Hello every one - Introductions

I am Salah26 in France at Valence Drome.
My last actual job is teacher but have done a lot in my life.
Naturally curious i would like to try every thing i find : electronics, computing, game development.....
Actualy my hobby is hacking GPS system and programming sd card.
I wish a long life for this forum and hope having a lot to go round.

Welcome to XDA Forum! Hope you enjoy be in here


Sharing my spare time skill with XDA besides development work [ENJOY]

Hi XDApeeps,
I've been a proud member and developer of XDA for some time now and decided to share something I do in my spare time other then ROM development with you all for your entertainment.
I'm a beatboxer and have been doing it for 6 years now. What first began with my friend showing me this amazing talent of other well known beatboxers on his MP3 player became a skill I also acquired over time. I am self taught, I did not have the aid of lessons, tutorials or friends that could beatbox to learn from; all accomplished and learnt purely from listening, much practise and a lot of dedication.
Anyway, rather then blabblering on you can find my very first youtube video below which I have just uploaded as my friends and family insisted I made this available for all to hear:
Hope you enjoy!
Best Regards,
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Hi, Kamil from Poland

Hello every one I am young electronic devices enthusiasts over 20 from Pola d nice to met you , PC's and games consoles are with me from ever in my home always were some microchip machines and I love modding things I am not programist but sometimes I spend month every day try to speed little. It my pc or Improve what I can to, I ashley find out that bigger satisfaction mostly give me improving things than Ashley use them . That's a perfect forum for me i have few in my opinion kinda interesting project witch I need advices, I not gonna build high end, but I would Meet specific criteria, with some i know exactly what I gonna do but with some i gonna need your help also I hope for your discussion criticism and ideas, and of course the most for advices instructions and solutions . I am busy by i try make at least 1 project per day cos now I am about upgrading and fixing my old stuff
Anihilator420 said:
Hello every one I am young electronic devices enthusiasts over 20 from Pola d nice to met you , PC's and games consoles are with me from ever in my home always were some microchip machines and I love modding things I am not programist but sometimes I spend month every day try to speed little. It my pc or Improve what I can to, I ashley find out that bigger satisfaction mostly give me improving things than Ashley use them . That's a perfect forum for me i have few in my opinion kinda interesting project witch I need advices, I not gonna build high end, but I would Meet specific criteria, with some i know exactly what I gonna do but with some i gonna need your help also I hope for your discussion criticism and ideas, and of course the most for advices instructions and solutions . I am busy by i try make at least 1 project per day cos now I am about upgrading and fixing my old stuff
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Hello and welcome to XDA!
Were launching Computing forums, you might want to check it out.
Search results for query: Pc forums
Enjoy your stay

Old user but life is whore

Old user since the begining of xda but due to bad decisions in life had to remake all my accounts to be safe.
I hope I can help in someway, I have not much programming skills but I have been in the Android scene since my first purchase a HTC Magic, what a memories the first android versions compared with now, and I have seen how the scene has grow up, the legal problems from some developers, others moving indside the industry (cyanogemod) , but I will never regret the decission of goving a chance to Android and left the symbian plataform alone (in that moment maybe it was better than android).
Big up the comunity, big up to the developers who spends hours and hours of his free time looking inside the code and looking inside the many modifications done by companies to improve them (MIUI, and can't remember more names now..)
Mantain the hard work, some day you will be inside some top company developing for them.
aciidtekno said:
Old user since the begining of xda but due to bad decisions in life had to remake all my accounts to be safe.
I hope I can help in someway, I have not much programming skills but I have been in the Android scene since my first purchase a HTC Magic, what a memories the first android versions compared with now, and I have seen how the scene has grow up, the legal problems from some developers, others moving indside the industry (cyanogemod) , but I will never regret the decission of goving a chance to Android and left the symbian plataform alone (in that moment maybe it was better than android).
Big up the comunity, big up to the developers who spends hours and hours of his free time looking inside the code and looking inside the many modifications done by companies to improve them (MIUI, and can't remember more names now..)
Mantain the hard work, some day you will be inside some top company developing for them.
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Glad to see an old timer back!

Greetings XDA

Hello all, Not a lot to say about my self really. I am just another individual coasting through life. I've visited somewhat frequently here as a nameless lurker absorbing the knowledge of you brilliant minds. Not until recently had I felt inclined to post with a registered account. I am a hobbyist in both software and hardware. Don't want to overplay my skill level with any kind of title as I haven't yet earned those wings but I do occasionally have a mote of genius and attempt to help out anonymously but I've never been certified, nor employed as any type of programmer or engineer. I hope to expand my understanding mostly of mobile phone/tablet and laptop modding going forward but can't guarantee how much time I have to devote to any projects due to life in general. I at least hope to contribute something in my free time. Anyhow, look forward to getting to know some of you.
Glad to have you aboard XDA mate! Continue to enjoy the forums information!


Hi, my name is Jose and I was born when TV was black and white, I built my first computer in 1986 it was a 386 w/ 40 meg of a HD and 512 bts of RAM LOL from then on computers have been a hobby as work and family took over. I do have programming knowledge but I'm not a programmer I know my way around a computer , unfortunately my health has been deteriorating so I simply can not spend as much time as I would like in front of one. Cell phone knowledge is limited but I believe I understand the principles of it : software in a small communication device .I have an Android which is a program that I'm not familiar with but since most programming languages are similar in a basic manner I guess with some help I can fix my phone, I figured. English is not my first language so forgive my grammar. I think I do well on this. I'm home now because of my health so I have time to dwell into this but again can't spend more than 30 or 40 minutes at the time in the computer ( sitting for long time is a painful problem ) I would inmensely appreciate any help from you young guys whom were born into this era or time with so much knowledge at your disposition , believe when I say that coming from Southamerica , we would have love this , having the net and everything it has to offer, the good I mean , the bad ,oh well we can learn to deal with it and go on with life. Greetings from an old dude. I joined the forum because I would like not to have to spend another $1000 in a new cellphone and also I'm stubborn and think that my cell does have a fix and I can find it.
joseg8 said:
Hi, my name is Jose and I was born when TV was black and white, I built my first computer in 1986 it was a 386 w/ 40 meg of a HD and 512 bts of RAM LOL from then on computers have been a hobby as work and family took over. I do have programming knowledge but I'm not a programmer I know my way around a computer , unfortunately my health has been deteriorating so I simply can not spend as much time as I would like in front of one. Cell phone knowledge is limited but I believe I understand the principles of it : software in a small communication device .I have an Android which is a program that I'm not familiar with but since most programming languages are similar in a basic manner I guess with some help I can fix my phone, I figured. English is not my first language so forgive my grammar. I think I do well on this. I'm home now because of my health so I have time to dwell into this but again can't spend more than 30 or 40 minutes at the time in the computer ( sitting for long time is a painful problem ) I would inmensely appreciate any help from you young guys whom were born into this era or time with so much knowledge at your disposition , believe when I say that coming from Southamerica , we would have love this , having the net and everything it has to offer, the good I mean , the bad ,oh well we can learn to deal with it and go on with life. Greetings from an old dude. I joined the forum because I would like not to have to spend another $1000 in a new cellphone and also I'm stubborn and think that my cell does have a fix and I can find it.
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Hi Jose nice intro!
Welcome aboard

