[RECOVERY][UNOFFICIAL][ONCLITE] TWRP 3.3.1-x - Xiaomi Redmi 7 ROMs, Kernels, Recoveries, & Other

* I'm not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed (like it did for me...).
* Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in the products you find here before flashing it!
* YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
* Your warranty will be void if you tamper with any part of your device / software.
* Same statement for XDA.
This is an unofficial build of TWRP for Redmi 7 (onclite).
Based on TWRP version: 3.3.1
For device: onclite
Maintainer/Authors build: Galitsky Dmitry([email protected]/ [email protected])
Device tree: https://github.com/krot-melles/device_xiaomi_onclite-TWRP
In development plans
Supports CAF-based wrappedkey encryption (decryption) properly
Mounts the system partition at /system_root as per AOSP standards.
Support install custom ROM (PE,RR and other)
Installation Instructions
Grab the recovery.img from extracted folder
Reboot device in fastboot
Run "fastboot flash recovery recovery.img" from fastboot
Boot into recovery
IMG:Release list
Created 2019-05-10
Last update 2019-08-15

Thanks. I will try when I will arrived to home.
Is it control vendor partition too...?

I've installed your TWRP.
Unfortunately it is cannot bypass the encryption-decryption problem. Unfortunately, "format data" is required...
I need TWRP for Global Stable...but if I format data, after no SIM-card, and other problems (not suitable for MIUI incremental OTA)...this is good for custom roms only.
But very-very thanks your work.
Maybe next build will be better.

Somehow it wont flash the recovery on the 16/2gb version, yes phone is unlocked.
after abd flash recovery recovery.img it says ok, but after reboot no twrp but the original redmi bootloader v3.0.

TWRP is not flashable to Locked bootloader!

please read, phone aka bootloader is unlocked.

Sorry. I ve read wrong.
So. On new phones need different install method
1.fastboot flash recovery recoveryname.img
2.fastboot boot recoveryname.img
(if img booted, you need reflash third recoveryname.img in TWRP, and you need install Disable_Dm-Verity_ForceEncrypt_02.04.2019.zip then reboot if you want to use stock system)
1.fastboot flash recovery recoveryname.img
2.press an hold volume up
3.fastboot reboot command (on pc, press enter...but hold volume up constantly)
4.maybe then after mi logo, TWRP will launching
5.make format data with TWRP
6.install custom ROM
Day by day Xiaomi system is more closed.

Ok got it working now thanks.
indeed little bit different than other phones i have used.

Update TWRP
BoardConfig: fixed PARTITION_SIZE values ​​equated to partition.xml values
fstab: some fix
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TWRP download

Do this recovery support decryption in stock ROM?

sherindroid said:
Do this recovery support decryption in stock ROM?
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No((( maybe fix it in next build

Can I install ROM Builder from mi-globe.com? Can I take an error "Updater process ended with: Error 7"?

AdamWilling said:
Can I install ROM Builder from mi-globe.com? Can I take an error "Updater process ended with: Error 7"?
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Do you have the opportunity to take a screenshot or error log???

can you flash apps with this version of twrp?

melles.android said:
Do you have the opportunity to take a screenshot or error log???
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I already didn't tested...but maybe I know the problem, in redmi 7 is wrote onclite on every rom, but getvar of device is onc

Good work but encryption problem i hope get fixed

does this handle decryption and can disable dm-verify?

need help
JulianJenner said:
I've installed your TWRP.
Unfortunately it is cannot bypass the encryption-decryption problem. Unfortunately, "format data" is required...
I need TWRP for Global Stable...but if I format data, after no SIM-card, and other problems (not suitable for MIUI incremental OTA)...this is good for custom roms only.
But very-very thanks your work.
Maybe next build will be better.
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hey julian i am replying you on this thread as the https://forum.xda-developers.com/redmi-7/how-to/redmi7-lr-team-twrp-3-3-0-redmi7-cn-t3924278 (this) is closed.
i am searching for a working recovery but available twrp are not getting the job done. i am looking for the recovery you talked about can u please refresh the download link or share the recovery with me as the given given in the orignal post dosent work anymore. Thanks in advance

I have no Redmi7 anymore.
Sent from my MI CC9 Pro using Tapatalk



* Your warranty is now void.
* I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed.
* Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
TWRP 3.2.3-0 for Huawei Nova​
Team Win Recovery Project 3.x, or twrp3 for short, is a custom recovery built with ease of use and customization in mind. Its a fully touch driven user interface no more volume rocker or power buttons to mash. The GUI is also fully XML driven and completely theme-able. You can change just about every aspect of the look and feel.
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Decryption doesn't work.
You can use it on Nougat too.
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Huawei Nova
Unlocked bootloader ( here's a guide about how to unlock it). If you don't have the unlock key, then you no longer can unlock it. You gotta thank Huawei for not allowing unlocked bootloader anymore.
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If you already have a TWRP installed:
1) Boot in TWRP.
2) Select "Install", then "install image".
3) Select the recovery.img where you've placed it and then choose recovery from the partition list.
5) Reboot recovery if you wanna boot in TWRP or reboot system.
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If you don't have any TWRP installed:
1) Unlock your bootloader. Here's a guide about how to do it.
2) Run the following command in terminal (linux) or command prompt (windows, e.g. minimal ADB and fastboot):
[COLOR="red"]/* If you are doing this on Linux,
then run fastboot with [B]sudo[/B]: sudo fastboot blabla */[/COLOR]
fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
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AndroidFileHost | Mediafire
TWRP: https://github.com/minimal-manifest-twrp/platform_manifest_twrp_omni/tree/twrp-8.1
Device tree: https://github.com/skinzor/android_device_huawei_hwcan/tree/android-8.1
Kernel: https://github.com/skinzor/android_kernel_huawei_msm8953-1/tree/lineage-15.1 (i'm sorry for that mess of commits history, but i'll clean it as soon as possible)
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@ TWRP team
@ OmniROM
@ Huawei
XDA:DevDB Information
[RECOVERY][UNOFFICIAL][OREO] TWRP 3.2.3-0, ROM for the Huawei Nova/Nova Plus
ROM OS Version: 8.x Oreo
Version Information
Status: Stable
Created 2018-09-02
Last Updated 2018-09-03
You don't have any use for this TWRP yet, but soon you will.
Everything is working on LineageOS 15, but i still have to do few changes. E.g. i've noticed that fingerprint isn't always available after a reboot, so i think the service is starting too late or something. Also, i still got to use it myself for few days and see if everything is fine (at first glance it's fine) or maybe i'll leave that to y'all.
I've chose to publish the TWRP today as LineageOS 15 will be published in the upcoming day(s).
Wow great news ! thanks @#Henkate i cant wait for taste it !
Wow ... Good new in the morning ....
Waiting LOS 15 every hour .... Tik tok ... Tik tok
Great news! :highfive: looking forward to trying it.
Thanks for this!
can be installed TWRP in the e-recovery section, thus the recovery will remain a stock. Or so it is impossible?
P.S. In future i want to install LOS 15.1
oleh.onysko said:
can be installed TWRP in the e-recovery section, thus the recovery will remain a stock. Or so it is impossible?
P.S. In future i want to install LOS 15.1
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You mean having stock and TWRP recovery at the same time right? Well, I've never tried this but I've read that it was done on other Huawei phones, so I guess it would work on Nova too.
#Henkate said:
You mean having stock and TWRP recovery at the same time right? Well, I've never tried this but I've read that it was done on other Huawei phones, so I guess it would work on Nova too.
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Onother TWRP i used: stock recovery on recovery, and TWRP on e-recovery.
oleh.onysko said:
Onother TWRP i used: stock recovery on recovery, and TWRP on e-recovery.
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Yeah. As I've said, I've never tried this, but it was done on other Huawei phones, so I guess it would work on Nova too.
If you'd like to, you can try:
fastboot flash [B]e[/B]recovery recovery.img
oleh.onysko said:
can be installed TWRP in the e-recovery section, thus the recovery will remain a stock. Or so it is impossible?
P.S. In future i want to install LOS 15.1
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why do you want to do that? No judging here, just to know
I've flashed your previous TWRP ver 3.1.1-0
At first, my ADB detected it. while it boots on TWRP logo. But as soon as TWRP enters the menu it went offline. I need to pull important data from internal memory before I flashed it
Thank you so, so much for keeping this device alive, #Henkate!
Is it work with nova plus
I have a problem using Oreo TWRP, commands on Data partition dont work for me. Like wiping, backing up, formating.
First i was on Emui 5. Unlock it, flash Oreo TWRP and having error for Data partition (won't mount). Then i need to install TWRP 3.1.1 (the red one) to format Data, and after that install back 3.2.3 to install Lineage 15.
Exact the same thing happened when i move from Lineage to AOSP Extended.
Where I'm wrong?
Please find a new 3.2.3-0 build here:
It contains the fix for the crypto footer error message, so now it is also possible to install nanodroid on oreo. It was not possible before, because /data could not be mounted.
This issue lead me to the commit which fixed it:
gt_o said:
Please find a new 3.2.3-0 build here:
It contains the fix for the crypto footer error message, so now it is also possible to install nanodroid on oreo. It was not possible before, because /data could not be mounted.
This issue lead me to the commit which fixed it:
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[DISCONTINUED][RECOVERY] TWRP 3.3.x for Realme 3 Pro

Mod Announcement: All links removed on request of OP.
This TWRP recovery Is compiled from source & will be supported officially soon
Team Win Recovery Project 3.x, or twrp3 for short, is a custom recovery built with ease of use and customization in mind. Its a fully touch driven user interface no more volume rocker or power buttons to mash. The GUI is also fully XML driven and completely theme-able. You can change just about every aspect of the look and feel.
#include <std_disclaimer.h>
* We are not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
1. Unlocked bootloader.
1. No bugs
2. If you have found a bug, please consider posting it to my ....
1. Go to the fastboot mode.
2. Download the recovery.img and transfer it to the adb folder.
3. Open the cmd/terminal and change directory into the adb folder.
4. Now confirm/check that device is connected by typing:-
fastboot devices
If you got your device seriel number there then you are ready to continue otherwise try connecting device again and make sure USB debugging is on and you have granted permission to the PC to debug.
5. After that we will flash this TWRP recovery to the recovery partition by below command:-
fastboot flash recovery twrp-name.img
6. Then flash super su zip to avoid stock recovery to overwrite twrp recovery.
Android File Host: ...
Official TWRP Page: ...
XDA:DevDB Information
TWRP For Realme 3 Pro
Source Code: ...
Version Information
Status: Beta
Based on: TWRP
Created 2019-05-26
Last Updated 2019-06-04
Everything is normal
No Root For Now
Flashing Magisk will brick and cause bootloop (working on it)
Flashing SuperSU will not cause any issue but it is unable to install su binary (working on it too)
Please build for Realme 3 too
Good work chandan keep it up !
great. mantul
Thanks for giving a start to our device dev
P.S - How to unlock bootloader ?
great job...!!! Trying it soon..:good::good:
Well thats why i believed that i wont regret after buying thus device. Thnx bro
Is our device already unlock? And please help to build a way to Full Flash our device something bad happen
thank you for your work, hope this device will have Custom Rom soon (Miui 10)
Awesome. Keep the Good work up.
Awesome, development started for realme 3 pro. Keep going[emoji106].
Sent from my RMX1851 using Tapatalk
stuck logo realme powered by android
i tested on coloros not android Q
artmomeymi5 said:
stuck logo realme powered by android
i tested on coloros not android Q
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Test the new updated build (link updated in OP)
Mod edit: Link removed on request of OP.
How to UBL?anyone can share step by step?
Well Done Bro When we will taste custom roms ?
Samdroid18 said:
Thanks for giving a start to our device dev
P.S - How to unlock bootloader ?
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Stuk on logo twrp
dude i need your help,,after UBL and flash twrp, i,ve got stuck on twrp logo, and now my recovery cant be access, need heelp
burk44 said:
dude i need your help,,after UBL and flash twrp, i,ve got stuck on twrp logo, and now my recovery cant be access, need heelp
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I also experienced the same problem, stuck on the twrp logo
anabhi said:
Good work chandan keep it up !
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Anabhi bro anything for realme 3 pro from your side..
Btw good work you did for for realme 2 pro
@chankruze thanks for the initial twrp bringup buddy , want to know does it support flashing magisk?

[RECOVERY][3.4.0-10][tucana]Official/Unofficial TWRP Xiaomi Mi Note 10/CC9 Pro(Stable)

Team Win Recovery Project 3.x, or twrp3 for short, is a custom recovery built with ease of use and customization in mind. Its a fully touch driven user interface no more volume rocker or power buttons to mash. The GUI is also fully XML driven and completely theme-able. You can change just about every aspect of the look and feel.
#include <std_disclaimer.h>
* We are not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
- Decryption works
- Flash works
- Backup works
- Touch works
- Android 10 supported
- Android 11 Decryption
TWRP 3.4.0-10 Unofficial by mauronofrio
TWRP 3.4.0-0 Unofficial by mauronofrio
TWRP 3.3.1-4 Unofficial by mauronofrio
Official Links (Remember that the unofficial builds are always more updated)
TWRP 3.3.1-3 Unofficial by mauronofrio
TWRP 3.3.1-0 Unofficial by mauronofrio
To Flash the TWRP:
if it's the first time you flash the TWRP or you are getting problems of TWRP lost or device doesn't boot after flashed magisk or something else you need to flash a script to patch your vbmeta:
To flash the TWRP:
fastboot flash recovery twrp-3.3.1-xx-xxxxxx-mauronofrio.img
Then reboot in TWRP manually or using a fastboot command.
fastboot boot twrp-3.3.1-xx-xxxxxx-mauronofrio.img
fastboot oem reboot-recovery
Flash the VBMETA PATCHER and reboot.
REMEMBER: is important that from fastboot you directly go in TWRP mode or the TWRP will be overwritten.
Reccomended ADB and Fastboot binaries:
Adb and Fastboot Installer
Source code:
Precompiled stock kernel
My Telegram TWRP Support Group:
Created 2019-12-07
Hi, thanks for sharing.
Seems adb sideload not work
jack15381 said:
Hi, thanks for sharing.
Seems adb sideload not work
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What's the problem? Have you enabled sideloading from advanced menu?
Hi, i have two questions. I have a mi note 10 pro global.
Twrp can work on this model?
Firmware of Xiaomi eu stable can work on this 256gb model? Or its needed a specific version of this firmware?
Pampurios said:
Hi, i have two questions. I have a mi note 10 pro global.
Twrp can work on this model?
Firmware of Xiaomi eu stable can work on this 256gb model? Or its needed a specific version of this firmware?
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This twrp should work on all mi note 10 variants, i don't think there are problems flashing xiaomi.eu roms on 256gb model
My cc9 pro 256gb is in testing rom. Can I flash this twrp?
luciferlul said:
My cc9 pro 256gb is in testing rom. Can I flash this twrp?
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I am trying to flash it on my CC9Pro Premium, but the xiaomi recovery is still there and TWRP is simply not flashed. Everything looks fine while flashing it via fastboot, but it simply doesn't apply. Any clues?
H4N5 said:
I am trying to flash it on my CC9Pro Premium, but the xiaomi recovery is still there and TWRP is simply not flashed. Everything looks fine while flashing it via fastboot, but it simply doesn't apply. Any clues?
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It's a vbmeta problem on stock roms, try to fastboot boot it
mauronofrio said:
It's a vbmeta problem on stock roms, try to fastboot boot it
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I was also following this link and flashed the vbmeta first, but no success.
booting it via fastboot doesn't work either.
H4N5 said:
I was also following this link and flashed the vbmeta first, but no success.
booting it via fastboot doesn't work either.
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Have you tried to use fastboot boot?
If yes, flash the twrp and the use this command:
fastboot oem reboot-recovery
mauronofrio said:
Have you tried to use fastboot boot?
If yes, flash the twrp and the use this command:
fastboot oem reboot-recovery
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Thanks, that worked!
May I ask why I need to use that specific command?
H4N5 said:
Thanks, that worked!
May I ask why I need to use that specific command?
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It's a problem of vbmeta, after you flashed the twrp the system will overwrite it with the stock one if you boot directly in the system
I just share my experience.
With ORANGE FOX Recovery, impossible to boot any xiaomi.eu rom after flashing (data wipe or not, with or without decryption, rooted or not)
this one is working... and i realise that i just lost one day of my life yesterday flashing 10 times the fastboot rom and flashing through orangefox the xiaomi.eu rom ...
thankkkkkkkkkkkks! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hi, i used this and managed to boot into twrp..how to flash magisk if internal do not detect magisk files in its storage?since it does not support sd card i assume you guys use usb otg? but i cannot get it selected how many times i tick the usb otg box
for some reason i format the data and reboot, and now it is at continuous loading screen..i managed to go back to twrp but not sure what to do next
pawn_broker004 said:
hi, i used this and managed to boot into twrp..how to flash magisk if internal do not detect magisk files in its storage?since it does not support sd card i assume you guys use usb otg? but i cannot get it selected how many times i tick the usb otg box
for some reason i format the data and reboot, and now it is at continuous loading screen..i managed to go back to twrp but not sure what to do next
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Flash last with twrp but Re download the ROM from xiaomi.eu because it's boot fixed now
nesquix said:
Flash last with twrp . Re download the ROM from xiaomi.eu because it's not boot fixed.
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There are some problems with my twrp?
mauronofrio said:
There are some problems with my twrp?
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Hello dear
Maybe I have to try again, but I had a bad experience with it. I don't know why I'm not the only one, some people on xiaomi.eu can't also boot after rom flashing with this one. It's stuck on the bootlogo or sometime reboot to recovery. Also with orangefox recovery. But I noticed that the Chinese recovery work well with rom flashing (I experienced that with the xiaomi.eu, BUT can't flash magisk/edxposed etc.
So now I'm flashing rom with Chinese recovery, and use your recovery for magisk, mods, Xposed modules etc.
Strange but Working.
I have global version of mi note 10.
I will try again if you want, but last time the ROM flashed successfully but the phone was bricked.(full wipe+reflash not Working) Had to do a fastboot flash with erase all user data. And then flashed the ROM with Chinese one, and it booted..
nesquix said:
Hello dear
Maybe I have to try again, but I had a bad experience with it. I don't know why I'm not the only one, some people on xiaomi.eu can't also boot after rom flashing with this one. It's stuck on the bootlogo or sometime reboot to recovery. Also with orangefox recovery. But I noticed that the Chinese recovery work well with rom flashing (I experienced that with the xiaomi.eu, BUT can't flash magisk/edxposed etc.
So now I'm flashing rom with Chinese recovery, and use your recovery for magisk, mods, Xposed modules etc.
Strange but Working.
I have global version of mi note 10.
I will try again if you want, but last time the ROM flashed successfully but the phone was bricked.(full wipe+reflash not Working) Had to do a fastboot flash with erase all user data. And then flashed the ROM with Chinese one, and it booted..
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I think there are some problems in the .eu, maybe they are using busybox or something similar
works well on Mi CC9 Pro! Thanks.

[RMX2061][RECOVERY][3.3.1-3]Unofficial TWRP for Realme 6 Pro

* Your warranty is now void (or isn't ? who am I to judge ?)
* We are not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
* thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
* do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM
* before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
* you point the finger at us for messing up your device, we will laugh at you.
Team Win Recovery Project 3.x, or twrp3 for short, is a custom recovery built with ease of use and customization in mind. Its a fully touch driven user interface no more volume rocker or power buttons to mash. The GUI is also fully XML driven and completely theme-able. You can change just about every aspect of the look and feel.
Current status
Working :
- TWRP boots
- /data decryption is working
- system and vendor partitions are mountable but you can't modify them
- You can flash magisk and modules, or custom kernel (if that's even exists since our kernel source is total mess and broken)
- Flashing stock rom.ozip works
Not working :
- USB OTG works now
- Partition formatting doesn't works (upstream)
Direct booting (fastboot boot twrp.img) is not possible, so we just have to flash it like normal
1. Disable verified boot first
fastboot --disable-verity --disable-verification flash vbmeta vbmeta.img
2. Flash downloaded twrp
fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
3. Reboot to recovery
fastboot reboot recovery
Google Drive
Source code
Thanks to @simonsmh @mauronofrio @bigbiff and many other opensource TWRP devs
XDA:DevDB Information
Unofficial TWRP for Realme 6 Pro, Tool/Utility for the Realme 6 Pro
Source Code: https://github.com/nullxception/twrp_device_realme_RMX2061
Version Information
Status: Stable
Current Stable Version: 3.3.1-3
Stable Release Date: 2020-06-08
Created 2020-05-31
Last Updated 2020-06-08
Flashing stock ROM will make twrp gone, to preserve it, follow this step :
- Flash stock ROM .ozip
- Flash patched-vbmeta-v2.img
- Flash OF_avb_patcher.zip
- done, you can also reflash Magisk if you want, or just reboot
- Support flash-backup-restore vbmeta_system and vbmeta_vendor
- Support direct .ozip (Realme Stock ROM) flash
- Fix USB OTG not detected
- Initial Release
I am using rmx 2061_11_A17. Will this flashing of twrp cause any bootloop or damage to the phone? I've already unlocked the bootloader
---------- Post added at 04:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 PM ----------
I've flashed both files successfully. But when applying 'fastboot reboot recovery' command doesn't work when I manually go to recovery, I'm entering to the normal recovery everytime.
Muhammed159753 said:
I am using rmx 2061_11_A17. Will this flashing of twrp cause any bootloop or damage to the phone? I've already unlocked the bootloader
---------- Post added at 04:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:13 PM ----------
I've flashed both files successfully. But when applying 'fastboot reboot recovery' command doesn't work when I manually go to recovery, I'm entering to the normal recovery everytime.
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I don't get what are you trying to say, if you already flash twrp but still got a stock recovery, then you didn't flash it properly.
Ah it sucks that twrp hurdles with A10 hasn't been solved yet. 7 months already.
Anyway did you build it yourself @nullxception? Thanks alot!
Rizezky said:
Ah it sucks that twrp hurdles with A10 hasn't been solved yet. 7 months already.
Anyway did you build it yourself @nullxception? Thanks alot!
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A/B, SaR, now Dynamic Partition, Thanks to google for adding a new layout again and again XD
Muhammed159753 said:
I've flashed both files successfully. But when applying 'fastboot reboot recovery' command doesn't work when I manually go to recovery, I'm entering to the normal recovery everytime.
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Wait is fastboot reboot recovery even a valid command? Wasn't it adb reboot recovery and fastboot reboot. If you are booting into stock recovery that means twrp isn't flashed properly.
debdeep98 said:
Wait is fastboot reboot recovery even a valid command? Wasn't it adb reboot recovery and fastboot reboot. If you are booting into stock recovery that means twrp isn't flashed properly.
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both adb and fastboot can reboot recovery
New build is out, version 3.3.1-1.
- Fixed USB OTG not detected
Pro asF
nullxception said:
both adb and fastboot can reboot recovery
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Didn't know that.. thnks bro..
Failed to mount
I success install this twrp, but always "failed to mount" to do something....
So i put back my stock recovery.....
Didisurya said:
I success install this twrp, but always "failed to mount" to do something....
So i put back my stock recovery.....
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Read the first post, system/vendor is mountable but you can't modify them (which means read-only).
That's how Android 10 dynamic partition works, it'll fail if you try to mount system as read/write.
Why ? because the system and vendor partition is just a logical partition under the big volume called "super" partition. and generally, it has no reserved space at all to ensure that partitions aren't wasting space and are allocated to a minimum possible size.
> So, how can I modify stuff under the /system or /vendor ?
The only way to do it is via magisk, create your own modules.
> But, how custom ROM is working on such devices like OP7 or Redmi Note 9s ?
Because it is build from the source, you'll get the whole super partition that can be flashed to the device.
> Will GApps be working too ?
Yes, overlayfs is a thing, just like how magisk works systemlessly.
If you don't like it, blame Google and buy devices that comes with Android 9.
New build is out, version 3.3.1-2
- Support direct .ozip (Realme Stock ROM) flash
Flashing stock ROM will make twrp gone, to preserve it, follow this step :
- Flash stock ROM .ozip
- Flash patched-vbmeta-v2.img
- Flash OF_avb_patcher.zip
- done, you can also reflash Magisk if you want, or just reboot
patched-vbmeta-v2.img and OF_avbpatcher.zip already in the Google Drive too
nullxception said:
New build is out, version 3.3.1-2
- Support direct .ozip (Realme Stock ROM) flash
Flashing stock ROM will make twrp gone, to preserve it, follow this step :
- Flash stock ROM .ozip
- Flash patched-vbmeta-v2.img
- Flash OF_avb_patcher.zip
- done, you can also reflash Magisk if you want, or just reboot
patched-vbmeta-v2.img and OF_avbpatcher.zip already in the Google Drive too
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So the steps are :
- Flash stock ROM .ozip
- Flash patched-vbmeta-v2.img
- Flash TWRP
- Flash OF_avb_patcher.zip (from TWRP)
- Done, you can also reflash Magisk if you want, or just reboot
Are they correct steps or not?
Need twrp for Rmx2001 can't find
please help
Felix Siahaan said:
So the steps are :
- Flash stock ROM .ozip
- Flash patched-vbmeta-v2.img
- Flash TWRP
- Flash OF_avb_patcher.zip (from TWRP)
- Done, you can also reflash Magisk if you want, or just reboot
Are they correct steps or not?
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Nah, you don't have to reflash twrp.
Recovery will be replaced by the system if you start booting a system that didn't yet patched.
Do you think we can flash and boot A10 gsis with it despite the twrp and A10 condition currently?
Also i've read in Oneplus 8 twrp thread that the best way to backup currently is using img format, is it also true on this build?
Rizezky said:
Do you think we can flash and boot A10 gsis with it despite the twrp and A10 condition currently?
Also i've read in Oneplus 8 twrp thread that the best way to backup currently is using img format, is it also true on this build?
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GSI ? Idk, I'm not interested in that.
Backing up the ROM ?
You can backup super partition because both system and vendor are inside of it,
but also you have to backup the vbmeta_system and vbmeta_vendor too, I'll make an another build that can backup both vbmetas.
New build is out, version 3.3.1-3
- Support flash-backup-restore vbmeta_system and vbmeta_vendor

[ROM][fajita][12]ArrowOS 12.0[DEAD]

*** Disclamer
Your warranty is now void.
I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards, thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this ROM before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you.
This is the ArrowOS for OnePlus 6t
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Installation instructions
1. Install R Stock Rom onto your phone , follow some tutorial you can find in this forum
2. Flash boot.img and dtbo.img by typing fastboot flash boot boot.img and fastboot flash dtbo_a dtbo.img and fastboot flash dtbo_b dtbo.img
3. Wipe your userdata by typing fastboot erase userdata
4. Reboot the phone and immeditly do the recovery key combination
5. In Lineageos recovery select install and then sideload from adb
6. On your computer type adb sideload pathtotheromzip and press enter
7. The rom should now be flashed , flash gapps and other mods like magisk the same way
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Current changelog:08.11.2021
[note] 2nd Release of ArrowOS 12.0
[new] Audio works now , wifi works now , userdebug build
[changed] userdebug build now
[fixed] audio wifi
Older changelogs:
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Current changelog:05.11.2021
[note] 1st Release of ArrowOS 12.0
[new] Android 12 R
[fixed] Rom boots into OS
What doesnt work ?
fingerprint,,and maybe others
This rom is for fajita only
For Gapps i recommend NikGapps
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Thanks To/Credits
Wow first 12 build. But will be wait till fixing things by dev as described. Best of luck.
omg this is a good start
Thanks waiting
I don't see in the instructions what to do with the rootfs.tar.gz file from the Recovery link.
That's a good start.
digidude512 said:
I don't see in the instructions what to do with the rootfs.tar.gz file from the Recovery link.
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you dont , the rootfs.tar.gz is for running full desktop ubuntu on oneplus 6t
small update audio is fixed wait for next build maybe even more till then
J0SH1X said:
small update audio is fixed wait for next build maybe even more till then
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wifi fixed fp kinda works but not quite yet
Don't understand this thing
The flashing instructions you have listed don't seem to be working for me. When i enter recovery im still in stock recovery. the dtbo.img is flashed to both slots too as well as boot.img.
koobie777 said:
The flashing instructions you have listed don't seem to be working for me. When i enter recovery im still in stock recovery. the dtbo.img is flashed to both slots too as well as boot.img.
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try to flash boot to slot a and b , also dont expect any touch recovery its normal e3 with some extra stuff added or do you mean oneplus recovery?
New Release with fixed audio and wifi bt audio may or may not work , also fingerprint sensor will be detected now but it fails to illuminate the sensor so systemui will crash
Release fajita-20211108 · J0SH1X/Lineage-OTA
host for json response file for supporting ota updates on unoffcial lineageos || EOL FIND ANOTHER IDIOT TO DO YOUR **** - Release fajita-20211108 · J0SH1X/Lineage-OTA
J0SH1X said:
try to flash boot to slot a and b , also dont expect any touch recovery its normal e3 with some extra stuff added or do you mean oneplus recovery?
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Yeah it booted to OnePlus recovery, your instructions though mention using the recovery buttons command I tried vol. Down + power but I also tried just booting to recovery from bootloader, both booted to OnePlus recovery. I'll try to flash boot to both slots tonight. Testing out PE A12 GSI today while I'm at work. I'll have to MSM back to stock first to try your build out. I'll also test out bugs if I get it to boot and throw a logcat up.
Hey dev do you have any telegram group we people can hope in and ask for doubts xda seems to slow the process of asking doubts id someone stuck at recovery.
I will highly appreciate of telegram is there
Tushi001 said:
Hey dev do you have any telegram group we people can hope in and ask for doubts xda seems to slow the process of asking doubts id someone stuck at recovery.
I will highly appreciate of telegram is there
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LineageOS 19 - OnePlus 6T
Group to discuss about the Alpha Builds of LineageOS 19 based on Android 12 for the OnePlus 6T.
Can get this to boot, but can't change the recovery from the standard OnePlus recovery. As a result, sideloading .zip files fails because of signature verification (I can't see any option to disable that in the standard recovery).
Wifi is also still flaky on the latest build. It did connect once but now won't reconnect.
Happy to see arrow OS on fajita! thank you
MrUrgit said:
Can get this to boot, but can't change the recovery from the standard OnePlus recovery. As a result, sideloading .zip files fails because of signature verification (I can't see any option to disable that in the standard recovery).
Wifi is also still flaky on the latest build. It did connect once but now won't reconnect.
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okay can you maybe provide logs or so , i dont see any iusse with wifi anymore
Did Google open source wallpaper based color themeing? I didn't keep a track recently and wanted to know id its included in custom roms like this one.

