[TWRP-M8WHL] TWRP for Sprint M8WHL - Sprint HTC One (M8)

This is TWRP, or team win recovery project. For more about teamwin, see them here
This is compiled with omni rom as a base. For Omni, go here
The device tree used to compile is found here
NOTE: This has a patch to ignore event 0 from the touch screen. Without this twrp will not work. You can apply it following directions below.
repo sync
cd bootable/recovery/
git fetch https://gerrit.omnirom.org/android_bootable_recovery refs/changes/26/6726/1 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD
cd ../../
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch omni_m8_whl-eng
make clobber
make -j8 recoveryimage
To install:
adb reboot bootloader
fastboot flash recovery TWRP*.img
fastboot reboot
MD5: 4f1609fabb99f676f00d540b826f50bb
Thanks to @jmz @Dees_Troy @Flemmard @bigbiff

Please post all comments concerns and questions in this thread
Thank you for your support
Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk


[Dev][Panda] AOSP 2.3.7_r1 (GWK74) compilation guide for buzz

Direct link to the precompiled ROM: http://www.filefactory.com/file/cfe8147/GWK74-buzz-20111111.zip (please hit thanks if you find this ROM useful )
Setting up the development environment
Install the current stable Debian: squeeze (6.0) amd64 (not the i386 version, and not the testing/unstable version). Do not ask me for a working Ubuntu version -- I don't know. Use Debian instead
apt-get install python git bzip2 zip unzip lzma patch bison flex \
make gcc g++ gcc-multilib g++-multilib gperf libz-dev lib32z-dev curl \
libncurses5-dev lib32ncurses5-dev libx11-dev openjdk-6-jdk
Downloading the sources and other packages
AOSP 2.3.7r1 (GWK74) is the current version of the AOSP
arco's 2.6.35 kernel is the base for the kernel we will build
koush's vendor files contain the HTC proprietary blobs for buzz
CyanogenMod's device/htc/buzz
git clone https://github.com/arco/buzz-kernel-2.6.35.git
git clone https://github.com/koush/proprietary_vendor_htc
git clone https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_htc_buzz.git -b gingerbread-release
mkdir ~/bin
curl https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/googlesource/git-repo/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod +x ~/bin/repo
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
mkdir 2.3.7_r1; cd 2.3.7_r1
repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b android-2.3.7_r1
repo sync
mkdir -p vendor/htc
cp -r ../proprietary_vendor_htc/buzz vendor/htc
cp -r ../android_device_htc_buzz device/htc/buzz
The "repo sync" may take a while, so please be patient
Compiling the kernel
cd ../buzz-kernel-2.6.35
make ARCH=arm buzz_defconfig
At this point you can edit .config and change CONFIG_MSM_CPU_FREQ_ONDEMAND_MAX to overclock the CPU, for example setting it to 700 MHz.
make ARCH=arm -j4 CROSS_COMPILE=../2.3.7_r1/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi-
cp arch/arm/boot/zImage ../2.3.7_r1/device/htc/buzz/prebuilt/kernel
cp drivers/net/wireless/bcm4329/bcm4329.ko ../2.3.7_r1/device/htc/buzz/prebuilt/bcm4329.ko
Patching the sources
Several files must be patched. The following patches are from CyanogenMod 7:
armv6j.mk.patch: adds a new architecture (ARMv6J) which targets the MSM7225
browser.patch: provides a small fix to prevent the Browser from crashing
camera.patch: enables the use of Froyo (2.2) libcamera.so
dalvik-armv6j.patch: adds a new ARMv6J target for JIT compilation by the Dalvik runtime environment
gpsshim.patch: enables the use of Froyo (2.2) libgps.so
libagl.patch: enables the use of copybit to make software OpenGL support a bit faster (I think)
surfaceflinger.patch: another cool patch from CM7 when transparency is not supported
The following patches were made by myself:
config.xml.patch: several values which are present in CM7 but not AOSP must be disabled
LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS.patch: a bunch of Android.mk in hardware/msm7k lack this variable
ota-no-recovery.patch: prevent ota_from_target_files from flashing the recovery (we like our ClockworkMod better )
vendork-blobs.mk.patch: adds library libOmxCore.so which is needed by mediaserver
The following patches are from Google:
apns-conf.xml.patch: adds a bunch of APNs that are not present in the default AOSP file
For your convenience, I have included all the patches in a single file, which is attached to this post (patch-buzz.zip).
cd ../2.3.7_r1
wget -O patch-buzz.zip "http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=779411"
unzip patch-buzz.zip; ./patch-buzz/apply.sh
ln -s full.mk build/target/product/full_base.mk
rm -rf device/htc/buzz/overlay/packages
Setting up a custom vendor
At this point you may want to add a number of custom additions, for example:
a simple boot animation: http://forum.cyanogenmod.com/topic/19198-simple-generic-boot-animation/
Superuser root package: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=682828
Torch from CyanogenMod: http://download.cyanogenmod.com/?type=stable&device=buzz
Talk and Android Market: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/Latest_Version
Google Maps for WildFire: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=15218646&postcount=4
mkdir vendor/xdbg; cd vendor/xdbg
wget http://duck.at.shangtai.net/files/android/bootanimation.zip
wget -O su- http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6408470/su-releases/su-
wget http://download.cyanogenmod.com/get/update-cm-7.1.0-buzz-signed.zip
Also download gapps from http://goo-inside.me/gapps/gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip , put it in 2.3.7_r1/vendor/xdbg and run:
unzip su-
wget -O system/app/Maps.apk http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=641716
unzip update-cm-7.1.0-buzz-signed.zip system/lib/libOmxCore.so
unzip update-cm-7.1.0-buzz-signed.zip system/app/Torch.apk
unzip -o gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip
mv system/lib/libOmxCore.so ../htc/buzz/proprietary
I haven't tried it, but you can try to include the LatinIME.apk from CM7 in order to get the dictionaries (not included by default in AOSP).
Now we'll create the Makefile that specifies which files are to be copied in the ROM. Be careful when copy-pasting to not truncate the last line which is quite long:
echo "\$(call inherit-product, vendor/xdbg/xdbg.mk)" >>../../device/htc/buzz/buzz.mk
cat >xdbg.mk <<"EOF"
vendor/xdbg/bootanimation.zip:system/media/bootanimation.zip \
vendor/xdbg/system/bin/su:system/xbin/su \
vendor/xdbg/system/lib/libvoicesearch.so:system/lib/libvoicesearch.so \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Superuser.apk:system/app/Superuser.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Torch.apk:system/app/Torch.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Talk.apk:system/app/Talk.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Vending.apk:system/app/Vending.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/GenieWidget.apk:system/app/GenieWidget.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Maps.apk:system/app/Maps.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/NetworkLocation.apk:system/app/NetworkLocation.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk:system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk:system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk:system/app/GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar:system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar \
Building the ROM
cd ../..
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch [I](choose htc_buzz-userdebug)[/I]
make -j5 otapackage WITH_DEXPREOPT=true[I]
(5 is for a quad-core with 4GB of RAM. you can decrease it if you have less RAM)[/I]
Remove WITH_DEXPREOPT=true above to generate a de-odexed ROM.
Advantage of a de-odexed ROM: you can easily replace APKs or JARs in /system.
Disadvantages: the first boot takes a while because all APKs must be odexed. Also the dalkvik cache takes a significant amount of space (up to 50 MB) in /data (CM7 uses /cache so this is not a problem).
Note that you will not need the Android SDK since adb and other tools will be present in the PATH after you run lunch and the out/host part is compiled.
The generated ROM is out/target/product/buzz/htc_buzz-ota-*.zip. Wiping the whole data partition in ClockworkMod is required if your previous ROM was built with different signing keys.
Finally, I'd like to thank everyone who made this possible: cyanogen, arco, koush, HDCRJacob, schiznik, _thalamus & AdamG, ben1066, nhnt11 and everyone else who contributed on porting the AOSP on the WildFire. You guys are awesome
also reserved for future use
Thats a very comprehensive guide )
I think you may be overcomplicating things though - if you run "make -jX otapackage" instead of just make, the build process will create a flashable zip for you.
Further to this, you can create your own vendor_blah repo, which will allow you to remove things like the recovery from the otapackage, and set a custom modversion during the build
schiznik said:
Thats a very comprehensive guide )
I think you may be overcomplicating things though - if you run "make -jX otapackage" instead of just make, the build process will create a flashable zip for you.
Further to this, you can create your own vendor_blah repo, which will allow you to remove things like the recovery from the otapackage, and set a custom modversion during the build
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Super cool! I'll add your suggestions in a later release I need to get back my WildFire to test it all, so far I have great hope to fix the graphics with the patches from arco68. BTW, in your testing, would you recomment the 2.6.32 (htc-kernel-buzz) or 2.6.35 from arco's GitHub? Both seem fairly similar to me although the 2.6.35 get updated more often.
schiznik said:
I think you may be overcomplicating things though - if you run "make -jX otapackage" instead of just make, the build process will create a flashable zip for you.
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I prefer making bacon myself. Then it compiles, squishes and zips in one process.
arco68 said:
I prefer making bacon myself. Then it compiles, squishes and zips in one process.
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Hey arco68 Any comment on the vs kernels? I'd say the 2.6.35 should be more fitted to GR* (like 2.6.32 was for FR*), but I'd really like to hear your opinion on this.
I prefer 2.6.35 for gingerbread, as it's easier to keep up to date and patch with stuff from CAF and Google's kernels.
arco68 said:
I prefer 2.6.35 for gingerbread, as it's easier to keep up to date and patch with stuff from CAF and Google's kernels.
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Yea 2.6.35 is the gb kernel. I can't use make bacon as I don't use cm's vendor, make devnull does the same though
Many thanks for the input arco68
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
Do you know what would be so nice? It would be really nice is someone could update this to the newest source so that it could actually be relivant
Minor thread hijack...
If you want to build Oxygen for buzz - you can do the below:
mkdir android ; cd android/
repo init -u [email protected]:schiznik/oxygen_manifest.git -b gingerbread
repo sync
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch 8
make oxygen
You can optionally use "repo -j20 sync" to sync 20 of the repo's at once, and make -jX oxygen, where X is the number of CPU cores that you are using to build.
Once completed, there is a update-oxygen-*.zip file in out/target/product/buzz/ that can be flashed.
Nice !Very interisting
Thanks a lot, schiznik. I'll update the main thread.
EDIT: main thread updated. the sources compile, although I haven't tested the resulting ROM yet.
schiznik said:
Minor thread hijack...
If you want to build Oxygen for buzz - you can do the below:
mkdir android ; cd android/
repo init -u [email protected]:schiznik/oxygen_manifest.git -b gingerbread
repo sync
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch 8
make oxygen
You can optionally use "repo -j20 sync" to sync 20 of the repo's at once, and make -jX oxygen, where X is the number of CPU cores that you are using to build.
Once completed, there is a update-oxygen-*.zip file in out/target/product/buzz/ that can be flashed.
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For those who have tried this and get the reply "public key error". Try editing the repo init line to read "repo init -u https://github.com/schiznik/oxygen_manifest -b gingerbread" this works for me. I'm busy report syncing now, will inform you further, when it completes.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
Gandolff said:
For those who have tried this and get the reply "public key error". Try editing the repo init line to read "repo init -u https;//github.com/schiznik/oxygen_manifest -b gingerbread" this works for me. I'm busy report syncing now, will inform you further, when it completes.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
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Update, repo sync complete, but to many errors to create software package. I'm looking onto it.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
xdbg said:
Link to prebuilt ROM: http://www.filefactory.com/file/cfe8147/n/GWK74-buzz-20111111.zip
Setting up the development environment
Install the current stable Debian: squeeze (6.0) amd64 (not the i386 version, and not the testing/unstable version). Do not ask me for a working Ubuntu version -- I don't know. Use Debian instead
apt-get install python git bzip2 zip unzip lzma patch bison flex \
make gcc g++ gcc-multilib g++-multilib gperf libz-dev lib32z-dev curl \
libncurses5-dev lib32ncurses5-dev libx11-dev openjdk-6-jdk
Downloading the sources and other packages
AOSP 2.3.7r1 (GWK74) is the current version of the AOSP
arco's 2.6.35 kernel is the base for the kernel we will build
koush's vendor files contain the HTC proprietary blobs for buzz
CyanogenMod's device/htc/buzz
git clone https://github.com/arco/buzz-kernel-2.6.35.git
git clone https://github.com/koush/proprietary_vendor_htc
git clone https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_htc_buzz.git -b gingerbread-release
mkdir ~/bin
curl https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/googlesource/git-repo/repo > ~/bin/repo
chmod +x ~/bin/repo
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
mkdir 2.3.7_r1; cd 2.3.7_r1
repo init -u https://android.googlesource.com/platform/manifest -b android-2.3.7_r1
repo sync
mkdir -p vendor/htc
cp -r ../proprietary_vendor_htc/buzz vendor/htc
cp -r ../android_device_htc_buzz device/htc/buzz
The "repo sync" may take a while, so please be patient
Compiling the kernel
cd ../buzz-kernel-2.6.35
make ARCH=arm buzz_defconfig
At this point you can edit .config and change CONFIG_MSM_CPU_FREQ_ONDEMAND_MAX to overclock the CPU, for example setting it to 700 MHz.
make ARCH=arm -j4 CROSS_COMPILE=../2.3.7_r1/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi-
cp arch/arm/boot/zImage ../2.3.7_r1/device/htc/buzz/prebuilt/kernel
cp drivers/net/wireless/bcm4329/bcm4329.ko ../2.3.7_r1/device/htc/buzz/prebuilt/bcm4329.ko
Patching the sources
Several files must be patched. The following patches are from CyanogenMod 7:
armv6j.mk.patch: adds a new architecture (ARMv6J) which targets the MSM7225
browser.patch: provides a small fix to prevent the Browser from crashing
camera.patch: enables the use of Froyo (2.2) libcamera.so
dalvik-armv6j.patch: adds a new ARMv6J target for JIT compilation by the Dalvik runtime environment
gpsshim.patch: enables the use of Froyo (2.2) libgps.so
libagl.patch: enables the use of copybit to make software OpenGL support a bit faster (I think)
surfaceflinger.patch: another cool patch from CM7 when transparency is not supported
The following patches were made by myself:
config.xml.patch: several values which are present in CM7 but not AOSP must be disabled
LOCAL_MODULE_TAGS.patch: a bunch of Android.mk in hardware/msm7k lack this variable
ota-no-recovery.patch: prevent ota_from_target_files from flashing the recovery (we like our ClockworkMod better )
vendork-blobs.mk.patch: adds library libOmxCore.so which is needed by mediaserver
The following patches are from Google:
apns-conf.xml.patch: adds a bunch of APNs that are not present in the default AOSP file
For your convenience, I have included all the patches in a single file, which is attached to this post (patch-buzz.zip).
cd ../2.3.7_r1
wget -O patch-buzz.zip "http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=779411"
unzip patch-buzz.zip; ./patch-buzz/apply.sh
ln -s full.mk build/target/product/full_base.mk
rm -rf device/htc/buzz/overlay/packages
Setting up a custom vendor
At this point you may want to add a number of custom additions, for example:
a simple boot animation: http://forum.cyanogenmod.com/topic/19198-simple-generic-boot-animation/
Superuser root package: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=682828
Torch from CyanogenMod: http://download.cyanogenmod.com/?type=stable&device=buzz
Talk and Android Market: http://wiki.cyanogenmod.com/wiki/Latest_Version
Google Maps for WildFire: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=15218646&postcount=4
mkdir vendor/xdbg; cd vendor/xdbg
wget http://duck.at.shangtai.net/files/android/bootanimation.zip
wget -O su- http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6408470/su-releases/su-
wget http://download.cyanogenmod.com/get/update-cm-7.1.0-buzz-signed.zip
Also download gapps from http://goo-inside.me/gapps/gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip , put it in 2.3.7_r1/vendor/xdbg and run:
unzip su-
wget -O system/app/Maps.apk http://forum.xda-developers.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=641716
unzip update-cm-7.1.0-buzz-signed.zip system/lib/libOmxCore.so
unzip update-cm-7.1.0-buzz-signed.zip system/app/Torch.apk
unzip -o gapps-gb-20110828-signed.zip
mv system/lib/libOmxCore.so ../htc/buzz/proprietary
I haven't tried it, but you can try to include the LatinIME.apk from CM7 in order to get the dictionaries (not included by default in AOSP).
Now we'll create the Makefile that specifies which files are to be copied in the ROM. Be careful when copy-pasting to not truncate the last line which is quite long:
echo "\$(call inherit-product, vendor/xdbg/xdbg.mk)" >>../../device/htc/buzz/buzz.mk
cat >xdbg.mk <<"EOF"
vendor/xdbg/bootanimation.zip:system/media/bootanimation.zip \
vendor/xdbg/system/bin/su:system/xbin/su \
vendor/xdbg/system/lib/libvoicesearch.so:system/lib/libvoicesearch.so \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Superuser.apk:system/app/Superuser.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Torch.apk:system/app/Torch.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Talk.apk:system/app/Talk.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Vending.apk:system/app/Vending.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/GenieWidget.apk:system/app/GenieWidget.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/Maps.apk:system/app/Maps.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/NetworkLocation.apk:system/app/NetworkLocation.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk:system/app/GoogleServicesFramework.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk:system/app/GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/app/GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk:system/app/GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk \
vendor/xdbg/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar:system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar \
Building the ROM
cd ../..
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch [I](choose htc_buzz-userdebug)[/I]
make -j5 otapackage WITH_DEXPREOPT=true[I]
(5 is for a quad-core with 4GB of RAM. you can decrease it if you have less RAM)[/I]
Remove WITH_DEXPREOPT=true above to generate a de-odexed ROM.
Advantage of a de-odexed ROM: you can easily replace APKs or JARs in /system.
Disadvantages: the first boot takes a while because all APKs must be odexed. Also the dalkvik cache takes a significant amount of space (up to 50 MB) in /data (CM7 uses /cache so this is not a problem).
Note that you will not need the Android SDK since adb and other tools will be present in the PATH after you run lunch and the out/host part is compiled.
The generated ROM is out/target/product/buzz/htc_buzz-ota-*.zip. Wiping the whole data partition in ClockworkMod is required if your previous ROM was built with different signing keys.
Finally, I'd like to thank everyone who made this possible: cyanogen, arco, koush, HDCRJacob, schiznik, _thalamus & AdamG, ben1066, nhnt11 and everyone else who contributed on porting the AOSP on the WildFire. You guys are awesome
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Plessis guys there is there problem with this download link. I'm not able to download the file.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
Gandolff said:
Plessis guys there is there problem with this download link. I'm not able to download the file.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium
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Did you *really* need to quote the entire post?
I'm assuming you meant the GWK74​-buzz​-20111111​.zip from filefactory - I cant seem to download it either.
No I was trying for just the 1st paragraph, but, sorry mistakes do happen.
Sent from my HTC Wildfire using xda premium

[H][DEV] [T] Build CM12 for Xperia T Mint

Hello to everyone, my name is Tkd-Alex and I'm Italian :good: . Excuse me if I do English errors.
I woult to build the Cyanogenmod 12 for Xperia T mint by a source code of CM. Thanks to the cm wiki as I understand how this works. But I've errors with it! I hope you can help me. :angel:
Let's start! :laugh:
The first step to me is prepare the enviroment to build the rom. I've installed Ubuntu 13.10 64bit inside a Virtual Machine and I've installed Java and other tools/packages for building on it.
After basic installations I set up the repo command.
mkdir ~/bin && curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo && chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
Add at the end line: export PATH=~/bin:$PATH save and restart the bash
source ~/.bashrc
The second step is the Building.
Create the folder.
mkdir ~/cm12
Move in to the folder
cd ~/cm12
Initialize the CyanogenMod source repository
repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b cm-12.0
Sync the repo
repo sync
After repo sync I'll get prebuilt apps but when I send the command:
I get the following error:
bash: ./get-prebuilts: File o directory not existing
Can anyone help me? @GabMus @updateing @WhiteNeo @Chefov01
You are not in the right directory.. "get-prebuilts" is an executable file that isn't present in the cm12 root directory.
Type this in Terminal before "./get-prebuilts":
cd ~/cm12/vendor/cm
However, afaik those prebuilt apps are no longer needed to build cm12. They have been removed from the build process some days ago.
WhiteNeo said:
You are not in the right directory.. "get-prebuilts" is an executable file that isn't present in the cm12 root directory.
Type this in Terminal before "./get-prebuilts":
cd ~/cm12/vendor/cm
However, afaik those prebuilt apps are no longer needed to build cm12. They have been removed from the build process some days ago.
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bro is there any chance you could make a build for us T users? at least for testing purposes, im sure our developers would appreciate it a lot as well and would help as a starting point.. :-/
Not working.
WhiteNeo said:
You are not in the right directory.. "get-prebuilts" is an executable file that isn't present in the cm12 root directory.
Type this in Terminal before "./get-prebuilts":
cd ~/cm12/vendor/cm
However, afaik those prebuilt apps are no longer needed to build cm12. They have been removed from the build process some days ago.
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Thank for reply, but I know that you say :highfive: . I had already tried the command ./get-prebuilts in the folder /cm12/vendor/cm but I forgot to say in the post. Now I'll try to ignore the prebuilds and download the muppets repo, extract the zip, rename in sony and copy the folder in /cm12/vendor. After that I will go in the root folder
and try the brunch command
brunch mint
Is that correct?
tkd-alex said:
Thank for reply, but I know that you say :highfive: . I had already tried the command ./get-prebuilts in the folder /cm12/vendor/cm but I forgot to say in the post. Now I'll try to ignore the prebuilds and download the muppets repo, extract the zip, rename in sony and copy the folder in /cm12/vendor. After that I will go in the root folder
and try the brunch command
brunch mint
Is that correct?
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Well.. No.
For CM11 it would work, but CM12 needs different device files than the ones downloaded by "breakfast mint" or "brunch mint"..
I'm not quite sure it compiling Lollipop is a good start for learning android development if you've never built a rom before.
WhiteNeo said:
Well.. No.
For CM11 it would work, but CM12 needs different device files than the ones downloaded by "breakfast mint" or "brunch mint"..
I'm not quite sure it compiling Lollipop is a good start for learning android development if you've never built a rom before.
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Infact with the breakfast command I've this:
[email protected]:~/cm12$ breakfast mint
including vendor/cm/vendorsetup.sh
build/core/product_config.mk:239: *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/sony/mint/cm.mk]]: "device/sony/common/resources.mk" does not exist. Arresto.
Device mint not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from CyanogenMod Github (http://github.com/CyanogenMod).
Found repository: android_device_sony_mint
Default revision: cm-12.0
Checking branch info
CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_mint already exists
Syncing repository to retrieve project.
Fetching project CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_mint
Fetching projects: 100% (1/1), done.
Repository synced!
Looking for dependencies
build/core/product_config.mk:239: *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/sony/mint/cm.mk]]: "device/sony/common/resources.mk" does not exist. Arresto.
** Don't have a product spec for: 'cm_mint'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
We can not do anything?
tkd-alex said:
Infact with the breakfast command I've this:
[email protected]:~/cm12$ breakfast mint
including vendor/cm/vendorsetup.sh
build/core/product_config.mk:239: *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/sony/mint/cm.mk]]: "device/sony/common/resources.mk" does not exist. Arresto.
Device mint not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from CyanogenMod Github (http://github.com/CyanogenMod).
Found repository: android_device_sony_mint
Default revision: cm-12.0
Checking branch info
CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_mint already exists
Syncing repository to retrieve project.
Fetching project CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_mint
Fetching projects: 100% (1/1), done.
Repository synced!
Looking for dependencies
build/core/product_config.mk:239: *** _nic.PRODUCTS.[[device/sony/mint/cm.mk]]: "device/sony/common/resources.mk" does not exist. Arresto.
** Don't have a product spec for: 'cm_mint'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?
We can not do anything?
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Maybe you can check if some entries are missing in local_manifest (e.g. the sony common repo it listed there) mine is here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=57492538&postcount=52
And it's not a nice idea to learn building Android on T & CM12. It's not easy as CM11, lots of patches have to be applied to make it work...

[Guide] A beginners guide to building and modifying a nexus 4 kernel from source

A beginners guide to building and modifying a nexus 4 lollipop* kernel from source.
*currently 5.0.1​Disclaimer
I am not a developer, nor am I an expert. All the information in here I have gleaned from other sources, credited where possible, so it may not be correct and almost certainly isn't the 'best' way to do things. But it works for me. I hope it works for you but there's no guarantee. Use at your own risk
You have access to a computer running Ubuntu - other distros will probably work but this is the one I'm using. You'll need a basic understanding of the Linux command line including, but not limited to, ls, cp, cd, mkdir, make, ~, sudo, nano and so on.
You'll need to know how to use adb & fastboot to copy stuff into and out of your Nexus 4
A basic undersanding of Git is REALLY helpful if you want to modify your kernel. You'll be able to get by using the comands listed but you really need to have a basic understanding of what Git does if you're going to proceed.
Initialise your build environment
Downloading the sources
Creating a boot.img
A bit more about Git
Modifying kernels (how I got DT2W working)
Making a flashable zip
Initialise your build envronment
The information for this stage came from: here
I installed Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS from a scratch. I used VM ware on a Windows laptop but any Linux environment can probably be made to work. So, to start, do an update just to be sure, then install the packages you'll need.
# sudo apt-get update
# sudo apt-get install bison g++-multilib git gperf libxml2-utils
# sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev:i386
# sudo apt-get install lib32ncurses5-dev
# sudo apt-get install build-essential kernel-package
Most of the really helpful information I've used came from here
I've updated the information slightly and changed the device from Flo to Mako but Pete's page is well worth reading for more background information than I've included here.
To download the source into a 'kernel' folder
# mkdir ~/android
# cd ~/android/
# git clone https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/msm.git kernel
# cd kernel/
# git branch -a
will show you all the current branches of Mako kernels, choose the one you want and checkout that one.
# git checkout android-msm-mako-3.4-lollipop-release
Now you need to find out exactly which kernel to build. The 'official' method is here
but that involves a significant download for just a few bytes so I suggest you use the following trick. Go to the pre-built kernel you want to copy here
and you wll see the first line after the header is:-
"16e203d lowmemorykiller: enhance debug information"
You need to make a note of the first seven characters, in this case 16e203d.
Next you need to use Git to create a new branch for our specific kernel. I've called it 'android-lollipop-release'.
# git checkout -b android-lollipop-release 16e203d
This will extract the source for the kernel we're going to build.
I'm using the stock toolchain (thanks @zaclimon) but will add an alternative suggested by @aviz1911 as time allows.
I'm going to install the toolchain in /usr/local/share but there are other places you could sensibly put it.
# cd /usr/local/share
sudo git clone [url]https://android.googlesource.com/platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.7[/url]
Export the path to the toolchain and check it works. Note these exports only work for the current session, if you want to add permanently put it in your .bashrc or .profile
# export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/share/arm-eabi-4.7/bin
# cd ~
Test it works with
# arm-eabi-gcc --version
Now you need to tell the system we want to cross compile.
# export ARCH=arm
# export SUBARCH=arm
# export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-eabi-
Now you're ready to start.
#cd ~/android/kernel
# make mako_defconfig
You'll get some warnings like this which you can ignore
warning: (ARCH_MSM_KRAITMP && ARCH_MSM_CORTEX_A5) selects HAVE_HW_BRKPT_RESERVED_RW_ACCESS which has unmet direct dependencies (HAVE_HW_BREAKPOINT)
# make menuconfig
this is where you can make some changes if you like, we're going to change just the name. Choose General Setup ---> then select
(-perf) Local version - append to kernel release
and change perf to anything you like, I'll use dt2w
Save and exit
# make -j2
where 2 is twice the number of cores on your machine - there's just one processor on my VM but could be many more on yours. It takes more than half an hour on my machine. Then you should see
Kernel: arch/arm/boot/zImage is ready
Ta Daaaaa - you have built a kernel - now you need to pack it for testing on your phone.
Creating a boot.img
Again I'm going to use Pete's blog post as my guide but omit some details and just get the job done. I'm not going to explain all the steps, you'll have to investigate yourself if you want to understand more.
# cd ~/android
# git clone https://github.com/pbatard/bootimg-tools.git bootimg-tools
# cd bootimg-tools/libmincrypt/
# gcc -c *.c -I../include
# # cd ../mkbootimg
# gcc mkbootimg.c -o mkbootimg -I../include ../libmincrypt/libmincrypt.a
# sudo cp mkbootimg /usr/local/bin/
# gcc -o unmkbootimg unmkbootimg.c
# sudo cp unmkbootimg /usr/local/bin/
You need an original boot img to copy so you can insert your new kernel into it. Download the factory image.
# mkdir ~/android/boot
# cd ~/android/boot
# wget https://dl.google.com/dl/android/aosp/occam-lrx22c-factory-86c04af6.tgz
# tar -xvf occam-lrx22c-factory-86c04af6.tgz
# cd occam-lrx22c/
# unzip occam-lrx22c-factory-86c04af6.zip
# cp boot.img ../
# cd ~/android/boot
Now it's time to unpack the original boot image. unmkbooting will tell you all the parameters you need to repack the boot image with your new kernel inside.
# unmkbootimg -i boot.img
kernel written to 'kernel' (6009416 bytes)
ramdisk written to 'ramdisk.cpio.gz' (490557 bytes)
To rebuild this boot image, you can use the command:
mkbootimg --base 0 --pagesize 2048 --kernel_offset 0x80208000 --ramdisk_offset 0x81800000 --second_offset 0x81100000 --tags_offset 0x80200100 --cmdline 'console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.hardware=mako lpj=67677 user_debug=31' --kernel kernel --ramdisk ramdisk.cpio.gz -o boot.img
# cp ~/android/kernel/arch/arm/boot/zImage ~/android/boot/
Repack your new boot image with your new kernel using the information from unmkbootimg
mkbootimg --base 0 --pagesize 2048 --kernel_offset 0x80208000 --ramdisk_offset 0x81800000 --second_offset 0x81100000 --tags_offset 0x80200100 --cmdline 'console=ttyHSL0,115200,n8 androidboot.hardware=mako lpj=67677 user_debug=31' --kernel zImage --ramdisk ramdisk.cpio.gz -o new_boot.img
Nore that kernel has been changed to zImage and output file has been changed new_boot.img Now it's time to test your new_boot.img by rebooting your phone into bootloader and reboot with the new img.
fastboot boot new_boot.img NOT fastboot flash boot new_boot.img
If all has gone well your phone will now boot with your new kernel. If something has gone wrong just reboot the phone and you'll be back to where you started. If it has all worked then you can flash the new boot image and use that.
A bit more about Git
If like me, you know nothing about Git, then this bit of the guide is for you. If you have basic understanding this will be too simple for you and you'll have to skip this bit and look elsewhere. If you have a basic understanding of any version control software you won't need this either as the necessary commands to complete the next step will be self explanatory.
Jump to the next stage here
Git is a version control system. To understand what it does at a most basic level follow these steps
# mkdir git_test
# cd git_test
# git init
Tell git who you are. You don't need the inverted commas, just an email address and a name. Keep this information for when/if you open a Github account.
# git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
# git config --global user.name "Your Name"
create a text file called 'text' with a single line of text that says "This is the first line"
add this file to your git
# git add text
commit the change with a message
git commit -m "first line"
create a new branch (checkout -b both creates and makes the new branch current)
git checkout -b newbranch
edit the 'text' file by adding another line "this is the second line"
add and commit the change to git
# git add text
# git commit -m "second line"
Then examine the text file, as you might expect it looks like this
# cat text
this the first line
this is the second line
but if we now go back to the master branch and checkout THE SAME file, we get a different result
# git checkout master
cat text
this the first line
The second line is not present because it was only added to the 'newbranch' branch. This, it appears to me is the essence of git, it changes files depending on which branch you're viewing them from.
Now we're going to look at how we can use git to extract files from someone else's repository in order to get the files we want for our needs.
There are loads of guides that help you to learn more, I found this video particularly helpful.
Still to come
Modifying kernels (how I got DT2W working)
Edit:- It's going to be a while before I complete this section as although I managed to build a working kernel I'm pretty sure I didn't do it the 'right' way so I'm reading the Git Pro book.
Will be back later. .. . .
Awesome guide dude. This will surely help a lot of people
Nice guide, wish you'd have written it a week earlier
Anyways, what i'd really like to know, is how to patch the Linux version properly, because my attempts lead to break the kernel in the process. Didn't get beyond 3.4.11 :/
Hope you can help me out there, buddy.
How to create a zip ?
I have been looking into this and created a kernel a few days ago. But i want to share it.
For that ill have to create a zip. I have searched for it. I think its done using anykernel template.
The issuse is can i use the certificates in the meta-inf folder and the update-binary that is 4 years old ?
Or should i just unzip a kernel , modify the script and place my boot.img. 
Unzipping and re zipping is pretty easy, I'd do that.
@Nicknoxx How's the reading up on git going? Any tips on enabling dt2w would be much appreciated. I've been trying but can't seem to get it to work
I'm really new at the Kernel stuff and just wanted to build stock with dt2w as my first project.
Thanks for the first part of the guide
Wow nice guide sir, i'll try it later
Great Guide!
Thanks Mate!!
what all lines or links should i have to modify if i am building kernel for my device oneplus one lollipop ?
Also @Nicknoxx one can use the -b argument with git while cloning so git just downloads a single branch of the kernel source, this'll save bandwidth and time to some extent
git clone https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/msm.git -bx kernel
Replace x with desired branch name
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̿ ̿̿’̿’\̵͇̿̿\з==(*͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)==ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿*
---------- Post added at 08:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 PM ----------
Droid.Riz said:
what all lines or links should i have to modify if i am building kernel for my device oneplus one lollipop ?
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Use the cm kernel source from github.com/CyanogenMod in git clone
Just type
git clone https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_kernel_oneplus_msm8974 kernel
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Click to collapse
And for compiling
make bacon_defconfig
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̿ ̿̿’̿’\̵͇̿̿\з==(*͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)==ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿*
KNIGHT97 said:
Also @Nicknoxx one can use the -b argument with git while cloning so git just downloads a single branch of the kernel source, this'll save bandwidth and time to some extent
̿ ̿̿’̿’\̵͇̿̿\з==(*͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)==ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿*
---------- Post added at 08:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:21 PM ----------
Use the cm kernel source from github.com/CyanogenMod in git clone
Just type
And for compiling
̿ ̿̿’̿’\̵͇̿̿\з==(*͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)==ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿*
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thanks a lot for quick reply i will start it today itself @ night.
after successfully compiling i will reply here
Nice guide. I ad it to my collection. I mis the part about building the modules. For wifi and so on. I think the command is "make modules"
Maby ad some info about updating a kernel. ICS to JB. KK to LP and sow on.
How about the command to clean after building?
[email protected] said:
Nice guide. I ad it to my collection. I mis the part about building the modules. For wifi and so on. I think the command is "make modules"
Maby ad some info about updating a kernel. ICS to JB. KK to LP and sow on.
How about the command to clean after building?
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Executing the make -j# command automatically builds your modules along with the Zimage, you'll just need to read last few lines in terminal to know the modules and where they reside
̿ ̿̿’̿’\̵͇̿̿\з==(*͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)==ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿*
Hi guys,
How i can implement this mod/patch in my kernel??

[recovery] cwm [2/4/2016]

CWM Recovery
Compiled for the HTC First and tested working by me. This is not a hack and pack of another prebuilt recovery.
Build manifest: https://github.com/Cmyst/android
Kernel source: https://github.com/CMyst/android_kernel_htc_msm8960
CWM (fixed charging animation)
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
How to build:
repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b cm-11.0
mkdir -p .repo/local_manifests
wget https://github.com/CMyst/android/raw/cm-11.0/local_manifest.xml -O .repo/local_manifests/local_manifest.xml
. build/envsetup.sh && lunch cm_mystul-eng
make recoveryimage -j4
Please give credits if you use any part of the recovery or kernel.
Thank you so much ^^ !!!!
Updated recovery. Fixed corrupt charging animation and with updated kernel. As for cm11, it is still unusable as turning on the DSP makes a terrifying screeching sound..
thanks for the update.^^

[DEV] Building CyanogenMod 13 for Zenfone 5/6

Development: Building CyanogenMod 13 for Zenfone 5/6​
Ubuntu 16.04 (Installation Guide)
~80 GiB of Available Disk Space
Establishing a Build Environment
Open a Terminal Emulator (Ctrl+Alt+T)
Install the latest Ubuntu updates:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Add the OpenJDK 7 Repository:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
sudo apt-get update
Install the Required packages by Android:
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z-dev ccache libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip maven yasm optipng openjdk-7-jdk
Install Repo:
sudo wget https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo -O/usr/bin/repo
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/repo
Setup Git:
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
Recommended: Reboot.
Downloading the Source:
Create a Working Directory:
mkdir -p ~/CM13
cd ~/CM13
Initialize the Repository (choose a command below):
Stable (ZNH2K):
repo init -u git://github.com/zf5/android.git -b stable/cm-13.0-ZNH2K
Stable (ZNH5Y):
repo init -u git://github.com/zf5/android.git -b stable/cm-13.0-ZNH5Y
repo init -u git://github.com/zf5/android.git -b cm-13.0
Download the Code:
repo sync -c -j4
Optional: Setup ccache (ccache acts as a compiler cache that can be used to speed up rebuilds)
echo "export USE_CCACHE=1" >> ~/.bashrc
export USE_CCACHE=1
prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50G
Applying the Patches:
Download the Patches
Extract the Patches at your working directory
Apply the patch files by changing the directory to where they are and using the following command:
patch -p1 < filename.patch
Example: Applying the Patch for Vibration:
cd frameworks/base
patch -p1 < vibration.patch
(Do the same for every patch file in their respective directories)
Building the System:
Prepare the build environment:
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch cm_T00F-user
Build the System:
make -j4
That's it. Your system.img is located at WORKING_DIRECTORY/out/target/product/T00F/system.img
Also check out: Development: Building a Marshmallow Kernel for Zenfone 5/6
XDA:DevDB Information
Development: Building CyanogenMod 13 for Zenfone 5/6, Tool/Utility for the Asus Zenfone 5
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2016-04-21
Last Updated 2016-09-13
For T00G:
Device Tree: https://github.com/T00G-Marshmallow-DEV/android_device_asus_T00G
Vendor Tree: https://github.com/T00G-Marshmallow-DEV/android_vendor_asus_T00G
Information: Sensors and some bugs fixed.
Gooood! Thanks very much
For cm12.1 also same method? Because I got some error on building cm12.1
AhZhi said:
For cm12.1 also same method? Because I got some error on building cm12.1
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Yes. But I think you'll need to apply the Vibration patch manually, as it will probably fail.
And, well, no need to apply all the patches, only vibration.
That's it.
dgadelha said:
Yes. But I think you'll need to apply the Vibration patch manually, as it will probably fail.
And, well, no need to apply all the patches, only vibration.
That's it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you now i go to try it
dgadelha said:
Development: Building CyanogenMod 13 for Zenfone 5/6​
Ubuntu 15.10 (Installation Guide)
~80 GiB of Available Disk Space
Establishing a Build Environment
Open a Terminal Emulator (Ctrl+Alt+T)
Install the latest Ubuntu updates:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Install the Required packages by Android:
sudo apt-get install git-core gnupg flex bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev gcc-multilib g++-multilib libc6-dev-i386 lib32ncurses5-dev x11proto-core-dev libx11-dev lib32z-dev ccache libgl1-mesa-dev libxml2-utils xsltproc unzip maven yasm optipng openjdk-7-jdk
Install Repo:
sudo wget https://storage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo -O/usr/bin/repo
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/repo
Setup Git:
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "[email protected]"
Recommended: Reboot.
Downloading the Source:
Create a Working Directory:
mkdir -p ~/CM13
cd ~/CM13
Initialize the Repository:
repo init -u git://github.com/zf5/android.git -b stable/cm-13.0-ZNH2K
repo init -u git://github.com/zf5/android.git -b cm-13.0
Download the Code:
repo sync -c -j4
Optional: Setup ccache (ccache acts as a compiler cache that can be used to speed up rebuilds)
echo "export USE_CCACHE=1" >> ~/.bashrc
export USE_CCACHE=1
prebuilts/misc/linux-x86/ccache/ccache -M 50G
Applying the Patches:
Download the Patches
Extract the Patches at your working directory
Apply the patch files by changing the directory to where they are and using the following command:
patch -p1 < filename.patch
Example: Applying the Patch for Vibration:
cd frameworks/base
patch -p1 < vibration.patch
(Do the same for every patch file in their respective directories)
Building the System:
Prepare the build environment:
. build/envsetup.sh
lunch cm_T00F-user
Build the System:
make -j4
That's it. Your system.img is located at WORKING_DIRECTORY/out/target/product/T00F/system.img
Also check out: Development: Building a Marshmallow Kernel for Zenfone 5/6
XDA:DevDB Information
Development: Building CyanogenMod 13 for Zenfone 5/6, Tool/Utility for the Asus Zenfone 5
dgadelha, tank0412
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2016-04-21
Last Updated 2016-05-11
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Fetching projects: 51% (222/435)
error: Exited sync due to fetch errors
Can you help me ?
Fetching projects: 51% (222/435)
error: Exited sync due to fetch errors
Can you help me ?
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Click to collapse
type again last comand
it will resume, try use google there are some comands what will help you
And how to creat .zip flash on twrp
adekcan said:
And how to creat .zip flash on twrp
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you can use otapackage but you must this have in device tree or you can extrac system.img file after build
Hi @dgadelha..
I have successfully built the rom and kernel in my laptop using the steps you provided on first page..
After that I flashed it to my phone and it's been working so smooth and stable. It was a great experience for me getting the phone work using the firmware compiled by me ?. Many thanks for you..
Sent from my ASUS_T00F using XDA-Developers mobile app
sapiterbang said:
Hi @dgadelha..
I have successfully built the rom and kernel in my laptop using the steps you provided on first page..
After that I flashed it to my phone and it's been working so smooth and stable. It was a great experience for me getting the phone work using the firmware compiled by me ?. Many thanks for you..
Sent from my ASUS_T00F using XDA-Developers mobile app
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Ohh that's good it means new dev come !! ??
sapiterbang said:
Hi @dgadelha..
I have successfully built the rom and kernel in my laptop using the steps you provided on first page..
After that I flashed it to my phone and it's been working so smooth and stable. It was a great experience for me getting the phone work using the firmware compiled by me . Many thanks for you..
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Nice to hear that.
What is the procedure if I want to run this rom on stock kernel? (I am asking this because I have no camera found bug after unlocking bootloader.)
Beside that your guide is awesome.
[email protected][email protected]@ said:
What is the procedure if I want to run this rom on stock kernel? (I am asking this because I have no camera found bug after unlocking bootloader.)
Beside that your guide is awesome.
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There is no procedure, you can't do that.
[email protected][email protected]@ said:
What is the procedure if I want to run this rom on stock kernel? (I am asking this because I have no camera found bug after unlocking bootloader.)
Beside that your guide is awesome.
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You have to build a Lollipop 5.0 based ROM to run with stock kernel.
leonardohenrique10 said:
You have to build a Lollipop 5.0 based ROM to run with stock kernel.
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I'm a bit disappointed,but anyway thanks a lot for information.
getting error in applying patches
I am getting erros while applying patch.....I reffered ur steps from guide by u that how to build cyanogenmod for zenfone 5....I have downloaded and synced sources and when i come to apply patch then i get error..
can't find file to patch at input line 5
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|diff --git a/linker/linker.cpp b/linker/linker.cpp
|index bc40cf1..899eeca 100644
|--- a/linker/linker.cpp
|+++ b/linker/linker.cpp
File to patch: y
y: No such file or directory
Skip this patch? [y]
Skipping patch.
2 out of 2 hunks ignored
please help me...
Desert fox2612 said:
I am getting erros while applying patch.....I reffered ur steps from guide by u that how to build cyanogenmod for zenfone 5....I have downloaded and synced sources and when i come to apply patch then i get error..
can't find file to patch at input line 5
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|diff --git a/linker/linker.cpp b/linker/linker.cpp
|index bc40cf1..899eeca 100644
|--- a/linker/linker.cpp
|+++ b/linker/linker.cpp
File to patch: y
y: No such file or directory
Skip this patch? [y]
Skipping patch.
2 out of 2 hunks ignored
please help me...
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You need to copy the file bionic/linker.patch to the directory ~/CM13/bionic/
then you need to do
cd ~/CM13/bionic
patch -p1 < linker.patch
dgadelha said:
You need to copy the file bionic/linker.patch to the directory ~/CM13/bionic/
then you need to do
cd ~/CM13/bionic
patch -p1 < linker.patch
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Thanks....that helped me.. Btw should I ignore warnings generated between building img file? & one prob is linker.patch is not worked....rest all patches worked....will it create problem?

