ALS Ice Bucket Challenge for XDA members!! - Off-topic

The Rules Are Simple:
After being nominated by someone here on XDA you have 24 hours to:
1) Video yourself being drenched with freezing ice water
2) Nominate 3 more XDA members to do the same
3) Post the video in this thread
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Be Sure to inform those who you nominated right away!!!!!!
If you do not complete the requirements outlined above you are to donate $100 in support of finding the cure, more info here:
ALS Association - Ice Bucket Challenge
The first challenge is put forth by me @demkantor
and nominating
@Judge Joseph Dredd
you guys have 24 hours!!!!!
1st XDA ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Honored to be nominated @demkantor if I was already nominated to do it by one of my friends should I just post that video here and nominate other people? Hate to break the chain, either way I'll be donating more money to this great cause !

I don't know if this is a good idea...............
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1520

shimp208 said:
Honored to be nominated @demkantor if I was already nominated to do it by one of my friends should I just post that video here and nominate other people? Hate to break the chain, either way I'll be donating more money to this great cause !
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Well I did two separate videos, one with friends and now this one with just XDA members nominated... So I say you get two!

404-Not Found said:
I don't know if this is a good idea...............
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1520
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I have a feeling you will be in the short list for nominations..........

Good thing nobody knows me here so I won't get nominated.
Although I'm not saying I don't wanna get nominated.
Sent from my Moto G using Tapatalk

Even 9gag is sending me these videos now (oh god, that last one It's going to take months to get that image out of my head! Thank you for that 9gag -.- ), don't make me watch more people who don't know what ALS is pretend they care.

ShadowLea said:
Even 9gag is sending me these videos now (oh god, that last one It's going to take months to get that image out of my head! Thank you for that 9gag -.- ), don't make me watch more people who don't know what ALS is pretend they care.
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Really surprised about the animosity and judgments I'm hearing about this, not necessarily you but also on another thread. Not wanting to see more videos is one thing but assuming someone doesn't understand the purpose or are just pretending to care.... Eh don't feel like ranting...

demkantor said:
Really surprised about the animosity and judgments I'm hearing about this, not necessarily you but also on another thread. Not wanting to see more videos is one thing but assuming someone doesn't understand the purpose or are just pretending to care.... Eh don't feel like ranting...
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It's not so much an assumption as actual experience. The mother of one of my classmates had ALS. (she passed away a few yars ago) I know what ALS is in both the personal and medical sense.
As such, it is utterly distasteful how people are using this as an excuse to put videos of themselves on the internet in a vain attempt to gather attention.
The idea of the campaign is to raise awareness. I guarantee you 90% has not even bothered to Google what ALS really is.
At least the famous lot actually donates. The superficial idiots on Facebook don't even bother to do that. This is merely another 'look at me!' hype. Nothing more, regardless of the wonderful intentions of the few who do actually know and care.
I have seen some brilliant ones from people who do know what ALS is. Sadly, the majority is using a good cause to gather attention to themselves, and that is insulting.

ShadowLea said:
It's not so much an assumption as actual experience. The mother of one of my classmates had ALS. (she passed away a few yars ago) I know what ALS is in both the personal and medical sense.
As such, it is utterly distasteful how people are using this as an excuse to put videos of themselves on the internet in a vain attempt to gather attention.
The idea of the campaign is to raise awareness. I guarantee you 90% has not even bothered to Google what ALS really is.
At least the famous lot actually donates. The superficial idiots on Facebook don't even bother to do that. This is merely another 'look at me!' hype. Nothing more, regardless of the wonderful intentions of the few who do actually know and care.
I have seen some brilliant ones from people who do know what ALS is. Sadly, the majority is using a good cause to gather attention to themselves, and that is insulting.
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Look if your trying to say we don't Google stuff before we're dumping ice cold water then your damn wrong. In case you don't notice it many people do donate and throw ice cold water at themselves. Maybe some people can't afford to donate but atleast they can spread awareness by posting these videos. I bet nobody knew what ALS was until this trend came along and everybody searched what ALS is.
Sent from my Moto G using Tapatalk

ironman38102 said:
Look if your trying to say we don't Google stuff before we're dumping ice cold water then your damn wrong. In case you don't notice it many people do donate and throw ice cold water at themselves. Maybe some people can't afford to donate but atleast they can spread awareness by posting these videos. I bet nobody knew what ALS was until this trend came along and everybody searched what ALS is.
Sent from my Moto G using Tapatalk
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She wasn't saying "nobody Googled it and therefore everyone is doing it for attention". She's saying that there's a hell of a lot of people out there who have done just that. I completely agree.
Out of everyone who I personally know, I'd say that around 90% have done the ice bucket challenge. Out of that 90%, there's around 20% (not exact but an educated guess) who have no idea what this challenge is even for. I know that because they've clearly said, either in the video or in comments after making the video, that they don't know why everyone is suddenly doing this but it seems like fun so they'll join in.
While that could be a sign that a lot of the people who I know clearly have no idea about such things and that everyone else knows the reasons behind this challenge, I've seen a lot of people across the internet stating the exact same that I am now. That shows that there's way too many people who are simply doing this challenge purely for attention as they have no idea that this is for ALS or even what ALS is.
Even though I initially didn't know what ALS was, I did know what MND was. After researching the reason behind this challenge, I then noticed that these are just different names for the same disease and therefore actually knew how serious ALS/MND can be.
A few people on Facebook have nominated me to do it and, while it may seem harsh, I've declined because of the fact that everyone I know has either done this challenge or at least knows about it. Therefore, me doing it and sharing it with those who I know will not raise awareness.
Even though I'm not currently in a position to donate to ALS/MND, I likely would if I was able to.
My apologies if this came across as confrontational as that wasn't my aim - I just wanted to get my point across

Again, not trying to single anyone out but showing disdain for everyone doing this challenge is a bit absurd. I only heard about it a few weeks back and being I don't use Facebook I wasn't nominated until I posted this video where I had found out how big it has really gotten.
I usually don't partake in internet fads for many reasons no matter the cause, but I saw how well this was working, they raised something like two million last year without the ice water stunt and this year its over $50 million. Also knowing someone personally myself I figured I would continue the love
Yes I only donated 10$ and I would have liked to think I would have given a bigger donation but the wife and I had our first child 2 weeks ago and we are now on a budget.
So being this stunt is working and even if the majority don't donate or post videos for the wrong reasons it still spreads the word which to me is better than nothing at all
Again my complaint isn't that someone doesn't partake or doesn't donate, its when I see broad conclusions made about those doing this and then openly mocking them or judging them to be superficial assholes, although some certainly are after watching a few videos posted.
But in the end it was my mistake to use XDA as a social media outlet for non development related anything as what I have seen this won't continue as I thought it might. I guess I'll have to dust off the old MySpace account or whatever people use nowadays (anyone remember friendster?)

demkantor said:
Again, not trying to single anyone out but showing disdain for everyone doing this challenge is a bit absurd. I only heard about it a few weeks back and being I don't use Facebook I wasn't nominated until I posted this video where I had found out how big it has really gotten.
I usually don't partake in internet fads for many reasons no matter the cause, but I saw how well this was working, they raised something like two million last year without the ice water stunt and this year its over $50 million. Also knowing someone personally myself I figured I would continue the love
Yes I only donated 10$ and I would have liked to think I would have given a bigger donation but the wife and I had our first child 2 weeks ago and we are now on a budget.
So being this stunt is working and even if the majority don't donate or post videos for the wrong reasons it still spreads the word which to me is better than nothing at all
Again my complaint isn't that someone doesn't partake or doesn't donate, its when I see broad conclusions made about those doing this and then openly mocking them or judging them to be superficial assholes, although some certainly are after watching a few videos posted.
But in the end it was my mistake to use XDA as a social media outlet for non development related anything as what I have seen this won't continue as I thought it might. I guess I'll have to dust off the old MySpace account or whatever people use nowadays (anyone remember friendster?)
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You've misread our posts. We're not showing disdain for nor mocking everyone.
Only the majority that are using thia as just another harlem-shake-planking-hype.

ShadowLea said:
You've misread our posts. We're not showing disdain for nor mocking everyone.
Only the majority that are using thia as just another harlem-shake-planking-hype.
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Fair enough, my finger isn't close to the pulse of social media campaigns so I wasn't aware how much this sort of thing was disliked
If all this thread turns out to be is complaints about Facebook or whatever I guess I'll just close it as I obviously didn't understand what people thought about this sort of thing.
No hard feelings

demkantor said:
Fair enough, my finger isn't close to the pulse of social media campaigns so I wasn't aware how much this sort of thing was disliked
If all this thread turns out to be is complaints about Facebook or whatever I guess I'll just close it as I obviously didn't understand what people thought about this sort of thing.
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There's always two sides to these things, the people who think it's great, and the people who hate social media hypes for their shallowness. Oh, and everyone else, who get tired of seeing the same thing every day for weeks.
No hard feelings
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None given, none taken
Luckily, at least today my Facebook will be so overflooded with news about the Emmy awards that these videos don't stand a chance.

Thread Cleaned and back to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge....Thanks.


E-mail HTC your decision to boycott them here!

Dear dissatisfied HTC Customer,
Before reading this, remember I am NOT encouraging you to boycott HTC. But I think most of you, who are going to do that, are really knowing what your reasons are.
As For me it really seems that we paid for something that HTC did not provide, I think we all have seen great dissatisfaction and complaints here on the forums, which some of us are unable not to agree with. Some people even culminate the dissatisfaction simply by ending the customer relation with HTC.
I figured it would be nice to see how badly did their Kaiser backfire, and the way they handled their customers with this. So please, if you feel that you have had enough and are going separate ways with HTC, use the below link to inform HTC about your decision. Also remember to tell them why you chose to do so. Remember to add that you are talking about Kaiser. And also remember to tell them that you most likely won’t be recommending HTC devices to anyone, and will probably do your best that no-one gets screwed like you did, if you feel like that. That should teach them a lesson!
Also after doing that report back on this thread! So we get to see how it affected their customer base in this forum and hopefully even more widely, a bigger picture. With some math we can speculate what was the damage for them. Hopefully this will help them also to see what they did, and see it would have been everybodys benefit if they did things right at the first place.
Below are the links to inform HTC about your decision. You probably best to aim the e-mail to their "customer service"!
European ex-customers:
North American ex-customers:
Latin American ex-customers:
Asian ex-customers:
Middle-East and African ex-customers:
The reason why I find this really important is that, we really need to get the information on their face. That is where petition signing and things like that fail! I bet after receiving few thousand of this kind of e-mails the information will be passed to the persons concerned. That will not probably help us, but prevent them repeating what they did. Link to this thread would also be good on any other HTC/Kaiser related forum, so we get a collection of all dissatisfied ex-customers overall.
Sincerely Yours,
Ultimately dissatisfied HTC-EX-customer
you are still "allowed" to use your current HTC devices the best way you can imagine, since most of us paid a good price for it! For me that would be a paperweight or as a "viviparous lizard's tail".
I just informed HTC-europe that I will never be their customer again! I WONT!
Actually, what I did say was, I will boycott them until the justice has happened in this case. Too bad it seems that will never happen. But that will give them at least a little reason to do back the bad things they did to us. They would get me back!
I am in charge of mobile devices and syncing with Exchange for a 2500+ employee company. I had started migrating people to s620's but have since moved them to HP iPAQ Messengers until a non-HTC device comes out that fits our needs.
So, while I'm not buying any more, I'm making sure nobody at the company (even personal purchases) are HTC.
sent to
hope others will follow........
Sent message to the North American link.
Boycott? Wow.. dunno but I'm very happy with my phone, ATT Tilt, it's an upgrade from my last smartphone/ppc (VOQ Professional Phone) which actually I still have and would still be using had the company not gone out of business, and well the phone doesn't have bluetooth, wifi or a camera either... if it did have those three things I've still be using it now really even if the company went under...
I don't get the Boycott though.. are people REALLY that unhappy with their phones? sure I see lots of complaints about things but I see that with EVERY phone on the market today, there IS NO perfect phone out there and never will be because someone will find something wrong no matter what...
dampeal said:
Boycott? Wow.. dunno but I'm very happy with my phone...
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Please do not go offtopic too much! I understand that there are A LOT of arguments why the Kaiser could be alright as a mobile device, but that is not the point here. The point is that any person has the right to boycott what ever company for any reason he/she finds worth it. I'm collecting that info here NOT DISCUSSING whether the device is worthy or not. Made up my mind already.
I admire the resolve of all that are willing to stand by thier principles. Personnaly, the choice of my next phone is limited to what my carrier has to offer as by buying from them, I get a large discount.
As my carrier is T-Mobile UK, that means my next upgrade will probably be a HTC device (maybe vario 4) for around 100gbp as opposed to a none HTC device from a store for around 400gbp.
When I first signed up for this forum I thought it was for developers and people who knew a lot about ppc's. I soon learned that this forum contains more friggin whiners than a daycare. Everyday someone posts something regarding video drivers, hating htc, or just writing stupid ****. To the OP, I am not directing this towards you, but I don't think developers or people who joined this forum for learning purposes want to hear about emailing HTC with others decision to boycott.
Hmmm, maybe I should start a thread "Email HTC your reasons why you love their devices here!"
Get a clue and understand these threads are not needed but we appreciate your participation and do not take anything personal because its directed at many people.
redbandana said:
When I first signed up for this forum I thought it was for developers and people who knew a lot about ppc's. I soon learned that this forum contains more friggin whiners than a daycare. Everyday someone posts something regarding video drivers, hating htc, or just writing stupid ****. To the OP, I am not directing this towards you, but I don't think developers or people who joined this forum for learning purposes want to hear about emailing HTC with others decision to boycott.
Hmmm, maybe I should start a thread "Email HTC your reasons why you love their devices here!"
Get a clue and understand these threads are not needed but we appreciate your participation and do not take anything personal because its directed at many people.
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Lol... I agree...I will never say never... If HTC launched a TyTN II killer I'd probably get it..If will never buy a Kaiser again though if it helps
redbandana said:
When I first signed up for this forum I thought it was for developers and people who knew a lot about ppc's. I soon learned that this forum contains more friggin whiners than a daycare. Everyday someone posts something regarding video drivers, hating htc, or just writing stupid ****.
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That's strange. Because when I visit, I see that there are four sections: one for discussion about accessories, one for discussion about software, one for discussion about ROMs, and this one for general discussion.
I notice that the developers tend to hang out in the software and ROMs sections, and that this general discussion forum is for general discussion.
Do you not have access to all four sections?
redbandana said:
When I first signed up for this forum I thought it was for developers and people who knew a lot about ppc's. I soon learned that this forum contains more friggin whiners than a daycare. ..
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Damn, don't know how to say this, remaining my relaxed tone.. but..
Don't you honestly think that this is the single BIGGEST community online using our beloved kaiser devices. Hopefully this does not come out of the blue for you, but there is something frikkin' wrong with the device we have bought.
There was 2 reasons for you why this kind of a threads easily pop out in GENERAL forums like this. Some people still want to get something in exchange for their money, not just crap.
Boycotting is useful, and it's the most powerful tool that single user can do against a company, which screwed him up without doing anything illeagal. This is where this forum could be helpful, here we have the people together. And if we complain together, maybe one day something gets done. Compare this to the situation between damn yankies and north korea for example. "Let's not give them what they want until they do what we want." Expect no nukes for the korea. You get it?
I feel sad that most of the people just accept the **** that big companies throw at you. I don't, A LOT of people won't accept that. Also, I'm completely sorry that I distracted you from your development work. Made you open this thread and whine about me whining.
And remember, this is nothing personal, there are a lot of you wankers out there whose fav hobby is to complain to n000bs and anything that.. that happens to annoy them at the time being. Then comes the bigger whiner, who whines about the whiner who whines about the whiner and that one is whining to whiner by the way.
You get the point? That there is a difference whining to other users and whining to wrong doers, who steal you money and feed you mouthful of poopi.
My message ... Europe Customer.
Drivers for Kaiser? No?
Then thank You, I will find my next device somewhere else, where I will really get what I paid for.
rakdoll said:
Damn, don't know how to say this, remaining my relaxed tone.. but..
Don't you honestly think that this is the single BIGGEST community online using our beloved kaiser devices. Hopefully this does not come out of the blue for you, but there is something frikkin' wrong with the device we have bought.
There was 2 reasons for you why this kind of a threads easily pop out in GENERAL forums like this. Some people still want to get something in exchange for their money, not just crap.
Boycotting is useful, and it's the most powerful tool that single user can do against a company, which screwed him up without doing anything illeagal. This is where this forum could be helpful, here we have the people together. And if we complain together, maybe one day something gets done. Compare this to the situation between damn yankies and north korea for example. "Let's not give them what they want until they do what we want." Expect no nukes for the korea. You get it?
I feel sad that most of the people just accept the **** that big companies throw at you. I don't, A LOT of people won't accept that. Also, I'm completely sorry that I distracted you from your development work. Made you open this thread and whine about me whining.
And remember, this is nothing personal, there are a lot of you wankers out there whose fav hobby is to complain to n000bs and anything that.. that happens to annoy them at the time being. Then comes the bigger whiner, who whines about the whiner who whines about the whiner and that one is whining to whiner by the way.
You get the point? That there is a difference whining to other users and whining to wrong doers, who steal you money and feed you mouthful of poopi.
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Well i certainly dont complain to n00bs unless there are threads similar to this. I should just ignore it for this point forward because we both have our opinions and neither is right nor wrong. Here is just a sample of what I do for n00bs:
and then some.
However, I do bash n00bs when there are posts bashing HTC. Sorry to offend you in anyway.
^^ I understand your frustration and i share similar sentiments with you. A similar thread was posted yesterday(you can find it on page 2) and the day before yesterday on the ROM dev. forum. It gets annoying after a while, thats all.
redbandana said:
Well i certainly dont complain to n00bs unless there are threads similar to this. I should just ignore it for this point forward because we both have our opinions and neither is right nor wrong. Here is just a sample of what I do for n00bs. ... . .
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Alright, It seems really we just happen to have our personal opinions, which we are completely righteous. I must admit I totally see your initial point, how this forum is built over the dedication of people who simply love to learn new things. It is totally frustrating nowadays to see people just complaining, without doing a **** about the real issues. I hope I didn't do exactly that, by starting this thread. The real reason to that is just, I would love to scare the **** out of HTC, make them see that they will go down if they don't respect us the way they should.
I do recognize what you stand for, and I must say there must not be anything that I wouldn't share with you. The thing that started this, must be that I have always been a man who stands behind his words, at least most of the time, and I assume the same from others. That includes all the big companies, groups and individuals. It really makes me sad to see where this world is going just because the only thing that matters to people is money. Huge corporations, sucking all the money they can, that's the end of people trying to provide just themselves.. no.. they want all that they can get. In the end, the one who pays the costs is dudes like us.
I honestly also didn't mean to offend anyone, and if it seemed so, I truly apologize. So in the end of the day, it seems like we are alone, with our Kaisers, trying to get the best out of it. So let's just keep on tuning it, until we are happy. That seems to be the initial purpose of this whole place's existence.
really sorry for my funny use of english, you native speakers must be laughing your asses off. But me not native, me from land of the barb-backed fishes. :|
I'm sure this awesome online community only makes up about less then half (if even) of tilt/kaiser/etc owners. There are many people that own this phone because they need it and never go online to mod it. Out of that assumed half I would say a 10th read what is posted or understand a single thing about this phone. That leaves a large number of people who think their phone is "crap" because you tell them it is. Yes I would like to see the phone be faster but I don't think it's crap nor do I think HTC has screwed me over. I don't seem to remember any stats that they released in regards to video or any other performance. Do you? Where are their benchmarks they advertised that weren't acheived by our lovely devices? If you can show them to me then I, and all of my friends will sign your wish list, but until I see them I will just think that everyone is butt hurt over an assumed performance loss.
HTC in my opinion has done something about this. Is it good enough to truely unlock the power of the Kaiser? No, but was it something rather then nothing? Do any of you know the cost of the video driver per unit? No, then how can people claim they paid for something they didn't get. How do you know it wouldn't have been another $50 that would have been tagged on. From what was advertised I will say I got 100% of what this phone was supposed to do.
ChumleyEX said:
From what was advertised I will say I got 100% of what this phone was supposed to do.
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This is strange opinion ..
because: when I bought the phone, I was thinkin buying the BEST phone in the market. Multimedia experience with keyboard.... Check the price and compare it to other older models if you know what I mean!
If I know it sooner I'd rather choose MWG, or iULTIMATE.. FOR SURE
I don't really care about support after market
But this laggy thing gives me s*it..... the fact that THIS THING DOESN'T have this BEFORE MARKET and they are HIDING THIS FACT!!!!
No multimedia experience only headache if you used it almost every time WITH touch screen... if... u know what I mean... do you??? or u just using it for modem only????
rajmagi said:
This is strange opinion ..
because: when I bought the phone, I was thinkin buying the BEST phone in the market. Multimedia experience with keyboard.... Check the price and compare it to other older models if you know what I mean!
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+1 Chumley I also go alot on the support forums for the iPhone, because my wife has an iPhone. If you were new to the iPhone you would think that it was the biggest piece of crap around. Thats all that is there is whining and complaining about how it doesn't work, Apple sold us a piece of crap . Here is a petition, let's put Apple out of business. As with all other forums a very vocal MINORITY of people who for whatever reason are having trouble with there phones.
Don't even get me started with the " Check the price, I thought I was getting the best " consumer strategy. I am just glad you don't buy my groceries.
I love my phone ,it does everything they told me it would do.It makes phone
calls, it schedules, MS Office is great, web access is great, I have push email, My gps works great etc... etc.....etc. Do I care that it doesn't have a Nikon D40 inside, do I care that I can't play WoW on it , do I care that I can't watch you tube all day at 3G on a battery charge? No ! This isn't what they promised me and this isn't what I bought my phone for.
Bottom line is, there are a million people out there that are perfectly satisfied with their HTC product. But we never hear from them. They are the silent majority. We here have to put up with thread after thread after thread because the vocal minority thinks we care that they bought a phone they don't like
STOP *****ing about Video Drivers. Who care. The phone is fine. You are forgetting that it's a PHONE! Be glad they added alot of extra stuff you can't find in a majority of phones. I have never had a problem watching videos and movies on my phone. Seriously.. geez

A european Blackstone XDA Event?

Hi to All,
I am just wondering if anybody would be interested in joining a real event where we could meet somewhere in europe (Geneva? quite central and well served by cheap low-fare flights).
We could meet for one weekend, for example, and the meeting could be focused to BXD: Blackstone Xda Developers!
the entrance ticket is quite obvious: the touch HD with a non-official ROM! maybe somebody could develop some nice apps for BT identification?
I post this thread here because i think it should be a targeted event, not a general public happening. I wonder if we could also get some support from HTC or some local media, for example to rent a meeting place. Maybe we could even make a few contests and share some acknowledgements, but these are just few ideas.
...Please post your opinions!
EDIT: for your information, the poll is "in clear" e.g clicking on the numbers you can see individual names...of course, it is not binding!
...reserved for future use...
Sounds good,
But XDA is going down words...
So don't think I'm in the mood to meet some haters here....
Still a good idea.
xmoo said:
Sounds good,
But XDA is going down words...
So don't think I'm in the mood to meet some haters here....
Still a good idea.
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Hi Xmoo,
we all have different opinions, i would be surprised if intelligent people would not understand each other point. I am not a moderator, but i didn't see any heavy personal offense - i know that some moderators are really very keen on that...
pzucchel said:
Hi Xmoo,
we all have different opinions, i would be surprised if intelligent people would not understand each other point. I am not a moderator, but i didn't see any heavy personal offense - i know that some moderators are really very keen on that...
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Well it's nothign personal.
I'm talking bout the no share issue.
I'm talking bout the android issue.
I'm talking bout the issue that many rom coockers are planning to leave.
One of my best friends and a long time member of XDA is planning to leave.
He is also a moderator... so.....
But on topic.
I would wanna go tho.
Geneva sounds good. So we can also see the car show
i like the idea, and had you suggested it a few years back then it would probably have been a big hit, but id like to echo the words above, some moderators have serious issues on here, the site is beginning to lose its self and its consistancy the admins dont appear to take any notice and let their mods run riot, even members seem to demand everything and give nothing,
Ive stopped my donations for my own reasons, i doubt i will continue unless things improve, at the mo id would rather support the individual programer than the whole community which is shame.
Still its a nice idea, but poor timing im afraid.
xmoo said:
Well it's nothign personal.
I'm talking bout the no share issue.
I'm talking bout the android issue.
I'm talking bout the issue that many rom coockers are planning to leave.
One of my best friends and a long time member of XDA is planning to leave.
He is also a moderator... so.....
But on topic.
I would wanna go tho.
Geneva sounds good. So we can also see the car show
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Off Topic: XDA is a container, as well as a real-life event. We are all civilized persons, and i am sure we could format different opinions into a real and pacific confrontations.
On topic: unfortunately, during the car show you cannot find lodging in the radius of 50 km....and becomes quite expensive.
I don't want to make any advertisement, but check for prices on from your place to Geneva and you'll realize it is one of the cheapest places to reach in Europe! Maybe London or Amsterdam are alternatives...
dazza9075 said:
i like the idea, and had you suggested it a few years back then it would probably have been a big hit, but id like to echo the words above, some moderators have serious issues on here, the site is beginning to lose its self and its consistancy the admins dont appear to take any notice and let their mods run riot, even members seem to demand everything and give nothing,
Ive stopped my donations for my own reasons, i doubt i will continue unless things improve, at the mo id would rather support the individual programer than the whole community which is shame.
Still its a nice idea, but poor timing im afraid.
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It is becoming quite a religious thing. To avoid what religions have been doing in the past, maybe an ecumenic event could help?
On my side, i moderate my signature - you are both right in saying that increasing the temperature doesn't help ourselves.
pzucchel said:
Off Topic: XDA is a container, as well as a real-life event. We are all civilized persons, and i am sure we could format different opinions into a real and pacific confrontations.
On topic: unfortunately, during the car show you cannot find lodging in the radius of 50 km....and becomes quite expensive.
I don't want to make any advertisement, but check for prices on from your place to Geneva and you'll realize it is one of the cheapest places to reach in Europe! Maybe London or Amsterdam are alternatives...
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Baa forget London its cheaper for most folk to get to the south of france and stay a few nights then it is to fly an hour in London, besides Scotlands better!
i am new here since i ve own a blackstone.. but without xda? htc would be nothing for me..
i am very interested in a meeting.. also i am more a computer geek (admin of very independent i am really interested in learning and in xda stuff, i really like it here and appreciate a lot. i have no negative opinion about xda, for sure.
would be really nice.. and a place to learn and meet.. like a wordcamp (wordpress)
Sounds like a ssplendid idea... Will definitely think about it
i am really interested and will try everything to take part.
dazza9075 said:
Still its a nice idea, but poor timing im afraid.
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There may be issues right now, with many people disillusioned, but I like pzucchel's style in bringing forward something so positive to the table. That's only to be commended and can only help to recover the spirit that is seen to be lost! Good on ya!
Count me in and it's 100% if it is London
Nice Idea (creative and constructive) - we need people like you here pzucchel - good man!
Schooleydoo said:
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Thanks Schooleydoo, i didn't know about it!
First of all, i would like to clarify that this is just a proposal for discussion and reflection. I personally hate "organizers" jumping on top of spontaneous events to get some personal benefits in terms of recognition and reputation, and i can tell you for sure i don't have any of these targets. But there is a large number of nice people here, and people that i respect a lot even if they have opinions different from mines....that i would like to meet in person.
(including Dutty if you really want to spell it out! He is a great cook, nobody should forget that he always shared a big number of his achievements by making cabs that were used by many other roms, must be just a big misunderstanding...right Dutty?)
...sorry, Back to topic:
Seeing the number of possible attendees after 12 hours of posting already of the order of 50, i would personally argue to restrict it to the blackstone device only, for three reasons:
1. Even if there is a lot to share technically, it could well be that we have never had contacts with people from other devices. and the interest in meeting will become restricted to social groups "per device".
2. It should be, in my opinion, mainly a social event. Technical matters can be easily discussed on the forum, in fact. And to be a useful social event we would need to be less than 100 or so, to be able to meet each other and say at least 2 words in 48 hours to people that we don't know a lot, but that we could know during our forum activity!
3. Parallel sessions is, in my opinion, a mistake. if we have a single session we could easily broadcast it on internet, and allow our asian and australian and american friends (those without CDMA support! ) to be part of the event. We are ONE community, don't forget! i would love to meet our viet friends also! but we could have webcam attendants, no?
In my opinion, the best number of attendes should be below 120. Of course it should be an OPEN event (Yes we share! ) , but we should try to target a manageable number, in terms of logistics and social aspects. Any other comments or opinions?
I alread imagine meeting a 15 year old guy with the badge "Schooleydoo"...
By the way: did anybody notice that apparently techno geeks are all males? or this is a demonstration of biological superiority or somebody is cheating...
(this to attract more attendees!!! )
hey.. of course i will take my girlfriend (n73me) with me to this event/party/meeting.. its not a wordcamp, its an xdacamp and sure a great idea and happening. i agree your words full!

Is it just a rumer that Steve jobs is gonna die?

From what I have heard on some news sites on the internet, Steve jobs only has weeks to live. It is about his cancer which is eventualy killing him. I don't like him at all but if it is true, I do find it sad to hear. I would never wish this on anyone.
This news is starting to pop up all over the internet.
Sent from my HD2 using XDA App
Well from what I heard on teh interwebz Elvis is a hermaphrodite who works in my local chip shop and hitler had a pet unicorn......
Call me old fashioned but I don't think this is a particularly useful or apropriate use of a thread.
conantroutman said:
Well from what I heard on teh interwebz Elvis is a hermaphrodite who works in my local chip shop and hitler had a pet unicorn......
Call me old fashioned but I don't think this is a particularly useful or apropriate use of a thread.
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your are old fashioned but i find nothing wrong with this in off topic
I don't see anything I done wrong as you should see other threads in the forums, some are just bonkers, also this is off topic
Sent from my HD2 using XDA App
Heck, the off-topic Mafia's Cook has no problem with this topic, so what's the big deal? It is semi-relevant, because love him or hate him, he started the REAL touchscreen trend. I'd imagine that Android would be using full physical keypads instead of touchscreen if it wasn't for iPhail, despite the general opinion of its usefulness.
Anyway, the rumour that Mr Jobs is dying is unconfirmable, as the original source is National Enquirer, which is a tabloid magazine. And the doctor who said he's dying based his opinion on pictures of Steve Jobs. Pictures.
Make of it what you will.
There's all kinds of wild speculation flying around out there right now. The list of people who actually know what's the case is likely very small.
What really gets me though is the sheer hatred and malicious ill-wishing I've seen going on out there about Mr. Jobs. I think there a lot of jealous, personally insecure folk out there, and that's actually pretty sad. I mean, by way of example, I hate Microsoft and strongly dislike the attitude and actions of Bill Gates, but you won't find me wishing death upon the man, or anything of the sort on his family or friends.
It's clear that we have a lot of dangerous, irrational people out there, and this makes me sad.
love seein the closet apple fans coming out on this thread like cockroaches for some smelly cheese .. get outta here
I have been keeping an eye on news sites and stuff now for 48hrs and I still not convinced. If Steve was really going to die, I think it would be all over the news by now.
Although, that being said, he is a very ill man and if he were to pass away soon I would not be surprised.
Personally i don't like apple and I don't like Steve jobs like I said at the beginning of this thread but he still is a human being and I hope it is not true.
Sent from my HD2 using XDA App
We are all going to die.
I hope this isn't news to you!
DirkGently1 said:
We are all going to die.
I hope this isn't news to you!
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That is true but it is how you die. Cancer sucks
Sent from my HD2 using XDA App
Read on a Danish tech news blog that this is confirmed just to be a rumor.
Long live steve??
They have had a few lawsuits.
yea going out by cancer sucks. i dont care who you are or what you have done. i would never wish that on someone.
well maybe a few people, but not steve.
flyboyovyick said:
They have had a few lawsuits.
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and quite a number of hits too
souljaboy said:
love seein the closet apple fans coming out on this thread like cockroaches for some smelly cheese .. get outta here
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No offense, but the topic is about a mans life. I don't think anyone here(Or I hope anyone wouldn't) wish something like this on anyone else. That post comes off as very rude.
I saw that article featured on gizmodo.
It's probably a rumor unless you believe that 2 "prominent" cancer doctors saying that Steve Jobs has weeks left to live by, if you can believe it,
looking at photos of his ass from his jeans.
so I don't think Steve has weeks to live. The national enquirer is 99.99% bs.
vbetts said:
No offense, but the topic is about a mans life. I don't think anyone here(Or I hope anyone wouldn't) wish something like this on anyone else. That post comes off as very rude.
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good job reading i didnt even mention steve in my post
I'm just curious as to how good Android would have been without the iPhone as a big fat target to shoot for. Apple would be no where near as influential or profitable, imho, without Jobs at the helm. Granted, he may piss on his customers opinions, i.e. antennagate, yer holdin' it wrong!, but the fact remains that if Apple wasn't pushing out quality products the whole community would be lesser for it.
totally agree...
Apple first don'd the PDA term back in 1992 around the release of the Newton message pad.
On another note.
I can't understand why anyone could say that don't like someone if they have never met in person...

Someone who CC's your boss on every e-mail

There’s this guy at work and nearly every time he e-mails me, he CC’s my supervisor.
It’s really annoying because that leads to my supervisor getting involved in things that really are none of his concern.
My supervisor is already a micromanager and very reactionary (always assumes that if he's being asked about something that someone's not doing their job)
Also the guy who's doing this is one of those people who loves to get involved in other people's projects and pretend to be a part of them, so that leads to people going to him for status updates instead of me.
Any advice on getting him to stop in a diplomatic way without it pissing them off or putting him in a position to want to "step it up" and get back at me?
Stonent said:
There’s this guy at work and nearly every time he e-mails me, he CC’s my supervisor.
It’s really annoying because that leads to my supervisor getting involved in things that really are none of his concern.
My supervisor is already a micromanager and very reactionary (always assumes that if he's being asked about something that someone's not doing their job)
Also the guy who's doing this is one of those people who loves to get involved in other people's projects and pretend to be a part of them, so that leads to people going to him for status updates instead of me.
Any advice on getting him to stop in a diplomatic way without it pissing them off or putting him in a position to want to "step it up" and get back at me?
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Send him an e-mail that'll be very embarassing to CC all over the place.
Actually, these kind of people are quite dangerous, because they like to keep their backs covered. So be careful.
One thing I'd like to find out is, ultimately, what is the gripe? Is the CC annoying you, or the CC annoying your boss and then your boss annoys you? Finding out the root cause of a problem instead of treating the symptoms will be way better.
FIght him like a man, next to the water cooler
jaszek said:
FIght him like a man, next to the water cooler
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Psh... real men fight with keyboards. May the man with the heaviest (1982-circa clickety keyboard) wins!
Spill coffee in his workstation so his computer dies a slow smoking death. Then take everything in his cube and freeze it in jello. Then put pictures of a small penis in the womens restrooms with his name all over it.
pm me his and your boss email, ill email him gayporn and cc your boss
kdj67f said:
Spill coffee in his workstation so his computer dies a slow smoking death. Then take everything in his cube and freeze it in jello. Then put pictures of a small penis in the womens restrooms with his name all over it.
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Y'know... I'd pay good money (ok, at least a buck or two) to see that.
Seriously, the dude's a loser and a trouble maker (as has been said up-thread). My advice would be to either completely cut him out of the process (death by starvation) or go further up the chain of command with materials and documentation and complain (death from above). Remember, there comes a point where the job isn't worth the hassle and frustration.
I had similar problem.
My boss is female. My colleague is male and trying to make his mark. I have one day every week when I work from a different office. He waits till I'm not around to ***** about me with her. I am more senior and better at the job. Even though she trusts me implicitly, it still annoys me that the guy is behaving like a little prick. He asks to have days off in the most busy times and only asks her when I'm not around; as if I would say no! I can cope with the work on my own and nobody asks him for anything if I'm around.
When he's done the *****ing thing 3 times I've blown my top with the two of them, collected some reports on all the works I've done and threatened to leave. They would/could not get anyone cheaper and with the same level of knowledge and control. The emails stopped and now, as long as he does not mess the work too much, I cannot care less what he does. I do my work and **** a snoot at the rest.
Unplug all the fans but a couple from his PC so it dies a slow painful death
He is probably a sociopath. These people are all around us. They're completely functional and often successful. They're not psychopaths, they won't start killing people. But they have no regard for the feelings and troubles of others. They will lie, cheat, manipulate their way to the top by any means necessary. Thats who you're probably dealing with. (There was this GREAT article by a big name psychiatrist on workspace sociopaths on reddit a while back but I can't find it, sorry)
Now, I've learned through experience that these people exploit the **** out of "diplomacy". They take advantage of the fact that you don't want to make a big thing out of this, they KNOW you wan't to keep a low profile and they exploit that weakness to bully you. Dealing with bullies is easy. Just walk up to him and tell him to stop. Flat out, plain and simple stop. Let him know crystal clear that you know what he's doing and you want him to stop. No diplomacy.
You could also fight fire with fire.
This will have repercussions ofcourse. It might mean going into a stupid office politics "war" with the guy. So think about it and choose whats right for your particular situation. But keep in mind that these abuses tend to increase and it will get to a point that it will make your worklife miserable. Its best to deal with it early and make the ****er know that it will cost him to **** with you and he better go find someone else.
OR I could be wrong and the guy is just advocating for transparency in the company (Doubt it. He only CCs your boss, not others.)
I say find him after work and beat his ass. Then pretend nothing happened when you are at work.
Definitely an option. But be very careful cause its really ****ing illegal >_>
With personal experience the proper way to handle hostile problems is to report it to management and human resources. But keep in mind that you also have to work with these people to so cool down before you say something that makes you look like the ass.
Sent from my PC36100 using XDA Premium App
My boss always CC's his goddamn boss when he emails me. Grinds my gears
Sent from the fireproof HTC Inspire 4G
natious said:
pm me his and your boss email, ill email him gayporn and cc your boss
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one and only real(and legal) solution , invite to gay clubs too just to "hang out"
also , do it while pretending to be a colleague sending from home address , keep doing till he stops
natious said:
pm me his and your boss email, ill email him gayporn and cc your boss
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This made my weekend.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
I know these types of people all too well. Having dealt with some myself. these people are not top be trusted, they can't wait to pull the rug right under your feet. They want to get ahead by making you look bad. My advice to you is to speak with him directly and ask him why he is doing it and tell him it makes you feel uncomfortable. As he can't be trusted he may have moved to bcc your boss instead, so you should voiced your concern with your boss as well. You must cover your ass at all times with this guy. So document anything important concerning him and always answer his emails as if your boss may be in bcc and don't take any **** attempt from him to make you look bad especially via email and answer him to set the record straight, r this is party of documenting.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
A dark alley. A late night event. A mindless ass-kicking.
It could be fun.
SciFiSurfer said:
A dark alley. A late night event.
It could be fun.
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Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
See? Thats what happens when a passive agressive sociopath makes the big mistake of ****ing with a psychopath.

Am I normal or just weird?

Hey guys,
I haven't been active around XDA for a couple of months now because some poor {i don't even know what word to put here} stole my beloved Wildfire S.
Anyway, I'm one of those people who are the odd one out humans. I have weird music preferences. By this I mean I don't listen to music with actual singing in it too much. I just like music, like dubstep. Some of my fave tracks are:
Noisestorm - Timewarp
Noisestorm - Full Focus
(Some other Noisestorm tracks)
Doctor P - Sweet Shop
Bonobo - Kiara
And so on.
I only play football (I'm in the UK) sometimes with my mates at school. I'm terrible at football, I've never scored a goal ever. And I'm 12. The onnly thing closest to a goal is the one I scored in Fifa 09 at my mates house. I am terrible at every other sport, and all this is due to the fact that I can't run fast, and I can only sprint for like a 5 seconds fast because I have really low stamina. I'm not what you'd call unfit, or fat, I'm just like that. Also, I have serious teeth issues because it's is my crap genetics. I always get called geek or nerd at school, and I'm not even like one. I'm always late, my school are considering contacting the goverment about my punctuality (I think that's just intimidation. There are people x10 later then me.) I like being called a geek, because my theory is that people call eachother geeks or nerds because they know that they're smarter then them. I want to be smart, because it's good to know stuff. Also, I got really bad luck, I don't own a console so entertaining myself is hard. I love playing MW3, I'm terrible at it, but I got my good moments. My mate comes over with his PS3 and we play. He gets bored playing by himself. We always play split screen, and we use teamwork. Also, some {still don't have a word | printf( "Grrrrrrr\n" ); } stole my Wildfire S, and I was still developing my basic ROMs and my personal kernel for it. Now there's no point. I loved that phone. If you want to know more, there's a link in my signature.
Anyway, at then end of the day, am I just a regular human, or am I a bit weird?
If you think you're a bit weird, feel free to post about it. We're all friends here.
Thanks for reading this extremely long post. My fingers have the stamina for that, lol.
I'm also scared that when I do my 666th post, I'll get banned for it.
What do you think is normal if that's weird? Not everyone is amazing at sports, there's nothing wrong with that. I have to say congratulations on actually knowing how to type and speak English well at age 12, that's pretty impressive
Sent from my Incredible 2 using Tapatalk 2
Sounds like a normal 12yo to me.
Definitely pretty normal. You've got 14 more years for your brain to finish developing and for you to figure out who you are. Don't worry about life. Just get good grades and be yourself.
I know that feel bro.
It's totally normal.
If you keep going, things will just fall into place.
I wouldn't worry.
Sent from my LG-VM670 using xda app-developers app
I'm like you buddy. Fourteen years, talk a lot at the school, but for my friends I'm the biggest nerd of the world. But I like heavy metal. I also like to play video games and use the computer. And,of course, I waste hours of my day creating things for my phone, like roms, and compiling things from the source. For me It isn't being "weird". its a way of life......
Enviado do meu ace plus usando atomic rom com Tapatalk 2 e SwiftKey keyboard U.U
@bad: chill man. This happens to all. The only difference is the word football is replaced by some other activity
You sound like a perfectly normal kid. Stay in school and stay away from drugs. You will be fine.
Sent from my SGH-T989 using xda premium
No you're not normal.
You know why?
Normal doesn't exist. It was a term made up by the media and other influential people so they can push everyone else out and say they're strange because they don't fit into the niche.
So, no you're not normal but that's a good thing.
''Evil corrupts the mind of the weak but fails to feed off the mind of the strong''
Why on earth would you want to be normal?
Normal is dull. Do you really want to be just another sheep in that herd of mindless cattle on the street? Be yourself, not what you think others want you to be. There already are enough brain dead idiots polluting the gene pool.
Besides, nobody here can be considered normal. Nobody wants to be. There are 4.6 million people here, and I estimate about 80% of those are what society considers 'abnormal'. Take my advice on this, you don't want to be normal. (for one, you'd have to dislike Android and get an iPhone.)
My story? I'm Female (yes, we exist!), I'm a gamer, I'm a Scifi fan, I hate sports, My IQ is over 180, My brain isn't capable of shutting up, I don't socialize (form of APD) and I think humanity is a collection of the stupid, the mindless and the moronic. You think you're weird? If I got a euro for every time someone calls me a Freak, I'd be in the Quote 500.
Be you. Normal is for idiots.
ShadowLea said:
Why on earth would you want to be normal?
Normal is dull. Do you really want to be just another sheep in that herd of mindless cattle on the street? Be yourself, not what you think others want you to be. There already are enough brain dead idiots polluting the gene pool.
Besides, nobody here can be considered normal. Nobody wants to be. There are 4.6 million people here, and I estimate about 80% of those are what society considers 'abnormal'. Take my advice on this, you don't want to be normal. (for one, you'd have to dislike Android and get an iPhone.)
My story? I'm Female (yes, we exist!), I'm a gamer, I'm a Scifi fan, I hate sports, My IQ is over 180, My brain isn't capable of shutting up, I don't socialize (form of APD) and I think humanity is a collection of the stupid, the mindless and the moronic. You think you're weird? If I got a euro for every time someone calls me a Freak, I'd be in the Quote 500.
Be you. Normal is for idiots.
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heeey, were all part of humanity; are you calling all of us stupid mindless morons? you make me saaaddd ... I have a question about something you stated in your post.
IQ.... ok tell me something, why is IQ important? I think the most important thing in this world is common sense. If you have common sense, you are smart lol
KidCarter93 said:
No you're not normal.
You know why?
Normal doesn't exist. It was a term made up by the media and other influential people so they can push everyone else out and say they're strange because they don't fit into the niche.
So, no you're not normal but that's a good thing.
''Evil corrupts the mind of the weak but fails to feed off the mind of the strong''
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well worded, that.sort of some people with common mannerism come together, n say .'we are normal cuz we are in majority n say so'
Sent from my GT-I9003 using xda app-developers app
Be unique. Be yourself.
Sent from my Nokia 3310 using XDA App
KidCarter93 said:
No you're not normal.
You know why?
Normal doesn't exist. It was a term made up by the media and other influential people so they can push everyone else out and say they're strange because they don't fit into the niche.
So, no you're not normal but that's a good thing.
''Evil corrupts the mind of the weak but fails to feed off the mind of the strong''
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I actually agree with you. That's weird.
@op: everyone's unique. Don't worry about it. Just be who you are, provided you don't hurt other people and/or yourself.
Sent from my rooted tomato using xda app
MRsf27 said:
heeey, were all part of humanity; are you calling all of us stupid mindless morons? you make me saaaddd ... I have a question about something you stated in your post.
IQ.... ok tell me something, why is IQ important? I think the most important thing in this world is common sense. If you have common sense, you are smart lol
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Are you mindless and/or stupid? No? Then you're not a part of that category. I'm sure you know what I mean by the mindless cattle, though. How many people push a door that says "PULL" on it in big letters?
Didn't say it was important. Just that a higher number makes you different from the average person. The fact does remain that a higher IQ usually brings a lot of supposed 'personality problems' with it. Like Antisocial Personality Disorder, Aspergers and a general lack of social skills and/or emotional/empathic skills.. Frankly all those are just stupid people feeling a need to label everything that isn't the way they are.
It's just another thing that makes people think you're weird, it has nothing to do whether or not it's actually important. You don't need a high IQ to live or be happy. (You're generally more happy with a low IQ.)
ShadowLea said:
Are you mindless and/or stupid? No? Then you're not a part of that category. I'm sure you know what I mean by the mindless cattle, though. How many people push a door that says "PULL" on it in big letters?
Didn't say it was important. Just that a higher number makes you different from the average person. The fact does remain that a higher IQ usually brings a lot of supposed 'personality problems' with it. Like Antisocial Personality Disorder, Aspergers and a general lack of social skills and/or emotional/empathic skills.. Frankly all those are just stupid people feeling a need to label everything that isn't the way they are.
It's just another thing that makes people think you're weird, it has nothing to do whether or not it's actually important. You don't need a high IQ to live or be happy. (You're generally more happy with a low IQ.)
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The people with low iq are happier cause they're completely oblivious to everything
Sent from my Nexus S using xda app-developers app
Thanks everybody. Good to hear lots of people's opinions. Now that I think about it, if people don't like me, who cares? There are other people who'll like me and want to be friends. I've already got some cool friends. We'll back eachother up anytime.
Anyway, to add to my bad luck, today I stepped on a nail and I'm bleeding under my skin. Eh well. Stuff happens. So today I took out the nail. Also, I've been sick for the last cople of days. I've got a very strong immune system, so I didn't like it. And my baby sister, who's 2 weeks old now, is always crying. Not that I have a problem with that. But normally I'd chher her up, but I can't because I' sick and I don't have the energy to do anything.
I'm still sad that someone stole my phone. Did anyone read the thread about it? Link is in my signature if you want to. Anyway, I'm saving so maybe I can get my hands on a HTC Desire HD, or something better. I've sold some stuff on eBay, made £30 quid. Not nearly enough though. Next I'll sell a barely used Intel i3 processer, if anyone's interested.
Thanks again for your opinions. Now I'm going to thank every post. Too bad I only get 20 thanks per day. That's anti-productive/anti-thankful/anti-nice.
Would anyone like to share anything aout themselves. I'm BOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDD! And I don't want Twitter to be my only source of entrtainment. It's dead.
Now I'm limited to 8 thanks per day! WHHHHHHHHYYYYYYYYYY?
You should meet Alan, I reckon you two would get along.
Sent From My Fingers To Your Face.....

