[Q] com.android.phone issue - Xperia SP Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hey guys, I have an issue with my device and I'm not exactly that sure where the problem is.
So basically, if I call someone, it's fine....until I make use of the proximity sensor. After that the phone goes haywire, with com.android.phone force closing itself, as well as the network suddenly blinking between no SIM and having a SIM card.
Here's the logcat (of course, it's not complete, it's the moment when the error happens):
D/ACDB-LOADER( 322): ACDB -> send_audvoltable
E/ACDB-LOADER( 322): Error: ACDB AudProc vol returned = -8
D/alsa_ucm( 322): Setting mixer control: SLIM_0_TX Channels, value: Two
D/alsa_ucm( 322): Setting mixer control: SLIM TX7 MUX, value: DEC7
D/alsa_ucm( 322): Setting mixer control: DEC7 MUX, value: ADC1
D/alsa_ucm( 322): Setting mixer control: ADC1 Volume, value: 100
D/alsa_ucm( 322): Setting mixer control: MICBIAS1 CAPLESS Switch, value: 1
D/alsa_ucm( 322): Setting mixer control: SLIM TX8 MUX, value: DEC4
D/alsa_ucm( 322): Setting mixer control: DEC4 MUX, value: ADC3
D/alsa_ucm( 322): Setting mixer control: ADC3 Volume, value: 100
D/alsa_ucm( 322): Setting mixer control: MICBIAS4 CAPLESS Switch, value: 1
D/alsa_ucm( 322): Set mixer controls for Voice Call enable 1
D/alsa_ucm( 322): Setting mixer control: SLIM_0_RX_Voice Mixer CSVoice, value:
D/alsa_ucm( 322): Setting mixer control: Voice_Tx Mixer SLIM_0_TX_Voice, value:
D/ALSADevice( 322): startVoiceCall: handle 0x40045cd8
D/ALSADevice( 322): Device value returned is hw:0,2
D/ALSADevice( 322): handle->format: 0x2
D/ALSADevice( 322): setHardwareParams: reqBuffSize 2048 channels 1 sampleRate 8
D/ALSADevice( 322): setHardwareParams: buffer_size 8192, period_size 4096, peri
od_cnt 2
D/PowerManagerService( 631): releaseWakeLock flags=0x1 tag=RILJ
D/ALSADevice( 322): Device value returned is hw:0,2
D/ALSADevice( 322): handle->format: 0x2
D/ALSADevice( 322): setHardwareParams: reqBuffSize 4096 channels 1 sampleRate 8
D/ALSADevice( 322): setHardwareParams: buffer_size 8192, period_size 4096, peri
od_cnt 2
I/sysmon-xo_therm( 315): sensor_work - read value = 346
D/ALSADevice( 322): enableSlowTalk: flag 0
D/ALSADevice( 322): setMixerControl:: name Slowtalk Enable value 0 index 0
D/AudioPolicyManagerALSA( 322): Music Beat stream=2, index=0, volume=0.000000
D/AudioHardwareALSA( 322): setParameters() music_beat_digital_volume=0;music_be
D/AudioHardwareALSA( 322): Music Beat: mMusicBeatStreamType=1
D/AudioHardwareALSA( 322): Music Beat: mMusicBeatVolumeIndex=0
D/AudioPolicyManagerALSA( 322): Music Beat stream=3, index=13, volume=0.446684
D/AudioHardwareALSA( 322): setParameters() music_beat_digital_volume=13;music_b
D/AudioHardwareALSA( 322): Music Beat: mMusicBeatStreamType=0
D/AudioHardwareALSA( 322): Music Beat: mMusicBeatVolumeIndex=13
D/AudioHardwareALSA( 322): setFmVolume(0.446684)
D/AudioHardwareALSA( 322): Setting FM volume to 0x5b1 (available range is 0 to
I/AudioService( 631): AudioFocus requestAudioFocus() from AudioFocus_For_Phon
D/CallNotifier( 7625): stopRing()... (OFFHOOK state)
D/Ringer ( 7625): stopRing()...
D/Ringer ( 7625): - stopRing: null mRingHandler!
D/CallNotifier( 7625): - posting UPDATE_IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION request...
D/CallNotifier( 7625): - showing incoming call (unknown connection appeared)...
D/CallNotifier( 7625): showIncomingCall()... phone state = OFFHOOK
D/CallNotifier( 7625): - updating notification from showIncomingCall()...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): updateInCallNotification(allowFullScreenIntent = true)
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): - hasRingingCall = false
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): - hasActiveCall = true
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): - hasHoldingCall = false
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): - Updating status bar icon: resId = 2130837721
D/PowerManagerService( 631): acquireWakeLock flags=0x1 tag=PreventScreenOn Part
D/PowerManagerService( 631): acquireWakeLock flags=0x1000001a tag=PhoneApp
W/NotificationMgr( 7625): CallerInfo isn't available while Call object is availa
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): - CallerInfo not found. Use the same icon as in the st
atus bar.
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): - No useful Bitmap was found for the photo. Use the de
fault contact photo in the notification.
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): - Updating context text and chronometer.
D/PhoneUtils( 7625): PhoneUtils.startGetCallerInfo: new query for phone number..
D/PhoneUtils( 7625): - number (address): xxxx
D/PhoneUtils( 7625): - c: incoming: false state: ACTIVE post dial state: NOT_ST
D/PhoneUtils( 7625): - phone: Handler (com.android.internal.telephony.gsm.GSMPho
ne) {42509210}
D/PhoneUtils( 7625): - phoneType: 1
D/PhoneUtils( 7625): ==> PHONE_TYPE_GSM
D/PhoneUtils( 7625): startGetCallerInfo: query based on number: xxxx
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): - Updating expanded view: line 2 'xxxxxxx'
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): updateInCallNotification, isMuteEnabled: false
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): Will show "hang-up" action in the ongoing active call
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): Notifying IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION: Notification(pri=1 con
tentView=com.android.phone/0x1090077 vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 flags=
0x2 kind=[null] 2 actions)
D/PhoneStatusBar( 861): addNotification score=10
I/sysmon-tsens_tz_sensor3( 315): sensor_work - read value = 380
I/sysmon-tsens_tz_sensor0( 315): sensor_work - read value = 390
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): updateSpeakerNotification: speaker OFF (or not offhook
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): updateSpeakerNotification(false)...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): updateMuteNotification: not muted (or not offhook)
I/ActivityManager( 631): START {act=android.intent.action.MAIN flg=0x10840000 c
mp=com.android.phone/.SomcInCallScreen u=0} from pid 7625
D/PowerManagerService( 631): acquireWakeLock flags=0x1 tag=ActivityManager-Laun
D/BT HS/HF( 7625): audioOn(): headset is not connected!
D/CallManager( 7625): setAudioMode useInCallMode = false, Baseband = msm
D/CallNotifier( 7625): stopRing()... (OFFHOOK state)
D/Ringer ( 7625): stopRing()...
D/PowerManagerService( 631): releaseWakeLock flags=0x1000001a tag=PhoneApp
I/SemcMusicPlayer( 6501): wakeLock isHeld: false
D/Ringer ( 7625): - stopRing: null mRingHandler!
D/CallNotifier( 7625): - posting UPDATE_IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION request...
D/CallTimeStamp( 7625): Call to number [1688] was activated at: 13:55:56.414
D/AudioHardwareALSA( 322): setMicMute newMode 2
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): updateMuteNotification: not muted (or not offhook)
D/PowerManagerService( 631): acquireWakeLock flags=0x1 tag=RILJ
D/PowerManagerService( 631): acquireWakeLock flags=0x1 tag=RILJ
D/PowerManagerService( 631): releaseWakeLock flags=0x1 tag=RILJ
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): updateNetworkSelection()...state = 0 new network
D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 631): ACTION_SIM_STATE_CHANGED intent received on sub
= 0
D/KeyguardUpdateMonitor( 631): handleSimStateChange: intentValue = UNKNOWN stat
e resolved to UNKNOWN subscription =0
I/NfcService( 1066): isInputSimPinCodeDone(): SIM state: 5
D/CAT ( 7625): CatService: 10arrived on slotid: 0
D/CAT ( 7625): CatService: SET_UP_MENU
D/CAT ( 7625): CatService: Sending CmdMsg: com.android.internal.telephony.ca
[email protected] on slotid:0
W/CNE ( 631): mDefaultApnLinkProp is null
I/CNE_DEBUG( 631): getSignalStrength networkType= 3
I/CNE_DEBUG( 631): CNE sendWwanStatus - type:3 strength:-85 ipV4Addr:null roami
ng:0 iface:null timeStamp:2013-10-07 13:55:56.509
I/CNE_DEBUG( 631): UpdateWwanStatus type=3 state=4 rssi=-85 roaming=0 ipV4Addr=
null iface=null timeStamp=2013-10-07 13:55:56.509
E/Parcel ( 384): Reading a NULL string not supported here.
E/Parcel ( 384): Reading a NULL string not supported here.
E/StatusBar( 861): couldn't inflate view for notification com.android.phone/0x2
E/StatusBar( 861): android.widget.RemoteViews$ActionException: view: android.vi
ew.ViewStub doesn't have method: setTextColor(int)
E/StatusBar( 861): at android.widget.RemoteViews$ReflectionAction.apply(Rem
E/StatusBar( 861): at android.widget.RemoteViews.performApply(RemoteViews.j
E/StatusBar( 861): at android.widget.RemoteViews.apply(RemoteViews.java:212
E/StatusBar( 861): at com.android.systemui.statusbar.BaseStatusBar.inflateV
E/StatusBar( 861): at com.android.systemui.statusbar.BaseStatusBar.addNotif
E/StatusBar( 861): at com.android.systemui.statusbar.phone.PhoneStatusBar.a
E/StatusBar( 861): at com.android.systemui.statusbar.CommandQueue$H.handleM
E/StatusBar( 861): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
E/StatusBar( 861): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:213)
E/StatusBar( 861): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:4
E/StatusBar( 861): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
E/StatusBar( 861): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:511)
E/StatusBar( 861): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCalle
E/StatusBar( 861): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.ja
E/StatusBar( 861): at de.robv.android.xposed.XposedBridge.main(XposedBridge
E/StatusBar( 861): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
W/StatusBar( 861): removeNotification for unknown key: [email protected]
I/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): onCreate()... this = com.android.phone.SomcInCallScr
[email protected]
D/NotificationService( 631): onNotification error pkg=com.android.phone tag=nul
l id=2; will crashApplication(uid=1001, pid=7625)
D/PowerManagerService( 631): acquireWakeLock flags=0x1 tag=NfcService:mRoutingW
D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 861): In updateSimIcon simState= UNKNOWN
D/PowerManagerService( 631): releaseWakeLock flags=0x1 tag=NfcService:mRoutingW
D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 861): refreshViews: Data not connected!! Set no
data type icon
D/PhoneStatusBarPolicy( 861): updateSimState for subscription :0
D/StatusBar.NetworkController( 861): refreshViews: Data not connected!! Set no
data type icon
W/StatusBar( 861): removeNotification for unknown key: [email protected]
I/AudioService( 631): AudioFocus abandonAudioFocus() from android.media.Audio
[email protected]r$AudioFocusHand
[email protected]
D/SomcSnsTextView( 7625): setMaxLines
D/SomcSnsTextView( 7625): onTextChanged
D/dalvikvm( 7625): GC_CONCURRENT freed 3111K, 19% free 16443K/20099K, paused 4ms
+4ms, total 57ms
D/dalvikvm( 7625): WAIT_FOR_CONCURRENT_GC blocked 39ms
D/SomcSnsTextView( 7625): setMaxLines
D/PowerManagerService( 631): releaseWakeLock flags=0x1 tag=AudioOut_2
I/sysmon-tsens_tz_sensor3( 315): sensor_work - read value = 380
I/sysmon-tsens_tz_sensor0( 315): sensor_work - read value = 380
D/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): onCreate(): this is our very first launch, checking i
D/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): internalResolveIntent: action=android.intent.action.M
E/ContentShareProxy( 7625): Illegal Argument : java.lang.IllegalArgumentExceptio
n: Could not load application info for package
D/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): onResume()...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): updating status bar state: 0
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): updateInCallNotification(allowFullScreenIntent = false
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): - hasRingingCall = false
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): - hasActiveCall = true
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): - hasHoldingCall = false
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): - suppressNotification = true; reducing clutter in sta
tus bar...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): cancelInCall()...
D/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): syncWithPhoneState()...
D/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): syncWithPhoneState: it's ok to be here; update the sc
D/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): updateScreen...
D/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): - phone state = OFFHOOK
D/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): - inCallScreenMode = NORMAL
D/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): dismissProgressIndication()...
V/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): No progress indication necessary
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): updating status bar state: 0
D/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): - updateScreen: One call.
D/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): We have a single active call.
I/LargeCallView( 7625): hideRejectMsgList
D/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): updateProviderOverlay: false
D/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): Show info for main call.
D/SomcSnsTextView( 7625): onTextChanged
D/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): Show photo for foreground call.
I/sysmon-pm8921_tz( 315): sensor_work - read value = 379
D/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): showPhoto else clause.... Async update of photo!
D/SomcSnsTextView( 7625): onTextChanged
D/CityIdInfo( 7625): Content Provider content://com.cequint.cityid/lookup NOT fo
E/QCOM PowerHAL( 631): Invalid hint ID.
D/PhoneApp( 7625): updateWakeState: callscreen true, dialer false, speaker false
D/PhoneApp( 7625): updateWakeState: keepScreenOn = false (isRinging false, isDia
ling false, showingDisc false)
D/PhoneApp( 7625): pulse screen lock
E/ActivityThread( 7625): Failed to find provider info for com.cequint.cityid
D/PowerManagerService( 631): releaseWakeLock flags=0x1 tag=PreventScreenOn Part
D/SomcInCallScreen( 7625): onResume() done.
D/PowerManagerService( 631): acquireWakeLock flags=0x1 tag=RILJ
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
D/NotificationMgr( 7625): hideDataDisconnectedRoaming()...
W/dalvikvm( 7625): threadid=1: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x4
E/AndroidRuntime( 7625): FATAL EXCEPTION: main
E/AndroidRuntime( 7625): android.app.RemoteServiceException: Bad notification po
sted from package com.android.phone: Couldn't expand RemoteViews for: StatusBarN
otification(pkg=com.android.phone id=2 tag=null score=10 notn=Notification(pri=1
contentView=com.android.phone/0x1090077 vibrate=null sound=null defaults=0x0 fl
ags=0x2 kind=[null] 2 actions))
E/AndroidRuntime( 7625): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(Ac
E/AndroidRuntime( 7625): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.ja
E/AndroidRuntime( 7625): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:213)
E/AndroidRuntime( 7625): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThrea
E/AndroidRuntime( 7625): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native
E/AndroidRuntime( 7625): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:5
E/AndroidRuntime( 7625): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndA
E/AndroidRuntime( 7625): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(Zygot
E/AndroidRuntime( 7625): at de.robv.android.xposed.XposedBridge.main(Xpos
E/AndroidRuntime( 7625): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
D/PowerManagerService( 631): releaseWakeLock flags=0x1 tag=RILJ
W/ActivityManager( 631): Process com.android.phone has crashed too many times:
W/ActivityManager( 631): Force finishing activity com.android.phone/.SomcInCa
D/PowerManagerService( 631): acquireWakeLock flags=0x1 tag=ActivityManager-Laun
I/CrashMonitor( 7221): CrashMonitorServiceBroadcastReceiver: Forwarding intent:
android.intent.action.DROPBOX_ENTRY_ADDED tag: system_app_crash
I/CrashMonitor( 7221): CrashMonitorService: Service started...
I/CrashMonitor( 7221): CrashMonitorService: onHandleIntent action: android.inten
D/PowerManagerService( 631): releaseWakeLock flags=0x1 tag=AudioOut_3
I'm on 2.245, C5303, with the deodexed version.
Kernel is stock, and I have Xposed framework installed, with XBlast Tools, Advanced Reboot Menu, and Greenify.

I recommend u install latest Firmware version (2.254), uninstall XBlast Tools (I had lot of problems with it) and downgrade the Advanced Power Menu to the version 5.0 (newest 6.0a_r1 freeze the XSP too) :highfive:

Joku1981 said:
I recommend u install latest Firmware version (2.254), uninstall XBlast Tools (I had lot of problems with it) and downgrade the Advanced Power Menu to the version 5.0 (newest 6.0a_r1 freeze the XSP too) :highfive:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
My Advanced Power Menu is at 5.0 I'll try and uninstall XBlastTools and report back
EDIT: I am now a noob. Uninstalling XBlastTools helped! Thanks!

This happened to me after I updated xtools and advanced tools, downgraded both and all good again.
Sent from my C5303 using xda premium


[need help]apn bouygues telecom for send and receive mms

Hi everybody,
Can somebody help me, i can't send and receive MMS on my N1??
Provider : bouygues telecom
Name: MMS
Proxy MMS:
Port MMS: 8080
MCC: 208
authentification: PAP
Type d'APN: mms
Here are my logs (adb logcat) when sending an MMS :
D/dalvikvm( 1585): threadid=37 wakeup: interrupted
D/ConnectivityService( 137): stopUsingNetworkFeature for net 0: enableMMS
D/ConnectivityService( 137): reassessPidDns for pid 1585
D/DataConnectionTracker( 195): disableApnType(mms)
D/DataConnectionTracker( 195): setEnabled(1, false) with old state = true and e
nabledCount = 2
D/DataConnectionTracker( 195): EVENT_APN_ENABLE_REQUEST 1, 0
D/DataConnectionTracker( 195): dataEnabled = true, enabledCount = 2, isApnType
Active = true
D/dalvikvm( 1585): GC freed 9122 objects / 1374360 bytes in 50ms
D/dalvikvm( 195): GC freed 9288 objects / 554624 bytes in 48ms
D/NetworkLocationProvider( 137): onDataConnectionStateChanged 8
D/MobileDataStateTracker( 137): mms Received state= DISCONNECTED, old= CONNECTE
D, reason= apnSwitched, apnTypeList= mms
D/NetworkStateTracker( 137): setDetailed state, old =CONNECTED and new state=DI
D/ConnectivityService( 137): ConnectivityChange for MOBILE_MMS: DISCONNECTED/DI
D/NetworkStateTracker( 137): removePrivateDnsRoutes for MOBILE_MMS (rmnet0)
I/MediaUploader( 1656): No need to wake up
D/GpsLocationProvider( 137): updateNetworkState available info: NetworkInfo: ty
pe: MOBILE_MMS[HSDPA], state: DISCONNECTED/DISCONNECTED, reason: apnSwitched, ex
tra: mmsbouygtel.com, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: false
D/GpsLocationProvider( 137): NetworkThread wait for 242071ms
D/NetworkLocationProvider( 137): onDataConnectionStateChanged 8
D/MobileDataStateTracker( 137): default Received state= CONNECTING, old= DISCON
NECTED, reason= apnSwitched, apnTypeList= default,supl
D/NetworkStateTracker( 137): setDetailed state, old =DISCONNECTED and new state
D/ConnectivityService( 137): ConnectivityChange for MOBILE: CONNECTING/CONNECTI
D/NetworkLocationProvider( 137): onDataConnectionStateChanged 3
D/MobileDataStateTracker( 137): default Received state= CONNECTING, old= CONNEC
TING, reason= (unspecified), apnTypeList= default,supl
D/NetworkLocationProvider( 137): onDataConnectionStateChanged 8
D/MobileDataStateTracker( 137): default Received state= CONNECTING, old= CONNEC
TING, reason= (unspecified), apnTypeList= default,supl
D/NetworkLocationProvider( 137): onDataConnectionStateChanged 8
D/MobileDataStateTracker( 137): default Received state= CONNECTED, old= CONNECT
ING, reason= apnSwitched, apnTypeList= default,supl
D/NetworkStateTracker( 137): setDetailed state, old =CONNECTING and new state=C
D/ConnectivityService( 137): ConnectivityChange for MOBILE: CONNECTED/CONNECTED
E/NetworkStateTracker( 137): net.tcp.buffersize.hsdpa not found in system prope
rties. Using defaults
V/NetworkStateTracker( 137): Setting TCP values: [4096,87380,110208,4096,16384,
110208] which comes from [net.tcp.buffersize.default]
D/ConnectivityService( 137): adding dns for MOBILE
I/power ( 137): *** set_screen_state 0
D/MobileDataStateTracker( 137): replacing old mInterfaceName (rmnet0) with rmne
t0 for supl
D/ConnectivityService( 137): adding dns for MOBILE
D/GpsLocationProvider( 137): updateNetworkState available info: NetworkInfo: ty
pe: MOBILE[HSDPA], state: CONNECTED/CONNECTED, reason: apnSwitched, extra: mmsbo
uygtel.com, roaming: false, failover: false, isAvailable: true
D/GpsLocationProvider( 137): NetworkThread wait for 237297ms
I/DownloadService( 1649): DownloadService.onCreate()
I/MediaUploader( 1656): No need to wake up
I/DownloadService( 1649): queued 0 downloads
I/DownloadService( 1649): DownloadService.onDestroy()

Can't Make Calls ):

Hello Everyone , For Some reason today i can't make calls , I can receive calls but not making . I've rooted my phone 3 days ago and I'm on CM 5.0.8 final . Everything was fine until today i can't call anyone , I've tried another Sim card and same thing . I also rebooted the phone many times and removed the sim card for some time and same thing i can't dial anyone .
also here is logcat
D/CallCard( 182): isCachedPhotoCurrent: false
D/CallCard( 182): emergency: false
D/CallCard( 182): voicemail false)
D/CallCard( 182): presentation:1 isTemporary:true
D/CallCard( 182): show ======= false:false
D/CallCard( 182): updatePhotoForCallState(DIALING)...
D/CallCard( 182): displayOnHoldCallStatus(call =IDLE)...
D/PhoneApp( 182): - isOtaCallInActiveState false
D/InCallScreen( 182): [okToDialDTMFTones] foreground state: DIALING, ringing state: false, call screen mode: NORMAL, result: false
D/InCallScreen( 182): isBluetoothAudioConnected: ==> isAudioOn = false
D/InCallTouchUi( 182): updateState(Handler{45c808a8})...
D/InCallTouchUi( 182): - updateState: phone state is OFFHOOK
D/InCallScreen( 182): isBluetoothAvailable()...
D/InCallScreen( 182): - headset state = 0
D/InCallScreen( 182): - headset address: null
D/InCallScreen( 182): ==> false
D/InCallScreen( 182): [okToDialDTMFTones] foreground state: DIALING, ringing state: false, call screen mode: NORMAL, result: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): InCallControlState:
D/InCallControlState( 182): manageConferenceVisible: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): manageConferenceEnabled: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canAddCall: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canSwap: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canMerge: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): bluetoothEnabled: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): bluetoothIndicatorOn: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): speakerEnabled: true
D/InCallControlState( 182): speakerOn: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canMute: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): muteIndicatorOn: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): dialpadEnabled: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): dialpadVisible: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): onHold: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canHold: false
D/InCallScreen( 182): updateProviderOverlay: false
D/InCallScreen( 182): updateMenuButtonHint()...
D/PhoneApp( 182): - preventScreenOn(false)...
I/power ( 115): *** set_screen_state 1
D/PhoneApp( 182): updateWakeState: callscreen true, dialer false, speaker false...
D/PhoneApp( 182): setScreenTimeout(MEDIUM)...
D/PhoneApp( 182): updateWakeState: keepScreenOn = true (isRinging false, isDialing true, showingDisc false)
D/PhoneApp( 182): requestWakeState(FULL)...
D/dalvikvm( 115): GC freed 27476 objects / 1343192 bytes in 77ms
D/InCallScreen( 182): enableTouchLock(false)...
D/InCallScreen( 182): onResume() done.
D/BT HS/HF( 182): updatePhoneState()
D/CallNotifier( 182): onPhoneStateChanged: state = OFFHOOK
D/NotificationMgr( 182): updating status bar state: 4
D/PhoneApp( 182): updateProximitySensorMode: state = OFFHOOK
D/PhoneApp( 182): updateProximitySensorMode: lock already held.
D/PhoneApp( 182): updateProximitySensorMode: state = OFFHOOK
D/PhoneApp( 182): updateProximitySensorMode: lock already held.
D/CallNotifier( 182): onPhoneStateChanged: OFF HOOK
D/PhoneUtils( 182): dumpCallState():
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - Phone: Handler{45c808a8}, name = GSM, state = OFFHOOK
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - FG call: DIALING isAlive true isRinging false isDialing true isIdle false hasConnections true
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - BG call: IDLE isAlive false isRinging false isDialing false isIdle true hasConnections false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - RINGING call: IDLE isAlive false isRinging false isDialing false isIdle true hasConnections false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - hasRingingCall false hasActiveCall true hasHoldingCall false allLinesTaken false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - Ringer state: false
D/CallNotifier( 182): stopRing()... (OFFHOOK state)
D/Ringer ( 182): stopRing()...
D/Ringer ( 182): - stopRing: null mRingHandler!
D/NotificationMgr( 182): updateInCallNotification()...
D/NotificationMgr( 182): updateInCallNotification: enhancedVoicePrivacy = false
D/NotificationMgr( 182): - Updating status bar icon: 17301636
D/NotificationMgr( 182): - Updating expanded view: line 1 'Calling (%s)'
D/PhoneUtils( 182): startGetCallerInfo: query already running, adding listener: class com.android.phone.NotificationMgr
D/PhoneUtils( 182): getCompactNameFromCallerInfo: info =
D/PhoneUtils( 182): name: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): phoneNumber: 5433
D/PhoneUtils( 182): cnapName: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): numberPresentation: 1
D/PhoneUtils( 182): namePresentation: 0
D/PhoneUtils( 182): contactExits: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): phoneLabel: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): numberType: 0
D/PhoneUtils( 182): numberLabel: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): photoResource: 0
D/PhoneUtils( 182): person_id: 0
D/PhoneUtils( 182): needUpdate: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): contactRefUri: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): contactRingtoneUri: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): shouldSendToVoicemail: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): cachedPhoto: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): isCachedPhotoCurrent: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): emergency: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): voicemail false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): modifyForSpecialCnapCases: initially, number=5433, presentation=1
D/PhoneUtils( 182): checkCnapSpecialCases, normal str. number: 5433
D/PhoneUtils( 182): modifyForSpecialCnapCases: returning number string=5433
D/PhoneUtils( 182): getCompactNameFromCallerInfo: compactName=5433
D/NotificationMgr( 182): - Updating expanded view: line 2 '5433'
D/NotificationMgr( 182): Notifying IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION: Notification(vibrate=null,sound=null,defaults=0x0)
D/NotificationMgr( 182): updateSpeakerNotification: speaker OFF (or not offhook)
D/NotificationMgr( 182): updateMuteNotification: not muted (or not offhook)
D/PhoneUtils( 182): ConnectionHandler: updating mute state for each connection
D/PhoneUtils( 182): setMute: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): setMicrophoneMute: false
D/InCallScreen( 182): onPhoneStateChanged()...
D/InCallScreen( 182): updateScreen()...
D/InCallScreen( 182): - updateScreen: updating the in-call UI...
D/CallCard( 182): updateState(Handler{45c808a8})...
D/CallCard( 182): updateForegroundCall()...
D/CallCard( 182): displayMainCallStatus(phone Handler{45c808a8}, call DIALING)...
D/CallCard( 182): - call.state: DIALING
D/CallCard( 182): updateCardTitleWidgets(call DIALING)...
D/CallCard( 182): - getTitleForCallCard(Call DIALING)...
D/CallCard( 182): ==> result: Dialing
D/CallCard( 182): updateCardTitleWidgets: Dialing
D/CallCard( 182): - CONN: incoming: false state: DIALING post dial state: NOT_STARTED, state = DIALING
D/CallCard( 182): - displayMainCallStatus: using data we already have...
D/CallCard( 182): - displayMainCallStatus: CNAP data from Connection: CNAP name=null, Number/Name Presentation=1
D/CallCard( 182): ==> Got CallerInfoToken; updating display: ci =
D/CallCard( 182): name: null
D/CallCard( 182): phoneNumber: 5433
D/CallCard( 182): cnapName: null
D/CallCard( 182): numberPresentation: 1
D/CallCard( 182): namePresentation: 0
D/CallCard( 182): contactExits: false
D/CallCard( 182): phoneLabel: null
D/CallCard( 182): numberType: 0
D/CallCard( 182): numberLabel: null
D/CallCard( 182): photoResource: 0
D/CallCard( 182): person_id: 0
D/CallCard( 182): needUpdate: false
D/CallCard( 182): contactRefUri: null
D/CallCard( 182): contactRingtoneUri: null
D/CallCard( 182): shouldSendToVoicemail: false
D/CallCard( 182): cachedPhoto: null
D/CallCard( 182): isCachedPhotoCurrent: false
D/CallCard( 182): emergency: false
D/CallCard( 182): voicemail false
D/CallCard( 182): updateDisplayForPerson(
D/CallCard( 182): name: null
D/CallCard( 182): phoneNumber: 5433
D/CallCard( 182): cnapName: null
D/CallCard( 182): numberPresentation: 1
D/CallCard( 182): namePresentation: 0
D/CallCard( 182): contactExits: false
D/CallCard( 182): phoneLabel: null
D/CallCard( 182): numberType: 0
D/CallCard( 182): numberLabel: null
D/CallCard( 182): photoResource: 0
D/CallCard( 182): person_id: 0
D/CallCard( 182): needUpdate: false
D/CallCard( 182): contactRefUri: null
D/CallCard( 182): contactRingtoneUri: null
D/CallCard( 182): shouldSendToVoicemail: false
D/CallCard( 182): cachedPhoto: null
D/CallCard( 182): isCachedPhotoCurrent: false
D/CallCard( 182): emergency: false
D/CallCard( 182): voicemail false)
D/CallCard( 182): presentation:1 isTemporary:true
D/CallCard( 182): show ======= false:false
D/CallCard( 182): updatePhotoForCallState(DIALING)...
D/CallCard( 182): displayOnHoldCallStatus(call =IDLE)...
D/PhoneApp( 182): - isOtaCallInActiveState false
D/InCallScreen( 182): [okToDialDTMFTones] foreground state: DIALING, ringing state: false, call screen mode: NORMAL, result: false
D/InCallScreen( 182): isBluetoothAudioConnected: ==> isAudioOn = false
D/InCallTouchUi( 182): updateState(Handler{45c808a8})...
D/InCallTouchUi( 182): - updateState: phone state is OFFHOOK
D/InCallScreen( 182): isBluetoothAvailable()...
D/InCallScreen( 182): - headset state = 0
D/InCallScreen( 182): - headset address: null
D/InCallScreen( 182): ==> false
D/InCallScreen( 182): [okToDialDTMFTones] foreground state: DIALING, ringing state: false, call screen mode: NORMAL, result: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): InCallControlState:
D/InCallControlState( 182): manageConferenceVisible: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): manageConferenceEnabled: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canAddCall: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canSwap: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canMerge: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): bluetoothEnabled: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): bluetoothIndicatorOn: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): speakerEnabled: true
D/InCallControlState( 182): speakerOn: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canMute: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): muteIndicatorOn: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): dialpadEnabled: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): dialpadVisible: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): onHold: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canHold: false
D/InCallScreen( 182): updateProviderOverlay: false
D/InCallScreen( 182): updateMenuButtonHint()...
D/PhoneApp( 182): updateWakeState: callscreen true, dialer false, speaker false...
D/PhoneApp( 182): setScreenTimeout(MEDIUM)...
D/PhoneApp( 182): updateWakeState: keepScreenOn = true (isRinging false, isDialing true, showingDisc false)
D/PhoneApp( 182): requestWakeState(FULL)...
D/BT HS/HF( 182): updatePhoneState()
D/CallNotifier( 182): onPhoneStateChanged: state = OFFHOOK
D/PhoneApp( 182): updateProximitySensorMode: state = OFFHOOK
D/PhoneApp( 182): updateProximitySensorMode: lock already held.
D/CallNotifier( 182): onPhoneStateChanged: OFF HOOK
D/PhoneUtils( 182): dumpCallState():
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - Phone: Handler{45c808a8}, name = GSM, state = OFFHOOK
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - FG call: DIALING isAlive true isRinging false isDialing true isIdle false hasConnections true
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - BG call: IDLE isAlive false isRinging false isDialing false isIdle true hasConnections false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - RINGING call: IDLE isAlive false isRinging false isDialing false isIdle true hasConnections false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - hasRingingCall false hasActiveCall true hasHoldingCall false allLinesTaken false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - Ringer state: false
D/CallNotifier( 182): stopRing()... (OFFHOOK state)
D/Ringer ( 182): stopRing()...
D/Ringer ( 182): - stopRing: null mRingHandler!
D/NotificationMgr( 182): updateInCallNotification()...
D/NotificationMgr( 182): updateInCallNotification: enhancedVoicePrivacy = false
D/NotificationMgr( 182): - Updating status bar icon: 17301636
D/NotificationMgr( 182): - Updating expanded view: line 1 'Calling (%s)'
D/PhoneUtils( 182): startGetCallerInfo: query already running, adding listener: class com.android.phone.NotificationMgr
D/PhoneUtils( 182): getCompactNameFromCallerInfo: info =
D/PhoneUtils( 182): name: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): phoneNumber: 5433
D/PhoneUtils( 182): cnapName: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): numberPresentation: 1
D/PhoneUtils( 182): namePresentation: 0
D/PhoneUtils( 182): contactExits: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): phoneLabel: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): numberType: 0
D/PhoneUtils( 182): numberLabel: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): photoResource: 0
D/PhoneUtils( 182): person_id: 0
D/PhoneUtils( 182): needUpdate: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): contactRefUri: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): contactRingtoneUri: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): shouldSendToVoicemail: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): cachedPhoto: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): isCachedPhotoCurrent: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): emergency: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): voicemail false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): modifyForSpecialCnapCases: initially, number=5433, presentation=1
D/PhoneUtils( 182): checkCnapSpecialCases, normal str. number: 5433
D/PhoneUtils( 182): modifyForSpecialCnapCases: returning number string=5433
D/PhoneUtils( 182): getCompactNameFromCallerInfo: compactName=5433
D/NotificationMgr( 182): - Updating expanded view: line 2 '5433'
D/NotificationMgr( 182): Notifying IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION: Notification(vibrate=null,sound=null,defaults=0x0)
D/NotificationMgr( 182): updateSpeakerNotification: speaker OFF (or not offhook)
D/NotificationMgr( 182): updateMuteNotification: not muted (or not offhook)
D/PhoneUtils( 182): ConnectionHandler: updating mute state for each connection
D/PhoneUtils( 182): setMute: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): setMicrophoneMute: false
D/InCallScreen( 182): onPhoneStateChanged()...
D/InCallScreen( 182): updateScreen()...
D/InCallScreen( 182): - updateScreen: updating the in-call UI...
D/CallCard( 182): updateState(Handler{45c808a8})...
D/CallCard( 182): updateForegroundCall()...
D/CallCard( 182): displayMainCallStatus(phone Handler{45c808a8}, call DIALING)...
D/CallCard( 182): - call.state: DIALING
D/CallCard( 182): updateCardTitleWidgets(call DIALING)...
D/CallCard( 182): - getTitleForCallCard(Call DIALING)...
D/CallCard( 182): ==> result: Dialing
D/CallCard( 182): updateCardTitleWidgets: Dialing
D/CallCard( 182): - CONN: incoming: false state: DIALING post dial state: NOT_STARTED, state = DIALING
D/CallCard( 182): - displayMainCallStatus: using data we already have...
D/CallCard( 182): - displayMainCallStatus: CNAP data from Connection: CNAP name=null, Number/Name Presentation=1
D/CallCard( 182): ==> Got CallerInfoToken; updating display: ci =
D/CallCard( 182): name: null
D/CallCard( 182): phoneNumber: 5433
D/CallCard( 182): cnapName: null
D/CallCard( 182): numberPresentation: 1
D/CallCard( 182): namePresentation: 0
D/CallCard( 182): contactExits: false
D/CallCard( 182): phoneLabel: null
D/CallCard( 182): numberType: 0
D/CallCard( 182): numberLabel: null
D/CallCard( 182): photoResource: 0
D/CallCard( 182): person_id: 0
D/CallCard( 182): needUpdate: false
D/CallCard( 182): contactRefUri: null
D/CallCard( 182): contactRingtoneUri: null
D/CallCard( 182): shouldSendToVoicemail: false
D/CallCard( 182): cachedPhoto: null
D/CallCard( 182): isCachedPhotoCurrent: false
D/CallCard( 182): emergency: false
D/CallCard( 182): voicemail false
D/CallCard( 182): updateDisplayForPerson(
D/CallCard( 182): name: null
D/CallCard( 182): phoneNumber: 5433
D/CallCard( 182): cnapName: null
D/CallCard( 182): numberPresentation: 1
D/CallCard( 182): namePresentation: 0
D/CallCard( 182): contactExits: false
D/CallCard( 182): phoneLabel: null
D/CallCard( 182): numberType: 0
D/CallCard( 182): numberLabel: null
D/CallCard( 182): photoResource: 0
D/CallCard( 182): person_id: 0
D/CallCard( 182): needUpdate: false
D/CallCard( 182): contactRefUri: null
D/CallCard( 182): contactRingtoneUri: null
D/CallCard( 182): shouldSendToVoicemail: false
D/CallCard( 182): cachedPhoto: null
D/CallCard( 182): isCachedPhotoCurrent: false
D/CallCard( 182): emergency: false
D/CallCard( 182): voicemail false)
D/CallCard( 182): presentation:1 isTemporary:true
D/CallCard( 182): show ======= false:false
D/CallCard( 182): updatePhotoForCallState(DIALING)...
D/CallCard( 182): displayOnHoldCallStatus(call =IDLE)...
D/PhoneApp( 182): - isOtaCallInActiveState false
D/InCallScreen( 182): [okToDialDTMFTones] foreground state: DIALING, ringing state: false, call screen mode: NORMAL, result: false
D/InCallScreen( 182): isBluetoothAudioConnected: ==> isAudioOn = false
D/InCallTouchUi( 182): updateState(Handler{45c808a8})...
D/InCallTouchUi( 182): - updateState: phone state is OFFHOOK
D/InCallScreen( 182): isBluetoothAvailable()...
D/InCallScreen( 182): - headset state = 0
D/InCallScreen( 182): - headset address: null
D/InCallScreen( 182): ==> false
D/InCallScreen( 182): [okToDialDTMFTones] foreground state: DIALING, ringing state: false, call screen mode: NORMAL, result: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): InCallControlState:
D/InCallControlState( 182): manageConferenceVisible: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): manageConferenceEnabled: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canAddCall: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canSwap: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canMerge: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): bluetoothEnabled: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): bluetoothIndicatorOn: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): speakerEnabled: true
D/InCallControlState( 182): speakerOn: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canMute: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): muteIndicatorOn: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): dialpadEnabled: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): dialpadVisible: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): onHold: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canHold: false
D/InCallScreen( 182): updateProviderOverlay: false
D/InCallScreen( 182): updateMenuButtonHint()...
D/PhoneApp( 182): updateWakeState: callscreen true, dialer false, speaker false...
D/PhoneApp( 182): setScreenTimeout(MEDIUM)...
D/PhoneApp( 182): updateWakeState: keepScreenOn = true (isRinging false, isDialing true, showingDisc false)
D/PhoneApp( 182): requestWakeState(FULL)...
D/BT HS/HF( 182): updatePhoneState()
D/CallNotifier( 182): onPhoneStateChanged: state = OFFHOOK
D/PhoneApp( 182): updateProximitySensorMode: state = OFFHOOK
D/PhoneApp( 182): updateProximitySensorMode: lock already held.
D/CallNotifier( 182): onPhoneStateChanged: OFF HOOK
D/PhoneUtils( 182): dumpCallState():
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - Phone: Handler{45c808a8}, name = GSM, state = OFFHOOK
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - FG call: DIALING isAlive true isRinging false isDialing true isIdle false hasConnections true
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - BG call: IDLE isAlive false isRinging false isDialing false isIdle true hasConnections false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - RINGING call: IDLE isAlive false isRinging false isDialing false isIdle true hasConnections false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - hasRingingCall false hasActiveCall true hasHoldingCall false allLinesTaken false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - Ringer state: false
D/CallNotifier( 182): stopRing()... (OFFHOOK state)
D/Ringer ( 182): stopRing()...
D/Ringer ( 182): - stopRing: null mRingHandler!
D/NotificationMgr( 182): updateInCallNotification()...
D/NotificationMgr( 182): updateInCallNotification: enhancedVoicePrivacy = false
D/NotificationMgr( 182): - Updating status bar icon: 17301636
D/NotificationMgr( 182): - Updating expanded view: line 1 'Calling (%s)'
D/PhoneUtils( 182): startGetCallerInfo: query already running, adding listener: class com.android.phone.NotificationMgr
D/PhoneUtils( 182): getCompactNameFromCallerInfo: info =
D/PhoneUtils( 182): name: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): phoneNumber: 5433
D/PhoneUtils( 182): cnapName: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): numberPresentation: 1
D/PhoneUtils( 182): namePresentation: 0
D/PhoneUtils( 182): contactExits: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): phoneLabel: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): numberType: 0
D/PhoneUtils( 182): numberLabel: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): photoResource: 0
D/PhoneUtils( 182): person_id: 0
D/PhoneUtils( 182): needUpdate: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): contactRefUri: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): contactRingtoneUri: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): shouldSendToVoicemail: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): cachedPhoto: null
D/PhoneUtils( 182): isCachedPhotoCurrent: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): emergency: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): voicemail false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): modifyForSpecialCnapCases: initially, number=5433, presentation=1
D/PhoneUtils( 182): checkCnapSpecialCases, normal str. number: 5433
D/PhoneUtils( 182): modifyForSpecialCnapCases: returning number string=5433
D/PhoneUtils( 182): getCompactNameFromCallerInfo: compactName=5433
D/NotificationMgr( 182): - Updating expanded view: line 2 '5433'
D/NotificationMgr( 182): Notifying IN_CALL_NOTIFICATION: Notification(vibrate=null,sound=null,defaults=0x0)
D/NotificationMgr( 182): updateSpeakerNotification: speaker OFF (or not offhook)
D/NotificationMgr( 182): updateMuteNotification: not muted (or not offhook)
D/PhoneUtils( 182): ConnectionHandler: updating mute state for each connection
D/PhoneUtils( 182): setMute: false
D/PhoneUtils( 182): setMicrophoneMute: false
D/InCallScreen( 182): onPhoneStateChanged()...
D/InCallScreen( 182): updateScreen()...
D/InCallScreen( 182): - updateScreen: updating the in-call UI...
D/CallCard( 182): updateState(Handler{45c808a8})...
D/CallCard( 182): updateForegroundCall()...
D/CallCard( 182): displayMainCallStatus(phone Handler{45c808a8}, call DIALING)...
D/CallCard( 182): - call.state: DIALING
D/CallCard( 182): updateCardTitleWidgets(call DIALING)...
D/CallCard( 182): - getTitleForCallCard(Call DIALING)...
D/CallCard( 182): ==> result: Dialing
D/CallCard( 182): updateCardTitleWidgets: Dialing
D/CallCard( 182): - CONN: incoming: false state: DIALING post dial state: NOT_STARTED, state = DIALING
D/CallCard( 182): - displayMainCallStatus: using data we already have...
D/CallCard( 182): - displayMainCallStatus: CNAP data from Connection: CNAP name=null, Number/Name Presentation=1
D/CallCard( 182): ==> Got CallerInfoToken; updating display: ci =
D/CallCard( 182): name: null
D/CallCard( 182): phoneNumber: 5433
D/CallCard( 182): cnapName: null
D/CallCard( 182): numberPresentation: 1
D/CallCard( 182): namePresentation: 0
D/CallCard( 182): contactExits: false
D/CallCard( 182): phoneLabel: null
D/CallCard( 182): numberType: 0
D/CallCard( 182): numberLabel: null
D/CallCard( 182): photoResource: 0
D/CallCard( 182): person_id: 0
D/CallCard( 182): needUpdate: false
D/CallCard( 182): contactRefUri: null
D/CallCard( 182): contactRingtoneUri: null
D/CallCard( 182): shouldSendToVoicemail: false
D/CallCard( 182): cachedPhoto: null
D/CallCard( 182): isCachedPhotoCurrent: false
D/CallCard( 182): emergency: false
D/CallCard( 182): voicemail false
D/CallCard( 182): updateDisplayForPerson(
D/CallCard( 182): name: null
D/CallCard( 182): phoneNumber: 5433
D/CallCard( 182): cnapName: null
D/CallCard( 182): numberPresentation: 1
D/CallCard( 182): namePresentation: 0
D/CallCard( 182): contactExits: false
D/CallCard( 182): phoneLabel: null
D/CallCard( 182): numberType: 0
D/CallCard( 182): numberLabel: null
D/CallCard( 182): photoResource: 0
D/CallCard( 182): person_id: 0
D/CallCard( 182): needUpdate: false
D/CallCard( 182): contactRefUri: null
D/CallCard( 182): contactRingtoneUri: null
D/CallCard( 182): shouldSendToVoicemail: false
D/CallCard( 182): cachedPhoto: null
D/CallCard( 182): isCachedPhotoCurrent: false
D/CallCard( 182): emergency: false
D/CallCard( 182): voicemail false)
D/CallCard( 182): presentation:1 isTemporary:true
D/CallCard( 182): show ======= false:false
D/CallCard( 182): updatePhotoForCallState(DIALING)...
D/CallCard( 182): displayOnHoldCallStatus(call =IDLE)...
D/PhoneApp( 182): - isOtaCallInActiveState false
D/InCallScreen( 182): [okToDialDTMFTones] foreground state: DIALING, ringing state: false, call screen mode: NORMAL, result: false
D/InCallScreen( 182): isBluetoothAudioConnected: ==> isAudioOn = false
D/InCallTouchUi( 182): updateState(Handler{45c808a8})...
D/InCallTouchUi( 182): - updateState: phone state is OFFHOOK
D/InCallScreen( 182): isBluetoothAvailable()...
D/InCallScreen( 182): - headset state = 0
D/InCallScreen( 182): - headset address: null
D/InCallScreen( 182): ==> false
D/InCallScreen( 182): [okToDialDTMFTones] foreground state: DIALING, ringing state: false, call screen mode: NORMAL, result: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): InCallControlState:
D/InCallControlState( 182): manageConferenceVisible: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): manageConferenceEnabled: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canAddCall: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canSwap: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canMerge: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): bluetoothEnabled: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): bluetoothIndicatorOn: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): speakerEnabled: true
D/InCallControlState( 182): speakerOn: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canMute: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): muteIndicatorOn: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): dialpadEnabled: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): dialpadVisible: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): onHold: false
D/InCallControlState( 182): canHold: false
D/InCallScreen( 182): updateProviderOverlay: false
D/InCallScreen( 182): updateMenuButtonHint()...
D/PhoneApp( 182): updateWakeState: callscreen true, dialer false, speaker false...
D/PhoneApp( 182): setScreenTimeout(MEDIUM)...
D/PhoneApp( 182): updateWakeState: keepScreenOn = true (isRinging false, isDialing true, showingDisc false)
D/PhoneApp( 182): requestWakeState(FULL)...
D/PhoneUtils( 182): query complete, updating connection.userdata
D/PhoneUtils( 182): - onQueryComplete: CallerInfo:
Thanks in advance
Solved , Thank God By Updating to CM6 , BTW it's looks AWESOME!!!

Data Issues with multiple roms on rogers captivate on bell

I have an Unlocked Rogers Captivate. I am using it on bell. I have had no issues until about 2 weeks ago. My data just stopped working. Now heres the kicker, its onlyh in the browser.
I have the correct apn settings and the data works for email/gmail/market perfectly. I am currently running axura but have tried cog, cm6 etc. The only way I can get data to work is with the stock rogers rom. Not even stock att works.
I have ran logcat when attempting a data connection in the browser and here is the output:
D/dalvikvm( 2830): GC_EXPLICIT freed 4606 objects / 299768 bytes in 251ms
I/PowerManagerService( 2830): Light Animator Finished curIntValue=70
W/PowerManagerService( 2830): Timer 0x3->0x1|0x0
I/PowerManagerService( 2830): Ulight 3->1|0
I/PowerManagerService( 2830): Setting target 2: cur=70.0 target=20 delta=-3.125
I/PowerManagerService( 2830): Scheduling light animator!
I/PowerManagerService( 2830): Light Animator Finished curIntValue=20
V/WindowManager( 2830): Dsptch > Window{485a7558 com.android.browser/com.android
.browser.BrowserActivity paused=false}
V/InputDevice( 2830): ID[0]=0(0) Dn(0=>1)
I/PowerManagerService( 2830): Ulight 1->7|0
I/PowerManagerService( 2830): Setting target 2: cur=20.0 target=70 delta=3.33333
33 nominalCurrentValue=20
I/PowerManagerService( 2830): Scheduling light animator!
D/dalvikvm( 2904): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 9920 objects / 523048 bytes in 77ms
V/WindowManager( 2830): Dsptch > Window{485a7558 com.android.browser/com.android
.browser.BrowserActivity paused=false}
V/InputDevice( 2830): ID[0]=0(0) Up(1=>0)
I/PowerManagerService( 2830): Light Animator Finished curIntValue=70
D/AudioHardwareALSA( 2706):
D/AudioHardwareALSA( 2706): ALSA OPEN mode 0,device 2
I/AudioHardwareALSA( 2706): Try to open ALSA PLAYBACK device AndroidPlayback_Spe
V/browser ( 4752): BrowserActivity.onPageStarted: url = http://www.google.com/
I/AudioHardwareALSA( 2706): Initialized ALSA PLAYBACK device AndroidPlayback_Spe
D/AudioHardwareALSA( 2706): Set PLAYBACK PCM format to S16_LE (Signed 16 bit Lit
tle Endian)
D/AudioHardwareALSA( 2706): Using 2 channels for PLAYBACK.
D/AudioHardwareALSA( 2706): Set PLAYBACK sample rate to 44100 HZ
D/AudioHardwareALSA( 2706): Buffer size: 2048
D/AudioHardwareALSA( 2706): Latency: 46439
W/PowerManagerService( 2830): Timer 0x7->0x3|0x0
I/PowerManagerService( 2830): Ulight 7->3|0
I/AudioHardwareALSA( 2706): Output standby called!!. Turn off PCM device.
D/BatteryService( 2830): update start
D/BatteryService( 2830): updateBattery level:67 scale:100 status:2 health:2 pres
ent:true voltage: 3972 temperature: 380 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB
powered:true icon:17302173
I/StatusBarPolicy( 2830): BAT. status:2 health:2
D/dalvikvm( 4001): GC_EXPLICIT freed 5655 objects / 275424 bytes in 162ms
I/WindowManager( 2830): Setting rotation to 3, animFlags=0
I/ActivityManager( 2830): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=302/610 loc=en_US tou
ch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/1 orien=2 layout=34 uiMode=17 seq=6 FlipFont=0}
D/webview ( 4752): onConfigurationChanged
E/Tab ( 4752): onReceivedError -6 http://www.google.com/ The connection to t
he server was unsuccessful.
V/browser ( 4752): BrowserActivity.onProgressChanged: progress == 100 truefalsef
V/browser ( 4752): BrowserActivity.onPageFinished: url = http://www.google.com/w
ebview = [email protected]
D/PowerManagerService( 2830): onSensorChanged: light value: 6
D/dalvikvm( 2830): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2482 objects / 161264 bytes in 221ms
D/PowerManagerService( 2830): lightSensorChangedLocked 6
D/PowerManagerService( 2830): lcdValue 32
D/PowerManagerService( 2830): buttonValue 0
D/PowerManagerService( 2830): keyboardValue 0
I/PowerManagerService( 2830): Setting target 2: cur=70.0 target=32 delta=-0.6333
333 nominalCurrentValue=70
I/PowerManagerService( 2830): lightSensorChangedLocked scheduling light animator
I/PowerManagerService( 2830): Light Animator Finished curIntValue=32
D/dalvikvm( 4329): GC_EXPLICIT freed 10581 objects / 514632 bytes in 156ms
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sorry I posted this in the wrong section could a mod please move it?
Nobody has any ideas?
I too have been having problems with data, specifically with the Kik Messenger service which works perfect with a stock rom. I have tried Axura, Cog, and perception (latest available versions to date) all with the same results.
I thought I solved the problem switching modems to the new Telus (JL3) modem, but the problem is still there.
What happens is, to receive a message I have to open the Kik program and start typing a message to someone. About 2 seconds after I do this I receive whatever messages were sent to me (from minutes to hours ago). With the stock rom the messages are received in real-time.
Have you tried flashing the JL3 modem to your phone? I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it, but worth a try.
Yes I have tried this with no affect
devz3r0 said:
I too have been having problems with data, specifically with the Kik Messenger service which works perfect with a stock rom. I have tried Axura, Cog, and perception (latest available versions to date) all with the same results.
I thought I solved the problem switching modems to the new Telus (JL3) modem, but the problem is still there.
What happens is, to receive a message I have to open the Kik program and start typing a message to someone. About 2 seconds after I do this I receive whatever messages were sent to me (from minutes to hours ago). With the stock rom the messages are received in real-time.
Have you tried flashing the JL3 modem to your phone? I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it, but worth a try.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I do have the same issue. I tried flashing the JL3 modem, same thing.
Really weird, only issue seems with KIK, I use k9 push and works with the app "open" in the background. Really weird issue.
Not sure what to do to solve it.
Fixed : http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=9862818

[Q] Gallery FC even after revert to stock (attached Logcat)

I/ActivityThread( 3979): Publishing provider com.cooliris.picasa.contentprovider
: com.cooliris.picasa.PicasaContentProvider
I/Launcher( 2669): onWindowFocusChanged(false)
I/global ( 2466): Default buffer size used in BufferedInputStream constructor.
It would be better to be explicit if an 8k buffer is required.
D/dalvikvm( 3979): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 7840 objects / 437048 bytes in 36ms
D/TEST ( 3979): getIntent().getExtras()null
D/SensorManager( 3979): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 1
D/SensorManager( 3979): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 2
D/SensorManager( 3979): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 3
D/SensorManager( 3979): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 4
D/SensorManager( 3979): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 5
D/SensorManager( 3979): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 6
D/SensorManager( 3979): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 7
D/SensorManager( 3979): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 0
E/SensorManager( 3979): ####### akmd2 started!!!
I/Gallery ( 3979): onCreate
D/StatusBar( 2466): manageDisableList what=0x1 pkg=com.cooliris.media
D/StatusBar( 2466): DISABLE_EXPAND: yes
E/SensorManager( 3979): registerListener 1:BMA150 delay:120
D/Sensors ( 2466): open_input open fd = 148
D/Sensors ( 2466): open_input leave
D/Sensors ( 2466): sensors_control_open_data_source: fd=148
D/DiskCacheSEC( 3979): [SE Lab.] index file will be loaded..
W/DiskCacheSEC( 3979): loadIndex /mnt/sdcard/Android/data/com.cooliris.media/cac
W/dalvikvm( 3979): Exception Ljava/lang/ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException; thrown d
uring Lcom/cooliris/media/LocalDataSource;.<clinit>
E/SensorManager( 3979): =======>>>Sensor Thread RUNNING <<<========
D/Sensors ( 2466): sensors_control_activate active=00000012 sensor=00000002 new_
sensors=12 changed=0
I/Sensors ( 2466): set AK daemon delay=60 fd=147
W/dalvikvm( 3979): threadid=15: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x
W/SensorManager( 3979): Delay Candidate Listener 0 Sensor:1 delay:120
I/Sensors ( 3979): sensors_data_delay handle=1 delay=120 mMinDelay=120
E/SensorManager( 3979): registerListener 1:BMA150 delay:120
D/Sensors ( 2466): sensors_control_activate active=00000012 sensor=00000002 new_
sensors=12 changed=0
I/Sensors ( 2466): set AK daemon delay=60 fd=147
W/SensorManager( 3979): Delay Candidate Listener 0 Sensor:1 delay:120
I/Sensors ( 3979): sensors_data_delay handle=1 delay=120 mMinDelay=120
E/AndroidRuntime( 3979): FATAL EXCEPTION: Thread-16
E/AndroidRuntime( 3979): java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
E/AndroidRuntime( 3979): at com.cooliris.media.Gallery$3.run(Gallery.java
E/AndroidRuntime( 3979): Caused by: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
E/AndroidRuntime( 3979): at com.cooliris.media.DiskCacheSEC$ChunkFile.set
E/AndroidRuntime( 3979): at com.cooliris.media.DiskCacheSEC$FreeList.setA
E/AndroidRuntime( 3979): at com.cooliris.media.DiskCacheSEC.loadIndex(Dis
E/AndroidRuntime( 3979): at com.cooliris.media.DiskCache.<init>(DiskCache
E/AndroidRuntime( 3979): at com.cooliris.media.DiskCacheSEC.<init>(DiskCa
E/AndroidRuntime( 3979): at com.cooliris.media.LocalDataSource.<clinit>(L
E/AndroidRuntime( 3979): ... 1 more
W/ActivityManager( 2466): Force finishing activity com.cooliris.media/.Gallery
I/ ( 2466): dumpmesg > "/data/log/dumpstate_app_error.log"
D/GoogleLoginService( 2643): onBind: Intent { act=android.accounts.AccountAuthen
ticator cmp=com.google.android.gsf/.loginservice.GoogleLoginService }
W/GoogleLoginService( 2643): Device has no accounts: sending Intent { act=com.go
ogle.android.gsf.LOGIN_ACCOUNTS_MISSING }
I/CacheService( 3979): onHandleIntent Intent { act=com.cooliris.cache.action.CAC
HE cmp=com.cooliris.media/com.cooliris.cache.CacheService (has extras) }
I/CacheService( 3979): restartThread() threadRef = null, name = CacheRefresh
I/CacheService( 3979): Refreshing cache.
E/DiskCache( 3979): Delete All Cache Files!!!
I/dumpstate( 4000): begin
W/Sensors ( 3979): Reader thread open Accelerometer = 32
I/CacheService( 3979): Building albums.
D/VoldCmdListener( 2356): asec list
I/dumpstate( 4000): done
W/ActivityManager( 2466): Activity pause timeout for HistoryRecord{47c54090 com.
I/dalvikvm( 3979): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class Lcom/cooliris/me
dia/LocalDataSource; v=0x0
I/RenderView( 3979): OnPause RenderView [email protected]
W/dalvikvm( 3979): threadid=18: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x
E/SensorManager( 3979): unregisterListener: [email protected]
I/Process ( 3979): Sending signal. PID: 3979 SIG: 9
I/Launcher( 2669): onResume(). mIsNewIntent : false
D/WeatherClock( 2669): Main Clock resumed
I/Launcher( 2669): Clearing the Status Bar lock in onResume function
D/StatusBar( 2466): manageDisableList what=0x0 pkg=com.sec.android.app.twlaunche
E/Launcher( 2669): setWindowOpaque()
I/Launcher( 2669): onResume() ended
I/ActivityManager( 2466): Process com.cooliris.media (pid 3979) has died.
I/StatusBar( 2466): binder died for pkg=com.cooliris.media
D/StatusBar( 2466): manageDisableList what=0x0 pkg=com.cooliris.media
I/WindowManager( 2466): WIN DEATH: Window{47d40ba8 com.cooliris.media/com.coolir
is.media.Gallery paused=false}
I/Launcher( 2669): onWindowFocusChanged(true)
E/Launcher( 2669): setWindowOpaque()
W/InputManagerService( 2466): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: co
[email protected]
E/InfoAlarmWidget( 2669): AllDay Event Count = 0
Gallery fc's when i try opening it
delete the datas from application management.
I've been running into this issue as well, even after clearing the data and rebooting. This all has started to occur following a reflash to the stock ROM on my Verizon Galaxy Tab. Thanks for any additional insight!
I ran into the problem of the Gallery app force closing every time I opened it on my Samsung Galaxy Tab and have a solution!
The problem is that com.cooliris.media (the Gallery app) has corrupt cache files on the sdcard.
Oddly, using the Menu, Settings, Applications, Gallery and clearing data does not work.
Rather than formatting the sdcard (which would also work), you can remove just these files.
Either mount the sdcard to your computer, and remove them from /sdcard/Android/data/com.cooliris.media/cache or if you are rooted then you can do this:
adb shell
cd /sdcard/Android/data/com.cooliris.media/cache
rm -r *

[Android 2.2-3+] Killswitch for tablets and phones with cases [12 May]]

MOD EDIT: links removed
Killswitch for tablets and phones
Fahrbot Mobile presents Killswitch, a utility made specifically for devices with cases.
What does Killswitch do?
The app uses a combination of sensors to control the sleep state and screen lock of any device.
At the moment, it uses the proximity sensor, light sensor and accelerometer.
Killswitch now has a night mode for weak sensors - if you find there are errors working in low light conditions on your device, simply set up a schedule!
Killswitch has the added advantage of removing your lockscreen via two different methods if you so wish. If you have a case, it really isn't necessary and can be annoying.
Why use Killswitch?
Killswitch will save you battery - putting your device to sleep is as intuitive as shutting your case or turning your phone face down.
And, of course, Killswitch will show all your ipad and iphone loving mates why android is just that much more awesome
After upgrading to a newer version, please go into the settings dialog and enable Killswitch again. This is not optimal, but it saves battery and cpu time by removing the necessity for a constantly running service!
In order to uninstall the app, untick "Admin privileges" in Killswitch or via the Accessibility page of your device's settings.
sleeplessninja video review:
Thanks bud.
Android Market link:
The app is available right now on the Android Market.
Killswitch 1.0.5
+ Added scheduling
+ Added night mode
+ Fixed bugs on many devices
Killswitch 1.0.4
+ Verbose debugging mode added
Killswitch 1.0.3
+ Bigger buttons
+ Sensitivity tweaks for Samsung 2.2 devices
+ Bug logging
Killswitch 1.0.2
+ Minor layout tweaks
+ Added new icons
Killswitch 1.0.1
+ Fixed orientation-related problems
+ Tweaked default activation delay value
+ Cleaned up Help and Tips dialog
+ Added license check delay to fix caching problems on Google's end
Killswitch 1.0.0 RC
+ Added license check, nag screen, functionality restrictions for unlicensed copies
+ Alternative no-lock mechanism reintegrated
+ About page added
+ Issues related to ProGuard fixed
reserved for suggestion list
Just a heads-up for those who have not managed to work out how to use Killswitch - despite very clear instructions in the Help and Tips dialog.
On a tablet with case the settings should look like this:
Enable Killswitch: tick
Admin Permissions: tick
Confirmation time: 10sec
Activation delay: 6sec
No-lock: Disable screen lock
Use proximity: no tick
Use light sensor: tick
Sensitivity: 10%
Use accelerometer: no tick
For a phone the settings should be exactly the same, except with "Use proximity sensor: tick". These are the settings Im using right now and they work perfectly.
The point of the app is also to avoid accidental sleep mode in a dark room through the popup dialog. Do not choose "Use accelerometer" unless you plan on using both light sensor and facedown at the same time. Instead, choose "Enable facedown mode only" if you see the popup dialog while using the tab in a dark room - this will disable the light sensor but enable facedown until you next swich on/ off.
Please read the Help and Tips section before giving up!
I've bought and installed Kill Switch for my galaxy tab, used the exact same settings shown above but it doesn't appear to be doing anything on my tab. I'm on overcome 1.2.3 and have the fugutweaks applied
After upgrading to a newer version, please go into the settings dialog and enable Killswitch again. This is not optimal, but it saves battery and cpu time by removing the necessity for a constantly running service!
Im using overcome 1.2 and its working just fine... also, its tested to work on JK5 and up stock roms.
Decrease activation delay in settings to 2 seconds, then try putting your finger over the light sensor to check whether its working - its just to the right of the front facing camera.
If not this is a kernel-related problem, so please send logcat!
Hmm...I appear to be having a problem with the light sensor. I can get the accelerometer to switch it off. I think I'm going to undo the fugutweaks, see if that's the problem.
Could you please post a logcat? This would be the easiest way to check what the problem is.
You can get the app aLogcat for free from the market. Use it after youve turned on killswitch and just post the resulting text here.
Sorry, I undid the fugutweaks before I read your reply and this appears to have cured the problem
OK, no problem! I hope you find the functionality useful!
mrgrey1701 said:
Sorry, I undid the fugutweaks before I read your reply and this appears to have cured the problem
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I spoke too soon...its very temperamental with the light sensor - sometimes it works, most times it doesn't. Installing logcat and will post results here shortly:
D/alogcat ( 4511): stopped
D/alogcat ( 4511): starting ...
W/InputManagerService( 2829): Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: [email protected]
D/dalvikvm( 2917): GC_EXPLICIT freed 15 objects / 536 bytes in 77ms
D/dalvikvm( 2917): GC_EXPLICIT freed 7 objects / 288 bytes in 71ms
D/BatteryService( 2829): update start
D/BatteryService( 2829): updateBattery level:77 scale:100 status:4 health:2 present:true voltage: 3874 temperature: 323 technology: Li-ion AC powered:false USB powered:false icon:17302168
D/WifiService( 2829): ACTION_BATTERY_CHANGED pluggedType: 0
D/dalvikvm( 4449): GC_EXPLICIT freed 17829 objects / 1823232 bytes in 448ms
D/dalvikvm( 2924): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2942 objects / 120712 bytes in 274ms
W/PowerManagerService( 2829): Timer 0x7->0x3|0x0
I/PowerManagerService( 2829): Ulight 7->3|0
V/WindowManager( 2829): onOrientationChanged, rotation changed to 1 false mLockedRotation=-1
E/WindowManager( 2829): Overwriting rotation value from 1
V/WindowManager( 2829): Rotation changed to 1 from 0 (forceApp=-1, req=1)
I/WindowManager( 2829): Setting rotation to 1, animFlags=0
E/SurfaceFlinger( 2829): Surface Flinger::setOrientation mIsRotationPossible = 0, nBackupOrientationValue = 1
I/TvOut-Observer( 2829): setTvoutOrientation rotation = 1
E/TvOut-Observer( 2829): SetOrientation
I/ActivityManager( 2829): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=234/20 loc=en_GB touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/1 orien=2 layout=35 uiMode=17 seq=6 FlipFont=0}
D/PhoneApp( 2921): updateProximitySensorMode: state = IDLE
I/UsageStats( 2829): Unexpected resume of org.jtb.alogcat while already resumed in org.jtb.alogcat
V/alogcat ( 4511): save instance
V/alogcat ( 4511): paused
D/alogcat ( 4511): stopping ...
V/alogcat ( 4511): destroyed
D/alogcat ( 4511): stopped
V/alogcat ( 4511): created
D/alogcat ( 4511): canceling periodic saves
V/alogcat ( 4511): started
V/alogcat ( 4511): restore instance
V/alogcat ( 4511): resumed
D/alogcat ( 4511): starting ...
V/Thumb Keyboard( 2917): HAAALLLOOO widht: 1025
V/Thumb Keyboard( 2917): HAAALLLOOO height: 272
V/WindowManager( 2829): onOrientationChanged, rotation changed to 2 false mLockedRotation=-1
E/WindowManager( 2829): Overwriting rotation value from 2
V/WindowManager( 2829): Rotation changed to 2 from 1 (forceApp=-1, req=2)
I/WindowManager( 2829): Setting rotation to 2, animFlags=0
E/SurfaceFlinger( 2829): Surface Flinger::setOrientation mIsRotationPossible = 0, nBackupOrientationValue = 2
I/TvOut-Observer( 2829): setTvoutOrientation rotation = 2
E/TvOut-Observer( 2829): SetOrientation
I/ActivityManager( 2829): Config changed: { scale=1.0 imsi=234/20 loc=en_GB touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/1 orien=1 layout=35 uiMode=17 seq=7 FlipFont=0}
D/PhoneApp( 2921): updateProximitySensorMode: state = IDLE
I/UsageStats( 2829): Unexpected resume of org.jtb.alogcat while already resumed in org.jtb.alogcat
D/dalvikvm( 2917): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1479 objects / 99312 bytes in 137ms
V/alogcat ( 4511): save instance
V/alogcat ( 4511): paused
D/alogcat ( 4511): stopping ...
V/alogcat ( 4511): destroyed
D/alogcat ( 4511): stopped
V/alogcat ( 4511): created
D/alogcat ( 4511): canceling periodic saves
V/alogcat ( 4511): started
V/alogcat ( 4511): restore instance
V/alogcat ( 4511): resumed
D/alogcat ( 4511): starting ...
V/Thumb Keyboard( 2917): HAAALLLOOO widht: 606
V/Thumb Keyboard( 2917): HAAALLLOOO height: 462
D/dalvikvm( 2917): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2064 objects / 123784 bytes in 98ms
D/dalvikvm( 2917): GC_EXPLICIT freed 581 objects / 23088 bytes in 69ms
D/dalvikvm( 2917): GC_EXPLICIT freed 7 objects / 296 bytes in 60ms
D/UpdateService( 3192): rotation (new config = { scale=1.0 imsi=234/20 loc=en_GB touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=1/1 orien=1 layout=35 uiMode=17 seq=7 FlipFont=0})
I/DBG_WSS_DM( 3338): [wssTelephonyData.java Line:153] getInstance PHONE_TYPE_GSM
V/AlarmManager( 2829): set: Alarm{48f8a5d0 type 2 com.google.android.apps.maps}
D/dalvikvm( 2829): GC_EXPLICIT freed 19940 objects / 871280 bytes in 288ms
D/dalvikvm( 4177): GC_EXPLICIT freed 272 objects / 14272 bytes in 108ms
I/DBG_WSS_DM( 3338): [wssTelephonyData.java Line:153] getInstance PHONE_TYPE_GSM
V/AlarmManager( 2829): set: Alarm{48faf1a0 type 2 com.google.android.apps.maps}
D/dalvikvm( 3049): GC_EXPLICIT freed 14292 objects / 815880 bytes in 159ms
W/PowerManagerService( 2829): Timer 0x3->0x3|0x0
V/WindowManager( 2829): onOrientationChanged, rotation changed to 0 false mLockedRotation=-1
E/WindowManager( 2829): Overwriting rotation value from 0
V/WindowManager( 2829): Rotation changed to 0 from 2 (forceApp=-1, req=0)
I/WindowManager( 2829): Setting rotation to 0, animFlags=0
E/SurfaceFlinger( 2829): Surface Flinger::setOrientation mIsRotationPossible = 0, nBackupOrientationValue = 0
I/TvOut-Observer( 2829): setTvoutOrientation rotation = 0
E/TvOut-Observer( 2829): SetOrientation
V/AlarmManager( 2829): set: Alarm{48e73de8 type 1 android}
D/dalvikvm( 2829): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2694 objects / 116128 bytes in 259ms
E/ShutdownThread( 2829): IsShutDownStarted()
I/KeyInputQueue( 2829): Input event
I/PowerManagerService( 2829): Ulight 3->7|0
V/WindowManager( 2829): Dsptch to Window{48f9bc90 org.jtb.alogcat/org.jtb.alogcat.LogActivity paused=false}
W/KeyCharacterMap( 4511): No keyboard for id 0
W/KeyCharacterMap( 4511): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
E/ShutdownThread( 2829): IsShutDownStarted()
I/KeyInputQueue( 2829): Input event
V/WindowManager( 2829): Dsptch to Window{48f9bc90 org.jtb.alogcat/org.jtb.alogcat.LogActivity paused=false}
V/VibratorService( 2829): vibrateImmVibe: 13, magnitude: -1
V/VibratorService( 2829): setVibeStrength = 10000
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48d4a768 AtchDlgrg.jtb.alogcat/org.jtb.alogcat.LogActivity paused=false}
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48d4a768 AtchDlgrg.jtb.alogcat/org.jtb.alogcat.LogActivity paused=false}
There is nothing about fahrbotapps in this logcat!
Try opening the Killswitch properties, unticking and again ticking "Enable Killswitch" and then running aLogcat.
Once its running put your finger over the light sensor and see what happens. Even if nothing happens within 10 seconds, pause the logging and then post here!
Sorry, quite new to this. After rebooting again it now appears to work well, as you should see below.
Thanks for your time. Very useful app
D/alogcat ( 4342): stopped
V/alogcat ( 4342): paused
E/WindowManager( 2829): Overwriting rotation value from 0
I/Zygote ( 4377): Zygote: pid 4377 has INTERNET permission, then set capability for CAP_NET_RAW
I/Zygote ( 4377): Zygote: pid 4377 has CALL PRIVILEGED permission, then set capability for CAP_SYS_ADMIN (21)
I/ActivityManager( 2829): No longer want com.android.mms (pid 3178): hidden #16
W/ResourceType( 2829): Skipping entry 0x7f040006 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
W/ResourceType( 2829): Skipping entry 0x7f040005 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
I/ActivityManager( 2829): No longer want com.android.settings (pid 4377): hidden #16
D/alogcat ( 4342): stopping ...
D/alogcat ( 4342): stopped
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48deb1a0 com.fede.launcher/com.fede.launcher.Launcher paused=false}
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48deb1a0 com.fede.launcher/com.fede.launcher.Launcher paused=false}
D/dalvikvm( 2917): GC_EXPLICIT freed 14 objects / 584 bytes in 50ms
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48deb1a0 com.fede.launcher/com.fede.launcher.Launcher paused=false}
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48deb1a0 com.fede.launcher/com.fede.launcher.Launcher paused=false}
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48deb1a0 com.fede.launcher/com.fede.launcher.Launcher paused=false}
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48deb1a0 com.fede.launcher/com.fede.launcher.Launcher paused=false}
I/ActivityManager( 2829): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10200000 cmp=fahrbot.apps.killswitch/.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity }
I/ActivityManager( 2829): Start proc fahrbot.apps.killswitch for activity fahrbot.apps.killswitch/.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity: pid=4384 uid=10136 gids={}
W/Process ( 2829): Unable to open /proc/3178/status
D/dalvikvm( 2637): GC_EXPLICIT freed 307 objects / 11648 bytes in 28ms
E/WindowManager( 2829): Overwriting rotation value from 0
W/ResourceType( 2829): Skipping entry 0x7f040007 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
W/ResourceType( 2829): Skipping entry 0x7f040008 in package table 0 because it is not complex!
D/dalvikvm( 2637): GC_EXPLICIT freed 52 objects / 2480 bytes in 81ms
D/dalvikvm( 2637): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2 objects / 48 bytes in 49ms
I/global ( 2829): Default buffer size used in BufferedInputStream constructor. It would be better to be explicit if an 8k buffer is required.
D/SensorManager( 4384): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 1
D/SensorManager( 4384): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 2
D/SensorManager( 4384): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 3
D/SensorManager( 4384): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 4
D/SensorManager( 4384): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 5
D/SensorManager( 4384): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 6
D/SensorManager( 4384): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 7
D/SensorManager( 4384): ====>>>>>Num Sensor: 0
E/SensorManager( 4384): ####### akmd2 started!!!
I/ActivityManager( 2829): Displayed activity fahrbot.apps.killswitch/.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity: 448 ms (total 448 ms)
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48f0bef0 fahrbot.apps.killswitch/fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity paused=false}
D/dalvikvm( 4384): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 2659 objects / 185288 bytes in 31ms
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48f0bef0 fahrbot.apps.killswitch/fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity paused=false}
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48f0bef0 fahrbot.apps.killswitch/fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity paused=false}
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48f0bef0 fahrbot.apps.killswitch/fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity paused=false}
I/EventLogService( 3073): Aggregate from 1300117279446 (log), 1300117279446 (data)
W/EventLogAggregator( 3073): Unknown tag: contacts_upgrade_receiver
V/AlarmManager( 2829): set: Alarm{48f72778 type 0 com.google.android.gsf}
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48f0bef0 fahrbot.apps.killswitch/fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity paused=false}
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48f0bef0 fahrbot.apps.killswitch/fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity paused=false}
E/SensorManager( 4384): registerListener 41 LightSensor delay:240
D/Sensors ( 2829): open_input open fd = 98
D/Sensors ( 2829): open_input open fd = 98
D/Sensors ( 2829): open_input leave
D/Sensors ( 2829): accel :: open_input open fd = 99
D/Sensors ( 2829): accel :: open_input open fd = 99
D/Sensors ( 2829): accel :: open_input open fd = 99
D/Sensors ( 2829): open_input_accel leave
D/Sensors ( 2829): gyro :: open_input open fd = 100
D/Sensors ( 2829): open_input_gyro leave
D/Sensors ( 2829): sensors_control_open_data_source: fd_compass=98 fd_accel=99 fd_gyro=100
E/SensorManager( 4384): =======>>>Sensor Thread RUNNING <<<========
D/Sensors ( 4384): event_fd_compass = 38 fd_acc = 39 fd_gyro = 40
D/Sensors ( 2829): sensors_control_activate active=00000012 sensor=00000010 new_sensors=12 changed=0
I/Sensors ( 2829): set AK daemon delay=60 fd=95
E/Sensors ( 2829): +sensors_control_delay: acc ms=60
E/Sensors ( 2829): Write acc delay /sys/class/input/input3/poll_delay <---60
E/Sensors ( 2829): +sensors_control_delay: gyro ms=60
E/Sensors ( 2829): Write gyro delay /sys/class/input/input5/poll_delay <---60
W/SensorManager( 4384): Delay Candidate Listener 0 Sensor:4 delay:240
I/Sensors ( 4384): sensors_data_delay handle=4 delay=240 mMinDelay=240
E/SensorManager( 4384): unregisterListener: [email protected] P1 LightSensor
I/Sensors ( 2829): set AK daemon delay=60 fd=95
E/Sensors ( 2829): +sensors_control_delay: acc ms=60
E/Sensors ( 2829): Write acc delay /sys/class/input/input3/poll_delay <---60
E/Sensors ( 2829): +sensors_control_delay: gyro ms=60
E/Sensors ( 2829): Write gyro delay /sys/class/input/input5/poll_delay <---60
I/Sensors ( 4384): sensors_data_delay handle=4 delay=2147483647 mMinDelay=2147483647
E/SensorManager( 4384): registerListener 41 LightSensor delay:240
D/Sensors ( 2829): sensors_control_activate active=00000012 sensor=00000010 new_sensors=12 changed=0
I/Sensors ( 2829): set AK daemon delay=60 fd=95
E/Sensors ( 2829): +sensors_control_delay: acc ms=60
E/Sensors ( 2829): Write acc delay /sys/class/input/input3/poll_delay <---60
E/Sensors ( 2829): +sensors_control_delay: gyro ms=60
E/Sensors ( 2829): Write gyro delay /sys/class/input/input5/poll_delay <---60
W/SensorManager( 4384): Delay Candidate Listener 0 Sensor:4 delay:240
I/Sensors ( 4384): sensors_data_delay handle=4 delay=240 mMinDelay=240
E/WindowManager( 2829): disableKeyguard() : [email protected] tag==KillSwitch
D/KeyguardViewMediator( 2829): setKeyguardEnabled(false)
W/Sensors ( 4384): report Light 22
E/ShutdownThread( 2829): IsShutDownStarted()
I/KeyInputQueue( 2829): Input event
E/WindowManager( 2829): isHomeNeglecting pkgName:fahrbot.apps.killswitch
E/WindowManager( 2829): className:fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity
V/VibratorService( 2829): vibrateImmVibe: 9, magnitude: -1
V/VibratorService( 2829): setVibeStrength = 10000
I/ActivityManager( 2829): Start proc com.android.settings for broadcast com.android.settings/.widget.SettingsAppWidgetProvider: pid=4393 uid=1000 gids={3003, 1015, 2001, 3002, 3001, 1006}
E/WindowManager( 2829): isHomeNeglecting pkgName:fahrbot.apps.killswitch
E/WindowManager( 2829): className:fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity
E/WindowManager( 2829): isHomeNeglecting pkgName:fahrbot.apps.killswitch
E/WindowManager( 2829): className:fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity
E/WindowManager( 2829): isHomeNeglecting pkgName:fahrbot.apps.killswitch
E/WindowManager( 2829): className:fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity
E/WindowManager( 2829): isHomeNeglecting pkgName:fahrbot.apps.killswitch
E/WindowManager( 2829): className:fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity
E/WindowManager( 2829): isHomeNeglecting pkgName:fahrbot.apps.killswitch
E/WindowManager( 2829): className:fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity
E/WindowManager( 2829): isHomeNeglecting pkgName:fahrbot.apps.killswitch
E/WindowManager( 2829): className:fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity
I/Zygote ( 4393): Zygote: pid 4393 has INTERNET permission, then set capability for CAP_NET_RAW
I/Zygote ( 4393): Zygote: pid 4393 has CALL PRIVILEGED permission, then set capability for CAP_SYS_ADMIN (21)
D/StatusBar( 2829): manageDisableList what=0x1 pkg=android
D/StatusBar( 2829): DISABLE_EXPAND: yes
E/WindowManager( 2829): isHomeNeglecting pkgName:fahrbot.apps.killswitch
E/WindowManager( 2829): className:fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity
E/WindowManager( 2829): isHomeNeglecting pkgName:fahrbot.apps.killswitch
E/WindowManager( 2829): className:fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity
E/WindowManager( 2829): isHomeNeglecting pkgName:fahrbot.apps.killswitch
E/WindowManager( 2829): className:fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity
I/ActivityManager( 2829): No longer want com.osp.app.signin (pid 3310): hidden #16
E/WindowManager( 2829): isHomeNeglecting pkgName:fahrbot.apps.killswitch
E/WindowManager( 2829): className:fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity
E/WindowManager( 2829): isHomeNeglecting pkgName:fahrbot.apps.killswitch
E/WindowManager( 2829): className:fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity
E/WindowManager( 2829): isHomeNeglecting pkgName:fahrbot.apps.killswitch
E/WindowManager( 2829): className:fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity
E/ShutdownThread( 2829): IsShutDownStarted()
I/KeyInputQueue( 2829): Input event
E/WindowManager( 2829): isHomeNeglecting pkgName:fahrbot.apps.killswitch
E/WindowManager( 2829): className:fahrbot.apps.killswitch.activities.ConfiguratorPreferenceActivity
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48f098d0 paused=false}
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48f098d0 paused=false}
I/ActivityManager( 2829): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] flg=0x10100000 cmp=org.jtb.alogcat/.LogActivity }
D/StatusBar( 2829): manageDisableList what=0x0 pkg=android
D/alogcat ( 4342): stopping ...
D/alogcat ( 4342): canceling periodic saves
V/alogcat ( 4342): started
V/alogcat ( 4342): resumed
D/alogcat ( 4342): starting ...
D/dalvikvm( 2917): GC_EXPLICIT freed 26 objects / 1016 bytes in 63ms
W/InputManagerService( 2829): Starting input on non-focused client [email protected] (uid=10136 pid=4384)
W/Sensors ( 2829): report Light 5
D/PowerManagerService( 2829): onSensorChanged: light value: 5
W/Sensors ( 4384): report Light 5
D/dalvikvm( 3073): GC_EXPLICIT freed 6075 objects / 559920 bytes in 186ms
I/ActivityManager( 2829): Starting activity: Intent { flg=0x10000000 cmp=fahrbot.apps.killswitch/.activities.ScreenOffActivity (has extras) }
W/Process ( 2829): Unable to open /proc/3310/status
V/alogcat ( 4342): save instance
V/alogcat ( 4342): paused
E/WindowManager( 2829): Overwriting rotation value from 0
E/WindowManager( 2829): Overwriting rotation value from 0
D/alogcat ( 4342): stopping ...
D/alogcat ( 4342): stopped
D/alogcat ( 4342): stopping ...
D/alogcat ( 4342): canceling periodic saves
V/alogcat ( 4342): started
D/alogcat ( 4342): starting ...
I/ActivityManager( 2829): Displayed activity fahrbot.apps.killswitch/.activities.ScreenOffActivity: 367 ms (total 367 ms)
D/PowerManagerService( 2829): lightSensorChangedLocked 5
W/Sensors ( 2829): report Light 22
D/PowerManagerService( 2829): onSensorChanged: light value: 22
W/Sensors ( 4384): report Light 22
V/alogcat ( 4342): resumed
W/PowerManagerService( 2829): Timer 0x7->0x3|0x3
I/PowerManagerService( 2829): Ulight 7->3|0
D/PowerManagerService( 2829): lightSensorChangedLocked 22
W/Sensors ( 2829): report Light 5
D/PowerManagerService( 2829): onSensorChanged: light value: 5
D/dalvikvm( 4342): GC_FOR_MALLOC freed 24065 objects / 3041640 bytes in 116ms
W/Sensors ( 4384): report Light 5
D/dalvikvm( 2962): GC_EXPLICIT freed 9058 objects / 480888 bytes in 180ms
I/ActivityManager( 2829): Starting activity: Intent { flg=0x10000000 cmp=fahrbot.apps.killswitch/.activities.ScreenOffActivity (has extras) }
V/alogcat ( 4342): save instance
V/alogcat ( 4342): paused
I/ActivityManager( 2829): Displayed activity fahrbot.apps.killswitch/.activities.ScreenOffActivity: 333 ms (total 333 ms)
D/PowerManagerService( 2829): lightSensorChangedLocked 5
W/Sensors ( 2829): report Light 22
D/PowerManagerService( 2829): onSensorChanged: light value: 22
W/Sensors ( 4384): report Light 22
W/PowerManagerService( 2829): Timer 0x3->0x3|0x0
V/alogcat ( 4342): resumed
E/ShutdownThread( 2829): IsShutDownStarted()
I/KeyInputQueue( 2829): Input event
I/PowerManagerService( 2829): Ulight 3->7|0
V/WindowManager( 2829): Dsptch to Window{48dc34f8 org.jtb.alogcat/org.jtb.alogcat.LogActivity paused=false}
W/KeyCharacterMap( 4342): No keyboard for id 0
W/KeyCharacterMap( 4342): Using default keymap: /system/usr/keychars/qwerty.kcm.bin
E/ShutdownThread( 2829): IsShutDownStarted()
I/KeyInputQueue( 2829): Input event
V/WindowManager( 2829): Dsptch to Window{48dc34f8 org.jtb.alogcat/org.jtb.alogcat.LogActivity paused=false}
V/VibratorService( 2829): vibrateImmVibe: 13, magnitude: -1
V/VibratorService( 2829): setVibeStrength = 10000
V/WindowManager( 2829): Delivering toWindow{48eda210 AtchDlgrg.jtb.alogcat/org.jtb.alogcat.LogActivity paused=false}
Yep, that looks like its working as it should... enjoy!
Cheers op!
My pleasure, if you like the app, please rate it on the market and tell your friends!
I am done with the Norwegian translations. I have sent you a pm with the file.
Thank you for the translations! Ill be sending you a free copy in a minute!
And to anyone interested in doing their own translations, dont hesitate to pm me!
ftgg99 said:
Killswitch for tablets and phones
Fahrbot Mobile presents Killswitch, a utility made specifically for devices with cases.
What does Killswitch do?
The app uses a combination of sensors to control the sleep state and screen lock of any device.
At the moment, it uses the proximity sensor, light sensor and accelerometer.
Killswitch has the added advantage of removing your lockscreen via two different methods if you so wish. If you have a case, it really isnt necessary and can be annoying.
Why use Killswitch?
Killswitch will save you battery - putting your device to sleep is as intuitive as shutting your case or turning your phone face down.
All this will use no more power than any Android device does on default settings, as all of the pertinent sensors are already on all the time.
And, of course, Killswitch will show all your ipad and iphone loving mates why android is just that much more awesome
Settings for tablets should look like this:
Enable Killswitch: tick
Admin Permissions: tick
Confirmation time: 10sec
Activation delay: 6sec
No-lock: Disable screen lock
Use proximity: no tick
Use light sensor: tick
Sensitivity: 10%
Use accelerometer: no tick
After upgrading to a newer version, please go into the settings dialog and enable Killswitch again. This is not optimal, but it saves battery and cpu time by removing the necessity for a constantly running service!
Android Market link:
The app is available right now on the Android Market, at an introductory price of $1.99.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Did a Video Overview of the App. Great App. Great Idea. Works Well on the Xoom.
Thank you kindly, we will be subscribing to your channel asap

