Camera can't focus properly, screen tearing/shaking/jerking. - One (M7) Q&A, Help & Troubleshooting

Yesterday I bought a used (yet excellent condition) M7_UL. I was hyped for a bit, unlocked the bootloader, flashed recovery, rooted, and installed some roms. Eventually I settled on GPE+ 3.0.2 but my joy was short lived.
I soon noticed very weird behavior of the focus. (I've owned 3 other M7s and neither behaved like this).
The camera finds it really hard to focus on anything further than... let's say a foot. When I does, it's enough to ever-so-slightly move the device by 1mm and it will lose focus, even with AF and AE locked before capture. At times, it will lose focus even on a tripod - I tap to focus, make sure it really is in focus and wait. A few moments later focus is lost. Tried this outdoors, where light variations are expected, and also indoors. Same thing.
It does have an easier time focusing on objects closer than a foot or so, but the behavior is similar. Just wait or move the device in the slightest and focus is lost.
More than this, while it tries to focus, there are some strange going-ons with the camera and it's viewfinder - screen tearing, shaking, jittering... I'm really not sure how to explain it so I've uploaded a video.
I've done a couple of hours of research and I think I eliminated most obvious culprits. I've thoroughly cleaned the lens cover, gave the phone a tap on the back, threw it on my bed, snapped it against my thigh, thinking maybe it's jammed , cleaned data of the app, tried stock, and several 3rd party apps.
Nothing did anything.
Can anyone offer some insight, please?

zgomot said:
Yesterday I bought a used (yet excellent condition) M7_UL. I was hyped for a bit, unlocked the bootloader, flashed recovery, rooted, and installed some roms. Eventually I settled on GPE+ 3.0.2 but my joy was short lived.
I soon noticed very weird behavior of the focus. (I've owned 3 other M7s and neither behaved like this).
The camera finds it really hard to focus on anything further than... let's say a foot. When I does, it's enough to ever-so-slightly move the device by 1mm and it will lose focus, even with AF and AE locked before capture. At times, it will lose focus even on a tripod - I tap to focus, make sure it really is in focus and wait. A few moments later focus is lost. Tried this outdoors, where light variations are expected, and also indoors. Same thing.
It does have an easier time focusing on objects closer than a foot or so, but the behavior is similar. Just wait or move the device in the slightest and focus is lost.
More than this, while it tries to focus, there are some strange going-ons with the camera and it's viewfinder - screen tearing, shaking, jittering... I'm really not sure how to explain it so I've uploaded a video.
I've done a couple of hours of research and I think I eliminated most obvious culprits. I've thoroughly cleaned the lens cover, gave the phone a tap on the back, threw it on my bed, snapped it against my thigh, thinking maybe it's jammed , cleaned data of the app, tried stock, and several 3rd party apps.
Nothing did anything.
Can anyone offer some insight, please?
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dont know about GPE but CM has some issues with camera
try going back to HTC STOCK ROM and see if the problem persists


Will changing radio improve camera?

Something I've tried to to find the answer to, but so far have been unable to do so - the camera performance has always been terrible on my tytn2. I've tried a range of different roms, but none have made any difference to the camera.
My understanding is that it is important to have a radio that works with the rom you are using, but can I get better camera performance by using a different radio?
Currently I am using "07/10[Super Ram][CHOME][Manilla] Josh's Kaiser Roms+Kitchen "21929 Hybrid Light" - a great rom, and my radio is
I would really appreciate it if anyone can give me any pointers with this or otherwise help me get better camera performance (the tytn2 is an amazing phone, the camera is the only problem I have with it).
Moved as not ROM Development...
The camera is just whack anyway unless in ideal light situations.
Typically the camera will either work or not work at all depending on the Radio, unfortunately the Kaiser's camera (and all cellphone cameras in general) is not the greatest in low light so you are pretty much stuck with what you got.
Thanks for the responses. It's not so much the camera performance in terms of picture quality, but the terrible lag when taking pictures - there is a two second or more delay between pressing the camera button and the picture taking. This always results in pictures that are extremely blurred.
Turn off the full press and also the shutter noise...
I tried everything possible with my tytn to improve camera , however it was all pointless since it could not be done.
Well not quite. In my frustration with a few things which aren't perfect in Shifu's latest ROM (hey, it's pretty darn nice for the most part, even M2D is running well for the first time in my experience of over 20 WM6.5 ROM versions, mostly on the Elfin, 3 on this Kaiser), I did some searching for a camera video frame rate solution. Found one. I've already forgotten the link (since reading it this afternoon), but it's so simple there's no need to go looking. Here's the procedure. Works in any lower light situation, as in not broad daylight. Haven't test it it outside in daylight yet, but it might even work there, will find out tomorrow.
1) Open camera application.
2) Put hand over lens to create a black screen.
3) Turn off power. (This part is a bit of a stumbling block for those with slide to unlock or a password active - have to have those turned off for this to work.)
4) Keep the hand (or whatever, doesn't matter so long as it blocks light) over the lens for at least a second.
5) Take off the hand.
6) Press the power button again.
7) Start shooting when you like.
8) Enjoy what looks like 30fps video, much improved autofocus and shutter response times, and unfortunately, darker images. So still not a great low-light camera, but indoors in average conditions or even somewhat dim light it's not bad at all for a phone camera. Took me a few tries to nail down the procedure and be able to reproduce the effect every time, but five minute's practice at most.
Apparently the vast improvement in frame rate and general responsiveness globally in the camera's operation and settings dialogues is over-ridden if one points the camera at a light source or brighter reflective objects. I find it stays stable during a session even if I point it directly at a 20W halogen light from 6 feet away, but your mileage may vary.
Another tip would be to avoid the double-take of the autofocus algorithm. Bloody thing focuses on a half-press, then focuses all over again, blurring out then returning to sharpness, on full shutter press. So either go to half-press shooting, or use the D-pad centre button to shoot pictures and videos, as this is a single-stage switch.
In my case, running Shifu's latest ROM from December and his recommended radio, and just this evening flashing Kaiser-HardSPL-3.56, I find the video frame rate to be about 2 to 3 frames per second without this trick, and well above 20fps with the trick. Awesome. A little bit irritating too, having to do this silly little button sequence thing, but it's better than having to go hunting for my 'real' camera when a video opportunity presents itself and the Kaiser will take less than 10 seconds to get ready, and getting the proper camera will take over a minute of walking and digging and powering on... As has so often been said in web discussions of phone cameras, it's not so much the quality of your best camera that's important in everyday use, it's whether you have a working camera with you that counts. And this little trick makes the camera I ALWAYS have with me a whole lot more usable.
Now, if only there were a way to get Resco Audio Recorder to make clear 2-sided recordings of my calls. Worked like a dream on the HTC Touch Elfin. All I hear is remote, static-distorted voices with this Kaiser. Seems from discussions that this is a hardware limitation. Hope not. And it'd be nice too if the device weren't cranky about my 8GB microSD. Seems a tad unstable at times. Same for considerable numbers of other users, so maybe another hardware limitation? Hope it's drivers, and that some genius presents an update.
Yeah that's an old trick but not perfect as tends to dim the light and when hit by a large light flips back to the slow fps another one is to remove the plastic cover on case covering lens.
I gave up using camera unless outside & it's the same issue on Touch Pro even with the built in flash "well light really"
2 Side Voice Recording on Kaiser **WORKS**
Thank you very much for that stylez. I'm reading through the pages of that thread, and while so far the latest CAB there hasn't quite made decent quality two-way recording for my Kaiser, it's considerably improved from what it was yesterday. Nice.
Trying the 'old' camera trick (sorry for re-publishing ancient news - I've only had this Kaiser a few days, so just getting caught up. On testing it this morning I found a number of tries didn't work at all. Not sure why. Then just now I tried it again and it worked fine, though delivering only about 15 to 20fps, not quite smooth. I did back to back tests without and then with the trick, and there was about a tripling of framerate from A to B. Guess I'll just have to keep practicing to get it down solid.
And I probably will remove part of the shielding over the camera lens, carefully. The lens in the body itself has a flat glass cover so no real risk of damage there, as it's recessed behind the battery cover. Occasional cleaning of dust is necessary anyway with a pocketable camera, so this just adds the step of slipping off the battery cover to do that. The phone I have was used for a few months, then left in an office drawer for over a year. Not a lot of wear, but obviously some fine scratching of the coating on the camera lens protective filter. Removing it will improve imaging, and the glass lens cover beneath is about the same as on my old HTC Elfin. That one has held up very well.
I hear windex helps.
ChumleyEX said:
I hear windex helps.
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lol ya i gave up using the camera really, i know im just caring around a big brick, with the advantage that its touch screen and has a keyboard... otherwise its not used much for anything else, unfortunately there are a million other phones that would meet this basic need, though im not getting burned by HTC again or any other phone maker...
I'm getting better at the timing with tricking the camera into responding quickly for stills, and getting 15fps and better almost all the time. This afternoon was fairly sunny here, and I shot a few videos of my son at the playground. Checking them later on my Asus 901 they look quite good. And contrary to many comments saying pointing at bright light kills the effect, I was able to shoot almost directly into the sun without losing frame rate.
Oddly, VLC gives an audio codec cannot be found error. Guess I'm off for yet another codec hunt. Windows 7 has mostly been pretty solid in supporting things like that, but I guess VLC stands apart from the OS in terms of codecs.
Windex? Nah, bit of a rub with a shirt end is fine. It's not a camera for making museum grade images. It's convenient, when I don't want to carry a bulky HD camera with proper optics around with me.

camera shutter speed issue

I thought I'd got used to the Z3c camera -- after battling it for weeks I finally figured out how to get decent (though not stellar) performance from it. But then last night for the first time I had to take a bunch of people pics in a dimly-lit room and every single one of them came out blurry to some extent. With flash, without flash, different scene modes used, no scene mode, different focus modes, auto, manual... nothing I did resulted in a decent photo. This did not seem to be an autofocus issue -- nothing in the frames was sharp at all. It seemed more like a shutter speed issue, like the camera was just selecting a shutter speed too slow to freeze even minor movements. Anyone else have this problem? Was I doing something dumb?!
I borrowed a friend's iPhone 5s and every single photo came out perfect. This Z3c camera is seriously starting to bug me. I just seem to be constantly fighting it to get acceptable results. It almost makes me pine for my N4 camera, which is saying something!
pipspeak said:
I thought I'd got used to the Z3c camera -- after battling it for weeks I finally figured out how to get decent (though not stellar) performance from it. But then last night for the first time I had to take a bunch of people pics in a dimly-lit room and every single one of them came out blurry to some extent. With flash, without flash, different scene modes used, no scene mode, different focus modes, auto, manual... nothing I did resulted in a decent photo. This did not seem to be an autofocus issue -- nothing in the frames was sharp at all. It seemed more like a shutter speed issue, like the camera was just selecting a shutter speed too slow to freeze even minor movements. Anyone else have this problem? Was I doing something dumb?!
I borrowed a friend's iPhone 5s and every single photo came out perfect. This Z3c camera is seriously starting to bug me. I just seem to be constantly fighting it to get acceptable results. It almost makes me pine for my N4 camera, which is saying something!
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check capturing speed with this app >> CameraW
it can be application bug
if the capturing speed is normal with this app then u need to repair firmware to reinstall system app like Xperia Camera (By PC companion)

What's up with the S5 camera and the focus?

The camera's focus is so bad that I can't even use my own phone anymore for depositing checks using my bank's mobile app -- I have to use my wife's iPhone 6. It's not that the phone is damaged - unless it came like that from the factory - as it's had bad focus issues since day 1.
When I try to focus on something, it will focus and then it bounces back to somewhat blurred. If I try it multiple times eventually moving the object closer or further away from the phone, I can get it to focus properly. But what a pain!
Am i the only one with this problem or is everyone else noticing the same?
MOD EDITrofanity removed from title and thread moved to Q&A. Please read forum rules before posting
meissen said:
The camera's focus is so bad that I can't even use my own phone anymore for depositing checks using my bank's mobile app -- I have to use my wife's iPhone 6. It's not that the phone is damaged - unless it came like that from the factory - as it's had bad focus issues since day 1.
When I try to focus on something, it will focus and then it bounces back to somewhat blurred. If I try it multiple times eventually moving the object closer or further away from the phone, I can get it to focus properly. But what a pain!
Am i the only one with this problem or is everyone else noticing the same?
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I don't have that problem. Are you tapping on the screen to focus? If so and you still have bad focus issues, you probably have a defective camera.
I get excellent photos from my S5. Do make sure that the piece of plastic has been removed from the lens, that causes all sorts of problems. If that isn't it, then yeah, possibly a defective camera.
meissen said:
The camera's focus is so bad that I can't even use my own phone anymore for depositing checks using my bank's mobile app -- I have to use my wife's iPhone 6. It's not that the phone is damaged - unless it came like that from the factory - as it's had bad focus issues since day 1.
When I try to focus on something, it will focus and then it bounces back to somewhat blurred. If I try it multiple times eventually moving the object closer or further away from the phone, I can get it to focus properly. But what a pain!
Am i the only one with this problem or is everyone else noticing the same?
MOD EDITrofanity removed from title and thread moved to Q&A. Please read forum rules before posting
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If you are still on the warranty period, go to service and they will change your camera. If your warranty period ended, then the most easier and cheapest way to fix it is by buying a defective S5 that has only the camera working on it, and change that with your defective camera. If still doesn't work try a factory reset, actually try this first. And if still that doesn't work, then I don't know...
But good luck anyway.
meissen said:
The camera's focus is so bad that I can't even use my own phone anymore for depositing checks using my bank's mobile app -- I have to use my wife's iPhone 6. It's not that the phone is damaged - unless it came like that from the factory - as it's had bad focus issues since day 1.
When I try to focus on something, it will focus and then it bounces back to somewhat blurred. If I try it multiple times eventually moving the object closer or further away from the phone, I can get it to focus properly. But what a pain!
Am i the only one with this problem or is everyone else noticing the same?
MOD EDITrofanity removed from title and thread moved to Q&A. Please read forum rules before posting
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I do have the same problem from day 1. I feel that my s4 camera was lot better than s5
cmerlyn said:
I get excellent photos from my S5. Do make sure that the piece of plastic has been removed from the lens, that causes all sorts of problems. If that isn't it, then yeah, possibly a defective camera.
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That tiny piece of plastic can cause all sorts of problems and it doesn't come off with all the other plastic. When I bought my phone and they removed all the plastic, that wasn't removed. It is very hard to see also.
I too have this issue... But not always sometime it works fine but most times not.. especially when focus on near objects.
I also scan item bar codes at store for earning rewards and i always had issue. But when i try scanning upside down of the bar code it gets immediately.
When at closer when i touch to focus, it will focus to sharp image and then goes to blurry image.
lens is clean with no plastic. Strange thing is its not issue always.
I previous phone was S3 an never had such issue.

Image stabilisation on 5x tele zoom camera not working

Ever since I updated to EMUI (or at least I only noticed this problem after installing that version) the image stabilisation on my zoom camera is not working.
I'm able to take photos, but the lens itself is constantly shaking around causing blur. I can hear it making these movements (like a buzzing sound) and can even see if moving if I look at it in the right light.
Interestingly, videos on the zoom camera are stabilised fine, so I can take snapshots whilst shooting in video mode, but this is far from ideal.
Anyone else experienced this? Do I need to send the phone back to Huawei?
Has nobody else had this issue?
I've never been that impressed with the 5x zoom image quality on mine, I've always found it hit & miss. I can't hear the focus motor 'seeking' for a lock on mine though....but my ears aren't the best, so it could be I guess.
I'm still on Android 9 too. Was hoping Android 10 might improve things when I finally get the update....though not holding out TOO much hope, but ya never know!
Sometimes I experience this issue. I hope to fix it with next updates.
So randomly it is now working fine. I have no idea why. The only things that happened recently were:
1. I went abroad, so flight mode was used.
2. My phone died overnight once - I was in a place with really bad signal and it went from 80% to dead so I wonder if it ate up the battery trying really hard for a signal.
Either way, it's working fine now since I turned it back on. Really weird. It has been faulty since about November.

Question Camera focus issue

Hi all friends, camera of my S21u (SM-G998B/DS) has had a focus issue for around 4-5 months now. When shooting the camera fails to focus on objects or humans around 1 meter away or more. The image comes out blurred. My temporary solution is to shake the phone a few times at medium strength against my palm before taking photos. This helps a lot, but not always. Moreover, when using between 3x and 10x zoom, the screen displaying the image is shaking terribly. When more than 10x, no more shake. However, when shooting close-up it is very good and never fails to impress. I can get as close as 1cm and no intervention at all.
I always update my phone to the latest version available from Samsung, hoping that it would fix this issue. But issue still remains.
Same here, I noticed this a few months ago, always updated firmware, never hard drops (few small drops with case).
one solution is to give a little bump to the camera corner and the focus works.
Some say blocked OIS sensor, others say after certain firmware update, I don't know yet the correct answer.
Thank you mcbyte_it for sharing.
I feel this may be a software issue. I hope Samsung will fix it soon; otherwise this will be my last Samsung phone for me.

