[Q] Setting location by default in sense weather app instead of current location - One (M7) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Hello, As you know, sense (both in lockscreen and app drawer) shows a weather figure (clouds, sun...) about the weather in the place we are at the moment
That means
1) it is searching everytime where we are so it wastes battery
2) In my case, I often go out my town. As I have weather sync set in once a day, If I move out my town, It just does not show the figures aymore, it shows "weather not synced", as It does not have data of my new place
3)I cant turn location off for saving battery because If I do that, weather is not shown either
I hope you understand me XD Thank you so much


Hero Weather Question

On the main Clock with the Weather under it, is there a way to stop it from trying to sync/update the weather everytime you unlock the phone?
I can't find a setting for this anywhere, I like having the weather and clock there, but it needs to stop killing performance when it doesn't need to check weather but every hour or so.
Click on the weather/clock and hit menu and go to settings. You can turn off automatic update.
That only seems to turn it off on the weather application- not the clock.

Weather Widget - KEEP FLIP CLOCK??

I have the flip clock on my main home, but every time i lose wifi or turn it off it says forecast error and doesn't even show the clock at all. This is getting completely annoying and it stinks when i get it in car or leave the house my clock goes away along with my wifi connection lol. Is there any way to avoid this, or maybe another app that features a similar flip clock? Thanks!
I got rid of this app for that reason. I live in one the 50 largest cities in the US with 3G and that app just sucked at getting me weather, and at times would have a time off from the phones clock.
I don't see the point of the flip clock, or any clock when the phone displays it in the upper right.
I used Desmondes paid Weather Forecaster, seems acurate and updates. I also use Weather Bug since its free and can show the temp on the status bar.

Stock Weather & Clock widget

I have started using the LG Stock Weather & Clock widget on my Optimus 2x.
I am finding that when I go to a different geographical location and refresh/update the weather it does not change to the location I am at, instead it just stays as the location I entered when I added the widget to the home screen.
Does anyone have the same issue?
It's not an issue, but a feature! This widget does not auto-update the location as you may be used to from Beautiful Widgets. It also has no auto-refresh schedule. I have seen it auto-update the weather conditions at regular intervals, though. But not sure what it's schedule is.
That's a shame it doesn't update the location. Hopefully they add the option in 2.3, might have to move to Go Weather instead.

[Q] CM9 Asus Weather widget always sunny... even at night?

Installed the Asus Weather Widget. Under the CM9 Settings, I ticked Google's location service. In the Weather Widget settings, I selected Auto-refresh my current location, and every hour. it's 10:12pm and it said it's Clear and there's a picture of the sun behind some clouds. Is that normal for the Touchpad?
Same thing happens to me...

[Q] Enable current location for HTC Weather (and lockscreen widget)...?

Not sure what happened with this issue, but all of a sudden my HTC Weather widget on my lockscreen cannot retrieve weather data ("Weather Unavailable").
Into the HTC Weather app and I have noticed that all my preset locations are now gone, and I am unable to set 'current' location for weather forecast.
Just wondering if someone can please explain how to enable current/GPS location for HTC Weather app.
I have location services enabled in the system settings.
Thanks a lot for any help.

