How to stop my google mini from sending things to my phone? - Google Home

Can someone provide step my step instructions on 'How to stop google from sending things to my phone (i.e. news/information of any kind). I tried to ask Google, but they just wanted to waste my time. At 70, that is not something I can tolerate. They want to ask questions, and walk me through the process(lol)? I do enjoy doing things for myself, while I still can. So PLEASE, can anyone provide step by step instructions?
Anyone?! :fingers-crossed:


Facebook android app integration. Help needed.

Hey guys, I'm relatively new to the android programming scene and I'm trying out a simple app idea I have. My app idea is to be a way for people to make posts to facebook and that's it. I've got the code working but what really bugs me is how the logging in system works and how the posting system works. The way I have done it, the app does not handle the authentication flow nor the posts, but rather a pop-up comes up and asks them to sign in or make a post - similar to using the browser. This does not work with the design of the rest of the app along with slowing it down. I need help. I want my app to authorize the user, similar to how the official Facebook android app logs people in; there are no pop-ups and everything is handled by the app (same to be done with making posts). If you guys could help me out by blatantly telling me what to do, sending me any articles that explain how to do it, or any other help I would appreciate it. Thanks!
NOTE: I have glanced around the Facebook developer site and I'm completely confused by their documentation. I know there's something about fragments, but I'm not sure if I understand it completely.
Okay guys, I found this thread at Stack Overflow and found the answer. In case anyone else had a similar question.

[HOWTO]Work Music On Ouya

Let's get started!
What you're going to need!(IMPORTANT!)
1. SU
2. Busy Box
3. A Way To Side Load
4. Knowledge Of Permission Setting
& Root Permissions
5. Root Explorer
If you're familiar with setting permissions via. Root Explorer that's a plus!
I'm sorry, but as I don't get on the computer much. I can't provide permissions to set and I'll tell you the usual.
Everything here can be found with a simple Google search.
Are you a noob?
Well, I can tell you that this procedure is very easy and something easy to remember.
Google a search on; "What Permissions To Set On Root Explorer In System" or something among those lines, as we will need to install .apk's that way!
Assuming you understand what to do, let's figure out what player you'd like to use.
I, being one to have large libraries of music tend to use PlayerPro, I recommend Google Music/Google Play Music.
Let's pull more strings! Pull the app off the net or if you own the app, extract it onto a side load app you trust.
Once done, proceed to Root Explorer with knowing you have the app on the Ouya itself, once you see it use the Copy Paste method and place it in the System Apps(can be easily found from Main Directory), once you've established this, now is where permission settings come into play.
You should be able to remotely click the bottom "..." Using the D-Pad or the Touch Pad. This is where Copy And Paste should be.
If you've gotten through this and everything is set up proper, the next step is to reboot the console itself, do a full reboot to prevent any confusion and risk not seeing/having the player working.
If you've done this correctly, once you go to view your apps, you should see your app installed and ready to go.
NOTE: And yes, I mean note! Do not try this with the side load procedure and expect it to work, people have attempted this and either 1. See force closes, 2. The app is not loading, 3. The app is there but will not open and doesn't truly seem to be installed.
SIDE NOTE: This can be done with both ADB and my procedure.
If this was useful to you, I can only ask of a favor!
Check out my YouTube channel!
Subscribe if you will!
You also need googleloginservice.apk and googleservicesframework.apk otherwise you cannot sign into your google account to sync your library.
This has also been posted here:
Also i would have classed this thread as general and not development.
MODS This just clickbait SPAM BS.
The title is vague on purpose, and the thread is basically saying "Hey bro, if you want a music app on your Ouya, just sideload that ****! OH WOW!"
However, like dully79 said, the only main reason to use the official Google Music app is to use the Google Music service and stream your library from the cloud. However, this is impossible without Google Services, which is not present in the stock Ouya ROM and isn't in any 3rd party ROM out yet, either. So basically, you can't do what he says you can do by doing what he says to do.
This is clearly intended to get people to try and go to his stupid YouTube channel, which he links to at the end.
How about you get traffic and views by having good content on your channel, instead of polluting this forum with useless bull****?
DivinityCycle said:
MODS This just clickbait SPAM BS.
The title is vague on purpose, and the thread is basically saying "Hey bro, if you want a music app on your Ouya, just sideload that ****! OH WOW!"
However, like dully79 said, the only main reason to use the official Google Music app is to use the Google Music service and stream your library from the cloud. However, this is impossible without Google Services, which is not present in the stock Ouya ROM and isn't in any 3rd party ROM out yet, either. So basically, you can't do what he says you can do by doing what he says to do.
This is clearly intended to get people to try and go to his stupid YouTube channel, which he links to at the end.
How about you get traffic and views by having good content on your channel, instead of polluting this forum with useless bull****?
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Please be respectful of my threads.
No, I do not have my channel setup at the end to spam boards, it's just a simple thanks if you enjoyed my tutorial.
I don't intend to spam people, nor do I try and grab traffic.
I am simply trying to help others understand a method, if you disagree, I'd be more than happy to remove my channel link with a simple request, and also a request that you not bash my threads as I'm only here for assistance and spend my time happily making ROMs and doing other things.
I will not criticize you unless you doing do the same, it's disrespectful to me that you try and hurt my progress and tuts I post as users may not know how.
If I were simply begging for something I'd spend my time in General Forums where people generally go to do that sort of thing.
Lastly, if you've got nothing nice to say, don't say it and just avoid wasting your time coming through a place where people go to help, not get help with a channel.
I'm disappointed to know that someone would go as far as to make a whole post bashing on what I do to help the community, and I will have this brought to the mods and discussed with them in order to better our area without someone posting the same in all threads.
My last words are, thank you for those of you who actually know I try to help and who simply understand that if I were to spam you'd seed traffic from my post everywhere. I love you all, and appreciate you not going this far to bash me.
DivinityCycle said:
MODS This just clickbait SPAM BS.
The title is vague on purpose, and the thread is basically saying "Hey bro, if you want a music app on your Ouya, just sideload that ****! OH WOW!"
However, like dully79 said, the only main reason to use the official Google Music app is to use the Google Music service and stream your library from the cloud. However, this is impossible without Google Services, which is not present in the stock Ouya ROM and isn't in any 3rd party ROM out yet, either. So basically, you can't do what he says you can do by doing what he says to do.
This is clearly intended to get people to try and go to his stupid YouTube channel, which he links to at the end.
How about you get traffic and views by having good content on your channel, instead of polluting this forum with useless bull****?
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To leave my feedback on a clearer note. YES! Yes you can listen to music from a storage device as long as the device is read as a USB Mount! This has been confirmed by others in the official Ouya Forums!
Google Play Music is for cloud streaming. And for any other read device!
dully79 said:
You also need googleloginservice.apk and googleservicesframework.apk otherwise you cannot sign into your google account to sync your library.
This has also been posted here:
Also i would have classed this thread as general and not development.
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Oops, my bad man, all credit goes to you if I took your method.
People cry a out signatures, there's no need for one! I love my community and will stand up for it!
This thread was your fourth post on XDA, at least on that account.
It is not actually a Development post and contains basically nothing that anyone in the Dev section wouldn't already know ("Hey bro, if you want to put an app onto your system you can copy & paste it into /system/apps! This makes it a system app! Oh wow!")
Then you link to your YouTube channel and ask people to go to it.
All of these things together made you seem like a SPAMmer. If you're not, sorry about that, but your post is still in the wrong forum and doesn't actual contain useful or new information. The fact that a much better thread explaining how to do what you posted about exists (in the correct forum no less) is just icing on the cake.
DivinityCycle said:
This thread was your fourth post on XDA, at least on that account.
It is not actually a Development post and contains basically nothing that anyone in the Dev section wouldn't already know ("Hey bro, if you want to put an app onto your system you can copy & paste it into /system/apps! This makes it a system app! Oh wow!")
Then you link to your YouTube channel and ask people to go to it.
All of these things together made you seem like a SPAMmer. If you're not, sorry about that, but your post is still in the wrong forum and doesn't actual contain useful or new information. The fact that a much better thread explaining how to do what you posted about exists (in the correct forum no less) is just icing on the cake.
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That's fine, I just didn't want you to take me as a spammer, I didn't intend to.
I didn't know where to post this at that.
I've got multiple things done that people are still asking about and I was just trying to knock this one out of the way.
People cry about signatures, there's no need for one! I love my community and will stand up for it!

Android Studio - Facebook Login - Step 6

Hello guys,
Im a self learning person for making an app. I want to have a facebook login option in my app so I was searching for it how it works.
It went pretty good till step 6 was there. See the image underneath for what that step is.
(If the image does not work - go to the facebook developers site, go to docs, facebook login and see step 6 for windows)
So I tried a lot of things around this, and it just doesnt work. I dont know what im doing wrong.
Is there anybody here who already did this and can give me step by step a solution to get past this step?
(Like to place the java developers kit, which command prompt I have to open, just in detail)
I would be very very grateful if anybody could help me

Tips for "Procedural app"?

Hello everyone
I've started working from home from March, and been in 3 different skills in less than 2 months, and probably, going to be in other one, and Im not getting the right feedback or instructions from my superiors about how to make my job correctly and not lose money or gettin punish for something I have not been taught
So I came with the idea to create an app in which I could select the primary data/options and then get the procedure/steps to solve my task without losing time (like a mini game to provide background info and then have the answer of what to do.
Ex of Primary Data: "Number of products to cancel", "Type of order: Pick up/Delivery", "Store of origin: Main/Other", "Costumer wants to cancel?: Yes/No"
After all the background data has been selected/stablished, text will appear to tell what are the steps to take according to the previous data entered.
Ex Answer Procedure: "Proceed to cancel the order, notify the dealer from the main store and proceed with the cancellation. Close the case"
So here goes the main question: What topics I must learn in order to be prepared to make this app as simple as possible with Android Studio? Is there any course that covers up this idea? What you guys suggests?
Thank you all in advance, hope to read how to find the info I need
Have a great day!


I'm just now starting my journey in the tech field and decided to start here since it's the best forum place come across thus far with a lot of helpful tips and insights.
I just tried to root my Galaxy j2 prime, and did something wrong. I keep getting pop up after pop up of google play service errors that do not let me navigate through my phone. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Try using ADB to uninstall everything Google. Then try reinstalling it and make sure it's the newest version. I had the same problem after installing a new ROM on my Kindle Fire. It's not necessarily something you did wrong. Google Play errors happen a lot. You also need to make sure you have your account still added. Also, the thread where you learned to root it might say something about certain apps not working (like Google Services) so you might want to double check. If that's the case, and you don't care about Google Services, using ADB to uninstall them for good would be the easiest solution (as far as I know, anyway). If you do need Google Services (or want) then you might want to see if you can unroot. If you rooted so that you can install a custom ROM then you can probably just finish the process and Google apps would likely work in the custom ROM.
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nixon.tx said:
I'm just now starting my journey in the tech field and decided to start here since it's the best forum place come across thus far with a lot of helpful tips and insights.
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