Survey regarding motivation factors in open source programming - Off-topic

Hey guys!
My name is Tobias Gawrisch and I'm a student of social science / sociology at Ruhr-University Bochum in Germany. I'm now starting with my master thesis and for that I want to do some research about what motivates programmers to work on open source software and other free software projects. Most people studying economics will say that money is the driving motivator in our economy but I think that especially the open source community is a fine example of people being motivated to work without the prospect of earning a lot of money with their work. This hypothesis is the basis for a short Web Survey in order to get some first hand data about the reason why programmers are "working for free". It will take about 10 min. max. and is, of course, completely anonymous. And I'll be glad to provide all my outcomes afterwards.
I would really appreciate your help in this matter, this would boost my master thesis a lot!
Here is the link to the survey: www (dot) soscisurvey (dot) de (slash) codesharingmotivation (I'm sorry but as a new user I'm apparently not allowed to post links. This post has permission from the Administrators, so maybe a moderator could alter this link to be clickable?)
This is an open survey, so please feel free to share it with everyone you see fit. I need as many participants as possible to get valid data.
I took the liberty to ask up front if it would be OK to post such a survey in this forum and received permission for that after using the contact form from the Administrators. This is a solely academic survey.
Tobias Gawrisch

Just wanted to have a short shout out to everyone, half of the time for my survey has passed and I really need more participants, so please take part in this survey and pass it on to everyone you see fit! You would really help me out!


Community Research

Dear XDA-Developers members,
I'm reading and (a very bit) posting here now for some time.
I live in Holland and study at the university of Utrecht.
At the university we are researching online communities at the moment.
We created a question-list to question alot of members of different online communities. I'm interested how people think in this community about this community, so I want to ask you all to fill in a few easy questions on the link below:
I hope the link works and that alot of people answer the questions. If at least 10 people fill in this list, then I will publish some results here later.
Hoping to get some feedback,
thanks in advance,

a blatant plea for help *completely off topic for these boar
tells the story of Su, a mum and great classroom assistant at our local school, she is dying of cancer and cannot get the treatment to save her life here on the NHS.
i make now apologies for begging you to visit her site above and donate anything you can.
its not a scam, there are seperate links on their site to antiscam sites that have independantly verified the plea is a genuine one
many thanks for your help

research participants urgently needed

My name is Konrad Wdowiak and I write my PhD Dissertation at Faculty of Management and Social Communication at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. I'm looking for programmers working in different countries and different cultures, and I found this website. I hope that You will not take this post as a spam. I would be very thankful if You could help with my research.
The research is on organizational culture and its connection to a burnout syndrome. The questionnaire consists of 3 parts and short demographic section and should take about 15 minutes to fill in. Your information will be dealt with confidentiality and will serve exclusively for scientific purposes. High participation rate is very important and leads to significant results.
If any of You would have questions regarding my work or is interesting with the results, please do not hesitate to email me - [email protected].
I would be very thankful for Your help. Feel free to share this post among Your colleagues.
The address of the survey is:

Please help me!

I'm working as a freelance web designer, currently trying to establish my own agency. Therefore I'm taking part in various contests for getting known and building a contact network.
I'm currently taking part in a template contest. Here is my entry:
Voting is based on tweets, likes and +1's. Being a vital part of XDA for years now, also contributing my own roms, I thought I'd ask you guys for your support. It just takes a second to vote but will really help me!
Thank you everybody, your help is really appreciated =)
i will help in voting but don't you think this is a wrong thread? there is the xda referral thread in here
Thank you so much =)
Referral Thread?

Online Habits?

Greetings everyone,
I am a Psychology PhD student at Nottingham Trent University (Nottingham, United Kingdom) and I wonder if you could give me a hand with my research by taking part in my surve. It is a brief survey on Internet use and habits and has around 10 very short questions, it will not take you more than 4-5 minutes to help me out.
Please feel free to help me, it is a personal and independent project I am doing.
Here is the survey's address: Link removed
I appreciate your help,
Mod edit: Your first post is asking people to fill in a survey for you? That's not how online communities work.

