[Q] Prevent damage to the battery - Galaxy S5 Mini Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Do with USB Partial charge and discharge is harmless?
Do not use USB for data exchange harm to the battery?
I can not speak good English:crying:, Plesse Help.

If I understand correctly, you would like to know if partial charging will damage battery.
Answer is no, since s5 mini has Li-Ion battery, which does not suffer from memory effect. Actually you would damage your batter if you let it discharge way too low (but modern devices prevent you from starting the cell phone when the battery is very low, so this shouldn't be a problem also).


Battery abuse.. or not?

What i was wondering, i really like to do some to flashing and doing stuff with my phone. so i noticed that i plug in and out my phone to my usb cable like 12 times a day? sometimes even more,
isnt this bad for the battery? which keeps charging and discharging? i know i can turn the usb charging off but i just wanted to know if it's bad or not.
Imperium said:
What i was wondering, i really like to do some to flashing and doing stuff with my phone. so i noticed that i plug in and out my phone to my usb cable like 12 times a day? sometimes even more,
isnt this bad for the battery? which keeps charging and discharging? i know i can turn the usb charging off but i just wanted to know if it's bad or not.
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The Old NiCad batteries had what you would call a "memory " and in order to get a full charge you were required to completely discharge them before recharging them. The newer Lithium ion / Lithium polymer batteries have no such "memory " and can be fully charged at any time without ill effect. All this is according to the manufacturer. There are still some who insist that the key to battery life is to fully discharge before charging.
It is better to keep Li Ion batteries charged and not let them discharge fully at all. This damages and/or reduces battery life.
I do what you do most of the time at work and no ill side effects now for over two years with pocket pc phones.

Disable charging of G1 through usb cable?

Hi, may i know is it possible to disable charging of the G1 through USB? If the random charging were to continue, my battery would be dead in no time. I keep connecting and disconnecting to transfer data to my SD Card. Thus is there any solution out there to disable it? Thanks
Being on and off charge is not harmful to Lithium-ion batterys. Harm is done when kept at full charge for extended periods and at low charge, especially when completely empty.
Hi thank you for your explanation about Li Lion Battery, i finally have a clearer understanding of Li Lion battery. I will always leave my battery to charge overnight, would it harm my battery in anyway?
our batteries cut off before the voltage drops to the "bad" limit... I think around 3200 is considered bad, and our phone shuts off around 3500. This is how your phone is able to boot up even after the battery apparently ran out. There was a good thread way back when where someone knowledgeable was testing an upgraded battery for our phones.
Just use it till it gets low, charge completely, use it and have fun. Leaving it on over night is not bad because I believe our phones auto cutoff charging once full - hopefully someone can confirm this.

[Q] Battery format ?

I just got a brand new SGS, and one question puzzles me. On the old phones, you would need to format the battery. Is this still needed ?
we have mixed opinions in this forum.
personally i don't really care which one is truth, because i cycle through 3 ~ 5 battery packs
and i use them all until they are dry (when the phone POP up and warns you 10% left)
Li-Ion battery does not suffer the same problem as the old nickel-metal hydride and nickel-cadmium (the old ones requires training)
however there are members of this board that believes Li-Ion & Li-Po batteries still requires to be trained
The only truth behind either case, is that the more you leave the USB connected to the phone
the more your battery will get WASTED, that reduces the life cycle of your battery
it can easily be proven, if you leave a phone connected all the time to a power source, and you disconect it after a few months
the life of the battery gets shortened due it's contant charge & recharge cycles
that's why Android OS put a cap on battery full dectection, so that when the battery is fully charge, it WARNS you to disconect the phone, to prevent battery damage.
Android OS actually regulates the battery charge, by stooping further charges until it detects it's less than 99%, the only problem with this is that if your phone is dead (bricked) it will not charge the battery even if you leave it plugged as the OS is not running.
that's why using a wall charger to charge the phone is better
i'm using this kit here
Thanks for the detailed reply.
One more thing to add. A battery can be formed, not formated.
Got it. Thanks.

Charging NC for longest battery lifetime

( meaning how many months before the battery loses storage capability, as opposed to "battery life" - how many hours until you run out of juice )
There are a lot of battery/charger threads, and some bright person actually looked up the TI charger circuit documentation, but I don't see anyone who has looked up what a li-ion battery needs to have a long lifetime.
So, I found information at:
Interesting tidbits:
- Charging to 100% means that you can use the device longer the next day, but is not necessarily best for the battery itself. Frequent partial charges are just fine, and are actually better for the battery.
- It seems to be particularly important for Li-ion battery charging to be turned off when you get to 100%. The LED turning green in the NC cable shows that the system is taking care of this (so you can safely charge overnight without damaging the battery).
Connecting the NC to another system that does not stop applying current at 100% charged seems to definitely be a bad idea. So, don't use any system overnight, that the NC does not recognize as "charging".
This indicates that charging from a laptop USB may "work" but may be bad long-term for the battery. Here it depends on whether the TI charging circuit is sophisticated enough to adapt to the non-standard condition. Since the charging indicators do not indicate "charging" then the answer may be "no", and while you are getting the battery charged up, it may not be in the best way. (This seems to be an area for more research about the actual NC charging system.)
- The critical part is to not use a USB cable or other charging system that is not recognized by the NC, when the NC is close to 100% charge, to make sure that it doesn't overcharge the battery. As the article states:
Li-ion cannot absorb overcharge, and when fully charged the charge current must be cut off. A continuous trickle charge would cause plating of metallic lithium, and this could compromise safety. To minimize stress, keep the lithium-ion battery at the 4.20V/cell peak voltage as short a time as possible.
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- So, in summary, I think that a different brand of charger is okay as long as the NC recognizes it as "charging", and one should avoid charging in situations where you are "fooling" the NC by charging the battery when the NC is not noticing.
I honestly had no clue about this lol, thanks!
This might save a lot of headaches with "bad batteries" in the long run.
Thanks for this! Very interesting.
Well said, ADude. I'm so used to having to go onto forums and set people straight on the "myth's" of battery charging, but you hit it right on. The most important thing to remember is that overcharging drains your battery life (but most modern tech has auto off, in which it goes into a low power mode that allows for a stable current to just keep it around 99%), there is no benefit to letting your nook (or any other device) die completely before charging again, as there is not benefit to charging fully (or not charging fully) in the long run.
Thanks again!
LiIon likes being charged early and often... Don't run it down to 20-30% every time, it'll only shorten the overall battery. If it's down to 40-50% at the end of the night, put it on the charger.
Mine lasts 3 or so days before it gets near 40%.

Charge Limiting to Extend Battery Life

Limiting the battery charge to a fraction (70%-80%) of it's full capacity is a well known way to greatly extend the battery's charge capacity lifetime. There are several (root) apps created to automate this, that stop the phone from charging once a selected charge level is reached. Battery Charge Limit is one (https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/apps-games/root-battery-charge-limit-t3557002), ACCA is another (https://github.com/MatteCarra/AccA/). So far I have not been successful getting either of those to work with the ROG2. I was wondering if anybody has had any success with those apps or any other way to limit the battery charge on the ROG2?
The Rog phone 2 has its own function that lets you automatically stop charging.
But keep in mind this function is only useful if you are planing to keep the phone connected to a charger 24/7 then it's useful. Otherwise it's worthless if you disconnect your phone once it's 100% charged.
Battery also needs to discharge and recharge to keep it's capacity and function going. If you don't do this it can wear the battery out even if you stop charging at 70-80%.
Jake.S said:
The Rog phone 2 has its own function that lets you automatically stop charging.
But keep in mind this function is only useful if you are planing to keep the phone connected to a charger 24/7 then it's useful. Otherwise it's worthless if you disconnect your phone once it's 100% charged.
Battery also needs to discharge and recharge to keep it's capacity and function going. If you don't do this it can wear the battery out even if you stop charging at 70-80%.
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Most of what you said is wrong.
The ASUS Power Master Battery Care feature slows and delays the charging but still charges to 100%. The feature is only useful if you have a regular charge schedule (which I don't, and DO mostly leave the phone on the charger) and even then, it's still charging to 100%. Repeatably charging a LiPo battery to 100% WILL decrease it's capacity significantly faster than if only partially charged. All phones already slow charging at high charge levels. There is no advantage to discharging the battery.
Read and learn: https://batteryuniversity.com/learn/article/how_to_prolong_lithium_based_batteries
If you can reference any authority to support your position, I'd love to see it.
MyronAz said:
Most of what you said is wrong.
The ASUS Power Master Battery Care feature slows and delays the charging but still charges to 100%. The feature is only useful if you have a regular charge schedule (which I don't, and DO mostly leave the phone on the charger) and even then, it's still charging to 100%. Repeatably charging a LiPo battery to 100% WILL decrease it's capacity significantly faster than if only partially charged. All phones already slow charging at high charge levels. There is no advantage to discharging the battery.
Read and learn: https://batteryuniversity.com/learn/article/how_to_prolong_lithium_based_batteries
If you can reference any authority to support your position, I'd love to see it.
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Did you ever know that even authority can be wrong in facts as well? I can confirm that battery feels alot better with discharge and charge than what it is with 100% all time or 70-80%.
How I can confirm is that I have a Microsoft surface Pro 4 and when I kept it on charger at 100% for a day or two the wear level jumped from 0% to 3% but when I discharged it and recharged it after some time then tear level on battery went back to 0% and capacity was back to its full capacity again. So discharge and recharge does not always wear the battery out. It actually makes battery feel better too.
So please don't always believe what internet and what authority States. Since on internet there is alot of false facts and authority gives alot of nonsense facts alot of times too.
Is it really wise to basically degrade your battery by 20% out of the box just so you can have 95% in 2 years? If anything, heat is the greatest factor for degradation. If you're that worried, just use a 2 Amp charger.
dennis96411 said:
Is it really wise to basically degrade your battery by 20% out of the box just so you can have 95% in 2 years? If anything, heat is the greatest factor for degradation. If you're that worried, just use a 2 Amp charger.
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Wise? Absolutely. Is it the perfect solution for everyone? No
dennis96411 said:
Is it really wise to basically degrade your battery by 20% out of the box just so you can have 95% in 2 years? If anything, heat is the greatest factor for degradation. If you're that worried, just use a 2 Amp charger.
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Yes, heat is a factor, but keeping the battery at 100% will degrade the battery faster regardless. If you simply do not need the additional 20% than there is no advantage to charging to 100%. My usage scenario is that the phone is plugged in a lot of the time and I very rarely need the full battery capacity. I've had several phone batteries bloat up under this scenario (and not using any fast charging).
When batteries degrade they don't stop at 80%. They generally keep degrading fairly rapidly. And you don't just lose capacity, as the battery degrades the internal resistance increases, which results in throttling and/or crashing.
BTW on some phones, ACCA will stop charging the battery when it reaches the desired charge level and run the phone entirely from external power.
willhemmens said:
Wise? Absolutely. Is it the perfect solution for everyone? No
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Agreed. If manufacturers still offered replaceable batteries in their flagships, this would be somewhat of a moot point. When dealing with a sealed battery that is expensive and time consuming to replace, it's wise to do everything reasonable to protect the overall lifespan of it.
As for keeping it charged at 100%, I did that once and killed a battery in about 6 months. Not doing that one again.
Guys, it's so nice you are debating over the battery charging metaphysics but it does not help us solve the issue: our rooted phone can not be charged in a smart way using magisk+acc, ACCA or Battery Charge Limit.
Any ideas?
I'm facing issue with my Rog 2, my phone is not charging fast
1. I'm using 18w charger come with the phone to charge
2. I have used Xiaomi 2i power bank with 18w output to charge my phone (still not working)
3. I restart the phone on charging it goes down 36% to 29%
4. On charging when i restart the phone it goes 8% to 13%
5. I'm facing this problem from the yesterday
6. Double plus sign on battery icon as well as fast charging text on home screen is also not showing while charging
What is the issue please help anyone
Submit a bug report to acca and maybe at least someone starts caring for the ROG Phone. The reason why it doesnt work is simply because ASUS does its own stupid thing while charging (thats what happens when 100 OEMs cook their own soup, a mess).
About the battery health:
A battery keeps its best health when its charged between 25-75%, is kept below 30°C and charged as slow as possible. Thats why its wise to stop charging at 80% with a slow charger, especially when you have a big battery anyway that lasts for a day with 80% charge.
Himan99 said:
I'm facing issue with my Rog 2, my phone is not charging fast
1. I'm using 18w charger come with the phone to charge
2. I have used Xiaomi 2i power bank with 18w output to charge my phone (still not working)
3. I restart the phone on charging it goes down 36% to 29%
4. On charging when i restart the phone it goes 8% to 13%
5. I'm facing this problem from the yesterday
6. Double plus sign on battery icon as well as fast charging text on home screen is also not showing while charging
What is the issue please help anyone
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currently facing the same issue and this is the first time in 2 week time. though on the lock screen, it shows fast charging.. but it isnt working smh
apollo3x said:
currently facing the same issue and this is the first time in 2 week time. though on the lock screen, it shows fast charging.. but it isnt working smh
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Change the cable and try also try with different fast charging adapters or fast charging powerbank(mi power bank)
My problem solve by changing the cable
---------- Post added at 03:55 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:54 AM ----------
MyronAz said:
Limiting the battery charge to a fraction (70%-80%) of it's full capacity is a well known way to greatly extend the battery's charge capacity lifetime. There are several (root) apps created to automate this, that stop the phone from charging once a selected charge level is reached. Battery Charge Limit is one (https://forum.xda-developers.com/android/apps-games/root-battery-charge-limit-t3557002), ACCA is another (https://github.com/MatteCarra/AccA/). So far I have not been successful getting either of those to work with the ROG2. I was wondering if anybody has had any success with those apps or any other way to limit the battery charge on the ROG2?
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Without root any chances
Because i don't want to root my phone
Himan99 said:
Without root any chances
Because i don't want to root my phone
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There is no programmatic way to internally control the charging process without root, however there are some (not as good) alternatives.
First there is an app Accubattery that will give you a notification when the battery reaches a given level, you have to then disconnect the charger manually.
A second way to do this would be to use a smart plug and control it with Tasker. Don't know if anyone has done this but it should be possible.
Another possibility that is not vailable yet would be a kickstarter project called BatteryPal. This is a charging cable that had a bluetooth interface built in to it that would control charging using an app on the phone.They arr saying it will be available March 2020, but who knows.
I'm facing the same situation here. I'm next to a charger most of the time, so I like to use slow charging and not going above 80%. I was used to have battery charge limit installed in all my devices, but found this is not working with the rog phone.
My rog Phone 2 global edition over heats while charging
has anyone found a way even with root? I've tried ACC and some other app but they all done work.
I've also just tried ACC and Battery Charge Limit, but neither worked. It looks like there is something that keeps overwriting the charge control file all the time and allows the battery to charge anyway. Battery Care was disabled while doing this.
I am rooted, so I am able to test any potential solution.
Someone posted on r/rogphone2 a solution for this:
I've just tested it and it works for me.
Does anyone know of a legit charging adapter that isnt fastcharge and doesnt damage the phone or gets damaged itself after a while? I want to charge my phone without fastcharge but cant find a good charger
My old htc m8 charger got damaged after just a few times of using! Seems like the phone drained it dry

