Magisk Module Keylayout for ps4 controller [HELP] - Magisk

Hello, I'm new here so please excuse me if I post this in the wrong section.
I have a OnePlus 7t on Android 11 with Magisk installed.
I am trying to swap the R3 with Circle on my controller. In the keylayout file it shows that R3 is in fact Circle but doesn't work in games. ( Reverts to default controller mapping)
I have already edited and successfully changed the keylayout file for my PS4 Controller ( Vendor_054c_Product_09cc.kl ) by creating a magisk module since I'm on a stock Os and cant copy the .kl file over to system/usr/keylayouts . SEE BELOW
# Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Sony Playstation(R) DualShock 4 Controller
# Mapping according to
# Square
key 0x130 BUTTON_X
# Cross
key 0x131 BUTTON_A
# Circle
# Triangle
key 0x133 BUTTON_Y
key 0x134 BUTTON_L1
key 0x135 BUTTON_R1
key 0x136 BUTTON_L2
key 0x137 BUTTON_R2
# L2 axis
axis 0x03 LTRIGGER
# R2 axis
axis 0x04 RTRIGGER
# Left Analog Stick
axis 0x00 X
axis 0x01 Y
# Right Analog Stick
axis 0x02 Z
axis 0x05 RZ
# Left stick click
# Right stick click
key 0x13b BUTTON_B
# Hat
axis 0x10 HAT_X
axis 0x11 HAT_Y
# Mapping according to
# Share
# Options
key 0x139 BUTTON_START
# PS key
key 0x13c BUTTON_MODE
# Touchpad press
# The touchpad for this joystick will become a separate input device in future releases
# and this button will be equivalent to left mouse button
# Therefore, map it to KEYCODE_BUTTON_1 here to allow apps to still handle this on earlier versions
key 0x13d BUTTON_1
I've made sure the permissions are set correctly as well as seen in the
# Magisk Module Installer Script
# Instructions:
# 1. Place your files into system folder (delete the placeholder file)
# 2. Fill in your module's info into module.prop
# 3. Configure and implement callbacks in this file
# 4. If you need boot scripts, add them into common/ or common/
# 5. Add your additional or modified system properties into common/system.prop
# Config Flags
# Set to true if you do *NOT* want Magisk to mount
# any files for you. Most modules would NOT want
# to set this flag to true
# Set to true if you need to load system.prop
# Set to true if you need post-fs-data script
# Set to true if you need late_start service script
# Replace list
# List all directories you want to directly replace in the system
# Check the documentations for more info why you would need this
# Construct your list in the following format
# This is an example
# Construct your own list here
# Function Callbacks
# The following functions will be called by the installation framework.
# You do not have the ability to modify update-binary, the only way you can customize
# installation is through implementing these functions.
# When running your callbacks, the installation framework will make sure the Magisk
# internal busybox path is *PREPENDED* to PATH, so all common commands shall exist.
# Also, it will make sure /data, /system, and /vendor is properly mounted.
# The installation framework will export some variables and functions.
# You should use these variables and functions for installation.
# ! DO NOT use any Magisk internal paths as those are NOT public API.
# ! DO NOT use other functions in as they are NOT public API.
# ! Non public APIs are not guranteed to maintain compatibility between releases.
# Available variables:
# MAGISK_VER (string): the version string of current installed Magisk
# MAGISK_VER_CODE (int): the version code of current installed Magisk
# BOOTMODE (bool): true if the module is currently installing in Magisk Manager
# MODPATH (path): the path where your module files should be installed
# TMPDIR (path): a place where you can temporarily store files
# ZIPFILE (path): your module's installation zip
# ARCH (string): the architecture of the device. Value is either arm, arm64, x86, or x64
# IS64BIT (bool): true if $ARCH is either arm64 or x64
# API (int): the API level (Android version) of the device
# Availible functions:
# ui_print <msg>
# print <msg> to console
# Avoid using 'echo' as it will not display in custom recovery's console
# abort <msg>
# print error message <msg> to console and terminate installation
# Avoid using 'exit' as it will skip the termination cleanup steps
# set_perm <target> <owner> <group> <permission> [context]
# if [context] is empty, it will default to "u:object_r:system_file:s0"
# this function is a shorthand for the following commands
# chown target
# chmod permission target
# chcon context target
# set_perm_recursive <directory> <owner> <group> <dirpermission> <filepermission> [context]
# if [context] is empty, it will default to "u:object_r:system_file:s0"
# for all files in <directory>, it will call:
# set_perm file owner group filepermission context
# for all directories in <directory> (including itself), it will call:
# set_perm dir owner group dirpermission context
# If you need boot scripts, DO NOT use general boot scripts (post-fs-data.d/service.d)
# ONLY use module scripts as it respects the module status (remove/disable) and is
# guaranteed to maintain the same behavior in future Magisk releases.
# Enable boot scripts by setting the flags in the config section above.
# Set what you want to display when installing your module
print_modname() {
ui_print "*******************************"
ui_print " Ps4 Controller Crouch Fix "
ui_print "*******************************"
# Copy/extract your module files into $MODPATH in on_install.
on_install() {
# The following is the default implementation: extract $ZIPFILE/system to $MODPATH
# Extend/change the logic to whatever you want
ui_print "- Extracting module files"
unzip -o "$ZIPFILE" 'system/*' -d $MODPATH >&2
ui_print "- deleting package cache"
rm -rf /data/system/package_cache/*
# Only some special files require specific permissions
# This function will be called after on_install is done
# The default permissions should be good enough for most cases
set_permissions() {
# The following is the default rule, DO NOT remove
set_perm_recursive $MODPATH 0 0 0755 0644
set_perm $MODPATH/system/usr/keylayout/Vendor_054c_Product_09cc.kl 0 0 0744
# Here are some examples:
# set_perm_recursive $MODPATH/system/lib 0 0 0755 0644
# set_perm $MODPATH/system/bin/app_process32 0 2000 0755 u:object_r:zygote_exec:s0
# set_perm $MODPATH/system/bin/dex2oat 0 2000 0755 u:object_r:dex2oat_exec:s0
# set_perm $MODPATH/system/lib/ 0 0 0644
# You can add more functions to assist your custom script code
So basically everything seems to be correct but yet in games and gamepad tester the control functions as default ( R3 is not circle)
I've attached images showing im rooted and have the module succesfully installed and enabled, also showing the permissions of the .kl file in the keylayout folder.
Please help! and thank you in advance.


How To Guide How to change the home directory for the user root on an Android phone

How to change the home directory for the user root on an Android phone
When working a lot in a shell via adb on an Android phone it's usefull to be able to store some user dependent config files in the home directory of the user. So let's see how that can be implemented on a phone running Android.
Note: The config was done and tested on a phone running OmniROM (based on Android 12)
The home directory for all user used in an (adb) shell on Android is the root directory "/".
Using a home directory for more then one user is not really usefull and in addition on Android "/" is mounted read-only so more or less useless as home directory.
Therefor this should be changed . Unfortunately there is no /etc/passwd file in Android to configure the home directory for a user.
Well, there is an /etc/passwd file (probably for compatibily reasons) but it's empty:
[email protected]_I006D:/ $ ls -l /etc/passwd
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 2009-01-01 01:00 /etc/passwd
[email protected]_I006D:/ $
And as far as I know there is no other config file to configure the home directory of the user in the Android OS.
So we must implement some work around to get this working.
The shell on Android behaves like normal shells on Linux and executes the file /etc/profile when starting a new session.
In Android /etc is a symbolic link to /system/etc:
[email protected]_I006D:/ # ls -ld /etc
lrw-r--r-- 1 root root 11 2009-01-01 01:00 /etc -> /system/etc
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
And in the default config there is no file called profile in that directory:
[email protected]_I006D:/ $ ls -l /etc/system/profile
ls: /etc/system/profile: No such file or directory
[email protected]_I006D:/ $
Because /system is also mounted read-only we need the magic tool Magisk again to create the file /system/etc/profile.
To create the file /system/etc/profile create these directories and files on the phone as user root (assuming Magisk is already installed on the phone):
[email protected]_I006D:/ # find /data/adb/modules/initshell/
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
and reboot the phone. After the reboot there should be the writable file /etc/profile:
[email protected]_I006D:/ # ls -l /etc/profile
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1100 2022-07-14 14:51 /etc/profile
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
which is in reality the file
Now you can edit the file /etc/profile as user root until it fullfills your requirements (be aware that all changes in that file are now persistent).
To test the changes open a new adb session (you should not close the current adb session to be able to fix an error in the profile if opening a new adb session fails).
This file can now be used to define the home directory for the user. The home directory should be on one of the writable filesystem, e.g. in /data:
# add in /etc/profile
export HOME
and the result is:
[email protected]_I006D:/ # id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),1004(input),1007(log),1011(adb),1015(sdcard_rw),1028(sdcard_r),1078(ext_data_rw),1079(ext_obb_rw),3001(net_bt_admin),3002(net_bt),3003(inet),3006(net_bw_stats),3009(readproc),3011(uhid) context=u:r:su:s0
[email protected]_I006D:/ # echo $HOME
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
Note that there is not really a writable filesystem for the user shell so this approach to change the home directory is mainly usable for the user root.
The file /etc/profile can also be used to init some other settings for (adb) sessions (e..g. change the PATH, etc) . This feature can be used for sessions for non-root users also.
For additional user dependent configs you can also create the file .profile in the home directory of the user; the file ${HOME}/.profile will be executed after the execution of the file /etc/profile.
Be aware that creating a profile for the user root and changing the home directory for the user root might have some side effects on other processes using the shell!
Therefor it's recommended to use the command "tty -s" to test if the profile is executed in an interactive session:
# check if we're running in an interactive session
if ! tty -s; then
# this is not an interactive session - so we're just doing nothing at all
# running in an interactive session
You can also check if the parent process is the adb daemon to not do anything in non-adb sessions.
ps -fp $PPID| grep adbd >/dev/null
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
# not running in an adb session
# running in an adb session
For testing purpose I suggest to open at least two shells via adb to be able to fix an error in case opening a new shell fails due to a bug in the profile.
If opening a shell session fails due to an error in the /etc/profile and you do not have another open shell either delete the file /data/adb/modules/initshell/system/etc/profile with a filemanager with root access on the phone or boot the phone from a recovery image (like TWRP) and delete or edit the file /data/adb/modules/initshell/system/etc/profile.
I initially looked at this feature to enable a persistent command history for the shell on the Android phone. But after some google searches I found out that persistent history shells are disabled for the shell binary on Android. So this will not work without recompiling the shell binary.
The attached example for the profile (rename the attached file profile.txt to profile) will use the directory /data/home/root as home directory for the user root and will not change the home directory for other users. The profile will do nothing if not running in an interactive session.
The directory /data/home/root will be created by the profile if it does not yet exist.
As always, if the config is working you should create a real Magisk Module for the profile.
The Magisk Module attached,, can be used to create a Magisk Module with your own profile:
To create a new Magisk Module with your own /etc/profile do:
# create an empty working directory
mkdir "${TEMPDIR}"
cd "${TEMPDIR}"
# unpack the zip file in the new directory
unzip ../
# now edit the file ${TEMPDIR}/system/etc/profile
# also (optional) edit the files and module.prop in the new directory to document your changes
# the script from the module will be executed once when the module is installed. You might add the code
# create the home directories or any other code here
# and recreate the zip file
zip -r ../ .
Both attached files are also available from my web site:

How To Guide How to create or change a swap device in the OmniROM using Magisk

How to create or change a swap device in the OmniROM using Magisk
The init script in the OmniROM running on the ASUS Zenfone 8 to create a swap device is:
This script will create a swap device while booting the OS if that functionality is enabled.
To check if there is a swap device configured use the OS command free:
[email protected]_I006D:/ # free
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 7612493824 4732076032 2880417792 12857344 15298560
-/+ buffers/cache: 4716777472 2895716352
Swap: 4294963200 0 4294963200
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
If the result of the script is not okay you can create a Magisk script to correct the config for the swap device.
The script /vendor/bin/ uses the property
to determine if a swap device should be created and the property
for the (new) size for the swap device.
If the property vendor.zram.enable is set to 1 but the property vendor.zram.disksize is not set the script uses a default value for the size of the swap device depending on the amount of installed memory.
To create a swap device via a Magisk Script (or change the config of the swap device created by default) it's sufficient to just set the two properties to the approbiate values and execute the init script , e.g.
This must be done as user root.
cat >/data/adb/service.d/ <<EOT
# there is a missing leading slash (/) in one of the commands in the file /vendor/bin/
# therefor the working directory when executing the script must be /
cd /
# enable creating the swap device
setprop vendor.zram.enable 1
# use a 512 MB swap device
# The default unit for vendor.zram.disksize is bytes; use the prefix M for megabytes or G for gigabytes
# Do not set this property to use the default value for the swap device (which is depending on the installed memory)
setprop vendor.zram.disksize 512M
# now (re)create the swap device
chmod 755 /data/adb/service.d/
To disable the swap device at all use this Magisk script:
cat >/data/adb/service.d/ <<EOT
# there is a missing leading slash (/) in one of the commands in the file /vendor/bin/
# therefor the working directory when executing the script must be /
cd /
# enable creating the swap device (-> necessary to delete an existing swap device)
setprop vendor.zram.enable 1
# new size for the swap device (0 = do not configure a swap device)
setprop vendor.zram.disksize 0
# now (re)create the swap device (-> only delete an existing swap device)
chmod 755 /data/adb/service.d/
See for how to reconfigure swap in the Original Android 12 from ASUS for the Zenfone 8
Please note that the device /dev/block/zram0 is created in the RAM but the memory for the device /dev/block/zram0 device is only allocated on demand - e.g.:
# free memory with a free swap device on zram0 with 6 GB is about 2783735808 (about 2 GB)
[email protected]_I006D:/ # free
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 7612489728 4828753920 2783735808 13639680 15556608
-/+ buffers/cache: 4813197312 2799292416
Swap: 6442446848 0 6442446848
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
[email protected]_I006D:/ # setprop vendor.zram.disksize 0
[email protected]_I006D:/ # /vendor/bin/
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
# free memory with no swap device on zram0 is about 2802741248 (about 2 GB)
[email protected]_I006D:/ # free
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 7612489728 4809748480 2802741248 13750272 15577088
-/+ buffers/cache: 4794171392 2818318336
Swap: 0 0 0
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
[email protected]_I006D:/ # setprop vendor.zram.disksize 4G
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
[email protected]_I006D:/ # /vendor/bin/
Swapspace size: 4194300k, UUID=4a914375-e28f-4181-850a-87cc792eacbe
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
# free memory with a free swap device on zram0 with 4 GB is about 2773835776 (about 2 GB)
[email protected]_I006D:/ # free
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 7612489728 4838653952 2773835776 13877248 15581184
-/+ buffers/cache: 4823072768 2789416960
Swap: 4294963200 0 4294963200
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
Update 04.10.2022 /bs
See How to trigger an action when a property is changed for how to implement enabling or disabling the swap device on ZRAM via a property value in the OmniROM or another OS

How To Guide How to run a script at shutdown

How to run a script at shutdown
To define additional startup scripts via Magisk the Magisk directories /data/adb/service.d and /data/adb/post-fs-data.d can be used. Unfortunately there is no equivalent for scripts that should be executed during shutdown.
So we must use other methods to implement these kind of scripts.
Using the overlay feature of Magisk to run a script at shutdown
in Android it is possible to define actions that will be executed when certain conditions are satisfied.
These definitions are done in the file init.rc (and other .rc files) using the Android Init Language.
And this feature can be used to execute a command when the phone is shutting down.
For details about the Android Init Language used for these files see here
The .rc files used by Android are in the directories
Note: The first .rc file read is /system/etc/init/hw/init.rc
Unfortunately it's useless to change the .rc files in these directories using the Magisk features to change files in the directory /system because these files are processed by the OS before the new files are "created" by Magisk.
Therefor the overlay functionality from Magisk must be used to create additional .rc files (see the section Root Directory Overlay System on this page for details about this Magisk Feature).
To be able to restore the original boot partition in case of an error create an image of the original boot partition from the phone on your PC before starting the development:
CUR_SLOT=$( adb shell getprop ro.boot.slot_suffix )
adb shell su - -c dd if=/dev/block/by-name/boot${CUR_SLOT} | cat >boot${CUR_SLOT}
[ OmniRomDev - [email protected] /data/develop/android/test ] $ CUR_SLOT=$( adb shell getprop ro.boot.slot_suffix )
[ OmniRomDev - [email protected] /data/develop/android/test ] $ echo ${CUR_SLOT}
[ OmniRomDev - [email protected] /data/develop/android/test ] $
[ OmniRomDev - [email protected] /data/develop/android/test ] $ adb shell su - -c dd if=/dev/block/by-name/boot${CUR_SLOT} | cat >boot${CUR_SLOT}.img
196608+0 records in
196608+0 records out
100663296 bytes (96 M) copied, 2.668147 s, 36 M/s
[ OmniRomDev - [email protected] /data/develop/android/test ]
[ OmniRomDev - [email protected] /data/develop/android/test ] $ ls -ltr boot${CUR_SLOT}.img
-rw-r--r--. 1 xtrnaw7 xtrnaw7 100663296 Oct 1 12:13 boot_b.img
[ OmniRomDev - [email protected] /data/develop/android/test ] $
To trouble shoot issues with this approach it is highly recommended to create an Magisk init script in the directory
to fetch and store the Android logs into a persistent file. Use these commands to create the script:
cat >/data/adb/post-fs-data.d/0002logcatboot <<-EOT
mkdir -p /cache/logs
# backup the OS logs from before the reboot:
[ -r /cache/logs/log ] && mv /cache/logs/log /cache/logs/oldlog
/system/bin/logcat -r 102400 -n 9 -v threadTime -f /cache/logs/log >/cache/logs/info.log 2>/cache/logs/err.log &
chmod 755 /data/adb/post-fs-data.d/0001logcatboot
Using this script the log messages from before the last reboot are stored in the file /cache/logs/oldlog.
To activate the script the phone must be rebooted.
Check the contents of the directory /cache/logs/log after the reboot as user root to be sure that it works.
[email protected]_I006D:/ $ su - -c ls -ltr /cache/logs
total 205008
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 1970-01-06 08:16 info.log
-rw-rw-rw- 1 root root 0 1970-01-06 08:16 err.log
-rw-r----- 1 root root 4707523 2022-10-01 17:29 log
[email protected]_I006D:/ $
The trigger in the .rc files for the action that should be done while shutting down is
on shutdown
The trigger can be used more then once; the OS will execute all defined actions for the trigger in the order they are found in the rc files.
The action to run an executable in the .rc file is
exec [ <seclabel> [ <user> [ <group>\* ] ] ] -- <command> [ <argument>\* ]
Fork and execute command with the given arguments. The command starts after “--” so that an optional security context, user, and supplementary groups can be provided. No other commands will be run until this one finishes. seclabel can be a - to denote default. Properties are expanded within argument. Init halts executing commands until the forked process exits.
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
In Android SELinux is enabled by default. Therefor it's neccessary to use the correct SELinux context for the files used.
(Note: The SELinux context for the init process executing the action is u:r:init:0 )
It's quite difficult to find the correct SELinux contexts in Android for this approach therefor it's better to use the general SELinux context defined by Magisk: u:r:magisk:s0 .
All commands must be done as user root in an session on the phone or in an adb session.
So first create the neccessary directories and files:
mkdir -p /data/init_scripts
mkdir -p /data/init_scripts/log
Create the script to execute on shutdown:
cat >/data/init_scripts/ <<-\EOT
echo "$0: Shutdown with parameter \"$*\" started at $( date ) " >>${SHUTDOWN_LOG}
echo "*** id : " >>${SHUTDOWN_LOG} 2>&1
id >>${SHUTDOWN_LOG} 2>&1
# ... add necessary commands ...
chmod 755 /data/init_scripts/
Correct the SELinux context:
chcon -R u:r:magisk:s0 /data/init_scripts/
Check the result
[email protected]_I006D:/ # find /data/init_scripts/ -exec ls -ld {} \;
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root u:r:magisk:s0 3452 2022-10-01 16:12 /data/init_scripts/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root u:r:magisk:s0 637 2022-10-01 16:12 /data/init_scripts/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root u:r:magisk:s0 3452 2022-10-01 16:16 /data/init_scripts/log
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
Create a working directory:
# create a working directory
mkdir -p /data/adb/workdir
cd /data/adb/workdir
Now create the additional .rc file:
# change the current directory to the working directory
cd /data/adb/workdir
cat >init.custom.rc <<-\EOT
on shutdown
exec u:r:magisk:s0 -- /system/bin/sh /data/init_scripts/ 0008
on early-init
setprop my_custom_rc_file loaded
The additional trigger for early-init is for testing the new .rc file (see the trouble shooting section below for details). Magisk supports more then one .rc file; the name of the .rc file is meaningless but the extension must be .rc.
And now add the new file to the ramdisk on the boot partition:
# change the current directory to the working directory
cd /data/adb/workdir
# get the current active slot
CURRENT_SLOT=$( getprop ro.boot.slot_suffix )
echo "The current active slot is: ${CURRENT_SLOT}"
# copy the boot partition from the active slot to a file
dd if=/dev/block/by-name/boot${CURRENT_SLOT} of=./boot_root.img
# unpack the image file
/data/adb/magisk/magiskboot unpack ./boot_root.img
# add the new dirs and files to the ramdisk from the boot partition
/data/adb/magisk/magiskboot cpio ramdisk.cpio \
"mkdir 0700 overlay.d" \
"add 0700 overlay.d/init.custom.rc init.custom.rc"
# recreate the image file for the boot partition
/data/adb/magisk/magiskboot repack boot_root.img
# write the corrected image file to the boot partition
dd if=./new-boot.img of=/dev/block/by-name/boot${CURRENT_SLOT}
The commands to unpack and pack the ramdisk manually using the cpio command are (if NOT using the Magisk binary magiskboot):
mkdir ${RAMDISK}
# unpack the ramdisk
cpio -idm <../ramdisk.cpio
# ... do what ever is necessary with the files/dirs in ${RAMDISK}
# pack the ramdisk again
find . | cpio -o >../ramdisk.cpio
Now reboot the phone to activate the new .rc config and after the reboot check that the .rc file was processed
getprop my_custom_rc_file
[email protected]_I006D:/ $ getprop my_custom_rc_file
[email protected]_I006D:/ $
If the property defined in the .rc file, my_custom_rc_file, is not set something went wrong and you should check the OS logs and double check your config.
If the new property is defined you can test the shutdown action by rebooting the phone again.
While doing this reboot the new shutdown script should be executed and after the reboot is done there should be the log file from the shutdown script:
[email protected]_I006D:/ $ su -
[email protected]_I006D:/ # ls -l /data/init_scripts/log
total 0
-rw------- 1 root root 179 2022-10-01 18:23 myshutdown.4617.log
[email protected]_I006D:/ # cat /data/init_scripts/log/myshutdown.4617.log
/data/init_scripts/ Shutdown with parameter "0008" started at Sat Oct 1 18:23:14 CEST 2022
*** id :
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) context=u:r:magisk:s0
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
That's it.
Note that you can change the script executed while doing the shutdown without changing the boot image again.
But you should always test the script before rebooting -- an error in your script may stop the reboot.
To change the additional .rc files it's necessary to recreate the ramdisk and boot partition.
The filesystems for /data and for /sdcard are still mounted while executing the actions for the trigger "on shutdown" .
To log the current environment while executing the shutdown script you can add code like this to the script:
echo "*** Environment while executing the shutdown script ..."
echo "*** pwd: "
echo "*** id: "
echo "*** df -h: "
df -h
echo "*** ps -efZ : "
ps -efZ
echo "*** env: "
echo "*** set: "
) >>/data/init_scripts/log/myshutdown_env.log 2>&1
To create a directory in which other actions from the .rc file (like write) can write with SELinux enabled use one of the SELInux contexts the init process can write to, e.g:
mkdir /data/system_data
chcon u:object_r:system_data_file:s0 /data/system_data
Now the .rc config
on shutdown
write /data/system_data/myshutdown.log Shutdown_started\n
will work.
See the file ./plat_file_contexts in the ramdisk from the boot partition for other existing SELinux contexts, e.g.:
[email protected]_I006D:/data/adb/test # /data/adb/magisk/magiskboot cpio ramdisk.cpio "extract plat_file_contexts plat_file_contexts" <
Loading cpio: [ramdisk.cpio]
Extract [plat_file_contexts] to [plat_file_contexts]
[email protected]_I006D:/data/adb/test # ls -l plat_file_contexts
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 40490 2022-10-03 16:27 plat_file_contexts
[email protected]_I006D:/data/adb/test #
Please be aware that these changes will be gone after the next OS update. But on the other hand it's quite easy to create a script to re-install the shutdown script without user intervention.
Trouble Shooting
The main reason for problems with this approach are invalid SELinux contexts. Therefor you should test your script in permissive SELinux mode if it does not work like expected. To do that temporary disable SELinux before rebooting (SELinux will be automatically enabled again after the reboot), e.g.:
# set SELinux to permissive
setenforce 0
and check the log messages in the directory /cache/logs/oldlog for SELinux related messages:
su - -c grep deny /cache/logs/oldlog
Note that you can not disable SELinux in an action in an .rc file.
To check if your additional .rc file is processed by Magisk add a statement like these to the custom .rc file in the overlay directory:
on early-init
setprop bar
If this statement is processed by Magisk and Android the property should be defined after the reboot, e.g.:
[email protected]_I006D:/ # getprop
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
To check if the "on shutdown" trigger is processed use :
on shutdown
write /sdcard/Download/myshutdown.log Shutdown_started\n
and reboot with disabled SELinux:
setenforce 0
If the "on shutdown" trigger in your .rc file is processed there should exist the file
after the reboot
If the shutdown of the phone hangs open another adb session to the phone and kill the script (the adb daemon should still run while the shutdown script is running).
If the phone does not boot anymore with the new shutdown script reboot the phone from the TWRP image and fix / delete the new shutdown script. Or reflash the boot partition with the image file created before starting the development.
In general you should carefully check your .rc file for syntax errors -- entries in the file after the first syntax error will be ignored
Useful URLs
I used ideas and code from the web pages listed below for this HowTo:
How to run an executable on boot and keep it running?
How to run an Android init service with superuser SELinux context?
Magisk overlay - execute a script or copy files
03.10.2022 /bs
added code about to extract a single file (plat_file_contexts) from the ramdisk cpio image using magiskboot

How To Guide How to trigger an action when a property is changed

How to trigger an action when a property is changed
In Android it's possible to trigger various actions by changing the value of a property.
This feature is quite handy and the implementation using Magisk is not really difficult.
As an example:
In the original Android from ASUS for the Zenfone 8 you can disable and enable the swap on a ZRAM device by changing the value for the property vendor.zram.enable:
To turn the swap on use
setprop vendor.zram.enable 1
and to turn the swap off use
setprop vendor.zram.enable 0
To get the current value use
getprop vendor.zram.enable
check the output of the OS command free.
(see How to disable or change the swap device in the Android 12 from ASUS for the Zenfone 8 for details)
This feature is not implemented in the OmniROM for the ASUS Zenfone 8 but quite useful so let's see how to implement it in the OmniROM.
The Triggers and Action for this Android feature are configured in the init.rc files in the root filesystem for the OS (see for details). The root filesystem for Android is read-only mounted so without creating your own Android OS image for the phone it's not possible to add the functionality to the OS.
But we can use the Root Directory Overlay System from Magisk (see for the documentation) to implement it.
The detailed process for creating additional *.rc files for Android via Magisk is described here:
How to run a script at shutdown
Therefore I will not go into the details here. But please read that post before you continue
First we check how this feature is implemented in the Original Android for the Zenfone:
Enabling and disabling the swap device on ZRAM is configured in the .rc file
using these settings in the original Android OS for the Zenfone 8:
service asus_zram /system/vendor/bin/sh /vendor/bin/
user root
group root
seclabel u:r:vendor_qti_init_shell:s0
on property:persist.vendor.zram.enable=1
setprop vendor.zram.enable "1"
setprop vendor.zram.disksize ${persist.vendor.zram.disksize}
on property:persist.vendor.zram.enable=0
setprop vendor.zram.enable "0"
setprop vendor.zram.disksize ${persist.vendor.zram.disksize}
on property:vendor.zram.enable=*
start asus_zram
The script used to enable or disable the swap device on ZRAM in the original Android for the Zenfone 8 is:
The script is quite simple (see also below):
It uses two properties to configure the swap device:
vendor.zram.enable : if this property is set to 1 the script enables the swap device and if the property is set to 0 it disables the swap device
vendor.zram.disksize : the value of this property is the size of the ramdisk.
Now we can implement this feature for the OmniROM:
All commands must be done as user root in a shell on the phone or in an adb shell
First we check the prerequisites for the feature:
The used shell for the service exists in the OmniROM:
[email protected]_I006D:/data/adb/workdir # ls -Zl /vendor/bin/sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root shell u:object_r:vendor_shell_exec:s0 318216 2009-01-01 01:00 /vendor/bin/sh
[email protected]_I006D:/data/adb/workdir #
The script to toggle the ramdisk on the swap device also already exists in the OmniROM:
[email protected]_I006D:/data/adb/test # ls -l /vendor/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root shell 1127 2009-01-01 01:00 /vendor/bin/
[email protected]_I006D:/data/adb/test #
And the necessary SELinux contexts are also already defined in the OmniROM.
So, let's start:
# create a temporary directory
mkdir /data/adb/workdir
cd /data/adb/workdir
# create the additional .rc file
cat >init.asus.zram.rc <<-\EOT
# Note:
# The service definition for an OS without the script should be
# service asus_zram /system/bin/sh /system/sbin/
service asus_zram /system/vendor/bin/sh /vendor/bin/
user root
group root
seclabel u:r:vendor_qti_init_shell:s0
# these properties can be used to define the initial state of the ramdisk on ZRAM
on property:persist.vendor.zram.enable=1
setprop vendor.zram.enable "1"
setprop vendor.zram.disksize ${persist.vendor.zram.disksize}
on property:persist.vendor.zram.enable=0
setprop vendor.zram.enable "0"
setprop vendor.zram.disksize ${persist.vendor.zram.disksize}
on property:vendor.zram.enable=*
start asus_zram
# The property persist.vendor.zram.enable is not defined in the OmniROM. If necessary you can add another triger in the .rc file,
# e.g to enable the swap device by default use
on early-init
setprop persist.vendor.zram.enable 1
# get the current active slot
CURRENT_SLOT=$( getprop ro.boot.slot_suffix )
echo "The current active slot is: ${CURRENT_SLOT}"
# copy the boot partition from the active slot to a file
dd if=/dev/block/by-name/boot${CURRENT_SLOT} of=./boot_root.img
# unpack the image file
/data/adb/magisk/magiskboot unpack ./boot_root.img
# add the new dir and file to the ramdisk from the boot partition
/data/adb/magisk/magiskboot cpio ramdisk.cpio \
"mkdir 0700 overlay.d" \
"add 0700 overlay.d/init.custom.rc init.asus.zram.rc"
# recreate the image file for the boot partition
/data/adb/magisk/magiskboot repack boot_root.img
# write the corrected image file to the boot partition
dd if=./new-boot.img of=/dev/block/by-name/boot${CURRENT_SLOT}
That's it.
After the next reboot switching the ramdisk on the ZRAM device via an property should be active:
[email protected]_I006D:/ # reboot
# .....
# start a new adb session
# ....
[email protected]_I006D:/ $ getprop ro.omni.version
# Note: The property is only visible to the user root
[email protected]_I006D:/ $ su -
[email protected]_I006D:/ # id
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root) context=u:r:magisk:s0
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
[email protected]_I006D:/ # free
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 7612493824 4835229696 2777264128 14585856 14487552
-/+ buffers/cache: 4820742144 2791751680
Swap: 4294963200 0 4294963200
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
[email protected]_I006D:/ # getprop vendor.zram.enable
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
# -> now disable the swap on ZRAM
[email protected]_I006D:/ # setprop vendor.zram.enable 0
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
[email protected]_I006D:/ # getprop vendor.zram.enable
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
[email protected]_I006D:/ # free
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 7612493824 4840824832 2771668992 14524416 14483456
-/+ buffers/cache: 4826341376 2786152448
Swap: 0 0 0
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
# -> now enable the swap on ZRAM again
[email protected]_I006D:/ # setprop vendor.zram.enable 1
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
[email protected]_I006D:/ # getprop vendor.zram.enable
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
[email protected]_I006D:/ # free
total used free shared buffers
Mem: 7612493824 4844777472 2767716352 14524416 14512128
-/+ buffers/cache: 4830265344 2782228480
Swap: 4294963200 0 4294963200
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
Workarounds for other configuration
Find below some workarounds for OS versions without the prerequisites for implementing this feature.
1. The script to toggle the swap /vendor/bin/ does not exist
If the script /vendor/bin/ does not exist in your OS create a Magisk Module for the script
To create a (dummy) Magisk Module for the script do:
mkdir -p /data/adb/modules/toggle_ram/system/bin
# create the script to toggle the ramdisk on ZRAM
cat >/data/adb/modules/toggle_ram/system/bin/ <<-\EOT
lahaina_set=`getprop vendor.asus.zram_setting`
if test "$lahaina_set" != "1"; then
echo "[asus_zram] not finished yet!"> /dev/kmsg
exit 0
disksize=`getprop vendor.zram.disksize`
zram_enable=`getprop vendor.zram.enable`
MemTotalStr=`cat /proc/meminfo | grep MemTotal`
let RamSizeGB="( $MemTotal / 1048576 ) + 1"
if test "$disksize" = ""; then
echo "[asus_zram]RamSizeGB=${RamSizeGB}" > /dev/kmsg
if test "$zram_enable" = "1"; then
if [ $RamSizeGB -le 7 ]; then #this is for 6G; or the value will be 4G(8G,12G,16G,18G,etc)
disksize="( $RamSizeGB * 1024 ) / 2""M"
swapoff /dev/block/zram0 2>/dev/kmsg
echo 1 > sys/block/zram0/reset 2>/dev/kmsg
sleep 1
echo lz4 > /sys/block/zram0/comp_algorithm
echo $disksize > /sys/block/zram0/disksize 2>/dev/kmsg
mkswap /dev/block/zram0 2>/dev/kmsg
swapon /dev/block/zram0 -p 32758 2>/dev/kmsg
echo "[asus_zram]write zram disksize=${disksize}" > /dev/kmsg
if test "$zram_enable" = "0"; then
swapoff /dev/block/zram0 2>/dev/kmsg
echo "[asus_zram]turn off the zram" > /dev/kmsg
chmod 755 /data/adb/modules/toggle_ram/system/bin/
chown root:shell /data/adb/modules/toggle_ram/system/bin/
chcon u:object_r:vendor_file:s0 /data/adb/modules/toggle_ram/system/bin/
Check the result:
[email protected]_I006D:/ # ls -lZ /data/adb/modules/toggle_ram/system/bin/
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root shell u:object_r:vendor_file:s0 1109 2022-10-03 21:14 /data/adb/modules/toggle_ram/system/bin/
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
Then change the script to execute in the service definition in the .rc file to /system/bin/
service asus_zram /system/vendor/bin/sh /system/bin/
The rest of the instructions can be be used without changes.
2. The binary /system/vendor/bin/sh does not exist
If the shell /system/vendor/bin/sh does not exist in the OS create an Magisk Module with an approbiate shell:
The shell /system/bin/sh can not be used because it's configured with another SELinux context:
[email protected]_I006D:/ # ls -lZ /system/vendor/bin/sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root shell u:object_r:vendor_shell_exec:s0 318216 2009-01-01 01:00 /system/vendor/bin/sh
[email protected]_I006D:/ #
# but
[email protected]_I006D:/data/adb/workdir # ls -Zl /system/bin/sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root shell u:object_r:shell_exec:s0 307768 2009-01-01 01:00 /system/bin/sh
[email protected]_I006D:/data/adb/workdir #
To create a (dummy) Magisk Module for the necessary shell do:
mkdir -p /data/adb/modules/vendorshell/system/bin
cp /system/bin/sh /data/adb/modules/vendorshell/system/bin/sh
chcon u:object_r:vendor_shell_exec:s0 /data/adb/modules/vendorshell/system/bin/vendor_sh
Check the result:
[email protected]_I006D:/data/adb/workdir # ls -lZ /data/adb/modules/vendorshell/system/bin/vendor_sh
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root u:object_r:vendor_shell_exec:s0 307768 2022-10-03 20:41 /data/adb/modules/vendorshell/system/bin/vendor_sh
[email protected]_I006D:/data/adb/workdir #
Now change the shell in the service definition in the .rc file to /system/bin/vendor_sh:
service asus_zram /system/bin/vendor_sh /vendor/bin/
The rest of the instructions can be be used without changes.
3. The necessary shell /system/vendor/bin/sh and the script /vendor/bin/ do both not exist
If the necessary shell /system/vendor/bin/sh and the script /vendor/bin/ do not exist you can also create one (dummy) Magisk module for both.
Some hints for using Magisk on Android phones
for instructions and infos about how to create a real Magisk Module
4. Missing SELinux contexts
These instructions assume that all necessary SELinux contexts are already defined in the used OS.
If there are SELinux contexts missing it might not work without adding the missing SELinux contexts
(that might be difficult and I must admit that I did not test that)
5. only for the records:
The magiskboot command can also be used to add new files to the /sbin directory in the root filesystem.
This can be can be configured like this:
/data/adb/magisk/magiskboot cpio ramdisk.cpio \
"mkdir 0700 overlay.d" \
"add 0700 overlay.d/init.custom.rc init.asus.zram.rc" \
"mkdir 0700 overlay.d/sbin" \
"add 0700 overlay.d/sbin/"
This is useful for adding binaries or scripts for actions that should be executed while the other partitions are not yet mounted and therefor the files in these filesystems not yet available. But for the action defined in this post this is not necessary.
And be aware that the files added to the root filesystem ( /sbin/ in this example) is only available while booting the phone.
6. Other problems
In case of problems please check the post
How to run a script at shutdown
Also check the restrictions for this approach documented in that post
06.10.2022 /bs
corrected some typos

How To Guide How to configure the WiFI in Android via script

In the current version of Android the WiFi configuration is stored in the file
ASUS_I006D:/ # ls -lZtr /data/misc/apexdata/
-rw------- 1 system system u:object_r:apex_system_server_data_file:s0 4884 2023-01-29 08:55 /data/misc/apexdata/
ASUS_I006D:/ #
The file is in plain ASCII xml format so it can be processed by any executable to change text files (editor, sed, etc).
But IMHO it's better to configure the WiFi manually via GUI and then use the file WifiConfigStore.xml with that configuration for configuring the WiFi via script. Therefor I use this code in the post install script to install and configure my phone (see How to install and configure the Android OS via Script):
Spoiler: script commands to enable and configure WiFi
# sample post install script for the customizing of the phone
# This script will be copied to the phone and executed there
# The script is executed by the user shell; use "su - -c <command>" to execute commands as user root
echo ""
echo "*** Postinstall script is running ..."
echo ""
# ... other customizations ....
# create the WiFi config file
# -rw------- 1 system system u:object_r:apex_system_server_data_file:s0 4884 2023-01-29 08:55 /data/misc/apexdata/
if [ -r "${WIFI_CONFIG_FILE}" ] ; then
echo "Creating a backup of the file \"${WIFI_CONFIG_FILE}\" in \"${WIFI_CONFIG_FILE_BACKUP}\" ...."
echo "Creating the file \"${NEW_WIFI_CONFIG_FILE}\" ..."
*** add here the contents of the file /data/misc/apexdata/ from the phone after manually configuring the WLAN
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
echo "Creating the file \"${WIFI_CONFIG_FILE}\" ..."
su - -c cp "${NEW_WIFI_CONFIG_FILE}" "${WIFI_CONFIG_FILE}" && \
su - -c chmod 600 "${WIFI_CONFIG_FILE}" && \
su - -c chown system:system "${WIFI_CONFIG_FILE}" && \
su - -c chcon -v "u:object_r:apex_system_server_data_file:s0" "${WIFI_CONFIG_FILE}"
if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
echo "Error creating the file \"${WIFI_CONFIG_FILE}\" "
echo "Error creating the file \"${NEW_WIFI_CONFIG_FILE}\" "
# enable WiFi
echo "Enabling WiFi ..."
svc wifi enable
# optional: Disable mobile data connections
echo "Disabling mobile data ..."
svc data disable
# Now reboot the phone to activate the new WiFi config ..
echo "Waiting 15 seconds now before rebooting - press CTRL-C to abort ...."
while [ $i -lt 15 ] ; do
(( i = i + 1 ))
printf "."
sleep 1
printf "\n"
echo "Now rebooting the phone ..."
Be aware the the file /data/misc/apexdata/ contains the passwords for all configured WLANs in plain text.
There should be a command to force Android to reread the file WifIConfigStore.xml but I don't know that.
Android can be forced to re-read the file WifIConfigStore.xml by killing the process system_server, e.g:
pkill system_server
But that is more or less a warm reboot and I do not know what other side effects that restart triggers
There is an app to configure WiFi via adb command
adb shell am start -n com.steinwurf.adbjoinwifi/.MainActivity -e ssid myssid -e password mywlan_password -e password_type WPA
The app works but unfortunately it does not support enabling the setting to use the device MAC instead of the random MAC so it's not usable in my environment.
Another app to configure WiFi via adb command is available here:
Unfortunately that app also does not support enabling choosing the MAC address for the connection.
There is also a script to convert an old Android wpa_supplicant.conf file to the newer (post-Oreo) WifiConfigStore.xml file (not tested):
It's also possible to use the command wpa_cli to configure WiFi but be aware the wpa_cli only works if selinux is (temporary) disabled, example:
Spoiler: wpa_cli example
ASUS_I006D:/ $ su -
ASUS_I006D:/ #
ASUS_I006D:/ # setenforce 0
ASUS_I006D:/ #
ASUS_I006D:/ #
ASUS_I006D:/ # wpa_cli
wpa_cli v2.10-devel-11
Copyright (c) 2004-2019, Jouni Malinen <[email protected]> and contributors
This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
See README for more details.
Using interface 'wlan0'
Interactive mode
<3>Control interface command 'BSS RANGE=ALL MASK=0x2'
<3>Control interface command 'LIST_CREDS'
<3>Control interface command 'LIST_NETWORKS'
<3>Control interface command 'STA-FIRST'
> list_networks
network id / ssid / bssid / flags
0 Zeilsheim any [CURRENT]
1 any [DISABLED]
<3>Control interface command 'LIST_NETWORKS'
> quit
ASUS_I006D:/ #
Note: Use help to get list of known commands
Test Environment
I tested the WiFi config via script described above in these Android distributions:
OmniROM 13 (Android 13)
OmniROM 12 (Android 12)
ASUS Android 12
ASUS Android 13
This method seems not to work in Android 11

