Hello everyone! - Introductions

I'm New in this site, i like this forum ,So i decided to join it , i will try to help others as much as i can and also i hope to find answers for my questions ,many thanks.


Need help with some terms..

i just got my wing yesterday and i want to flash a new rom on it.
i was trying to learn as much as possible before my phone got here, but i still dont know too much
ok, so what is a SPL?? i saw one rom that said if you dont have an SPL of 4.0 or something like that dont use it.. i have a clue as to what that is or what mine is
what is overclocking?? do I NEED to do it??
what is the easiest (or has the easiest UI) reg editor??
are their any extra programs i might need to flash a rom on my phone??
This is the wrong forum to post your questions.
It's only about ROM developing.
The Herald mobile 6 forum would be the appropriate place to go.
There you will find all the information you need.
The forum moderator papamopps collected all the important stuff for beginners
and unexperienced users coming to the Herald/Wing forum.
Here is the compendium:
[UPDATED] >> !! - ALL Important LINKS - !! < > !! Noobs and ALL read carefully !! <<
Please get familiar on how and where to post your questions, ideas, solutions, etc.
Enjoy your time here at xda-dev.
hello and thank you for moving my thread to the appropriate forum
i read that whole thread that was posted above with all the links first before i posted and it didnt answer any of the questions I asked.
so can anyone please answer them for me? Thank you

Becoming a chef

my first post and greetings to you all.
Could I simply ask this one question please?
I see that when people post a new ROM they thank many other user/chefs for their input.
Is there a specific forum where I should post my questions as I work thru my recipe?
Thanks in advance
yuppers, try the rom development forum

Just another newbie

Hello everybody. I'm new here and I try to help anyone who has questions and would also like to be helped when necessary.


Hi to everyone,
I'm new in this forum and I hope that i will be able to get some answers for my questions and give solutions to the others.
Hello @Datharai,
We hope the same! Welcome to XDA!

Hello from France

Hello everybody
After a logtime to read the posts of the community, i write my first One !
If i'm dev since a long time I'm a newbie in the android development and i'm making my first experiments !
Have a Nice Day
Hi, Minskaya
Welcome to the XDA Developer forum.
I hope you enjoy your stay. If you need any help or guidance in using the site, make sure to send me a DM.
Btw, you may want to check out the forum rules.

