[GUIDE] [THEME] [5.0+] Add N-Style to your Theme + APK - Android Themes

Add N-Style to your Theme + APK
In this tutorial I want you to show how you can add the Android N-Style to your theme. (Notifications & Quicksettings)
Obviously, it doesn't look to 100% like Android N and some things differs from it...
If you have any improvements, let me know.
If you're not using the CM Theme Engine you need to decompile and mod your SystemUI and framework-res APK.
You just need to change the values of the following strings.
There are other guides which explain this.
Based as preview:
You can also download my theme from this tutorial
Download for Layers by setiawanjimmy
1. Quicksettings:
Prepare folders
Add a folder called "com.android.systemui" in your overlays folder
Add the following structure inside this folder: "/res/values"
Add 1 file called "colors.xml" and 1 file "dimens.xml" in the "values" folder
Add a folder called "android" in your overlays folder
Add the following structure inside this folder: "/res/values"
Add 1 file called "dimens.xml" in the "values" folder
Add codes in SystemUI
Add in colors.xml (QuickSettings color):
<color name="system_primary_color">#ff263238</color>
Add in colors.xml (QuickSettings color):
<color name="system_secondary_color">#ff263238</color>
Add in dimens.xml (Header height):
<dimen name="status_bar_header_height_expanded">55.0dip</dimen>
Add in dimens.xml (Removed shadow):
<dimen name="status_bar_expanded_header_elevation">0.0dp</dimen>
Add in dimens.xml (Resized clock):
<dimen name="clock_expanded_bottom_margin">5.0dip</dimen>
Add in dimens.xml (Resized brightness slider):
<dimen name="qs_brightness_padding_top">-10.0dip</dimen>
Add in dimens.xml (Space between Y-Edges):
<dimen name="notification_side_padding">0.0dip</dimen>
2. Notifications:
Add codes in SystemUI
Add in dimens.xml (Notifications corners):
<dimen name="notification_material_shadow_rounded_rect_radius">0.0dip</dimen>
Add in dimens.xml (Notifications corners):
<dimen name="notification_material_rounded_rect_radius">0.0dip</dimen>
Add in dimens.xml (Notifications corners):
<dimen name="notification_material_rounded_rect_radius_negative">0.0dip</dimen>
Add in dimens.xml (Space between notifications):
<dimen name="notification_padding">0.0dip</dimen>
Add in dimens.xml (Space between notifications):
<dimen name="notifications_top_padding">0.0dip</dimen>
Add codes in Android
Add in dimens.xml (Icon size notifications):
<dimen name="notification_large_icon_width">7.5dip</dimen>
Add in dimens.xml (Icon size notifications):
<dimen name="notification_large_icon_height">1.0dip</dimen>

It looks very good

Looks great! Is it possible to have small quick setting icons at the top like this:

nagorimayank said:
Looks great! Is it possible to have small quick setting icons at the top like this:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Don't think so.
Sent from my Moto G 2014 using Tapatalk

i have 1 question : i add code in bottom file dimens.xml and color.xml or where ?

okashi1993 said:
i have 1 question : i add code in bottom file dimens.xml and color.xml or where ?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
You add the code with the two hex colors (system_primary / system_secondary) in colors.xml.
The other codes in dimens.xml

Is there a way of doing this on RRO?

stutify said:
Is there a way of doing this on RRO?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, you can theme your SystemUI.apk and edit the lines.

Thread updated
Added descriptions
New Notifications Theme - Removed Icons (Attached)

nagorimayank said:
Looks great! Is it possible to have small quick setting icons at the top like this:
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, but they won't be clickable like they are on N. Basically the system won't listen to taps on the quick settings panel until it is expanded

who can tell me how to do that ?? please

heiner175 said:
who can tell me how to do that ?? please
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
What? Getting N-Style?

Please share n style apks . I don't want any other custom themes . I just need n style layer theme

xdnax said:
Yes, but they won't be clickable like they are on N. Basically the system won't listen to taps on the quick settings panel until it is expanded
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Ah, I see! Thanks for clarifying that mate!

- I added a download link for this (CM) theme -

Lars124 said:
- I added a download link for this (CM) theme -
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Battery percentage not showing...

vinsensiusk said:
Battery percentage not showing...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yes, removed them from QS so they are hidden from Statusbar as well I guess.
You can change your symbol to the battery where's the percantage inside the icon.
Maybe I'll add it again. Not sure.

Lars124 said:
Yes, removed them from QS so they are hidden from Statusbar as well I guess.
You can change your symbol to the battery where's the percantage inside the icon.
Maybe I'll add it again. Not sure.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hmm.. Okay

arunsai123 said:
Please share n style apks . I don't want any other custom themes . I just need n style layer theme
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Download peeaf layers theme
Sent from my AO5510 using Tapatalk

Possible to make app names show at the top of notifications with a tiny app icon before it like Android N?
And CLEAR ALL text for clear all notifications button?


[How to] Theme Swype beta New updated way added

Hello themers and members who want to learn how to theme swype. I decided to do this since Swype will cry a river for posting swype apk's. So I thought I would post a how to theme them for your personal use.
Tools I use:
Link: http://www.7-zip.org/
Apk tool v1.4.3 (to Decompile the apk's)
Link: http://code.google.c...ndroid-apktool/
Apk MultiTool Alpha02 (to extract and or compile the apk's)
Link: http://forum.xda-dev...d.php?t=1310151
HexEdit v1.03 (to edit trace line colors)
Link: http://www.physics.o...rewett/hexedit/
Gimp (you can use whatever edits or creates png files)
Link: http://www.gimp.org/windows/
Link: http://www.Your Brain .com
If you have never used any of these tools then this is not for you, so do research on how to use those tools before asking cause this is not a GENERAL how to use them thread!!!!
2 - ways to do this!!!
1. Simple way to just replace Images only:
- You can extract the apk using apk MultiTool to get a copy of the apk to your computer - or a file manager like astro or root explorer
- Extract the apk
- Make a copy of the original apk in the "place-apk-here-for-signing" folder of apk MultiTool
- open the apk with 7zip and delete the "META-INF" folder inside
- go to the projects folder for apk MultiTool and edit your swype images in the assets/keyboard and the res/drawable.... folders "Exeption" This way you can't edit the .9.png's in this folder so if you want to you have to do the ADVANCED procedure!!!!
Be careful with the keyboard images...they cannot be layered and flattened...you must create the images with the same size and copy paste them in the image pallette. If you don't then they will not stretch on the keyboard. You can edit the images as they are with filters and direct changes but no layers!!! "I know weird huh?"
- once done with image editing you can open the copied apk in the "place-apk-here-for-signing" folder and just drag the entire assets and res folders to the opened apk
- close the 7zip window and sign it with apk MultiTool
- install like a normal apk DONE!!!
- you can edit the tracelines but you will have to look at those steps in the advanced section below
2. Advanced way to edit almost everything:
- You can extract the apk using apk MultiTool to get a copy of the apk to your computer - or a file manager like astro or root explorer
- Decompile using the newest APK Tool
- Edit the Images first and as usual be careful of .9.png's border guide lines
Be careful with the keyboard images...they cannot be layered and flattened...you must create the images with the same size and copy paste them in the image pallette. If you don't then they will not stretch on the keyboard. You can edit the images as they are with filters and direct changes but no layers!!! "I know weird huh?"
- to edit the prediction colors you have to edit the xml's in folders res/drawable-hdpi and the res/values
drawable-hdpi folder for the backgrounds, dividers and pressed events:
I placed the codes I used in DarkSwype after each line as a guide!!!
hwcl_dark_divider.xml #ff767a7f
hwcl_dark_pressed.xml #ffffffff
hwcl_dark_tapped.xml #ff4d4e50
hwcl_greenhighlight_background.xml #ff272727
hwcl_greenhighlight_divider.xml #ff484848
hwcl_greenhighlight_pressed.xml #ff000000
hwcl_greenhighlight_tapped.xml #ff373737
hwcl_light_background.xml #fff7f7f7
hwcl_light_divider.xml #ffd3d3d3
hwcl_light_pressed.xml #ff000000
hwcl_light_tapped.xml #ffe1e1e1
Values folder:
These control the actual prediction font colors!!!
Edit the lines that start with hwcl_ " I think they explain what they do pretty clealy but just to give an example my lines look like this for DarkSwype theme:
<color name="hwcl_dark_plain_text">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="hwcl_dark_default_text">#ff777777</color>
<color name="hwcl_dark_nwp_word">#ff777777</color>
<color name="hwcl_light_plain_text">#ff000000</color>
<color name="hwcl_light_default_text">#ff000000</color>
<color name="hwcl_light_pressed_text">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="hwcl_light_nwp_word">#ff777777</color>
<color name="hwcl_green_highlight_plain_text">#ff787878</color>
<color name="hwcl_green_highlight_default_text">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="hwcl_green_highlight_pressed_text">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="hwcl_green_highlight_nwp_word">#ff777777</color>
There was no real method I used mostly guess work and might do this better in my next releases..I'll admit there might be a better color combination...I was lazy
- Now for the fun!!! The dreadded "Trace line color"
- take the libswypecore.so from the lib/armeabi folder and place in a safe place you can find easily
- run hexedit.exe and locate the .so file and open it
- you will see three columns... the one we are focusing on is the middle
- click on find and select "Hex"
- search for this exactly : 00 a2 ff
That is the orange Hex code in the new swpye beta
This would normally look like this #ffffa200 but it's backwards in sets of two thus 00 a2 ff - the first two ff in #ff...... is transparency so it's not used so more examples to use: blue #ff0000ff would be ff 00 00 and red #ffff0000 would be 00 00 ff just to give examples...use the color of choice and replace the 00 a2 ff with your color choice...I searched for the 00 a2 ff and found two lines with this combo and I edited the second set only to my desired color and It works perfect.
- Now save the .so in the lib/armeabi folder of your project
- ok time to compile...DO NOT USE APKTOOL TO COMPILE
Move the original apk and the decompiled Swype folder to APK MultiTool and use it to compile. "I know this is weird but it works!!! Make sure you place the apk in "place-apk-here-for-modding" and the swype folder in the "projects" folder then compile and sign!!!
- You have now themed swype like I have YAY!!!
TO Make Zips
I will only give the simple steps so if you can't sign update.zips or know how to edit the updater-script file then google it!!!
- Place your Modded/themed apk in the system/app folder of the zip as Swype.apk with NO version number!!!
- place the libswypecore.so and libnmsp_speex.so files from the apk's lib/armeabi folder to the system/lib folder of the zip only...NOT inside another folder like in the apk!!!
Also the libswypecore.so file must NOT have the version number in the file name so rename to libswypecore.so!!!!
That's it!!!!
Or just place those files in the rom you use and flash it with it!!!
Originally Posted by Zephyrty
OK, so maybe this is a final fix, it works but is not ideal.
Starting from the beginning:
Install Swype Beta (unmodded) on your phone
Open the Swype apk on your computer using winrar/7zip
replace resources.arsc/PNG's ect
Copy over to your SD card for later
Using Root Explorer (or whatever) navigate to: /data/data/com.nuance.swype.input/lib
MOVE the libs to: /system/lib/
Fix the permissions of the moved libs
Now copy your modded Swype.apk to /system/app/
Fix permissions
DELETE the original com.nuance.swype.input.apk from /data/apk/
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Just done all this myself, everything works. Even after rebooting multiple times.
Hope this all makes sense so If you have questions on these instructions and not how to use the tools then ask..if not Google it...thanks and have fun!!!
DJ Darkknight
Very nice write up bro! Thanks! I'm definitely gonna have to give this a go!
Sent from my BluMagic CM7 Glacier using the Blu Premium App
Smokem_I said:
Very nice write up bro! Thanks! I'm definitely gonna have to give this a go!
Sent from my BluMagic CM7 Glacier using the Blu Premium App
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
DarkGingered CM7.2 rc0 Euroskank G2x sent this on DarkXda app!
Updated with the new trace line info!
DarkICE CM9 Skanked sent this from the app!
Awesome info! After lots of trial and error I was able to get all these themed! Anyway of changing the keyboard letter color from white to something else?
i wonder if I could use this method to theme swiftkey, i tried so many things to theme it but can never re-compile..
RogueCoyote said:
Awesome info! After lots of trial and error I was able to get all these themed! Anyway of changing the keyboard letter color from white to something else?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Cool, glad it helped. No unfortunately every attempt I tried has failed to theme the letters on the keys. They are looking at the system font with the color code within framework.
DarkICE CM9 Skanked sent this from the app!
zicovsky said:
i wonder if I could use this method to theme swiftkey, i tried so many things to theme it but can never re-compile..
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I'm not sure, I never themed swiftkey but it might work to try the decompile, compile trick I used.
DarkICE CM9 Skanked sent this from the app!
Thank you for this guide! Now I can finally get rid of the orange trace!
flyrocket said:
Thank you for this guide! Now I can finally get rid of the orange trace!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sweet, glad it's helping!
DarkICE CM9 Skanked sent this from the app!
android:versionName="" package="com.nuance.swype.input"
Thanks for this info, it was very helpful.
The new swype is a big improvement for theming-
New version keeps most images inside res now.
Only a couple of keyboard buttons to edit (needs .9.patching), should speed things up.
Trail colour is inside the colors.xml
<color name="trace_color">#b2ffa200</color>
A lot easier than hex editing
The above changes could be a big step towards supporting themes.
RogueCoyote said:
Anyway of changing the keyboard letter color from white to something else?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
<color name="key_text_color">#ffffffff</color>
I haven't had a chance to try it out yet but judging by the name and the display of the keyboard this should be the value to edit.
Here's the full color.xml for anyone intersted:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<color name="key_text_color">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="alt_text_color">#ffb8b8b8</color>
<color name="key_popup_label_text_color">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="func_key_text_color">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="func_alt_text_color">#ffb8b8b8</color>
<color name="popup_key_color">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="shadow_color">#ff000000</color>
<color name="alt_shadow_color">#ff000000</color>
<color name="trace_color">#b2ffa200</color>
<color name="candidate_normal">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="candidate_recommended">#ffffa200</color>
<color name="candidate_other">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="candidate_component">#ff006600</color>
<color name="candidate_pressed">#ff000000</color>
<color name="list_selector_background_pressed">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="list_selector_background_tapped">#ff4d4e50</color>
<color name="word_error_foreground_color">#ffc00000</color>
<color name="word_error_background_color">#00ffffff</color>
<color name="word_next_word_prediction_foreground_color">#ffcccccc</color>
<color name="word_next_word_prediction_background_color">#00ffffff</color>
<color name="word_inline_foreground_color">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="word_inline_background_color">#ffffa200</color>
<color name="word_stem_foreground_color">#ff000000</color>
<color name="word_stem_background_color">#00ffffff</color>
<color name="multitap_foreground_color">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="multitap_background_color">#ff444444</color>
<color name="selected_foreground_color">#aa000000</color>
<color name="spelling_foreground_color">#99000066</color>
<color name="component_foreground_color">#ff006600</color>
<color name="invalid_foreground_color">#ffff0000</color>
<color name="error_flash_background_color">#ccff0000</color>
<color name="ver_candidate_normal">#fff5f5dc</color>
<color name="ver_candidate_recommended">#ffffa200</color>
<color name="ver_candidate_other">#fff5f5dc</color>
<color name="ver_candidate_pressed">#ff000000</color>
<color name="ver_candidate_component">#ff006600</color>
<color name="white">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="black">#ff000000</color>
<color name="transparent">#00000000</color>
<color name="semi_transparent">#30000000</color>
<color name="background_dark">#ff1a1a1a</color>
<color name="about_swype_links">#ffffa200</color>
<color name="about_dragon_links">#ff48a842</color>
<color name="preference_bar_begin">#ffc1c1c1</color>
<color name="preference_bar_middle">#ff8c8c8c</color>
<color name="preference_bar_end">#ff8c8c8c</color>
<color name="handwriting_mode_display_color">#ffcccccc</color>
dully79 said:
Thanks for this info, it was very helpful.
The new swype is a big improvement for theming-
New version keeps most images inside res now.
Only a couple of keyboard buttons to edit (needs .9.patching), should speed things up.
Trail colour is inside the colors.xml
<color name="trace_color">#b2ffa200</color>
A lot easier than hex editing
The above changes could be a big step towards supporting themes.
<color name="key_text_color">#ffffffff</color>
I haven't had a chance to try it out yet but judging by the name and the display of the keyboard this should be the value to edit.
Here's the full color.xml for anyone intersted:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<color name="key_text_color">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="alt_text_color">#ffb8b8b8</color>
<color name="key_popup_label_text_color">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="func_key_text_color">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="func_alt_text_color">#ffb8b8b8</color>
<color name="popup_key_color">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="shadow_color">#ff000000</color>
<color name="alt_shadow_color">#ff000000</color>
<color name="trace_color">#b2ffa200</color>
<color name="candidate_normal">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="candidate_recommended">#ffffa200</color>
<color name="candidate_other">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="candidate_component">#ff006600</color>
<color name="candidate_pressed">#ff000000</color>
<color name="list_selector_background_pressed">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="list_selector_background_tapped">#ff4d4e50</color>
<color name="word_error_foreground_color">#ffc00000</color>
<color name="word_error_background_color">#00ffffff</color>
<color name="word_next_word_prediction_foreground_color">#ffcccccc</color>
<color name="word_next_word_prediction_background_color">#00ffffff</color>
<color name="word_inline_foreground_color">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="word_inline_background_color">#ffffa200</color>
<color name="word_stem_foreground_color">#ff000000</color>
<color name="word_stem_background_color">#00ffffff</color>
<color name="multitap_foreground_color">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="multitap_background_color">#ff444444</color>
<color name="selected_foreground_color">#aa000000</color>
<color name="spelling_foreground_color">#99000066</color>
<color name="component_foreground_color">#ff006600</color>
<color name="invalid_foreground_color">#ffff0000</color>
<color name="error_flash_background_color">#ccff0000</color>
<color name="ver_candidate_normal">#fff5f5dc</color>
<color name="ver_candidate_recommended">#ffffa200</color>
<color name="ver_candidate_other">#fff5f5dc</color>
<color name="ver_candidate_pressed">#ff000000</color>
<color name="ver_candidate_component">#ff006600</color>
<color name="white">#ffffffff</color>
<color name="black">#ff000000</color>
<color name="transparent">#00000000</color>
<color name="semi_transparent">#30000000</color>
<color name="background_dark">#ff1a1a1a</color>
<color name="about_swype_links">#ffffa200</color>
<color name="about_dragon_links">#ff48a842</color>
<color name="preference_bar_begin">#ffc1c1c1</color>
<color name="preference_bar_middle">#ff8c8c8c</color>
<color name="preference_bar_end">#ff8c8c8c</color>
<color name="handwriting_mode_display_color">#ffcccccc</color>
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I already theme it but it crashes one you try opening it in you're phone. I only got it to work with the theme chooser. Did you get it to work right?
Sent from my DarkICE Skanky CM9 Gnex using the app!
djdarkknight96 said:
I already theme it but it crashes one you try opening it in you're phone. I only got it to work with the theme chooser. Did you get it to work right?
Sent from my DarkICE Skanky CM9 Gnex using the app!
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I thought you might, no flies on you.
No I haven't had a chance to mess with it yet made, Oct got a day off tomorrow so I'll have a fiddle.
Out of curiosity did you sign it with a personal key or a test key?
dully79 said:
I thought you might, no flies on you.
No I haven't had a chance to mess with it yet made, Oct got a day off tomorrow so I'll have a fiddle.
Out of curiosity did you sign it with a personal key or a test key?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
A test key like before....hmmmm I could try my personal key but not sure that would matter. I'll give it a try though.
Sent from my DarkICE Skanky CM9 Gnex using the app!
I'm having issues too.
If I change any of the 9.patch images it won't compile, just throws up a bunch of errors. If I change the colors.xml and the non-9.patch images it compiles fine and installs fine, but when I try to use it on my phone it gives the "Unfortunately Swype has stopped working" error.
Zephyrty said:
I'm having issues too.
If I change any of the 9.patch images it won't compile, just throws up a bunch of errors. If I change the colors.xml and the non-9.patch images it compiles fine and installs fine, but when I try to use it on my phone it gives the "Unfortunately Swype has stopped working" error.
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Click to collapse
Same here, going to try some trial and error with images only then code only. What's odd though I did a test of the app without touching anything and it works with the test key. So it's not the decompile or compile breaking it.
Sent from my DarkICE Skanky CM9 Gnex using the app!
swype theme problem
hey ive managed to theme it and it opens no errors but when i try to use the swype nothing happens the trace line shows up but never types anything but just typing on the keyboard without swyping works never had this problem before anybody know what could be causing this
andylap said:
hey ive managed to theme it and it opens no errors but when i try to use the swype nothing happens the trace line shows up but never types anything but just typing on the keyboard without swyping works never had this problem before anybody know what could be causing this
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I just got that to happen by moving the images to the original...it's like it refuses to theme whatsoever...but I did get it working perfectly in the theme chooser in CM9 with images and code edits. This is so weird! So to sum things up...change code only...crash...change images only....breaks it....using theme chooser...works perfect! WTF?
Sent from my DarkICE Skanky CM9 Gnex using the app!
djdarkknight96 said:
What's odd though I did a test of the app without touching anything and it works with the test key. So it's not the decompile or compile breaking it.
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Click to collapse
Haha yep, I did the exact same thing after the first compile threw up errors. So weird. I don't even know what to try next, maybe I'll just wait until one of you guys figures it out.
---------- Post added at 09:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 PM ----------
andylap said:
hey ive managed to theme it and it opens no errors but when i try to use the swype nothing happens the trace line shows up but never types anything but just typing on the keyboard without swyping works never had this problem before anybody know what could be causing this
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
djdarkknight96 said:
I just got that to happen by moving the images to the original...
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Yeah just tried this myself by replacing the images directly into the apk without decompiling, deleted meta-inf and re-signed. No errors but swyping doesn't work.
yeah i even tried to just use 7zip and just put the stock images over top the stock images and resign and swype still doesnt work only thing that i can think of is something with the signature is whats causing the swype to not work but theres no other way to get it to install without signing so im at a loss at this point

Complete Transparent Statusbar?

i want to know if its possible to get the statusbar of the .244 firmware completly transparent?
Thanks for your help
Yeah, it's possible
Decompile SystemUI.apk
In apk folder, navigate to "res\values"
Open "colors.xml" and change line:
<color name="system_ui_opaque_background">#ff000000</color>
<color name="system_ui_opaque_background">#00000000</color>
Personally, I prefer:
<color name="system_ui_opaque_background">#50000000</color>
That colors are written in this from: "TTRRGGBB"
TT - Transparency
RR - Red
GG - Green
BB - Blue
Ask if you need anything.
Is there a systemui modded with these values ready to use it? i cant decompile etc etc
DennisDroid said:
Is there a systemui modded with these values ready to use it? i cant decompile etc etc
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Give me your SystemUI.apk and framework-res.apk and I'll give it a go.

[TUT] TwitterMod Theming Tutorial

Hello all, as I am not always available to update this app, I have decided to release a DIY tut so you guys can mod it yourself
Also from this, I hope it will give you guys some idea how to apply these mods to other apps
We shall begin
What is needed:
1. APK Tool or APK MultiTool or anything which you can decompile, compile and sign the apk
( Personally I use APK MultiTool and I am going to use that as an example throughout the whole TUT )
2. Java installed on your com to run APK MultiTool
3. Notepad+ or any similar code editing programs
4. Time and patience
1. Firstly, you are going to have to download Twitter apk of course
You can get the APK from PlayStore or apkmirror.com
2. Decompile it using APK MultiTool. Please refer to guides on how to do so if you dont know how
3. Now everything will be decompiled into a folder.
4. First thing we will mod AndroidManifest.xml
5. Delete the lines of permissions you dont want, eg
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_CONTACTS"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_SMS"/>
6. Save the file
#Changing launcher icon
7. Now we will be changing the launcher icon of Twitter
- Usually you can find out what is the file of the icon by looking into the AndroidManifest.xml
8. So for Twitter, we will be going to the drawables folder in res and find for ic_launcher_twitter
- Drawables folder can be drawable-ldpi/mdpi/hdpi/xhdpi/xxhdpi and so on
- ldpi, mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, tvdpi are all screen "size". U will notice the icons in ldpi are smaller while the icons in xhdpi are bigger
- From here you also can theme other icon according to your preference
9. I have uploaded an attachment which consist of TwitterMod Teal launcher icon.
#Changing statusbar color ( For Lollipop )
10. We will create a values-v21 folder in res
- We create this folder so that only Lollipop roms will read this. Learn more here
- If values-v21 folder already exist, skip to next section
11. From the values folder, copy styles.xml to values-v21 folder
12. Now open up styles.xml in values-v21 and search for the base theme ( Hit ctrl+f on your keyboard )
- The base theme for that app usually can be found at AndroidManifest.xml also at
- For some apps there is an exeption and may not always work with this base theme
- So improvise yourself and find the second nearest theme in styles.xml
- For Twitter, the base theme somehow is ThemeBase
13. So in styles.xml of Twitter, the base theme should look like this :
<style name="[COLOR="YellowGreen"]ThemeBase[/COLOR]" parent="@android:style/[COLOR="Red"]Theme.Material.Light[/COLOR]">
- The words in red may vary from different apps
- Please note that Theme.Material.Light is only applicable to v21 folders
- If you see Theme.Holo or something like that in v21 folder, feel free to change it too Theme.Material.Light
- Learn more here
14. Now at that base theme section, add this code
- This will be the color of your status bar, navigation bar and recent app panel app color
- Change the RED code to any color you want. I have some reference for you down there
<item name="android:statusBarColor">#[COLOR="red"]ffffffff[/COLOR]</item>
<item name="android:navigationBarColor">#[COLOR="red"]ff000000[/COLOR]</item>
<item name="android:colorPrimary">#ff123456</item>
[U]Color Code[/U]
Black - FF000000
Teal - FF009688
[URL="https://www.google.com/design/spec/style/color.html#color-color-palette"]More colors[/URL]
15. Save the file
#Make the app fun ( You can skip this if you want )
16. Now open up strings.xml in values folder
17. Change what you want accordingly with some common sense
18. Now we will add some credits to yourself and maybe me?? :cyclops:
19. Goto xml folder and open up preference.xml
20. Add this line here
<PreferenceScreen android:title="@string/[COLOR="SeaGreen"]twittermod_title[/COLOR]" android:key="about" android:summary="@string/[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]twittermod[/COLOR]" android:order="1004" />
21. Open strings.xml and add this code anywhere
<string name="[COLOR="SeaGreen"]twittermod_title[/COLOR]">[COLOR="Red"]BLABLA[/COLOR]</string>
<string name="[COLOR="RoyalBlue"]twittermod[/COLOR]">[COLOR="red"]BLABLA[/COLOR] </string>
22. Save it
23. Now everything is done, compile and sign the app using APKMultiTool or whatever
24. If their is an error compilling, check what it is and post here for help
- I will do my best to reply in a short time
25. Install it and feel proud of yourself.
26. Fail and errors will exist and always, you can come here for help
I might have missed out something so it would be great if someone point it out
Next ( probably ) there will be a tut for KitKat translucent statusbar and for Facebook and Instagram
Thanks to :
Twitter for their apk
Google for their codes
reserved 1
mine also
thank you very much

[GUIDE] Theming SystemUI(StatusBar (Adding custom background and adding analog clock)

Hello guys!! Im new here!
My tutorial helps you modifying status bar (sytemui)
-Expanding status bar
-Adding background image
-Adding analog clock
Tools needed:
Apktool (I recommend apktool 4.4)
Root Explorer
920 Text Editor
Let's start
Open Root Explorer
Go to /system/framework/ and copy framework-res.apk to folder /mnt/sdcard0/apktool/a/
Open apktool
Go to /mnt/sdcard0/apktool/a/ and click framework then "decompile resources" wait until it finishes.
Open Root Explorer
Go to your decompiled framework and open
"Framework-res_src/values" and open "dimens.xml"
Find status_bar_height and change 25.0dip to 50.dip
Recompile, sign, push!!
Your status bar was expanded!!:laugh::laugh:
Adding custom background image on your status
Same tools.
Just copy your systemUi.apk from system/app
And paste to same place where you paste your framework.
Go to SystemUI_src/res/layout/ and open (gemini_status_bar.xml on mediatek devices) (status_bar.xml on other devices) (tw_status_bar.xml or tw_status_bar_dual.xml on samsung devices)
Copy this code and paste in line 5:
<RelativeLayout androidrientation="horizontal" android:id="@id/statbg" android:background="@drawable/stat_bg" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="50.0dip" />
Go to res/values/ids.xml and paste this code anywhere.
<item type="id" name="statbg">false</item>
And paste your desired background on drawable-hdpidrawable-hdpi and name it with "stat_bg.png"
Recompile, sign, push!! Your status_bar has now custom background image.
Adding analog clock is on next tutorial...
lxhlzyh said:
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Hi.Have you tried this guide?
来自华为荣耀畅玩4C CHM-TL00H -天生急性子 Android 小楼阁
zhaozihanzzh said:
Hi.Have you tried this guide?
来自华为荣耀畅玩4C CHM-TL00H -天生急性子 Android 小楼阁
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[GUIDE][THEMING]How to theme any Android App

I make (another) guide on how to theme, but it’s based on my experience. If moderators think this thread redundant , they are free to delete or close it.
This tutorial is for « every » operating system. In this tutorial I will change the color of some object of the XDA Labs app . There will be 2 part for this guide, the first is the general method and the second one is the description of what I’ve done on the XDA Labs app to theme it. Please , before asking , read the entire OP , maybe your answer is into it.
I’m running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS but the softwares are also compatible with windows and mac.
Which software I use :
• Inkscape (to make icons)
• Alpha Colour for Android (to see which aplha code correspond to which level of opacity)
• Pipette for Android (to identify colors on the app’s screenshot) No longer available , use this app, it's even more accurate
• ZipSigner for Android(to sign apk)
No longer available, for signing please refer to this tool
I-General Method :
1-First you need to set-up your PC’s environment:
• A 64-bit PC Processor ( 32-bit has too many bugs linked to aapt compatibility)
• Apktool or other reverse engineering tools properly installed
• Java 7 or above
• Notepad++ or any text editor
2-What you should know before theming:
Modifying colors is quite simple a process, but you should first understand it.Then you can change the app as your mind tells you to.
1-A regular line in this file is built like this :
-<color name="[object’s id]">#[alpha channel][hex code]</color>
2-Meaning :
- Alpha channel : This is the 2 characters that change the opacity of the color
- Hex Code : This is the 6 characters that define the color itself
3-For example :
<color name="design_fab_stroke_end_outer_color">#0f000000</color>
- «design_fab_stroke_end_outer_color» is the id of the object I want to change the color from
- «0f» is the alpha channel of the initial color
- «000000» is the hex code of the initial color
4-To modify them :
Replace the hex code of the initial colors by the hex code of the color you want to add , be careful not to delete a piece of the line with the old hex code because it will cause errors on apktool. I use alpha colour app for Android to see levels of opacity and to find color’s hex code.
B)Pictures :
You want to change pictures inside the app , that’s simple :
• Search for the picture you want to change in the drawable folder or mipmap folder
• Folders you want to browse to find the pictures :drawable-xhdpi-v4 / xxhdpi-v4 / xxxhdpi-v4 for the « in-app » pictures , every mipmap folders for icons (sometimes icons are in drawable folders and there aren’t any mipmap folders).
• When you prepare the pictures , make sure they have the SAME SIZE as the original pictures.
• Rename the picture you have prepared to replace old ones with the SAME NAME AS THE OLDER PICTURES.
• Once you have renamed those pictures, put them into the folder where you found them.
C) App name :
• go to /res/values and open string.xml
• Modify this string : <string name="app_name">[The name you want]</string>
Example :<string name="app_name">XDA Evolved</string>
3-Now , we can start theming :
• Go to the apktool’s directory , and open a command prompt there (keep it open till the end)
• Enter this command :
java -jar apktool.jar d [the apk name.apk]
• There should be a new folder which has the name of your apk file. Open this folder.
• Then go to /res/values and open the colors.xml file
• Modify the colors
• Search for the pictures you want to change and change them as I have written above
• Open the terminal you kept open
• Enter this command :
java -jar apktool.jar b [the apk name.apk]
4-Before installing , signing :
I use an Android app called zip signer , with which I can sign apks from my phone.
• Open the app , click on input and browse for the apk you’ve put on your phone
• Click on the file when you’ve found it
• Click on Output and select the same apk file as in the first step
• Rename the path adding a « -signed » just before « .apk » at the end of the path.
• Select on the « key/mode » menu « platform »
• Finally , click on « sign the file » and wait till the end of the progress bar.
II-What I’ve done
1-Identifying :
Here is the list of the infos I’ve written down :
• Image Size
• The Hex code of the color I want to change :
- Take a screenshot of the color(s) you want to modify
- Open the screenshot on Pipette
- Tap on the lock button and click on the color , the hex code will be displayed at the bottom
• The Hex code of the color I want to add : Same process with Pipette
• The colors I want to add :
-Blue :3174f1
-Yellow :fbb002
-Background :47595c
-Background of the posts :2d2d2d
-the secondary color :c0c0c0
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• The colors I want to change:
-Background color :212121
-Accent color :edb02d
-Primary color :353535
-The secondary color :#aaffffff
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2-Editing and making new icon, etc.:
• I used Inkscape (free alternative to illustrator) because there were vector-designed icons.
• I used gimp to resize the picture after making them.
3-Decompiling the apk file :
• I typed in the terminal :
java -jar apktool.jar d XDALabs.apk
4-Replacing icons and other images :
• I put the pictures in the 3 drawable folders because it’s where I found them
5-Editing colors and the name :
• I went to /res/values and I opened colors.xml file and I replaced colors and some alpha channel :
<color name="accent">#ffedb02d</color>
<color name="accent_translucent">#ddedb02d</color>
<color name="background_dark">#ff212121</color>
<color name="dialog_bg_dark">#ff212121</color>
<color name="primary">#ff353535</color>
<color name="primary_bg">#ff353535</color>
<color name="primary_dark">#ff2b2b2b</color>
<color name="search_divider_dark">#ff212121</color>
<color name="search_list_results_bg_dark">#ff212121</color>
<color name="secondary_text">#ff727272</color>
<color name="accent">#fffbb002</color>
<color name="accent_translucent">#ddfbb002</color>
<color name="background_dark">#ff47595c</color>
<color name="dialog_bg_dark">#ff2d2d2d</color>
<color name="primary">#ff3174f1</color>
<color name="primary_bg">#ff2d2d2d</color>
<color name="primary_dark">#ff3174f1</color>
<color name="search_divider_dark">#ff2d2d2d</color>
<color name="search_list_results_bg_dark">#ff2d2d2d</color>
<color name="secondary_text">#ffc0c0c0</color>
• I opened strings.xml file and I replaced the app name line :
<string name="app_name">XDA Labs</string>
<string name="app_name">XDA Evolved</string>
6-Recompiling the new apk file :
• I opened the same command prompt and I typed this command :
java -jar apktool.jar b XDALabs
7-Signing the apk after install it :
• The same process as in the step 4 in the part one of my guide (I - 4).
8-Install the Apk :
• Uninstall the original app
• Install the signed version of the apk.
You can ask me on this thread about everything about the theming and I'll do my best to solve your problems, but do it in the respect and following the Forum Rules
You can go to themed XDA Labs version's thread clicking here.
And please , if you found this guide useful , press the thank button.
When I learn
Thank you for posting this. I always wanted to customize an android app, but have never had much success.
coluvatz12 said:
Thank you for posting this. I always wanted to customize an android app, but have never had much success.
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Glad to hear that , thanks!
If you think this thread helped you , please press the thank button , I'm happy to see that my work is appreciated , Happy Theming !
nandakumar12 via PM said:
dude one doubt, how can i change the background color of an app, i cant find a code to change..??
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First you should have installed the app and identified the hex code of the background color (E.G :#36ge87)
You can do it via Pipette , an app which identify hex code in a picture. Just take a screenshot and identify the colors via Pipette .
Then you will have to search for the hex code of the background color you identified with Pipette previously.
This step is on your PC , you opened the color.xml file in notepad++ or whatever it is , and you wrote the hex code of the background color in the search bar. Make the search and find all the lines that have the hex code in it.
If you found multiple line , try to modify one of the lines , compile the APK , sign it and install it on your phone to see if something changed. Do that until you find the line holding the background color.
Theming , at the beginning is pretty long on require patience and many test before finding which line is the good one .
I hope my answer will help you .
Happy theming !!???
Hello friends of the forum xda developers Instead, this forum is a newbie Needed to take a doubts:
I have a mobile model with windows 10 installed that is stopped in the drawer without use
He has put windows phone 10
I would like to change it on an Iphone with COMPATIVEL System OR ate pie android EVEN Instalar 9,0
I wonder if this is possible and what procedures to take I assume of all the risks ok
Other question:
I have a moto g5 plus and the Manufacturer Promised me an Update for the oreo 8.1.0 but until the moment nothing arrived and the artist said that it has already been released but up to the moment without conditions of receipt
There is a rumor that will be released only in September
Someone confirms this information
I await any response
Marcelo - DJ KUKA
djkukapr said:
Hello friends of the forum xda developers Instead, this forum is a newbie Needed to take a doubts:
I have a mobile model with windows 10 installed that is stopped in the drawer without use
He has put windows phone 10
I would like to change it on an Iphone with COMPATIVEL System OR ate pie android EVEN Instalar 9,0
I wonder if this is possible and what procedures to take I assume of all the risks ok
Other question:
I have a moto g5 plus and the Manufacturer Promised me an Update for the oreo 8.1.0 but until the moment nothing arrived and the artist said that it has already been released but up to the moment without conditions of receipt
There is a rumor that will be released only in September
Someone confirms this information
I await any response
Marcelo - DJ KUKA
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Don't know what you want to ask
Please be clear
All I can infer is that this doubt doesn't belong here look over the ROMs sections
Don't know what you want to ask
Please be clear
All I can infer is that this doubt doesn't belong here look over the ROMs sections
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Don't worry , that's a random spam , that's why I ignored it.
And I don't think he'll respond .
RaiZProduction said:
Don't worry , that's a random spam , that's why I ignored it.
And I don't think he'll respond .
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Since you've replied please check the Signing Apk Guide..
You've mentioned a thread dated 4 sep
Can you please link me to it?
Since you've replied please check the Signing Apk Guide..
You've mentioned a thread dated 4 sep
Can you please link me to it?
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Fixed !
That was just a typo , what I really meant is the step four in the first part of the Guide , the I - 4 .
RaiZProduction said:
Fixed !
That was just a typo , what I really meant is the step four in the first part of the Guide , the I - 4 .
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Trying to theme Instagram
Will ping you if any issue occurs
Thanks for the simplest and to the point guide I've seen ever
Trying to theme Instagram
Will ping you if any issue occurs
Thanks for the simplest and to the point guide I've seen ever
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You're welcome , all the pleasure is for me :highfive:
Does this work similar for changing a boot logo?
hello. i got this after compiling. is this normal ?
"lightbox_close": "Close",
"lightbox_next": "Next",
"lightbox_previous": "Previous",
"lightbox_error": "The requested content cannot be loaded. Please try again later.",
"lightbox_start_slideshow": "Start slideshow",
"lightbox_stop_slideshow": "Stop slideshow",
"lightbox_full_screen": "Full screen",
"lightbox_thumbnails": "Thumbnails",
"lightbox_download": "Download",
"lightbox_share": "Share",
"lightbox_zoom": "Zoom",
"lightbox_new_window": "New window",
"lightbox_toggle_sidebar": "Toggle sidebar"
thanks !
Tarwada said:
hello. i got this after compiling. is this normal ?
thanks !
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You can try to get your framework-res.apk from your ROM and set it to apktool with this command :
java -jar apktool.jar if framework-res.apk
RaiZProduction said:
You can try to get your framework-res.apk from your ROM and set it to apktool with this command :
java -jar apktool.jar if framework-res.apk
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sorry i don't get it. im not connecting my phone to the computer
im trying to theme an app called mewe :\
Tarwada said:
You can try to get your framework-res.apk from your ROM and set it to apktool with this command :
sorry i don't get it. im not connecting my phone to the computer
im trying to theme an app called mewe :\
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Hey buddy to theme some apps you need the framework apk also because it's some how dependent on framework as far as I know
Hey buddy to theme some apps you need the framework apk also because it's some how dependent on framework as far as I know
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what about the message i got above
Tarwada said:
what about the message i got above
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The message above means that the file I asked you to gather from your system isn't in the Apktool folder.
Sometimes, some apps require a framework to theme them correctly , that's why I asked you to do that.
So if you have root you can copy it from the /system/framework folder and paste it into your download folder to transfer it to your PC.
If not I'll search for you some others solution ?.
i managed to do it using apk editor on my phone but there's one thing i can't theme it in the app
can you help me so i provide some pictures ?
no pressure at all
---------- Post added at 01:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 PM ----------
RaiZProduction said:
The message above means that the file I asked you to gather from your system isn't in the Apktool folder.
Sometimes, some apps require a framework to theme them correctly , that's why I asked you to do that.
So if you have root you can copy it from the /system/framework folder and paste it into your download folder to transfer it to your PC.
If not I'll search for you some others solution .
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i extracted the framework-res.apk from my phone (im rooted)
but when i compile i get the same error even if i didn't modify the app :\
help ?
Tarwada said:
i managed to do it using apk editor on my phone but there's one thing i can't theme it in the app
can you help me so i provide some pictures ?
no pressure at all
---------- Post added at 01:23 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:53 PM ----------
i extracted the framework-res.apk from my phone (im rooted)
but when i compile i get the same error even if i didn't modify the app :\
help ?
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Can you tell me precisely what you modified in your APK ?

