Google Assistant Offline Mode - Google Pixel 4 XL Questions & Answers

Does the Google Assistant not work at all when there's no internet connection? I must have been smoking mescaline when this phone was being marketed because I could SWEAR that was one of it's big selling points.
My Assistant won't work AT ALL without an internet connection. I realize of course that searching and other things that need to access the internet would not work, what I mean is local commands like "Call so and so." All I get is a message that "...can't reach Google right now."
THe internet is littered with reputable reviews, both print and video, proclaiming this as a feature. I chatted with Google and they acted like I was asking directions to another planet (Betelgeuse 6 is nice this time of year and I haven't had a Gargleblaster in ages...but I digress).

Same for me I hate Google pixel phones they use the same philosophy as apple focus on software and ignore hardware

It works for me, make sure you're using assistant 2.0 though

It works for me aswell. But only basic tasks. "Turn on flashlight" or something like that. No questions whatsoever. Assistant has no knowledge database, can only access basic functions.

Never tried it but now you've got me wondering. That's pretty dumb if it cannot even process local content offline.

Well you cannot ask it a question it does not have data for, so without a network connection it cannot "search web for xyz". But call Joe Bloggs, caption video and torch on then yes it should work.


[REVIEW] Choice Dialer - BT Dial/Command Entry

I recently purchased Choice Dialer, and thought I'd start a thread with somewhat af a review, and hopefully learn from others too about how to make it work well for us.
Ever since moving to Android, I have sorely missed Microsoft Voice Command. Choice Dialer is a start toward that direction. Of course, some will think of Vlingo, which in fact may be better now than when I last used it. Seems there is not one voice app that does everything.
Among features that it has are;
Of course, Dial by name, or number
Play/pause music; Next/Previous song; Play by artist; Play from album; Play songs by title
Send email
Send text
Set Facebook status
Create contact
Open App
Schedule an event on calendar
Enable/Disable WiFi, Blue Tooth, GPS and some more
Tell you the time
Add to calendar
I have only had the app for a few days, and this review will not be comprehensive.
Does it understand?
I am struggleing a bit having it understand me. I frequently have it say "Try again". Sometimes it does something completely different from what I asked.
I am finding that it has a learning curve for speaking so it understands, as it is getting a little better. Interestingly, it understands better if I speak faster. When talking to a voice recognition, I think people have a tendency to speak slow and enunciate clearly. Interestingly, i find that makes it least, speaking slow does, for me.
I also think the app needs to mature some. For example I had this conversation with it yesterday:
Me: Enable Blue Tooth
CD: Did you say Disable Blue Tooth?
Me: No
CD; Disabling Blue Tooth. should have understood NO.
Another thing, as all voice dialers need, it needs a fairly quite environment. Background noise, radios, etc. will really throw it off.
Playing Music
First off, the only music player it plays through at the moment is the native android music app. I use MixZing, so prefer that.
It is nice that it will play by Artist, Album, or Song. But a glaring omission is it will not play by Genre. I asked them about playing genres, and got this response:
As to your suggestion for genres, for now perhaps you can approximate the effect through playlists? I steer clear of genres, as Android does not support the concept in its data model (I cannot ask the phone to tell me which songs are "pop").
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I find it to do fairly well at dialing when the person is in the contacts. Occasionally need to retry. I really like that it has voice confirmation.
Send Email
When I go to dictate an email, it uses Google Voice to hear the message. And often I get "Server problem Speak again" message in the Google App. I suppose it is a problem for the Google App, not Choice Dialer. But in the end, not too great. I attempted an email 7 times, and it worked twice. When it works, there is no way that I know of to have it use punctuation.
Open App
I can say Open <program name> and it works fairly well.
An interesting challenge for it is this one: "Open GPS Test". It never gets that. I presume because GPS is not a word.
Enable/Disable Functions
It works pretty good to enable Blue Tooth, and WiFi. Again, I sometimes need to repeat.
But, interestingly, enabling GPS is not what you expect. It launches the settings for you to click it, rather than just turning it on. I contacted them about it, and this is their response:
That is because that is all it CAN do.. nothing more direct is permitted a non-Google app.
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That one perplexes me. If you can directly enable Wifi, and Blue Tooth, I wonder why you couldn't do GPS. Certainly, there are apps that you can toggle it with.
I find them VERY responsive. This is a good sign, and hopefully the app will mature and improve.
Wish List
If only this, or some app somewhere, could be as solid and capable as I found Microsoft Voice Command to be.
Would like to be able to : Play music by genre; Of course, have improved understanding and accuracy; tell me what is on my schedule today, and tomorrow. I'm sure there are others, but I'm running out of time for now on this post.
I may continue to use this for basic stuff, including dialing, and turning on BT when in car, opening apps etc. But for now, its too much effort repeating and so forth for the other features to be of much value to me.
So, are you using Choice Dialer? Better luck with it? Suggestions for use?
ewingr said:
I recently purchased Choice Dialer, and thought I'd start a thread with somewhat af a review, and hopefully learn from others too about how to make it work well for us.
I may continue to use this for basic stuff, including dialing, and turning on BT when in car, opening apps etc. But for now, its too much effort repeating and so forth for the other features to be of much value to me.
So, are you using Choice Dialer? Better luck with it? Suggestions for use?
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I tried the free version and really found it to be barely on par with the VoiceDailer.apk. Additionally, though there were lots of settings, it seemed overly complicated to me (I am a huge Voicedial fan from MS6.5).
I really only want the dial bit with confirmation (I never got that to work with the free version), and maybe reading/sending texts via voice.
I am not ready to step up and buy the app, and a 1 day trial is sort of silly. Give me 3-4 days. I did not realized there was a 1 day trial when I got the free version from the market, so I did not have an opportunity to test the paid version.
It is good to hear that their support is responsive. Let me know how you progress with this. I will let you know if I purchase the product.
I'll post back in a while.
I am still finding it a bit frustrating. I love the confirmation. But, I find it has a LOT of trouble understanding me. I think it is due to background noise.
Last night I tried it a bit driving home. I drive a Lexus, so road noise is not that bad, but with my Motorola T505 speaker phone unit, I had to scream at it for it to hear me.
Well, I'm about to give up on Choice Dialer. It just has way too high a percentage of not understanding.
I'm very disappointed. This is the only app I've found that has verification by voice.
I find Vlingo and Google Voice to have its share of misunderstanding, but not near as bad as Choice Dialer, but then they require hands on methods for verifications.
The major omission I found when switching from Windows Mobile to Android Eclair was voice dialling thru bluetooth. When I updated to Froyo I immediately tested the Voice Dialler with my Jawbone II - disappointed is an understatement. Recognition of contact names was abysmal, half the time it would dial the wrong contact without any confirmation. Other times I'd have to select an option on the screen - hardly hands free!
I tried Vlingo, but soon found it would only listen and speak thru the phone, not the bluetooth. Apparently a headset with A2DP profile is required.
So I tried Choice Dialer free, and found it better than the stock voice dialer because it offers voice confirmations thru bluetooth. That alone makes it worth using.
Recognition is good using the Jawbone, I haven't tried a built-in bluetooth or separate speaker phone yet. I'll report back when I've done so.
Anyway, I was impressed enough to purchase the Choice Dialer Plus. Can't say I've used the text and email capabilites for real yet, because although you can dictate a message thru bluetooth, you can't send it without pressing a button on the screen. Apparently the developer is working on making texting fully hands-free. He seems pretty active, judging by the change log on the site.
So I would recommend that those who are disappointed with stock Voice Dialler give Choice Dialer a try and see how the voice recognition works for you. Or if you have an A2DP headset, try Vlingo.

Google Maps - Offline Map Saving - Am I Missing Something?

Ok, so I was really excited when Google discussed at I/O the ability to save map data for certain areas to be able to access it with our Nexus7's without a data connection. Obviously on a tablet with no 3G/4G/LTE/etc. connectivity, this is a requirement to be able to use it as a GPS device.
When I got mine, I saved my entire home region. It seems to cap out around 85MB in size, so you can't just save the entire country, which is fine. I also noticed that the amount of space required seems to be tied to the size of the map you make, and has nothing to do with the amount of streets, cities, etc. (aka data) for that location (ie: New York City takes up the same amount of space as Nowheresville, MT). This was a little confusing, but OK.
Anyway, here is my issue. The other day, I took my Nexus7 for a road trip, and tried to use the Navigation app. It was able to show me where I was in real time, and give somewhat-detailed street information which was nice. However, it doesn't actually know how to GET anywhere. In other words, if you try to give it a destination, it fails, requiring Internet access. I tried addresses, cities, business names (who are actually on the map) as well as just clicking somewhere and asking it to provide a route. Nothing.
So I ask this: what good is offline map storage if you can't actually DO anything with it?
Don't get me wrong, I understand that this is a new feature and might not be fully developed. But based on the Google I/O presentation, they made it out to be much more functional than it is. Something along the lines of "Going to a different city? Just preload your Nexus7 with the map for the area and you're good to go!". Sure, if all you want is a static map and want to try and figure out directions yourself, I guess that will work. But it certainly doesn't provide anywhere near the functionality required for an offline GPS device.
Unless of course I'm missing something - but I doubt it.
I agree and I don't think you're missing something. For the size of the data it downloads for a given area, I believe it has all the address so I why can't one do a search of somewhere?
Might have something to do with apple taking aim at local search functions with their lawsuits? Finding that information would probably require accessing the function in question.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
nooomoto said:
Might have something to do with apple taking aim at local search functions with their lawsuits? Finding that information would probably require accessing the function in question.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
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Possibly, but I doubt it. AFAIK, the "local search" issue was with Samsung allowing users to run a search query which would also perform the search on local apps, files, etc. It had nothing to do with map searching, which would fall under a completely different scope. And the app supports it, but just seems to require Internet to make it work.
Also, while Samsung seemingly took it out of one/some of their devices with an OTA update, they later said this was an accident, and have pushed a fix out to put it back.
I given up with Offline Maps, really it just the same as having a paper map that only covers a limited area, instead I've been using NavFree, does navigation, address search, points of interest all without a data connection.
The Apple/Samsung lawsuit is 100% unrelated to offline search in maps. Google it, do some reading, and you'll see what I mean. I have GPS Copilot installed for any offline needs I may have.
Yeah dude google maps offline is a joke. You'll need to
1) start your destination somewhere you are connected to wifi
2) wait for google maps offline to not suck so bad
3) use a different app
Or just root your phone and tether...that's what I've been doing for years.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA Premium HD app
nooomoto said:
Or just root your phone and tether...that's what I've been doing for years.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA Premium HD app
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That doesn't solve the problem, it's simply a work around.
Sure, if you have wifi or tethering you can get online and get live maps/route data. But that doesn't negate the fact that Google Maps Offline is seriously flawed. It should work without needing to be online, otherwise what's the point of saving offline map data in the first place.
phonic said:
That doesn't solve the problem, it's simply a work around.
Sure, if you have wifi or tethering you can get online and get live maps/route data. But that doesn't negate the fact that Google Maps Offline is seriously flawed. It should work without needing to be online, otherwise what's the point of saving offline map data in the first place.
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It's much better than not having the map at all. If you have a GPS (like the Nexus 7 does), you still see yourself on the map where you are. The only thing missing is the blue line to your destination. It's limited, sure, but it's a lot better than not having a map at all to see your GPS location on.
+1 for NavFree though. If you need navigation (like in cities you aren't familiar with), this is a lifesaver, even if it eats battery rapidly and is very slow (at least on my Galaxy S).
I'm sure Google can/will release offline navigation in time (possibly along with entire country map downloads), but probably not until Apple pushes them to by releasing their own offline navigation.
jabsys said:
I given up with Offline Maps, really it just the same as having a paper map that only covers a limited area, instead I've been using NavFree, does navigation, address search, points of interest all without a data connection.
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I used the offline maps with directions when i started out on a data connection and then immediately turned it off. I started the n7 navigation with it tethered to my phone, once navigation has established its route, I disconnect my data and the directions continue to work.
This worked for me. It may not work for you, I do apologize if I waste your time.
Sent from my Nexus 7 using xda premium
I use offline maps quite a bit.
Navigation is usually useless for most of the back country roads I'm on. Having a map and GPS showing me where I am in relation to where I need to be (pre-set waypoints) is awesome and is better than nothing.
Another app I use often is Maverick with pre-cached satellite maps. I'd dump Maverick if Google Maps had offline satellite and topo maps.
jabsys said:
I given up with Offline Maps, really it just the same as having a paper map that only covers a limited area, instead I've been using NavFree, does navigation, address search, points of interest all without a data connection.
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Thank you for showing me this app! That's perfect, and just what I'm looking for. Looks like it will work amazingly!
Sent from my Nexus 7 using XDA Premium HD app
I wish apps could use the cached data from Maps, but so far each app I've tried appears to download it and cache it directly. No idea if it's even possible to to, but it'd be nice if all apps could access the cache and use it.
As for the OP, this has been discussed since Maps first released.... It does not have the engine or routing data to do offline navigation. Maybe it will in the future, but it does not today.
try Co-pilot GPS from the market. It's free, and it downloads maps and stores them on the phone. If you have any svox classic voices purchased you will get the more advanced street names as part of the turn by turn verbal directions. I haven't tried this version yet, but it looks great and for free you have nothing to lose.
nooomoto said:
Or just root your phone and tether...that's what I've been doing for years.
Sent from my HTC One X using XDA Premium HD app
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Tether to what? I already pay $70 a month for internet at home I am sure as hell not gonna pay for more data
Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 2
IMO, for a FREE navigation app, I think you get a little more than you paid for...
The Turn-by-Turn directions require a data connection initially. But once it has downloaded the directions, you can use it offline and still get the voice directions - I tested it out on Saturday. You want to leave it connected a few minutes so it can cache all the map tiles along the route. If you don't let it finish caching the route, there will be places where you can see the route and get voice nagivation, but the streets won't show up.
If you deviate from the route, however, you will lose any navigation until you get back on the suggested route. You can see your route on the map, but there won't be any streets showing up at your location - even if you have chached the entire area in maps. If you zoom out you can see the suggested route. The voice nagivation will try to get you to turn around and go back since it can't recalculate the route. It needs more than just a map to calculate the route. It doesn't read a map the way you or I would to get directions...:silly:
I had maps and navigation running at the same time, and when I left the suggested route I switched over to maps (leaving navigation running in the background) and could see the streets I was on. A bit crude but it worked...
Once in range of the suggested route, the voice navigation will pick back up again and continue from there, and the streets will show up again.
I really hope Google eventually allows client side navigation, instead of server side requiring a data plan or wifi.
I've used Google Navigation on my tablet by calculating a route prior to disconnect from wifi, and their Navigation is hands down the best available for Android.
I've tried other Navigation apps, and they're super slow compared to Google, especially when it comes to re-routing or telling when you turned. Google almost re-routes you instantly when you go off route, other apps sometimes take a full minute before they set another route. Plus, Goole's street naming is fantastic for audible directions.
Offline maps is something, but off line route planning will be the ultimate offering.
I don't see how this could be too difficult to enable. Sure, maybe there are patent issues to work out (possible, but unlikely). But this functionality is already present in cheap GPS devices. The maps themselves take up a lot of space (a couple gigs on average for the entire US on a dedicated GPS unit), but if we download an 85MB region map, all the streets/addresses should already be built in. So it comes down to getting the routing engine to work offline. I'm not sure how big or complex this is, but IMHO it should be a simple addition.
And yes, it's "free" so we are getting what we pay for, but still.
As I mentioned earlier, my biggest disappointment was that Google made it out to be a fully comprehensive update to Google Maps, when it really isn't.
phonic said:
I don't see how this could be too difficult to enable. Sure, maybe there are patent issues to work out (possible, but unlikely). But this functionality is already present in cheap GPS devices. The maps themselves take up a lot of space (a couple gigs on average for the entire US on a dedicated GPS unit), but if we download an 85MB region map, all the streets/addresses should already be built in. So it comes down to getting the routing engine to work offline. I'm not sure how big or complex this is, but IMHO it should be a simple addition.
And yes, it's "free" so we are getting what we pay for, but still.
As I mentioned earlier, my biggest disappointment was that Google made it out to be a fully comprehensive update to Google Maps, when it really isn't.
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I would love to know Google's reasoning behind server side routing only. I've searched around, but can't find a definitive answer. I always figured they stay clear from allowing off-line routing because you'll lose out on real-time traffic condition, weather, accident updates, etc.

Questions... Help me understand

Ok, I'm stuck at work and our net was down today, so maybe I missed something, excuse me if I'm wrong.
I'm wondering about:
Xbox Live, me and my friends and some people I met on Game Center, we play COD(call of duty) Zombies, and we all chat it up while we're playing. You know like, "watch this door, and I'll watch this side", or "come help me". Basically it's Xbox Live on the phone. What I'm wondering is, has Microsoft mentioned this today? Any word on real time multiplayer gaming? Voice chats?
Next question. I read that the new mapping service has disabled voice navigation for all except Nokia. Is this true? I'll post links to this specific article later. That's a real bummer if true.
I read dragging and dropping is supported, and iTunes is supported. That's great.
I can't stop thinking about the new lock screen features and I can wait to try that out.
Any word on Google Talk being built in? It uses a open standard.
Next question, notifications. I know the star screen can be setup to view all of your information. However, what if I'm in a app doing something else? Any word on notification improvements?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
There is no new Chat or VoIP Services built-in to the system. Apps can extend the VoIP functionality though (and given that Skype does this which also uses Instant Messaging it should be doable with GTalk as well - but my guess is that Google again won't do anything).
The Maps-App does no longer integrate Voice guided navigation which was only available in the US anyway. Routing launches an App to do this. According to this post by Nokia in June Nokia Drive will be available for all WP8 devices: so that will most likely be launched from there.
Regular notifications have not changed - Toasts and Live Tiles as before (aside from the Lock screen changes).

[Q] Two application types? Seems limiting...

Doesn't the two "application types" of "audio" and "notifications" seem horribly limiting? I mean, I can envision a lot of cool ideas that dont fall into those categories but would still be ok on the road.
For example - if you can "proxy" access to the phone's Bluetooth connection - you could write a "dashboard extension" that uses a Bluetooth OBD II connector which is able to display a good deal of extra information on your Android Auto screen.
Anyone else feeling limited?
Google is working on other app types; The code shows a few presumably experimental.
Audio & notifications is just the start.
But Google is trying to be rigorous about ensuring no distraction, and that's part of why things are moving slowly. Google has never pre-approved apps before.
Yeah... so far the only documented APIs are for audio playback and messaging. There is another group to come, and that is vehicle info. Unfortunately the example apps I have seen are things like roadside assistance, service intervals, and the like.
I am hoping for more... something akin to Torque-like displays, but there is no info just what the new APIs are capable of. The existing ones seem to be pretty opaque.
While I like the Pioneer head unit, AA is kind of a wait and see process. It actually requires more interaction for calls and texts than my Moto X. And you will miss all your notifications outside of phone calls, Google Now, and texts. I had one from SmartThings that notified me if I left my garage door open. I had to rewrite that app to use texts instead.
Oddly enough, some Tasker stuff comes through. I have a text to speech task tied to a charging profile, and it still announces the charging status when connected.
Solutions Etcetera said:
There is another group to come, and that is vehicle info.
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Google wants to mine this data. Auto OEMs are tending to hold back.
Auto OEMs want to make money on the new technology, and not become "dumb pipes/terminals" for Google and Apple, and while the OEMs take all the risks of distracted driving lawsuits as Google and Apple are trying to do.

Is Android Auto a Big Mess? Can't Send Texts. Unstable. Bugs. Poor Design.

Just picked up a 2019 Mazda with Android Auto. LG V30 running Android 8.0. I have all sorts of weird things happens indicating this app is NOT stable. I'm wondering who I go to, to try to work out the problems, Google or Mazda? (I doubt Mazda can do anything.)
I've been a Software Developer for over 20 years and my opinion thus far is Android Auto is both unstable and poorly thought out.
Geez, I could build a list a mile long but here's some major things off the top of my head...
- When replying to a text message, I get as far as AA reading my reply and asking me if I want to send, which I confirm, and then it says "Ha. Something went wrong." If I then ask "What went wrong?" AA Says there was a server error but I've fixed it now. No, you haven't, because it keeps doing it.
- The command "OK Google... Send text message to {insert contact name}" responds with "I don't know how to do that." Are you kidding me? I can do that on my phone when not using AA.
- The command "read last text message" AA responds it can't do that either.
- The command "read last notification" can't do it.
There are pretty basic necessities when driving. I'm sure Google has some explanation like "apps aren't allowed to access {some data} for security purposes." But in reality, at the end of the day, the software engineer's goals should be centered around making user functionality as useful as possible and easy to use. Looks like thus far, they've really missed the mark.
The funny (but sad) thing is, the Mazda salesman said the Apple Car Play worked better, but didn't warn me about the issues I was going to have with Android Auto. I can see why he said Apple was better. But Google is such a small company with so little resources, I can therefore understand why Android Auto is subpar (NOT.)
I use AA only for Waze navigation because the weird stuff you wrote about.
Google went for a super duper restrictive use of Auto functionalities for "drive security" sake, at the point they rendered the product almost unusable. It's ironic the AA software is even more restrictive than automotive manufacturers ones.
In my case, the only really usable software in AA are Waze (even with its frequent errors) and Google Maps.
nangu said:
I use AA only for Waze navigation because the weird stuff you wrote about.
Google went for a super duper restrictive use of Auto functionalities for "drive security" sake, at the point they rendered the product almost unusable. It's ironic the AA software is even more restrictive than automotive manufacturers ones.
In my case, the only really usable software in AA are Waze (even with its frequent errors) and Google Maps.
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I can see myself going the same route if things don't get better. One thing though I was really happy with was on my Acura, I'd usually have to turn down the volume to issue voice commands because I believe without Android Auto, you are talking to the phone mic, not the car mic for "OK Google" commands. With AA, it appears to use the car mic and picks up and understands your voice commands a lot better. Of course if most of the useful voice commands you want to use AA doesn't support anyway, I guess it's sort of a moot point.
I just deleted all the AA app data and cache and reinstalled thinking maybe I accidentally skipped over a permissions grant when I installed, but then, the app wouldn't be reading my text messages if I did that but I'll try anything to make it work.
I can't think of any BIG advantage to using Google Play Music via AA as opposed to the car's Bluetooth. It's also a little annoying to have to plug the phone in. Gee, here we are in 2019 and we're really *this* far from a well engineered solution from Google? I guess considering the app doesn't generate revenue for them, this may be the real issue. But I would guess car manufacturers have to pay some sort of licensing fee to include it in their cars. So AA technically would be more of a revenue generator than say the free Google Assistant - which ironically is more useful and works better than AA. Go figure. Although one could argue GA is a must have O/S feature to compete with iOS and therefore indirectly generates more revenue via phone sales.
Is Waze still *that* much better than Google Maps? I know it was better in the past but hasn't Google added more features like accident reporting, etc. I believe Google actually owns Waze so maybe they are gradually merging the feature sets? So does the car actually display the Waze map? How to you indicate you want the Nav button to bring up the Waze map instead of Google Maps?
jazee said:
Is Waze still *that* much better than Google Maps? I know it was better in the past but hasn't Google added more features like accident reporting, etc. I believe Google actually owns Waze so maybe they are gradually merging the feature sets? So does the car actually display the Waze map? How to you indicate you want the Nav button to bring up the Waze map instead of Google Maps?
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Hi @jazee
Actually, GMaps render to the car screen a lot better, it's smoother and graphically nicer. I have to test the "waze added" features like dynamic navigation based on traffic, speed camera alerts, warnings alerts, etc.
Last GMaps version available on my region doesn't display speed camera warnings as far as I tested, so it's a waze keeper for me until Google decides to incorporate this functionality on Maps at least.
The car does display the Waze map, alert icons, speed cams, etc, both visually and audible.
To display Waze or Maps on car screen, you press Android Auto navigation button. It depends on your default navigation app which is shown on the screen at first, but if you are displaying Maps in example, and you press the AA navigation button again, you can choose which navigation app you want to use and it is saved as default.
jazee said:
Just picked up a 2019 Mazda with Android Auto. LG V30 running Android 8.0. I have all sorts of weird things happens indicating this app is NOT stable. I'm wondering who I go to, to try to work out the problems, Google or Mazda? (I doubt Mazda can do anything.)
I've been a Software Developer for over 20 years and my opinion thus far is Android Auto is both unstable and poorly thought out.
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Hi @jazee,
I'm a user of AA for the last 3 years. Here my recomendations:
- For better AA experience, exit from all Gloogle BETA services.
- Don't try to use conversational language with the Google Assistant (yes! AA use GA). Use only accepted "commands".
- Remember that without Internet connection only a very limited commands are available. So, without network use only the screen.
Besides that AA is far away of the creapping media interfaces from car manufacturers!
manos78 said:
Hi @jazee,
I'm a user of AA for the last 3 years. Here my recomendations:
- For better AA experience, exit from all Gloogle BETA services.
- Don't try to use conversational language with the Google Assistant (yes! AA use GA). Use only accepted "commands".
- Remember that without Internet connection only a very limited commands are available. So, without network use only the screen.
Besides that AA is far away of the creapping media interfaces from car manufacturers!
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- Where is the list of "commands" ?? (Can't use them if I don't know all of them.)
- I pretty much always have an Internet connection being on Verizon so doubt it has to do with my connection.
Well after several hours of troubleshooting and searching various forums, I found a solution to why I can't send text messages.

