Hi everyone, I´m here to learn to solve - Introductions

After reading posts for some time, now im registering and saying Hello to everyone.
Been solving slight problems with slight knowledge of what I´ve been doing so, I'm here to learn from your experience.

Hello and welcome! If you have an Android device, check out the device specific forums as there may be a lot of helpful information on what you're trying to do.
Don't forget to read the forum rules, and have fun!


New member Introduction!

Hello friends,
This is Nicholas Downs, a newbie to this. I didn't have found introduction thread anywhere, so I'm introducing myself here, if any inconvenience occurred, I apologise. I have found a lot of topics which are helpful for me and I want to participate in all those topics to gain and share knowledge other people around the world. Meanwhile I want good relationship with the people's and senior members. Hope that all will cooperate with me and ask for help if required.
Best regards

Hello folks!

Hi everyone!
I've been reading this forum randomly for a while, and I've usually find answers for my AOSP related doubts inside this community. I'm pretty sure that the shared knowledge of a lot of members has been of great help to people like me.
So I guess it was becoming time to join in.
See you here!
Welcome to XDA @sharkman2 !

Hi Friends

Hello, I'm new to this site, however, I frequented the forum when I was taking my first steps using lineage. This is why I would like to help others in the same way that I have found answers or even a part of the answers on this forum.

Newbie intro

Hi to all members. My interest lies in Android TV boxes and I'm hoping to acquire a good understanding to help me achieve the solution I want and avoid the many problems related to these boxes.
Hi @ianflaco Feel welcome on XDA ... I saw that your posts are not answered. But, don't give up. Search for the right place for your questions and don't hesitate to contact the members who might be the specialists on your specific case. .

Hello forum

I recently decided to dive into the world of smartphones and had to find out that it is much more complex and difficult than I anticipated but at the same time that's what makes it so intriguing.
Since I'm new to this topic but not new to the world of computer science I hope to fnd some help here and want to help in return if I can.
I already encountered many helpful guides here which I successfully put into practice which is a great WOOHOO for those who posted them.
Since I already made use of some of xda's collective knowledge, I want to contribute.
With respect
Glad you joined XDA! Continue to enjoy the forums and assisting the members!

