No Changing Gmail Notifications Icon in AOD mode - Samsung Galaxy Note 9 Questions & Answers

Hello Everyone,
Here is my question that I just can't seem to solve.
When my phone goes to sleep and AOD is on, there are some icons listed for notices to check such as Text, Missed Calls & Gmail.
When I see the notification Icons that are Gmail related on my Note 9, I am usually behind a computer, so I will go directly to my computer and respond to that Gmail task.
The Gmail icon on the Note 9 is still present on the AOD mode & does not go away even though the task has been completed on my computer.
When I wake up the phone to do another task, the phone does wake up and the Gmail syncs up with the Note 9 & the Gmail icon does goes away.
How can I make the Gmail Icon go away when in AOD mode?
Thanks a bunch for taking the time to read this question.



Is there a way to turn off alerts/alarms coming from the S planner?

Is there a way to turn off alerts/alarms coming from the S planner?
I'm planning on using Calengoo.
Won't the alerts double? One coming from S-planner and the other coming from Calengoo?
I cannot turn of the calendars in S planner as Calengoo seems to need it to be able to get calendar data from my google account (I don't want to give Calengoo my login details, thus it is syncing from my Android device which is syncing to my Google Account)
Thanks for what enlightenment you guys can give.
I, too, would love some advice on this issue. Just using Outlook and the S Calendar. What I would like to do is to turn off the spoken notifications but still receive an event notification in the notification bar. And I still want the phone to ring.
What about "Set alarms and notifications" option in s planner options accessible after pressing menu key? I can set "Alarm", "Notification", "Disabled". There is another menu entry for vibration...
Thanks. But the problem with choosing to disable it is that I no longer receive any notification. I would like a notice in the notification bar - I just don't want my notification bar speaking. I tried changing the notification sound volume to zero. That worked to silence notifications about texts (but I still get the vibrate). But my calender still speaks.
Well, I found a fix for my problem, but it won't help the OP. Turns out the phone was in driving mode and that overrode application settings.

Notification prefernces overridden by app

Hello guys. I'm new on this brilliant device.
I am trying to receive only icon notification on the status bar for the telegram app. I go in the notification preferences of the phone and set everything as it should but as soon as I receive a telegram message the settings I had selected are overridden and I am back to scratch. I am trying to get rid of pop up banner notifications and lockscreen notifications but I can't manage to achieve my goal. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Same thing for me, i think the phone is not saving settings for notifications and after 12-24 hours (even without reboot) these settings revert back to default... (especially the pop-up one)
I'm having the same issue with Kik Messenger. Turn some notification settings off and 12 or so hours later they are all back on. Really annoying.
I'm having the same with some apps. For instance, Yahoo Mail app keeps turning vibrate on even though I keep turning it off.

Calendar Notifications Not Persistent

Just bought an 8 & seem to have an issue with notifications from the stock calendar app. Notifications come through but aren't persistent. So if I don't check the phone straight away to see what the notification was, it disappears all by itself. I'm used to Samsung's S-Planner where notifications remain until manually dismissed.
Turns out the notification only dismisses once the event is over. Still not great though if you hsppen to miss the initial notification.

Cannot alter Gmail notification settings

I am having a very odd problem on my Mi 8, Global Rom, MIUI 9.6.1
If I try to customise Gmail notifications (Nofications>>App notifications>>Gmail) I can adjust the basic notification settings.
But if I go into the Gmail app and try to adjust the more specific notifications settings there, nothing works:
Gmail>>Settings>>General settings>>Manage notifications There are sliders for notifications for email, attachments etc. But when I slide them and exit the page, if i go back in they have reset themselves.
Gmail>>Settings>>[email protected]>>Manage notifcations I cannot change the importance level, and if I turn on Blink light and exit the page, when I go back in it has turned itself off again.
As a result, I have almost no control over the notifications in Gmail.
I have uninstalled all Gmail updates and reinstalled. But it made no difference. Is this a conflict between MIUI notifications and stock Android notifications? Anyone else having this issue?
Same issue
I have the same issue, with the same ROM.
I've tried everything I found on the internet on this subject, without any results.
I just don't get Gmail notifications. All remaining notifications work just fine. Also tried with Inbox instead of Gmail, but still no notifications!
Same on
Anyone managed to solve this?
I have same problem, can't change Gmail (also Chrome) notification settings.

Question WhatsApp notification problem

Using X Fold 2, latest fireware.
Hi all, I'm hoping someone can help fix my WhatsApp problem. I have every single option for notification turned on including auto start, display on lock screen and background pop ups. Now, if my phone is off, I will get the notification on the lock screen including the message preview. This works on dark mode and light mode, however, if I'm using the phone and I get a WhatsApp message, unlike Facebook and Outlook etc I do not get a message preview box at the top for a few seconds, all I get is the WhatsApp icon next to the clock top left and the app badge will have a 1. I have tried this is light and dark mode, it works for neither. I also have all the relevant settings in inside the WhatsApp app itself. Here's where things get strange though. If someone sends me a WhatsApp and I leave it unread, if a SECOND person sends me a WhatsApp I will now get a notification pop up for both messages, 1 line for each one. Why on earth can I not get it for 1 new message? What setting am I missing? I've compared to others and everything seems the same. Many thanks if you can help.

