Question How do you run an ADB command on a bootlooping device? - Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra

I have uninstalled a system app that I shouldn't have (something to do with network conectivity according to the recovery log) and everything was fine until I updated my device. I hadn't restarted it since removing the system app but after tyhe update it will no longer go past the Samsung galaxy logo. I remember doing something similar to either this device or another and I remember that I was abler to get into the system enough to be able to reinstall the neccessary app and fix the problem. However, this time I cannot get into adb at all. adb won't show any devices when in recovery, download mode, or at any of the three stages of the boot screen. I have tried wiping the cache and everything but factory resetting it as I have data that I can't lose. Any help would be appreciated whether getting adb install-existing to work or to pull important files off of the device before a reset. The device runs android 12 not rooted.

Go back via odin to the original firmware including the correct BIT.

Flash in Odin using home CSC file, simple

You only need to run ADB in Windows PC terminal or DOS mode in order to Odin flash firmware. No need to run ADB commands in the phone.
Just be sure that you install the "Samsung ADB Driver" into your PC before
you try Odin flashing firmware.
Just be sure you download the proper firmware for your phone.
Good luck, have a great day and have fun!

Thank you to all the help, but eventually I got into the phone. For anyone who may encounter a similar problem in the future:
After the phone reboots enough, it resets all preinstalled apps and removes any user installed ones and goes into safe mode. From here, the phone goes through the initial setup screens but all data is still intact, just not apps. Concerningly, it doesn't ask for you to enter your password, it just puts you on the homescreen, which seems bad from a privacy perspective as any samsung repair tech can easily cause the phone to boot loop. From here, you can back up anything important and factory reset. There is no way to exit safe mode once you've gotten this far.
I don't remember why odin didn't work, it may have been that I couldn't get the firmware to download as Samsung likes to change that stuff all the time or it may not have reinstalled the system app neccessary.
I should've been more clear in the original post but I have not flashed any unofficial firmware just the U1 firmware to remove carrier bloat, but that was way before this occurred. In case it wasn't clear, the problem happened because through
adb shell uninstall --user 0
an important system app was removed (something network related) which caused android to crash when trying to start the service. In short: be careful what you remove when using adb and, for all you forum members: read the whole post instead of jumping to conclusions about the user's mistake and if it isn't clear, ask for more details. Again, thank you to all the helpful comments even if they didn't end up working.

ZenDeveloper said:
Thank you to all the help, but eventually I got into the phone. For anyone who may encounter a similar problem in the future:
After the phone reboots enough, it resets all preinstalled apps and removes any user installed ones and goes into safe mode.
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May I ask how long it took to "reboot enough"? I'm having issue updating to Android 13. It got into boot loop (the 2nd time actually. I mentioned about it in another thread a few weeks ago. Today I decided to try again). Anyway I am wondering if there's anyway I don't need to reset the whole thing. What you described interested me.

hatoxda said:
May I ask how long it took to "reboot enough"? I'm having issue updating to Android 13. It got into boot loop (the 2nd time actually. I mentioned about it in another thread a few weeks ago. Today I decided to try again). Anyway I am wondering if there's anyway I don't need to reset the whole thing. What you described interested me.
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Sorry for the late reply,
I don't know how many times it needs to reboot to go into safe mode but it seemed like quite a bit maybe 20-30 times possibly like 100. But once it does it'll go through the initial setup screens and let you in without a password. It's very important to backup everything on your device before you mess with any system apps or update especially if you've previously messed with system apps. I however don't use google hence I didn't have a backup of anything and needed to get it off before hand.
It could also be possible that Samsung removed this back door in android 13 and just the act of trying to update it gets rid of it. I don't know I'm just throwing around ideas.

Rule #1 - if a OS is fast, stable and fulfilling its mission, let it be! Firmware upgrades/updates can and do break Samsung's.


Pushing modified framework-res.apk

I've been working on my framework-res.apk lately, but haven't tried pushing it yet. I know (most of) how to do the procedure, but i want to be sure before i try. If i screw up, i'll be without a phone for a few days due to my current internet connection. (No, i don't want to wait )
What i know, is that i should modify the apk with 7-Zip, replace the graphics i intended (mostly statusbar icons). I don't have to sign the apk since i'm pushing it trough adb shell, and my rom (V10e) is already rooted. The commands for pushing it from adb shell are simply as follows:
adb push framework-res.apk /system/framework
I have the three following questins that google can't seem to answer for me:
1. Should i wipe dalvik cache (or anything else) after i push the framework-res.apk?
2. If the answer to the previous question is yes, then can i wipe dalvik cache without a custom bootloader?
3. Does anybody have any experience with doing this to the V10e rom? According to google, a lot of users seem to have problems with apps force closing after doing this, even though it's only graphics that has been replaced. However, this is on random handsets, not P-970...
hulkhaugen said:
1. Should i wipe dalvik cache (or anything else) after i push the framework-res.apk?
2. If the answer to the previous question is yes, then can i wipe dalvik cache without a custom bootloader?
3. Does anybody have any experience with doing this to the V10e rom? According to google, a lot of users seem to have problems with apps force closing after doing this, even though it's only graphics that has been replaced. However, this is on random handsets, not P-970...
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Click to collapse don't have to wipe dalvik cache,just reboot
2. avoid fc,you should backup your original framework-res.apk,if you face fc,just push the original one back.
Well thanks for your reply
I just found out something stupid. I don't have access to WiFi atm, nor 3g, so i downloaded ClockworkMOD.apk and recovery-clockwork-, figured i could install it manually. So i started CWM, and tapped Reboot into recovery...nope, should note have done that, lol. When it started up, i got a huge error label, with LG security error as a subtitle to that. Now my phone won't start. After that message, my phone proceeds to boot, but stops at the LG logo. Tried removing the battery and start it up again, but same thing happens again, LG saying Error, lol in YOUR FACE to me, and gets locked in booting... Well, suppose i'll be without a phone for a few days...
hulkhaugen said:
Well thanks for your reply
I just found out something stupid. I don't have access to WiFi atm, nor 3g, so i downloaded ClockworkMOD.apk and recovery-clockwork-, figured i could install it manually. So i started CWM, and tapped Reboot into recovery...nope, should note have done that, lol. When it started up, i got a huge error label, with LG security error as a subtitle to that. Now my phone won't start. After that message, my phone proceeds to boot, but stops at the LG logo. Tried removing the battery and start it up again, but same thing happens again, LG saying Error, lol in YOUR FACE to me, and gets locked in booting... Well, suppose i'll be without a phone for a few days...
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Ilko's package contained CWM I believe, installing via command with single click. Do you have a nandroid? Install v20a, chinese one via smartflash (no net connection needed). Install CWM (UPK) then restore nandroid.
Problem is if you don't have them. It's good to save these files for future troubleshooting.
Edit: my bad, sorry. You don't have CWM before. So no nandroid.
Nope, no nandroid. Recently unbricked my phone using LG software. My current internet connection is to slow to start up LGMobile update, lol. I'll be home in about 32 hrs (i hope, i'm far offshore atm). Guess i won't be able to do anything until then. I'll look into the framework-res.apk then, hehe. Merry x-mas
Thread moved
Questions belong here, not in development, until something is actually developed.
Do i need busybox?

Problem when initially installing Android on HP Touchpad

Late last night I went to fix a touchpad that was handed to me, was told that the Android install was started, but had messed up. If I fixed it I could keep the touchpad.
So, i wandered over here and followed RolandDeschain79's how to install android thread, using the novacom,exe route with ACMEUninstaller2 and ACMEInstaller5. After running both of these (and placing the Cyanogen9 Mod on the tablet... i followed the instructions to the T). I got Android to run on it. BUT there was a problem! I got a bunch of notices @ initial startup, (Like 3). I don't remember what the other 2 were, but the biggest problem was the android keyboard would not function. Thinking that it would fix it, I went ahead and re-did what I had already done, running ACMEUninstaller2 and ACMEInstaller5. When I was in the middle of doing this the battery died (wish the stupid thing would just feed off power from my PC when it's plugged into it but apparently not). Now, I'm stuck in a bootloop (i think).
what does it do?:
The WEBOS boot screen, the little circle w/ HP in it? It just sits there. Sat there the entire time it was plugged in, didn't show me it was charging or anything. When I force it to shut off (hold power button and home key) it'll sit there 4 10 seconds or so, then turn itself right back on. I CAN GET INTO RECOVERY MODE however.
What I have done since then:
1. left it sit on the charger for about 7 hours... should be fully charged I hope.
2. Re-ran ACMEUninstaller2
3. Re-ran ACMEInstaller5
my thoughts were that if I can get an older ROM to work on it, I can upgrade to the most current from there.
Any ideas would be appreciated. This is the first tablet I've messed with, actually the first tablet I've owned and I'd really like to fix it...
Thanks in advance!
The easiest and most simple means of installing Android is with TP Toolbox. Follow the advice and instructions in the developers forum, you will have to do some reading to understand what you are doing.
I also am listing a link that I think is clear on the install:
As for the ROMS, there are a number to choose from. I have jcsullins installed on several TP's as well as pac-man ROM on another. Please take your time to read and decide.
Also, using toolbox will require that you use the naming convention for gapps as outlined in the toolbox thread.
Thank you. I followed the instructions on that site and the touchpad is working excellent.... Minus one glitch thus far: the camera works on boot, but as soon as you go to take a photo the whole screen digitizes and the touchpad loses connectivity with the camera. Is there an easy fix for this?
What ROM are you using? Also, which gapps did you install? Please be as specific as possible.
The ROM I am using is cyanogen 11 and I downloaded the gapps from the same page. The tablet upgraded itself last night and after that everything works great. It said something like upgrading apps, and reinstalled all the apps I had put on it. I'm playing with it as much as possible, making sure it acts like it should.
Thanks 4 all the help thus far
more issues
okay guys I am using invisiblek's cyanogen 11 and gapps... still have an issue with the camera I randomly acting up. it will work and then it won't. I have no clue where to even start with this. the build is from June of 2014. I do have an update available, I don't know if that will fix it but I do not have my laptop available at this current moment, so I cannot try it. Any ideas?
Are you reading the posts in the forum thread for that particular ROM? Other people using it may have encountered and fixed the issue.
I would invite you to read information about the various ROMS in the developer section as issues such as you are describing are
usually addressed and fixes or work arounds are presented.
I do not use the particular ROM you have installed but run other ROMS on several touchpads and do not have the problem you describe.
like an idiot I have not read the other threads regarding this particular CyanogenMod... I will look into them.
Thank you.
OK... I'm a dufus sometimes... what's the easiest way to get this thing to simply boot CM? Without going to moboot. Id like this thing to act like it had android on it from the factory. Would it cause a problem if I didn't put the ClockWorkMod on it?? I plan on using TPToolbox any time I need to do something, I have a PC around 90% of the time.
Is this even possible?
Thanks for the help thus far.
Greasemonkey50701 said:
OK... I'm a dufus sometimes... what's the easiest way to get this thing to simply boot CM? Without going to moboot. Id like this thing to act like it had android on it from the factory. Would it cause a problem if I didn't put the ClockWorkMod on it?? I plan on using TPToolbox any time I need to do something, I have a PC around 90% of the time.
Is this even possible?
Thanks for the help thus far.
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You can't bypass moboot, and what you're proposing is going to ultimately cause you problems. But if you must, the easiest way to do what you want is to reduce the moboot timeout so that it goes directly to boot quickly. Create (if it's not already there) or edit (if it is) a file named moboot.timeout and put the number of seconds you want moboot to wait before booting CM. You can do that with a root browser like ROM ToolBox lite, or you can do a terminal session and type in:
mount -o remount,rw /boot
cd /boot
echo "1" >/boot/moboot.timeout # will set timeout to 1 sec (defaults to 5)
What problems would this cause? Call me stupid (and I am sometimes) but i really don't forsee any problems caused by doing this...
I think Shumash already answered your question.
You need moboot to boot into Android.
Android is Linux based and Linux requires the use of a bootloader.
The best you can do is to shorten the time out before it boots.
In spite of the best advice given to is your touchpad and you are free to do what you choose.
Even if that means borking it for good.
OK. I just re-read my initial post with this idea, and am thinking I wasn't clear enough. What my goal here is is to have my touchpad simply boot straight into Android without going into the moboot list to select whether Android, WebOSRecovery, CWM, etc. boots. What I am wondering is if I take CWM off of it, will it set Android as it's default OS and simply boot that, just like a PC does when it has only one OS on it and like our touchpads did from the factory with WebOS. I'm not looking to brick my tablet otherwise I'd just do it and see what happens.
Thank you for your time and assistance thus far.
Greasemonkey50701 said:
OK. I just re-read my initial post with this idea, and am thinking I wasn't clear enough. What my goal here is is to have my touchpad simply boot straight into Android without going into the moboot list to select whether Android, WebOSRecovery, CWM, etc. boots. What I am wondering is if I take CWM off of it, will it set Android as it's default OS and simply boot that, just like a PC does when it has only one OS on it and like our touchpads did from the factory with WebOS. I'm not looking to brick my tablet otherwise I'd just do it and see what happens.
Thank you for your time and assistance thus far.
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You were clear enough, but seem to have some misunderstanding of what the sequence is. On boot, moboot times for a default 5 seconds and then automatically boots into Android, unless you screw with it by touching buttons or making selections. If you want it to do that faster, change the timeout as I suggested. You do not need to take anything off of it, and in fact, doing so will cause you grief eventually. If you take CWM off, and want to update your ROM, create a nandroid backup, clear the caches, or do any other low level stuff, you won't be able to. If it's booting into CWM (which you haven't said it does yet), then the moboot.default file has been changed. It should contain the word "CyanogenMod" (w/o the quotes) to boot directly to CM/Android. Use a root browser to edit or recreate it.

Unable to enter Custom Recovery, Galaxy Pro 10.1 SM-T520 .Help Please, dead Robot

Hi all,
I have been hammering away at this one, and putting it on the back-burner, but now, it is really getting to me. Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 10.1 SM-T520
It has been rooted with ODIN, and shows no problem, (things seem much easier now, as I have re-jigged lots of my old phones using so many more tools, I am not an expert, but can read and search without too much problems) I was very careful to choose the correct file,, I have rechecked this step several times, as most of the instructions I found ODIN device ID:COM box should become yellow, when on newer versions it is blue I think, I wondered if I was going mad,
Root Checker Root access granted, all fine. I have Root access. n.
Installed CWM ,latest recovery for a Pro 10.1 wifi, recovery Titanium backup-ed, all ready to go and Reboot and flash a new ROM.. No joy. .. Installed TWRP , same.
When it re-starts it ,shows the galaxy logo, flashes off, then back on, and then fails. Android dead with a red warning , standard recovery KOT49H.T520XXUANAE, all I can do is the usual options:apply update. The only thing I haven't tried is to just wipe all the data. I have a backup of my apps with Titanium Backup on the SD card,I am not that bothered really about much other data if its a pain. I just want control of my device and to try a new ,cleaner ROM(SMT520_GraveD_V3.0)
This has been bothering me for ages, I have read so many posts so am now getting really frustrated I have bought triangle away app. today although I think I sorted that issue early on anyway , but just in case...
Super SU seemed to have vanished so that is back installed
I think I searched and found the Mount/system issue and looked into an issue that lead me to the .system folder, but it is hidden, so I could not find the file it related to. I dont have the specifics to hand as I checked it out at work. I wondered if it is because I have ES file manager, not ASTRO as it said in some of the posts I found.but sure this is a red herring.
I have tried everything..I have a Mac at home and PC at work, I have tried ADB and can see &restart the device etc... so I am connected, first I got the error that it didn't recognise the sideload command. Read up on ADB , looked at the help etc. sideload isn't there as a command, very confusing. But I think I got there one I figured out paths, as of course they are different on a Mac, and possibly more so as I have 2 drives in it, which often confuses me ..grr.
I can of course get into the bootloader, with ON+VOL -, it tells me so far the system is : Official and Knox Warranty Void: 1 which I think is fine, but a chap at work suspected this, but after lots of threads I gather this is normal..
Sorry if long, just thought I should be as clear as possible. I have not really come across such an awkward issue as this , my HTC One was a breeze:crying:
*edit* Just worked out through trial and error, that to use the sideboot command I had to select send via ADB and now with the path /Desktop/ I was able to send the file but with the following messgae : E:footer is wrong and E:signature verification failed, twice.. So some progress
Thanks !
Just to say after being up waay too long on this, I discovered there is a newer firmware T520XXUANI1_T520BTUANI1_BTU which I may aswell upgrade to first, but of course I cannot do this OTA now As it recognises the device is 'tampered with' *sigh* so gun and games with Odin for Mac tonight, or JODIN3 , just to get the firmware upgrade(which seems to be a jungle of fake download links). before a Rom without bloatware..
I am also not completely clear why, as from another thread about KNOX, as I am basically running stock , without custom recovery.. According to this thread , but I am getting a bit confused now
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however this is another story from the ROM install. Apologies
Well. No replies, but I did eventually solve this. Hopefully this can help someone. I am a tinkerer, but I really nearly gave up on this..But this was a cheap second hand tablet ( my first) and I want to see what it can do before I test drive one on my mother who is having nightmares with every Windows laptop I give her!
Once I got to a PC , I had access to Odin3, although it is not available online (apparently to Mac) I could not get it to work due to Java issues (JOdin3 online - brilliant idea but no joy for me so far)
I had the Rom I wanted ( GraveDigger- ), the firmware update ( think)) and the unlock file ( , non of which I could install in any way , due to being locked out of using a custom Rom bootloader!
At this point I factory reset and cleared the cache( as that is the only options in the basic bootloader!) I also has ADB on the PC so attempted to install the files this way (after messing about using some software to produce the .tar and .md5 files needed for Odin. I tried everything to get this into proper 'bootloader mode' all from scrach again, including trying the adb oem unlockbootloader command, which I would never get to work as I could not get there!
With Odin, I was also again able to flash the firmware update, eventually, and of course had to unlock again. I was curious if I could now use the OTA update, and could not. At some point, in repeating this process( as I think it hung up several times and needed a hard reboot) I had at this point fully wiped the device as I know that is another reason to have glitches and an unstable ROM later.
I think I then tried to check and although T520XXUAOD2 seems to still be the firmware, at some point I managed to get online ( I think some superuser app which I have had to try several may have notified me that KNOX was reset:laugh:When I go to About>Software update it said I had the latest update! Good news!
At this point I had installed both CWM and TWRP again , and thought I would try TWRP.I had tried CWM and the same problem, like a double flash of the Samsung Logo , so I know it had reset !!
THIS TIME I used TWRP ( I thought of trying CWM touch, but its either paid, or I would have to find and ABD the file over I guess) , I managed to re-apply the Root file, Root checker confirmed this , as it had throughout this ordeal!, although apart from ACCESS GRANTED I dont really know what the rest means..Anyway although picassowifi , was still in Device name on TWRP I chose an earlier recovery version to install.- twp- When I re-booted, I was able to get the TWRP recover image, and install the ROM, I cannot remember if I re-rooted as I was so elated.
I had a few , freezing moments, reinstalling most of my apps through Titanium Backup, I think I just tried to reinstall everything which of was unnecessary, after a hard reset, all seems fine. I checked and the TWRP recovery seems to have stuck. I am not entirely sure how to check about the firmware , but for now I feel this is progress.
Good Luck if anyone found this any use.
Just to add, when you search this ( and probably many other models) you seem to get so many sites, offering exactly the same unlock information, in exactly the same way, many of the downloads seem to take you to many weird and wonderful places. So I tended to look here for downloads if possible. But I had to join SamMobile (which seems a useful site for the firmware upgrade) and trawl all over and assume similarities between other Samsung devices to fully check I was not being an idiot. But this was very odd and I could not find any posts or other workarounds that I did not try. But this new ROM feels lovely and smooth so far, and I now want to look into this tablet further

No way to get my XZ3 into recovery mode--- because of some spyware?

Good evening and sorry if post a thread of which I see two similar oness
However, I could not find a solution in the other ones and have questions which go a little further and really hit my privacy.
I have two XZ3 and both could go into recovery node when I bought them and after a while could not.
I used the reset to factory seting fo wiping cache etc. quite regularly as I had/have reasons to belive that I was/am spied on.
Sice the recovery mode possibility is gone I feel totally unsafe with both phones.
I tried all possibilities I can find of this website or any other in internet, and all were without success.
As described by others, after pushing the power button, there is no led light and it boots suoer-quicklyto the blue stripe view in which we wait till the boot is complete.
Till two days ago I thought ok, the phone just needs a flash, wipe everything away once and all would be resolved.
Well, two days ago I flashed my phone the first time from lollipop to kitkat, which worked without problems and then rooted it with gifroot and then put back lollipop.
Everything ran smoothly and after the whole process I had a rooted lollipop version with a working recovery. I tried the apps which confirm if the root works abd everything was great.
Tthe morning after, however the recovery possibility was gone. The phone was still rooted for everything, but for recvery mode.
I tried several apps, which I gave superuser access with SuperSu, but even from the apps the boot goes always just the NORMAL way without recovery.
To give it another try today I flashed that xz3 again, then rooted it with Kingo root, which in Kitkat firmware worked lalso super easy, the checked with other apps whihchconfirmed that the root works, but still no recovery possibility, no matter with which app..
I really need a specialist who can explain that to me, as I am going mad to think that someone else has total control over my phones.
How realistic is that some spyware does not allow the recovery as of course it knows that it would be eliminated then.
Please give me your thuoghts or knowledge. Everything helps. And if you know a method with which I can be sure that nothing is keft on the phone, I would appreciate.
Thanks and Regards
iFran72 said:
Good evening and sorry if post a thread of which I see two similar oness
However, I could not find a solution in the other ones and have questions which go a little further and really hit my privacy.
I have two XZ3 and both could go into recovery node when I bought them and after a while could not.
I used the reset to factory seting fo wiping cache etc. quite regularly as I had/have reasons to belive that I was/am spied on.
Sice the recovery mode possibility is gone I feel totally unsafe with both phones.
I tried all possibilities I can find of this website or any other in internet, and all were without success.
As described by others, after pushing the power button, there is no led light and it boots suoer-quicklyto the blue stripe view in which we wait till the boot is complete.
Till two days ago I thought ok, the phone just needs a flash, wipe everything away once and all would be resolved.
Well, two days ago I flashed my phone the first time from lollipop to kitkat, which worked without problems and then rooted it with gifroot and then put back lollipop.
Everything ran smoothly and after the whole process I had a rooted lollipop version with a working recovery. I tried the apps which confirm if the root works abd everything was great.
Tthe morning after, however the recovery possibility was gone. The phone was still rooted for everything, but for recvery mode.
I tried several apps, which I gave superuser access with SuperSu, but even from the apps the boot goes always just the NORMAL way without recovery.
To give it another try today I flashed that xz3 again, then rooted it with Kingo root, which in Kitkat firmware worked lalso super easy, the checked with other apps whihchconfirmed that the root works, but still no recovery possibility, no matter with which app..
I really need a specialist who can explain that to me, as I am going mad to think that someone else has total control over my phones.
How realistic is that some spyware does not allow the recovery as of course it knows that it would be eliminated then.
Please give me your thuoghts or knowledge. Everything helps. And if you know a method with which I can be sure that nothing is keft on the phone, I would appreciate.
Thanks and Regards
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Spyware cannot affect Recovery unless it is granted root permissions and is embedded on system.
Also do not use KingoRoot, a thread in the SG note 3 forums reported Spyware installed after using it, source. For now steer clear of that application until all claims have been proven false
At any rate, ( assuming you have Unlocked Bootloader ) just flash another kernel with recovery, do a full wipe including formating the system partition and restore your system via flashing a rom
Revontheus said:
Spyware cannot affect Recovery unless it is granted root permissions and is embedded on system.
Also do not use KingoRoot, a thread in the SG note 3 forums reported Spyware installed after using it, source. For now steer clear of that application until all claims have been proven false
At any rate, ( assuming you have Unlocked Bootloader ) just flash another kernel with recovery, do a full wipe including formating the system partition and restore your system via flashing a rom
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i got that problem i cant hard reset my phone i forgott my posswords and the key combo dosent work and i have never rooted before, can you give me a step by step for dummie (me)
petterssonjohan said:
i got that problem i cant hard reset my phone i forgott my posswords and the key combo dosent work and i have never rooted before, can you give me a step by step for dummie (me)
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If you can enter flash mode, flash the latest firmware and software for your device using flash tool.
What is flash mode? I can get the phone in a mode where the indicator lamp turns blue is it that?
get Flashtool @
it includes Xperiafirm so you can download a stock ROM for your device and build an .ftf file
when you have the ftf file, drag it into the main Flashtool window
follow prompts

OTA update endless fail loop PPWS29.69-39-6-4 on Magisk (un)rooted X4

I have two (identical) X4 1900-1 Android One phones , both were rooted with Magisk patched boot image on PPWS29.69-39-6-2. I was able to restore boot image with Magisk Manager on one and the January 1 PPWS29.69-39-6-4 OTA update completed successfully, I reinstalled Magisk per tutorial, root is present and Safetynet passed. The other one became stuck in a kind of updating loop for this OTA prior to restoring the image with Magisk, the update failed on "Step 3 of 6", then starts all over again, ad infinitum, causing battery drain and slowdown. It started this before I restored the boot image with Magisk but fail is continuing since doing so and after a reboot. Automatic updates were turned off in Developer Options, but it still tried to install the update before notifying me that it was available. One difference after restoring boot image with Magisk is that the phone is no longer showing the update progress page--when you tap System Updates the CHecking for Updates flashes briefly and then a toast says Software Update Unsuccessful. That message comes up every few seconds.
My past experience with failed OTA updates on other devices has been the update process stops with one failed update, never tries again and I had to flash manually. Wondering about the best way to address this issue is. One of these phones is my "backup" device, so I have some wiggle room on what to do. Should I (a) flash stock back on the problem phone and let it go through the several security updates, or could I possibly restore a TWRP backup from the updated phone on the problem one? I did a similar restore years ago from one Moto XT926 to another and it worked, but I believe the restored phone might have acquired the serial # of the donor.
I took logcats before and after unrooting, but had trouble uploading one of them. I'll try again.
I spoke a little too soon on the one that "successfully" updated. It is unable to complete phone calls with the same SIM that works in the one that keeps giving the failed update message. Calls just end as soon as send is pressed, or hang trying to connect. In Settings it shows the correct phone number etc., network settings are same as the working phone and this one worked with this SIM a few weeks ago. Some problems connecting to computer visa wifi as well. Beginning to wonder if this is a bad update? Could really use some help here as I don't have a fully functional phone now.
Turns out the "successfully" updated phone is pretty borked. Lots of strange behavior and black screen freezes. The modem/radio seem to have major problems. With no sim card in the phone, the LTE icon shows and indicates signal, but no connectivity. Freezes and blank screens when I hop around in Settings. Wifi connect is wonky. And no phone connectivity with SIM. Looking like I'm gonna have to go back to stock with PPWS29.69-39-6-2, the latest full FW I have.
Has anyone out there had problems with this OTA?
Where can I find the log file from the OTA update, to try and see what went bad?
On the "failed" phone, I was able to find the url for the OTA update ( -- PPWS29.69-39-6-4) on the logcat and download it. I've uploaded it to Drive and here is the link is below if anyone needs it. There are lot of error and suspicious messages in one of the logcats from the failed one but interpreting them meaningfully is above my paygrade. I've attached another log to this post. Can someone tell me how to stop the endless updater loop until I can fix the other phone? I am unsure what app/service to disable. I read somewhere there is a way to delay updates on Pie, but it doesn't appear to be a toggle anywhere in Settings.
This is the Android One/Google Fi variant XT1900-1. Flash at own risk!
The option to force updates is in Developer Options about 10 lines down.
Apparently it defaults to ON.
I have not tested that this would prevent updates since I leave it on, since I want updates.
Force Updates
KrisM22 said:
The option to force updates is in Developer Options about 10 lines down.
Apparently it defaults to ON.
I have not tested that this would prevent updates since I leave it on, since I want updates.
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Thanks , however that option was turned OFF in Developer Options. Update still forced itself on both phones.
Oh well! It's all google's fault!
Back to stock working so far
KrisM22 said:
Oh well! It's all google's fault!
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Appears so. Keep reading.
I flashed stock PPWS29.69-39-6-2 and so far things seem to be working--phone, data, wifi.
I'll give a full update on functionality and de-borking when the thing's finished its updates and app installs.
I did notice that in device setup, in the Google Terms the last item "Install updates and apps", states "This device may automatically download and install updates and apps from Google and your device manufacturer...." and there is no on/off toggle!!!! You are forced to accept this "setting", the only option is "Accept"!
Thanks again Google.
I suppose this means that the Developer Options setting is moot.
I would be interested to know if this "(it's not a bug it's a) Feature" is present in Oreo builds?
Remember that google doesn't write android so we can modify it - in fact, google goes WAY out of its way to prevent that - that is why there are so many releases of things like Majisk - google keeps blocking them.
Only a tiny tiny fraction of Moto X4 users attempt any modification of their phones.
You might succeed because you have not yet flashed a custom ROM and thus changed the bootloader and file system from the stock OTA'ed Pie setup. Those that have cannot return. Apparently ever.
KrisM22, would you say that the X4 is a less suitable device than others for rooting? And BTW appreciate your noob warnings, only wish they had appeared sooner. I had already rooted these earlier.
As a matter of practice, I never flash custom ROM or recovery on devices until after they've reached end of OEM support. Actually with the ability to boot TWRP via fastboot I don't see any advantage to installing it but numerous disadvantages. I have unlocked and rooted all my (unlockable) devices, but I may rethink that in light of these recent Android changes. For my next phone I would probably choose a more mod-friendly OEM, if such exists. One+ maybe?
a) you're welcome
b) don't mod this X4 in any way if you are OTA upgraded to Pie.
You might have been able to modify it if it was still on 7 or 8 but I have no idea what the devs are using for
1) bootloader
2)file structiure.
I think, if you have to root, go back to something like a G3, where the bootloader didn't change and the file structure didn't change. Even the Z play had probs around the Oreo bootloader change, but we still could use rsdlite to get back from most disasters.
iow, think pre/pre Treble in any form. It may be, in a couple more years, when Treble has stabilized, that we can get away with modifying things, but on a current phone I would avoid it, UNLESS others have already successfully/repeatedly done it.
I also feel that most of the reason for flashing a custom ROM are gone. People get there, spend a lot of time playing with updates and releases, and eventually go back to stock. There are always a few exceptions, but... As to the various reasons for "needing" root, I feel there are always alternatives. I use Block This! to keep ads out of Brave, BBC app, and APNews app. While there are occasions like can't-edit-build prop, I find I can live without it. It is an adjustment of attitude/expectation. Yes, I have had tons of fun and wasted tons of hours playing with my past phones, it happens I haven't missed it with this one, especially since the sec updates are so recent - I don't worry until it's a year or 2 past.
Once the X4 is on Pie stock, do not modify it in any way.
As to other phones, yes, if you really have to modify it, search the wealth of info that is XDA until you have found a phone that folks have been able to repeatedly get back to stock - be on the lookout for a trail of endless posts about bricked phones and blank flash stuff - a sure sign to avoid it. - This forum is littered with them!
If you have modified a phone: BEFORE taking an OTA, flash phone with latest stock, then let it take the OTA. I had to modify that - I have no idea if you can flash this thing once it is on Pie.
I also feel that most of the reason for flashing a custom ROM are gone.
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I agree, especially for current devices that are still supported. I'll leave these stock at least until that ends. I actually though it had already reached EOS, so I was caught with my pants down. That said, these phones ran just as well stock/rooted as all of their predecessors I have owned, and as well as when unrooted--until the update fail happened. I may root one if I decide to keep using it beyond EOS. And it's true that most custom ROMs are rarely as smooth and reliable as factory.
Yes, I have had tons of fun and wasted tons of hours playing with my past phones
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True Dat! But, a hobby is a hobby, and not everything hobbyists do in any field turns out stellar. One reason I always try to have have a decent running backup phone if I mess with a daily driver.
With an EOS device, the risk of a bad outcome is to a large degree mitgated by the greatly diminished value of the device. I have a Moto X 2015 Clark that I've been playing with Randomblame's LOS16 builds on, and it is very usable. Too bad that phone never had good battery life, I liked everything else about it. Might as well keep it rather than sell it for the maybe 50 bucks it might bring. Hell, I only cut my last XT926 loose early last year!
Everything's looking good. After flashing back to stock PPWS29.69-39-6-2, Phone updated OTA to PPWS29.69-39-6-4 and everything appears to be working well. So far no bad residue from past rooting etc.
redwoodie said:
Everything's looking good. After flashing back to stock PPWS29.69-39-6-2, Phone updated OTA to PPWS29.69-39-6-4 and everything appears to be working well. So far no bad residue from past rooting etc.
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EXCELLENT!!! Great to hear!
Yes, always have a backup!!!
EOS: I was surprised by this update and am now guessing that we might even get one in Mar or Apr. We'll just have to see if that includes 10. But to me a phone is not really "EOS" until maybe a year or 2 after it stops getting updates. I haven't heard of anyone getting hacked. On any phone.
If you are willing, could you do a couple things:
Go to first post edit, go advanced and mark thread as SOLVED.
add a post about how you did it:
1) disclaimer: "Do at your own risk. I am not responsible for anything." or some such!
2. a sentence or 2 about how you did the flash.
3. attach a copy of the bat file you used for the flash.
I think only works if you haven't changed bootloader or file system - NO custom ROM.
Post issue solved etc.
I will happily do that once I've gotten the second X4 straightened out, at that point I'll feel confident it is really "solved".. Probably next week at soonest, I have a minor medical procedure today. I didn't use a .bat file, I fastboot flashed each .img, erase and sparsechunk the old school way. There was a flashall.bat I found on XDA but it was for Oreo builds, had a couple lines in it I was unsure about, and wasn't comfortable modifying it.
Many thanks! Hope all goes well with that today!
If you could provide a log, or list of commands used, that would help!
Update on flashing 2nd X4 back to stock...Flashed PPWS29.69-39-6-2 twice same results: I have wifi/LTE connectivity issues, the wifi constantly connects and disconnects and phone/LTE tries and fails.
There are a couple of threads that discuss similar probles with the X4 and offer various solutions. I may try those, or going back to original Moto Pie ROM or an intermediate build. I also was able to grab the latest Jan. 1 update ROM and that's another option.
The odd thing about this flash is that everything about the phone state was 100% identical to the other X4 that I successfully restored via exact same methods. It would appear that "your mileage may vary" applies. I'll update again when I have new info.
redwoodie said:
Update on flashing 2nd X4 back to stock...Flashed PPWS29.69-39-6-2 twice same results: I have wifi/LTE connectivity issues, the wifi constantly connects and disconnects and phone/LTE tries and fails.
There are a couple of threads that discuss similar probles with the X4 and offer various solutions. I may try those, or going back to original Moto Pie ROM or an intermediate build. I also was able to grab the latest Jan. 1 update ROM and that's another option.
The odd thing about this flash is that everything about the phone state was 100% identical to the other X4 that I successfully restored via exact same methods. It would appear that "your mileage may vary" applies. I'll update again when I have new info.
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Thanks. modem problems? Dunno... Keep us posted! Thanks!
Are your two One fi, or regular - I bet the motherboards on the two are different, thus the different result.
Both One/Fi. Same baseband versionon both.
Just re-flashed NON-HLOS.bin ad fsg.mbn, same results.
I'm a little baffled by the script commands that follow these flashes to "erase modemst1/t2". One user on this thread claimed omitting (commenting out) those erase commands cured the problem
I tried the modem flash mentioned above with out the erase commands. No change.
Another suggests:
My XT1900-7 had lost its IMEIs and Wifi connections, even after factory reset.
The solution:
Get from lolinet
if you are booting from slot _b, then go to fastboot and flash modem from this FI ROM:
fastboot flash modem_b NON-HLOS.bin
fastboot erase modemst1
fastboot erase modemst2
fastboot reboot
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Thinking about flashing back to original stock Pie 29.69-26, or the latest 29.69-39-6-4.

