ubuntu touch for turbo a250 - Micromax Canvas Turbo A250

hello developers,
is there any chance of getting ubuntu touch for turbo A250??


Ubuntu port

Has anyone been able to successfully port Ubuntu to the Razr I?
Ubuntu touch runs on top of a cm kernel which we don't have.

Re. cm 12 for turbo

Hey all,
I hear that cm 12 if out for android one phone i.e. micromax 1A, is it possible to have 1 for our a250 aka turbo?

[Request] MultiROM support for Maserati ( Droid 4 )

Since our Droid 4 has safestrap and Multiboot.
How much work would it be to get MultiROM support?
Is there also anyone interessted?
I Would love to see the posibility of running Ubuntu Touch, Firefox OS, and so on our Droid 4.

Request for Ubuntu touch to android one

Any possibility of Ubuntu Touch for android one?

Request for lineage os for canvas turbo

please make lineage os for canvas turbo since many people who own a canvas turbo are stuck only on cyanogen 11 and 4.4.4 kitkat and lower
lollipop will also do

