[SCRIPT] Y / Y Duos Bloatware Removal (also cleans bloatware data) - Galaxy Y Duos S6102 Android Development

This is just another bloatware removal script, it removes bloatware apps(except for a few useful ones) and also deletes bloatware data left in the /data partition.
this also removes the odex files if you're using odexed rom.
deleted bloatware list:
DioPenChineseIME.apk / DioPenChinese
Email.apk / Email
EmailWidget.apk / Email Widge
GenieWidget.apk / News and Weather
SamsungApps.apk / Samsung Apps
SamsungAppsUNA3.apk / Samsung Apps
SamsungWidget_StockClock.apk / Yahoo Finance
SamsungWidget_WeatherClock.apk / Accuweather widget
signin.apk / software update
SnsAccount.apk / Used by SocialHub
Street.apk / Google Street View
Swype.apk / Swype
UnifiedInbox.apk / Social Hub
VoiceSearch.apk / Google Voice Search
Maps.apk / Google Maps
fotaclient.apk / Software Update
syncmldm.apk / Software Update
talk.apk / Google talk
talkback.apk / talkback


The Complete Comprehensive List of System Apps for Xperia Arc (Updated)

List updated, now with complete descriptions for all APKs.
This is a handy reference guide I had posted on my local forum, the list of apps may not be identical to everyone else, but the core ones are there. Hope it's helpful here too!
Feel free to let me know if this is helpful or if there's any additions or corrections needed to be done.
WARNING: Rooting and removing System apps is at personal choice and risk of lost of warranty and damaging the phone.
WARNING: Always make a complete backup of ALL the system apps before removing any in case of accidental deletion.
DISCLAIMER: This is only a reference guide. I will bear no responsibilities if by referencing this guide through your own discretion damages your phone in any way.
Apps that are unsafe to remove or are linked to phone's capabilities:
(Keep them if you want access to all of your phone's features.)
Note: Many of these only run when needed while a few of them are persistent services that are about 1mb sizes. While removing them may give you a few mb more, keeping them is rather insignificant.
Note: Some of them can also be removed if you have replaced or removed the main app they are tied to, but read the descriptions carefully!
oddbasket said:
AccountAndSyncSettings.apk --- Account and Sync Settings
AdobeFlashPlayer.apk --- Adobe Flash Player
AntHalService.apk --- Hardware Abstraction Layer
ApplicationsProvider.apk --- Search Applications Provider (ASP service)
Bluetooth.apk --- Bluetooth Share
bootinfo.apk --- Download Agent
CalendarProvider.apk --- calendar storage
CertInstaller.apk --- Certificate Installer
CredentialManagerService.apk --- Credential Manager Service
CustomizationProvider.apk --- regionalization
CustomizationSimPayType.apk --- regionalization
CustomizedApplicationInstaller.apk --- regionalization
CustomizedSettings.apk --- regionalization
DefaultCapabilities.apk --- hardware capabilities
DefaultContainerService.apk --- Package Access Helper (web container service)
device-monitor.apk --- plug and play monitoring
DMClient.apk --- Software Updater
DownloadProvider.apk --- Market Download Manager
DrmDialogs.apk --- DRM sync service
DrmProvider.apk --- DRM Protected Content Storage
enhancedusbux.apk --- usb driver
FastDormancy.apk --- Network Fast Dormancy
FmRxService.apk --- FM receiver service
genericappinstaller.apk --- application installer service
GoogleBackupTransport.apk --- Android Backup Service for apps
GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk --- calendars sync
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk --- contacts sync
GoogleServicesFramework.apk --- google services framework
InfiniteView.apk --- phonebook info page
LiveWallpapersPicker.apk --- Change Live wallpapers
LocalContacts.apk --- phone contacts
Maps.apk --- google maps
MarketUpdater.apk --- android market updater
MediaProvider.apk --- Media Storage (Ringtones, Notifications)
MtpAppGB.apk --- Media Transfer Protocol (MTP)
NetworkLocation.apk --- Network Location Manager (Location Services, Check-in, Geo-tagging)
OMAClientProvisioning.apk --- OTA network settings download
OmaV1AgentDownloadServices.apk --- OTA services download and purchase/billing services
PackageInstaller.apk --- package installer
Phonebook.apk --- Phonebook
PicoTts.apk --- SVOX Text To Speech service (used by navigation/translators/dictionaries)
ReadyToRun.apk --- OMA Sync extension
SemcCameraApplication.apk --- Camera
SemcContactsProvider.apk --- Contacts Storage
SemcHdmiControlService.apk --- HDMI CEC
SemcHdmiEnabler.apk --- HDMI
SemcPhone.apk --- Keypad Dialer
SemcSettings.apk --- Sony Ericsson Settings Menu > Connectivity/Settings Download
SemcTelephonyProvider.apk --- Dialer Storage
ServiceMenu.apk --- Service Menu
Settings.apk --- System Settings
SettingsProvider.apk --- Settings Storage
ShutDownAnimation.apk --- Shutdown Animation
SoundPicker.apk --- Sound picker
Sync.apk --- OMA account services
SystemUI.apk --- Notification bar
Talk.apk --- Google Talk
TtsService.apk --- Android Text To Speech Service
usb-mtp-update-wrapper.apk --- MTP extension polling
usb-mtp-vendor-extension-service.apk --- Sony Ericsson MTP extension
UseragentProvider.apk --- User Agent Storage
UserDictionaryProvider.apk --- user dictionary storage
Vending.apk --- Android Market
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppApplication.apk --- Certificate identifier
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppMedia.apk --- Certificate identifier
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppPlatform.apk --- Certificate identifier
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppShared.apk --- Certificate identifier
VoiceDialer.apk --- Voice Dialer
VoiceSearch.apk --- Voice Search
VoipCallLogProvider.apk --- VOIP Call Log
VpnServices.apk --- VPN Services
WapiCustomization.apk --- WAP settings
WapPush.apk --- WAP push (for receiving MMS)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Safe to remove:
(These apps can be removed without ill effects to the Arc's health.)
*Note: New APKs from the 2.3.3 update.
oddbasket said:
AccessoryKeyDispatcher.apk --- event listener (unsure of trigger, hardware and handsfree keys work without it.)
Calculator.apk --- default calculator
CdfInfoAccessor.apk --- Software Component Descriptions
chinesetextinput.apk --- chinese keyboard
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.foursquare_ext_ts3.apk --- Timescape Foursquare Extension
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.timescapefeedsplugin.apk --- Timescape Feeds
com.whatsapp.apk --- Whatsapp
*CoreNotificationPublisher.apk --- Lock Screen Notifications
CrashSMS.apk --- Diagnostics Tool (debug helper)
datatrafficswitch.apk --- mobile data on/off widget
DigitalClockWidget.apk --- clock widget
DownloadProviderUi.apk --- default browser downloads folder
EventStream.apk --- Timescape
EventStreamPluginCallLog.apk --- Timescape Call Log Extension
EventStreamPluginFacebook.apk --- Timescape Facebook Extension
EventStreamPluginTelephony.apk --- Timescape Telephony extension
EventStreamPluginTwitter.apk --- Timescape Twitter extension
facebook.apk --- Facebook
*FBCalendarSync.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Calendar Sync
*FBMediaDiscovery.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Media Discovery
*FBMusicLike.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Music Like
*FBNotificationPublisher.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Facebook Notifications
*FBSetupwizard.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Setup Wizard (not needed to setup or for FB Integration to work)
GenieWidget.apk --- News and Weather
Gmail.apk --- Gmail app
GoogleFeedback.apk --- Market Feedback Agent (forceclose reporting for apps installed from Market)
GooglePartnerSetup.apk --- Google Partner Setup (no longer needed after setting up Gmail)
GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk --- google quick search box
HTMLViewer.apk --- HTML viewer (view HTML files directly from file manager)
IddAgent.apk --- Anonymous Usage Stats
JapaneseIME.apk --- japanese keyboard
LearningClient.apk --- learns user typed words for default keyboard
letsgolf_A_353.apk --- Let's Golf game
LiveWallpapers.apk --- Live wallpapers pack
LivewareManager.apk --- Liveware Manager
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk --- Live wallpaper
MediaWidget.apk --- Media shortcuts widget
MediaUploader.apk --- My Uploads for Youtube uploading (not needed if just watch Youtube)
MusicWidget.apk --- default Music player widget
*NotificationProvider.apk --- Lock Screeen Notifications Storage
officesuite.apk --- Office Suite
OmaDatasyncService.apk --- Sony Ericsson Sync
PhotoWidget.apk --- Picture Frame widget
*playnowclientarvato.apk --- Playnow Store (replaces the 2 APKs in the list directly below)
playnowappinstaller.apk --- Playnow updater
playnowclient.apk --- Playnow
POBoxSknPink.apk --- japanese keyboard skin
POBoxSknWood.apk --- japanese keyboard skin
Protips.apk --- Pro Tips widget
qcsemcservice.apk --- RIL extension for default browser
Radio.apk --- FM radio
retaildemo.apk --- retail demo
SecureClockJava.apk --- web clock service (some DRM or Secure services may use this, restore if you need it.)
SemcCrashMonitor.apk --- debugger
SemcDlna.apk --- media server
*SEMCFacebookService.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Service
SEMCSetupWizard.apk --- setup wizard
SemcVideoEdit.apk --- video editor
SoundRecorder.apk --- sound recorder
StatusSwitch.apk --- Status switch widget
Stk.apk --- Sim Tool Kit
Street.apk --- Google Street view
SyncWizard.apk --- Sony Ericsson Sync Account
timescapelegacywrapper.apk --- Timescape plugin
TimescapeSpline.apk --- Timescape widget spline
TimescapeWidget.apk --- Timescape widget
touchnote.apk --- Touch notes postcard
trackid.apk --- TrackID
*UnsupportedHeadsetNotification.apk --- Possibly a notification when pairing with unsupported bluetooth headsets
usersupport.apk --- Support
VisualizationWallpapers.apk --- Live wallpaper
WallpaperPicker.apk --- Sony Ericsson Wallpapers
widgetdigitalclock.apk --- clock widget
widgetonoff.apk --- widget on/off toggles
YouTube.apk --- YouTube
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Can be replaced:
(These apps can be safely removed and be replaced by preferred third party apps of the same function.)
Warning: Sony Ericsson's home launcher should not be removed until after another third party home launcher has been installed and properly set up to take over it's function.
Note: Depending on the third party calendar app of choice, it may be advisable to setup your calendars using the default calendar app before removing it.
Note: Most third party messaging apps cannot send and receive MMS if the stock messaging app is removed.
Note: Removing the default clock widget will also remove the alarm feature. Ensure your clock of choice has alarms or have another alarm app installed.
oddbasket said:
Browser.apk --- default web browser
Calendar.apk --- default calendar
Conversations.apk --- default messaging
Home.apk --- default home launcher
SemcDeskClock.apk --- default clock and alarm
SemcEmail.apk --- default email app
SemcGallery3D.apk --- default gallery
SemcMusic.apk --- default music player
textinput-tng.apk --- default keyboard
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Updating of System apps:
Unlike user apps, when system apps get updated, the original apk in /system/app cannot be replaced automatically. Hence the newer version will be installed as a user app in /data/app.
To save space on your rom, the original ones in /system/app can be deleted. Or, you can manually replace the newer ones from /data/app to /system/app.
Deleting the ones in /system/app is recommended since future updates will replace them and saves space on the rom.
Warning: It is safer to remove System apps from /System/App after you have updated them.
Note: Doing either method for facebook.apk will cause you to lose your facebook contacts. However, they can be restored by launching the facebook app, press back button, then menu button > Settings > Sync Contacts. You will also have to manually resync the ones that have been manually added using 'Join Contacts' as well.
Note: The exception is AdobeFlashPlayer.apk. Manually moving it to /system/app will not work. It only works when it's properly installed. So, simply delete the one in /system/app instead. And if it stops working, simply tap the one in /data/app to reinstall it properly.
Note: Having only one instance of Android Market will also fix the bug where some users' Market will not correctly show all the apps that are installed under 'My apps'.
Note: If you use the copy and paste method, you need to set the permissions for the APK after moving. Permissions: Check all for Read, check Owner for Write, leave the rest unchecked.
The apks currently with updates are:
oddbasket said:
facebook.apk --- Facebook
com.whatsapp.apk --- Whatsapp
Maps.apk --- Google Maps
Vending.apk --- Android Market
AdobeFlashPlayer.apk --- Adobe Flash Player
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Making User Apps into System Apps:
System and User apps are stored in partitioned memory, meaning they have separate amounts of memory allocated ie. System Storage Memory and User Storage Memory.
There is ~100mb of unused System app storage going to waste.
By making a User app into a System app, you change it's storage location and free up space to allow you to install more User apps. This is done simply by moving the User app to System app storage.
Note: Recommended apps to move can be home launchers, input methods, apps that you want permanently available on the phone ie. without SD card, apps that you don't need to update.
Warning: Caution when moving a system app back to user app! Example: Moving a home launcher from System/App to Data/App breaks it. Your phone will not work without a working home launcher! Restore the default home launcher to System/App before doing it!
1. Browse to /data/app and locate the APK you want to move
2. Move* the APK to /system/app
3. Reboot
*If you use the copy and paste method, you need to set the permissions for the APK after moving. Permissions: Check all for Read, check Owner for Write, leave the rest unchecked.
Telco specific system bloatware:
(These are the ones in /System/App. The ones in /Data/App can be removed through Settings > Applications > Manage Applications.)
Singtel (Singapore):
oddbasket said:
com.qoowaa.act_103.apk --- AppXtra
com.singtel.singtelbpl.apk --- Singtel BPL
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.storefront.apk --- AMPed Store
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Is there a default Gingerbread apk that can replace the textinput-tng.apk?
Also, what does the default chinese keyboard on Gingerbread look like?
hellocng said:
Is there a default Gingerbread apk that can replace the textinput-tng.apk?
Also, what does the default chinese keyboard on Gingerbread look like?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Install any keyboard you like, or multiple keyboards if preferred. Then, go to /data/app and copy the APK to /system/app.
The keyboards then becomes permanently (default) activated keyboards, meaning there's no need to check them in settings to activate them.
Edit: I have added a section to the OP with details on this. Basically about ~100mb of unused storage is wasted in /system/app that can be made used of.
what does the crash monitor really do?
animboo said:
what does the crash monitor really do?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Tracks force closes, and possibly sends a usage report to SE. It's just a debugger, and most probably passive. See wiki for debugger: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debugger
Doesn't really help the user directly.
New to 2.3.3:
My bootloader is locked so I'm afraid I can no longer test APKs for everyone. Sorry guys.
I believe them all to be optional, but I'm not rooted to try. So don't take my word for it.
oddbasket said:
CoreNotificationPublisher.apk - Lock Screen Notifications
FBCalendarSync.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Calendar Sync
FBMediaDiscovery.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Media Discovery
FBMusicLike.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Music Like
FBNotificationPublisher.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Facebook Notifications
FBSetupwizard.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Account
NotificationProvider.apk --- Lock Screeen Notifications Storage
playnowclientarvato.apk --- Playnow Store (replaces previous version)
SEMCFacebookService.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Service
UnsupportedHeadsetNotification --- ? Anyone has encountered this? Or is this for bluetooth?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
CoreNotificationPublisher.apk - Lock Screen Notifications
FBCalendarSync.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Calendar Sync
FBMediaDiscovery.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Media Discovery
FBMusicLike.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Music Like
FBNotificationPublisher.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Facebook Notifications
FBSetupwizard.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Account
NotificationProvider.apk --- Lock Screeen Notifications Storage
playnowclientarvato.apk --- Playnow Store (replaces previous version)
SEMCFacebookService.apk --- Sony Ericsson Facebook Integration Service
UnsupportedHeadsetNotification --- ? Anyone has encountered this? Or is this for bluetooth?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
All of these APKs on my phone , were Freezed by TitaniumBackup when I update to 2.3.3
works fine , just like 2.3.2
maxx228 said:
All of these APKs on my phone , were Freezed by TitaniumBackup when I update to 2.3.3
works fine , just like 2.3.2
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for sharing!
Can anyone upload the system application .apk ? for arc ?for porting them on MINI CM7 ?
btw, uninstall package installer and package access help will break market download and install. that's what I encounter.
zenkinz said:
btw, uninstall package installer and package access help will break market download and install. that's what I encounter.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Those were already in the unsafe list.
can i uninstall the postcard app and setup guide? it's always running in the background every time i check advanced task killer
somevietguy said:
can i uninstall the postcard app and setup guide? it's always running in the background every time i check advanced task killer
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I freeze that two aplication via TB and nothing bad happen. So I assumed you can uninstall it without any problem.
I assumed postcard was "touchnote.apk --- Touch notes postcard" Or am I wrong ??
I've gone through constin's list and matched up the .apk filenames to the application names as they appear in titanium backup.
By the way, does anyone know what the .apk name for Hanashi is? Can't seem to find it.
AccountAndSyncSettings.apk ==== Account and Sync Settings
AdobeFlashPlayer.apk ==== Adobe Flash Player
AntHalService.apk ==== AntHalService
ApplicationsProvider.apk ==== Search Applications Provider
Bluetooth.apk ==== Bluetooth Share
bootinfo.apk ==== DownloadAgent
CalendarProvider.apk ==== Calendar Storage
CertInstaller.apk ==== Certificate Installer
CredentialManagerService.apk ==== Credential Manager Service
CustomizationProvider.apk ==== CustomizationProvider
CustomizationSimPayType.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.customization.simpaytype
CustomizedApplicationInstaller.apk ==== Customized App Installer
CustomizedSettings.apk ==== Customized settings
DefaultCapabilities.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.capabilities
DefaultContainerService.apk ==== Package Access Helper
device-monitor.apk ==== devicemonitor
DMClient.apk ==== Software update
DownloadProvider.apk ==== Download Manager
DrmDialogs.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.drmdialogs
DrmProvider.apk ==== DRM-Protected Content Storage
enhancedusbux.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.usbux
FastDormancy.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.android.server.dormant
FmRxService.apk ==== FmRxService
genericappinstaller.apk ==== GenericAppInstaller
GoogleBackupTransport.apk ==== Google Backup Transport
GoogleCalendarSyncAdapter.apk ==== Google Calendar Sync
GoogleContactsSyncAdapter.apk ==== Google Contacts Sync
GoogleServicesFramework.apk ==== Google Services Framework
InfiniteView.apk ==== Infinite view
LiveWallpapersPicker.apk ==== Live Wallpaper Picker
LocalContacts.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.localcontacts
Maps.apk ==== Maps
MarketUpdater.apk ==== Market Updater
MediaProvider.apk ==== [PLAYLISTS] Media Storage
MtpAppGB.apk ==== MtpApp
NetworkLocation.apk ==== Network Location
OMAClientProvisioning.apk ==== OMA Client Provisioning
OmaV1AgentDownloadServices.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.android.drm.services
PackageInstaller.apk ==== Package installer
Phonebook.apk ==== Contacts
PicoTts.apk ==== Pico TTS
ReadyToRun.apk ==== R2R Client
SemcCameraApplication.apk ==== Camera
SemcContactsProvider.apk ==== Contacts Storage
SemcHdmiControlService.apk ==== SemcHdmiControlService
SemcHdmiEnabler.apk ==== HDMI
SemcPhone.apk ==== [VOICEMAIL] Keypad
SemcSettings.apk ==== ApplicationSettings
SemcTelephonyProvider.apk ==== [SMD/MMS/APN] Dialer Storage
ServiceMenu.apk ==== Service Menu
Settings.apk ==== [WALLPAPER/SETTINGS] Settings
SettingsProvider.apk ==== [SETTINGS/BLUETOOTH] Settings Storage
ShutDownAnimation.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.shutdownanim
SoundPicker.apk ==== SoundPicker
Sync.apk ==== Synchronisation
SystemUI.apk ==== Status Bar
Talk.apk ==== Talk
TtsService.apk ==== TTS Service
usb-mtp-update-wrapper.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.mtp.extension.update
usb-mtp-vendor-extension-service.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.mtp
UseragentProvider.apk ==== UserAgentProvider
UserDictionaryProvider.apk ==== [USER DICT] User Dictionary
Vending.apk ==== Market
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppApplication.apk ==== VerifyCertificatesDummyApp
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppMedia.apk ==== VerifyCertificatesDummyApp
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppPlatform.apk ==== VerifyCertificatesDummyApp
VerifyCertificatesDummyAppShared.apk ==== VerifyCertificatesDummyApp
VoiceDialer.apk ==== Voice Dialler
VoiceSearch.apk ==== Voice Search
VoipCallLogProvider.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.voipcalllog
VpnServices.apk ==== VPN Services
WapiCustomization.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.wapicustomization
WapPush.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.wappush
AccessoryKeyDispatcher.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.accessorykeydispatcher
Calculator.apk ==== Calculator
CdfInfoAccessor.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.cdinfoaccessor
chinesetextinput.apk ==== Chinese Keyboard
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.foursquare_ext_ts3.apk ==== ??? (dont have this on my phone any more)
com.sonyericsson.androidapp.timescapefeedsplugin.apk ==== ??? (dont have this on my phone any more)
com.sonyericsson.com.nordics-1.apk ==== Hanashi
com.whatsapp.apk ==== ??? (dont have this on my phone any more)
*CoreNotificationPublisher.apk ==== Lock screen notifications
CrashSMS.apk ==== (SemcCrashMonitor???) Crash Monitor
datatrafficswitch.apk ==== Data traffic
DigitalClockWidget.apk ==== Digital Clock 1.0
DownloadProviderUi.apk ==== Downloads
EventStream.apk ==== Event Stream Engine
EventStreamPluginCallLog.apk ==== Call log extension
EventStreamPluginFacebook.apk ==== Facebook extension
EventStreamPluginTelephony.apk ==== Messaging Extension
EventStreamPluginTwitter.apk ==== Twitter Extension
facebook.apk ==== Facebook
*FBCalendarSync.apk ==== Facebook CalendarSync
*FBMediaDiscovery.apk ==== Media Discovery
*FBMusicLike.apk ==== Music Likes
*FBNotificationPublisher.apk ==== Facebook Notification Publisher
*FBSetupwizard.apk ==== Facebook setup
GenieWidget.apk ==== News & Weather
Gmail.apk ==== Gmail
GoogleFeedback.apk ==== Market Feedback Agent
GooglePartnerSetup.apk ==== Google Partner Setup
GoogleQuickSearchBox.apk ==== Google Search
HTMLViewer.apk ==== HTML Viewer
IddAgent.apk ==== Anonymous Usage Stats
JapaneseIME.apk ==== POBox Touch
LearningClient.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.learningclient
letsgolf_A_353.apk ==== Let's Golf!
LiveWallpapers.apk ==== Android Live Wallpapers
LivewareManager.apk ==== LiveWare manager
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk ==== Magic Smoke Wallpapers
MediaWidget.apk ==== Media shortcuts
MediaUploader.apk ==== My Uploads
MusicWidget.apk ==== Music player
*NotificationProvider.apk ==== NotificationsContentProvider
officesuite.apk ==== OfficeSuite
OmaDatasyncService.apk ==== Sony Ericsson Sync
PhotoWidget.apk ==== Photos and videos
*playnowclientarvato.apk ==== Store
playnowappinstaller.apk ==== [defunct]
playnowclient.apk ==== [defunct]
POBoxSknPink.apk ==== Sakura
POBoxSknWood.apk ==== Woody
Protips.apk ==== Home screen tips
qcsemcservice.apk ==== QC SEMC Service
Radio.apk ==== FM radio
retaildemo.apk ==== Retail Demo
SecureClockJava.apk ==== SecureClockService
SemcCrashMonitor.apk ==== CrashMonitor
SemcDlna.apk ==== Media server
*SEMCFacebookService.apk ==== Sony Ericsson Facebook
SEMCSetupWizard.apk ==== Setup guide
SemcVideoEdit.apk ==== Video editor
SoundRecorder.apk ==== Sound Recorder
StatusSwitch.apk ==== Status switch
Stk.apk ==== SIM Toolkit
Street.apk ==== Street View
SyncWizard.apk ==== Sony Ericsson Sync client wizard
timescapelegacywrapper.apk ==== Timescape legacy extension wrapper
TimescapeSpline.apk ==== Timescape
TimescapeWidget.apk ==== Timescape widget
touchnote.apk ==== Postcard
trackid.apk ==== TrackID
*UnsupportedHeadsetNotification.apk ==== com.sonyericsson.unsupportedheadsetnotifier
usersupport.apk ==== Support
VisualizationWallpapers.apk ==== Music Visualisation Wallpapers
WallpaperPicker.apk ==== Sony Ericsson wallpapers
widgetdigitalclock.apk ==== Digital Clock 1.14.0
widgetonoff.apk ==== Widgets On/Off
YouTube.apk ==== YouTube
Browser.apk ==== Browser
Calendar.apk ==== Calendar
Conversations.apk ==== Messaging
Home.apk ==== Sony Ericsson Home
SemcDeskClock.apk ==== [ALARMS] Clock
SemcEmail.apk ==== Email
SemcGallery3D.apk ==== Gallery
SemcMusic.apk ==== Music
textinput-tng.apk ==== Default input
daveybaby said:
I've gone through constin's list and matched up the .apk filenames to the application names as they appear in titanium backup.
By the way, does anyone know what the .apk name for Hanashi is? Can't seem to find it.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
ucubz said:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Weirdly, i just found it as com.sonyericsson.com.nordics-1.apk...
Can I have browser.apk from 2.3.3?
kiz1983 said:
Can I have browser.apk from 2.3.3?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
you mean you accidentally deleted it?
here's a copy
Rycon33 said:
you mean you accidentally deleted it?
here's a copy
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks a lot! Yeah I accidentally deleted it and my backup seems to b corrupted...

[REQ] Contacts app

Can anyone make a backup of this system app's and share with me,please? (from a generic ROM)

[Q] Which APPs to delete on ICS

i have a list of apps that i used to delete on GB that i used to safely increase my ram. does this list still apply to ICS ? are there any other Apps that i can delete , i know i grabbed this from someone but i cant remember who and i cant find it ... sorry
-AngryGPS.apk (Test)
-AxT9IME.apk (Samsung keyboard)
-BluetoothTestMode.apk (Test)
-BuddiesNow.apk (Widget)
-ChocoEUKor.apk (Font)
-CoolEUKor.apk (Font)
-Days.apk (Widget)
-Dlna.apk (Allshare app)
-DualClock.apk (Widget)
-Email.apk (Stock mail app)
-Encrypt.apk (WTF)
-FactoryTest.apk (Test)
-GoogleBackupTransport.apk (Backup for your market apps)
-GoogleFeedback.apk (Feedback force closes to google)
-GooglePartnerSetup.apk (Requied for kies)
-HTMLViewer.apk (Reading html files on your file manager)
-install_flash_player.apk (Old flash player. UPDATE BEFORE DELETING THIS!)
-lcdtest.apk (Test again)
-MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk (Live wallpaper)
-MarketUpdater.apk (Updating new market)
-Memo.apk (Notes app)
-MobileTrackerEngineTwo.apk (Mobile Tracker app)
-MobileTrackerUI.apk (Mobile Tracker app)
-MtpApplication.apk (For kies)
-MusicPlayer.apk (Stock music app)
-MyFiles.apk (Stock file manager)
-NetworkLocation.apk (Eats too much ram for me)
-PicoTts.apk (Text to speech)
-PopupuiReceiver.apk (For mobile tracker)
-Protips.apk (Widget)
-RoseEUKor.apk (Font)
SamsungAppsUNA3.apk (Samsung Apps)
SamsungWidget_StockClock.apk (Widgets)
-ScreenCaptureService.apk (Stock screenshot app but takes 4.8 mb ram every second)
-SelfTestMode.apk (Test)
-serviceModeApp.apk (Service menu)
-signin.apk (OTA check)
-SimDetachNotifier.apk (Notification for sim detach)
-SnsAccount.apk (SNS, Facebook contact calendar sync etc)
-Stk.apk (Sim card menu)
-Street.apk (Google streetview)
-Talk.apk (google talk)
-talkback.apk (Google Talkback)
-thinkdroid.apk (Thinkfree office)
-TouchWiz30Launcher.apk (TW Launcher)
-TouchWizCalculator.apk (Calculator)
-TouchWizCalendar.apk (Calendar)
-TtsService.apk (Text to speech)
-TwWallpaperChooser.apk (Stock wallpapers)
-UnifiedInbox.apk (Social hub)
-VisualizationWallpapers.apk (Live wallpapers)
-VoiceDialer.apk (Voice diller app tooks so much ram)
-VoiceRecorder.apk (Sound recorder)
-wipereceiver.apk (For mobile tracker)
-WlanTest.apk (test)
-WriteandGo.apk (Type and go app)

[MOD]AOKP/CM9 Stripper+CustomizerV1

Hello everyone. I have modedd dansharpy's script to fit in our AOKP and CM9 builds without deleteing SMS or PHONE apks. What teh .zip does is deleting unnececery apps. The goal is to free up more ram and the rom to be smoother. It deletes stuff like Appolo,Music, livewallpapers and other stuff and processes.So you actualy have to download a player or a gallery app from the store.
1.Get Notepad++, download it from here and install it.
2.Get a zip viewer like 7-Zip or WinRar and install it.
3.Download the Stripper and open it with 7-Zip or WinRar
4.Open META-INF>com>google>android.
5.Drag updater-script to a place like Desktop and right click>Edit with Notepad++
6.So here nearly at the center of the whole text is the deleting process.
7.delete("/system/app/apkname.apk","/system/app/anotherapkname.apk") is the command that deletes a file.(You can do so for any file.Even on sdcard (e.g.)/mnt/sdcard/something.
8.So check out the whole delete process and if you want you can select a whole path and delete it(dont forget to delete the coma afterwards it).
9.You can add a line by replacing appname with the name of the app you want to delete located in system/app
10.When you are done go to File(in Notepad++) and save the file(Not Save as)
11.Drag the updater-script back to the Stripper and accept any prompt.
12.Now just exit the zip viewer and you are ready to flash the Stripper.
List of all apps
WARNING. You may have something missing or something that is not in the lists.Apps are more or less in different builds
AndroidTerm.apk - gives access to terminal
AOKPtips.apk - widget
Apollo.apk - music
AppWidgetPicker.apk - the thing that lets you pick widgets
Bluetooth.apk - bluetooth UI
Browser.apk - browser
Bubble.apk - LWP
Calculator.apk -Calculator
Calendar.apk - Calendar
CalendarProvider.apk -Calendar Sync
Camera.apk - Camera
CertInstaller.apk -
Cherry.apk - Theme
Contacts.apk - Contacts
DeskClock.apk - Clock widget
DownloadProvider.apk - Downloads
DownloadProviderUi.apk - the UI of the downloads
DrmProvider.apk - DRM data
DSPManager.apk -DSPManager
Email.apk -Email
Exchange.apk - Email service
FileManager.apk - FileManager
Gallery2.apk - Gallery
Grape.apk - Theme
HTMLViewer.apk - defauld Android viewer for text, xml..
KeyChain.apk - Pasword manager
LatinIME.apk - keyboard
LatinImeDictionaryPack.apk - spell chek for keyboard
LiveWallpapers.apk - Livewalpaper picked UI
LiveWallpapersPicker.apk - Livewallpaper picker
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk - LWP
MediaProvider.apk- Media Proider
Microbes.apk -LWP
Mms.apk - SMS/MMS app(Messeging
MusicFX.apk - The dafault 4.0 audio manager
NoiseField.apk - LWP
NovaLauncher.apk - Launcher
PackageInstaller.apk -The app when you install/uninstall somethin
PhaseBeam.apk - LWP
Phone.apk -Phone
PicoTts.apk- Text to speech
Provision.apk - runs on 1st boot, not necessary if gapps has been flashed
ROMControl.apk - AOKP customizer
Settings.apk - Settings
SettingsProvider.apk - Settings UI
SharedStorageBackup.apk - used for USB connection (I think....)
SoundRecorder.apk - Sound recorder
Spearmint.apk - Theme
Superuser.apk - Root user app
SwagPapers.apk - required for full on swagger
SystemUI.apk - Statusbar
TelephonyProvider.apk - gsm/3g data provider
ThemeChooser.apk - themechooser
ThemeManager.apk - something for theme manager
Trebuchet.apk - CM9's stock launcher
UnicornPorn.apk - LWP
UserDictionaryProvider.apk - AOKP keyboard dictionary
VideoEditor.apk - Video editor
VisualizationWallpapers.apk -LWP
VpnDialogs.apk - vpn system
WAPPushManager.apk - WIFi therter
AntHalService.apk - interface to ANT radio chip
antradioservice.apk - ANT radio service client
antstatenotifer.apk - can't find an exact description....
Apollo.apk - Music
ApplicationsProvider.apk - AppProvider
BackupRestoreConfirmation.apk - restores google sync settings
Bluetooth.apk - Bluetooth UI
Browser.apk - Browser
Calculator.apk - Calculator
Calendar.apk - Calendar
CalendarProvider.apk - Calendar provider
Camera.apk - camera
CertInstaller.apk - wifi certificate installer
CMWallpapers.apk - CM9 wallpapers
Contacts.apk - Contacts
ContactsProvider.apk - Contacts provider
DefaultContainerService.apk - helps install apps
DeskClock.apk - Clock widget
Development.apk - Development app
DownloadProvider.apk - Downlaods
DownloadProviderUi.apk - Downloads UI
DrmProvider.apk - DRM data
DSPManager.apk - DSPManager
Email.apk - Email
Exchange.apk - Email Sync
Fmapplication.apk - FMradio
FmRxService.apk - FMservice
Galaxy4.apk - LWP
Gallery2.apk - Gallery
HoloSpiralWallpaper.apk - LWP
HTMLViewer.apk - defaut android text viewer
KeyChain.apk - pasword manager
LatinIME.apk - Keyboard
LiveWallpapers.apk - Lwp picker UI
LiveWallpapersPicker.apk - LWP picker
MagicSmokeWallpapers.apk - LWP
MediaProvider.apk - Media provider
Mms.apk - Messeging app
NoiseField.apk - LWP
PackageInstaller.apk - The app when you install/uninstall things
PhaseBeam.apk - LWP
Phone.apk - Phone
PicoTts.apk - Text to speech
Provision.apk - runs on 1st boot as system set up, not necessary if gapps has been flashed
QuickSearchBox.apk - Google search
RomManager.apk - ROM manager
Settings.apk - Settings
SettingsProvider.apk - Settings provider
SharedStorageBackup.apk - required for USB connection
SoundRecorder.apk - Sound recorder
SpareParts.apk - Development app
Stk.apk - SIM toolkit
Superuser.apk - Root user app
SystemUI.apk - Statusbar
TelephonyProvider.apk - gsm/data/3g
Term.apk - terminal emulator
ThemeChooser.apk - Theme chooser
ThemeManager.apk - part of theme chooser
Torch.apk - torch app
Trebuchet.apk - CM9's stock launcher
UserDictionaryProvider.apk - AOSP keyboard user dict
VideoEditor.apk - VideoEditor
VisualizationWallpapers.apk - LWP
VoiceDialer.apk - Voice dailer
VpnDialogs.apk - Vpn provider
WAPPushManager.apk - Wi fi thertering
List of deleted apps. AOKP/CM9
Music.apk NoiseField.apk
Thanks to - Me for colecting and moddings things out
- to justmpm for helping
- to dansharpy for the base script.

[Q] Stock/ bloat apps that can be removed safely for P1000?

HI, I tried finding in stickies and http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1079295 but can't find a thread.
If rooting my 2 yr old P1000, was thinking what stock app / bloatware that can be removed to speed things up.
Thanks in advance.
although by no means a complete list,
this is what Team Overcome removed from GB stock rom and still appears to be working fine
Strangely I dont see these running on their own under the APPS menu... usual suspects i see are only :
DRM content
Software update
Task manager
Google services
Samsung keypad
priyana said:
although by no means a complete list,
this is what Team Overcome removed from GB stock rom and still appears to be working fine
Click to expand...
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