High Technology and Human Development - Off-topic

Some essential premises - frequently formed by pioneers and bolstered by the drove - practice the aggregate inner voice of the driven in so far as they invigorate a willed improvement. The advancement is normally unrivaled however not really acculturated. The premises being referred to are of this shape: "Our level of mechanical progression is second to none. After achieving this level, we likewise need to set up our general public for peace, and to ensure the peace, technology must be amended to cultivate the approach of war." Technological headway that is pushed toward this path sets an unsafe point of reference for different social orders that dread a risk to their individual powers. They are pushed to likewise encourage a war technology.
In the space of civilization, this method of improvement is not excellent, nor is it morally reasonable. Since it is not morally reasonable, it is socially flighty. An investigation of the premises will uncover that it is the last one that represents an issue. The last start is the finish of two going before premises however is not at all consistently found. What it shows is an energetically concluded conclusion, and being along these lines, it neglects to be figured as a determination from a soundly arranged personality, at any rate at the time at which it was derived.
A general public that advances as per the above presuppositions - and particularly as per the irrational conclusion - has transmitted the mind of non-debatable prevalence over its kin. Up and down, the energy of enthusiasm manages the pace of human direct. Regardless of whether in helpful engagements or willed organizations, the guideline of balance neglects to work absolutely due to the prevalence disorder that grasps the pioneer and the drove. What's more, an alternate society that declines to partake in the aggregate sensibilities or energy of such society has, by the normal rationale, turn into a potential or real adversary and confronts encounter on every single conceivable front.
The greater part of what we find out about the present world, obviously, through the media, is overwhelmed by best in class technology. Social orders that have the greater part of such technology are likewise, on numerous occasions, guaranteed to be the most exceptional. It is not just their headway that lifts them to the zenith of energy, predominance, and popularity. They can likewise utilize technology to streamline and push ahead a comprehension of life and nature in an alternate bearing, a heading that has a tendency to wipe out, however much as could reasonably be expected, an earlier association amongst life and nature that was, in many regards, magical and perilous. This last point does not really imply that mechanical progression is a characteristic of a predominant civilization.
What we have to know is that civilization and technology are not matrimonial terms. Socialized individuals may have a propelled technology or they might not have it. Civilization is not simply an issue of science and technology or specialized foundation, or, once more, the wonder of structures; it likewise needs to do with the good and mental reflexes of individuals and their level of social connectedness inside their own particular society and past. It is from the general conduct cosmetics of individuals that all types of physical structures could be made, so too the subject of science and technology. In this way, the sort of extensions, streets, structures, overwhelming hardware, among others, that we can find in a general public could tell, for the most part, the behavioral example of the general population. Behavioral example could likewise enlighten a great deal regarding the degree to which the common habitat has been used for infrastructural exercises, science and technology. Most importantly, behavioral example could inform a considerable measure concerning the discernments and comprehension of the general population about other individuals.
I do trust - and, I think, the vast majority do accept - that after quickening the rate of infrastructural exercises and technology, the earth needs to retreat in its expectation. Once propelling technology (and its specialist structures or thoughts) contends with the green condition for space, this condition houses trees, grass, blooms, a wide range of creatures and fish needs to shrivel. However the development of populace, the relentless human desiring for quality life, the need to control existence without relying upon the eccentric state of the indigenous habitat incite the utilization of technology. Technology require not posture unjustifiable peril to the regular habitat. It is the abuse of technology that is being referred to. While a general public may legitimately use technology to enhance personal satisfaction, its kin additionally need to ask: "how much technology do we have to protect the indigenous habitat?" Suppose society Y mixes the direct utilization of technology with the regular habitat so as to counterbalance the foolhardy decimation of the last mentioned, then this sort of situating prompts the point that society Y is a darling of the guideline of adjust. From this standard, one can boldly reason that society Y favors soundness more than turmoil, and has, consequently, the feeling of good and social obligation. Any best in class technology focuses to the advancement of the human personality, and it shows that the indigenous habitat has been cavalierly subdued.
In the event that people would prefer not to inhabit the leniency of the regular habitat - which, obviously, is an unverifiable lifestyle - yet as per their own anticipated pace, then the utilization of technology involves course. No doubt the guideline of adjust that society Y has picked must be for a brief timeframe or this is to a greater degree a pretend position than a genuine one. For when the energy of the human personality satisfies itself taking after a momentous accomplishment in technology, withdraw, or, best case scenario, a back off is very unordinary. It is as though the human personality is letting itself know: "innovative progression needs to quicken with no obstruction. A withdraw or a progressive procedure is an affront to the inquisitive personality." This sort of manner of thinking just calls attention to the puzzle of the psyche, its dim side, not its finest range. What's more, in trying to investigate the present method of a specific technology as per the guidelines of the brain, the part of morals is indispensable.
Is it morally ideal to utilize this sort of technology for this sort of item? Furthermore, is it morally ideal to utilize this sort of item? Both inquiries imply that the item or items being referred to are either hurtful or not, earth cordial or not, or that they don't just purpose hurt straightforwardly to people however specifically to the earth as well. Furthermore, if, as I have expressed, the reason for technology is to enhance the personal satisfaction, then to utilize technology to deliver items that damage both people and the regular habitat negates the motivation behind technology, and it likewise misrepresents an affirmation that people are levelheaded. Besides, it recommends that the modern level that the human personality has come to can't get a handle on the substance or method of reasoning of value life. In such manner, a serene conjunction with the regular habitat would have been forsaken for an over the top, asking human personality. The human personality would, in a manner of speaking, wind up plainly adulterated with convictions or thoughts that are untenable in any number of ways.

perfect copy / pasta from an unsecure website
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Solution to Laziness/Spendthrift/Negative thinking

In my own words i define laziness as a form of lack of dedication and progress. It is categorized as a Mental Problem which occurs to 99.99~% of humans.
Laziness is also a beginning of other negative thinking such as procrastination, spendthrift and all other forms of negative thinking. Laziness occurs at the teenage term of life. If it is cured early the human can have a very successful future.
The solution to laziness which after taking account of all possibilities I have come to a conclusion that 'fear' is the highest (dangerous/serious) level of medication to this problem.
---- In practical life what you can do is go to a military camp or a life threatening adventure. Something that forces you to work. You need to have yourself threatened till you max out on your performance. Only then can the highest level of laziness be solved. ----
E.g. Living in the extreme North/South poles where its ice everywhere -70*C. This is an extreme form of survival instinct and well it works
Sorry this might be very disturbing content to people who lead a very safe life in their gold cage.
If you watch "Batman Begins", you will probably understand what I mean and where my ideology comes from.
First of all, Thanks for posting such a nice thread. I totally agree with you, mate. It's Survival Of The Fittest.
Sorry, but I freaking hate that term "Survival of the Fittest." It is an example of Howad Spencer's misunderstanding of natural selection and it just does not mean what most people think it does. I blame it for being directly responsible for a large portion of the world just completely not understanding evolution and then doing things like having the theory outlawed in Kansas. Being "fit" in nature does not mean strong or fast or smart or wearing a pointy cowl, it means having the most number of children. Period. The species that survive and outcompete other species are those who reproduce the most, and whose offspring go on to reproduce themselves. The phrase means that those who have six healthy kids are more fit thatn those who have one or two.
Given the amount of time we all spend tweaking, hacking, coding, searching, flashing etc. rather than spawning rugrats I doubt that most of us are going to fall in the category of "fit"

print 1

Joe English
“A Sailing Vessel on Chesapeake Bay” by Fredrick Douglass
In the poem “A Sailing Vessel on Chesapeake Bay” the author expresses how much he despises being a slave, how he wishes that he were anything but himself, and how he plans to try to free himself from captivity. The author uses many elements to convey how he feels including imagery which he uses in conjunction with parallelism in order to compare and contrast his current situation with that of an inanimate object’s. The poet’s diction and rhetoric are key because they are the conduits through which the reader connects to the poem and the transfer of emotions occur allowing the reader the feel the poet’s frustration and anguish because of his current situation. (metaphor)
The use of parallelism plays a major role in the construction of the poem. The poet parallels “You are loosed from your moorings, and free. I am fast in my chains, and am a slave!” and “You move merrily before the gentle gale,
and I sadly before the bloody whip.” He first introduces with significant detail the an aspect of the ship, such as how it is able to go anywhere at its every whim, and then how he is in bondage and imprisoned on a plantation held captive, unable to control anything. Specifically, Parallelism as used here allows the reader to see the contrast between the poet and someone with their freedom, one who possesses him or herself, and endows them with the ability to experience the injustice and oppression that average slave must endure.
Joe English
The use of imagery is just as important as parallelism in this poem because it creates the pictures that are painted in the reader’s mind. This vital component is prevalent throughout the poem. “You are freedom's swift winged angels, that fly around the world; I am confined in bonds of iron.” This is a perfect example of how the poet uses the imagery to paint a picture. The “swift winged angel” described in the poem renders the depiction of an elusive heaven like creature that is pure and essentially free, its freedom being a gift from God. The “bonds of iron” are the chains that are used to tie him up and create his prison. The use of imagery emphasizes the parallelism by combining two completely different scenes and using the details within those two portrayed scenes in order to increase the impact of the paralleled lines.
The imagery which emphasizes the parallelism throughout the poem is key. The rhetoric and diction are the vehicles through which every idea flows. The poet uses strong language coupled with stylish descriptions of each scene. As seen in “bonds of iron” and “swift winged angel” the author uses a bold description to stress the depth of his imprisonment and then an elegant depiction of an angel in order to emphasize the beauty and freedom it possesses.
The entire piece is strung to together flawlessly the imagery, parallelism, diction, and rhetoric. Each of the aforementioned aspects of the poem flow together
Joe English
in unison creating a seamless connection of the reader and the main idea of the poem. The parallelism is emphasized by the imagery and is prevalent throughout the piece. The diction and rhetoric tie the imagery and parallelism together allowing the reader to connect to the main idea of the poem, and is the conduit through which the poet conveys the pain, angst, and torment that he as a slave must endure.
lol yea, it all worked out fine, big upps to xda, dont know what i would do without it.

Sourcing reputable freelance programmers for major project

Hi All,
I wondering if anyone can pass on some solid advice about sourcing and engaging a reputable programming company or freelance programmers in relation to a fairly significant project (in terms of capital expenditure) that I'm currently managing for a mining company in Australia.
I'm finding our mining industry is relatively incompetent and over-cashed when it comes to IT projects and the only potential providers for the solution are capitalising on this by offering basic (or even sub-standard) software at ridiculously high prices.
In brief terms, we require software capable of receiving real-time data and passing it to a database for subsequent interpretation/reporting and graphical display (on a real-time basis).
I'm not a programmer by any stretch of the imagination but my opinion is that the software should be relatively simple and straightforward to develop and hence far cheaper than current offerings...
Maybe I'm being naive, but I do feel there is real opportunity for a programmer here and am interested in peoples suggestions on how or where to approach this situation professionally and ensure I'm not led astray by some two-bit con.
If this seems a little ambiguous I apologise - it's a completely fresh ballgame for me and I'm just trying to gain some foundation...
My reason for posting here? Well, from the vast array of ROMs, apps etc that I've seen emerge from these forums in the last few weeks I figure there's some real talent and experience amongst the members and who better to ask for advice !

Marxism, What do you know of it?

I wanted to start a thread of a subject I know nothing about. However, I am very interested in learning Marx's language within his writing. Capital is a great novel by Marx. However, the book is written with discussion in mind. I would like to know what you know about Marxism and how you agree and disagree...
marxism mean that all means of production is controlled directly by the government
everybody make the same salary
no poor people equal opportunities for everybody no matter the status of parents
no way for risk takers and people with bright ideas and people who compete
to excel and make better products and cheaper prices and dreams for those not there
yet to strive to gain what the successfully gained
often see americans abuse these terms along with socialism which pretty much is the same deal
about countries with higher tax's more welfare and more strict gun laws then usa
one can feel what one like about those 3 things but it don't as I see it equal socialism
I feel Marxism is the most wrongly followed belief in the world. For any definition you can refer to wiki.
Marxism takes away all incentive to excel in any area.
Rudegar said:
marxism mean that all means of production is controlled directly by the government
everybody make the same salary
no poor people equal opportunities for everybody no matter the status of parents
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One word: Utopia.
^^^wrong. that would be the end of human progress.
It died a few years ago.
Marxism has a noble aim but - as already pointed out - is a disaster in practice.
We will have general elections next weekend. People are bored of the same platitudinous speeches of politicians. The campaign is made of scandals. There is no credibility. No values. No one believes, no one knows, the political philosophies of the parties. Not even them, I think. Abstention will be high.
Marx and Engels had a lot of innovative ideas and Marxism in its pure form is probably as close to a perfect society as humanly possible. It has never been implemented anywhere in the world.
It is debateable if Marxism would lead to stagnation of thought and progress. No way to know for sure, unless we get a real life example. I personally don't agree with that conclusion.
Communism is a perverted version of it that lets a small number of people on top of society enjoy anything they want and have a free hand with power and control while the common people live in poverty.
Capitalism and Communism have more in common than you know...

why importance of technology in education?

In the field of education, technology has an important role because with the help of technologywe can cam make easy to education. Also, technology provides a lot of study materials through which you can learn anywhere in the world.
People have lost sight of the fact that, from an educational perspective, the most important technology ever created was the printing press.
With technology, students have a wider range of resources to learn from and a wider range of resources to conduct fact checks. I'm not sure of all the other benefits but that's all that comes to mind.
sd86 said:
With technology, students have a wider range of resources to learn from and a wider range of resources to conduct fact checks. I'm not sure of all the other benefits but that's all that comes to mind.
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Sure. From another perspective, technology is an enabler in education. It is high time the brick and mortar universities decided on how to cut cost and embrace online learning platforms.
umesh_prajapati said:
In the field of education, technology has an important role because with the help of technologywe can cam make easy to education. Also, technology provides a lot of study materials through which you can learn anywhere in the world.
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I cant put it any better.
But here are some factors that make me favor the integration of technology in education.
Firstly, most teenagers right now started using phones right from childhood therefore integrating mobile education just make it simple for them to grasp some of the concepts. Besides, with the introduction of Virtual Reality and Artificial Intelligence, it can only get better .
One who masters's the next evolving technology rules the world.
geekhunt said:
One who masters's the next evolving technology rules the world.
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Technology is very useful in these for education. Even the school students have smart class, they can understand the concepts easily.
Education should be literate and tecnology...
Teachers themselves not only need to be literate, but they must also ensure that their students are able to access the information they need, are capable of determining the relative merits of the information obtained, and are able to represent the information they have gathered in new ways using the different forms of media available to them (print, video, audio, digital).
At present, technology has been imposed in our daily lives, therefore it is a vital need to learn and master them, since everything that surrounds us implies technology in one way or another,
With all lockdowns, technology is used more than ever for teaching and learning...
It will be useful if technology is implemented properly. But so far there's been a lot of bad attempts
It's pretty important for any essay writer to compose unique texts for the customers. If it would be not unique, client can refuse from the payment.
AI/CAD Robotics teacher's!
It's almost impossible to imagine education process without using tech in it. Agree?
For example https://idscan.net/. Employing student ID scanners and school visitor management software dramatically improves school safety and security by denying access to unauthorized individuals and granting access to those approved, all in real-time. Did you even know about that?
"The media is the message."
Technology is the message.
I am interested in 3D printing and I think it’s a great idea to use 3D printing in educations. It is not easy to have young students figure things out without the benefit of visualization. A visual learning environment improves their understanding of the world, being able to touch and see their projects. It’s a great opportunity for graphic, geography, chemistry students. But 3D printers are expensive, and many educational institutions don’t have enough funding to buy them. I hope, this will change over time.
ringostarplatinum13 said:
Absolutely agree that with the help of technology we can cam make education much easier. I have realized it in my own experience when I started studying with a tutor on preply. Just imagine I can study the language practising with a native. I'm sure that people have had no such opportunity for a couple of decades ago. And that's the basic thing that I could mention. The internet is a huge library where you can find everything you want. Also, it is possible to talk about the newest technologies like VR. It is insane.
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Not near everything and it can be heavy censored/search biased.
Example, wiki keeps editing critical info out to fit their left and god knows what agenda.
Example, entry David Hedison ie Capt Crane from the TV show Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea was in the Navy. He was also a pretty good Navy boxer. It helps explain his physical prowess in fight scenes... it was real.
This critical fact was completely omitted by wiki.
Even chemical entries have been altered over the last few years removing important properties.
Technology is very important in education. Continuing education is crucial. That's why platforms for online learning are very good. MOOCs offer the opportunity for lifelong learning at international universities. You also get certifications. Free and available to all. Many websites are also a good source of knowledge. XDA is one of those websites. Without internet access all this wouldn't be available. The most important thing is that education never stops and various new technologies will make continuing education possible for many people.
Technology makes education more engaging, interesting, and you can get more information rather than using old books.

