battery so that the battery has a proper charge (it saves a lot of battery capacity and battery life)
Sent from my D5833 using XDA Free mobile app
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Good that it's too late, because it's incorrect. This suggestion dates back to the days of NiCd batteries which had "memory effect". Li-Ion batteries found in modern devices for at least the last several years and definitely since the beginning of Android don't have this effect, but have something else - when you drain the battery completely, you cause damage to the battery cells, and it can withstand only a few of these full-draining cycles before losing significant part of its charge capacity. This is why both laptops and phones have protective measures to turn off the phone completely before the battery reaches a dangerous drained state. And as the batteries go bad and their "low percentage" scale becomes unreliable (not able to sustain operation currents with low charge), these protective mechanisms can fire too late - which in turn can cause storage corruption to occur, if the power is lost gradually and not abruptly during operation.
To another poster that doesn't believe in faulty batteries - he better should. Batteries go bad with time and charge-discharge cycles, they're harmed by complete discharge, and can go bad in several other ways. However, I wouldn't expect a battery to start its life damaged - quality control of the manufacturer should prevent this.
My results for reference - I have ~2-3 hours a day SOT, 1-2 hours tethering, have several phone calls, messages and mails - and the phone is usually upwards of %50 at the evening. I have to run it through ~4 hours navigation to reduce it to sub-20% towards the end of the day, and actually see no reason why a smartphone should hold any longer - it's routinely recharged every night. The main problem for smartphones, to me, is not surviving till the end of the day.
nzzane said:
It's too late to say this, but after getting a new battery/phone you should always drain it fully and then fully charge the battery so that the battery has a proper charge (it saves a lot of battery capacity and battery life)
Sent from my D5833 using XDA Free mobile app
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Thank you for sharing, but that advice is about as outdated and useless as changing your car's oil every 3000 miles. Batteries simply don't work that way anymore and some studies show that battery life is actually reduced when you perform full charge cycles instead of shorter recharges throughout the day.
Edit: looks like someone else best me to it :-/
Sent from my Xperia Z3 Compact
Jack_R1 said:
Good that it's too late, because it's incorrect. This suggestion dates back to the days of NiCd batteries which had "memory effect". Li-Ion batteries found in modern devices for at least the last several years and definitely since the beginning of Android don't have this effect, but have something else - when you drain the battery completely, you cause damage to the battery cells, and it can withstand only a few of these full-draining cycles before losing significant part of its charge capacity. This is why both laptops and phones have protective measures to turn off the phone completely before the battery reaches a dangerous drained state. And as the batteries go bad and their "low percentage" scale becomes unreliable (not able to sustain operation currents with low charge), these protective mechanisms can fire too late - which in turn can cause storage corruption to occur, if the power is lost gradually and not abruptly during operation.
To another poster that doesn't believe in faulty batteries - he better should. Batteries go bad with time and charge-discharge cycles, they're harmed by complete discharge, and can go bad in several other ways. However, I wouldn't expect a battery to start its life damaged - quality control of the manufacturer should prevent this.
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PuffDaddy_d said:
Thank you for sharing, but that advice is about as outdated and useless as changing your car's oil every 3000 miles. Batteries simply don't work that way anymore and some studies show that battery life is actually reduced when you perform full charge cycles instead of shorter recharges throughout the day.
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Actually sorry to break it to you, but you are wrong, Li-ION batteries do have a memory effect, since about 2013, researchers have found that they do have memory effect.
nzzane said:
Actually sorry to break it to you, but you are wrong, Li-ION batteries do have a memory effect, since about 2013, researchers have found that they do have memory effect.
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Well, thanks for showing me something new. However, this is a very different effect from NiCD. While in NiCD this effect would prevent the battery from taking a full charge when repeatedly not discharged fully, in the research you've showed there are 2 very important points:
1. What matters is not the discharge, but rather a charge. Charging not fully is a way to trigger this effect. On the other hand, discharging partially (like in NiCD) doesn't trigger it. This point makes the info, while indeed interesting by itself, irrelevant to the current discussion, and keeps your previous suggestion wrong and bad for the battery.
2. If kept charging a bit longer - the battery would still charge fully, though it would take a different amount of time from the expected. For night time charging, when the phone is connected to the charger for several hours more than it's needed to actually regain the charge, I'd guess that most of the time it does the job of filling the battery properly even after an incomplete charging cycle.
After reading it again - actually there is a third point that makes your suggestion even much worse than I thought it is:
This memory effect that you've pointed to is triggered by having an incomplete charge followed by a complete discharge. That means, incomplete charge with incomplete discharge don't cause it - a complete discharge is required. And when you receive a new phone, the battery isn't fully charged - so if someone goes by your suggestion:
nzzane said:
...after getting a new battery/phone you should always drain it fully and then fully charge the battery...
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He would actually be triggering the memory effect you've linked to, on its bad side!
And just for reference, here is a recent article from 2015 that is far less technical, but does a great job of explaining battery behavior in practical terms that average people can understand:

X9 Battery Life

Just wanted to share that the battery life is very good on the X9. I am getting about 5.5 hours of screen-on-time.
I unplug the phone at 6am and at 11pm there is still 15% left with at least 5 hours of SOT.
That's excellent, I'm only getting around 3 hrs SOT myself.
Yes, I confirmed it. My X9 is in good battery life, normally I only need charging it once per day, even if I used it to browse web, some gaming.
Same here. SOT is consistently 5hrs+. This includes some gaming , alot of web browsing and some music.
Screen at 40% , 4g off , battery saving location setting and haptic feedback/ touch sounds disabled.
Everything else default.
Even if fast charging is only ver. 1.0 battery life is good enough to not need faster.
Very happy with this phone all around.
Slightly disappointed with the battery life. The standby power usage is not great compared to my other modern android phones. It is lightly debloated with all the power saving feature on except power save mode. Using power save mode only brings it to about the same level of my other phones without it on... Then, there is my Z3c.
~5hour screen on time is not great as well. Comparing similar screen size phones, it is pretty bad as I get about 6 on my Note4 (which is faster and pushing a higher resolution), and Zuk Z1 (CM13 with undervolt), which easily get 9-10+.
Edit: Some overnight numbers.
My main phone is an S6 and before going to bed was @ 43%. Checked phone 11 hours later = 38%. This is with wifi on and syncing 3 google accounts, 1 IM, NO SOCIAL MEDIA.
X9 @ 52%, with Wifi, sync off (no IMs/SM installed), no BT, no location, 2 SIM active (both get 5 full bars @ connection) = 41% checked at the same time. Doze is on and confirmed working. I've used with only 1 SIM before and it really doesn't change the numbers that much. I wouldn't be so harsh on the phone if it had quickcharge 2.0. But it only charges slowly @ ~5V 0.96A. There is something funky with the charging numbers, since it bumps up to ~1.1 amp after ~80%. It also doesn't trickle charge after 90% and only drop to trickle charge after hitting 100%. I am not sure about the battery longevity on this thing.
I had bought my x9 2days back battery drains very quickly.....disappointed any solution plz
Snrehan938 said:
I had bought my x9 2days back battery drains very quickly.....disappointed any solution plz
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Same with all phones... check all which apps are the most hungry.
If you suspect its an hardware issue, factory reset then uninstall/disable as many apps as you can, charge up and let it run and see if it last normally.
Usually it should be some apps eating up the battery.
Dears All
There is an app (3C Battery Monitor Widget) in which you can inspect your battery to see if it works in normal condition or not. It shows you amount of real amperage drained from cellphone battery in different situation.
As I tested mine (htc one x9) it drains maximum current when capturing photo or recording video, location(gps) is on and map apps like google map is live, switching between different applications which result to rise frequency of cpu up to maximum (1.95 or 2.2 ghz in different model).
If you enable power saver mode in setting, maximum frequency of cpu wil be limited to about 1.32 ghz and conserves more battery and limits drained battery current below 900mA otherwise in aforementioned cases drained current will be raised above 1000mA and it is obvious that (3000mA/hrs) battery will be empty during 3hrs. Anyway normal application such as web surfing (specially with WiFi instead of mobile network), listen to music, talk with phone and brightness of display below 50% will result to more than 5hrs SON.
If you need more battery SON, one way is limit CPU/GPU frequency and some more sophisticated setting (you should first unlock boot loader, then root and also install kernel application or change stock kernel with custom kernel which can support change of CPU parameters the former is easier and the latter I couldn't find until now anything)
Finally I would be happy to announce you that I could reached 8 hrs son with this technique on my HTC ONE X9.
Battery life is quite good on my device too. Although I have disabled touchboost.
To disable touchboost open build.prop and change
From 1 to 0. Root is needed though.
Also limited max. Freq to 1.7GHz
1.9GHz is just an unnecessary heat generator and battery drainer.

