[Q] Lollipop - Screen remains on after receiving MMS - AT&T Samsung Galaxy S 5

After the Lollipop update, I receive an MMS the notification shows on the lock screen as before. If I don't acknowledge it, the screen remains lit til the phone dies. The time out is at 30 seconds. I really don't want to do a factory reset of the phone... Anyone else had this issue and know of a fix yet? No fix for this, but the vibrate pattern for messages is gone. Now is just one long vibrate that is annoying. Why do they just take things out???

I had a similar issue in Kitkat. I don't remember how I fixed it but I do remember that it was related to smart stay and the fingerprint reader. I disabled both then enabled them or some sort of combination like that which seemed to resolve it.
The long vibration is freaking annoying. I want the shorter on back

Glad they give me plenty of things to try and fix.
Thanks for this post I'll keep it in mind.


[Q] Problems coming out of sleep mode

So within the last two days I have been having problems with my phone coming out of sleep mode, just to give a little more information when i hit the power button to turn the screen on and go to unlock it, the screen doesn't respond and fades back out. The task bar stays on at the top for about 10 seconds as well. SOMEONE please help lol. I've only had this phone for about a week and this is very frustrating. (phone is rooted btw)
Thanks in advance
If you're having touchscreen malfunctions, then you should exchange it. You've had it one week, you can do that. I will say though, the screen timeout for the lock screen is 5 seconds long. As in, when I wake my phone if I don't touch it, five seconds later it fades out again. It sounds like you're having more serious issues however mentioning the notification bar staying on the screen like that. I recommend you look into exchanging it. Make sure you restore it and unroot it before you do that.
Unroot thread
I was just wondering if anyone had these issues, it didn't appear to do it the first couple days I had it, and I've installed a ton of apps since then. I un-installed some things today and it seems to have subsided, i'm still wondering if anyone else has had problems like this. It may have had to do with a task manager, but i can't be sure. Any insight is appreciated.

[Q] My screen stays off when starting the phone. Help needed.

Hi, I've been having this rare and random problem with my Captivate. It seems like once or twice a month, when my phone is in stand by and I hit the power button to wake it up, the screen stays off. I can mimic swiping the screen and the soft keys will light up and the phone will vibrate. Taking the battery out does not help. The phone will boot up and I can hear the att and samsung video but the screen is still black.
When this happens, it will sometimes randomly come back on after about an hour or two, sometimes more. I've searched but haven't found that magic trick yet. Anyone else have this problem and a possible solution? Any help would be awesome, thanks!
Sounds like a hardware problem. Still under warranty?
Yeah, it's very annoying. I can hear texts going off with seemingly no way to read them. I've had it more than a year so I think the warranty is out. I do have insurance on it though.
EDIT: Ok, my problem is solved for now. I took the sim card out and with it out turned the phone on (same problem), but after turning the phone off and putting the sim card back in, I now have the screen back. I'm gonna see if I can get this phone replaced.

[Q] Vibration doesn't work from time to time

I noticed the vibration just stops working, no matter if it's haptic feedback or a notification. After a while, it starts working again. Reboot doesn't always help.
"But... sometimes I can type one, maybe two words and it disappears, sometimes I can write long e-mail and it works fine. If haptic vibration disappears it comes back after 1 - 2 minutes with screen off. Really strange. Just checked it again. It turned vibrations off when I started to type very fast.
I did "Diagnostics / vibrations" test before trying to reproduce this error. Vibrations were working fine. After haptic feedback disappeared vibrations in diagnostics stopped working too. Left the phone with screen off for two minutes. Vibration came back.
What's more funny. Sometimes haptic disappears and few words later it starts working again."
See over here http://talk.sonymobile.com/t5/Xperia-Z1/Vibration-issue/m-p/410459#M2706
I'm on a rooted stock 1.534 firmware with locked bootloader.
Does anybody else have this problem?
EXPERIENCED this in my z1 but my z1 more than you expected, at first the problem is like yours, but after that it working for about 2 aec and it gone again. i restart, reboot, factory data settings, the vibration is not working anymore. even when you start up the phone from the power button. can anyone HELP and figure this out??
My Z1(C6902) vibration doesn't work also, anyone can help?
i have also problem with the vibration sometimes....when lay down for example....and i type something it just stops suddenly..and i dont feel the vibration anymore...but when moving the phone some directions..it seems the vibration comes back...also some keys have stronger vibration than other keys
Andy_27 said:
i have also problem with the vibration sometimes....when lay down for example....and i type something it just stops suddenly..and i dont feel the vibration anymore...but when moving the phone some directions..it seems the vibration comes back...also some keys have stronger vibration than other keys
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
mine is not strong enough when receiving notifications
Mine working just fine but I will reccomend few things:
Check in Settings > Sound if everything in selected, Vibrate on Touch, Vibrate when Ringing..
Turn-off the vibration on touch, it consume battery. Select only sound on touch and Set-up vibration only for Alarms and Notifications.
Sometime the feeling of the vibration can be confused, with long press will be vibrate more and vice-versa.
It's your choice.
I have this problem to please someone fix I'm on rooted 257 locked bootloader
Really annoying always late replying to messages I receive because the phone just does not vibrate most of the time..
Sent from my C6903 using Tapatalk
sorry guys to revive this thread, but I am facing this problem too... someone that had this problem found a fix? or the only way is send it to sony?
Got the same ****
I have this problem too!
I'm in the same boat with mine. Considering sending it in for repairs under warranty.
Has anyone done this? Any success?

Black screen after call - growing tired of this phone

Does anyone else have this issue? It's really driving me crazy to the point where I feel like ditching the Nexus 6. It's not even every call, but it is enough to annoy me. Pull the phone away from my head and the screen wont wake up. All I can do is long hold power to force a reset. It's really annoying. I've tried the proximity fix for 5.1 but it still happens. I can't set "power to end call" because also sometimes the phone doesn't wake the screen when there is an incoming call so I have to press power to wake the screen to see who it is.
Does anyone have any idea how to get around this other than the two solutions above? This has happened on both my devices (Original and RMA) and I just can't take it any more.
I sounds like a faulty proximity sensor. And I've observed intermittent behavior like this on previous phones (but not my N6). You can test this with a number of apps. I've used "Sensor Box for Android", but there are several more. Prox sensor is located near the top LH corner. With the app open and on prox sensor, passing your hand over it should register on the app.
You are so active on this forum that I won't even ask about a screen protector....
The proximity sensor seems to work fine under all tests that I have done. I actually use Tasker to utilise the proximity sensor to set ringer volume based on whether it is activated or not (eg in my pocket, proximity sensor CLOSE, set ringer high).
Its not every call either and multiple Nexus 6 devices have had this issue for me too. Proximity sensor works in every test
That's weird. I've had no issues at all. I assume you have the issue on the stock ROM too.....
I suppose I'll have to test though I don't really want to run stock.
What about disabling Tasker and trying it out.
Happens with or without tasker. It's pretty much always done it since 5.1
There are known issues with the prox being flaky on this device. I just need to find a way to overcome this.
Remember, we need to separate problem solving from the idea of how we want our phone to look and perform. Once you've identified the root cause, you can then decide what steps you want to take to solve it.
*Sigh* Yes I know. But it's so intermittent I won't know if it solves it for a looooong time. It would be quicker to return to stock, sell it and buy something else
I've literally never ran stock on the nexus 6.
Like Camera indicated, I'd try removing the screen protector if you have one and see if it's better.
It's not a protector issue.
Let's assume I've done all the obvious things except flash stock
Edit. I'm going to try and use power button ends call. Just to see of its an active call that causes it.
Hopefully it will happen when I can take a log cat but inise the phone very rarely.
Try this app in the Playstore.
I had a similar issue where the screen would time out while I was on a call and wouldn't wake when I moved the phone away from my face. I had to hit power button to wake phone and enter pin just to end a call. I make/recieve over 100 calls per day and it was getting old til I found this app. Works perfectly every time.
Thanks but that's not the same issue. Mine will not wake at all. I have to force a reboot to get display
You might give the app a try just to see. It keeps the screen on during a call but the proximity sensor still shuts the screen off unless you are on speaker phone. It may not work, but worth a try to keep your N6!
I've seen the same thing with my N6, display goes black (randomly, not even related to a call) and the only thing I can do is reboot. Haven't wasted any time looking for a solution, 'cause I don't think there is an easy one and there is no way to know if something you try is even going to work! I just reboot and move on.
Just posting to let you know you are not crazy and there is someone else out there with the same problem!!!
I'm not sure what you mean. I've been recommended this app before but I don't like the idea of mybscreen being on.
What do you mean it keeps the screen on but proximity still shuts it off? .
Thanks for confirming
Basically it doesn't let the screen timeout. Proximity sensor still functions like normal.
I would try it and see.
If it helps good, if not no harm. It definitely fixed my issue, even if my issue wasn't exactly what you're experiencing.
Well power button end call didn't help. I don't think it is a proximity sensor issue. Let's hope it happens when I can get a logcat. Unlikely. Maybe a job for tasker.
I had this issue too. I eventually thought it was tied to UV, but then I installed all stock and didnt change anything and it still happened. Maybe a bug in lollipop.

I get vibration but screen wont turn on for notifications

When I receive a notification the watch vibrates but screen does not turn on automatically. I have light flow and I am able to set recurring vibrations to the watch but it doesn't turn the screen on. Has anyone had this problem before?
Side note: I wish we had more control over how the notifications are delivered to the watch.
I'm having same issues, driving me nuts
Anyone resolve this yet?
I have the same problem, it's really annoying.. I just wiped /cache, I will let you know if it works
EDIT: It didn't help, I still have the same problem..
Same issue. Worked after an updated and now not anymore. Android wear is failing the Gwatch R. Instead of working on new features or taking away existing ones google devs need to fix the basics first.

