Looking for a customisable TW rom - T-Mobile Galaxy Note 4 Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

HI there, which ROM out there offers high level of customizations and baked in mods (record calls etc) while providing full TW experience. Thanks!


panxpany said:
HI there, which ROM out there offers high level of customizations and baked in mods (record calls etc) while providing full TW experience. Thanks!
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yes go with either tekhds rom or maximum ovrdrive, both are excellent

Honestly, I don't see what the fuss is about....yeah the rom works smooth and I get no errors so that is great, but it doesn't come with ANY interface customisation settings... or am I doing something wrong? When I go to the settings I see nothing except for some some added apps. I asked in the forum and I was told to install a theme. Well I did and still nothing.... is there anything out there like the AllianceROM for my NOTE 3 that was highly customizable? Thanks!

Check out dynamic Kat or dynapop for inbuilt theming apps. Or you can always root your phone and install xposed to use modules like Wanam or xblast tools to do even more theme tweaking.
Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk


[ROM][AOSP] Salvage-Mod BETA 2 - 2.3.3 [5.1]

Introducing Salvage-Mod for you Droid Incredible. SalvageMod is a community build Android 2.3.3 rom. We are always looking for contributors, as we are completely community built at open source. If you would like to be involved, shoot us a PM. For a full list of features, see our changelog in post 2.
* We are not responsible for anything that may happen as result
* of using any of our software. By flashing them, you take full
* responsibility. That said, we extensively test everything before
* releasing it. Thank you.
*If you're new to ROM's, you must first root your device. Guides to do so can be found around the forums.
1) Download Salvage-Mod from here
2) If you would like to use Google applications, you can download those here
3) Place the above files onto the root of your sd card through USB
4) Power off phone and reboot to recovery by holding volume down while booting. Once in recovery, wipe your data and caches, including dalvik, through the recovery of your choice.
6) Once those are done, flash Salvage-Mod and optional apps.
7) Reboot and enjoy.
All source code is available on the Salvage-Mod Github
The kernel source can be found here
For more information, including screenshots, visit salvage-mod.com
Please report issues to our issue tracker or join us on IRC freenode @ #Salvage-Mod.
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Known issues:
Internal storage mount internal / external
Beta 2-
Fix SD Card issue.
Beta 1-
Change brightness by sliding across the status bar
Toggle wallpaper scrolling
Toggle Launcher rotation
Added lockscreen music controls
Imported lockscreen settings from CMParts -Lense -Rotary -Revamped Rotary -Plus extra settings
Now supports Flac
Added chat bubble option to Mms
Add option for complete silent state to volume rocker controls
Fix general application settings not working (now have their own preference screen, ex. Unknown sources)
Fix headset icon on notification bar
Customized Protips for Salvage
Custom VM heap added to Salvage Parts --cyanogen
Added Swipe left and right for Gallery
Added Launcher2 quick app uninstall
New settings app, combines settings, quick app settings, phone information and SalvageParts in a tabbed UI.
Longpress notification widgets to open there respective settings - radadev
Allow clearing of Voicemail notifications.
Add an option to disable stock voicemail notifications.
Add an option to enable or disable the screen On/Off animation
Disable Launcher2 from drawing caches for all screens on screen scroll
Removed all launcher2 wallpapers, now just Salvage Wallpapers
Refresh Salvage Wallpapers with some new wallpapers + a few from Launcher2
Decrease padding in upper and lower default launcher workspaces
Disable lock on launcher portrait mode
Launcher: Add new interpolator from AnderWeb for elastic desktop
Add Terminal Emulator to Parts
Launcher: Hide icon labels option
Launcher: Add fullscreen option
New wallpaper title and credit field - thanks cyanogen
Added changelog view in SalvageParts app
Added overscroll options to SalvageParts (bounce, glow)
Added CPU Freq to SalvageParts
Added mms option for back to all conversations list
Added font size options in mms (sender, subject and message font size)
Changed battery icon read (now reads in 5% increments) --thanks Daniel Sandler for the images
New SalvageMod boot animation
Fixed certain apps not showing up in the market
Better scaling of larger images like facebook sync images - Jef Cliver
Updated Google applications add-on - updates apps and fixes market links
Added galaxy style notification widgets - CyanogenMod
Allow 3rd party applications install by default
Build with 2D AOSP gallery instead of 3D for performance
What sets this ROM apart from CM7?
5thAgent said:
What sets this ROM apart from CM7?
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Well, Salvage mod introduces a lot of the great features about cm, while adding our own, as well as our attempt to make the rom overall more user friendly. We also only currently build for 2 devices. The full changelog in post 2 should tell you more
barnacles10 said:
Well, Salvage mod introduces a lot of the great features about cm, while adding our own, as well as our attempt to make the rom overall more user friendly. We also only currently build for 2 devices. The full changelog in post 2 should tell you more
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This ROM looks pretty slick.
It uses the stock gb launcher finally
Smokeey said:
It uses the stock gb launcher finally
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Of course! hope you enjoy it!
mmuzzy said:
This ROM looks pretty slick.
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Thanks! Hope you enjoy it. Camera does work and I haven't been able to find any bugs as of yet. I don't have data so maybe someone eelse will be able to confirm all that working. I don't see a reason why it shouldn't though.
Everything works.
It looks a bit like a cross between CM7 And Ultimate Droid.. I was using CM7 since the first RC and I began to hate it.. did you pull a lot of code from CM?
Jrkoffjonson said:
It looks a bit like a cross between CM7 And Ultimate Droid.. I was using CM7 since the first RC and I began to hate it.. did you pull a lot of code from CM?
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Core device properties are pulled from cm. There are a few other features we have pulled from cm but certainly not everything.
Alright cool, I'll give it a shot later today! Thanks for the work!
Installed this a few hours ago. Looks like a nice ROM, pretty stable too. Might be a little worse on battery life than CM7 and MIUI but it's early. Nice work.
scottjb said:
Installed this a few hours ago. Looks like a nice ROM, pretty stable too. Might be a little worse on battery life than CM7 and MIUI but it's early. Nice work.
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Thanks. As always you'll want the rom to settle through at least one full discharge charge to gauge battery. Usually makes a difference =P
might try this, bored at work.
im suprised how small the file size is. 65 megs....cm7 is 85
Definitely looks slick. I will flash tonight and report back tomorrow
This is a very good ROM in my opinion. It's nice to see another AOSP ROM, especially another great one.
i really like the settings menu
I like the ROM, but I can't find where I can use my custom ringtones.
Never mind somehow they were deleted?!?
cuban11182 said:
I like the ROM, but I can't find where I can use my custom ringtones.
Never mind somehow they were deleted?!?
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Deleted from your SD card? Unless u wiped your sd the update script shouldn't touch sd

[ROM][JellyBean][4.3.1]BeanStalk 4.3.1015 10/29/2013 | AROMA | En/Esp/De/Et/Sv/Ru/Fr

New BeanStalk 4.4 thread is here.
Attn Mods please lock it up.
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
ATTN ALL: I no longer have a Nexus 4. Sometimes I get to borrow one for testing, so plz FEEDBACK for fixes/improvements
Translators Needed: Dutch, Croatian, Swahili, anything. PM for template. It's easy to translate!
STILL BUILDING FOR NEXUS 4, though I don't have a N4 myself any more. I decided to build it for the Nexus 4 since it runs so perfectly on my other phones. BeanStalk based on Android 4.3 absolutely flies with smoothest performance and optimizations at every level. Now we're looking at a polished, fun ROM that should make any performance enthusiast happy. Many hours has gone into making BeanStalk the best ROM for the N4 and I hope you like it.
Thx @techfanatic9 for the video
Unique to this Nexus 4 port:
Aroma GUI installer interface offering optional components and enhancements
Multilingual installer (English / EspaƱol / Deutsch / Eesti)
VR Theme by eng.stk
made with real butter (rBGH-free, no GMO)
....and moar!
I am proud to present to you the BeanStalk ROM created by scott.hart.bti. This is a build based on CM10.2 with the addition of some high quality features. You get speed, stability, ultimate battery life and ultra customization ability. Many of the additional code additions came from Slim ROM and Derteufels kernel build and have been modified. A huge thanks to them for their work and dedication. Also a big thanks to everyone involved with CM as that is the building stone in this project.
Feature List.... Its a long one and growing every day!
CM based
Insane amount of edits/tweaks/fixes to make this build absolutely fly
Ultimate battery life through optimizations
Lockscreen background options (Color fill, Custom image, Transparent)
Customizable Lockscreen text color
Lockscreen rotation
Option to enable all widgets
Minimize lockscreen challenge
Use widget carousel
Slider Shortcuts
Static Lockscreen shortcuts
Lockscreen button actions
Listview Animations
LCD Density
Scroll elasticity options
Default App grip option
Custom Carrier label
Option to show network usage stats
Dual Pane options
Customizable boot animation (off, default, set your own bootanimation)
Custom original BeanStalk Wallpapers by skyliner33v
Custom BeanStalk bootanimation by skyliner33v
Status bar color and transparency
Clock and date options which includes color, location, style
Signal Styles which include color and text instead of icons, hide signal icons completely
Breathing SMS and missed calls options
Battery styles - Includes all the best colors and styles. Also includes battery bar
Do not disturb option
Show notification count
Fully customizable navigation bar - Includes style, layout, color, nav rings, pretty much everything you can think of.
Quick settings color settings, tiles per row, Quick pulldown, text color
Notification shortcuts, behaviour, drawer style (customizable colors), toggle colors, longpress quicksettings icon to enable/disable toggles
Keyboard and input method options which include disable full screen keyboard and auto rotate
Kill app back button with customizable timeout values
High end graphic effects option
option to disable/enable vibrate on expand for notifications alerts
Low battery warning customizable options
Recents RAM bar fully customizable with color styles
Clock widget for LockClock including extra options to fully customize every feature of the lockclock
Build.prop MOD options to enable/disable tweaks as preferred
Less frequent Notification sounds options
CRT screen off/on options to specify how the animation shows
Enable/disable wake up on charge option
Superuser fully embedded into the build and accessed from settings menu
CM Performance options and features
About BeanStalk option with links to github source and facebook for beanstalk. Also links to scott.hart.bti's twitter and donate.
option to use a fully themable MMS packages. You can access from mms - settings - theme settings
Numerous other options hiding throughout the build
Many options of system font during install
GApps with Photosphere
Active Display
Multiwindow display
Coming from other ROMs
Use TWRP if you're having problems. Tested + working w/TWRP Guaranteed CWM causes problems so DON'T USE CWM
Wipe Caches + Data / Factory Reset manually in recovery.
If coming from leaked 4.3 then wipe /sdcard too
Use at least 0.84 modem
Install Rom
Coming from previous versions of my builds of BeanStalk
Backup (eg. use Helium)
Install Rom
Ensure you're on 0.84 modem (minimum)
If problems then flash again & choose "wipe /data"
Trouble Alerts/Workarounds:
Halo floating mode and splitview are not compatibile
recents ram bar may cause crash if locale isn't English
Lockscreen transparency setting requires Custom Background Image
Pie controls may need to have lockscreen background set to something other then default to work correctly
For ANY and ALL ViPER4Android questions plz see official V4A FAQ
If you want to install a kernel on your own ALWAYS CHOOSE JSS with CAF, or else flash color fix.
If in doubt choose all the defaults for an amazing Android 4.3 BeanStalk experience!!!!
Download the Latest, Greatest BeanStalk HERE!
NOTE: ZERO testing by me. There may be problems in there. Please report issues in this thread so I can fix them THANKS.
BeanStalk Build 4.3.1015:11/03/2013 <-- DOWNLOAD
BeanStalk Build 4.3.1015:10/29/2013
Patched HALO to make peace w Split Window
Updated AK kernel
Major additions related to telephony from CM
Few Active Display cleanups/fixes
Camera optimizations
Multi-Window (Accessed from recents. Long press app and add to multiview)
Option to enable Notification Light when screen is on
Floating Window option
Fliptile animation
AOKP Custom system animations
Battery level around lock ring (Did i list this last time?)
Remote display framework support
Density changer overhaul - improvements.
Switched back to the custom MMS package with tons of customizable theme options. Listed under mms - settings - mms theme settings.
Fixes and cleanups build wide.
...as always, feedback is appreciated. If you have any troubles use the defaults
Older Downloads:
BeanStalk Build 4.3.1009:10/16/2013
BeanStalk Build 4.3.1001:10/11/2013
BeanStalk Build 4.3.08:9/23/2013
BeanStalk Build 4.3.075:9/16/2013
BeanStalk 1.300 - 2013/08/11
BeanStalk source can be found HERE
SlimROM source can be found HERE
DerTeufel's source can be found HERE
Like what you see? Click the THANKS button and Donate to scott.hart.bti HERE
Yes yes yesssss, an update
And luckily the first one
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
short question.
Why another Thread for Beanstalk ?
Trying out the rom with fauk kernel
Looks good, see a lot of Nice features ( Signalbar color ) , will give it a try for some time
Tapatalk Nexus 4
Does this have the cm10.1 patch for using Google voice in the messages app? Thanks
Sent from my Nexus 4 using Tapatalk 2
mba1973 said:
short question.
Why another Thread for Beanstalk ?
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b/c nobody else is giving out updated Beanstalks for N4, and because I love it! I've been building for my own use and since krazee's build wasn't updated since end of April I have to share. It would be wrong to hoard this gem.
Of course, to make it different and worthwhile I added my own contributions. Please try and see what you think.
[ROM][JellyBean][4.2.2]BeanStalk Build 1.275 - Updated 7/11/2013
Jt004 said:
Does this have the cm10.1 patch for using Google voice in the messages app? Thanks
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Google Voice isn't available in Canada so I can't test. This is based on BeanStalk's latest source as of 2013/07/10. The git commit logs are available linked at bottom of OP.
Awesome! Feedback if you have any yet .... ?
SmOuuK said:
Trying out the rom with fauk kernel
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Thanks for trying an alt kernel - I've been using Hells mostly w/sweep2wake and it's killer fast and smooth. Please share your Anarkia Faux experience!
"Scroll elasticity options".
this is the first time i ever see an option for this.
After a few hours I can say really a great Rom, all features we need and more
I think I will stay for longer on it ( I am a flash junkie but it's really great )
Tapatalk Nexus 4
Thanks for bringing this rom back to life! I run beanstalk on my note 2 and it has cured my flashing addiction on that phone. And I'm glad I can run it on my n4 now too!
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda app-developers app
Thanks for the kind words!
Kreateablaze said:
Thanks for bringing this rom back to life! I run beanstalk on my note 2 and it has cured my flashing addiction on that phone. And I'm glad I can run it on my n4 now too!
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda app-developers app
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That's EXACTLY why I did it! It's been the best ROM on my Note II after using all the rest so I had to have it on the N4. When you're flashing 20+ times per day Aroma installer makes the process a lot nicer too. Now I can test a dozen features with the same build.
Future plans:
-modem options, LTE if it's feasible without clobbering too much (eg camera autofocus)
-ad blocking
-more performance enhancements under the hood
-open to suggestions
CrashTestDroid said:
That's EXACTLY why I did it! It's been the best ROM on my Note II after using all the rest so I had to have it on the N4. When you're flashing 20+ times per day Aroma installer makes the process a lot nicer too. Now I can test a dozen features with the same build.
Future plans:
-modem options, LTE if it's feasible without clobbering too much (eg camera autofocus)
-ad blocking
-more performance enhancements under the hood
-open to suggestions
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I know it doesn't make any sense.
But as you've taken a positive step so just sharing and asking.
I've used almost all the roms cooked for N4.
But at the end i have always restored "frosty jellybean" backup just because it is super fast and almost stock.
Basically the reason why I'm sharing this is for you to have a look at its coding and find out the reason why it is quick.
If you can, give it a try and you can easily judge the difference.
If not possible then that's no problem because i can understand how difficult it is to maintain a rom
P.s sadly the dev stopped maintaining the rom and left it feature less :/
All i wanted in that rom is navigation bar customisation and keyboard softkey to enter, rest it is perfect to be a daily driver.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
eefo said:
I know it doesn't make any sense.
But as you've taken a positive step so just sharing and asking.
I've used almost all the roms cooked for N4.
But at the end i have always restored "frosty jellybean" backup just because it is super fast and almost stock.
Basically the reason why I'm sharing this is for you to have a look at its coding and find out the reason why it is quick.
If you can, give it a try and you can easily judge the difference.
If not possible then that's no problem because i can understand how difficult it is to maintain a rom
P.s sadly the dev stopped maintaining the rom and left it feature less :/
All i wanted in that rom is navigation bar customisation and keyboard softkey to enter, rest it is perfect to be a daily driver.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Have you tried this rom yet? It is easily the best rom for the at&t note 2. I'm sure it will be just as good on the n4. I just flashed it and set it all up. Can't wait to test the battery life. That's the only reason I keep using my note 2. But I do love the nexus.
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda app-developers app
Kreateablaze said:
Have you tried this rom yet? It is easily the best rom for the at&t note 2. I'm sure it will be just as good on the n4. I just flashed it and set it all up. Can't wait to test the battery life. That's the only reason I keep using my note 2. But I do love the nexus.
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda app-developers app
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Yup i already have mate.
It has some good features, and the battery life is epic with joker kernel.
Had to try something, thats why flashed another rom.
Else i am not giving negative feedback.
I'll definitely flash this rom again soon.
But it was just my curiosity, as I've been looking for a dev who atleast can have a look at that rom's code.
Just to find out the reason why that rom is quick.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
eefo said:
Yup i already have mate.
It has some good features, and the battery life is epic with joker kernel.
Had to try something, thats why flashed another rom.
Else i am not giving negative feedback.
I'll definitely flash this rom again soon.
But it was just my curiosity, as I've been looking for a dev who atleast can have a look at that rom's code.
Just to find out the reason why that rom is quick.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Oh ok, it is my favorite rom on my note 2. So joker kernel gives some good battery? I will have to give that kernel a try. I think I chose AK kernel. But I'm looking for whatever will give me the best battery.
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda app-developers app
Kreateablaze said:
Oh ok, it is my favorite rom on my note 2. So joker kernel gives some good battery? I will have to give that kernel a try. I think I chose AK kernel. But I'm looking for whatever will give me the best battery.
Sent from my GT-N7105 using xda app-developers app
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Yup, give that kernel a try, you'll definitely won't regret: p
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
Ultimate battery life ? Screenshot or it didn't happen.
eefo said:
Yup, give that kernel a try, you'll definitely won't regret: p
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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Since I'm limited to 8 "Thanks!" per day I'll just post it. Thanks! for checking my build and giving feedback.
I've tried Hells, Joker, _motley+ and love 'em all. Also Bricked is good but not as fast/batterywise as these newer ones. With a bit of undervolting (see Trickster Mod app included) we get speed and longevity too.
And a tip for better speed if you choose the VRTheme option:
Vicino says:
P.S: For better animation experiences after applying this Mod. Go to Settings / Developer options .. and set (Window animation scale) & (Transition animation scale) to .5x. Thanks to Mikey for this tip
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N8XT ROM + N1XT ROM ***** like no other *****

Hello Friends,
Here I share with you a special edition of my X-ROM series based on XXLT9.
XXLT9 deodex, zipaligned, rooted with busybox
Optimized for just ONE UI - NO switching UI/DPI
Mostly Note 8 apps
Floating Windows using stock multiwindow bar as launcher
4-Layout Multiwindows selectable on the notification panel
The most awesome Skip Track mod with ability to choose what the volume buttons do (next, play/pause, previous, stop) integrated in Sound settings
CRT-OFF effect with enable/disable toggle in Display settings
Lockscreen Torch with enable/disable toggle in Lockscreen settings
Browser Edge Zoom mod with enable/disable toggle in Display settings
Long-Press button to kill apps (choose between Back & Menu button) integrated in Display settings
New version of XQuickSettingsToggles with kmokhtar79 new themes
XBackground to customize holo dark, holo light & notification panel background
XTweakbox for various UI modifications like statusbar color/transparency, wallpaper scrolling, etc.
XMultiwindowAppsManager to add multiwindow apps and set custom window size for floating windows
Call recording
Ink Effect with custom color control app
Use volume button as shutter in Camera mode
Enable/Disable Airview in Spen settings
Various other mods that most custom roms have...
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Download for N8XT ROM is below.
Mega - courtesy of imazehost
AnfroidFilesHost - courtesy of kmokhtar79
A bunch of MIRRORS - courtesy of Sine.
Download for N1XT ROM version is on this LINK. Procedure for Installation is the same as the N8XT ROM.
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How to Install:
1. Download the ROM above.
2. While awaiting download, make a backup of your current rom and data.
3. When download finished, check md5 checksum.
4. Install a SAFE kernel or if you are already using a custom JB ROM, it's more likely that you are already in a SAFE kernel.
5. Reboot into recovery and make a factory reset, full wipe and format system, preload and data partitions.
6. Flash the ROM and reboot when finished.
7. Setup as needed and enjoy the rom. Don't forget to grant supersu permissions to integrated apps as it is important for the ROM to work fully.
8. I suggest not to restore your data and apps for the meantime. Play with the rom for a while and feel its vibes to make sure everything is working. Then you can restore whatever you need/want.
9. There are various settings integrated in Settings. Be sure to check them out and try them.
10. Long-pressing back button by default kills app instead of showing the multiwindow bar so be sure to check the setting that you like in Display settings.
11. Use Xposed Multiwindow Apps Manager to enable/disable multiwindow apps and also set the default window WIDTH and HEIGHT that you like. Please note not all apps are multiwindow-friendly so I suggest don't enable them like Camera, Calculator, FMRadio, Voice Recorder & Clock.
12. Use XTweakbox to set various settings like dual pane Settings, statusbar color and transparency, clock color, scrolling wallpaper, etc. More will be added in the next XTweakbox versions and also you may want to check out my XBackground app to change backgrounds for various system resources.
13. Use XquickSettingsToggles to theme your toggles in the notification panel.
Black SecSettings.apk - copy to preload partition
* Enable minimize button - goto /system/etc/permissions folder and rename com.sec.feature.minimize.button.xml~ to com.sec.feature.minimize.button.xml
* Fitted Accuweather widget - courtesy of kmokhtar79 HERE
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@rovo89, @kmokhtar79, @nanomet, @loserskater, @jeboo, @crimeofheart, @winterlove, galaxynote2, xda & others I may have forgotten
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Looks good mate. Waiting for upload.
Good luck
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda app-developers app
Great news. Would be eagerly waiting for it. Mirror would be made as soon as I can download it.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk HD
kmokhtar79 said:
Great news. Would be eagerly waiting for it. Mirror would be made as soon as I can download it.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk HD
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Thanks. I love the themes you shared. It is currently at 20% so might take a little while. In the meantime, I am prepping the OP for info and credits.
Hope to settle with this Rom till 4.2.2.
will try this rom ..after uploading complete
Can i use this keyboard in my phone with 320 DPI??
i found this type of KB only for 240 DPI..
Other than the fixed dpi and ui what is the essential difference between this rom and the normal X Rom?
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
wow looks hot , can't wait to check it out
waiting waiting ...
waiting waiting waiting
n spamming
while waiting
good job xperiacle
m pretty much satisfied with the screenshots only
so even if u dont upload
i'll be happy that i got at least a glimpse of it
n waiting
n spamming and waiting
vj_zero said:
waiting waiting waiting
n spamming
while waiting
good job xperiacle
m pretty much satisfied with the screenshots only
so even if u dont upload
i'll be happy that i got at least a glimpse of it
n waiting
n spamming and waiting
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But I am not spamming.
Sent from my GT-N7000 using xda premium
been waiting for a whole day and then stupid RS link appears .. can't wait for one of those good guys to upload it somewhere nice :/
Just downloaded and flashed,
Email app working very well no problem in setting at all
Music Player works great
Idea sketch working with both pen and finger
Gallery is fast
My files no problem by touching on thumbnail view
Crt effect is working all the times (COH is doing well)
Ripple effect for ALL colors
Travelling between floating and full mod is fluid and smooth
All good
Great work xperiacle:good:
Uploading on high speed hosting service hope it won't fail...
New Toggles added to Xquick Setting Toggles
your welcome
kmokhtar79 said:
Uploading on high speed hosting service hope it won't fail...
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Also preparing mirrors on various hosts.
Thanks for the feedback BTW kmokhtar79
Edit : is it me or your GPS and screen rotation icons aren't exactly centered?
xperiacle said:
Thanks. I love the themes you shared. It is currently at 20% so might take a little while. In the meantime, I am prepping the OP for info and credits.
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Hey xperiacle please help to me to port multiwindow please in s advance I know you are multiwindow master it will be my honour if you'll help us to port it we are having a flashbar failure every time.
Here's the link please help.
Sent from my GT-I9070 using xda app-developers app
Damn i am in love ... is there a way to move the clock to the center ?
Once again another great Rom from Xpericle.
Thanks for your hard work mate.
Is there any apps had been removed from Stock LT9..??:silly:
If somebody like to get fit weather widget, here you want.
Google search widget now is fit on the screen.
AccuweatherWidget.apk should go to system folder
AccuweatherWidget_Main.apk should go to preload folder
GoogleSearchWidget.apk should go to system folder
First upload 100% done but different md5 uploading again
one simple doubt how to select icons in toggle bar, ie only to retain what I want and rearranging them. thanks.
can I install kalagas n7000 theme.

[i9020T][MODS][CM9/ICS] Volume keys cursor control + battery styles

I have been using CM 10.1.x for a couple months but I had to downgrade to CM9 for performance reasons and few bugs. I'm very happy with CM9 and I have finally my notifications working.
However, a few mods from CM10 are missing and I would like to know if it was possible to port them to CM9. Among with these mods, the volume keys cursor control (system wide, not with stock kb) is REALLY handy and missing and it'd be nice to have the circle them for the battery style.
If anybody could help me with that, I would be very thankful. :good:
eexit said:
I have been using CM 10.1.x for a couple months but I had to downgrade to CM9 for performance reasons and few bugs. I'm very happy with CM9 and I have finally my notifications working.
However, a few mods from CM10 are missing and I would like to know if it was possible to port them to CM9. Among with these mods, the volume keys cursor control (system wide, not with stock kb) is REALLY handy and missing and it'd be nice to have the circle them for the battery style.
If anybody could help me with that, I would be very thankful. :good:
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Try CM10 stable, it has all thr features you mentioned
dark'em said:
Try CM10 stable, it has all thr features you mentioned
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This doesn't answer to my question.
eexit said:
However, a few mods from CM10 are missing and I would like to know if it was possible to port them to CM9. Among with these mods, the volume keys cursor control (system wide, not with stock kb) is REALLY handy and missing and it'd be nice to have the circle them for the battery style.
If anybody could help me with that, I would be very thankful. :good:
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You're rooted right?
try XBlastTools for Xposed framework
gravity xposed
thanos.k said:
You're rooted right?
try XBlastTools for Xposed framework
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I gave it a try and I got my volume cursor control back, thanks!
However, it overrides CM clock tweaks and I'm unable to hide the AM/PM now... But the cursor is more important
leap_ahead said:
gravity xposed
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I'm running ICS 4.0.4 eh!
I'm still looking for the damn CM10+ Battery Circle mod, I can't find it nowhere.
eexit said:
I'm still looking for the damn CM10+ Battery Circle mod, I can't find it nowhere
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Pick one of these awesome xposed framework modules for this! Battery theming playground thread
thanos.k said:
Pick one of these awesome xposed framework modules for this! Battery theming playground thread
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Yea I checked them out but I'm really looking for the CM 10+ Battery Circle that rotates when charging. The fx was real nice.
I'm trying out some of them...
Also, I figured out about the AM/PM things of XBlastTools, you have to set to default value in the CM panels then you can pick whatever you want in XBT.
eexit said:
Yea I checked them out but I'm really looking for the CM 10+ Battery Circle that rotates when charging. The fx was real nice.
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I dont remember the CM animation exactly, but UOT Kitchen now supports xposed framework too..maybe you can find it there
google it, I cant post links yet

[Q] ART compatible roms that don't rely on Xposed?

I'm looking to run Whatsapp and Android runtime, which means I need to be on 4.4.1 or later, eliminating all of the Sense based roms for now.
I would also like to be able to edit my Quick Settings menu (how dumb is it that Google shipped without being able to modify Quick Settings) to add a rotation lock button.
So far the only Odexed (to be ART compatible) rom I can find is SinLess, but it relies entirely on Xposed framework for its customizations and that's not compatible with ART.
Any good ideas? I'm just using Notification Toggles for now but I suspect I am missing a better option.
Any ROM recommendations? I'm hesitant to run CM since somehow the battery life sucks for me and I'm not a fan of the bugs.
lilhyper said:
I'm looking to run Whatsapp and Android runtime, which means I need to be on 4.4.1 or later, eliminating all of the Sense based roms for now.
I would also like to be able to edit my Quick Settings menu (how dumb is it that Google shipped without being able to modify Quick Settings) to add a rotation lock button.
So far the only Odexed (to be ART compatible) rom I can find is SinLess, but it relies entirely on Xposed framework for its customizations and that's not compatible with ART.
Any good ideas? I'm just using Notification Toggles for now but I suspect I am missing a better option.
Any ROM recommendations? I'm hesitant to run CM since somehow the battery life sucks for me and I'm not a fan of the bugs.
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Pretty much an AOSP like CM11
lilhyper said:
I'm looking to run Whatsapp and Android runtime, which means I need to be on 4.4.1 or later, eliminating all of the Sense based roms for now.
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htc uses a proprietary qualcomm optimized version of dalvik, this version of dalvik still is faster than art, so you won't see a performance gain by switching to art but will loose a lot of functionality...
I can't believe I didn't know about this before! This is cool.
I wonder why the Rom makers don't just integrate the Qualcomm Dalvik into their roms. It's downloadable on XDA as a flashable file.
lilhyper said:
I can't believe I didn't know about this before! This is cool.
I wonder why the Rom makers don't just integrate the Qualcomm Dalvik into their roms. It's downloadable on XDA as a flashable file.
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It's not necessary as they are included by default in all sense roms

