Pressy - Sound Jack Button - G2 Accessories

I had posted about the Meenova device on a few posts, but after reading a thread about it here, I figure that most people don't really read too many posts, just thread titles and the OP. So, instead of posting about this, I thought a thread would be more appropriate.
As one person stated, I'll probably never use these gadgets, but I love having them. So, check out Pressy. This a pre-programmed button that goes into your headphone jack! It can also be programmed for more functions! And it can apparently be used with Tasker!
Just another cool trinket to look out for...

Awesome, thanks!
I will definatly get one of theese

Looks interesting. I'll be interested to see reviews once it's being produced.


State of the Forum/Newbies

Okay, this post is really intended as a comment and I am not going to pretend I have THE answer but I do have some suggestions to spark discussion.
Based on a lot of the recent comments and back and forth about newbies/tech support I think that the forum is trending the same way I have seen MANY other forums go. What happens is simple; a group of first adopters, who are by default, technically capable, get together on a forum and start to fill in the gaps in tech support, especially when it comes to 'modded' soft or hardwre. They spend a while helping each other out and a comfort level develops. Members know where to go, and when to ask questions.
Then what happens is that the hardware becomes much more popular. All of a sudden your average Joe can walk out a Cingular store with a 8125 for a couple hundred bucks. These folks are NOT early adopters. They are not necessarily tech savvy. They are the people that are most prone to 'keyboard to chair interface errors'. Since the early members did such a good job raising the profile of the forum it starts to come up every time someone does a Google search. and they all end up over their heads.
So then the folks that have been around for a while start to get frustrated. Why should they provide tech support? Why can't these newbies read? Why should they even try to help if they get barraged by stupid questions?
Well I think that takes us to where we are now, so the question is what do we do now? In my experience the only solution that I have seen is to have people equally dedicated to wiki and sticky writing as they are to writing ROMs and programs. The truth is that if you release something you WILL become tech support and a large part of tech support is writing documentation and then explaining it to others.
I have intended this post as something helpful and to spark discussion, not as a criticism of anyone in particular or any particular group. Hopefully it will be taken as such
I agree. I get the feeling that since the relaunch, for one reason or another, there appears to be a lot more"Why don't my apps close when I press X?" and "How dat I swtich this thing 0ff!!!!!!!" type posts.
I think that it's beholden on more experienced users to try to share their experience as they see fit, but it's absolutely essential that newbs and less experienced users use the search button and wiki.
I've been sponsoring a post in the moderators' forum regarding having a specific section for Tutorials etc, eg for the excellent posts that Menneisyys puts together. The wiki may not be the best place for them (due to the risk of negative edits), although it's certainly better then people never looking at them at all...
But as you say, it's pretty much predicted by psychohistory that all fora of dedicated people will eventually turn into a tech support. I don't mind, but less experienced must use the resources already online - quid pro quo.
As a new user on this forum i have noticed inconsitant information about G3 vs G4 devices and ROM upgrading. I've seen questions asked by people about G4 devices that go unanswered.
I think the problem with searching on this forum and many others. They do not allow you to search for 3 or fewer letter acronyms such as IPL, SPL, CID. There is no way to search for answers about these things. If there is a setting on the forum that can be changed to allow searching for these terms, then please fix it.
I think when people start posting info about how they did something they need to specify what hardware they are using G3/G4. Thankfully i havent done anything as far as modding my device, but i had seen posts where someone most likely with a G3 device says they figured out how to do this or that, Then someone with a G4 comes along and tried it, not knowing it was done on a G3 and ended up screwing up their device. We need to clearly specify what hardware we are doing mods on.
I still have no clear answer about CID unlocking a G4. I know there is no free utility to do it. Ive seen posts that say the imei-check site can CID unlock. Then i saw a post this morning that imei-check is only a SIM unlock. Can people please provide clear info?
d0ug said:
As a new user on this forum i have noticed inconsitant information about G3 vs G4 devices and ROM upgrading. I've seen questions asked by people about G4 devices that go unanswered.
I think the problem with searching on this forum and many others. They do not allow you to search for 3 or fewer letter acronyms such as IPL, SPL, CID. There is no way to search for answers about these things. If there is a setting on the forum that can be changed to allow searching for these terms, then please fix it.
I think when people start posting info about how they did something they need to specify what hardware they are using G3/G4. Thankfully i havent done anything as far as modding my device, but i had seen posts where someone most likely with a G3 device says they figured out how to do this or that, Then someone with a G4 comes along and tried it, not knowing it was done on a G3 and ended up screwing up their device. We need to clearly specify what hardware we are doing mods on.
I still have no clear answer about CID unlocking a G4. I know there is no free utility to do it. Ive seen posts that say the imei-check site can CID unlock. Then i saw a post this morning that imei-check is only a SIM unlock. Can people please provide clear info?
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I agree with you d0ug! It is rather confusing to navigate and find your way. Especially when you are a n00b, such as myself. I have been trying to mod my phone for 3 days now. I have tried many ways of unlocking my G3, but none of them have worked. I have listened to 3 different people tell me their "way" of unlocking the phone, and all 3 attempts failed in the end. I get flamed for not reading posts or searching, when i did, just nothing relevant popped up! This is not a whine fest, just saying that some people dont have phones that were built on a Wednesday, like mine that was probably built on a Monday and has issues!
Either way, i called Cingular and they are shipping me a brand new 8125 to test things out on!
Haven't been a wizard user that long although I've been in the ppc scene in about 5 years and quite active in several forums. The most successful solution that I've seen to this problem (witch enevitably always comes up) is to not let new users post for at least 7 days and/or forcing them to read various informational topics before getting access to the actual forum.
This will of course not get everyone but has in my experience improved the situation considerably.
Ah well, that's just my two cents
vijay555 said:
I agree. I get the feeling that since the relaunch, for one reason or another, there appears to be a lot more"Why don't my apps close when I press X?" and "How dat I swtich this thing 0ff!!!!!!!" type posts.
I think that it's beholden on more experienced users to try to share their experience as they see fit, but it's absolutely essential that newbs and less experienced users use the search button and wiki.
I've been sponsoring a post in the moderators' forum regarding having a specific section for Tutorials etc, eg for the excellent posts that Menneisyys puts together. The wiki may not be the best place for them (due to the risk of negative edits), although it's certainly better then people never looking at them at all...
But as you say, it's pretty much predicted by psychohistory that all fora of dedicated people will eventually turn into a tech support. I don't mind, but less experienced must use the resources already online - quid pro quo.
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Vijay, very happy to see that the mods are looking at this. I agree that Wiki's have their limitations especially given the validity of some of the comments about conflicting advice.
The search function definitely does have its limits as well, and people are less likely to go through searches that produce a 100 threads with 5 pages each.
I for one would feel a lot better about telling someone harshly to stop answering questions if I knew that I could also direct them to a single place for answers.
I really love this forum and it has helped me so much. I don't post much except to say "thank you" from time to time to the people who have made some program that has been helpful to me. And although I have been coming to this board every day for over a year I still don't know half as much as the majority of people here.
Some solutions to this problem are:
1) get frustrated and write a mean message to the noob
2) take a minute and just give the link to the page where the answer is
3) make it easier on this forum to find things
_Nomad_ said:
Haven't been a wizard user that long although I've been in the ppc scene in about 5 years and quite active in several forums. The most successful solution that I've seen to this problem (witch enevitably always comes up) is to not let new users post for at least 7 days and/or forcing them to read various informational topics before getting access to the actual forum.
This will of course not get everyone but has in my experience improved the situation considerably.
Ah well, that's just my two cents
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That could be nice... part of the things that had contributed to the bad search results are the tons of new threads asking the very same questions over and over and over again... is there anyway to disable these threads from showing up in the search results? Maybe it's time for us to out up another sticky thread specifically talking abóut G4 devices =)
vseehua said:
That could be nice... part of the things that had contributed to the bad search results are the tons of new threads asking the very same questions over and over and over again... is there anyway to disable these threads from showing up in the search results? Maybe it's time for us to out up another sticky thread specifically talking abóut G4 devices =)
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I would like to see a thread dedicated to G4 devices, with verified correct information in it.
It isnt just people asking the same questions over and over making the search junk. Its the inability to even search for simple short 3 letter acronyms like CID, IPL, SPL, AKU. These are all things I have tried to search for and get 0 results. If I were able to search for these terms I could probably turn up a wealth of information on my own.
_Nomad_ said:
Haven't been a wizard user that long although I've been in the ppc scene in about 5 years and quite active in several forums. The most successful solution that I've seen to this problem (witch enevitably always comes up) is to not let new users post for at least 7 days and/or forcing them to read various informational topics before getting access to the actual forum.
This will of course not get everyone but has in my experience improved the situation considerably.
Ah well, that's just my two cents
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That would work me thinks!!!!!
Hi all,
I've been reading this forum for weeks now and still have not found enough answers to be secure enough and cid-unlock my G3 2.21 vario.
I HAVE indeed read most relevant threads, although navigating them can be somewhat confusing. However When I posted some -in my n00b opinion - valid questions I either got 1) no reply whatsoever 2) replies to read "the" threads....which wasn't really helpfull or I wouldn't have asked 3) contradicting advice .... like a 2.21 G3 Can be unlocked, or it Cannot be unlocked, you have to downgrade twice, you have to upgrade twice, you Can or Cannot flash a G4 rom to a G3 device so you won't have to downgrade and CID unlock your phone first, etc.
I believe that I am somewhat beyond the real n00b level right now but still I'd like information to be more consistent and easier to find, I've already tried to suggest making a stickied n00b FAQ or wiki for us where to find the basic answers in a easy and consistent manner so the sdame questions aren't asked over and over and ROM threads hijacked for support questions.
but that is just my cup of tea.
thanks for a good forum with vlauable info.
Regular search
Personally, I find using google or yahoo, with, works much better than the forum search. My personal pet peeve is the inability to use quotes to search for phrases. Quotes don't work.
A major problem with "read the threads" is the 800+ entry length of some of them. It would be nice to try to harness the power of those of us newly figuring things out and ask them to submit a wiki for something they just learned. If we had a submission point for the wiki, perhaps those of us who recently learned new things would do a how-to write-up and submit it to the wiki.
Finally, there are a lot of repeat threads, many with false or useless information. These threads stand in the way of a searcher. I would be happier if the moderators deleted more bad threads. Alternatively, we could use democracy -- add a "vote to delete" button to every thread not posted by a moderator and if a high enough percentage vote to delete, the thread is gone. I'd suggest 20% as a threshold -- more than that and the thread goes away.
Have been reading all your comments and completely agree with you guys... I see you have specific problems on G3/G4 on Wizards, as someone suggested a separate subforum for G4 devices would be ideal for you, and also for Prophet I guess.
About the search functions I'm also using google to search as a fallback when I can't find specific things using vBulletin's integrated search function, there's a thread on the mod forum where we discussed how to improve it, but seems is not very active now... will try to push Flar to do something about that.
Regarding the wiki, I think everyone should be less afraid to edit, if you look at the "recent changes" you see always the same people is editing. Have a look at the Hermes or BlueAngel wiki pages, these are good examples on how info has to be organized on the wiki, it's easy to find everything on the front page and information is well divided. Formating may seem a bit complicated at the beginning, but you don't have to care too much if you just want to add content, sure someone more experienced with wiki syntax will edit and correct any bad formating mistakes.
I do 100% agree with you that the wiki itself doesn't cover half of what it should. Yet if you take the time to read through it, and the links, you should be quite familiar with your device...
And oh yeah, sure, you can't search for keywords less than four characters, but that's not really an excuse... look at the thread containing the latest Faria ROM. Half... Half of what the thread contains is the same question over and over again... those ppl didn't even read the initial post of the thread... they found the download link, tried to install the ROM, got problem and went right to work, posting their (stupid) question all over again and again... The problem was never the limited search capabilities... It's always the ppl...
A board without limitations always get bloated with crap, whether it's unwanted commercial och just plain stupid posts...
So, unfortunatly this is going to continue unless you put constraints on the board... I'm sorry, but that's what's gonna happen.
Seems to me that since this was posted the situation has sorta escalated... Faria, Molski, risidoro and just now Dr P has announced their leave.
In this rate all that'll be left will be the newbies soon. Sad to witness
_Nomad_ said:
And oh yeah, sure, you can't search for keywords less than four characters, but that's not really an excuse... look at the thread containing the latest Faria ROM. Half... Half of what the thread contains is the same question over and over again... those ppl didn't even read the initial post of the thread... they found the download link, tried to install the ROM, got problem and went right to work, posting their (stupid) question all over again and again... The problem was never the limited search capabilities... It's always the ppl...
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It's also very human.
_Nomad_ said:
A board without limitations always get bloated with crap, whether it's unwanted commercial och just plain stupid posts...
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There just should be enough moderators. Now what happens when you write something stupid is you also get useless answers like "don't do that" which just makes everything even worse. There should be a "FAQ"-section, there should be a "how-to"-section etc...but there isn't. The forum structure is FAR TOO SIMPLE to handle the amount of messages.
Two main things to handle this (just my opinion):
Re-designed forum structure
(well, the structure should be designed in the first place so that it would be easy to extend it later...not an easy job)
prestonmcafee said:
...A major problem with "read the threads" is the 800+ entry length of some of them. It would be nice to try to harness the power of those of us newly figuring things out...
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I usually suggest to those asking questions to post the solution to their question in the first post. But I'm over at the Mio forums, and since we only have 4500 peps, the mods aren't overwhelmed. I can lock a thread, post the correct thread to post in, and a few days later, delete the thread. I spend 1/2 my time using the search function to consolidate questions into single threads. But like I said, that's not feasible here. I suggest a PM sent to everyone the registers, that is kind of a quick start guide. I understand why the 3 letter limit, because people type words like "the" and "and". I'm not sure how powerful the forum software is, but it would be nice to remove the size limit, and omit such words as mentioned above, from the search.
mlehtola said:
There should be a "FAQ"-section, there should be a "how-to"-section etc...but there isn't. The forum structure is FAR TOO SIMPLE to handle the amount of messages.
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Ummm, have you ever taken the time to look at the Wiki?
This forum is being provided to us basically for free. (Except for voluntary donations.) I personally can't afford to donate $$$ to the community, or for that matter to individual developers, so I dedicate some time to post in the forums to share what I've learned. I have also donated time to updating the Wiki.
If the Wiki doesn't contain all you would like it to, just add it yourself! One brief tutorial could make a world of difference to a newbie, or even a more experienced user. It also helps to point out gaps in the general knowledge we have here in these forums.
If, for example, there isn't a sub-forum for the device you use, you don't have to wait for the moderators, etc. to create it. Just create a Wiki page, and get the ball rolling on your own!
Take the initiative! That's what these forums were founded on!
Just my opinion.
Now go have fun!
JKR said:
I suggest a PM sent to everyone the registers, that is kind of a quick start guide. I understand why the 3 letter limit, because people type words like "the" and "and". I'm not sure how powerful the forum software is, but it would be nice to remove the size limit, and omit such words as mentioned above, from the search.
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First of all, you get much better, and more detailed search results by using a search-engine like Google. Their advanced search features do a fantastic job, and can be fine tuned to search only through a specific site. (i.e. )
Secondly, as opposed to a PM, possibly an email with a confirmation link after the introductory information.
Hope this helps....
Now go have fun!
I think it is more synonymous of the world today, do you read the manual when you buy a new stereo or mobile phone, or do you dig in saying 'nah i know how it works it'll be ok'. People just dont take the time to understand first, they think they know it all and then the proverbial hits the fan! As an experienced R&D firmware developer it doesn't matter how easy I make the interface you will always get those that stuff it up!
So not such an easy one to fix, you have given the masses a place to ask the ridiculous and the tools to stuff up easily, How do you fix that?

One week since I got my Diamond...

... and I must say I'm pretty impressed. Unlike what appears to be general consensus, I'm pretty much sold on Touchflo 3D, bút I still have some problems and questions some might be able to answer. Some of the questions I know are still unanswerable, some have already been answered, but I'm just writing them down for completeness. The ones that have been answered have been edited in for future reference.
- Can Opera be removed or can the Browser globe on the Internet page of TF3D be linked to Internet Explorer?
According to KukurikU, the answer to this question remains no for now. Probably, a modified ROM can change this behaviour. NChief says that using Opera some more would be a better idea, as he feels its a more capable browser.
- Can the background of TF3D be changed on all pages, instead of only the Home screen?
Not yet. This might be in future updates.
- Can we add custom cities to the TF3D Weather application?
No, according to a thread about this question, for now it appears HTC is using a DNS referral to forward our weather inquiries to AccuWeather in a special layout. Using any city in this script that is not listed in the normal list yields no result as the whole thing just reverts.
- Can you set the SMS/E-mail pages in TF3D to only display unread SMS/E-mail?
Not yet. This might be an option when TouchFlo 3D is more heavily modded.
- Can I have the battery indicator show at the top of the screen while TF3D is running?
According to most people, it should already be there. Sadly, it is not for me. I'll investigate this some more to find out if there is a particular reason for this.
- Can anyone tell me whether the bottom USB connector on the Diamond is a modified 5-pin USB mini connector, and whether such a plug can be used to charge the phone (in case I lose my original powercable).
Again, according to KukurikU, the original cable is a modified 5 pins mini-USB adapter, I'm going to take the guess that the remaining pins are used for audio/feedback purposes.
- What are generally accepted must-have games, and generally accepted must-have applications for WM6 / Diamond?
Sadly, KukurikU felt he was not intelligent enough to answer this question. Until now, I've found that Advanced Configuration is one handy utility to have (especially in combination with the quite useful tweaks topic), and that alternate GPS software (ie besides Google Maps) is much lighter on the battery.
I also have some remarks and comments:
- Hard-SPL Dev + TLR's ROM are on my Diamond and they're great improvements. They stopped me from returning my Dutch, crippled ROM without handwriting support, slow, laggy stuff.
- Overall impressed. Good battery-life, fast, responsive, uncluttered, very broad range of possibilities, wow.
In case I asked any stupid questions: yes, I'm new. Sue me.
Why, I'm glad to see so many enthusiastic replies . Let me add another question then:
- Is it possible to minimize TT7 while still having it use the voices to indicate the route (ie. to listen music and TT7 at the same time), and if not, does another navigation program support this?
It appears this should be possible, and in some cases I find it does work, in some cases it doesn't. If I find out what way to get both running is best, I'll edit it in.
- Learn to use opera and you will notice that it's WAY better than IE
- The background can not be changed on all TF3D pages (yet?)
- You can not add custom cityes to the TF3D Weather application
- I have learnd that I can use any mini-USB cabel for chargeing(don't think its recomended tho)
That's the questions I can answer, hope I got them right.
btw, try searching the forum
tha_rami said:
Why, I'm glad to see so many enthusiastic replies
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Many of your questions have been asked and answered a thousand times over. Perhaps people have got sick of answering the same question to people too lazy to read what has already been written?
mr_Ray said:
Many of your questions have been asked and answered a thousand times over. Perhaps people have got sick of answering the same question to people too lazy to read what has already been written?
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I already stated in the first post that many of these have already been answered, but that I'm listing them for completeness. Please, if you want to point the finger at anyone not reading, please point it at yourself. Especially for you, I've been so free to bolden the text I'm referring to in my first post.
Besides that, I must say the search function on this forum is pretty useless - thanks to people posting those same questions over and over. For one of my questions, I ended up going back to page 13. I'm glad this forum is so inviting to people with questions, I mean, after all, a forum is not for asking things, is it now? Of course not, that would be absurd. Especially seeing that to find the answers to some of these questions, you have to spend almost an hour digging through multi-page threads in a 50-page topic list. It would be extremely hard to answer those questions for someone who knows the answer to these, I know, but honestly, I take it someone can put in the heroic and epic effort to at least try? Now, if there were a sticky with questions answered too often, that'd be a first step in the good direction. A bit like the, may I add, excellent list of tweaks. Do you hear anyone ask for tweaks besides in that topic? Of course not, there's a practical resource for going through that.
Nevertheless, I would like the answers on the questions not answered yet. There are at least three I know have not been answered yet, or of which I could not find the answer. At least, thanks for the ironic reply.
tha_rami said:
Why, I'm glad to see so many enthusiastic replies . Let me add another question then:
- Is it possible to minimize TT7 while still having it use the voices to indicate the route (ie. to listen music and TT7 at the same time), and if not, does another navigation program support this?
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you are funny (not going to say ridiculous).
maybe you don't get answers because your questions are not of so great importance? ... games, applications, tt7 voices (is this a navigation programs forum? and btw, in igo8 this is an option of the program and not of the pda)? and so on...
Can I have the battery indicator show at the top of the screen while TF3D is running?
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this is a good example of life-death question. here is an answer: you should have it all the time, it is already there! duh!? look again...
i think you didn't notice that the great majority of posters here are fighting with really technical issues or waiting for help in critical issues, not to mention the ones that are developing tools and applications to make our diamond more reliable and fast. the forum is full with "after 1 week", "i have it for 2 weeks" complains and reviews. don't want to be mean or sarcastic (and it is hard for me not to) but could wait a little more or search a little more here and in other places?
I agree with tha-rami, the search function doesn't always provide the results you want and this is a forum i.e. a medium for a free and open exchange of views. Yes, a search is most peoples' first option but I for one simply don't have the time to spend hours and hours trawling through each page and topic.
Have a little patience and don't assume that a poster hasn't searched - two days ago the search function didn't work at all for me. If you can't be constructive in a reply then you have to question why you're replying at all!
tha_rami said:
Why, I'm glad to see so many enthusiastic replies . Let me add another question then:
- Is it possible to minimize TT7 while still having it use the voices to indicate the route (ie. to listen music and TT7 at the same time), and if not, does another navigation program support this?
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On my previous Touch and Touch Dual and also Ameo devices ive had Tom Tom Navigator 6 minimised with music playing and the Voice directions have still worked.
I have John Cleese as the Voice on my device and its great listening to him chatting all over some dance music! hehe!
Regarding the custom city in Weather, see this thread...
I agree with both sides of the argument.
It took me a few seconds to search for Custom City part of the Forum, but ive also had problems searching for items.
It would be nice if there was a thread started, that literally was edited and updated with all the common questions. (I suppose thats what the Wiki's for, but i never look at it as its never usually up to date) no other posts were added just 1 long 1st post that had a list of all the useful threads in it and what they were.
It can be hard trawling through many pages of threads trying to find what you want, but in my experience its worth it! Some of the replys to people asking questions can be a bit sarcastic tho...
Search the Forum
Try Searching
Have you thought about Clicking on Search?
But i understand where these people are coming from, they have all searched through the forums and looked for what they want. Maybe it does take a little longer but im hoping that moderators will begin to tidy things up on here as there are alot of duplicate posts and information.
I think maybe the Forum should have a "Diamond Reviews" or "Reviews and Experiences" section added in. That way all the people that want to voice their opinions can do in their own part of the forum, plus this will free up some of the General Diamond discussions. Just an idea, please dont flame me for my opinion.
Anyway, I agree that XDA Developers is an excellent source of information for all things Diamond. All good! Glad its here and glad there are so many helpful people on here. Nice one!
tha_rami said:
I already stated in the first post that many of these have already been answered, but that I'm listing them for completeness.
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If you already knew the answers and were really interested in "posting for completeness", you'd have posted the answers too. More to the point, how exactly is the community here best served by posting the same old questions yet again, under yet another post with a completely nondescript title?
tha_rami said:
Besides that, I must say the search function on this forum is pretty useless
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Someone should come up with some internet service dedicated to searching this big ol-internet thingy we've got going on. they could call it "Google" or "Live Search". Something like that. They can even limit your search to just the site you want!
tha_rami said:
thanks to people posting those same questions over and over.
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LMAO!!! So you admit yourself that the search becomes useless because of people posting the same damn questions over and over - and to fix this... you post the same damn questions again! Nice logic you got going on there.
tha_rami said:
For one of my questions, I ended up going back to page 13.
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Oh no. Thanks to your and your kind you had to go through the monumental effort of going back a whole 13 pages??? Firstly, stop posting these kinds of pointless posts and maybe you'll only have to go back 3 pages. And if even that's too much, those fancy interweb search engines should still ease your troubled journey.
tha_rami said:
I'm glad this forum is so inviting to people with questions, I mean, after all, a forum is not for asking things, is it now?
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Is it now? Is it now? Is it now? Is it now? Is it now? Is it now? Is it now? Is it now? Is it now? Is it now? Is it now? Is it now? Is it now?
I just asked your question several times. How did that help more than asking it just once? Most people don't have a problem with genuine questions. The same questions ad nauseum just wastes everyone's time though. you admit that yourself with your "i had to go to page 13!!!" rant.
tha_rami said:
Especially seeing that to find the answers to some of these questions, you have to spend almost an hour digging through multi-page threads in a 50-page topic list.
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Again, your own fault, and those good search facilities help. they'd help even more if your thread had a meaningful title that was actually related to the question!
tha_rami said:
I take it someone can put in the heroic and epic effort to at least try?
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So the smart people are supposed to put in a heroic effort to answer every single one of your questions, but you can't put in a heroic effort to search? Figures.
tha_rami said:
Now, if there were a sticky with questions answered too often, that'd be a first step in the good direction.
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You should have started one instead of posting this nonsense.
tha_rami said:
A bit like the, may I add, excellent list of tweaks. Do you hear anyone ask for tweaks besides in that topic? Of course not
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Hahaha. Right. Actually, you're wrong there.
lol! and i thought i am evil!? i am angel!
mr_ray, you are my hero!
pity, you wasted yr time and i may say yr literally talent....the spammers are stubborn, they don't quit easily.. they want their answers to their useless (i didn't say stupid) posts and they insist they have the right to pest this place.
you can explain to them, you can beg, you can ridicule them you even can insult results..they'll never quit.
they just don't get it. they don't know that there are rules or maybe they know but don't give a f...
The arrogance is outstanding! There are just three sub-forums here for the Diamond so if you super smart phone geeks want to have your own sub-forum I suggest you start one - 'uber geek' or similar. This is a forum as previously stated and some seem to spend a great deal of time putting an individual down rather than pointing them in the right direction. Don't mention the search facility, it's poor. This evening I searched for 'GPS latitude' (I wanted to see if I could get raw lat & long without installing TomTom, Co-pilot or something similar). The result of the search pointed me to a thread of multiple pages - I got to page 13 before I gave up without any mention of anything relevant.
I give up quite a bit of my time suporting people via the Microsoft newsgroups for Vista, Outlook and wireless networks in the full knowledge that most posters don't have the knowledge that I do in these areas but, not once have I arbitarily decided that I'm smarter than them. No doubt in some cases I will be and in some cases I won't. But for your information, if qualifications are any measure of 'smartness' (and they're not!), I have a Bachelors and two Masters degrees and the next time your aircraft takes off late flying you to wherever it might just be because I'm searching a forum for the umpteenth hour.
Relax and help others, you may find that others will help you one day!
- Can Opera be removed or can the Browser globe on the Internet page of TF3D be linked to Internet Explorer?
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not yet
- Can the background of TF3D be changed on all pages, instead of only the Home screen?
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not yet
- Can we add custom cities to the TF3D Weather application?
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most certainly not
- Can you set the SMS/E-mail pages in TF3D to only display unread SMS/E-mail?
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- Can I have the battery indicator show at the top of the screen while TF3D is running?
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you already have it.
- Can anyone tell me whether the bottom USB connector on the Diamond is a modified 5-pin USB mini connector, and whether such a plug can be used to charge the phone (in case I lose my original powercable).
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it the most common usb cable. charging yr diamond this way is going to heat it a little bit. i recommend the original wall charger.
- What are generally accepted must-have games, and generally accepted must-have applications for WM6 / Diamond?
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lost at this one. i think only somebody with two masters can answer you to that. i only have a bachelor degree and only one master (electrical engineering...geek).
try and convince sky641 to answer you to that. he loves you and ppl like you no, wait, he is one of you. he didn't bother to answer to none of yr highly challenging questions but he did join you in complaining about the search feature and he keeps defending yr right to post..whatever you post.
now i hope that no plane is going to take off late....
a defeated, broken but relaxed ubergeek
i am and i was relaxed. staying in front my pc and reading posts like this one is more relaxing than watching a George Carlin show. Just laughing my
KukurikU said:
not yet
not yet
most certainly not
you already have it.
it the most common usb cable. charging yr diamond this way is going to heat it a little bit. i recommend the original wall charger.
lost at this one. i think only somebody with two masters can answer you to that. i only have a bachelor degree and only one master (electrical engineering...geek).
try and convince sky641 to answer you to that. he loves you and ppl like you no, wait, he is one of you. he didn't bother to answer to none of yr highly challenging questions but he did join you in complaining about the search feature and he keeps defending yr right to post..whatever you post.
now i hope that no plane is going to take off late....
a defeated, broken but relaxed ubergeek
i am and i was relaxed. staying in front my pc and reading posts like this one is more relaxing than watching a George Carlin show. Just laughing my
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Why, thank you. I'm not even going to reply further to Mr Ray, as I've had quite some fun reading his reply. He seems to indeed be quite literal, and he appears very good at ignoring the very cause of a forum and for indeed seems to love using that to put 40 minutes into trying to make fun out of someone (which ended up in a fail, although I did chuckle at the "Is it now?" thing, which was, admittedly, rather funny). Now, you, you are pretty horrible as well, but luckily, you posted some answers.
I'm glad to see people agree with me, and I know why. I know that they know that even Mr Ray and you both started one day by asking a question here. I know that most likely, you've been treated the exact same way, or that you were so lucky running into a normal person who has more to do than wasting 40 minutes putting someone down. Well, try someone else for that, I usually just skip those posts.
Oddly, I have a problem with one of the questions - and the problem is: there is no battery indicator, and if there were, why in gods or any deity's name would I ask for it? I'm using TLR's ROM 1 on a Dutch Diamond. I play to flash it to TLR's ROM 2 as soon as I get Outlook on this PC to at least not lose my contacts, and will report whether or not it shows up then.
Glad to know that the battery charger is indeed an USB 5-pin connector. Also glad to know that there are sane people around. I was thinking of spending some more time on these forums, and seeing that the most active posters around seem to be half-intelligent morons that spend days lurking for threads that contains anything they can flame (a common problem amongst the more 'elite' users of forums, of whom some feel they're too important to waste time reading topic-titles of subcritical questions, but feel new people should click through all 50 pages to find an answer tucked away on page 27 of the topic because the search engine in vBulletin forums sucks big time. I studied some internet- and social psychology, no master in that, though), I think I actually should may I find some spare time. There are probably lots of people around with subimportant questions and the best way to help them, is to help them.
Luckily, there are people like Skier641 around, people who maybe do not know the answer, but do voice their opinion against those of the 'elite' who feel they're exactly that, effectively rendering them useless to both community and forum. Luckily, my questions have been answered rather satisfactory. I'll edit the answers into my first post for further reference. Maybe, some day, the search engine will actually work and yield someone this thread, after which they can quickly and easily find the answers on page 1.
I'm spending too much time on this. For your information, this took 6 minutes to write. I hope that Mr Ray and whatever-his-name-was-again are having 20 minutes of great fun using their reverse psychology on this subject. It's amazing how most likely, they'll spend tens of minutes writing a witty reply to this one, instead of taking the five minutes it would've taken to answer my questions. Or maybe, after I posted that line, they'll act smart and reply in one line. Alternatively, after that line, they may not post at all.
That makes 7 minutes.

Where are the mods?

What the hell is going on in this forum? I've never seen a forum with so many posts for other devices. If there are any mods out there, would you be so kind to clean this place up a little.
from my Tranquil Rezound
I've been wondering the same thing. I realize XDA is a huge forum, but there are MANY Mods (so it seems). I find it hard to believe that these threads have been out of place for this long. I don't like to sound like I'm being rude, but there are threads that have been here for day after day and there's a list of mods at the top that look over this part of the forum. I know people have lives and all but I'd think that a mod would see things like "Xperia 8" "Zte v970m" and "monetize free desktop applications" and knew that something was wrong. o.o
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk 2
I'm sure we have been wondering that...
From my Count there are 20 threads that have nothing to do with the one and were posted all for other devices. Thats quite ridiculous. I think its time that I unsubscribe from the Question and troubleshooting forum for the HTC One. Its quite a waste of time. Too many posts for devices and problems I don't really care about.
Instead of instantly saying "wrong forum", you might try asking what steps did they take to get to this post. Just a thought.
Sent from my Evo LTE using Tapatalk 2
I can understand maybe the odd noob getting confused and posting in here related to a "One series" phone....but posting in here for a "sammy" phone? WTF....even a noob couldn't be that dumb....could they?:silly:
Deffo agree that the place could do with a big clean up though.:good:
I am sure there were people who were really confused and made mistake posting other devices' question here.
BUT! This should not happen so frequently like this! People are noob in solving their phone's problem but are not so blind that they can't see the forum title!
So I believe this is organized activity that aims to mess up our htc one q&a section. They actually achieved their goal, see people are not subscribing to this section few posts above.
This is very sad, not trying to point finger to anyone/any company behind this, but if you consider xda forum is so powerful now those company's marketing people could easily use this place to promote their product, or on the other hand, prevent people from accessing valuable information by distracting them, then in the end, make them lose interest or potentially delay their decision of buying the forum related product.
We are all clever enough to figure out, if my theory is true, who is more likely behind this and so afraid of HTC's new flag ship One!
I think what we should do is, keep sticking to this forum, and post more related topics actively to show our support to our beloved device. We need this q&a section and it is down to us in the end to keep it active!
actually, I found it quite amusing, every time I come here, there were new posts asking unrelated questions, and this actually makes me come here more often.
Also, I would like to point out, we should NEVER answer those unrelated question but only point out they are posted at the wrong place, and only the first one or two people doing that will be enough. We want those threads die out quickly not keep remerging at the top!!!
Please help all of us keep this place as it should be! And keep calm and carry on.
Reported all the threads which should not be here to the mods so hopefully they will pop along and do a quick tidy up for us.
How does one become a mod anyways? Because I've never seen any of the mods for these forums, I'd rather see one of us (that is seen on the ONE forums frequently) to become a mod that way at least we have someone who will see all these post about different devices.
BigNate said:
How does one become a mod anyways? Because I've never seen any of the mods for these forums, I'd rather see one of us (that is seen on the ONE forums frequently) to become a mod that way at least we have someone who will see all these post about different devices.
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They used to take applications, not anymore
We have plenty on mods, they just won't really moderate this forum until the device is released
Sent from my One X using Tapatalk 2
So where are the mods?
We are here of course. I alone have moved 15 threads today to the right forums, and I must admit that I also haven't seen so many ill-placed posts anywhere yet. Maybe the One-Forum is like a magnet, lol. Or it really is some deliberate action.
Those threads are taken care of if reported or if seen by coincidence. But we don't open every thread in Q&A. And at least the ones I have moved today were not recognizable as misplaced from the thread title. Or would you see from "Never worked" that the poster meant his SGS3?
So I close this now.
It seems there has been some kind of technical issue, which meant threads ended up in this forum, without actually having been posted in this forum.

People should read more and not ask the same questions over and over

Rule 1 clearly states, that you shall read the thread first and then ask questions. So, most questions are answered in the first post. In my case people are asking again and again "is the rom quitable for model XY" and similar things. This is obviously a violation of rule 1. I wouldn't mind, but the threads are growing rapidly. 50% is just asking this question, 20% is "can confirm that bug xy is present" or "installation not working", while not following the instructions, which is also useless. 10% is asking for feature xy, usually for an unfinished rom, which is not working 100%. So only 20% is really information. As the threads grow and grow you are literally unable to find the information you are looking for and people don't look too, they even don't read the first post; they just ask. And the thread grows with this spam.
I hinted someone to read the first post. The answer was right there. My post was deleted with the hint "If you don't help then shut up". But really, is this necessary? I don't know if I'm the only one, but posts like these should be deleted with a hint, that the poster should read the first post. This would make the threads clearer, cleaner and shorter.
Any ideas on that?
I completely agree with you. People should definitely read more and ask less.
Great post, hope people READ it.
Sent from my SM-N910C using Tapatalk
massehullah said:
I completely agree with you. People should definitely read more and ask less.
Great post, hope people READ it.
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I hope mods read it and maybe agree too.
jacdelad said:
Rule 1 clearly states, that you shall read the thread first and then ask questions. So, most questions are answered in the first post. In my case people are asking again and again "is the rom quitable for model XY" and similar things. This is obviously a violation of rule 1. I wouldn't mind, but the threads are growing rapidly. 50% is just asking this question, 20% is "can confirm that bug xy is present" or "installation not working", while not following the instructions, which is also useless. 10% is asking for feature xy, usually for an unfinished rom, which is not working 100%. So only 20% is really information. As the threads grow and grow you are literally unable to find the information you are looking for and people don't look too, they even don't read the first post; they just ask. And the thread grows with this spam.
I hinted someone to read the first post. The answer was right there. My post was deleted with the hint "If you don't help then shut up". But really, is this necessary? I don't know if I'm the only one, but posts like these should be deleted with a hint, that the poster should read the first post. This would make the threads clearer, cleaner and shorter.
Any ideas on that?
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You're not wrong about people not searching or reading OPs. I always call Rule #1 the number one rule we don't enforce. Maybe we should somehow, but it's not really enforceable as someone could search and just miss it.
I looked through the thread and saw you answered the same question for somebody else previously so a simple search would have revealed that. When you said your post was deleted with "If you don't help then shut up", that piqued my interest so I looked into it. The issue wasn't that you hinted he search, but in the way you said it. You called the guy a spammer which started an argument so to the moderator, it looked like you were blasting someone for not searching. Had you said something like, "I answered this last week; search through the thread and you'll find it." then you most likely would have been fine. Most (all?) of us moderators don't like to spoon-feed members so we understand if you nicely tell someone to search instead of giving them the answer directly.
I get the frustration with people asking if ROM X supports Device Y, but I blame that on the manufacturers and carriers for not making things uniform, not on members. I have a Sprint HTC One m7 and so have to be very careful about flashing international variant ROMs. If the OP isn't clear if there is Sprint support, then I could brick my device. Vice versa, we have a lot of people in the Sprint fora for the device who are trying to use it on international CDMA carriers and are constantly asking about that compatibility. It can be annoying, but I see both sides.
By the way, my (PM) door's always open if you need help or just need to vent on something. I'd rather you do that then say something in thread that could get you in trouble.
coal686 said:
You're not wrong about people not searching or reading OPs. I always call Rule #1 the number one rule we don't enforce. Maybe we should somehow, but it's not really enforceable as someone could search and just miss it.
I looked through the thread and saw you answered the same question for somebody else previously so a simple search would have revealed that. When you said your post was deleted with "If you don't help then shut up", that piqued my interest so I looked into it. The issue wasn't that you hinted he search, but in the way you said it. You called the guy a spammer which started an argument so to the moderator, it looked like you were blasting someone for not searching. Had you said something like, "I answered this last week; search through the thread and you'll find it." then you most likely would have been fine. Most (all?) of us moderators don't like to spoon-feed members so we understand if you nicely tell someone to search instead of giving them the answer directly.
I get the frustration with people asking if ROM X supports Device Y, but I blame that on the manufacturers and carriers for not making things uniform, not on members. I have a Sprint HTC One m7 and so have to be very careful about flashing international variant ROMs. If the OP isn't clear if there is Sprint support, then I could brick my device. Vice versa, we have a lot of people in the Sprint fora for the device who are trying to use it on international CDMA carriers and are constantly asking about that compatibility. It can be annoying, but I see both sides.
By the way, my (PM) door's always open if you need help or just need to vent on something. I'd rather you do that then say something in thread that could get you in trouble.
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You're right, my tone wasn't the nicest. It's the frustration speaking through said post. The same posts over and over also surely read the answer on m post, something like "deleting post of someone saying you should use the search function".
But I can't agree with the variant problem. Nearly all ROMs clear that up in the first post, most of them already in the title. If you want to flash, you need dome knowledge. You have to read before, maybe watch a YouTube video. This clears most questions.
Take a look at the carhd rom-thread from carotix. It has 1545 pages now, carotix is very active and makes frequently updates. The people are begging, some demanding, certain features which were available with mm, but not on n yet. I cannot understand how he stays so calm.
Look at the N0G33K kernel thread for the Galaxy S6. Count how often it's asked if this kernel is for n. This information is cleared up in the first post...and this is nothing else than spamming and laziness.
Maybe it would be useful to have a more concrete forced design for the op. Something unified, maybe a template which would have the information always on the same place (version, model etc.). But I guess this wouldn't stop the unnecessary questions.
Maybe a "unnecessary"-button for this kind of spam would help. A moderator could delete post and hint the poster to read the rules/op.
In a forum this big, things get lost very easily and forum searches aren't great.
One of my topics has had no responses, despite being a somewhat valid question (what phone protection do you have - case, film screen, glass)
Yet, if there were yearly versions, stickied, then simple questions would get answered in the one thread.
jacdelad said:
But I can't agree with the variant problem. Nearly all ROMs clear that up in the first post, most of them already in the title. If you want to flash, you need dome knowledge. You have to read before, maybe watch a YouTube video. This clears most questions.
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The OP of that thread you mentioned didn't say though, or if it did, I couldn't find it. Nearly everything was hidden under hide tags, but I went through them all. Now, I will admit that I'm an HTC guy and so it might have been there in secret Samsung code and I just missed it.
jacdelad said:
Take a look at the carhd rom-thread from carotix. It has 1545 pages now, carotix is very active and makes frequently updates. The people are begging, some demanding, certain features which were available with mm, but not on n yet. I cannot understand how he stays so calm.
Look at the N0G33K kernel thread for the Galaxy S6. Count how often it's asked if this kernel is for n. This information is cleared up in the first post...and this is nothing else than spamming and laziness.
Maybe it would be useful to have a more concrete forced design for the op. Something unified, maybe a template which would have the information always on the same place (version, model etc.). But I guess this wouldn't stop the unnecessary questions.
Maybe a "unnecessary"-button for this kind of spam would help. A moderator could delete post and hint the poster to read the rules/op.
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Yes, that is an unfortunate problem. I don't know if you saw the thread where we discussed "sharing changes", but some ideas to deal with this exact complaint came up and are being considered. If you have any feedback you'd like to add, feel free.
anotherxdauser said:
In a forum this big, things get lost very easily and forum searches aren't great.
One of my topics has had no responses, despite being a somewhat valid question (what phone protection do you have - case, film screen, glass)
Yet, if there were yearly versions, stickied, then simple questions would get answered in the one thread.
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That unfortunately happens sometimes and to me, it's a shame.
Look at this thread:
First post after the ones from the devs is "does not work on edge". Op clearly states that is only for flat by now.
Really, I'm about to become a Nazi by reading this...


Hello everyone.
Got word there was a newish forum around here, I'm talking about Computing of course, and decided to give it a try.
XDA is known for being a forum about smartphones and I don't have one, heh. I know how they work and how to repair them though, I'm not fond of smart/IoT devices in general, privacy and planned obsolescence are the main causes, also the fact that I have no use for one, already have a dumb phone to talk to family and friends, no social media, we don't even watch TV (radio gang, report in) at home so it'd be sort of useless to spend money on something that has no use.
Anyway, name's there, I'm sort of a hardware nut but also enjoy tinkering with whatever lands on my workshop, it's a side gig though as I work in IT, also volunteer at a recycling plant to find all kind of things that only need a few minor repairs to be in working condition again, it's fixed and then donated to the needy.
Other than that I like restoring and refurbishing old stuff, and if it can't be repaired I recycle them into something else and sell it, guess my taste comes from the fact I live in an old house, with a basement full of antique things from my grandparents, looks like my grandpa was the same as me and liked tinkering around with things, he's left me boxes full of all kind of spare parts, tools and curiosities that are hard to come by nowadays, so instead of playing with dolls and makeup when I was a kid I was more into making simple electrical circuits, lamps, soldering irons and later building my first computer out of scrap parts, a mighty K6 with a 1GB hard drive, 9" monochrome monitor and DOS, this was all obsolete when I build it, but it was the real it ain't much but it's mine.
So that's that.
Hello and welcome to XDA. Please take a moment to review the XDA Forum Rules and Forum Etiquette linked in my signature.
You will find that XDA has many different subforums, in which you may find like minded people and helpful information. Use the Search function or click the Manufacturers link at the top of the page.
Thanks for being a part of XDA!
V0latyle said:
Hello and welcome to XDA. Please take a moment to review the XDA Forum Rules and Forum Etiquette linked in my signature.
You will find that XDA has many different subforums, in which you may find like minded people and helpful information. Use the Search function or click the Manufacturers link at the top of the page.
Thanks for being a part of XDA!
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Hello, thanks for replying. I've read the rules and etiquette already, though I have a question, what does "hitting thanks" means? is it the same as liking a comment/post?
If it's something else I probably can't access to it yet because of my newbie account.
caroline! said:
Hello, thanks for replying. I've read the rules and etiquette already, though I have a question, what does "hitting thanks" means? is it the same as liking a comment/post?
If it's something else I probably can't access to it yet because of my newbie account
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When this forum ran on vBulletin, we had a "thanks" button. Unfortunately, our migration to Xenforo removed that functionality. You can react to posts, but for the time being we cannot "thank" posts. I believe some threads allow up/downvoting but this has not been implemented sitewide.
V0latyle said:
When this forum ran on vBulletin, we had a "thanks" button. Unfortunately, our migration to Xenforo removed that functionality. You can react to posts, but for the time being we cannot "thank" posts. I believe some threads allow up/downvoting but this has not been implemented sitewide.
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Oh. I'm in TPU forums as well and they also use Xenforo, although an older version I believe.

