Galaxy S6 Active getting warm. Anyone else? - Galaxy S6 Active

I traded in my standard Galaxy S6 for a 64GB Galaxy S6 Active about a week ago. I got tired of charging the S6 3 or 4 times a day and since AT&T still had some 64GB Active models in their warehouse, I thought I would give it a try. What I'm experiencing is what seems to me to be a little higher than normal temperatures. My old S6 was always cool to the touch. My new S6 Active almost never gets below 36 C., even sitting idle for an hour. I'm using Samsung Info app and CPU-Z to document the temperature. "Normal" use such as emails, web surfing, etc. puts it in the mid 40's to mid 50's range. For example, I just watched a 3 minute YouTube video in a cool, air conditioned room and the CPU is showing 47 C. The battery seems to be fine, never going above 32-33 C. I searched other forums and couldn't find hardly a thing nor did an internet search turn up anything. It seems the S6 Edge is the one with the overheating problems. Anyway, I've cleared the cache partition twice and did a factory reset twice. Results are still about the same. I installed Watchdog which reports "no misbehaving apps". I really like the S6 Active and don't want to return it unless everyone thinks my experience is not normal. I realize XDA is more of a developer's forum, but I can't get an answer anywhere else.
So, what I'm asking is what temp's are you experiencing with your Actives while idle, "normal" activities, gaming etc? Thanks in advance for any help and replies.

Just a quick glance at my temps shows 42°C and I just have my browser and a handful of other nonintensive apps. It can certainly get into the 50's+ while doing intensive tasks. I would monitor your battery usage over a days use because heat = processor being used. See if there are any specific apps using an excessive amount of battery. That being said, it shouldn't be dangerous for the processor at all. If the processor was overheating, the system would automatically shut down.

I've found my S6A gets warm in my pocket. I've done some investigation and determined that Chrome sometimes uses 100% CPU even at idle in my pocket. If I kill it, temps go back to normal. I am tempted to use an alternative browser until this gets fixed. I've also factory reset (disable AT&T bloat) after every update so its not a FW bug.

Thanks for the replies. I've learned to close all apps frequently. I can live with it. I was just surprised as the regular S6 I had never got warm at all. At least it doesn't get as hot as the HTC M9 I used to have. Now that was a real hand warmer.
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I usually run power saver to reduce the times I need to recharge my phone because it gets way to hot. Especially if I run a lot of processes on my phone.. I assume the reasoning behind it getting hot is the battery capacity...I have a thick case to reduce the burning feeling.. I also try to use the AC directly on it at tmes. Oh, and I get a lot of overheating notification aswell.


High running temperature

I know there is another thread about this, but I feel that it does need bringing to everyone's attention, as it may not be a hardware issue...
It seems that when I have my diamond on charge, the lower section of the rear of the case gets very warm. Now at first, I thaught the battery charging or being under load was the issue, but it seems more like the area which is heating up, is the area where I assume the CPU is (to the left of the sim card slot as you look at it form the rear). When I disable all of the wireless devices it has, the temperature decreases a little, but even when sitting idle on the desk with the backlight at it's lowest, it still seems to get warmer than i'd expect it to. Not only does the rear of the device become warm, the metal sides of the case become rather warm as well, and the lower panel with the buttons in it also warms up to about the same temperature.
Could this be a faulty device, or is this actually a recognised feature of the device? (I have an O2 XDA Insignia/Diamond running in GSM mode currently). I have read that others are suffering from warm temperatures, and I'd like to know the cause, even if it's not possible to fix it.
Thanks for any info...
I've got a compact IV and mine runs hot whenever I have tt6 running, suf the net, use youtube - you get the idea -so it's not the battery. It was a lot worse before I flashed a custom ROM.
Before I got my phone I phoned up T-Mobile to check for stock and one of the stores told me that they had to send their stock back for replacement as there were problems with the phone overheating. This was also discussed for the Compact IV on another thread.
I've had my phone for a few weeks and it seems fine - just hot when I run certain programs...
it is a documented aspect of the phone... read this PDF
when in idle htc isnt hot at all, but when chatging or using gps it becamo really really hot. but when using wlan,opera,msn,etc it isnt hot even worm, the temperatures are ok.
what he said
3 situations I've noticed mine the warmest.
1 - On charge (with the screen left on)
2 - Running TomTom 7
3 - After a long-ish phone call
It seems the temperature goes in line with the CPU usage and the battery discharge.
Sometimes I can feel the phone being hot in my pocket, even when in standby. I installed a taskmanager to see what application is taking so much CPU power. When I switch it on, I can see the historical CPU usage being around 50% (when the phone was in standby!). Unfortunately it drops immediatly to a reasonable 4-5% and so far I could not identify which application is the cause.

Galaxy S getting hot at times? Or is it just mine?

I've had my Galaxy S for a week and of all the reported problems the worst for me is the phone gets hot sometimes in use and while charging. I checked in the application system I downloaded from the android market and it showed temperatures up to 53 degrees celsius. This makes the phone impossible to hold to the ear for a phone call and even internet browsing difficult as it gets too hot to touch.
As a side note unless the carphonewarehouse offer you a 7/14 day return policy don't buy from them. I'm having problems now because of it.
I can't post links to the pictures I took showing this as my account is still new, but it's on picasa web album under galaxy s temperatures and I can send you the link in a message if you want.
Has anyone else experience this problem?
I did notice that the phone can get quite warm at times. But for me even after 1hour in the sun outside the phone wasn't uncomfortable to touch. Much less to hot to hold to the ear.
My phone is charging right now and temp is 44 degrees centigrade. But considering the room-temp is almost 35, its not that bad. I'd rather have my phone becoming a bit warm than it taking forever to charge.
Ive only noticed this when gaming and charging from AC, its not that big a problem for me really, all smartphones suffer from this to some degree. My old Touch HD would get really hot if just wifi was active which is more annoying than this.
Well I have the desire as well and had many smart phones in the past that got warm but never as hot as the galaxy s, nor as frequently when used. It doesn't stay hot, but when it gets hot I can't put it to my ear to phone people. It happens mid call after I've use the phone for awhile.
Well that doesnt sound right, mine doesnt get hot like that, so perhaps yours is faulty?
Wazco said:
Ive only noticed this when gaming and charging from AC
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Same here (USB also)
but other than that the phone remains colder than my HTC Magic.
It does get hot sometimes during calling but not that much.
I just got a new one (old one replaced) and I'm disappointed I'm suffering from this problem also. Mine also reaches up to 53 degrees.
have same problem but....
I downloaded a app "Advanced Task Killer" and killed all the apps that were working in background and i use from time to time, like YMessenger, Mail....
now the phone even if its charging the temp is between 35C and 40C. and maybe the battery will not discharge that fast
well it gets warm here 2 . but i had the same with my iphone 3g .i think its the working of the processor that makes it hot .its the same as with a pc when you run it to its high performance it gets hot 2
neoraiden said:
Well I have the desire as well and had many smart phones in the past that got warm but never as hot as the galaxy s, nor as frequently when used. It doesn't stay hot, but when it gets hot I can't put it to my ear to phone people. It happens mid call after I've use the phone for awhile.
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that sounds like normal
my old HTC Athena, gets really hot after long sessions of WiFi, 3G, or GPS, and in the SGS i get similar temperature when using the same stuff.
no heat from Bluetooth, or at least it's not noticeable
but ALL cell phones gets hot after long voice conversations.
Some times
Allways when im playing games my SGS gets pretty hot but not in AC .
From the troubleshootig section of the manual -
Your device is hot to the touch
When you use applications that require more power or use
applications on your device for an extended period of time,
your device may feel hot to the touch. This is normal and
should not affect your device's lifespan or performance.
It gets quite hot sometimes. Battery might rise from 33C in idle to around 45C on load.
I think it is the GPS chipset doing really weird calculations. That happened to me in the hardest math classes in college. Whenever I was totally lost and clueless about something during a calculus test I'd always get nervous and hot and sweaty.
Never killed me tho. I think the SGS will be fine even while hot.
I had the VIbrant for a week now.. i can't really say its gotten hot... maybe once.. but its not something severe, because i can't really remember how hot it was...
but from my research... iPhone4 is doing it, people complained they couldn't hold it close to their face while talking..... All the 1ghz SnapDragon's been doing it...there has been reports of the device too hot to even charge....even the underlcocked Acer Liquid E....
I've actually overused it the first few days...i can't really recall this happening to my phone...
Charging with screen on made my SGS rather hot. So now I try to leave the screen off when charging. Come winter that might change, not always a disadvantage to have something hot in a cold car
Seems to get hot in a location around the SIM card area on the phone when charging from USB or AC.
Not worried about it though.
Today try out the Fancy Widget, but later uninstalled it, I already disabled auto refresh everything, but my SGS get overheated and battery down by 50% just in 5 hours.. ......Anyone know why?
charging time
How long does your phone takes to charge ?
Mine takes about 3-4 hour hours on pc usb and about 3 hours on power adapter come with the phone.
My HTC tytn2 with extended battery 2800 only takes 2.5 hours to charge over the pc usb charge.
Mine's getting a little bit hot after trying some 3d games (asphalt i.e, i don't play too much) or clips (few minutes). it seems to have a particular "hot spot" at the portion of the sim card/sd card, the rest of the phone feels quite cool, and i can hold it without any hassle.
Charging the phone at the moment. 42 celcius.
Are you using setcpu? 10 mins ago I was using setcpu and noticed my phone gotten hot suddenly - I didnt do any sort of ocing. Checked the temperature and was shocked to see 53c Uninstalled it and the temperatre returns to a more acceptable level

Is anyone else's Note 4 overheating from regular use?

It's hard to judge as I've mostly noticed the back of the phone getting pretty hot while playing Spider-man Unlimited (specifically in the area under the camera, indicating the CPU and not the battery). I had the same issue with my Note 2 (the phone I had before this one), except that it would only heat up when I played that game and feel normal during other tasks. On my Note 4, it seems to get hot for everything: camera use, internet browsing, etc. I thought it might be because the phone was "settling" in, but it's been about a week now. So far, unrooted and no other tweaks applied.
Anyone else experience this? Does it justify a return to T-mobile? Will they even do it for an issue like this?
I've had mine since Saturday and it's only gotten warm once and that was while playing Asphalt 8. Otherwise this is much better than my old G3 or Nexus 5
Mine used to. Then it cleared up. I can run it for hours with the screen on while I drive for work and it's fine.
Mine did, and after some digging I realized it was the ims service running up the cpu. I disabled wifi calling, restarted and I've been fine since. I havent tested my theory, but I suspect it may be that some services dont recover properly after using ultra power saving mode and need a restart to function properly.
Same problem
Me ! It happened to me, just only after 10 days that I brought the phone. What happend was It was just open the whole night while I was sleeping. It was'nt plugged to a charger nor was it connected to the internet ( via mobile data or wifi). The moment I woke up and reached for my phone, It was really hot!!! Very Very HOT!! I could not even touch it with my bare hands! So I turned it off and decided it would need to be changed because I dont know if the cpu is not good anymore. Although all the apps seem to be working perfectly fine, I just had to give it back to retailer AND ask for a new unit!!. ...
nope, cool as ice. but haven't played any graphically intense games and I am on a custom rom.
Not here. Been very cool even after extended GPS or Clash of Clans use.
I don't have a case on it if that matters.
Which is a very welcome change from my old htc ltevo, which would get almost too hot to hold.
Moved to Q&A.
So I installed CPUTemp from the Play Store and have monitored the temperature doing various tasks (there's an overlay feature which shows you the temp no matter what you're doing on the phone). While it's not surprising to get above 50C while playing a graphically intensive game, I found myself easily getting into the 60C's during regular tasks.
After contacting a T-mobile tech support rep, I was advised to reset the phone and install as few apps as possible for testing. I made sure not to install Spider-man Unlimited this time around. During the night, CPUTemp recorded a temperature spike of over 70C, when the phone was not being used and should have been sleeping!
Unfortunately, xda search and Google have not been very helpful in determining how high a temperature is too high for this device to be operating at.
Anyone have any clues if what I'm seeing is too high (indicating a defective device that needs to be replaced)? Is anyone willing to install CPUTemp and give me an idea of the kind of temperatures you're seeing while doing things like internet browsing, email, phone calls, etc.?
If you are concerned about the temp, you should exchange it. Full Stop.
Regarding the CPUTemp app, I couldn't find that one.
Do you have a link to the app you are using?
drdoombot said:
It's hard to judge as I've mostly noticed the back of the phone getting pretty hot while playing Spider-man Unlimited (specifically in the area under the camera, indicating the CPU and not the battery). I had the same issue with my Note 2 (the phone I had before this one), except that it would only heat up when I played that game and feel normal during other tasks. On my Note 4, it seems to get hot for everything: camera use, internet browsing, etc. I thought it might be because the phone was "settling" in, but it's been about a week now. So far, unrooted and no other tweaks applied.
Anyone else experience this? Does it justify a return to T-mobile? Will they even do it for an issue like this?
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Are you running a custom rom? If so, sounds like a kernel issue.
Will Rickards said:
If you are concerned about the temp, you should exchange it. Full Stop.
Regarding the CPUTemp app, I couldn't find that one.
Do you have a link to the app you are using?
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If only it were that simple! You basically have to prove to T-mobile that the phone is abnormally hot, but that's hard to do if you don't have a baseline.
By the way, here's the link:
Also, just to repeat: this is an unrooted, unROMed, unmodified in any way Note 4.
I installed that app and tested last night.
Normal temps in 40 - 45 degrees Celsius.
Playing clash of clans it got into the mid 50s.
It never got near 60.
My phone ran hot when I left nfc on all the time . As soon as I turned it off I have been running perfectly cool
I left the CPU Temp running longer.
Temps were between 34 and 57 degrees.
40s for normal use.
drdoombot said:
So I installed CPUTemp from the Play Store and have monitored the temperature doing various tasks (there's an overlay feature which shows you the temp no matter what you're doing on the phone). While it's not surprising to get above 50C while playing a graphically intensive game, I found myself easily getting into the 60C's during regular tasks.
After contacting a T-mobile tech support rep, I was advised to reset the phone and install as few apps as possible for testing. I made sure not to install Spider-man Unlimited this time around. During the night, CPUTemp recorded a temperature spike of over 70C, when the phone was not being used and should have been sleeping!
Unfortunately, xda search and Google have not been very helpful in determining how high a temperature is too high for this device to be operating at.
Anyone have any clues if what I'm seeing is too high (indicating a defective device that needs to be replaced)? Is anyone willing to install CPUTemp and give me an idea of the kind of temperatures you're seeing while doing things like internet browsing, email, phone calls, etc.?
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I don't know if you're still facing that problem or not but I just wanted to share my experience with your device's predecessor the note 3 because I happen to monitor the temperature most of the time, so while browsing it can get to 53 celsius degrees after a while and loading heavy websites, in games it's mostly in the 50-63 zone depending on how intensive the game is but certain games would push the temperature to 66 and sometimes 69 degrees, I know that the operating temperature of my SOC is 0-70 degrees but it never gets above 70 (Iam using cm11 rom with custom kernel and faux123) keep in mind that you have a faster chip so you might get a bit higher temperatures.
I just use this and I am good.
Never encountered overheating with the T-Mobile Note 4, but with the AT&T Note 4 I have. Either it has to do with the software (which Firmware you currently have installed) or defective hardware. In the general norm, it also depends what you have running in the background or the particular app being used at the given moment. I had overheating issues with the AT&T Note 4 and nothing was installed. AT&T was a PITA.
Even when playing games my Note 4 doesn't heat up at all. Only when charging. Compared to my S4 becoming incredibly hot.
I would suggest returning the phone. I tested out my Note 4 today for the first time. No games on it. Downloded some apps. It overheated and I was very , very disappointed. Will be returning this unit.
drdoombot said:
So I installed CPUTemp from the Play Store and have monitored the temperature doing various tasks (there's an overlay feature which shows you the temp no matter what you're doing on the phone). While it's not surprising to get above 50C while playing a graphically intensive game, I found myself easily getting into the 60C's during regular tasks.
After contacting a T-mobile tech support rep, I was advised to reset the phone and install as few apps as possible for testing. I made sure not to install Spider-man Unlimited this time around. During the night, CPUTemp recorded a temperature spike of over 70C, when the phone was not being used and should have been sleeping!
Unfortunately, xda search and Google have not been very helpful in determining how high a temperature is too high for this device to be operating at.
Anyone have any clues if what I'm seeing is too high (indicating a defective device that needs to be replaced)? Is anyone willing to install CPUTemp and give me an idea of the kind of temperatures you're seeing while doing things like internet browsing, email, phone calls, etc.?
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Is battery drain possible due to hardware damage?

So over the course of time I have used many different ROMs and also have had 5 batteries for my Note so far.
All ROMs gave me terrible battery life, except the stock android for around the first year, eventually it started giving me terrible battery life too.
So that got me wondering, is it possible that some kind of faulty hardware on my Note's motherboard is causing those battery drains?
[email protected] said:
So over the course of time I have used many different ROMs and also have had 5 batteries for my Note so far.
All ROMs gave me terrible battery life, except the stock android for around the first year, eventually it started giving me terrible battery life too.
So that got me wondering, is it possible that some kind of faulty hardware on my Note's motherboard is causing those battery drains?
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I'm pretty sure that would be possible, but I'd make sure to rule out any other cause you can rule out first.
First thing to do is check on who or what is consuming the battery, so installing something like CPU Spy will let you know if the phone just keeps running at top speeds.
Because there simply isn't enough juice in these batteries to allow all parts of the phone to run full throttle for hours.
Smart phones are really at their best, when their just sitting idle and then they really shouldn't consume any power. That's what you need to check: Does it really slow down and sleep, when you're not actively using it?
And CPU Spy (or similar tools) will give you that info by telling you how much time the CPU has spent at each speed setting. If it doesn't drop to deep sleep when the phone if off the charger, screen switched off at the home screen but stays running at 100-500MHz, then you have found the reason for the miserable battery life. Now you'd just have to find what's causing it.
And that could be a long story journey...
However you could start with an empty ROM fully wiped, nothing but the ROM and the minimum set of GAPPS installed (and CPU Spy or similar for checking) empty internal SDcard, expecially no media files. If you have an external SD card, best remove that initially so you don't have to delete any data you keep on there.
If then the Note isn't guzzling battery and sleeping deeply when not used, your hardware is fine.
Then it's just a matter of adding item after item, always checking of that is causing any change to CPU states and energy consumption.
You should also try to find out of any of your five batteries has issues and use a known good one for the testing.
abufrejoval said:
I'm pretty sure that would be possible, but I'd make sure to rule out any other cause you can rule out first.
First thing to do is check on who or what is consuming the battery, so installing something like CPU Spy will let you know if the phone just keeps running at top speeds.
Because there simply isn't enough juice in these batteries to allow all parts of the phone to run full throttle for hours.
Smart phones are really at their best, when their just sitting idle and then they really shouldn't consume any power. That's what you need to check: Does it really slow down and sleep, when you're not actively using it?
And CPU Spy (or similar tools) will give you that info by telling you how much time the CPU has spent at each speed setting. If it doesn't drop to deep sleep when the phone if off the charger, screen switched off at the home screen but stays running at 100-500MHz, then you have found the reason for the miserable battery life. Now you'd just have to find what's causing it.
And that could be a long story journey...
However you could start with an empty ROM fully wiped, nothing but the ROM and the minimum set of GAPPS installed (and CPU Spy or similar for checking) empty internal SDcard, expecially no media files. If you have an external SD card, best remove that initially so you don't have to delete any data you keep on there.
If then the Note isn't guzzling battery and sleeping deeply when not used, your hardware is fine.
Then it's just a matter of adding item after item, always checking of that is causing any change to CPU states and energy consumption.
You should also try to find out of any of your five batteries has issues and use a known good one for the testing.
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Okay to begin, the phone never drains battery when idle, never. If I charge to 100% at night around 23:00 , in the morning it would be around 90%. So that seems fair enough. Because I keep my EDGE / 2G activated at all times.
The real problem is when the screen is turned on (doesn't matter what I do).
I tried to keep the screen on for one hour, idle, doing nothing. Battery drained by a whooping 25%. So basically it's my screen which is consuming my battery. I didn't try this when I made this thread, so there's no mention of this in the first post.
So I don't think any other apps are consuming anything. Besides I hardly have any apps installed.
I got the gapps from the following link and installed the 'mini' package.
Apart from I only have WhatsApp, Notepad, Perfect AppLock, AdAway and Chrome installed. Only a few apps since I did a full wipe yesterday night. Even flashed a stock ROM first and began from scratch.
So I don't really think it's any apps consuming any CPU, only screen is eating a ****load. Could it be the damaged screen?
Holy ****! I just recalled while writing this post, I did get this screen of this phone replace once, like one and half year ago. Could that be it? I did get it replaced from a official Samsung store though.
[email protected] said:
Okay to begin, the phone never drains battery when idle, never. If I charge to 100% at night around 23:00 , in the morning it would be around 90%. So that seems fair enough. Because I keep my EDGE / 2G activated at all times.
The real problem is when the screen is turned on (doesn't matter what I do).
I tried to keep the screen on for one hour, idle, doing nothing. Battery drained by a whooping 25%. So basically it's my screen which is consuming my battery. I didn't try this when I made this thread, so there's no mention of this in the first post.
So I don't think any other apps are consuming anything. Besides I hardly have any apps installed.
I got the gapps from the following link and installed the 'mini' package.
Apart from I only have WhatsApp, Notepad, Perfect AppLock, AdAway and Chrome installed. Only a few apps since I did a full wipe yesterday night. Even flashed a stock ROM first and began from scratch.
So I don't really think it's any apps consuming any CPU, only screen is eating a ****load. Could it be the damaged screen?
Holy ****! I just recalled while writing this post, I did get this screen of this phone replace once, like one and half year ago. Could that be it? I did get it replaced from a official Samsung store though.
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I'd consider playing with the brightness, just to see of something a little lower is good enough for daily use but I'd say that isn't impossible...
While Samsung liked to hype the fact that OLED would only use power on illuminated pixels, mine are mostly white because reading is what I do most on my Notes.
And then this screen on the Note 1 didn't use particularly less energy than a good LCD backlight screen according to the reviews I remember.
I also remember an article which said that the energy consumption on OLED wasn't linear and that the last 20% of brightness might cost 50% more power (the numbers are most likely bogus but the main point was that brightness/energy consumption wasn't linear).
And yes, there is most likely variation between individual screens on OLED and moreover OLED displays decay with use and over time. I haven't noticed it that much with my Note 1 yet, but my older Samsung Galaxy S I-9000 that I passed on to one of my sons developed a brightness issue: Everything below the first 100 lines or so is significantly darker than the top. I don't know wether that's a consequence of his usage pattern (Whatsapp) or some other reason, but I do know that he typically kept the display at top brightness and also kept it lit far longer than I ever did.
I've always been somewhat disappointed by the endurance of the Note 1 but I haven't really noticed any significant change with the different ROM versions. And since I was also somewhat disappointed by the performance of the device I couldn't resist replacing it with the Note 3 when that came out.
That device was better in pretty much every regard, except screen ratio: I really, really liked the 16:10 of the Note 1 a lot better than the 16:9 of the Note 3.
abufrejoval said:
I'd consider playing with the brightness, just to see of something a little lower is good enough for daily use but I'd say that isn't impossible...
While Samsung liked to hype the fact that OLED would only use power on illuminated pixels, mine are mostly white because reading is what I do most on my Notes.
And then this screen on the Note 1 didn't use particularly less energy than a good LCD backlight screen according to the reviews I remember.
I also remember an article which said that the energy consumption on OLED wasn't linear and that the last 20% of brightness might cost 50% more power (the numbers are most likely bogus but the main point was that brightness/energy consumption wasn't linear).
And yes, there is most likely variation between individual screens on OLED and moreover OLED displays decay with use and over time. I haven't noticed it that much with my Note 1 yet, but my older Samsung Galaxy S I-9000 that I passed on to one of my sons developed a brightness issue: Everything below the first 100 lines or so is significantly darker than the top. I don't know wether that's a consequence of his usage pattern (Whatsapp) or some other reason, but I do know that he typically kept the display at top brightness and also kept it lit far longer than I ever did.
I've always been somewhat disappointed by the endurance of the Note 1 but I haven't really noticed any significant change with the different ROM versions. And since I was also somewhat disappointed by the performance of the device I couldn't resist replacing it with the Note 3 when that came out.
That device was better in pretty much every regard, except screen ratio: I really, really liked the 16:10 of the Note 1 a lot better than the 16:9 of the Note 3.
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I see. Thank you for the time you took to write this reply.
I always have my brightness to the lowest possible and yet I am facing battery drains.
Anyways, it seems this problem is beyond repair. I have literally tried every solution possible and nothing seems to have worked. So I guess it's time to move on.
Thank you for your time and information.
It's probably my screen that's consuming the battery. It can easily last up to 20 hours with 2G turned on the entire day. But as soon as I turn the screen on and start doing something, battery drains at like 1% every 60 seconds.
How old is your battery?.. I´d say get a new one if it´s older than 1 year..

HTC One M7 Battery Drain and Overheating

I just replaced my aging iphone 4 with an HTC One M7.
So far, I'm loving having an Android phone, and I'm really glad I switched, but I seem to be having a problem with the phone.
It is getting pretty hot and the battery is draining alarmingly fast.
The phone was reset to factory settings when I received it yesterday, and it is the AT&T software version. It is on Android 4.4.2
Although this is my first Android phone, it is not my first Android device (Xperia Play used as a portable emulator, Nvidia Shield, Asus Memo Pad HD7) so I knew the obvious things to try.
The phone feels slightly warm at all times, even when just sitting in my pocket. When I have a CPU-intensive app (youtube for instance) running, the phone gets pretty hot.
I understand that the aluminum chassis transmits heat very efficiently, and that this phone should feel warmer than a plastic phone, so I installed a CPU temperature app.
I'm getting in the high 40's to low 50's (celsius) with no CPU-intensive apps running.
Looking in my running apps, I don't see anything that looks like it is making heavy demands on the CPU.
While at work today, I put it in airplane mode (but kept wifi on) because I don't get a very good signal at work anyway, and I thought this might be causing the battery to drain quickly.
I forgot about this, and so the phone has been in airplane mode since 1pm today (it is now 8:45).
While browsing the internet just now looking for a solution to the problem, I watched as the last 18% of the battery drained down to 1% in around 15 minutes.
This is in airplane mode, with battery saving mode activated, Blinkfeed deactivated, and the screen on minimum brightness.
Does this sound like abnormal behavior?
I need to know fast, because if there is something wrong with the phone, I need to return it without delay.
DoctorBeat said:
I just replaced my aging iphone 4 with an HTC One M7.
So far, I'm loving having an Android phone, and I'm really glad I switched, but I seem to be having a problem with the phone.
It is getting pretty hot and the battery is draining alarmingly fast.
The phone was reset to factory settings when I received it yesterday, and it is the AT&T software version. It is on Android 4.4.2
Although this is my first Android phone, it is not my first Android device (Xperia Play used as a portable emulator, Nvidia Shield, Asus Memo Pad HD7) so I knew the obvious things to try.
The phone feels slightly warm at all times, even when just sitting in my pocket. When I have a CPU-intensive app (youtube for instance) running, the phone gets pretty hot.
I understand that the aluminum chassis transmits heat very efficiently, and that this phone should feel warmer than a plastic phone, so I installed a CPU temperature app.
I'm getting in the high 40's to low 50's (celsius) with no CPU-intensive apps running.
Looking in my running apps, I don't see anything that looks like it is making heavy demands on the CPU.
While at work today, I put it in airplane mode (but kept wifi on) because I don't get a very good signal at work anyway, and I thought this might be causing the battery to drain quickly.
I forgot about this, and so the phone has been in airplane mode since 1pm today (it is now 8:45).
While browsing the internet just now looking for a solution to the problem, I watched as the last 18% of the battery drained down to 1% in around 15 minutes.
This is in airplane mode, with battery saving mode activated, Blinkfeed deactivated, and the screen on minimum brightness.
Does this sound like abnormal behavior?
I need to know fast, because if there is something wrong with the phone, I need to return it without delay.
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Is the phone brand new? It runs more the first time you turn it on, I think due to some profiling. If it's still like that the day after turning it on for the first time I'd probably be concerned. It could be due to something you've installed--what have you installed (if you don't mind sharing)?
I've definitely experienced what you're talking about on CyanogenMod, but never that I can recall on the stock ROM. When it happened on CyanogenMod, rebooting generally seemed to fix it.

