Help : Booting Problem - Xposed General

I'm on cm12.1 Snapshot build for yureka.. Many times my device not boot up so every time i need to restart my phone & after few tries of reboot my device is boot up.
Log : 01-17 10:47:10.675 I/Xposed ( 302): -----------------
01-17 10:47:10.675 I/Xposed ( 302): Starting Xposed version 74, compiled for SDK 22
01-17 10:47:10.675 I/Xposed ( 302): Device: AO5510 (YU), Android version 5.1.1 (SDK 22)
01-17 10:47:10.675 I/Xposed ( 302): ROM: YUREKA-userdebug 5.1.1 LMY48B 2fde050a6c test-keys
01-17 10:47:10.675 I/Xposed ( 302): Build fingerprint: YU/YUREKA/YUREKA:5.1.1/LMY48B/2fde050a6c:userdebug/test-keys
01-17 10:47:10.675 I/Xposed ( 302): Platform: arm64-v8a, 64-bit binary, system server: yes
01-17 10:47:10.675 I/Xposed ( 302): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes
09-24 20:54:20.011 I/Xposed ( 302): -----------------
09-24 20:54:20.019 I/Xposed ( 302): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
09-24 20:54:21.309 I/Xposed ( 302): Detected ART runtime
09-24 20:54:21.347 I/Xposed ( 302): Found Xposed class de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge, now initializing
09-24 20:54:21.947 I/Xposed ( 302): Loading modules from /data/app/com.smartmadsoft.xposed.disablesuindicator-1/base.apk
09-24 20:54:22.493 I/Xposed ( 302): Loading class com.smartmadsoft.xposed.disablesuindicator.Toor
09-24 20:54:22.495 I/Xposed ( 302): Loading modules from /data/app/com.kapp.ifont.donate-1/base.apk
09-24 20:54:23.953 I/Xposed ( 302): Loading class com.kapp.ifont.x.perappfonts.hooks.XposedMod
09-24 20:54:24.046 I/Xposed ( 302): init
09-24 20:54:29.950 I/Xposed ( 303): -----------------
09-24 20:54:29.950 I/Xposed ( 303): Starting Xposed version 74, compiled for SDK 22
09-24 20:54:29.950 I/Xposed ( 303): Device: AO5510 (YU), Android version 5.1.1 (SDK 22)
09-24 20:54:29.950 I/Xposed ( 303): ROM: YUREKA-userdebug 5.1.1 LMY48B 2fde050a6c test-keys
09-24 20:54:29.950 I/Xposed ( 303): Build fingerprint: YU/YUREKA/YUREKA:5.1.1/LMY48B/2fde050a6c:userdebug/test-keys
09-24 20:54:29.950 I/Xposed ( 303): Platform: arm64-v8a, 32-bit binary, system server: no
09-24 20:54:29.950 I/Xposed ( 303): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes
09-24 20:54:29.967 I/Xposed ( 303): -----------------
09-24 20:54:29.967 I/Xposed ( 303): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
09-24 20:54:30.609 I/Xposed ( 303): Detected ART runtime
09-24 20:54:30.634 I/Xposed ( 303): Found Xposed class de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge, now initializing
09-24 20:54:30.970 I/Xposed ( 303): Loading modules from /data/app/com.smartmadsoft.xposed.disablesuindicator-1/base.apk
09-24 20:54:31.362 I/Xposed ( 303): Loading class com.smartmadsoft.xposed.disablesuindicator.Toor
09-24 20:54:31.363 I/Xposed ( 303): Loading modules from /data/app/com.kapp.ifont.donate-1/base.apk
09-24 20:54:32.501 I/Xposed ( 303): Loading class com.kapp.ifont.x.perappfonts.hooks.XposedMod
09-24 20:54:32.549 I/Xposed ( 303): init
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303):$ClassNotFoundError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at com.kapp.ifont.x.perappfonts.hooks.PackagePermissions.initHooks(Unknown Source)
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at com.kapp.ifont.x.perappfonts.hooks.XposedMod.initZygote(Unknown Source)
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at java.lang.Class.forName(
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): ... 5 more
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.kapp.ifont.donate-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): ... 9 more
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): ... 10 more
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.findClass(
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.loadClass(
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): ... 11 more
09-24 20:54:32.591 E/Xposed ( 303): Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Class not found using the boot class loader; no stack available
09-24 20:54:32.592 I/Xposed ( 303): [MiThemes] [MiThemes] Class not found! Skipping...
09-24 20:54:32.592 I/Xposed ( 303): [MiThemes] [MiThemes] Class not found! Skipping...
09-24 20:54:32.593 I/Xposed ( 303): [MiThemes] [MiThemes] Class not found! Skipping...
09-24 20:54:32.593 I/Xposed ( 303): [MiThemes] [MiThemes] Class not found! Skipping...
09-24 20:54:32.594 I/Xposed ( 303): [MiThemes] [MiThemes] Class not found! Skipping...
09-24 20:54:32.609 I/Xposed ( 303): [MiThemes] [MiThemes] Class not found! Skipping...
09-24 20:54:32.609 I/Xposed ( 303): Loading modules from /data/app/info.papdt.lolistat-1/base.apk
09-24 20:54:32.625 I/Xposed ( 303): Loading class info.papdt.lolistat.mod.ModLoli
09-24 20:54:32.659 I/Xposed ( 303): Loading modules from /data/app/com.bocharov.xposed.fsbi-1/base.apk
09-24 20:54:32.714 I/Xposed ( 303): Loading class com.bocharov.xposed.fsbi.hooks.Module
09-24 20:54:32.747 I/Xposed ( 303): Loading modules from /data/app/com.oasisfeng.greenify-1/base.apk
09-24 20:54:32.943 I/Xposed ( 303): Loading class
09-24 20:54:32.981 I/Xposed ( 303): Loading class
09-24 20:54:32.982 I/Xposed ( 303): Loading modules from /data/app/de.defim.apk.handleexternalstorage-1/base.apk
09-24 20:54:33.002 I/Xposed ( 303): Loading class de.defim.apk.handleexternalstorage.Xposed
09-24 20:54:33.012 I/Xposed ( 303): [HandleExternalStorage] initialized
09-24 20:54:33.012 I/Xposed ( 303): Loading modules from /data/app/
09-24 20:54:33.388 I/Xposed ( 303): Loading class com.chelpus.XSupport
Sent from my AO5510 using Tapatalk


IOException: Invalid argument while reading ...

Hi guys! I'm really starting to love your community, as you 've helped me a lot tweaking my smartphones (Arc S - KK & SP - J).
I just flashed my SP to CM 12, Android 5.0.2 and I'm facing a problem with the Xposed Framework.
The thing is that it's working just fine until I'm checking the modules and rebooting. Its requesting me to reboot again, so the Xposed gets ativated.
I 've got the log here, as I'm not a developer or a programmer, I just google and follow instructions and things work like magic!
03-07 03:36:04.453 I/Xposed ( 518): -----------------
03-07 03:36:04.453 I/Xposed ( 518): Starting Xposed binary version 60, compiled for SDK 21
03-07 03:36:04.453 I/Xposed ( 518): Phone: Xperia SP (Sony), Android version 5.0.2 (SDK 21)
03-07 03:36:04.453 I/Xposed ( 518): ROM: cm_lbhuashan-userdebug 5.0.2 LRX22G d961795a75 test-keys
03-07 03:36:04.453 I/Xposed ( 518): Build fingerprint: Sony/C5303/C5303:4.3/12.1.A.1.207/Nvt_nw:user/release-keys
03-07 03:36:04.453 I/Xposed ( 518): Platform: armeabi-v7a, 32-bit binary, system server: yes
03-07 03:36:04.453 I/Xposed ( 518): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes
03-07 03:36:04.463 I/Xposed ( 518): -----------------
03-07 03:36:04.473 I/Xposed ( 518): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
03-07 03:36:05.253 I/Xposed ( 518): Detected ART runtime
03-07 03:36:05.313 I/Xposed ( 518): Found Xposed class de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge, now initializing
03-07 03:36:05.704 I/Xposed ( 518): Initializing XposedBridge version 61
03-07 03:36:05.924 I/Xposed ( 518): Errors during Xposed initialization
03-07 03:36:05.924 E/Xposed ( 518): Invalid argument while reading /data/data/
03-07 03:36:05.924 E/Xposed ( 518): at Method)
03-07 03:36:05.924 E/Xposed ( 518): at
03-07 03:36:05.924 E/Xposed ( 518): at
03-07 03:36:05.924 E/Xposed ( 518): at
I also get same error message sometimes. Not sure what causes that. @rovo89 may give us advice.

Help me re-enable Xposed please

Hey Guys, I have a N7 2013 with last Stock 5.1.1 fw.
I deep-cleaned it a couple of days ago. I set up Xposed regularly and it was ok.
Yday I restored a couple of modules (Titanium Backup) from my Note4 (5.0.2) and I had a bootloop.
Googling the net, I find out that sometimes Xinstaller could get you into bootloop and i also read that a solution could be to remove /data/data/xposed.installar.stuff/config/modules.list with TWRP.
I just made it, it booted fine, but I have no more framework installed :/ The installer says it is not enabled.
So I tryed to flash it again, and also to install the installer again. But again nothing.
Could you help me please?!
Here is my log file
06-10 07:02:54.858 I/Xposed ( 196): -----------------
06-10 07:02:54.858 I/Xposed ( 196): Starting Xposed binary version 61, compiled for SDK 22
06-10 07:02:54.858 I/Xposed ( 196): Device: Nexus 7 (asus), Android version 5.1.1 (SDK 22)
06-10 07:02:54.858 I/Xposed ( 196): ROM: LMY47V
06-10 07:02:54.858 I/Xposed ( 196): Build fingerprint: google/razor/flo:5.1.1/LMY47V/1836172:user/release-keys
06-10 07:02:54.858 I/Xposed ( 196): Platform: armeabi-v7a, 32-bit binary, system server: yes
06-10 07:02:54.858 I/Xposed ( 196): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes
06-10 07:02:55.886 I/Xposed ( 196): -----------------
06-10 07:02:55.892 I/Xposed ( 196): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
06-10 07:02:56.469 I/Xposed ( 196): Detected ART runtime
06-10 07:02:56.517 I/Xposed ( 196): Found Xposed class de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge, now initializing
06-10 07:02:56.728 I/Xposed ( 196): Initializing XposedBridge version 64
06-10 07:02:56.911 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading modules from /data/app/
06-10 07:02:57.222 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading class
06-10 07:02:57.224 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading modules from /data/app/com.ceco.lollipop.gravitybox-2/base.apk
06-10 07:02:57.949 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading class com.ceco.lollipop.gravitybox.GravityBox
06-10 07:02:57.989 I/Xposed ( 196): GB:Hardware: flo
06-10 07:02:57.989 I/Xposed ( 196): GB[emoji14]roduct: razor
06-10 07:02:57.989 I/Xposed ( 196): GBevice manufacturer: asus
06-10 07:02:57.989 I/Xposed ( 196): GBevice brand: google
06-10 07:02:57.989 I/Xposed ( 196): GBevice model: Nexus 7
06-10 07:02:57.997 I/Xposed ( 196): GBevice type: tablet
06-10 07:02:57.998 I/Xposed ( 196): GB:Is MTK device: false
06-10 07:02:57.998 I/Xposed ( 196): GB:Is Xperia device: false
06-10 07:02:57.998 I/Xposed ( 196): GB:Is Moto XT device: false
06-10 07:02:57.998 I/Xposed ( 196): GB:Has Lenovo custom UI: false
06-10 07:02:57.999 I/Xposed ( 196): GB:Has telephony support: false
06-10 07:02:58.002 I/Xposed ( 196): GB:Has Gemini support: false
06-10 07:02:58.002 I/Xposed ( 196): GB:Android SDK: 22
06-10 07:02:58.002 I/Xposed ( 196): GB:Android Release: 5.1.1
06-10 07:02:58.002 I/Xposed ( 196): GB:ROM: LMY47V
06-10 07:02:58.188 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading modules from /data/app/com.pyler.youtubebackgroundplayback-1/base.apk
06-10 07:02:58.202 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading class com.pyler.youtubebackgroundplayback.YouTubeBackgroundPlayback
06-10 07:02:58.203 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading modules from /data/app/
06-10 07:02:58.217 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading class
06-10 07:02:58.218 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading modules from /data/app/com.oasisfeng.greenify-1/base.apk
06-10 07:02:58.321 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading class
06-10 07:02:58.361 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading class
06-10 07:02:58.362 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading modules from /data/app/
06-10 07:02:58.570 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading class com.chelpus.XSupport
06-10 07:02:58.621 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading modules from /data/app/com.versobit.kmark.xhangouts-1/base.apk
06-10 07:02:58.679 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading class com.versobit.kmark.xhangouts.XHangouts
06-10 07:02:58.703 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading modules from /data/app/com.ryansteckler.nlpunbounce-1/base.apk
06-10 07:02:58.778 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading class com.ryansteckler.nlpunbounce.hooks.Wakelocks
06-10 07:02:58.839 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading modules from /data/app/
06-10 07:02:58.877 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading class
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196):$ClassNotFoundError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.Class.forName(
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): ... 5 more
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): ... 9 more
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.findClass(
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.loadClass(
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): ... 10 more
06-10 07:02:58.907 E/Xposed ( 196): Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Class not found using the boot class loader; no stack available
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196):$ClassNotFoundError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.Class.forName(
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): ... 5 more
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): ... 9 more
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): ... 10 more
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.findClass(
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.loadClass(
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): ... 11 more
06-10 07:02:58.914 E/Xposed ( 196): Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Class not found using the boot class loader; no stack available
06-10 07:02:58.921 E/Xposed ( 196): java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: android.view.WindowManager$LayoutParams#FLAG_NEEDS_MENU_KEY
06-10 07:02:58.921 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.921 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.921 E/Xposed ( 196): at<clinit>(
06-10 07:02:58.921 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.921 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.921 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.921 E/Xposed ( 196): at
06-10 07:02:58.921 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading modules from /data/app/com.bocharov.xposed.fsbi-1/base.apk
06-10 07:02:58.979 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading class com.bocharov.xposed.fsbi.hooks.Module
06-10 07:02:59.022 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading modules from /data/app/de.defim.apk.customshare-1/base.apk
06-10 07:02:59.066 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading class de.defim.apk.customshare.Xposed
06-10 07:02:59.084 I/Xposed ( 196): [CustomShare] initialized
06-10 07:02:59.084 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading class de.defim.apk.customshare.Xcheck
06-10 07:02:59.085 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading modules from /data/app/com.chaimchaikin.lockscreenalbumartremover-1/base.apk
06-10 07:02:59.120 I/Xposed ( 196): Loading class com.chaimchaikin.lockscreenalbumartremover.AlbumArtRemover
06-10 07:03:04.440 I/Xposed ( 604): Amplify: Version 3.0.9
06-10 07:03:04.440 I/Xposed ( 604): Amplify: Attempting 19to21 AlarmHook
06-10 07:03:04.443 I/Xposed ( 604): Amplify: Successful 19to21 AlarmHook
06-10 07:03:04.443 I/Xposed ( 604): Amplify: Attempting 21 WakeLockHook
06-10 07:03:04.449 I/Xposed ( 604): Amplify: Successful 21 WakeLockHook
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
up :/
Check for the file named "disabled" in "/data/data/" and delete it if existing.
I disabled xposed on boot by pressing hw button and i could not make it work not even reinstalling.
Deleting the file worked.

Xposed Framework Successfully Installed But Nothing Works?! OnePlus Two

Hi, I've just received my OnePlus Two, flashed TWRP and rooted with SuperSU but still have kept the stock ROM. I've tried using Xposed Framework and when I go to the app it says in green "Xposed framework version 80 is active" but installing modules and nothing seems to work, I've tried using Instagram downloader, Youtube Adaway, Snapprefs, Snapgroups and Device Faker and nothing does anything.
Instagram module and snapchat modules just don't show up in the app, Youtube still shows ads and Device Faker acts like its going to open but then closes after just displaying a white screen.
I installed the framework by flashing the first and then installing the .adk, I've uninstalled and reinstalled but nothing works.
I'm running OxygenOS2.2 with Android 5.1.1 on a OnePlus Two.
Here is my log file from Xposed
03-07 20:59:13.817 I/Xposed ( 494): -----------------
03-07 20:59:13.818 I/Xposed ( 494): Starting Xposed version 80, compiled for SDK 22
03-07 20:59:13.818 I/Xposed ( 494): Device: ONE A2003 (OnePlus), Android version 5.1.1 (SDK 22)
03-07 20:59:13.818 I/Xposed ( 494): ROM: ONE A2003_14_151211
03-07 20:59:13.818 I/Xposed ( 494): Build fingerprint: OnePlus/OnePlus2/OnePlus2:5.1.1/LMY47V/1436933050:user/release-keys
03-07 20:59:13.818 I/Xposed ( 494): Platform: arm64-v8a, 64-bit binary, system server: yes
03-07 20:59:13.818 I/Xposed ( 494): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes
03-07 20:59:14.826 I/Xposed ( 494): -----------------
03-07 20:59:14.827 I/Xposed ( 494): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
03-07 20:59:15.240 I/Xposed ( 494): Detected ART runtime
03-07 20:59:15.255 I/Xposed ( 494): Found Xposed class de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge, now initializing
03-07 20:59:15.454 I/Xposed ( 494): Loading modules from /data/app/com.mohammadag.xposedinstagramdownloader-2/base.apk
03-07 20:59:15.604 I/Xposed ( 494): Loading class com.mohammadag.xposedinstagramdownloader.InstagramDownloader
03-07 20:59:15.609 I/Xposed ( 494): Loading modules from /data/app/com.elesbb.snapchatfullcaption-1/base.apk
03-07 20:59:15.655 I/Xposed ( 494): Loading class com.elesbb.snapchatfullcaption.Xposed
03-07 20:59:15.665 I/Xposed ( 494): Loading modules from /data/app/
03-07 20:59:15.720 I/Xposed ( 494): Loading class
03-07 20:59:23.381 I/Xposed ( 495): -----------------
03-07 20:59:23.381 I/Xposed ( 495): Starting Xposed version 80, compiled for SDK 22
03-07 20:59:23.381 I/Xposed ( 495): Device: ONE A2003 (OnePlus), Android version 5.1.1 (SDK 22)
03-07 20:59:23.381 I/Xposed ( 495): ROM: ONE A2003_14_151211
03-07 20:59:23.381 I/Xposed ( 495): Build fingerprint: OnePlus/OnePlus2/OnePlus2:5.1.1/LMY47V/1436933050:user/release-keys
03-07 20:59:23.381 I/Xposed ( 495): Platform: arm64-v8a, 32-bit binary, system server: no
03-07 20:59:23.381 I/Xposed ( 495): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes
03-07 20:59:23.383 I/Xposed ( 495): -----------------
03-07 20:59:23.383 I/Xposed ( 495): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
03-07 20:59:23.719 I/Xposed ( 495): Detected ART runtime
03-07 20:59:23.735 I/Xposed ( 495): Found Xposed class de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge, now initializing
03-07 20:59:23.896 I/Xposed ( 495): Loading modules from /data/app/com.mohammadag.xposedinstagramdownloader-2/base.apk
03-07 20:59:24.029 I/Xposed ( 495): Loading class com.mohammadag.xposedinstagramdownloader.InstagramDownloader
03-07 20:59:24.033 I/Xposed ( 495): Loading modules from /data/app/com.elesbb.snapchatfullcaption-1/base.apk
03-07 20:59:24.085 I/Xposed ( 495): Loading class com.elesbb.snapchatfullcaption.Xposed
03-07 20:59:24.094 I/Xposed ( 495): Loading modules from /data/app/
03-07 20:59:26.050 I/Xposed ( 495): Loading class
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at com.mohammadag.xposedinstagramdownloader.InstagramDownloader.handleLoadPackage(
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at$Wrapper.handleLoadPackage(
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at$1.beforeHookedMethod(
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at<Xposed>)
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at$1600(
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at$H.handleMessage(
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at$
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at
03-07 20:59:56.211 E/Xposed ( 7538): at
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at com.mohammadag.xposedinstagramdownloader.InstagramDownloader.handleLoadPackage(
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at$Wrapper.handleLoadPackage(
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at$1.beforeHookedMethod(
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at<Xposed>)
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at$1600(
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at$H.handleMessage(
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at$
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at
03-07 20:59:56.615 E/Xposed ( 7646): at
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at com.mohammadag.xposedinstagramdownloader.InstagramDownloader.handleLoadPackage(
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at$Wrapper.handleLoadPackage(
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at$1.beforeHookedMethod(
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at<Xposed>)
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at$1600(
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at$H.handleMessage(
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at$
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at
03-07 21:00:28.139 E/Xposed (11878): at
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at com.mohammadag.xposedinstagramdownloader.InstagramDownloader.handleLoadPackage(
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at$Wrapper.handleLoadPackage(
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at$1.beforeHookedMethod(
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at<Xposed>)
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at$1600(
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at$H.handleMessage(
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at$
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at
03-07 21:05:28.713 E/Xposed (25598): at
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at com.mohammadag.xposedinstagramdownloader.InstagramDownloader.handleLoadPackage(
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at$Wrapper.handleLoadPackage(
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at$1.beforeHookedMethod(
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at<Xposed>)
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at$1600(
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at$H.handleMessage(
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at$
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at
03-07 21:09:18.637 E/Xposed (27375): at
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at com.mohammadag.xposedinstagramdownloader.InstagramDownloader.handleLoadPackage(
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at$Wrapper.handleLoadPackage(
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at$1.beforeHookedMethod(
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at<Xposed>)
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at$1600(
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at$H.handleMessage(
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at android.os.Looper.loop(
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at$
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at
03-07 21:09:43.837 E/Xposed (28336): at
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If anyone can help it'll be appreciated, I have seen Youtube videos of it working on this phone so I don't know why I can't figure it out!
It's a bit tricky, but it actually works. You "only" need to disable selinux. A tutorial about how to do this will follow.
cr1cr1 said:
It's a bit tricky, but it actually works. You "only" need to disable selinux. A tutorial about how to do this will follow.
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Thanks, I eagerly await it lol, this was the main reason I rooted my phone
AJHylton said:
Thanks, I eagerly await it lol, this was the main reason I rooted my phone
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Ok, I have managed to put it all together.
This is just to disable selinux though.
Always, do not forget to clear your cache from twrp after flashing something, especially xposed.
Here it is:
[GUIDE] Disable selinux to allow Xposed framework for Oneplus 2
Also, my flow of customiziing OxygenOS, in short is like this:
Fastboot flash the latest TWRP image and reboot in recovery
Add in the list of zips to be flashed:
OxygenOS base image zip
OxygenOS latest incremental OTA update
Custom kernel zip
Xposed framework zip
Latest SuperSU zip
Patch the boot image and reflash to disable selinux (see the guide above)
Clear cache and Dalvik/ART
Also, I have noticed sometimes Xposed causes bootloop, so I have found out that deleting the log files from /data/data/ helps.
Reboot and wait a veeery long time to start and rebuild all the ART bytecode
If you neeed to see what your phone is doing, you can usually connect with adb while booting and monitor with logcat.
Thank you! I'm going to try this out tomorrow and I'll let you know if it all works
cr1cr1 said:
Ok, I have managed to put it all together.
This is just to disable selinux though.
Always, do not forget to clear your cache from twrp after flashing something, especially xposed.
Here it is:
[GUIDE] Disable selinux to allow Xposed framework for Oneplus 2
Also, my flow of customiziing OxygenOS, in short is like this:
Fastboot flash the latest TWRP image and reboot in recovery
Add in the list of zips to be flashed:
OxygenOS base image zip
OxygenOS latest incremental OTA update
Custom kernel zip
Xposed framework zip
Latest SuperSU zip
Patch the boot image and reflash to disable selinux (see the guide above)
Clear cache and Dalvik/ART
Also, I have noticed sometimes Xposed causes bootloop, so I have found out that deleting the log files from /data/data/ helps.
Reboot and wait a veeery long time to start and rebuild all the ART bytecode
If you neeed to see what your phone is doing, you can usually connect with adb while booting and monitor with logcat.
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Sorry about the delay, I was planning on leaving my phone and not doing anything to it for a while as I hard bricked it and spent hours trying to unbrick it lol, but I got it working again :good: but I'm going to be honest and say that I decided to disable SELinux using a terminal doing it this way
mount -o remount,rw /system
mkdir /system/su.d
echo "#!/system/bin/sh" > /system/su.d/
echo "setenforce 0" > /system/su.d/
echo "0" > /sys/fs/selinux/enforce
chmod 755 /system/su.d/
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rather than in the link as it seemed a lot simpler and less risky haha (I was scared) and now when I run getenforce on the terminal it says permissive but I still can't run any Xposed modules. Can I ask what modules you've successfully used on a OnePlus 2 with permissive SELinux as maybe it's the modules I'm trying to run aren't compatible?
Also I'm just running the rooted stock OxygenOS ROM if that makes any difference
AJHylton said:
Sorry about the delay, I was planning on leaving my phone and not doing anything to it for a while as I hard bricked it and spent hours trying to unbrick it lol, but I got it working again :good: but I'm going to be honest and say that I decided to disable SELinux using a terminal doing it this way
rather than in the link as it seemed a lot simpler and less risky haha (I was scared) and now when I run getenforce on the terminal it says permissive but I still can't run any Xposed modules. Can I ask what modules you've successfully used on a OnePlus 2 with permissive SELinux as maybe it's the modules I'm trying to run aren't compatible?
Also I'm just running the rooted stock OxygenOS ROM if that makes any difference
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This is why you need to disable selinux in the boot image. I have tried all the scripts and methods and in fact nothing worked untill I have changed the boot image.
What do you mean hard brick? What are the steps you did?
cr1cr1 said:
This is why you need to disable selinux in the boot image. I have tried all the scripts and methods and in fact nothing worked untill I have changed the boot image.
What do you mean hard brick? What are the steps you did?
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I've used the code and it actually worked, I was just trying to run some modules that weren't working but now everything besides snapprefs does. I guess the difference is every time I boot my phone up I get a toast showing that SELinux has been set to permissive whereas you wouldn't if you edit the boot image. But thanks for your help though.
And hard bricked because the bootloader was locked and there was no software on there, all I could get into was Fastboot mode. I accidentally turned off 'Allow OEM unlocking' on the stock ROM and went to flash a new ROM, after wiping everything it just got stuck in a bootloop and wouldn't go into recovery, I tried so many steps and toolkits to try and fix it but because I couldn't get into the bootloader I couldn't flash anything. I'm going to be honest and say that I have absolutely no idea what it was that actually fixed it but after trying so many different things for 6 hours I did something and it rebooted perfectly fine but with wiped internal storage.
Never again am I troubling that toggle lol, that was scary ****
AJHylton said:
I've used the code and it actually worked, I was just trying to run some modules that weren't working but now everything besides snapprefs does. I guess the difference is every time I boot my phone up I get a toast showing that SELinux has been set to permissive whereas you wouldn't if you edit the boot image. But thanks for your help though.
And hard bricked because the bootloader was locked and there was no software on there, all I could get into was Fastboot mode. I accidentally turned off 'Allow OEM unlocking' on the stock ROM and went to flash a new ROM, after wiping everything it just got stuck in a bootloop and wouldn't go into recovery, I tried so many steps and toolkits to try and fix it but because I couldn't get into the bootloader I couldn't flash anything. I'm going to be honest and say that I have absolutely no idea what it was that actually fixed it but after trying so many different things for 6 hours I did something and it rebooted perfectly fine but with wiped internal storage.
Never again am I troubling that toggle lol, that was scary ****
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Well I will try also with just the script (without altering the boot partition) and see if it works - though I have tried many things like that, including issuing the setenforce 0 at any time and did not work for me.
Also, I have seen that Boeffla Kernel app has an option to disable SELinux: it sets /sys/fs/selinux/enforce to 0
Anyway, glad that worked for you, and even more glad you managed to unbrick your phone.
I have bricked my HTC One by accidentally deleting the sbl1 partition )) and struggled a lot to recover via software, but the qualcomm tools are way too cryptic and poorly documented.
cr1cr1 said:
Well I will try also with just the script (without altering the boot partition) and see if it works - though I have tried many things like that, including issuing the setenforce 0 at any time and did not work for me.
Also, I have seen that Boeffla Kernel app has an option to disable SELinux: it sets /sys/fs/selinux/enforce to 0
Anyway, glad that worked for you, and even more glad you managed to unbrick your phone.
I have bricked my HTC One by accidentally deleting the sbl1 partition )) and struggled a lot to recover via software, but the qualcomm tools are way too cryptic and poorly documented.
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How do you know that your SELinux isn't being changed, is it Xposed modules you're trying to run also or something else? Download Termux and run the code I pasted earlier, reboot your phone and type getenforce and it should say permissive. As soon as that says permissive then the problem is with what you're trying to do, not the SELinux. I haven't seen that kernel but I've recently flashed the Exodus ROM on my OnePlus Two and there's a toggle on there if you'd consider switching ROMs.
Wow I don't really know too much about partition tables but I know its not good to have deleted that lol, having a quick look you could possibly have a read of these two threads (if you haven't already) and
But it seems like if you can get into fastboot there may be a fix.
Good luck
AJHylton said:
How do you know that your SELinux isn't being changed, is it Xposed modules you're trying to run also or something else? Download Termux and run the code I pasted earlier, reboot your phone and type getenforce and it should say permissive. As soon as that says permissive then the problem is with what you're trying to do, not the SELinux. I haven't seen that kernel but I've recently flashed the Exodus ROM on my OnePlus Two and there's a toggle on there if you'd consider switching ROMs.
Wow I don't really know too much about partition tables but I know its not good to have deleted that lol, having a quick look you could possibly have a read of these two threads (if you haven't already) and
But it seems like if you can get into fastboot there may be a fix.
Good luck
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It is possible to be what you say, I will give it a try with the next update of OxygenOS.
I would rather stick with Oxygen as it is quite stable and I am happy with the amount of customizations I have plus that I do not have that much time to spend on this right now
Thank you for the links, as you can imagine, I have tried a lot No, there is no fastboot as the first essential partitions are gone and apparently only a direct write to the emmc memory would solve the problem.
This means 2 things: either managing to work with the qualcomm tools to do it, and I couldn't so far... or going to a repair shop and having the phone open and write to the emmc via JTAG.
If you open an HTC M7 ... well, you cannot really put it back in a pretty manner.
However, bricking my M7 was a good excuse to have an Oneplus 2 that I absolutely love
All the best to you!

Error loading xposed zip frameworks

So ive been getting this every time I open Xposed. I havent changed anything, all the modules still work correctly, just not sure why it keeps saying error loading xposed zip frameworks" when I open it.
Motorola Droid Turbo
Stock LP
Unlocked bootloader
Xposed log below
[SIZE="3"][SIZE="2"][FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="2"]06-21 17:38:45.616 I/Xposed ( 417): -----------------
06-21 17:38:45.616 I/Xposed ( 417): Starting Xposed version 79, compiled for SDK 22
06-21 17:38:45.616 I/Xposed ( 417): Device: XT1254 (motorola), Android version 5.1 (SDK 22)
06-21 17:38:45.616 I/Xposed ( 417): ROM: SU4TL-44
06-21 17:38:45.616 I/Xposed ( 417): Build fingerprint: motorola/quark_verizon/quark:5.1/SU4TL-44/44:user/release-keys
06-21 17:38:45.616 I/Xposed ( 417): Platform: armeabi-v7a, 32-bit binary, system server: yes
06-21 17:38:45.616 I/Xposed ( 417): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: yes
06-21 17:38:46.622 I/Xposed ( 417): -----------------
06-21 17:38:46.623 I/Xposed ( 417): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
06-21 17:38:47.017 I/Xposed ( 417): Detected ART runtime
06-21 17:38:47.067 I/Xposed ( 417): Found Xposed class de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge, now initializing
06-21 17:38:47.357 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading modules from /data/app/com.thetonyp.truesilentmode-1/base.apk
06-21 17:38:47.584 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading class com.thetonyp.truesilentmode.TrueSilentMode
06-21 17:38:47.605 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading modules from /data/app/com.lepidusdevelopment.chocolatemilk-1/base.apk
06-21 17:38:47.619 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading class com.lepidusdevelopment.chocolatemilk.ChocolateMilkPatch
06-21 17:38:47.620 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading modules from /data/app/com.ceco.lollipop.gravitybox-2/base.apk
06-21 17:38:48.112 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading class com.ceco.lollipop.gravitybox.GravityBox
06-21 17:38:48.160 I/Xposed ( 417): GB:Hardware: qcom
06-21 17:38:48.160 I/Xposed ( 417): GB:Product: quark_verizon
06-21 17:38:48.160 I/Xposed ( 417): GB:Device manufacturer: motorola
06-21 17:38:48.160 I/Xposed ( 417): GB:Device brand: motorola
06-21 17:38:48.160 I/Xposed ( 417): GB:Device model: XT1254
06-21 17:38:48.164 I/Xposed ( 417): GB:Device type: phone
06-21 17:38:48.164 I/Xposed ( 417): GB:Is MTK device: false
06-21 17:38:48.164 I/Xposed ( 417): GB:Is Xperia device: false
06-21 17:38:48.164 I/Xposed ( 417): GB:Is Moto XT device: true
06-21 17:38:48.165 I/Xposed ( 417): GB:Has Lenovo custom UI: false
06-21 17:38:48.165 I/Xposed ( 417): GB:Has telephony support: true
06-21 17:38:48.167 I/Xposed ( 417): GB:Has Gemini support: false
06-21 17:38:48.167 I/Xposed ( 417): GB:Android SDK: 22
06-21 17:38:48.167 I/Xposed ( 417): GB:Android Release: 5.1
06-21 17:38:48.167 I/Xposed ( 417): GB:ROM: SU4TL-44
06-21 17:38:48.272 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading modules from /data/app/com.pyler.youtubebackgroundplayback-2/base.apk
06-21 17:38:48.283 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading class com.pyler.youtubebackgroundplayback.YouTubeBackgroundPlayback
06-21 17:38:48.286 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading modules from /data/app/hk.kennethso168.xposed.apmplus-2/base.apk
06-21 17:38:48.803 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading class hk.kennethso168.xposed.apmplus.XMain
06-21 17:38:48.819 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading modules from /data/app/com.oasisfeng.greenify-2/base.apk
06-21 17:38:49.146 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading class
06-21 17:38:49.174 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading class
06-21 17:38:49.174 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading modules from /data/app/com.intangibleobject.securesettings.plugin-1/base.apk
06-21 17:38:49.265 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading class com.intangibleobject.securesettings.plugin.xposed.Main
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417):$ClassNotFoundError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at com.intangibleobject.securesettings.plugin.xposed.a.a(
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at com.intangibleobject.securesettings.plugin.xposed.Main.initZygote(
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.Class.forName(
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): ... 5 more
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): ... 9 more
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.findClass(
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.loadClass(
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): ... 10 more
06-21 17:38:49.294 E/Xposed ( 417): Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Class not found using the boot class loader; no stack available
06-21 17:38:49.294 I/Xposed ( 417): SecureSettings:Initialized
06-21 17:38:49.294 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading modules from /data/app/com.df.callblocker-1/base.apk
06-21 17:38:49.313 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading class com.droidmate.xposed.PermissionMod
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417):$ClassNotFoundError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at com.droidmate.xposed.PermissionMod.alterPermissions(Unknown Source)
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at com.droidmate.xposed.PermissionMod.initZygote(Unknown Source)
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.Class.forName(
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): ... 5 more
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.df.callblocker-1/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): ... 9 more
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): ... 10 more
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.findClass(
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.loadClass(
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): ... 11 more
06-21 17:38:49.318 E/Xposed ( 417): Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Class not found using the boot class loader; no stack available
06-21 17:38:49.331 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading modules from /data/app/com.ryansteckler.nlpunbounce-1/base.apk
06-21 17:38:49.360 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading class com.ryansteckler.nlpunbounce.hooks.Wakelocks
06-21 17:38:49.389 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading modules from /data/app/me.rijul.hideemergencybutton-1/base.apk
06-21 17:38:49.401 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading class me.rijul.hideemergencybutton.XposedMod
06-21 17:38:49.403 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading modules from /data/app/tw.fatminmin.xposed.minminguard-1/base.apk
06-21 17:38:49.467 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading class tw.fatminmin.xposed.minminguard.Main
06-21 17:38:49.621 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading modules from /data/app/at.jclehner.appopsxposed-1/base.apk
06-21 17:38:49.638 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading class at.jclehner.appopsxposed.AppOpsXposed
06-21 17:38:49.655 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading modules from /data/app/ma.wanam.youtubeadaway-2/base.apk
06-21 17:38:49.667 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading class ma.wanam.youtubeadaway.Xposed
06-21 17:38:49.670 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading modules from /data/app/com.dym.motoxtether-1/base.apk
06-21 17:38:49.682 I/Xposed ( 417): Loading class com.dym.motoxtether.BreakTether
06-21 17:38:56.878 I/Xposed ( 1183): AOX:FixWakeLock: Hooked 1 functions
06-21 17:38:56.909 I/Xposed ( 1183): Amplify: Version 3.3.6c
06-21 17:38:56.909 I/Xposed ( 1183): Amplify: Attempting 19to21 AlarmHook
06-21 17:38:56.911 I/Xposed ( 1183): Amplify: Successful 19to21 AlarmHook
06-21 17:38:56.911 I/Xposed ( 1183): Amplify: Attempting 21 WakeLockHook
06-21 17:38:56.913 I/Xposed ( 1183): Amplify: Successful 21 WakeLockHook
06-21 17:38:56.913 I/Xposed ( 1183): Amplify: Service Blocking Status: true
06-21 17:38:56.913 I/Xposed ( 1183): Amplify: Attempting 17to 22 ServiceHook
06-21 17:38:56.914 I/Xposed ( 1183): Amplify: Successful 17to 22 ServiceHook
06-21 17:39:41.408 I/Xposed ( 1558): GB:StatusBarIconManager: getBasicIcon: Unable to find resource ID #0x7ea2cb8c
06-21 17:39:41.410 I/Xposed ( 1558): GB:StatusBarIconManager: getBasicIcon: Unable to find resource ID #0x7ea2cb8c
06-21 17:39:55.069 I/XposedInstaller( 4450): XposedInstaller - 1464854400001 - 3.0 alpha4 by dvdandroid - 02/06/16
06-21 17:39:57.171 E/XposedInstaller( 4450): InstallerFragment:940 -> Value <!DOCTYPE of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject
06-21 17:39:58.767 I/Xposed ( 4715): AOSP: [OK]
06-21 17:40:07.382 E/XposedInstaller( 4450): InstallerFragment:940 -> Value <!DOCTYPE of type java.lang.String cannot be converted to JSONObject
06-21 17:40:15.242 I/Xposed ( 5725): YouTube: 11.22.56 loaded!
06-21 17:40:15.242 I/Xposed ( 5725): YouTube AdAway 3.2.3: Trying brute force way...
06-21 17:40:15.705 I/Xposed ( 5725): YouTube AdAway: Successfully hooked nho constructor!
06-21 17:40:18.915 I/Xposed ( 6296): Loading package com.intangibleobject.securesettings.plugin
06-21 17:40:19.076 I/Xposed ( 5725): YouTube AdAway: Successfully hooked sequence: class =kdc params=lmu, lqd, kdz, kcu
06-21 17:40:40.934 I/Xposed ( 7602): AOSP: [OK]
It's a problem with Material Design Xposed Installer so you should report to that thread. Or, do a search if somebody's already done that. Nevertheless, that error doesn't affect Xposed framework itself at all.
Bec de Xorbin said:
It's a problem with Material Design Xposed Installer so you should report to that thread. Or, do a search if somebody's already done that. Nevertheless, that error doesn't affect Xposed framework itself at all.
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Thanks. Ill look into that. I did search the phrase, but couldnt find any results. It seems to have happened within the last few weeks. I dont recall that message a while back.
jlang11 said:
Thanks. Ill look into that. I did search the phrase, but couldnt find any results. It seems to have happened within the last few weeks. I dont recall that message a while back.
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This issue normally arises if Xposed Installer isn't able to access the internet. Do you use a firewall or blocked internet access for Xposed Installer in any other way?
jlang11 said:
Thanks. Ill look into that. I did search the phrase, but couldnt find any results. It seems to have happened within the last few weeks. I dont recall that message a while back.
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Click to collapse
Also check that you really have the newest version of installer (released 6/6/2016).
Bec de Xorbin said:
Also check that you really have the newest version of installer (released 6/6/2016).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
wait what? Can you link to that? There's a newer version of installer than 3.0 Alpha4?
Edit, never mind, you mean newest material installer
Bec de Xorbin said:
Also check that you really have the newest version of installer (released 6/6/2016).
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thank you sir! That solved the problem.

Xposed issue

Hey everyone. I'm having trouble getting xposed to work. When I first installed it, it worked fine but had recently stopped working. It is discovered but the modules complain about not having xposed. I have an sm-n930fd note 7 with the stock room but hydra kernel, supersu, and TWRP. Here is the log from xposed:
09-06 16:00:32.389 I/Xposed ( 3332): -----------------
09-06 16:00:32.389 I/Xposed ( 3332): Starting Xposed version 86.0 (custom build by wanam / 20160709), compiled for SDK 23
09-06 16:00:32.389 I/Xposed ( 3332): Device: SM-N930F (samsung), Android version 6.0.1 (SDK 23)
09-06 16:00:32.389 I/Xposed ( 3332): ROM: MMB29K.N930FXXU1BPH6
09-06 16:00:32.389 I/Xposed ( 3332): Build fingerprint: samsung/graceltexx/gracelte:6.0.1/MMB29K/N930FXXU1BPH6:user/release-keys
09-06 16:00:32.389 I/Xposed ( 3332): Platform: arm64-v8a, 64-bit binary, system server: yes
09-06 16:00:32.389 I/Xposed ( 3332): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: no
09-06 16:00:33.409 I/Xposed ( 3332): -----------------
09-06 16:00:33.409 I/Xposed ( 3332): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
09-06 16:00:33.589 I/Xposed ( 3332): Detected ART runtime
09-06 16:00:33.609 I/Xposed ( 3332): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): -----------------
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): Starting Xposed version 86.0 (custom build by wanam / 20160709), compiled for SDK 23
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): Device: SM-N930F (samsung), Android version 6.0.1 (SDK 23)
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): ROM: MMB29K.N930FXXU1BPH6
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): Build fingerprint: samsung/graceltexx/gracelte:6.0.1/MMB29K/N930FXXU1BPH6:user/release-keys
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): Platform: arm64-v8a, 32-bit binary, system server: no
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: no
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): -----------------
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
09-06 16:00:43.309 I/Xposed ( 3333): Detected ART runtime
09-06 16:00:43.319 I/Xposed ( 3333): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827):$ClassNotFoundError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at$1.beforeHookedMethod(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at<Xposed>)
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at$1800(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at$H.handleMessage(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at android.os.Looper.loop(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at$
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.Class.forName(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): ... 14 more
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/priv-app/ContextProvider/ContextProvider.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/system/priv-app/ContextProvider/lib/arm64, /vendor/lib64, /system/lib64]]
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): ... 18 more
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[dex file "/data/dalvik-cache/xposed_XResourcesSuperClass.dex"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib64, /system/lib64]]
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): ... 19 more
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.findClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): ... 20 more
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Class not found using the boot class loader; no stack trace available
Thanks for your help and sorry in advance if this post is against the rules somehow.
yandreev3 said:
Hey everyone. I'm having trouble getting xposed to work. When I first installed it, it worked fine but had recently stopped working. It is discovered but the modules complain about not having xposed. I have an sm-n930fd note 7 with the stock room but hydra kernel, supersu, and TWRP. Here is the log from xposed:
09-06 16:00:32.389 I/Xposed ( 3332): -----------------
09-06 16:00:32.389 I/Xposed ( 3332): Starting Xposed version 86.0 (custom build by wanam / 20160709), compiled for SDK 23
09-06 16:00:32.389 I/Xposed ( 3332): Device: SM-N930F (samsung), Android version 6.0.1 (SDK 23)
09-06 16:00:32.389 I/Xposed ( 3332): ROM: MMB29K.N930FXXU1BPH6
09-06 16:00:32.389 I/Xposed ( 3332): Build fingerprint: samsung/graceltexx/gracelte:6.0.1/MMB29K/N930FXXU1BPH6:user/release-keys
09-06 16:00:32.389 I/Xposed ( 3332): Platform: arm64-v8a, 64-bit binary, system server: yes
09-06 16:00:32.389 I/Xposed ( 3332): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: no
09-06 16:00:33.409 I/Xposed ( 3332): -----------------
09-06 16:00:33.409 I/Xposed ( 3332): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
09-06 16:00:33.589 I/Xposed ( 3332): Detected ART runtime
09-06 16:00:33.609 I/Xposed ( 3332): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): -----------------
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): Starting Xposed version 86.0 (custom build by wanam / 20160709), compiled for SDK 23
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): Device: SM-N930F (samsung), Android version 6.0.1 (SDK 23)
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): ROM: MMB29K.N930FXXU1BPH6
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): Build fingerprint: samsung/graceltexx/gracelte:6.0.1/MMB29K/N930FXXU1BPH6:user/release-keys
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): Platform: arm64-v8a, 32-bit binary, system server: no
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: no
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): -----------------
09-06 16:00:43.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
09-06 16:00:43.309 I/Xposed ( 3333): Detected ART runtime
09-06 16:00:43.319 I/Xposed ( 3333): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827):$ClassNotFoundError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at$1.beforeHookedMethod(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at<Xposed>)
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at$1800(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at$H.handleMessage(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at android.os.Looper.loop(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at$
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.Class.forName(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): ... 14 more
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/priv-app/ContextProvider/ContextProvider.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/system/priv-app/ContextProvider/lib/arm64, /vendor/lib64, /system/lib64]]
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): ... 18 more
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[dex file "/data/dalvik-cache/xposed_XResourcesSuperClass.dex"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib64, /system/lib64]]
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): ... 19 more
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.findClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): ... 20 more
09-06 16:07:32.169 E/Xposed (14827): Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Class not found using the boot class loader; no stack trace available
Thanks for your help and sorry in advance if this post is against the rules somehow.
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Try version v86.1 and report back.
Recommended steps: boot into recovery, flash wanam's updated version of Xposed, wipe cache&dalvik and reboot.
If this doesn't work, try a different way: boot into recovery, flash the, wipe cache&dalvik, reboot to recovery again, flash Xposed, reboot.
Portgas D. Ace said:
Try version v86.1 and report back.
Recommended steps: boot into recovery, flash wanam's updated version of Xposed, wipe cache&dalvik and reboot.
If this doesn't work, try a different way: boot into recovery, flash the, wipe cache&dalvik, reboot to recovery again, flash Xposed, reboot.
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Click to collapse
I tried this out and I'm getting a different log but all of my modules say they aren't enabled in xposed even though they are. Here are the new logs.
09-06 23:25:41.799 I/Xposed ( 3333): -----------------
09-06 23:25:41.799 I/Xposed ( 3333): Starting Xposed version 86.1 (custom build by wanam / 20160904), compiled for SDK 23
09-06 23:25:41.799 I/Xposed ( 3333): Device: SM-N930F (samsung), Android version 6.0.1 (SDK 23)
09-06 23:25:41.799 I/Xposed ( 3333): ROM: MMB29K.N930FXXU1BPH6
09-06 23:25:41.799 I/Xposed ( 3333): Build fingerprint: samsung/graceltexx/gracelte:6.0.1/MMB29K/N930FXXU1BPH6:user/release-keys
09-06 23:25:41.799 I/Xposed ( 3333): Platform: arm64-v8a, 64-bit binary, system server: yes
09-06 23:25:41.799 I/Xposed ( 3333): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: no
09-06 23:25:42.809 I/Xposed ( 3333): -----------------
09-06 23:25:42.809 I/Xposed ( 3333): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): -----------------
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): Starting Xposed version 86.1 (custom build by wanam / 20160904), compiled for SDK 23
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): Device: SM-N930F (samsung), Android version 6.0.1 (SDK 23)
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): ROM: MMB29K.N930FXXU1BPH6
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): Build fingerprint: samsung/graceltexx/gracelte:6.0.1/MMB29K/N930FXXU1BPH6:user/release-keys
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): Platform: arm64-v8a, 32-bit binary, system server: no
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: no
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): -----------------
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
09-06 23:25:59.149 I/Xposed ( 3333): Detected ART runtime
09-06 23:25:59.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing
09-06 23:26:08.339 I/Xposed ( 3334): Detected ART runtime
09-06 23:26:08.349 I/Xposed ( 3334): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing
Restarted. Now I'm getting this:
09-06 23:40:48.919 I/Xposed ( 3328): -----------------
09-06 23:40:48.919 I/Xposed ( 3328): Starting Xposed version 86.1 (custom build by wanam / 20160904), compiled for SDK 23
09-06 23:40:48.919 I/Xposed ( 3328): Device: SM-N930F (samsung), Android version 6.0.1 (SDK 23)
09-06 23:40:48.919 I/Xposed ( 3328): ROM: MMB29K.N930FXXU1BPH6
09-06 23:40:48.919 I/Xposed ( 3328): Build fingerprint: samsung/graceltexx/gracelte:6.0.1/MMB29K/N930FXXU1BPH6:user/release-keys
09-06 23:40:48.919 I/Xposed ( 3328): Platform: arm64-v8a, 64-bit binary, system server: yes
09-06 23:40:48.919 I/Xposed ( 3328): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: no
09-06 23:40:49.939 I/Xposed ( 3328): -----------------
09-06 23:40:49.939 I/Xposed ( 3328): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
09-06 23:40:50.119 I/Xposed ( 3328): Detected ART runtime
09-06 23:40:50.129 I/Xposed ( 3328): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing
09-06 23:40:59.439 I/Xposed ( 3329): -----------------
09-06 23:40:59.439 I/Xposed ( 3329): Starting Xposed version 86.1 (custom build by wanam / 20160904), compiled for SDK 23
09-06 23:40:59.439 I/Xposed ( 3329): Device: SM-N930F (samsung), Android version 6.0.1 (SDK 23)
09-06 23:40:59.439 I/Xposed ( 3329): ROM: MMB29K.N930FXXU1BPH6
09-06 23:40:59.439 I/Xposed ( 3329): Build fingerprint: samsung/graceltexx/gracelte:6.0.1/MMB29K/N930FXXU1BPH6:user/release-keys
09-06 23:40:59.439 I/Xposed ( 3329): Platform: arm64-v8a, 32-bit binary, system server: no
09-06 23:40:59.439 I/Xposed ( 3329): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: no
09-06 23:40:59.439 I/Xposed ( 3329): -----------------
09-06 23:40:59.439 I/Xposed ( 3329): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
09-06 23:40:59.589 I/Xposed ( 3329): Detected ART runtime
09-06 23:40:59.609 I/Xposed ( 3329): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875):$ClassNotFoundError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at$1.beforeHookedMethod(
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at<Xposed>)
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at$1800(
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at$H.handleMessage(
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at android.os.Looper.loop(
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at$
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at java.lang.Class.forName(
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): ... 14 more
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/priv-app/ContextProvider/ContextProvider.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/system/priv-app/ContextProvider/lib/arm64, /vendor/lib64, /system/lib64]]
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): ... 18 more
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "" on path: DexPathList[[dex file "/data/dalvik-cache/xposed_XResourcesSuperClass.dex"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib64, /system/lib64]]
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): ... 19 more
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): Suppressed: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at java.lang.Class.classForName(Native Method)
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.findClass(
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at java.lang.BootClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): ... 20 more
09-06 23:41:09.619 E/Xposed ( 4875): Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Class not found using the boot class loader; no stack trace available
yandreev3 said:
I tried this out and I'm getting a different log but all of my modules say they aren't enabled in xposed even though they are. Here are the new logs.
09-06 23:25:41.799 I/Xposed ( 3333): -----------------
09-06 23:25:41.799 I/Xposed ( 3333): Starting Xposed version 86.1 (custom build by wanam / 20160904), compiled for SDK 23
09-06 23:25:41.799 I/Xposed ( 3333): Device: SM-N930F (samsung), Android version 6.0.1 (SDK 23)
09-06 23:25:41.799 I/Xposed ( 3333): ROM: MMB29K.N930FXXU1BPH6
09-06 23:25:41.799 I/Xposed ( 3333): Build fingerprint: samsung/graceltexx/gracelte:6.0.1/MMB29K/N930FXXU1BPH6:user/release-keys
09-06 23:25:41.799 I/Xposed ( 3333): Platform: arm64-v8a, 64-bit binary, system server: yes
09-06 23:25:41.799 I/Xposed ( 3333): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: no
09-06 23:25:42.809 I/Xposed ( 3333): -----------------
09-06 23:25:42.809 I/Xposed ( 3333): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): -----------------
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): Starting Xposed version 86.1 (custom build by wanam / 20160904), compiled for SDK 23
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): Device: SM-N930F (samsung), Android version 6.0.1 (SDK 23)
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): ROM: MMB29K.N930FXXU1BPH6
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): Build fingerprint: samsung/graceltexx/gracelte:6.0.1/MMB29K/N930FXXU1BPH6:user/release-keys
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): Platform: arm64-v8a, 32-bit binary, system server: no
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): SELinux enabled: yes, enforcing: no
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): -----------------
09-06 23:25:52.089 I/Xposed ( 3334): Added Xposed (/system/framework/XposedBridge.jar) to CLASSPATH
09-06 23:25:59.149 I/Xposed ( 3333): Detected ART runtime
09-06 23:25:59.159 I/Xposed ( 3333): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing
09-06 23:26:08.339 I/Xposed ( 3334): Detected ART runtime
09-06 23:26:08.349 I/Xposed ( 3334): Found Xposed class 'de/robv/android/xposed/XposedBridge', now initializing
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Click to collapse
Then I would suggest that you ask for help in wanam's thread, as this issue is related to his Xposed version.
Portgas D. Ace said:
Then I would suggest that you ask for help in wanam's thread, as this issue is related to his Xposed version.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks for your help! I'll go ahead and try to find the proper place to post It haha

