K in the place - Introductions

Hello everyone,
I may look like a SNK character...but in fact I'm just a little tech enthusiast, I love the phone business and testing different programming.
Lately I managed to reboot an old Nexus 5 (not so easy to find the right stock rom), I had some problems to flash the rom but with good research and all the forums we manage.
See you soon

Welcome to the xda family.



Hi there,
I'm Nils and I'm frpm Germany. I like to learn new stuff and right now I'm also quite confused about all the new phones out there so I hope to get help finding a new device for myself since my 3year old nokia 7plus is dying.
Have a nice day.
Hallo Nils, wilcomen to XDA!
Sure youll find good advices and stuff for your new device.
Welcome to XDA.
You might want to get a used device running on Pie. A lot of needless and detrimental app restrictions on Q and above.

Hello XDA

im exploring and updating, i found myself on the site more times than once and in references from forums,,just in last few months i explored a small handful of devices that just are not of use yet made head way to creating myself a phone of use.. with the help the site offers im pleased to take the time to register, with a big ty to some that really pound out some issues,,Ty LadZook
Welcome to the xda family.
ty here..

Hi People

Hello everyone,
Greetings from Croatia,
Been following this page for long time now, from days with linux, then using the old HTC/SAMSUNG phones when it all started with android platform and now mostly using the android in the infotainment of my cars.
Finally, I decided to register and to try to help other users with my modest knowlegde as a regular tech-fanboy.
So looking forward to have a great time here with all of you guys.
Stay good
Stay proper
Welcome to the xda family.

Hello there

Hello there!
It's been a while since i've posted this kind of thread. I used to navigate forums, then Discord came out and replaced nearly everything a forum represented and in one place only.
XDA is a bless though. Greedy company leaving behind still good smartphones after only two years form release is something really sad. These things doesn't even cost cheap. So yeah, I came here only to thank everyone developing awesome custom roms.
Glad you joined XDA, enjoy the forums, and happy rom flashing!

Hello from a beginner

RomFlashingCarlos here.
I flashed my first CM ROM almost 5 years ago in attempt to revive hardware from 2012 that was abandoned by Samsung.
Now I'm back with the same hardware, but with the latest OS running on it.
I am ever thankful for the dev here that made that possible. Looking at you @html6405
I look forward to being here, maybe I could learn a thing or to about being an android dev.
Welcome to XDA and enjoy the forums vast amounts of information!

