[Q] Any way to revive a dead htc first? - HTC First

Thanks in advance for any help. I have a htc first with water damage. its been dried taken apart and cleaned. It now comes on but stuck in a boot loop and wont let me into recovery mode. Any suggestions. Thanks

Maybe it's still short circuited. Wet electronics should work just like before once they are dry as long as you dried them before any corrosion developed. Try filling a tupperware with rice as a desiccant and leaving the parts in there, that'll be better than air drying.


question about water damage

so yeah..... (dont all you laught now) but i just droped my phone in the toilet *b4 pissing thank god*... and it shut off... i took out the battery ASAP... and use a hair dryer to dry it out.. now its under a fan blowing semi cool air....
did i just completly **** my phone.... im sure i did... anyone know of something 2 do..
please help... ive been without my phone for 20 minutes.. and molski is releasing his 3rd ed rom soon.. and i wont even be about to use it
I once had Kool Aid poured down a motherboard of an open computer case. A lot of cleaning and a day later, it still worked fine.
Is there hope? Sure. Are the odds in your favor? Probably not.
But since you already got your phone wet, you know your warranty is gone. My advice (it's worked for me before) is to take the phone apart carefully, dry it off completey, clean it with 90% isopropyl rubbing alcohol and a microfiber cloth, and then wait for it to dry again. Hopefully that will stop the corrosion and hopefully removing your battery immediately worked to your favor before anything shorted out.
Good luck!
help again
ok welll first of all.. ummm im not gunna say WHY, but my warrenty wont work period on the phone. next what do i use to take it apart??? i know not to even try to turn it on for atleast a day or two..... and drying under a fan right now... and what if i cant clean with with 90% whatever you said and a microfiber thing... cuz i wont be able to get that untill tomrrow
I highly suggest you open it and do as was suggested earlier. Same thing happened to me on my Nokia phone and the above procedure saved it. Goodluck!
well i just left it under a fan all night.. and tried it this morning and everything works fine.....WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
You may want to seal your phone in a plastic bag with some instant rice or cilica for a couple of days. This will pull out any remaining moisture. If you did not take your phone apart I'll bet there's still water inside. If you don't get it out corrosion will set in.
Good luck
Phone wet - solutions
Well, I'm glad you saved your phone.
With all electrical equipment it's adviced to:
- switch it off ASAP
- the shorter it was on while wet, the less chance you have damaged it
- ensure that it gets completely dry
- a hairdryer can help, but at least open the phone as far as possible
- you can also leave it open on a warm place in the house,let the sun shine on it
- I would even let it dry for a few days
I must say, it also depends on the type of fluid. Salty water, coca cola, ice tea, coffee....these have a bigger chance to cause damage. If that happens, while switched off, clean a while well with just water to get to salt or sugar out. Then let it dry.
happend to my phone as well, after taking a piss (and flushing the toilet). I only opend the keyboad and lett it dry for a day on the heating. works fine [email protected] first the display was flickering quit a lot. but now, a week later... it's working as before.

[HELP] droped my diamond in toilet

heya guys,
today I was talking on the phone and the phone droped from my hand into toilet. I bring it out fast and removed the battery. I dont know what should I do now,. any advice!!!! will Vodafone accept it for waranty!!!
Usually for any electronic device, take as many bits out as you can an stick it somewhere warm for a day or 2, should get some if not all functionality back, I've dropped many things in the bath and had them back working again. Don't, however, try and power it on until it's had chance to dry out. The touch screen may be an issue though...not dropped any touch device in some water yet to test if the same rules apply....
Stick it in a bowl of (uncooked) rice, it'll help pull out the water faster.
whatever u do dont use any thing like a fan or blow dryer, cause that will just cause the water to go deeper into the phone, use a vaccum to suck the water out as much as possable,then like he said place the phone in a bowl of un-cooked rice for a day or two, good luck.
A little combo of what has been said: put it in a bowl of uncooked rice right at the counter where it gets a lot of sun (battery should be out obviously). The BIGGEST mistake you can do is test it out after a day when you "think" all the water is out. If it isn't and you turn it on, it could cause further damage. I know you're urgent to find out if it works or not, but give it three days with three days in the above conditions. You'll also probably need a new battery.
will Vodafone accept it for waranty!!! - - -- no
Vodafone will not accept phone Warranty
The diamond has a sensor for water
Thanx guys......but I did turn it on today Bcause I really need a number everything is alright but the screens is still fuzzy. I wont use it for at least a week and see what will happend.
i hope you flushed the toilet before you dropped it.. =) otherwise there will be some.. sh*t inside the phone and its not easy to clean
yeah, definitely make sure its in rice, and sunlight doesn't hurt..
And the moral of this story
Don't take your phone out of your pocket when in the toilet.
It's also unhygienic.
Take care of your phone and your phone will take care of you.
I went to a festival where I was so drunk that my diamond went out of my pocket when I got ready to sleep in my tent. And next morning I fond the phone in a little water pool inside the tent. But all the functions still work after I let the phone dry for 1 day.
Uncooked rice (as been mentioned before) is the best solution.
Take your time, as been said before, it will take a long time before all the moisture is out.
Nowadays the chips are very small, water easily lodges between the BGA balls, and it takes a while to evaporate.
just leave it for a week in the bowl of uncooked rice (preferably on a warm sunny place.)
Remove stylus, back cover & battery before sticking it into the bowl.
It's not under warranty: it has a moisture sensitive sticker which turns red when it was in contact with water.
Because it isn't under warranty, I personally would take the device apart, and dry the parts seperately, but that isn't very easy if you haven't done this sort of disassembling before.
Revert to this only if you have absolute confidence (and the service manual ).
Best of luck!
Please keep us posted.
The problem is long term, the moisture will cause corrosion on the fine
PCB tracks etc. even after its dry, Best thing to do is pull the device appart as best u can get a tooth brush and a can of CRC CO CONTACT CLEANER
blue and white can @ any good electrical wholesaler. spray all the circtry and componets not the screen. and scrub with a tooth brush dont knock
off any small componets and then let dry for a day or 2 best bet is to use compressed air to blow off excess liquid spray from under the chips..
I am in electronic repair hope this helps
This happend to my LG 2 years ago ...into the LOO and i done the process above and its still working today the quicker u dry the water off initialy the better..
thanx guys.....unfortunately I have to buy a new LCD for my diamond as all water has gone inside the LCD and damaged the sheets inside the LCD. I have removed all parts and I am waiting for LCD delivery that cost me 40£
Aww, that is unfortunate..
Hope the LCD transplant will bring it back to life.
I had almost the same issue, but in my case, what I did was that I droped some alcohol inside the power button when I was trying to clean the screen with a tissue and some alcohol. Now the power button works in a faulty way and it tries to reboot every time I click on it. It's like the single click is always a double click on the power button. Any suggestion on how to fix it? This happened to me like 2 months ago and it is still like this.
djfuego said:
Don't take your phone out of your pocket when in the toilet.
It's also unhygienic.
Take care of your phone and your phone will take care of you.
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I dropped an iphone inside the toilet. It rang I went to pickup and it slipped out of my hands.
Apple replaced it though. They didnt even test if it was water damage. LoL
....and I might also suggest that you don't eat the rice later!
Aww thats pretty sick
Have done the same thing, about 2-3 years ago (luckly not with my HTC TD)
All the advice above is right about drying it out, but the main issue you'll have is impurities in the water which, once the water has evaporated will leave residue. The worst is actually salts. These will dislodge components in the phone, and usually it'll never be the same again. Often the water gets under BGA components that arent encapsulated, or between pins of components, and once the water evaoprates the salt cyrstals left behind expand into those gaps.
You can wash the pcb in distilled water, or certain alcohol solutions - depending on what residue there actually is. If you use normal water you'll just make it worse, because that has impurities in it too.
You could have done the same with the touchscreen, but you would need to dismantle it.
Sometimes you get lucky and it all works ok for months.. lets hope you're lucky

HELP!!! I got my G1 wet.

So I did a pretty stupid thing yesterday and decided to pull out my G1 while it was raining cats and dogs. At first it did not want to start up at all but I let it just sit for a few hours. Now it starts up but I cannot get into recovery.(hold home+power) It just stay on the T-Mobile G1 screen and does nothing. I also tired flashing the recovery image again and nothing. One more important thing when I connect my USB cable it does not give my the option to mount my SD Card. It only charges the G1.
Thank you in advance for helping.
I'm not sure why exposing it to rain would merit flashing the recovery image.
It might be too late, but you might try putting it in a bag of rice over night to pull all the moisture out.
xelaboy said:
I'm not sure why exposing it to rain would merit flashing the recovery image.
It might be too late, but you might try putting it in a bag of rice over night to pull all the moisture out.
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+1 on the rice. take the battery out first.
Thanks for the idea. I let it sit over night and gave it a full charge. Everything works fine but I still can't boot into recovery. I tired flashing the latest recovery through terminal emulate and also through the Cayongan reboot but still no luck. I'm suck on CM 5.0.7 Test 3 and my battery is dying way to quickly.
This sucks @ss! I went to T-mobile to look for a replacement phone but T-mobile has some crappy @ss Adnroid phones. I didn't want to go through google to get a Nexus One.
Whenever you get a phone or other piece of technology wet, the last thing you want to do it try to turn it on while its still wet. You might end up frying something. Next time, stick it in rice for 24 hours before even thinking about trying to put it on, or put it in your oven at about 120 degrees for a few hours to let it dry out.
Even if a wet cellphone seems dead, there's a good chance it can be resuscitated. Just make sure you act fast--the longer the water sits inside, the greater the likelihood it will destroy the phone for good.
This is a DIY moment. While consumers are conditioned to send back broken merchandise, your phone's warranty probably doesn't cover water damage. And you may not have much luck pulling a fast one on your phone company--most of today's phones come with a "water sticker" that permanently changes color if it gets wet.
The first step: Immediately cut the power by removing the battery. I know it's tempting, but resist the urge to power up your phone to see if it works--just turning it on can short out the circuits. If you have a GSM phone (the type used by AT&T and T-Mobile), you'll want to remove the SIM card as well. Even if your phone turns out to be beyond repair, the SIM should retain a lot of its onboard information, such as the contacts in your phone book.
With the battery safely set aside, you now have one goal--dry your phone, and dry it fast. If you let the moisture evaporate naturally, the chance of corrosion damaging the phone's innards increases. Instead, blow or suck the water out. But don't use a hair dryer--its heat can fry your phone's insides. Instead, opt for a can of compressed air, an air compressor set to a low psi or a vacuum cleaner (a wet/dry Shop-Vac would be perfect). The idea is to use air to push or pull moisture out through the same channels it entered.
Finally, use a desiccant to wick away any leftover moisture. The most convenient choice is uncooked rice. Just leave the phone (and its disconnected battery) submerged in a bowl of grains overnight. If you're worried about rice dust getting inside your phone, you can instead use the packets of silica gel that often come stuffed in the pockets of new clothes. But acting fast is far more important than avoiding a little dust, so don't waste time shopping if you don't already have a drawer full of silica gel.
The most important thing to remember is to avoid heat. That means no hair dryers, ovens, microwaves or extended periods in direct sunlight. While heat will certainly evaporate the moisture, it could also warp components and melt adhesives. Those fragile glues are also why you'll want to avoid dunking the phone in rubbing alcohol (an oftÂ*prescribed tip on the Web). Alcohol is a solvent and can dissolve the internal adhesives. (If you drop your phone in the toilet, it's okay to wipe the outside with alcohol to disinfect it.)
One final, perhaps surprising, note: If your phone gets soaked in salt water, you should probably flush the whole thing in fresh water before it dries. When salt water evaporates, it leaves crystals that can damage a phone's fragile components. Just be sure to remove the battery before flooding the device.
PS: I prefer ziplock bags versus a bowl. Also, instead of rice you can use your fridge. The fridge works by sucking moisture out of the air. Or better yet combine both. Place it in a bowl of rice and then in the fridge.
i reccomend restarting back at rc29 if ur in the usa or rc7 if ur in the uk. if u need a for sure how to guide click here
that guide has proven to many users to work flawlessly and save time compared to the old method using telnetd lol
Thanks to everyone. I got it working. I just use ADB to erase and update my recovery image. Then used ADB to boot into recovery and it worked after that.

[Q] Htc Desire c

My htc desire c yesterday fell into toilet full of urine i took it out and washed it . it was working but the display was showing that it has water in it. so i let it dry for one day it was also showing that it has water so i hit it slowly two or three times on hand and when i turn it on only sound was coming but there was no display how can i fix it help please Thanks in advance
arsalandroid said:
My htc desire c yesterday fell into toilet full of urine i took it out and washed it . it was working but the display was showing that it has water in it. so i let it dry for one day it was also showing that it has water so i hit it slowly two or three times on hand and when i turn it on only sound was coming but there was no display how can i fix it help please Thanks in advance
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Best bet would be taking it apart and let all the seperate parts dry
there are only 4 screws holding this phone together (under battery cover)
Put it in a bowl of rice, It soaks up the moisture, do it fast or lose it. Just trust me on this one. Take the battery out and put the phone and battery in rice.
It maybe too late unfortunately, if it wasn't properly dry and you were trying to use it, you could have shorted it out.
You could take it apart and look for any corrosion on the board, if you see some use a toothbrush to gently clean any corrosion from the board and chips.
Note: when spilling or dropping your phone in water, act like its a life or death situation, rip the back off and remove the battery without delay, then as the above poster said, you could put your phone in a bag or container of rice for 24-48 hours, good luck.
Here's some images of the mainboard, I have a spare as my son demolished his screen & front housin, its very easy to disassemble.
sent from my much loved ⊙N€ X

[Q] LCD Alcohol damage

Hey guys, two days ago I was using my s4 Active on the bathtub to test the Aqua mode on the camera. After that when I tried to charge it it wouldn't charge. I've been using different batteries and an external charger to keep it running before going to my provider and check if the warranty will cover it.
Yesterday I read that alcohol may work to fix water damage, so I poured some 80% rubbing alcohol onto the usb port and basically the entire back of the phone. I let it dry in the sun for about 20 minutes and when I turned it on the screen was completely ****ed up, there are like blubs under it, as if the alcohol got under the screen, i can barely see it and now the touch capability won't work. Is there any way to fix this or is my phone lost?
nachochaves said:
Hey guys, two days ago I was using my s4 Active on the bathtub to test the Aqua mode on the camera. After that when I tried to charge it it wouldn't charge. I've been using different batteries and an external charger to keep it running before going to my provider and check if the warranty will cover it.
Yesterday I read that alcohol may work to fix water damage, so I poured some 80% rubbing alcohol onto the usb port and basically the entire back of the phone. I let it dry in the sun for about 20 minutes and when I turned it on the screen was completely ****ed up, there are like blubs under it, as if the alcohol got under the screen, i can barely see it and now the touch capability won't work. Is there any way to fix this or is my phone lost?
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You did what? I....I just..........just send it in for warranty replacement, say it is water damaged, and leave it at that.
By chance, did you leave the battery in it when you did this? If so, take Devo's advice and pray for the best because that's your only hope. ANY liquid inside a phone with a battery in it will short things out. Even with the battery removed there are still capacitors inside that hold small amounts of electricity for a period that could be damaged by liquid. Not a very good idea.

