Longer exposure on third party camera apps - Xiaomi Mi A2 / 6X Questions & Answers

Hello, I've enabled Camera API2 and tried to take photos with longer exposure using third party apps (FreeDcam, Footej Camera, Open Camera), yes, the stock camera can take longer exposure photos but only in jpg format and only at certain intervals (there is no 12s for example). On these other camera apps the option to take longer exposure is there, up to 32s, but selecting more than 5 seconds does nothing, the camera throws error (footej) or keeps "taking the photo" forever, tried on stock ROM and Lineage 17.0. On logcat found something related to SOF Freeze:
740 14907 E mm-camera: <MCT ><ERROR> 98: mct_bus_sof_thread_run: FATAL Session 4: SOF Freeze! Sending error message
740 14907 I mm-camera: <MCT >< INFO> 133: mct_bus_sof_thread_run: Sending HW_ERROR from MCT on session =4
740 14853 E mm-camera: <MCT ><ERROR> 817: mct_controller_send_cb: FATAL: Sending HW_Error
740 14874 E QCamera : <HAL><ERROR> camEvtHandle: 1206: Fatal, camera daemon died
Searching on internet found various threads about modified libraries to enable longer exposure and various hints: this was the first, and this other says something related to SOF timeout, but all shared the modified libraries but no the original to give an idea of what they modified and I'm totally ignorant to figure myself where to search and/or modify.
There is a ROM with support for exposure longer than 5 secs using API2? I would use it very very rarely, but if it already exists I save the time in trying to do it myself (although I doubt I can achieve it )
Thanks and sorry for my english.

Well, I've tried to see in the disassembled code of the various modded lib (particularly on the libmmcamera2_mct.so) but that's far beyond my knowledge .
But I've found a sort of workaround: FreedCam can take dng photos with longer exposure time (...,2,4,8,16 and 32 seconds) but only if API2 is disabled (no, the option of camera1 in the menu of FreedCam doesn't work if API2 is enabled, only allows jpg but no raw). Isn't necessary to disable the Camera API2 systemwide, you only needed to add the package id of FreeDcam to the camera.hal1.packagelist prop, but the property has a character limit and thus is needed to remove one of the included package ids and add FreeDcam, this is the original on /vendor/build.prop file:
I've removed Instagram package id because I never use it, that can be done with Magisk and its resetprop utility:
resetprop camera.hal1.packagelist com.whatsapp,com.android.camera,com.android.camera2,troop.com.freedcam
resetprop vendor.camera.hal1.packagelist com.whatsapp,com.android.camera,com.android.camera2,troop.com.freedcam
Or with a Magisk module or editing the build.prop directly.
And now FreeDcam has the option of take raw images on API1 and also can use API2 :victory:
- Obviously this means that you can take raw photos even on stock with locked bootloader using FreeDcam and Camera API1.
- To get the option to take DNG files on FreeDcam (only has RAW) is needed a dng profile. I've attached one, put on /sdcard/DCIM/FreeDcam/config/ folder.
- I've done this on AICP 14.0 (Android 9.0) and don't know if the prop camera.hal1.packagelist exists on newer versions of Android as i've read that is deprecated on Android Q.
- Still a modded lib or official support for exposure longer than 5 secs would be better, but worse is nothing.
Thanks to @pexxie for the idea in his answer.


Open Source CM10.1 for Dell Streak 7 continuation

First you need to have giveen's original port installed: http://goo.im/devs/giveen/jellystreak (via the old thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2130081). The most important thing this does is installing the TWRP "recovery" bootmenu thingy. You can use it when powering on/restarting the dell streak 7 and then keeping power+volup pressed and then choosing "install update from sdcard" or so.
With AOKP there is one install image that wipes /system and an ota update. I have not tested the ota update.
Download for the AOKP 4.2 build for the Dell Streak 7: http://w3studi.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/~haagch/aokp/
The non-ota update wipes /system. So you have to reinstall gapps every time too, preferably before rebooting (android deletes settings for apps that are not installed I think).
The "official" gapps package uses neon instructions that don't work on tegra2. You'll see the keyboard, tts, etc. crashing all the time. "tonyp" has created a gapps package that uses "old" libraries that work without neon instructions. So you should use this instead of the official gapps:
Download for non-neon gapps: http://goo.im/devs/tonyp/non-neon-gapps
Gesture typing on the keyboard doesn't seem to work for me, but tts works and it doesn't seem to be crashing.
Known issues for me:
[*]sensors don't work: rotation, accelerometer, gps (I think), magnet field (Sensor driver is sensors.p3.so for now, maybe later giveen gets open source drivers to work)
headphone jack doesn't mute/transfer for some headsets like ones with built in microphones
bluetooth keyboard
Performance problems. Especially when the ram gets full. You can use a ram manager like https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jrummy.apps.memory.manager with the Aggressive or Extreme preset to make that problem go away with the cost of background apps being killed very quickly.
Here is the repository: https://github.com/ChristophHaag/android_device_dell_streak7
And here is how to build it on Archlinux:
AOKP: https://gist.github.com/ChristophHaag/6334554
Cyanogenmod: https://gist.github.com/ChristophHaag/6078249
I'm new to android but maybe some other people know something, so I post whatever I come about. Maybe someone else wants to get started too and finds this helpful.
If you want to engage in bug finding and fixing yourself:
Remote debugging c works like this:
On the android device you do
gdbserver --remote-debug :5039 --attach 1
Which will attach gdbserver to the process with pid 1 and listen on port 5039 on all interfaces.
For a gui debugger I tried nemiver:
For $ANDROID I use the path where the cyanogenmod was checked out.
nemiver --remote=<STREAK7-IP>:5039 --gdb-binary=$ANDROID/android/system/prebuilt/linux-x86/toolchain/arm-eabi-4.4.3/bin/arm-eabi-gdb --solib-prefix=$ANDROID/android/system/out/target/product/streak7/symbols/ $ANDROID/android/system/out/target/product/streak7/symbols/init
And in edit-preferences for sources I added some paths like symbols/, symbols/system/lib and the android/system directory.
There's also a statically compiled gdb that you can use over ssh or so: http://dan.drown.org/android/howto/gdb.html
Obsolete first look into the CyanogenMod adb bug:
I think the problem is in line 1068 in init.c
if (!action_queue_empty() || cur_action)
timeout = 0;
each time I looked when it comes there the cur_action->name was "property:sys.usb.config=none".
Maybe it is connected with the adb issue. When I googled for the
E/UsbDebuggingManager( 367): Communication error:
E/UsbDebuggingManager( 367): java.io.IOException: No such file or directory
E/UsbDebuggingManager( 367): at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connectLocal(Native Method)
E/UsbDebuggingManager( 367): at android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:238)
E/UsbDebuggingManager( 367): at android.net.LocalSocket.connect(LocalSocket.java:108)
E/UsbDebuggingManager( 367): at com.android.server.usb.UsbDebuggingManager.listenToSocket(UsbDebuggingManager.java:79)
E/UsbDebuggingManager( 367): at com.android.server.usb.UsbDebuggingManager.run(UsbDebuggingManager.java:115)
E/UsbDebuggingManager( 367): at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:856)
issue I found surprisingly many people having issues with this, but few answers.
But I also found e.g. this: https://gist.github.com/steven676/5...c-remove-obsolete-ro.debuggable-1-trigg.patch
so the problem may be in https://github.com/ChristophHaag/an...lob/master/prebuilts/root/init.streak7.usb.rc
but I didn't have time to really read documentation to that.
I think this file complements $ANDROID/system/core/rootdir/init.usb.rc
I'll either play around with that or I'll add debug output in android.net.LocalSocketImpl.connect(LocalSocketImpl.java:238)
connectLocal(fd, address.getName(), address.getNamespace().getId());
Then I would at least know what it's trying to do and it would get easier.
Many of the results I saw from googling mentioned that it might have to do with netd.
On the streak 7 I get this:
cat /dev/socket/netd
cat: can't open '/dev/socket/netd': No such device or address
I'm not sure if this is how it should behave...
An observation is that adbd run from a command line seems to start without an issue and listens on a port specified with
setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
but the access over adb connect <STREAK7-IP> does only say "unauthorized". And "start adbd" does nothing. None of the programs seem to have --help or -h, so I have to look closer into whether they can be started directly.
I'll change "[ro.adb.secure]: [1]" in /default.prop to 0 and see whether that does anything.
In the other thread from giveen I said that I don't see the log spam. This was with debugging in the developer settings disabled. When I enable it, the logspam starts. But whether it is enabled or not, init still eats 100% cpu. The trouble with the debugging is that each time it is enabled and I want to disable it, the streak 7 immediately reboots.
Now that I had logcat via ssh running I caught this when the reboot happened:
W/dalvikvm( 367): threadid=50: thread exiting with uncaught exception (group=0x40b0e930)
E/AndroidRuntime( 367): *** FATAL EXCEPTION IN SYSTEM PROCESS: UsbDebuggingHandler
E/AndroidRuntime( 367): java.lang.NullPointerException
E/AndroidRuntime( 367): at com.android.server.usb.UsbDebuggingManager.closeSocket(UsbDebuggingManager.java:125)
E/AndroidRuntime( 367): at com.android.server.usb.UsbDebuggingManager.access$200(UsbDebuggingManager.java:46)
E/AndroidRuntime( 367): at com.android.server.usb.UsbDebuggingManager$UsbDebuggingHandler.handleMessage(UsbDebuggingManager.java:177)
E/AndroidRuntime( 367): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
E/AndroidRuntime( 367): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:137)
E/AndroidRuntime( 367): at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:60)
Looks bad.
For looking at the android code I just use grep and ls with globbing for the c and config files and for the java part I imported it in eclipse via this method: http://source.android.com/source/using-eclipse.html
This is a build I haven't tested yet: http://w3studi.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/~haagch/cm-10.1-20130820-UNOFFICIAL-streak7.zip
This is giveen's original nvflash that I am not sure I am allowed to put there as giveen has not put any license information in there: http://w3studi.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/~haagch/JB_Beta2.1.zip But then it's all apache code and there are no notices in reagards to the apache license or changed files anyway. If not, you can just tell me and I'll remove it.
So the call to connectLocal() that throws the exception has as parameters
fd: FileDescriptor[263]
address namespace: RESERVED with address name space id: 1 and address name: adbd
That doesn't help me much yet, but there are frequent calls with FileDescriptor[263] and namespace RESERVED, id 1, name rild (radio service) that don't throw an exception.
So it's a "valid" file descriptor... But I think the problem is still that adbd is not started by init...
The whole UsbDebuggingManager.run method is
public void run() {
while (mAdbEnabled) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
/* Don't loop too fast if adbd dies, before init restarts it */
where listeToSocket() is ultimately throwing the exception.
I have also read a bit about how adbd is supposed to work. Apparently in android 4.2.2 they introduced rsa encryption. It looks very similar to ssh. You have your authorized public keys on the device in /data/misc/adb/adb_keys (like ~/ssh/authorized_keys) and on your computer you have your public key in ~/.android/adbkey.pub
So I put my ~/.android/adbkey.pub in /data/misc/adb/adb_keys on the streak 7 and started adbd from the command line on the device. And indeed, when I connect with "adb connect <STREAK7-IP>" I get "<STREAK7-IP>:5555 device product:cm_streak7 model:Streak_7 device:streak7" with "adb devices -l" and adb shell works. It's a bit unrelated, but this applies: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=48126
But the actually important part, the "start adbd" still doesn't do anything.
It really must be somethin with /init.streak7.usb.rc. The stuff in /sys/class/android_usb/android0/ seem to be set all wrong...
I'll just keep posting random things I discover that I find strange or interesting and if anyone knows anything about any of those, they can just chime in.
In /init.streak7.usb.rc there is the line
write /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iProduct $ro.product.model
"getprop ro.product.model" says "Streak 7" but /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iProduct apparently doesn't seem to be able to take a string with a space because "cat /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iProduct" returns "Streak". You can write directly to it with "cat "Streak 7" > /sys/class/android_usb/android0/iProduct" but it only saves up to the space. I don't think that's really a problem but strange anyway.
I have googled for another tegra 2 device and looked at its usb init rc: https://raw.github.com/CyanogenMod/android_device_samsung_p4-common/ics/init.p3.usb.rc
Adding a section with on property:sys.usb.config=adb did nothing and it seems I haven't been able to google what should be in /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idProduct for the streak 7.
I think I'll just look into how init on android works and how the triggers work. Then it shouldn't be too hard to figure out what exactly it is trying to do and why it is failing.
I was trying to get my head around why "getprop sys.usb.config" would always return "none" and the system wouldn't respond to "setprop sys.usb.config adb,mtp" in any way. So I got to suspect that /init.streak7.usb.rc was not used at all. Then I compared the imports and found that /init.streak7.rc did use a relative path for /init.streak7.usb.rc while all the other init*.rc were using absolute paths.
So I'm not sure if it this is really the thing that fixed it, but it's the latest thing I tested and now init's 100% cpu and adb are fixed: https://github.com/ChristophHaag/an...mmit/eee0625e11cfafd510c3bada6ae67a133766c0f4
Edit: Wait, it happened again. Maybe not. :/
Hm, no, definitely not it. Can't even reproduce it. It worked after adb sideload and wiping the cache and the dalvik cache.
At least it's clear now that init's 100% cpu usage and adb not working and the dalvik crash when disabling debugging are all the same issue.
Good luck. I'll give you a hint as a parting gift. The USB issue is not kernel related.
I really dont care to licenses anything so you are free to do with as you will. Personally, I will continue to develop in private and if there are kernel changes, as per the GPL, I will make those updates available.
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If you really want to help, let me know. I'll let you in on my secret.
giveen said:
If you really want to help, let me know. I'll let you in on my secret.
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Do I want to help? Does this thread look like I don't?
As I've said I'm new to the android code so I'm not really sure what I'm doing yet.
After rebooting with debugging enabled and adb sideloading an image it works for some reason (until you disable debugging in the developer settings, then it loops on sys.usb.config=none again) but it's all clearly not like intended by /init.streak7.usb.rc. /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor is 18d1 and android_usb/android0/idProduct is d002 which is set in init.usb.rc for on property:sys.usb.config=adb...? I just don't get it yet. The init readme says declaring an action or service twice is an error but this is from upstream, so adb is supposed to always be 18d1:d002?
So if you know something I don't I would obviously greatly appreciate it if you told us. In fact you can directly push to the repository now if you wish to do so.
ccxxx said:
Do I want to help? Does this thread look like I don't?
As I've said I'm new to the android code so I'm not really sure what I'm doing yet.
After rebooting with debugging enabled and adb sideloading an image it works for some reason (until you disable debugging in the developer settings, then it loops on sys.usb.config=none again) but it's all clearly not like intended by /init.streak7.usb.rc. /sys/class/android_usb/android0/idVendor is 18d1 and android_usb/android0/idProduct is d002 which is set in init.usb.rc for on property:sys.usb.config=adb...? I just don't get it yet. The init readme says declaring an action or service twice is an error but this is from upstream, so adb is supposed to always be 18d1:d002?
So if you know something I don't I would obviously greatly appreciate it if you told us. In fact you can directly push to the repository now if you wish to do so.
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The problem is CM.
I switched to AOKP which is close to Google's AOSP, and the problem solved itself. Something in the way USBManager is programmed in CM screwed things.
I got around to download aokp today.
The build system is slightly different, but easy enough to set up. I first just did an "update" to it, but the adb/init problem persisted, acore kept crashing (but deleting data for the contacts app "solved" that).
So I decided to finally make a factory reset. Not really sure what happens there, but that didn't delete the apps in /system/apps I think so I just wiped everything except sdcard etc. with twrp and installed the image again. This time it works better it seems. adb seems ok for now, cpu usage is okay.
The 4.2.2. google apps for that are these: http://goo.im/gapps/gapps-jb-20130812-signed.zip
Now I'm not sure: Would a factory reset/complete reinstall have helped with cyanogenmod too?
aokp is missing a few features cyanogenmod has, most notably the performance settings where you can overclock and set up zram with the gui.
Keyboard still crashes. Not really surprising that illegal instruction hasn't changed.
There doesn't seem to be recent apps when long pressing the home button. Strange.
Not sure how much I like it yet and whether I'd rather use cyanogenmod.
Here it is: http://w3studi.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de/~haagch/aokp_streak7_unofficial_2013-08-23.zip
Thanks, giveen.
No problem. AOSP keyboard burns RAM like nothing else. If you switch to an 3rd party keyboard , you will no longer crash. This problem is common on a lot of low memory devices. ZRAM doesn't really work. I have a script that I want to test out that DJ_Steve had originally wrote. Also, I will send you the sensor files you need to modify to get them to work.
google has this keyboard in the play store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.inputmethod.latin and I got it from http://dl.androidnext.de/com.google.android.inputmethod.latin.apk. Works ok, but has issues like you can't disable the "ducking" blocking of "offensive" words...
The sensors changes you commited work well. Rotation/acceleration/magnet/light seem to react normally.
It's almost usable now.
For people building it from source: If you get a weird error like "ERROR: couldn't find <type 'property'> in build.prop" and can't find anything useful with google... I deleted out/* and did a complete rebuild and then it worked.
Plugging in a headset still doesn't turn off speakers but it seems only like a minor issue since it seems to be detected just fine:
V/WiredAccessoryManager( 374): Headset UEVENT: {SUBSYSTEM=switch, SWITCH_STATE=1, DEVPATH=/devices/virtual/switch/h2w, SEQNUM=2006, ACTION=change, SWITCH_NAME=h2w}
V/WiredAccessoryManager( 374): newName=h2w newState=1 headsetState=1 prev headsetState=0
W/AudioPolicyManagerBase( 103): checkOutputsForDevice(): No output available for device 0004
V/WiredAccessoryManager( 374): device h2w connected
Google tts is crashing like the keyboard (
F/libc ( 6525): Fatal signal 4 (SIGILL) at 0x5dc80738 (code=1), thread 6525 (gle.android.tts)
) but pico tts seems to work, at least with english.
A Google search gave me this:
And further this might be worth looking into: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2186251
Not sure whether it's simply neon instructions or register usage of 16+ since I haven't looked that close into the build system yet. But probably ILL_ILLOPC means it's a neon instruction.
So sensors work now? I've been at that for months and I wasn't sure if I got it right. If I got it right, that was months of work there that I wasn't even sure was going to work.
Headphones and microphones need to be adjusted in mixer_paths.xml
Months of untested work that just works? Impossible! :good:
I haven't done a really thorough test, but they all seem to be doing something. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=imoblife.androidsensorbox seems to have a little problem with the directions with the rotated screen though. But in general it all does something that seems related to what I do to the device.
The AKM8973. is a chip that is normally found on qualcomm devices. So I had to track down the right HAL and then modify to work with Tegra sword ices. It's a terrible hack/slash, modify and pray it works job. I had Just finished. Does the screen rotate?
giveen said:
The AKM8973. is a chip that is normally found on qualcomm devices. So I had to track down the right HAL and then modify to work with Tegra sword ices. It's a terrible hack/slash, modify and pray it works job. I had Just finished. Does the screen rotate?
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Yes, the screen rotates. And even more impressively, it rotates correctly!
Good. Now i can focus my energy on the camera.
Hm, having difficulty with my compiles booting. Chris, if you compile and upload the zip, I can give you my goo.im information and you can push it as an auto-update. Don't forget to include your name in there somewhere for credit as well as you are now part of the team.
giveen said:
Hm, having difficulty with my compiles booting. Chris, if you compile and upload the zip, I can give you my goo.im information and you can push it as an auto-update.
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I have edited my first post.
giveen said:
Don't forget to include your name in there somewhere for credit as well as you are now part of the team.
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Yea, maybe if I contribute something substantial instead of cosmetic changes.
OH yeah, bluetooth keyboard, I see that as one of your issues. I'll upload a bunch of idc files that should at least address that issue, not sure though.
Are you missing any commits? I noticed your update has sensor working but my build does not.

[MOD][7.0+]Google camera with HDR+

Hello Community!​
To use Google camera with HDR+ support for Lenovo P1, You can achieve it in two methods:
1) Build.prop method:
Go to build.prop and add the following line "persist.camera.HAL3.enabled=1".
2) Magisk module :
Either flash through twrp or add through magisk manager. File is in Attachments.
Then install google camera app. https://androidfilehost.com/?fid=962021903579488245
Not working .. the apps is not work and gives (camera keeps stopping )
Not working here don't know how u got it working
Does not work
I have tried all ways but it gives camera stopped working.

X98 Plus Android BuildProp and Init Files

I'm trying to get Android X86 working on my X98 Plus (A5C6) and I'm pretty close to get it to where I feel it's good enough to work. I'm running into an issue with rotation and in the log it seem it's having configuration problems at boot. I got it to detect the Kionix accelerator and generate raw X,Y,Z values but sensors app would listed it as "no data input". May I ask for a copy of the BuildProp and Init files from users that have Teclast's original Android image or custom rom?

[MOD][MODULE]Can't download DMGCAUX file

So, I downloaded and installed the latest pixel experience plus rom and it came with a "thedise" gcam. in that app it asks me to download some magisk module to change my camera lens (I have magisk installed in my device) but when I click "download module" it takes me to a website which gives me this 1000 error code. And I tried vpn it doesn't work. I copied the url and at the end it says, "dmgcaux_v1.zip". So, I need this file in order to use my 20mp(5mp) camera lens. How can I get it? Or if anyone has it, can you please provide me a working download link. (thank you)
here is the link to that "download module" site:
ArmanAfridi said:
So, I downloaded and installed the latest pixel experience plus rom and it came with a "thedise" gcam. in that app it asks me to download some magisk module to change my camera lens (I have magisk installed in my device) but when I click "download module" it takes me to a website which gives me this 1000 error code. And I tried vpn it doesn't work. I copied the url and at the end it says, "dmgcaux_v1.zip". So, I need this file in order to use my 20mp(5mp) camera lens. How can I get it? Or if anyone has it, can you please provide me a working download link. (thank you)
here is the link to that "download module" site:
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same thing here, but on Paranoid Android Quartz 5 rom with my manually installed gcam.
I'm going to try this and see if it works:
AUX Cameras Enabler Module
This module, created by Arnova8G2, eng.stk, and aer0zer0, allows Google Camera to use auxiliary “Aux” cameras on phones with a multi camera setup. It should work on most phones that don’t allow access by default to wide, telephoto, etc cameras. The fix is applied with a Magisk module, so root is...
will update

The camera renames to true

After flashing a camera module for miui 12 from the post
The camera stopped working so i uninstalled that module.
now my camera shows and renamed as 'true' and everytime i launch the camera app
A text showing ' true ' and camera opens
I have already backuped everthing in twrp how to restore camera only

