[GUIDE] Build LineageOS 14.1 - Galaxy Note 4 General

Hi there!
I'm receiving some pm about users that want to learn how to build LineageOS for the Galaxy Note 4 (snapdragon), so here is a quick guide:
Only supported device for now are trltexx/trltedt (N910F/N910G) and trltetmo/trltecan (N910T/N910W8)
I suggest to use a LTS version of ubuntu, in this guide I'll be using Ubuntu 16.04
Let's start with a bit of cleaning:
sudo apt-get remove openjdk-* icedtea-* icedtea6-*
Install java8:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openjdk-r/ppa
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk
Install build tools:
sudo apt-get install git ccache automake lzop bison gperf build-essential zip curl zlib1g-dev zlib1g-dev:i386 g++-multilib python-networkx libxml2-utils bzip2 libbz2-dev libbz2-1.0 libghc-bzlib-dev squashfs-tools pngcrush schedtool dpkg-dev liblz4-tool make optipng maven
Install repo:
mkdir ~/bin && curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo && chmod a+x ~/bin/repo
Edit ~/.bashrc (in this exaple I'm using gedit to do it):
gedit ~/.bashrc
Add those 2 lines at the bottom of the file (we are going to add also ccache to speed up our build time):
export PATH=~/bin:$PATH
export USE_CCACHE=1
Save it, close gedit and run:
source ~/.bashrc
Let's create some folders where we'll be doing the magic:
mkdir ~/android && cd ~/android
mkdir lineageos && cd lineageos
Initialize the local repo and download the source:
repo init -u git://github.com/LineageOS/android.git -b cm-14.1
repo sync --force-sync
It'll take quite some time, depends on your internet connection.
Once it's done downloading and checking out the files:
cd .repo
mkdir local_manifests && cd local_manifests
Now create a new file in this folder, name it "roomservice.xml" and add this into it:
For trltexx/trltedt:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="underscoremone/android_kernel_samsung_trlte" path="kernel/samsung/trlte" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="underscoremone/android_device_samsung_trlte-common" path="device/samsung/trlte-common" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="underscoremone/android_device_samsung_trltexx" path="device/samsung/trltexx" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="underscoremone/proprietary_vendor_samsung_trlte" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_qcom-common" path="device/samsung/qcom-common" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_external_stlport" path="external/stlport" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_device_qcom_common" path="device/qcom/common" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
For trltetmo/trltecan:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="underscoremone/android_kernel_samsung_trlte" path="kernel/samsung/trlte" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="underscoremone/android_device_samsung_trlte-common" path="device/samsung/trlte-common" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="fat-tire/android_device_samsung_trltetmo" path="device/samsung/trltetmo" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="underscoremone/proprietary_vendor_samsung_trlte" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_qcom-common" path="device/samsung/qcom-common" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_external_stlport" path="external/stlport" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_device_qcom_common" path="device/qcom/common" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
Now go back to the root of the source ("lineageos" folder) and repo sync again
cd ../..
repo sync
It'll now download the specific repositories for your device.
Then run
for trltexx/trltedt
. build/envsetup.sh && brunch trltexx
or for trltetmo/trltecan
. build/envsetup.sh && brunch trltetmo
And your build will start.
Once done you'll find your flashable rom.zip file in out/target/product/trlte**/
Congratulations you've successfully compiled LineageOS 14.1 for your device.
Remember to "make clean" every now and then.
Sometimes you'll get some errors, try to google the error and if you can not find a solution ask for help here at xda.
Hopefully I didn't forget anything.. if you have any trouble following this guide reply to this thread; myself or someone else will try to help you as soon as possible.

If you like to have the keyboard with the extra numbers row add this (before "</manifest>") to your roomservice.xml:
<remove-project name="LineageOS/android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIME" />
<project name="underscoremone/android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIME" path="packages/inputmethods/LatinIME" remote="github" revision="_cm-14.1" />
If you want to include su to your builds you have to run
export WITH_SU=true
before starting the build.
If you want to always include it you can add the same line to your .bashrc (remember to run "source ~/.bashrc" after you modify .bashrc)

First of all thank you for sharing this guide.
I haven't yet compiled with success but so far one of the errors I've encountered is that i need to include the following in my local manifest:
<project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_samsung" path="hardware/samsung" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
or else I'm getting an error about missing macloader.h
Running a compile now so i will return once that finished

Diload said:
First of all thank you for sharing this guide.
I haven't yet compiled with success but so far one of the errors I've encountered is that i need to include the following in my local manifest:
<project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_samsung" path="hardware/samsung" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
or else I'm getting an error about missing macloader.h
Running a compile now so i will return once that finished
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Yep, you're right; I've missed it. I've updated the op.
Actually I thought it was going to be downloaded automatically because it is included in the dependencies of "android_device_samsung_qcom-common".. maybe I'm wrong. Anyway I've added it to the guide's trltexx.xml, you may want to be aware that we still need "android_packages_resources_devicesettings" "android_packages_apps_FlipFlap" and "android_hardware_sony_timekeep", they should be automatically added to your roomservice.xml (because they are included in our lineage.dependencies) but if it doesn't happen you probably want to add it to your trltexx.xml.

How are things different if I want to build for TMO? How much disk space you need?
Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

rob_z11 said:
How are things different if I want to build for TMO? How much disk space you need?
Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
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I've updated the op with the changes needed for trltetmo/trltecan.
You need approximately 60gb, but I would go with more if you can.

hi can you show me how to build for the n910w8 ?

Sent from my SM-N9300 using Tapatalk

Okay so i finally got a working build compiled, got a lot of issues with java compiler and javadoc using too much memory,
if anyone is interested it is fixed by setting
$ export ANDROID_JACK_VM_ARGS="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+TieredCompilation -Xmx4G"
Just edit the 4G in the end to the amount of ram you would allow the java compiler to run, be aware that you would still need about an additional of 4,5 gigs of ram available other than what you specify here, at least that was the case for me, since the java compiler doesn't clear out when other stuff is processed during the compile (like c, c++ and javadoc compilation)
_mone said:
Yep, you're right; I've missed it. I've updated the op.
Actually I thought it was going to be downloaded automatically because it is included in the dependencies of "android_device_samsung_qcom-common".. maybe I'm wrong. Anyway I've added it to the guide's trltexx.xml, you may want to be aware that we still need "android_packages_resources_devicesettings" "android_packages_apps_FlipFlap" and "android_hardware_sony_timekeep", they should be automatically added to your roomservice.xml (because they are included in our lineage.dependencies) but if it doesn't happen you probably want to add it to your trltexx.xml.
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I don't know, when I run brunch it doesn't create the roomservice.xml file, i think that it gets done with the breakfast command, but that would create instances in my roomservice.xml that conflicted with the trltexx repos pulled from another source from the other local manifest.
So i ended up with this local manifest (i.e. trltexx.xml)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project path="device/samsung/trlte-common" name="Diload/android_device_samsung_trlte-common" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project path="kernel/samsung/trlte" name="Diload/android_kernel_samsung_trlte" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project path="device/samsung/trltexx" name="Diload/android_device_samsung_trltexx" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project path="vendor/samsung" name="Diload/proprietary_vendor_samsung_trlte" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_device_samsung_qcom-common" path="device/samsung/qcom-common" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_external_stlport" path="external/stlport" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_device_qcom_common" path="device/qcom/common" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_samsung" path="hardware/samsung" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_packages_resources_devicesettings" path="packages/resources/devicesettings" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_packages_apps_FlipFlap" path="packages/apps/FlipFlap" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
<project name="LineageOS/android_hardware_sony_timekeep" path="hardware/sony/timekeep" remote="github" revision="cm-14.1" />
And it is now running on my phone

Well done @Diload :good:

elitedz said:
hi can you show me how to build for the n910w8 ?
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If you want build for trltecan (N910W8) follow this guide and make the changes described for trltetmo. trltetmo and trltecan, like trltexx and trltedt can share the same ROM.

_mone said:
If you want build for trltecan (N910W8) follow this guide and make the changes described for trltetmo. trltetmo and trltecan, like trltexx and trltedt can share the same ROM.
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thank you

how about some love for the N910V ???

hi! I how about NOTE 4 DUOS N9100 which has two sim? Now only one sim works,wifi and another sim donot work. how solve it?Thanks!

Nice clear info!
Especially the part about local manifest, other guides I've read in past never touch on that part. Thank you.

N910V never gets any love
ok so what would I have to do to make one strictly for the N910V ? id just change it to trltevzw ?

happy2472 said:
N910V never gets any love
ok so what would I have to do to make one strictly for the N910V ? id just change it to trltevzw ?
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For trltevzw you may want to have a look at the verzion forum and ask the recognized developers that are building LineageOS to share their source. Good luck with that!

_mone said:
For trltevzw you may want to have a look at the verzion forum and ask the recognized developers that are building LineageOS to share their source. Good luck with that!
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Im guessing thats like gold??

What's the point installing lineageos on note4?
Not trolling... Just curious.
I bet we will lose everything this phone is great about (s pen menu etc.).

bat0nas said:
What's the point installing lineageos on note4?.
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This is probably not the right place for such a discussion as this is about building LineageOS yourself, based on the the guide that _mone has very kindly provided. I suggest opening a new thread yourself inviting discussion/advice, or maybe look around the various LineageOS dev threads to see what people are saying. The known issues / missing functionality is pretty well documented, but I'm sure people will be happy let you know in a thread where it is appropriate


Assistance compiling Nexus 4 Rom

Hey all -
I've been trying for a couple days to build from the instructions at docs.omnirom.org/Build_for_mako without much success. I am able to sync the repository - it seems to download all the devices though and I'm a little confused at that.
I resync after adding the vendor blobs by adding the following to .repo/local_manifests/ (from the guide):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project path="device/lge/mako-kernel" name="device/lge/mako-kernel" groups="device,mako" revision="refs/tags/android-4.3_r2.1_" />
Then I receive the following:
fatal: duplicate project device/lge/mako-kernel in /mnt/ddrive/android/omni/.repo/manifest.xml
This makes sense because the project is already in the .repo/manifest.xml
From there I try to execute the following from my repository.
. build/envsetup.sh; brunch mako
It runs for about 23 minutes, I don't get any errors, but I also don't get the installable .zip file.
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask development questions.
caspian154 said:
Hey all -
I've been trying for a couple days to build from the instructions at docs.omnirom.org/Build_for_mako without much success. I am able to sync the repository - it seems to download all the devices though and I'm a little confused at that.
I resync after adding the vendor blobs by adding the following to .repo/local_manifests/ (from the guide):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project path="device/lge/mako-kernel" name="device/lge/mako-kernel" groups="device,mako" revision="refs/tags/android-4.3_r2.1_" />
Then I receive the following:
fatal: duplicate project device/lge/mako-kernel in /mnt/ddrive/android/omni/.repo/manifest.xml
This makes sense because the project is already in the .repo/manifest.xml
From there I try to execute the following from my repository.
. build/envsetup.sh; brunch mako
It runs for about 23 minutes, I don't get any errors, but I also don't get the installable .zip file.
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask development questions.
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U just delete the <project path="device/lge/mako-kernel" name="device/lge/mako-kernel" groups="device,mako" revision="refs/tags/android-4.3_r2.1_" /> in the local_manifest.xml
yeah, I've tried that - it comes, but I don't get the zip file. I tried a couple of options in the local_manifests from another thread and actually got a zip!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
caspian154 said:
yeah, I've tried that - it comes, but I don't get the zip file. I tried a couple of options in the local_manifests from another thread and actually got a zip!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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can you post the link about the other thread ?
thanks a lot !!
ilpolpi65 said:
can you post the link about the other thread ?
thanks a lot !!
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Yep - sorry, I haven't been near a computer until now. I haven't tested out the rom yet, but it definitely generated a zip file ~ 155 mb, which doesn't seem wrong. Anyway, here's the post I stole from: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=46661249&postcount=5
here's specifically what I have in my .repo/local_manifests/roomservice.xml
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_lge.git" path="vendor/lge" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_broadcom.git" path="vendor/broadcom" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_nvidia.git" path="vendor/nvidia" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_elan.git" path="vendor/elan" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_invensense.git" path="vendor/invensense" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_widevine.git" path="vendor/widevine" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_nxp.git" path="vendor/nxp" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_asus.git" path="vendor/asus" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_imgtec.git" path="vendor/imgtec" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_samsung.git" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2" />
<project name="omnirom/android_device_asus_flo" path="device/asus/flo" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
<project name="omnirom/android_kernel_google_msm" path="kernel/google/msm" remote="github" revision="android-msm-mako-3.4-jb-mr2" />
<project name="omnirom/android_device_lge_mako" path="device/lge/mako" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
<project name="omnirom/android_kernel_lge_mako" path="kernel/lge/mako" remote="github" revision="android-4.3" />
caspian154 said:
Hey all -
I've been trying for a couple days to build from the instructions at docs.omnirom.org/Build_for_mako without much success. I am able to sync the repository - it seems to download all the devices though and I'm a little confused at that.
I resync after adding the vendor blobs by adding the following to .repo/local_manifests/ (from the guide):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project path="device/lge/mako-kernel" name="device/lge/mako-kernel" groups="device,mako" revision="refs/tags/android-4.3_r2.1_" />
Then I receive the following:
fatal: duplicate project device/lge/mako-kernel in /mnt/ddrive/android/omni/.repo/manifest.xml
This makes sense because the project is already in the .repo/manifest.xml
From there I try to execute the following from my repository.
. build/envsetup.sh; brunch mako
It runs for about 23 minutes, I don't get any errors, but I also don't get the installable .zip file.
Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask development questions.
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My bad, I'm the one who edited part of the doc there, and i was fearing some confusion, definitely need a bit of rewrite, as i wrote that doc prior to roomservice.xml intergration.
Basically, if you are using an omni.dependencies file in the device folder, you don't need to include mako kernel dependencies in local_manifest.xml, but you will need to lunch breakfast and lunch prior to brunch to actually sync this branch.
If you are not using omni.dependencies, you should ignore the first part of the doc, and only use the second part, with title "deprecated".
You should actually delete roomservice.xml if you're not using it to sync, or else you would have the problem you currently have.
In other terms, keep only that part
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remote name="github" fetch="https://github.com/" />
<project name="android_kernel_lge_mako" path="kernel/lge/mako" remote="omnirom" revision="android-4.3"/>
in a local_manifest.xml in your .repo/local_manifests directory, and delete the roomservice.xml file which is useless until you use an omni.dependencies file.
Also delete the changes you made out of local_manifest.xml, rule is only one declaration per branch
The so called blobs ( i didn't write that part) are actually not part of that repo, you could add themuppets repo for mako in your local_manifest.xml, for legal reasons, i couldn't include it in Omni's wiki.
Hope this will solve your problem, will try to edit the doc tomorrow to allow roomservice usage.
thanks a lot! I figured that all made more sense for those that were more experienced ROM developers. I would rather use the also stuff and not rely on cm blobs. I'm building for educational purposes - I'd like to make some tweaks here and there, so I want it as close to what the omni nightlies will be when they arrive.
Thanks for your explanation and documenting all that you do! I've been leaching off ROM developers for years and want to join in and help out.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
caspian154 said:
thanks a lot! I figured that all made more sense for those that were more experienced ROM developers. I would rather use the also stuff and not rely on cm blobs. I'm building for educational purposes - I'd like to make some tweaks here and there, so I want it as close to what the omni nightlies will be when they arrive.
Thanks for your explanation and documenting all that you do! I've been leaching off ROM developers for years and want to join in and help out.
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
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You're welcome, and you can actually ignore part of my previous post, I just fully edited the doc, now everything is using roomservice.xml and omni.dependencies, so all mako's files get synced when you launch brunch mako, only themuppets repo can be added manually in local_manifest.xml in your .repo/local_manifests directory.
Sorry for the delay in a proper doc, got quite busy, and had little time do write something accurate.
I'm sorry - I am still not getting a zip file when I follow the steps on the wiki.
I sync the repo using the instructions,
repo sync -j1
It completes, I don't make any changes to the repo. I run the build
. build/envsetup.sh
brunch mako
It seems to complete without any errors. I do see complaints that I don't have an omni.dependencies file. Do I need to manually create that? I really want the purest rom - nothing special.
I think you have to create it, but I'm not perfectly sure..anyone else?
22anl said:
I think you have to create it, but I'm not perfectly sure..anyone else?
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No. If you don't get a zip in your out folder, you've got a build error.
OK, that helps, I will comb through the output and see if I can find out what I'm missing. Thanks!
Sent from my Nexus 4 using xda app-developers app
You may need to cherry pick from gerrit to get it to build right
Also, here's what it will look like if your build is successful
Sweet thanks guys! I got it building, I somehow missed that I needed to do breakfast before I did a sync and build.

Error:Syncing sources

Fetching projects: 99% (407/411) Fetching project platform/developers/docs
error: Cannot fetch androidarmv6/android_kernel_goldfish
warn: --force-broken, continuing to sync
Fetching projects: 100% (411/411), done.
Syncing work tree: 69% (284/411) error: revision cm-10.1_2.6.29 in androidarmv6/android_kernel_goldfish not found
[email protected]:~/armv6$
How to solve this error?
Edit: I have seen in androidarmv6 github, there is no android_kernel_goldfish project...but my roomservice.xml points to that project....if i remove it, then there are lots of errors....how to get past that error @androidarmv6, @A_U anna... @erikcas, @yajnab
This is my roomservice.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="androidarmv6/android_kernel_goldfish" path="kernel/goldfish" remote="github" revision="cm-10.1_2.6.29" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_device_samsung_tass" path="device/samsung/tass" remote="github" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_kernel_samsung_msm" path="kernel/samsung/msm" remote="github" revision="jb_chocolate-samsung" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_kernel_samsung_msm7x27" path="kernel/samsung/msm7x27" remote="github" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_device_qcom_msm7x27" path="device/qcom/msm7x27" remote="github" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_device_samsung_msm7x27-common" path="device/samsung/msm7x27-common" remote="github" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_vendor_samsung" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_vendor_qcom_msm7x27" path="vendor/qcom/msm7x27" remote="github" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_hardware_atheros_ath6kl-compat" path="hardware/atheros/ath6kl-compat" remote="github" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_hardware_atheros_wifi_libs" path="hardware/atheros/wifi/libs" remote="github" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_hardware_broadcom_fmradio" path="hardware/broadcom/fmradio" remote="github" />
Venkatesh said:
Fetching projects: 99% (407/411) Fetching project platform/developers/docs
error: Cannot fetch androidarmv6/android_kernel_goldfish
warn: --force-broken, continuing to sync
Fetching projects: 100% (411/411), done.
Syncing work tree: 69% (284/411) error: revision cm-10.1_2.6.29 in androidarmv6/android_kernel_goldfish not found
[email protected]:~/armv6$
How to solve this error?
Edit: I have seen in androidarmv6 github, there is no android_kernel_goldfish project...but my roomservice.xml points to that project....if i remove it, then there are lots of errors....how to get past that error @androidarmv6, @A_U anna... @erikcas, @yajnab
This is my roomservice.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="androidarmv6/android_kernel_goldfish" path="kernel/goldfish" remote="github" revision="cm-10.1_2.6.29" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_device_samsung_tass" path="device/samsung/tass" remote="github" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_kernel_samsung_msm" path="kernel/samsung/msm" remote="github" revision="jb_chocolate-samsung" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_kernel_samsung_msm7x27" path="kernel/samsung/msm7x27" remote="github" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_device_qcom_msm7x27" path="device/qcom/msm7x27" remote="github" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_device_samsung_msm7x27-common" path="device/samsung/msm7x27-common" remote="github" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_vendor_samsung" path="vendor/samsung" remote="github" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_vendor_qcom_msm7x27" path="vendor/qcom/msm7x27" remote="github" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_hardware_atheros_ath6kl-compat" path="hardware/atheros/ath6kl-compat" remote="github" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_hardware_atheros_wifi_libs" path="hardware/atheros/wifi/libs" remote="github" />
<project name="androidarmv6/android_hardware_broadcom_fmradio" path="hardware/broadcom/fmradio" remote="github" />
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Remove the roomservice.xml and resync
yajnab said:
Remove the roomservice.xml and resync
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Thanks yajnab...but i din't fix..produced more errors....nevermind fixed it already...what i did is created another directory and referencing previous directory intialized repo in newly created directory and did repo sync....already compiled a build for my mini also....everything working except camera.... din't applied camera force close hack...
yajnab said:
Remove the roomservice.xml and resync
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
this is what happened after removing roomservice.xml
Syncing work tree: 99% (396/400) Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/venkatesh/armv6/.repo/repo/main.py", line 418, in <module>
File "/home/venkatesh/armv6/.repo/repo/main.py", line 394, in _Main
result = repo._Run(argv) or 0
File "/home/venkatesh/armv6/.repo/repo/main.py", line 142, in _Run
result = cmd.Execute(copts, cargs)
File "/home/venkatesh/armv6/.repo/repo/subcmds/sync.py", line 657, in Execute
File "/home/venkatesh/armv6/.repo/repo/project.py", line 1106, in Sync_LocalHalf
lost = self._revlist(not_rev(revid), HEAD)
File "/home/venkatesh/armv6/.repo/repo/project.py", line 2074, in _revlist
return self.work_git.rev_list(*a, **kw)
File "/home/venkatesh/armv6/.repo/repo/project.py", line 2227, in rev_list
error.GitError: CyanogenMod/android_vendor_qcom_opensource_v8 rev-list ('^ed6baff3b8971fe968a30c0c7dc631be1f31fd5c', 'HEAD', '--'): fatal: bad object HEAD

[GUIDE]Steps to build your own CM ROMs for Vibrant

Thought of letting others know the steps how I build the ROMs for my Vibrant.
Here they are
1. Make sure you have the machine setup as per the instructions you find when you search for "Build CM 10.1 ROM" in google.( Ex. http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1971645)
2. Download the source using git init and repo sync commands in the instructions above.
3. Go to .repo folder and create a folder with name "local_manifests". In this create a file called "roomservice.xml" and add the following lines to it.
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_vibrantmtd" path="device/samsung/vibrantmtd" remote="github" revision="cm-10.2"/>
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_aries-common" path="device/samsung/aries-common" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0"/>
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_kernel_samsung_aries" path="kernel/samsung/aries" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0"/>
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_packages_apps_SamsungServiceMode" path="packages/apps/SamsungServiceMode" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0"/>
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_samsung" path="hardware/samsung" remote="github" revision="cm-11.0"/>
4. run repo sync again. This would get the projects necessary to build the kernel for Vibrant and also some drivers.
5. run
. build/envsetup.sh
. Remember, there is space between "." and "build".
6. run
brunch vibrantmtd
this will take a long time as long as 6 hours based on the power of your machine.
These are the basic steps. You can then build any other ROM by cherry picking the features.
that's it.
Good luck.
Guides by other Developers
Stinga11 http://forum.xda-developers.com/sam...de-how-to-compile-install-unofficial-t2819616
sada23 said:
Thought of letting others know the steps how I build the ROMs for my Vibrant.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Hey bro, also I have a guide on how to build a CM11 rom for the Vibrant, you might want to share the link in your post, for help of the other users because my guide is more for beginners.
Thanks, good contribution.
Please, write faq to build original AOSP for Vibrant.
THANK YOU!:good:

[ROM] Unofficial CyanogenMod 12.1 after droping nightlies

Hi folks,
i want to share with my selfcompiled CM 12.1 nighlies after cm switch peregrine to CM13.
Some people like me dont update so quick but also want the last android security patches for CM 12.1
This is my first selfcompiled rom, it is works for me, i can give no support, i am no programmer, i am only put some sripts on my computer
So, if you brake your phone or something else it is your fault.
It is compiled with help docker container from michael_ch, release 0.30
git clone https://github.com/stucki/docker-cyanogenmod.git
cd docker-cyanogenmod
# Inside the container, run these commands:
repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b cm-12.1
touch .repo/local_manifests/motorola-msm8226.xml
# Edit the file and paste contents from below
# Repeat the following commands whenever you want to make a new build:
repo sync -j 16
source build/envsetup.sh
make clean
brunch peregrine
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_motorola_peregrine" path="device/motorola/peregrine" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_motorola_msm8226-common" path="device/motorola/msm8226-common" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="TheMuppets/proprietary_vendor_motorola" path="vendor/motorola" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_kernel_motorola_msm8226" path="kernel/motorola/msm8226" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_qcom_common" path="device/qcom/common" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_fm" path="hardware/qcom/fm" remote="github" />
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
No changes, original CM12.1 repos, nothing optimized
MD5: 735db013275a356c08639f3f105eddb0 cm-12.1-20151209-UNOFFICIAL-peregrine.zip
Reposync 20151209, all december security patches
I will post updates if something important change in CM12.1 or new security patches will released and i am still on CM12.1
Special thanks to all the the people here on xda to make this possible for me!
Indeed it was excellent of you bro, there are some of us that are not supported by the cm13 and this is a wonderful option.
Nice. Pls can you post results from Stagefright Detector (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zimperium.stagefrightdetector) and VTS for Android (http://www.appbrain.com/app/vts-for-android/com.nowsecure.android.vts)?
jccz said:
Nice. Pls can you post results from Stagefright Detector (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zimperium.stagefrightdetector) and VTS for Android (http://www.appbrain.com/app/vts-for-android/com.nowsecure.android.vts)?
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
Sorry i do not install dubios testing software on my working telephone
Bastlwastl2010 said:
Sorry i do not install dubios testing software on my working telephone
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
OK. Maybe some other will be able to test it.

[GUIDE][DEV]Compiling CyanogenMod 12.1 NEO builds for Xperia T, TX, V

Maybe this will help someone..
I'll be visiting this thread occasionally in case someone needs help. But I'd be glad if people and future devs also helped each other. :good:
If you compile a running build with these instructions, feel free to share it with people in this thread. Maybe development for these phones is not over yet! :fingers-crossed:
Soo.. Let's start!
What you need:
- Basic coding skills
- A GitHub account and some skills on how to use git.
- A computer with decent specs. (using an i5-4670k and 8gb ram here)
- LOTS of free storage. I recommend at least 100-200GB. The more, the better.
- A linux VM with all neccesary tools to build android. I recommend BBQLinux.
Initial Steps:
1. Grab the CM12.1 source by typing the following in your VM's Terminal:
mkdir cm12
cd cm12
repo init -u git://github.com/CyanogenMod/android.git -b cm-12.1
repo sync
This will take some hours. Just wait.
2. Create a file called roomservice.xml in /home/yourusername/cm12/.repo/local_manifests directory, containing the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_bootable_recovery" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_build" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_external_bluetooth_bluedroid" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_av" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_frameworks_base" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_qcom_display" />
<remove-project name="CyanogenMod/android_libcore" />
<remove-project name="platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.8" />
<remove-project name="platform/prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8" />
<project name="ArchiDroid/Toolchain" path="prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-eabi-4.8" remote="github" revision="architoolchain-4.9-arm-linux-gnueabihf-cortex_a9_neon" />
<project name="ArchiDroid/Toolchain" path="prebuilts/gcc/linux-x86/arm/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8" remote="github" revision="sabermod-4.9-arm-linux-androideabi" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_sony_common" path="device/sony/common" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_device_qcom_common" path="device/qcom/common" remote="github" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_hardware_sony_DASH" path="hardware/sony/DASH" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="CyanogenMod/android_kernel_sony_msm8x60" path="kernel/sony/msm8x60" remote="github" />
<project name="WhiteNeo-/android_bootable_recovery" path="bootable/recovery" remote="github" revision="android-5.1" />
<project name="WhiteNeo-/android_build" path="build" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="WhiteNeo-/android_external_bluetooth_bluedroid" path="external/bluetooth/bluedroid" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="WhiteNeo-/android_frameworks_av" path="frameworks/av" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="WhiteNeo-/android_frameworks_base" path="frameworks/base" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="WhiteNeo-/android_hardware_qcom_display" path="hardware/qcom/display-caf/msm8960" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1-caf-8960" />
<project name="WhiteNeo-/android_libcore" path="libcore" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="WhiteNeo-/android_device_sony_blue-common" path="device/sony/blue-common" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="WhiteNeo-/android_device_sony_mint" path="device/sony/mint" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="WhiteNeo-/android_device_sony_hayabusa" path="device/sony/hayabusa" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="WhiteNeo-/android_device_sony_msm8960-common" path="device/sony/msm8960-common" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="WhiteNeo-/android_device_sony_tsubasa" path="device/sony/tsubasa" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1" />
<project name="WhiteNeo-/kernel-msm" path="kernel/sony/msm8960" remote="github" revision="master" />
<project name="WhiteNeo-/proprietary_vendor_sony" path="vendor/sony" remote="github" revision="cm-12.1" />
3. Find all the lines containing "WhiteNeo-", fork those repositories at GitHub and replace "WhiteNeo-" with your GitHub name. (Important!)
Then copy the related repositories to your local drive with the "git clone" command.
4. Some sources are still old and need to be updated before we start to compile. These are:
These sources have to be updated like the example below.
Just remember that not all branches are named cm-12.1, so replace "cm-12.1" with the revision from roomservice.xml (look above)
cd android_build
git pull https://github.com/CyanogenMod/android_build.git cm-12.1
git push https://github.com/WhiteNeo-/android_build.git cm-12.1
The recovery sources are updated differently:
cd android_bootable_recovery
git pull https://github.com/omnirom/android_bootable_recovery.git android-5.1
git push https://github.com/WhiteNeo-/android_bootable_recovery.git android-5.1
5. Once more do a repo sync in your cm12 directory, to synchronize our updated repositories with the ones in CM12 directory.
6. Start the build with the following terminal commands:
cd cm12
. build/envsetup.sh
brunch yourdevicename
(Replace "yourdevicename" with your phone's manufacturer name: tsubasa = Xperia V // mint = Xperia T // hayabusa = Xperia TX)
If there are no issues, you'll find the finished ROM zip in cm12/out/target/product/yourdevicename directory.
Copy the META-INF folder from my latest NEO build over to the new zip and flash. Done.
Future builds:
Just repeat steps 4 to 6.
If you run into toolchain errors, grab the libraries from the following link and install them in your virtual machine.
http://sabermod.com/Prebuilt-libs (DEV ONLY)/ROM-Kernel/
Hey, I need some help with a kernel build. Ive got a zimage and I cant compile it into a boot.img and doomkernerls tutorial is only for jelly bean
Can it be done with ScriBt?

