[GUIDE][TUTORIAL] Create small flashable zips to restore before applying MODs/Fonts - ONE Themes and Apps

I originally posted this on the G2 forum, now I am on OnePlus and I realized of course this is the same procedure with a few small differences in file locations, etc, so posting here too.
This will enable you to apply MODs without having to do a FULL NANDROID restore to recover if the MOD fails or if you don't like it
This brief guide will teach you how to create a flashable ZIP file that you can use to restore your phone to pre-MOD settings if you want to revert back or if the MOD simply does not work
WITHOUT having to do a full restore of your phone.​
It is a very good idea to create these backup flashable ZIPs and keep them safe to recover from mishaps or when creating/testing MODs/themes.​
As usual: Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any loss of data or functionality on your phone. To be 100% sure, always make a NANDROID backup if you are not 100% certain you can recover.
There are many reasons you might want to do this, for example when testing a MOD for another ROM that is similar to yours but not exactly the same, or when upgrading your ROM to a new version and wanting to re-apply old MODs to test if they work.
There are many ways to get into boot loops or fail to boot, the biggest culprit being fonts installations, but include also bootanimations and others.
Part 1: general
1. Install ZIPme app from playstore
2. Find out which files are being modified by the MOD you are trying to apply, this is usually framework-res.apk, SystemUI.apk, but be aware that some MODs affect a lot of files. See part 2 for more details on how to do this.
3. If you are applying a font, don't worry, the FONTs section (see part 2) should cover all Fonts.
4. If you are applying a bootanimation, don't worry, the bootanimation section (see part 4) should cover all Bootanimations.
5. For every flashable ZIP you create you can test it straight away by booting into recovery and applying the zip file. There is no reason why it should not work.
Part 2: FONTS
1. In ZIPme select the following:
- ADD FOLDER: /system/fonts
- ADD FILE: /system/etc/system_fonts.xml
2. Create the flashable zip in an /sdcard location you can access from recovery
Part 3: MODs that affect framework-res.apk, LGSystemUI.apk or any other app
1. Find out which apks are being modified:
- You should of course read the OP (instructions for the MOD)
- The easiest way to find out modified apks is to download the MOD and open it: the zip file will contain either the apk files themselves or have directories with the names of the apks being modified.
- You can always ask the developer to make sure
2. Once you have a full list of files being affected you can create the flashable zip:
- in ZIPme, simply select "ADD -> File" for every file being affected
- If you have an ODEX ROM (.odex files are present) make sure you pick those too!
- save the flashable zip in an /sdcard location you can access from recovery
Part 4: Bootanimations
1. In ZIPme select the following:
- ADD FILE: /system/bin/bootnimation
- ADD FILE: /system/media/bootanimation.zip
2. Create the flashable zip in an /sdcard location you can access from recovery
Part 5: Other flashable files you should always keep handy
1. Always keep with you the following files for good measure: they don't take much space but can help recover from problems without having to fully restore from NANDROID backup
- original kernel from your ROM
- flashable bootloader (if you do not know what I am talking about then DON'T do it)
- flashable baseband (if you do not know what I am talking about then DON'T do it)
- flashable recovery image (TWRP, etc)
- "Xposed-Disabler-Recovery.zip": this is created by Xposed when you install it. It is located in the root folder of your sdcard. Copy it and put it somewhere safe.
- SuperSU: keep a flashable latest SuperSU with you to recover root
Any comments, suggestions, feedback are welcome


[Q] Need help to set up a zipfile to flash

Hi folks,
I have two mp3 files that I want to add to a zip file so that when I flash CM's latest nightly ROM, I can then flash this zip to add my two favourite audio files to their respective directories ie: Ringtones and Notifications.
Currently I push them usuing ADB but it would be nice to just have the zip file in the SDCARD and flash it at will. Little assistance?
1) Download any update.zip for anything, unzip.
2) Google up "update-script", locate it in the zip.
3) Put your files in /system/media/notifications and /system/media/ringtones folders.
4) Change the update-script - googling it will tell you the instructions.
5) Zip back all the files, putting attention to keep the directory structure just as in original update.zip.
6) Google "sign zip apk", set up the environment to sign the ZIP, and sign it.
7) You're ready to flash.
To make it easier for you, I'm attaching update.zip I use for my own ringtones and notifications - so you'll only have to pack your relevant MP3s into the relevant folders. But you'll need to set up the signing environment - or use a recovery that bypasses verification completely (Amon_RA 1.8 and up).
Jack_R1 said:
- or use a recovery that bypasses verification completely (Amon_RA 1.8 and up).
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Thanks for the tute. I have Amon's recovery so I will use your update zip.
Many thanks again for your reply.

[HOW TO] Do it yourself guide for theme editing

To get started, read the posts below by tsachi.
Then give this a glance - Do it yourself guide for theme editing
More Resources:
Info on how to edit the items in notification bar:
+ http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=11158662&postcount=3
All credit belongs to the original authors. I am simply gathering all this information to make it easier.
For any help or support, post in this thread and we will try to help you the best we can.
Expanded Information
The link in OP gives you instructions on how to replace images, but it lacks information for the inexperienced themer. Here is some background information and some more details on the steps before and after you insert new images in your framework.
System Icons and background images sit in two main files: framework-res.apk and twframework-res.apk. Within these files there is a res directory, and under that you have the folders containing data. Google has guidelines on icon design, although themers usually ignore those in order to get a different from stock look. One thing you would notice is that there are a lot of repeated icons. For example, framework-res.apk has both drawable-hdpi and drawable-hdpi-v4. The first is there for compatibility with older APIs (anroid 1.6 or older) so I am not sure why it is still there, but if you remove it your phone will not like it.
Each application has its own res folder where the launcher icon and other visuals are kept. There are, however, a lot of applications that reference the framework.apk for visuals. An example is the dialer that calls on some background images from both framework-res and twframework-res.
There are 2 types of images that you would encounter. Normal icons and images are non-scalable. They take a certain amount of real estate on the phone, and that’s it. Example of these are the battery levels and notification icons. The other type is the .9 images. These are images that are going to be stretched to fit whatever space is needed. An example of that are the menu backgrounds. The .9 images have a special format. The one pixel border around them defines how they stretch and how content is displayed in them. It is highly recommended to follow the standards in order to get repeatable and consistent look. Android SDK has a tool to help with .9 file design: draw9patch.bat.
Important note: The .9 files show the borders ONLY when de-compiled. If you grab a file from the framework directly you will not see that line. It is therefore required to compile the .9 files after you make them. You can use apk manager or ThemePro-JAVA to recompile the framework apk after modifying the files.
Definitions for which image is used where sit in the xml files under the drawable folder. These are compiled xml files, you can’t edit them with a text editor. For this introduction I will not go into modifying xml files. Each apk also has a resources file that describes what is in there. If you add, remove, or rename files in the apk you will have discrepancy with the resource file and the theme will not work (more likely you will be stuck in an infinite bootup loop)
Before you start:
Warning: frameworks are highly linked with other files. You can’t just take a framework from one ROM and put it in another. Always keep a backup of the original files ready to be installed (see below), otherwise you may need to re-flash the ROM. Frameworks are also sensitive to compression. DO NOT use winzip to handle the files, it can cause problems with the final apk file.
There are several things you would need before you start
A rooted phone
SDK installed on the computer
A zip handling software other than winzip (winRAR and 7-zip are both good options)
Auto-sign (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=471634) or signing tool (http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=473580)
Create a backup
Grab the framewor
k-res.apk and twframework-res.apk from your phone. They are located in the system/framework folder. You would need them as a starting point for your modification and you need them for a backup
Create a clockwork installation file of the original files (see post below)
Name the installation framework-original.zip, or something else that would be easily recognized in
case of trouble, and then copy it to your internal sd card.
After you are done modifying files
Create an installation file (see post below)
Give the file a name that is easy to recognize and copy it to your internal sd card
Reboot into recovery
Select install zip from card -> choose zip from sdcard
Select the installation of the new framework and confirm the installation
If you are stuck in an infinite boot-up cycle
Take the battery out
Using 3-key combination boot into recovery (up-down volume + power. Hold until the AT&T screen cycles back, then release)
Install your original framework backup and reboot
Creating clockwork installation
After you have finished modifying the files, the best way to get them to the phone is through clockwork installation. Make sure that you have the original update.zip file on the sdcard. If you have a rooted phone, you probably have that already, but if not you can install ROM manager from the market and run it to get the update in place.
To create the installation file follow these steps:
Create a folder \framework
Place your modified framework files in that folder
Back in the main folder, create the following folder tree: \META-INF\com\google\android
In the android folder create a text file named update-script
WARNING: Do not name your framework file "update.zip"! You need both the original update.zip and the framework one for the installation.
Note: Although copying of the framework files may be possible, it is highly risky. In my experience installation from clockwork is the easiest
Puzzle Lock Screen Mod
Here is information for people who want to modify the look of the puzzle lock screen. It is only the list of images to replace, not the coding to change functionality.
The files sit in framework-res.apk under res\drawable-hdpi. The files are zzz_unlock_puzzle...
puzzle pieces
zzz_unlock_puzzle_noti_icon_call.png : Missed call piece in the floating state
zzz_unlock_puzzle_noti_icon_call_fit.png : Missed call when it gets to the unlock spot
zzz_unlock_puzzle_noti_icon_unlock.png : General unlock floating
zzz_unlock_puzzle_noti_icon_unlock_fit.png : General unlock at the unlock spot
Same for messages and voicemail.
zzz_unlock_puzzle_bg.png : The image that shows on the lock screen. This should be semi-transparent if you want to show the regular screen background
zzz_unlock_puzzle_bg_pressed.png : Image that shows while dragging the puzzle pieces. Usually a slight modification of the regular background
zzz_unlock_puzzle_bg_land.png : The landscape version
Music player
zzz_unlock_disk... and zzz_unlock_ctr_pr... are the files related to the player.
zzz_unlock_ctr_bg.9.png is the background for the music controls
Text background
Overlaying the unlock image is text. That text can have background that is more opaque than the rest of the unlock screen.
The attached image shows the three regions. These regions also apply to the glass unlock.
Note: These are .9 files and should be done right to ensure correct stretching and text boundries.
Other files
There are some extra background files in the frameworks but I haven't been able to find where they go. There are also some files to control the clock numbers zzz_unlock_clock_...
Working with APK manager
What is APK manager?
APK manager is a tool for decompiling / recompiling apk files. If you want to change anything other than images, it is a must have.
The basics
The basic flow when using APK manager is
Place apk file in place-apk-here-for-modding folder
run the Script.bat file
Type 22 and select the file you want to work with
Type 9 and wait for it to finish decompiling
Modify the items you want modified (they will be in the projects folder)
type 11 to recompile
Sounds easy? It is, and it isn't. There are several places where things can go wrong. Here are a few of the things to watch for:
Bad starting file
This is mostly true for framework files that went through several cycles of modifications. The framework is forgiving to having extra items, or having bad .9 images (see post above about .9 images). Some people may have replaced images without recompiling the framework in a way that breaks internal links. If this happens you will very likely see error messages during the decompile stage. If that happens check the log file and correct things. One of the most common errors is .9 files replaced with regular images. See this post for how to solve this.
Things may not always be "fixable", so the best approach is to get the original framework that is the base for the one you need. Having a clean start can save a lot of headaches later on.
Overwriting your changes
When you recompile, assuming everything worked ok, you are prompted if this is a system file. Most likely you want to say yes. This ensures that the original signature is copied over. You will also be prompted if you want to copy some files over from the original. BE CAREFUL!. There are people who say you reduce the risk of errors if you copy things that didn't change. Personally, if I changed anything that required recompilation (mostly added new images or modified xml files) I always choose not to copy extra files. If you do choose to copy some files over, pay attention to the next step. Do not hit any key until you remove the modified files. You will need to go to the newly created "keep" folder (in the top apk manager directory) and remove any image that you changed and any xml that you modified. Also, if you modified xml files to add new images you need to delete "resources.arsc".
Failed rebuild
APK manager is trying to minimize work by only compiling newly changed items. If you built an apk and realized you have an error, or want to add more changes, I recommend removing the cached build. Go to the projects folder and delete the "build" folder. I've had cases where the new items didn't catch.
Removed items
I highly recommend to leave icons that you do not need. I've had occasions where I removed things that I thought had no more reference, but then ended with endless boot-loops. For example, if you modify the xml to only show 6 out of the 101 battery charge animations, leave the remaining icons in your project.
If you're stuck
Look at the log file. That would usually give you an answer. Also, if you are working on a recent GB ROM you probably need to get the beta 5 version. Version 4.9 will have problems compiling the newer files.
Thanks for the info!!! I have been wanting to play with themes for a while. Now I gots the knowledge.
sent from my Cap using the app.
Thanks for this post...I'll be looking into this for sure.
tsachi said:
After you have finished modifying the files, the best way to get them to the phone is through clockwork installation. Make sure that you have the original update.zip file on the sdcard. If you have a rooted phone, you probably have that already, but if not you can install ROM manager from the market and run it to get the update in place.
To create the installation file follow these steps:
Create a folder \framework
Place your modified framework files in that folder
Back in the main folder, create the following folder tree: \META-INF\com\google\android
In the android folder create a text file named update-script
WARNING: Do not name your framework file "update.zip"! You need both the original update.zip and the framework one for the installation.
Note: Although copying of the framework files may be possible, it is highly risky. In my experience installation from clockwork is the easiest
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Thanks for this.. Question In #4 above the text file in the android folder. Is that an empty file? no extension? Thanks for your help.
TorqueWrench001 said:
Thanks for this.. Question In #4 above the text file in the android folder. Is that an empty file? no extension? Thanks for your help.
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The file has no extension but it isn't empty. It contains the installation instructions. Typical instructions would be:
copy_dir PACKAGE:framework SYSTEM:framework
which copies everything in the frameworks folder in the zip file to the system/framework folder on the phone
Sent from a captivate running phoenix using XDA app
Good info
Thanks, been wanting to play with themes for a while now!!!!!
This needs a bump for all those requesting themes to be made.
This needs to be a sticky. I detailed guide is just what was needed. I been wanting to play around with themes but always end up doing something stupid so it never works. Now I have some more knowledge and hopefully can avoid that mistake.
Thank you, one of the links has the info I need to fix my text color issue in my notification/menu window!
Sent from a phone using an app.
Why it's not pinned it's beyond me. We have a thread pinned for must have apps that aren't even must have apps, but not this.
That was do to some how me missing this thread for the post few months. It is corrected now. Stuck
Since the thread is getting more life, I just added info on lock screen (fourth post)
Sent from my captivate running the latest firefly
Resorce dump
Well now that this is not going to fall to the depths of page 500, ill unload some rubbish into it.
Edit: I purposefully did not include descriptions in the links. If you dont know what your doing reading all but the last two links in there entirety will help get you on your way.
whiteguypl said:
Well now that this is not going to fall to the depths of page 500, ill unload some rubbish into it.
Edit: I purposefully did not include descriptions in the links. If you dont know what your doing reading all but the last two links in there entirety will help get you on your way.
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Very nice, I will add these to OP with details about each link.
I'm quite happy that this has been pinned finally. Now to get to work. I haven't decided on which ROM I want to do, or even if I wanna port another theme or make my own. SO MANY CHOICES!!

Signing a bootanimation.zip

i want to have the stock bootanimation on my N1 which is running CM7 #96
I have this attached bootanimation and want to sign it, so that i can flash it.
I dont want to push it to system/app via rootexplorer and change permission and reboot anymore.
How do i do that? Or can somebody get it done for me?
It's a little more complicated than just signing it - in fact, you don't need to sign it, you need to create a flashable zip which will install the file.
I find the easiest way is to add the file to a gapps package in the right directory structure, so that everything gets flashed in a single zip. You would need to look at the install script in the gapps package, and make sure it first removes the existing animation, and then check to see if it installs the whole /system structure, or individual files. If it installs individual files, you will need to list your animation...

[MOD][ICS] Working Facelock for ICS

That's true! Perfectly working on my stock rooted ICS for 24h+!
This mod is for test porpoises only. Although I'm using it with success right now, I can not guarantee you that it will work, so:
I'm just reproducing the method I used to make it works on my own device. I have no intentions of being a developer, I don't wanna any donations and I'm not encouraging you to try this, and I'm warning you this can potentially brick your device. So, if even knowing this you assume these risks, be warned that I'm not responsible for any problem you could have trying to do this. In short: do it by yourself!
It works on my stock ICS with rooted system.img, and I did as following:
- Backup your internal SDcard, because if anything goes wrong, you will have to use smartflash/nvflash to recover your phone, and your internal sdcard can be formated if you need to reinstall your system.
- Download ES File explorer from market (of course this is for not so advanced user, since they don't need this instructions)
- Enable all root options on it (menu, settings, root settings, check all the three first options)
- Click on the zip you downloaded from here
- Unpack the system folder from the zip attached to your sdcard
(on ES File explorer, click on "select" button, than on "system" folder, than on "extract" button)
- Go to /data
- Create a new dir called ICS
- Move the extracted "system" folder to /data/ICS/
- Enter /data/ICS/system
- There should be 4 folders: addon.d, app, lib and vendor
- Enter addon.p, long-click on 71-gapps-faceunlock.sh, click properties
- Change its properties to owner:read, write and execute; group: read, execute; others: read, execute
- Go back to /data/ICS/system, enter app folder
- long click on FaceLock.apk and change its permissions to owner:read, write; group: read; others: read
- Go back to /data/ICS/system, enter lib folder
- Change the permissions as you did for FaceLock.apk in all the 9 files, one by one, inside this folder
- Go back to /data/ICS/system
- Click on select, than select the four folders, than on CUT
- Go to /system (note: now it's /system, not /data/ICS/system anymore)
- Click on "Paste", confirm the changes on all the files/folders
- Reboot
Well, at this point, if you are a lucky guy and didn't get a 90% of a bootloop chance, you should be able to change your lockscreen to facelock.
I have no idea if this will work on tonyp/harsh's stock ICS flashable zip, because I don't have it to test. It should work since they are almost the same rom, however they have deleted a lot of LGs stuff to make the zip flashable on GB partition layout, so you can try it (the zip itself should be flashable on CWM), however:
- DO A NANDROID BACKUP firstly and
- YOU WILL NEED at least 39MB free on /system to do it! I have no idea if it's even possible to get this on GB partition layout
Link: http://db.tt/daf7KCmD
If you did this and it worked, press thanks and let us know.
I will try but it look too hard
Enviado desde mi LG-P990 usando Tapatalk 2
It is working thanks.
how do you unlock youre phone in the dark on lights off???
You just don't
It's really great that you write this to help others, but there is no need in such long instruction. Why just not to say easier:
1. Download lates ics gapps: http://goo.im/gapps/gapps-ics-20120429-signed.zip
2. Copy-past folders "optional/app" and "optional/vendor" into device system folder. (There is no need in addon.d on a stock rom)
3. Copy-past optional/noneon/lib/libfacelock_jni.so into system/lib folder. (There is no need to replace other libs)
4. Change permissions for system/app/FaceLock.apk and system/lib/libfacelock_jni.so to 644 (-rw-r--r--) (just look how it is set for other files in these folders).
5. Reboot.
I tried earlier to extract the face unlock files from gapps, but it didn't work for me... This way it works perfectly, thanks!
working thanks.........
mivv said:
how do you unlock youre phone in the dark on lights off???
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Facelock always have a secondary method of PIN number. If facelock fails you can enter PIN number (numeric code) and it unlocks,
Has anyone tried this on CM10... I guess I will be the first then would be nice a .zip to flash
louiscypherbr said:
That's true! Perfectly working on my stock rooted ICS for 24h+!
This mod is for test porpoises only. Although I'm using it with success right now, I can not guarantee you that it will work, so:
I'm just reproducing the method I used to make it works on my own device. I have no intentions of being a developer, I don't wanna any donations and I'm not encouraging you to try this, and I'm warning you this can potentially brick your device. So, if even knowing this you assume these risks, be warned that I'm not responsible for any problem you could have trying to do this. In short: do it by yourself!
It works on my stock ICS with rooted system.img, and I did as following:
- Backup your internal SDcard, because if anything goes wrong, you will have to use smartflash/nvflash to recover your phone, and your internal sdcard can be formated if you need to reinstall your system.
- Download ES File explorer from market (of course this is for not so advanced user, since they don't need this instructions)
- Enable all root options on it (menu, settings, root settings, check all the three first options)
- Click on the zip you downloaded from here
- Unpack the system folder from the zip attached to your sdcard
(on ES File explorer, click on "select" button, than on "system" folder, than on "extract" button)
- Go to /data
- Create a new dir called ICS
- Move the extracted "system" folder to /data/ICS/
- Enter /data/ICS/system
- There should be 4 folders: addon.d, app, lib and vendor
- Enter addon.p, long-click on 71-gapps-faceunlock.sh, click properties
- Change its properties to owner:read, write and execute; group: read, execute; others: read, execute
- Go back to /data/ICS/system, enter app folder
- long click on FaceLock.apk and change its permissions to owner:read, write; group: read; others: read
- Go back to /data/ICS/system, enter lib folder
- Change the permissions as you did for FaceLock.apk in all the 9 files, one by one, inside this folder
- Go back to /data/ICS/system
- Click on select, than select the four folders, than on CUT
- Go to /system (note: now it's /system, not /data/ICS/system anymore)
- Click on "Paste", confirm the changes on all the files/folders
- Reboot
Well, at this point, if you are a lucky guy and didn't get a 90% of a bootloop chance, you should be able to change your lockscreen to facelock.
I have no idea if this will work on tonyp/harsh's stock ICS flashable zip, because I don't have it to test. It should work since they are almost the same rom, however they have deleted a lot of LGs stuff to make the zip flashable on GB partition layout, so you can try it (the zip itself should be flashable on CWM), however:
- DO A NANDROID BACKUP firstly and
- YOU WILL NEED at least 39MB free on /system to do it! I have no idea if it's even possible to get this on GB partition layout
Link: http://db.tt/daf7KCmD
If you did this and it worked, press thanks and let us know.
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From your description it seems that you are more elaborative person so i need on help?
Stefen has give some instruction to root V28G Rom using NVflash but i am unable to find the meaning of those commands available in NVFlash
can u peovide me step by step along with commands to save system partition and all..............
i've just flash it on my 28g (samrtflash install) and work like a charme! thx
I get an error about the end, I can't move "VENDOR" folder into system, says it cannot move vendor folder.... any idea?
after rebooting I tried faceunlock, it was there but unable to initiate, then i tried again to move the VENDOR folder, i could now, after a reeboot still doesnt work
Anyone willing to test it in CM10?
Face unlock works
It's working on 30a version, did exactly the same way just copied the files from the folder to another. Will try in the morning if it can read the face easily as its night at my place now. Thanks

[Q] CWM Recovery: patching backups; updating CM

Some simple (I hope) questions. Let's say I do a full CWM backup and copy the complete backup directory to my desktop. If I now want to change something inside this backup can I simply change the relevant .tar.a file(s), write their new checksums into nandroid.md5, copy everything back to the sd card and expect the whole thing to work?
No 2: I have just let the HD+ update itself to cm-10.1.3-ovation (final) and all went swimmingly. However, I saw that the update is not done incrementally, instead the whole zip is downloaded and the /system tree simply overwritten with its contents. I had put some bits and pieces into /system/app and /system/bin and modified a few files inside of /system, all of which changes were of course gone. So a better update strategy might be to download any new version from the CM website to a desktop machine, patch the .zip file there and then have CWM install it. Can CWM install such an update file like any other .zip or is the update.zip route the correct way?
Or perhaps the best way to update in such a scenario is to download the .zip, sync it with an existing CWM backup (as in the first question) and restore the backup?!
If you get the md5 sum right editing the tar should work.
You can edit the downloaded zip before you flash it and it will still install. But editing after install is about the same amount of work.
What I used to do on the Nook Color was to modify the gapps zip to add the /system changes I wanted and then reflashed the gapps every time I flashed a new ROM. That way gapps were refreshed and the new changes were inserted in /system. Or, you could make your own zip to flash only your changes. The easiest way to make one is to edit the gapps zip to put your changes in and then delete the gapps files from the zip.
Do these zip changes with archive software without totally unzipping and rezipping.
Edit: Since some of my changes were modifications to build.prop, I developed a script to edit the new ROM's build.prop on the fly as part of the zip. That way build date, etc stayed right. If you want, I can use PM to send you a copy of my old edited gapps for you to study. However, since you are on CM10.1 stable, you will probably not be updating again.
Sent from my Nook HD+ running CM10.1 on emmc.
> If you get the md5 sum right editing the tar should work.
Okay, thanks for the confirmation.
> You can edit the downloaded zip before you flash it and it will still install.
But how do I trigger that install, once in CWM? That was my 2nd question.
> But editing after install is about the same amount of work.
Not in my case as I have a) no MTP and b) can easily auto-sync huge directory trees with a powerful command line tool.
I think the best way forward is to ignore the installing of new install .zips via CWM, however this is done. Instead I'll produce a nandroid-compatible backup directory and "restore" that.
Thanks again for your help.
TooMuchSloeGin said:
> If you get the md5 sum right editing the tar should work.
Okay, thanks for the confirmation.
> You can edit the downloaded zip before you flash it and it will still install.
But how do I trigger that install, once in CWM? That was my 2nd question.
> But editing after install is about the same amount of work.
Not in my case as I have a) no MTP and b) can easily auto-sync huge directory trees with a powerful command line tool.
I think the best way forward is to ignore the installing of new install .zips via CWM, however this is done. Instead I'll produce a nandroid-compatible backup directory and "restore" that.
Thanks again for your help.
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You don't trigger it, you manually boot to CWM and manually install it. Go to install zip from SD and choose where you put it.
And by editing after install, I meant editing /system once it is installed on the Nook.
Sent from my Nook HD+ running CM10.1 on emmc.

