M7 In Call Volume Super Low but Media Volumes are fine - One (M7) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

So I used a toothbrush to clean the top grill speaker since it was buzzing a lot and now the speakers sound as new when I play music or YouTube videos. But now, in call volume is so low you can basically not even hear it. I put it on max and it helps a little but not even able to hear anything, anyone know a fix?


external speaker volume

can someone tell me if there is a way to make the volume louder when viewing a video or playing music when the sound is coming from the external speaker?
Amp up the system volume.
See this thread a day ago http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=354011 Ba aware that overdriving a tiny speaker, as used in the Kaiser, will likely shorten it's life so you may end up killing the speaker. If it's very loud video or music you want (eg to 'compete' with industrial noise in the background) then aside from wearing your earphones under a set of ear defenders, your best bet is to plug in a proper set of amplified speakers which are up to the task and give quality sound.

Sound distortion when playing mp3s

Sometimes sound becomes distorted when i play mp3s. I use the handsfree that came with the phone.
When sound gets distorted....if i lower the volume ...about 2 bars lower sound becomes clear but volume is to low...
When everything is ok, i can set the volume all the way up without any distortion. I play the same song to make the test.
I tried with another motorola handsfree (it plays in mono) and when there is sound distortion, i can hear it with the motorola handsfree too...so i don't think that is a headphones issue.
I'm using deathnoise's rom...i was using another...but i had the same issue.
Can i do something?
Two examples of distorted and clean sound. Recorded from the headphones' output of qtek 2020i to PC.

[Q] My headphones are scratchy on my One, any way to fix?

I've got beautiful Sennheiser Momentum's here and I've got a problem. They make scratchy noises in higher pitches, say slow or silent songs with high voices. This happens with Beats off at the last two volume settings and with Beats On even before that. The same mp3 does not sound scratchy when I play it over my PC with the same headphones plugged in. It's defnitely the phone because the In ears that came with the phone sound equally scratchy at exact the same volumes.
Is there any way to equalize the standard audio settings without having to use another audio player? I am running ARHD 31.6 and tried it with and without PureXAudio, doesn't change anything.
I reset my phone now to make sure the XAudio-stuff isnt flying around, but the problem remains. But I think I found the culprit, the particular song where you can hear it really good simply seems to be too low on volume in the file itself - i can barely endure other songs at that volume, very loud, so I think the song has a low db and the htc just isn't that good when it comes to making songs loud and so it starts to scratch. Is there any way or EQ that can fix that or a normalizer?
I have noticed that my phones speaker was louder and better clarity on first use but after that it went downhill from there. My phone is currently in for repair due to a total speaker failure after the phone got really hot while using a CM 10.2 ROM, do not know if that was the reason but that was the ROM I was using at the time.
Well my best guess is that the built in EQ isn't the best out there and causes screeching in some frequencies. I can't notice anything in most of the songs but there are some which are problematic constantly and they are 320kbps and sound fine on my pc.

Speakers crackling

I just went to Android Device Manager, to make sure my Nexus 6 was properly listed as one of my devices. When I hit the "RING" button, the default ringtone plays at full volume, but the speaker on the bottom of the screen is crackling. I dont think I hear the crackling with music playing. Anyone else notice a crackle when the ringtone plays at high volume? Or maybe I need to line up for an RMA? lol

[Q] Top speaker louder than bottom

Listening to music and noticed the top speaker is significantly louder than the bottom. Has anyone else experienced this? Im currently on Pure Shamu 2.6 and am going to restore back to stock to see if that might be the issue, just wanted to see if it might just be my unit.
me as well, looked it up and found your thread
I have noticed that also.
Hi, could everyone that has the nexus 6 with the top speaker that is louder, put there ring tone volume on 100 or 75 and play your ring tones and confirm if you have some distortion with some of the ring tones, kind of sounds like a blown speaker, a raddle like sound, and also make a speaker phone call to see if you hear it as well, don't really hear it when playing music, just on rings and speaker phone at a higher volume
I think I've narrowed it down to Viper sound. I reflashed back to stock and the speakers worked normally. Then i reflashed pure rom and speakers still worked. Gonna test on my next to be sure.
Well I'm on a stock ROM since I bought this phone and I noticed that the top speaker plays louder. It's a bit annoying because I'm the kind of perfectionist person...

