Question possible error at STOCK MT6833_Android_scatter (Poco M4 pro 5G ) - POCO M4 Pro 5G, Redmi Note 11S (Opal), 11T (India)

I am checking the scatter file downloaded from Xiaomi firmware website and there are some values that do not make sense to me (I might be wrong)
super partition starts at 0xE4000000 and is 8.5GB (up to 0x304000000)
flashinfo starts at 0xFFFF0080, that is inside of the super partition
sgpt starts at 0xFFFF0000 and is 0x8000 bytes long, also inside of super and also stepping on top of flashinfo partition
The rest of the partitions fit well, except that the userdata partition is only 10GB, no idea why.
The point is that checking the real GPT at the phone, it is not like that: flashinfo is after userdata, not inside of super and doing a dump of the last 0x8000 bytes of the disk, sgpt is there, as it chould be.
Could someone double check these values?


[HW][OT] E:V:A's Discussion Thread

This is my own completely Off Topic Discussion thread.
A place where I will bring HW related discussions, that do not fit into
specific threads or discussions.
Please, do not post here with general questions or other junk that I have not initiated myself.
Also do not ask where to find files/programs mentioned in this thread, because if I have not linked to them, I don't know!
They will be removed. (Thanks for understanding.)
See you.
<< Better reserve for more dragons >>
Didn't see that anyone mentioned it and I'm not sure if the S4 modems are as well, but the initial container that the modems are in on the HTC used S3 chips is a fat16 format. I saw that with a simple hex editor showed it and I was able to see the modem file structure as well. I'll snag a few S4 modems later today and take a look. Couldn't unpack and repackaged though, which is probably the EFS formatting with it.
Off topic goes in off topic
Sorry it took so long
I had intended to do this at least a week ago, but had not the chance. Both the S3 HTC Radios and the S4 HTC Radios are fat 16 imgs.
As you see in the Rezound screenshot, in the first few lines of the HEX table in the bottom left mentions no volume label and a fat 16 label on the type. in addition when I use IMG viewers it shows the same with both the MDM9K image and the main IMG. This should theoretically enable us to possibly use amss imgs or other parts of the radios with other devices or even cross the modem over to other Samsung devices with the same modem chips.
In addition as per the Ville screenshot, this is the One S modem for one of the European basebands. Again the HEX shows Fat 16 as the file type, but the file structure and amount of files are much more plentiful. If this can become of any use, great. If not, oh well... but it is good food for thought either way.
On other notes, I did try to copy files from the LTE baseband (MDM9k) from the Vivid and move them to the MDM9k IMG for the rezound, but the IMG bloated. I haven't had enough time to try and mount the images in my Ubuntu environment, but doing it in Winblows caused the IMG to bloat up too much and caused radio issues and IMEI unknown blanks.
Happy perusing and happy hunting!
Very nice, but I doubt you'll be able to mix modem files (between different devices) unless you're absolutely sure that the device modem and AP HW is the same. Apparently from another recent conversation, it seem that HTC and Qualcomm are both moving to unified source code for their devices. So it can still be true that many of those files are the same across devices.
Could you write a few lines on how you go about this extraction and do it for the HTC One X (LTE)?
Also don't forget that US HTC One X (or S, or whatever) is not the same hardware and the European one!
On second thought, I think this is what you got..right?
Pretty much. Seems like another situation where I should have spoke up when I first saw it with Qualcomm S3 modems in May. On moving files though, I was planning to stay in family. S3 w/ S3 ect.
^^ BTW. Could you tell if there are any structural differences (content wise) between files of same prefix, but sequential postfix? What is strange is that they are all very different sizes, which indicate they probably have very different content...
If it was just one solid piece of firmware, it would just have been chopped up into equal sized pieces...
I'll look closer on that. I do remember that most of the sequential pieces were the same size minus either the first or the last, holding with your theory.
Maybe not the right place, but have you looked at the pit files?
MODEM non-tlos.bin
BOOT boot.img
EFS efs.img (ext4)
MODEMST1 nvrebuild1.bin
MODEMST2 nvrebuild2.bin
system.img (ext4)
userdata.img (ext4)
persist.img (ext4)
cache.img (ext4)
recovery.img (ext4)
PGPT pgpt.img
PIT MSM8960.pit
MD5 md5.img
SGPT sgpt.img
I know it is not really new, but I hadn't seen the img names.
The ones I took screenshots of were for 3rd and 4th Gen Snapdragon processors, radio.imgs for HTC devices. The Samsung pit files may give good cross references though. I'll re-unbox my Amaze this evening and check the mounts to see any information on the single file broken into pieces theory.
"eMMC Partition tools usage for msm7x30/msm8x60"
(A repost from Anyclub...)
In the eMMC boot, there are some changes in eMMC partitioning.
[SIZE=2]partition.xml - Everything begins with this file, which describes the number of
partitions desired, and how many sectors each one should be. - translates partition.xml into binary partitions
msp.exe - writes binary partitions to SD/eMMC cards using card reader
mjsdload.cmm - writes binary partitions to SD/eMMC cards using Trace32 - writes binary partitions to a single image file
QPST - writes binary partitions to SD/eMMC cards on Target
Helper /Debug Tools:
[SIZE=2] - Decodes MBR partition tables. Run:
"Perl partition.bin"
to generate the partition information - Decodes GPT partition tables
These are the property entries that can be added in new partiton.xml to specify the configuration.
WRITE_PROTECT_BOUNDARY_IN_KB: Typical boundaries are 64MB, i.e. 65536 KB. This
means that a 256MB eMMC card has 4 write protect boundaries. Any or all of
them can be marked as read-only. Different vendors allow for different sized
GROW_LAST_PARTITION_TO_FILL_DISK: In partition.xml the size of each partition
is specified. If this field is TRUE, then the last partition size is ignored
and set to 0. Then during patching this size is updated such that the last
partition extends to use all remaining space.
could be that a partition that is currently writeable might need to be marked
as read-only. This can only happen *if* that partition begins on a write
protect boundary (i.e. 64MB). Thus if this field is TRUE, then all logical
partitions are positioned such that they begin on a write protect boundary.
Is a new tool used to generate the the partition.xml
When run, it will output following 5 files:
1. emmc_lock_regions.xml
This hold the sector ranges that need to be marked as read-only by the
operating system (this is from readonly="true" in partition.xml) i.e. modem
code and boot images are typically on read-only partitions Typical
Write-Protect boundary is 64MB = 131072 sectors = 0x20000 sectors. The file
below is protecting the very first 64MB region of the card,
Boundary #0
Starting at sector 0
Ending at sector 131071 (for a total of 131072 sectors)
[SIZE=2]<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!-- NOTE: This is an ** Autogenerated file ** -->
<!-- NOTE: "num_sectors" in HEX "start_sector" in HEX, i.e. 10 really equals 16 !! -->
<program boundary_num="0" num_boundaries_covered="1"
num_sectors="20000" num_sectors_dec="131072" physical_partition_number="0"
start_sector="0" start_sector_dec="0"/>
2. partition0.bin
This holds the partition tables, i.e. MBR followed by all EBRs. This is the
partition table in binary format. It is copied over to the storage device in a
1 to 1 manner. I.e. how it looks in partition0.bin is exactly how the
partition table will look on the storage device. partition0.bin is a "generic"
file meant to fit on *any* size SD/eMMC card, as a result, there are 0's that
need to be patched,such as EXT partition and last partition size.
3. patch0.xml
Contain the patching instructions to tailor each partition table
"partition0.bin" to a specific SD/eMMC card. I.e. the partition0.bin
partition tables can be applied to any size storage device As a result,
there are empty values (zeros) in the partition tables that must be filled
in with a specific cards sector size
There are two ways to apply this patch:
a) (patch before) When you patch the "zeros" in the partition tables held in the file partition0.bin, and then write it to the card
b) (patch after) When you write partition0.bin to the card (which still has "zeros" in it), and then patch the cards partition tables directly
4. rawprogram0.xml
precise sector details of all partitions and what files (if any) need to
be placed there. In addition to writing partition tables onto a device,
often times it is desired to write one or more files into the partition
area as well, The File has partition name (i.e. label), where it begins
(start_sector) and how big it is (num_partition_sectors). It also
describes what file(s) to write to this partition, as well as any
[SIZE=2]<program file_sector_offset="0" filename="partition0.bin" label="MBR"
num_partition_sectors="1" physical_partition_number="0"
size_in_KB="0.5" start_sector="0"/>
<program file_sector_offset="1" filename="partition0.bin " label="EXT"
num_partition_sectors="2" physical_partition_number="0"
size_in_KB="1.0" start_sector="779"/>
The 1st line describes taking the 1st sector from partition0.bin, and writing it to sector 0 of the card.
The 2nd line describes taking the 2nd and 3rd sector from partition0.bin and writing it to sector 779 of the card.
I.e. file_sector_offset = 2 and num_partition_sectors=2
5. loadpt.cmm
This is used by the mjsdload.cmm to flash the image.
This is used to apply the patches
This program will program a memory card (SD/eMMC) attached to the PC as USB mass storage device
Use -d to detect the path of the memory card if you are unsure what to do first
Commands list:
[SIZE=2]-h (Print this help message) Ex. msp -h
-d (Detect which storage device ID is active) Ex. msp -d
-p (Print partition information) Ex. msp -p /dev/sdb
-pp (Print partition information - DETAILED) Ex. msp -pp /dev/sdb
-x (Write files as outlined in rawprogram.xml) Ex. msp -x rawprogram.xml /dev/sdb
-xx (Write files as outlined in rawprogram.xml - DETAILED) Ex. msp -xx rawprogram.xml /dev/sdb
-s (Write SINGLE IMAGE "singleimage.bin" as outlined in rawprogram.xml) Ex. msp -s rawprogram.xml 8192
-v (Verify file written correctly as outlined in rawprogram.xml) Ex. msp -v rawprogram.xml boot.img /dev/sdb
-f (Program single file as outlined in rawprogram.xml) Ex. msp -f rawprogram.xml boot.img /dev/sdb
To program the SD/eMMC with msp.exe in mass storage mode:
[SIZE=2]STEPS Complete example (patch after)
parse partition.xml python partition.xml
Detect your device msp -d
Program your device msp -x rawprogram0.xml /dev/sdb
Patch your device msp -xx patch0.xml /dev/sdb
STEPS Complete example (patch before)
parse partition.xml python partition.xml
Detect your device msp -d
Patch your files msp xx patch0.xml 15758336 (patch the 8GB card offline,this will change the partition0.bin)
Program your device msp x rawprogram0.xml /dev/sdb
The program can also used to patch the files.
For example:
python patch0.xml 15758336
This will patch the 8GB card offline, and change the partition0.bin.
Qualcomm DBL format (source Anyclub)
DBL is combined by three images.
dbl.bin - the raw DBL image
dbl.hd - the dbl header image
dbl_preamble.mbn - the preamble image with following format:
|Dbl-header |
|Dbl.bin |
PBL is using the dbl_preamble to detect the NAND page size. The NAND controller
can detect 512 byte and 2 Kbyte page size automatically, but for NAND page size
more than 2K, PBL needs preamble to determine the page size, so for 512/2K
NAND,eMMC,eSD,oneNAND , the preamble is optional.
For the dbl_preamable, the first two words are same as dbl header, they are
codeword and magic,
ref image_header.c
data_ptr = autodetectpage;
*data_ptr = sbl_header.codeword;
*data_ptr = sbl_header.magic;
the third one is auto page size detection magic number.
The usage of the auto detection magic number is as below description To
understand this more clearly, for example ,if the dbl_preamble is 8KB. When we
detect the NAND page size > 2KB, we will set the default page size as 2K, then
try to read the preamble image from NAND flash, in case the page size is 4KB,
when read, can get 2 magic number in 8K size because page size will increase
with 4K byte steps, so page size is detected and that is 8K/2 = 4. For the 8K
page NAND, 1 magic number is read from the 8K size preamble image, so the page
size will be 8K/1 = 8K.
Dbl_preamble layout:
| codeword|magic|autodetection_ magic|............|
| codeword|magic|autodetection_ magic|............|
| codeword|magic|autodetection_ magic|............|
| codeword|magic|autodetection_ magic|............|
| codeword|magic|autodetection_ magic|............|
E:V:A said:
parse partition.xml python partition.xml
Detect your device msp -d
Program your device msp -x rawprogram0.xml /dev/sdb
Patch your device msp -xx patch0.xml /dev/sdb
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Hello, where i can find these files, i have qpst but there are no such files.
So does this explain why the pit references: pgpt.img, md5.img, sgpt.img but they aren't on any partition, (they should be after GROW blk0p23)
dviguha said:
Hello, where i can find these files, i have qpst but there are no such files.
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I think it could be part of the Qualcomm Development Acceleration Resource Toolkit (QDART), as it supersedes QPST. But I'm not sure...
joederp said:
So does this explain why the pit references: pgpt.img, md5.img, sgpt.img but they aren't on any partition, (they should be after GROW blk0p23)
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Where do you find these references?
I don't know, so if you find out let us know.
If you dump the pit file you can see the references if you open in hex editor. Since it defines partition locations it appears they are either after last partition.. I haven't looked into technical pit stuff.
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Photo Place Holder Post
All images that I have not yet posted goes here...
Where can i find or ?
vache said:
Where can i find or ?
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You tell me!

[SHARE] Partition Map (S5830i)

From being used to a Linux PC with everything on a couple of partitions, trying to suss out how Android works has baffled me a bit what with having so many things hidden away in so many different places. I couldn't find a partition map for our phone so I made one by looking at /proc/partitions, using the mount command, analysing s5830i ODIN pit files and searching the internet. I realise that this isn't new information in that I'm pretty sure this stuff is known by some people but I still thought that this was worth putting out there.
I've listed the information in the following format:
#blocks <device file name> <partition name> (<flash file name> <Odin part>) <information>
Mount points are given where relevant. Partition name and flash file name are from the Odin pit file. To get the 'Odin part' I looked inside my “Full Firmware Backup To Odin Format”, which is a CWM script by Rafael.Baugis.
I've tried to be as accurate as possible and make it clear where I'm not 100% sure but please help me improve it if you can as I done this as a learning exercise in the first place!
Figures from /proc/partitions (also see the mount command):
#blocks name
31166976 mmcblk0 – sdcard (entire device)
29179904 mmcblk0p1 – sdcard partition 1 *
1945600 mmcblk0p2 - sdcard partition 2 *
513024 bml0/c – All bml partitions (figures add up to 513024)
256 bml1 – bcm_boot (BcmBoot.img – BOOT) – Bootloader
2048 bml2 – loke (sbl.bin - PDA) - Secondary bootloader
2048 bml3 – loke_bk (no flash file) - Presumably SBL backup
256 bml4 – systemdata (totoro.pit) – A copy of the Odin pit file by the looks of it
12800 bml5 – modem (BcmCP.img – PHONE) - baseband/modem
5120 bml6 – see stl6 **
5120 bml7 – boot (boot.img - PDA) - The kernel and ramdisk
5120 bml8 – boot_backup (no flash file) – Presumably boot.img backup
235520 bml9 – see stl9 **
40960 bml10 – see stl10 **
201984 bml11 – see stl11 **
256 bml12 – efs (?) (no flash file) – Not sure why this is called 'efs' as efs is well documented as being on bml15 and the number of blocks isn't even the same
256 bml13 – sysparm (sysparm_dep.img – BOOT) – part of the bootloader?
256 bml14 – umts_cal - (HEDGE_NVRAM8_RF_LE.bin – BOOT) – part of the bootloader?
1024 bml15 – cal (no flash file) - Not sure about the name but this is the EFS partition containing IMEI + network/region lock info
1280 stl6 – param_lfs (param.lfs – PDA) - mount point: /mnt/.lfs – SBL data including settings and images such as Samsung S5830i boot logo.
227840 stl9 – system (system.img - PDA) - mount point: /system – Operating System / ROM
36864 stl10 - cache (csc.rfs - CSC) - mount point: /cache – App/system cache storage but apparently CSC (region specific) data is also flashed here which seems odd but true!
194816 stl11 - userdata (userdata.img) - mount point: /data
- (dm-0 to dm-18) - Each app that is stored via SD card has its own virtual partition. I have 19 applications stored via traditional apps2sd, hence dm-0 to dm-18. Mount Point: /mnt/asec/<app's Java package name>
- (loop0 to loop18) – Loop devices. Each numbered loop is directly related to its dm counterpart, filesystem size is practically identical. I don't really understand loop devices that well so I can't say more than that!
* SD card partitions have other block device files, from which they are mounted via, at:
/dev/block/vold/179:1 - sdcard 1st partition – mount points: /mnt/sdcard and /mnt/secure/asec
/dev/block/vold/179:2 - sdcard 2nd partition – mount point: /data/sdext2
** This is from XDA user Darkshado in the following post:
“From what I've gathered bml is essentially a lower level interface to the same blocks accessed by stl, but the results differ somewhat in resulting file size”
In actual fact bml and stl counterparts don't differ very much at all in size. From what I've read elsewhere the reason for the availability of stl interfaces on only some partitions may be related to the need for regular read-write access.
*** stl* and bml* interfaces can be accessed through device files such as /dev/stl*, dev/bml*, /dev/block/stl* and dev/block/bml*.
Of course just because they can be doesn't mean it's necessarily a good idea!

[Q] Unbrick Hard Brick AT&T Note 3

So i hard bricked my at&t Note 3 when i was in Odin. Looked like Odin froze so i unplugged it half way thru and tried to get back into download mode and NOTHING! Black screen ... can't get into download mode, power device on or nothing. Never bricked a device in all the years i've been rooting and tried everything. Unfortuantly, i still can't get this to work on Linux system and just want to know im doing things right. I placed the img on sd card and inserted it with thumb usb and that's fine. When i type in dmesg | tail i get this ...
[email protected] ~ $ dmesg | tail
[ 1548.786072] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page found
[ 1548.786079] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
[ 1548.790452] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page found
[ 1548.790461] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
[ 1548.791624] sdb: sdb1
[ 1548.794337] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdb] No Caching mode page found
[ 1548.794347] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdb] Assuming drive cache: write through
[ 1548.794355] sd 10:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk
[ 1549.170010] FAT-fs (sdb1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck.
[ 1956.468460] perf samples too long (2506 > 2500), lowering kernel.perf_event_max_sample_rate to 50000
I know my card is sdb1 and tried typing in the rest of the commands. When i type in second command sudo dd if=/<path_to_debrick.img> of=/dev/sdX i get this ...
[email protected] ~ $ sudo dd if=/<path_to_debrick.img> of=/dev/sdb1
bash: path_to_debrick.img: No such file or directory
Really no idea what im doing to not get this work but i'm sure it's something simple. I just want to get back into download mode and then i'll be straight and can Odin my files to recover. Unfortuantely i can't get back in download mode!
Do i need MJ5 img since i was on MJ5 then did UNOFFICIAL KK update and was running DynamicKat when this happened?
Also i am using a SanDisk Elevate 32GB sdhc card on my 32 Note 3 so i know the cards not the problem. It's brand new and reads fine otherwise.
Please let me know if i'm doing anything wrong as i've been working on this for 48 hours and just need my phone back! lol
Thanks ... I really appreciate it!
I'm just going to bite my tongue on this one and help you.
"<path_to_debrick.img>" is just a place holder, you have to actually put the path of the debrick.img file you loaded onto your device, not <path_to_debrick.img>
SpikeyPsyche said:
I'm just going to bite my tongue on this one and help you.
"<path_to_debrick.img>" is just a place holder, you have to actually put the path of the debrick.img file you loaded onto your device, not <path_to_debrick.img>
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Wow. That's all i have to say ... just wow! Atleast someone was able to "Bite their tongue" and let me know. Appreciate it. Will try again now. Thanks lol ... no words
SpikeyPsyche said:
I'm just going to bite my tongue on this one and help you.
"<path_to_debrick.img>" is just a place holder, you have to actually put the path of the debrick.img file you loaded onto your device, not <path_to_debrick.img>
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Sent you a PM. Thanks again.
So i got the img to write onto sd card but still can't get into download mode when i hold the buttons. No signs of life still. This is what i got after i wrote the image
PaulMichael paul # dd if=/home/paul/Desktop/debrick/Unbrick_SM-N900A.img of=/dev/sdb1
400000+0 records in
400000+0 records out
204800000 bytes (205 MB) copied, 72.2845 s, 2.8 MB/s
PaulMichael paul # fdisk -l /dev/sdb1
WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sdb1'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.
Disk /dev/sdb1: 31.9 GB, 31910789120 bytes
1 heads, 32 sectors/track, 1947680 cylinders, total 62325760 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00000000
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdb1p1 1 61071359 30535679+ ee GPT
Any help would be appreciated. I even tried it twice with no luck. Also my new 32gb sd card won't read now when i put it reader into usb. No pop up or anything? Thanks guys.
***Edited*** also i was on MJ5 then did the Unofficial "Jump from Jellybean to kk" ... which image would i need then? And if someone has it can they send it to me please!
Something didn't go right with the debrick image writing. That fdisk command should have listed all the partitions on that disk, with should be 20+, and you are only seeing one.
Re-run writing the debrick image. Sometimes it fails on the first few tries.
SpikeyPsyche said:
Something didn't go right with the debrick image writing. That fdisk command should have listed all the partitions on that disk, with should be 20+, and you are only seeing one.
Re-run writing the debrick image. Sometimes it fails on the first few tries.
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Tried writing it a few times but will keep trying. Atleast now i know where to look for the partitions to see. Thanks again.
Yeag3r24 said:
Tried writing it a few times but will keep trying. Atleast now i know where to look for the partitions to see. Thanks again.
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You're not inputting the command to write the image correctly.
The last part should be of=/dev/sdb NOT of=/dev/sdb1. Lose the 1
You really didn't read the hard debrick OPs instructions closely. he explicitly says to ignore the partition number, being the 1, because you are overwriting the current partitions.
Correcting that issue with the command should write the image correctly, and you should be good to go from there
SpikeyPsyche said:
You're not inputting the command to write the image correctly.
The last part should be of=/dev/sdb NOT of=/dev/sdb1. Lose the 1
You really didn't read the hard debrick OPs instructions closely. he explicitly says to ignore the partition number, being the 1, because you are overwriting the current partitions.
Correcting that issue with the command should write the image correctly, and you should be good to go from there.
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Funny you said that because i did just rewrite it twice without the 1 just as sdb and when i unplugged it and plugged it back into usb i did recieve about 6 pop ups but were all sd card readers showing on my desktop like i had 6 different usb readers with different size sd cards some
Here's the correct screenshot of whole desktop. Also battery was 65% when this all happened but hasn't been used since in last 2 days of trying to fix it so see no need why the battery would be dead, correct? I could have phone on for 2 days and not touch it and wouldn't be dead. Would still be at about 40-50% i would assume if left on untouched for a few days. I just know i could do this and see no reason why this shouldn't work. Do i need the MJ5 img or something since i was on that with unofficial KK on dynamickat?
Yeag3r24 said:
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It looks like one of the partitions isn't being written correctly on the SD card for some reason.
How many partitions is the fdisk command showing?
SpikeyPsyche said:
It looks like one of the partitions isn't being written correctly on the SD card for some reason.
How many partitions is the fdisk command showing?
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PaulMichael paul # dd if=/home/paul/Desktop/debrick/Unbrick_SM-N900A.img of=/dev/sdb
400000+0 records in
400000+0 records out
204800000 bytes (205 MB) copied, 74.1923 s, 2.8 MB/s
PaulMichael paul # fdisk -l /dev/sdb
WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sdb'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.
Disk /dev/sdb1: 31.9 GB, 31910789120 bytes
1 heads, 32 sectors/track, 1947680 cylinders, total 62325760 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00000000
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdb1p1 1 61071359 30535679+ ee GPT
Yeag3r24 said:
PaulMichael paul # dd if=/home/paul/Desktop/debrick/Unbrick_SM-N900A.img of=/dev/sdb
400000+0 records in
400000+0 records out
204800000 bytes (205 MB) copied, 74.1923 s, 2.8 MB/s
PaulMichael paul # fdisk -l /dev/sdb
WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sdb'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.
Disk /dev/sdb1: 31.9 GB, 31910789120 bytes
1 heads, 32 sectors/track, 1947680 cylinders, total 62325760 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00000000
Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
/dev/sdb1p1 1 61071359 30535679+ ee GPT
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Now it's back to one partition again. Very strange.
SpikeyPsyche said:
Now it's back to one partition again. Very strange.
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Well today must be my day. I called to get replacement phone and girl was real cool and said I could just pick one up here locally at the support center. Luckily dude at support center was just as cool and just pretty much swapped it right out without even trying another battery or doing tests. However when he put my battery in replacement Note i stilll had 65% so who knows wtf i did. Lesson learned ... never pull out early when Odin looks like it freezes for a few mins. Just in time for the official KK root now that I'm actually on Official KK stock rom. Thanks again for all your help. Much appreciated!
Yeag3r24 said:
Well today must be my day. I called to get replacement phone and girl was real cool and said I could just pick one up here locally at the support center. Luckily dude at support center was just as cool and just pretty much swapped it right out without even trying another battery or doing tests. However when he put my battery in replacement Note i stilll had 65% so who knows wtf i did. Lesson learned ... never pull out early when Odin looks like it freezes for a few mins. Just in time for the official KK root now that I'm actually on Official KK stock rom. Thanks again for all your help. Much appreciated!
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No prob. I hope you have better luck in the future.
Please delete.
Sent from my SM-N900A using XDA Free mobile app
N900A 4.4.2, 32GB Unbrick HELP!!!
Yeag3r24 said:
Well today must be my day. I called to get replacement phone and girl was real cool and said I could just pick one up here locally at the support center. Luckily dude at support center was just as cool and just pretty much swapped it right out without even trying another battery or doing tests. However when he put my battery in replacement Note i stilll had 65% so who knows wtf i did. Lesson learned ... never pull out early when Odin looks like it freezes for a few mins. Just in time for the official KK root now that I'm actually on Official KK stock rom. Thanks again for all your help. Much appreciated!
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Help !!!
I have a N900A, tried to unlock the phone and now is dead.
I would like to know how you solve your problem?

[GUIDE] Backup your System partition using dd

Assalamu alaikum people,
I have seen many people complain that stock ROM is ruined or XYZ feature is missing or OTA has broken down their devices. It is safer to just backup your stock ROM before playing around. Some say that twrp backup is not working. So, we can use a fail-safe method that definitely works. I personally tested on my device. And since you are backing up your own system partition, it will definitely work for you too.
To do this, you need to have a rooted device. It is just one line of code. You can run it in terminal emulator app for android or you can connect your phone to PC.
Note:This command works with Honor 9 lite. For non-Honor devices, you must do "cat /proc/mounts" and understand the results to modify your code.
Steps to be taken
1. If you connect it to your PC, you need to do "adb shell". If you don't know what adb shell means, you better download Terminal emulator on your Honor phone and open it.
2. Then type "su" without the inverted commas inside terminal app or your adb shell. It will ask for root permissions. Grant it.
3.Paste the following code
dd if=/dev/block/platform/hi_mci.0/by-name/system of=/storage/emulated/0/system.img
The code will take some time and then display a result that it has succeeded and the bytes copied. Your system is backed up to your internal storage with the file name system.img. Now you can play around and if anything goes wrong, you can simply re-write your system.img and everything will be fine. Enjoy!!!
Assalamu alaikum return to you.
have we a chance with this procedure to save "userdata" ? i think, it's encrypted.
your code work, i have now system.img, doing other test's with other rom's, reflash this system.img and this work ! nice way if not twrp installed !
JamesBott said:
Assalamu alaikum return to you.
have we a chance with this procedure to save "userdata" ? i think, it's encrypted.
your code work, i have now system.img, doing other test's with other rom's, reflash this system.img and this work ! nice way if not twrp installed !
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You can save everything byte by byte... But that dont helps to decrypt it... I suggest to save everything from /sdcard to the external sd and after that wipe data, deactivate encryption and let the system recreate data unencrypted. Don't forget to save hw_init before...
i need not decrypted. i mean : if i make "dd if= .../userdata of= .../userdata.img "can i flash stock.system and flash this userdata.img AND phone WORK
with my userdata ! if encrypted or decrypted : that's no important. important is working ?
JamesBott said:
i need not decrypted. i mean : if i make "dd if= .../userdata of= .../userdata.img "can i flash stock.system and flash this userdata.img AND phone WORK
with my userdata ! if encrypted or decrypted : that's no important. important is working ?
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I don't understand why you would like to save data partition because there isn't any important... To save data of apps you could use titanium backup...
Here is what you wanna have:
dd if=/dev/block/platform/hi_mci.0/by-name/userdata of=/youwanttosave/userdata.img
If you want to save userdata, it is not /something/userdata but it is /something/data. It is a good idea to backup all partitions before you start. I have accidentally formatted my /data partition using twrp and now the stock system will not boot at all. That is because stock data partition is in f2fs format and twrp reformatted it to ext4 format. I am not telling not to install twrp. I am just warning you that don't format data partition using twrp.
And also, remember that you cannot execute this code unless you have root access. And to get root access, you have to install twrp in the first place.
So, the code is
dd if=/dev/block/platform/hi_mci.0/by-name/data of=/storage/emulated/0/userdata.img
It will save your data in the internal storage with the name userdata.img
aveemashfaq said:
If you want to save userdata, it is not /something/userdata but it is /something/data. It is a good idea to backup all partitions before you start. I have accidentally formatted my /data partition using twrp and now the stock system will not boot at all. That is because stock data partition is in f2fs format and twrp reformatted it to ext4 format. I am not telling not to install twrp. I am just warning you that don't format data partition using twrp.
And also, remember that you cannot execute this code unless you have root access. And to get root access, you have to install twrp in the first place.
So, the code is
dd if=/dev/block/platform/hi_mci.0/by-name/data of=/storage/emulated/0/userdata.img
It will save your data in the internal storage with the name userdata.img
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There is no data image at all. It's called userdata.
You can "erase" userdata by using fastboot or tell twrp to run rm - rf instead of format data Partition.
i did tests. dd system work.
dd if=/dev/block/platform/hi_mci.0/by-name/userdata | gzip > /mnt/media_rw/8457-1CE9/dd-backup/stock-userdata.img
49274880+0 records in
49274880+0 records out
25228738560 bytes transferred in 824.913 secs
now flash system.img (developer-rom)
don't work by me
boot to bootloader
flash backup-system.img "ok"
flash backup-stock-userdata.img "fail"
target reported max download size of 471859200 bytes
Invalid sparse file format at header magi
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 857477578 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 385622474 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
fastboot: ../libsparse/sparse.c:144: write_all_blocks: Assertion `pad >= 0' failed.
Abgebrochen (Speicherabzug geschrieben)
in principle can work if solve "gzip or what here break"
now i have info, that new twrp is available and i "must" test this
if this twrp work then i open new thread
this backup with dd is in principle a simle way (thank's to @aveemashfaq for your thread here) :good:
i think if new twrp working - this info is more important (my opinion) :angel:
JamesBott said:
i did tests. dd system work.
dd if=/dev/block/platform/hi_mci.0/by-name/userdata | gzip > /mnt/media_rw/8457-1CE9/dd-backup/stock-userdata.img
49274880+0 records in
49274880+0 records out
25228738560 bytes transferred in 824.913 secs
now flash system.img (developer-rom)
don't work by me
boot to bootloader
flash backup-system.img "ok"
flash backup-stock-userdata.img "fail"
target reported max download size of 471859200 bytes
Invalid sparse file format at header magi
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 857477578 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 385622474 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
fastboot: ../libsparse/sparse.c:144: write_all_blocks: Assertion `pad >= 0' failed.
Abgebrochen (Speicherabzug geschrieben)
in principle can work if solve "gzip or what here break"
now i have info, that new twrp is available and i "must" test this
if this twrp work then i open new thread
this backup with dd is in principle a simle way (thank's to @aveemashfaq for your thread here) :good:
i think if new twrp working - this info is more important (my opinion) :angel:
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I asked why you would like to save it... Its an f2fs partition not ext4... Its not quite easy...
Fastboot can handle it since Merge of 02/18... Isnt in honor9...
Even TWRP cant handle is safety...
JamesBott said:
i did tests. dd system work.
dd if=/dev/block/platform/hi_mci.0/by-name/userdata | gzip > /mnt/media_rw/8457-1CE9/dd-backup/stock-userdata.img
49274880+0 records in
49274880+0 records out
25228738560 bytes transferred in 824.913 secs
now flash system.img (developer-rom)
don't work by me
boot to bootloader
flash backup-system.img "ok"
flash backup-stock-userdata.img "fail"
target reported max download size of 471859200 bytes
Invalid sparse file format at header magi
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 857477578 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
error: write_sparse_skip_chunk: don't care size 385622474 is not a multiple of the block size 4096
fastboot: ../libsparse/sparse.c:144: write_all_blocks: Assertion `pad >= 0' failed.
Abgebrochen (Speicherabzug geschrieben)
in principle can work if solve "gzip or what here break"
now i have info, that new twrp is available and i "must" test this
if this twrp work then i open new thread
this backup with dd is in principle a simle way (thank's to @aveemashfaq for your thread here) :good:
i think if new twrp working - this info is more important (my opinion) :angel:
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Two things for you. First you should not compress them in gzip. It is only dd if=original_file of=destination.img. You have added |gzip in the middle which ruins things for you.
Second point. You can install images using twrp. I can confirm it works. fastboot flash does not work unless it is sparse image. so, you can restore using twrp.
aveemashfaq said:
I have accidentally formatted my /data partition using twrp and now the stock system will not boot at all. That is because stock data partition is in f2fs format and twrp reformatted it to ext4 format. I am not telling not to install twrp. I am just warning you that don't format data partition using twrp.
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Hi @aveemashfaq just red this post, like you i formatted my data partition and now my Honor 9 lite LLD-L31 C432 is in a bootloop ( data partition is formatted as f2fs not ext4).
I've tried restoring a backup, restoring with HuRupdater and flashing a custom ROM but it's still bootlooping.
Could you tell me how you got it fixed.
Edit: I found this thread by you:
and i'm trying it out.

OnePlus3T custom ROM install failed, but OOS forks just fine.

I tried to install /e/ on my OnePlus3T after I used LinageOS 16.
Because after I upgraded LinageOS to 16, I cant update LineageOs over the Air and some other Reasons i wanted to switch to /e/.
So I tried installing /e/ or a other Version of LinageOs using TWRP, but sadly this doesnt worked, i got Error 7 or rather Error 1001.
I flashed my OnePlus Firmware to 5.0.8 and Still got the same error.
I tried wiping my Partitions.
Also I flashed the stock Recovery from OnePlus.
And installed OOS with Stockrecovery, which absolutly worked.
I locked my phone
With OOs I made a Update over the Air.
Unlocked the Phone and tried to install a Custom ROM.
But still got the same Error.
After unpacking the installion zip of /e/ i removed all lines in the updater-script except
block_image_update("/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/system", package_extract_file("system.transfer.list"), "", "system.patch.dat");
which stands for the corresponding error. Then i took the updater-binary file und copyied it to my phone. Then I took the files I unpacked and rezipped them into,
which I moved over to my phone.
I run following commands:
chmod 777 /data/media/update-binary
/data/media/update-binary 3 0 /data/media/
And got following Error:
Decompression failed with BLOCK_LENGTH_1 missing 4095265 bytes of new data failed to execute command [new 2,23006,24030] ui_print script succeeded: result was []
In TWRP i can access files in the /system Partition and the /system partition is mountable, but still there is something wrong with it.
What could I try next?
Post the recovery log from when you get the original error 7 (1001) message. That might be more specific as to what is wrong.
EvilChickens said:
What could I try next?
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Save all your data and go this way:
1. install latest TWRP ( and firmware 9.0.4
2. in TWRP delete all partitions (Dalvik, Cache, System, Data,...)
3. reboot into TWRP
4. format Data in Wipe - Format Data - type "yes"
5. reboot into TWRP
6. connect your phone with your computer and copy the custom rom into your phone
7. install your rom and if needed gapps + magisk
8. enjoy your rom
this one?
Installing zip file '/sdcard/'
Checking for Digest file...
I:Update binary zip
Verifying package compatibility...
Package doesn't contain entry
I:Extracting updater binary 'META-INF/com/google/android/update-binary'
I:Zip does not contain SELinux file_contexts file in its root.
I:Legacy property environment not used in updater.
SELinux: Loaded file_contexts
__bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for CST6CDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0!
__bionic_open_tzdata: couldn't find any tzdata when looking for posixrules!
Target: OnePlus/OnePlus3/OnePlus3:9/PKQ1.181203.001/1905251415:user/release-keysTarget: OnePlus/OnePlus3/OnePlus3:9/PKQ1.181203.001/1905251415:user/release-keys
Extracted file "/tmp/install/bin/"
Extracted file "/tmp/install/bin/backuptool.functions"
Extracted 2 file(s)
detected filesystem ext4 for /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/systemdetected filesystem ext4 for /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/system
about to run program [/tmp/install/bin/] with 3 args
run_program: child exited with status 127
Patching system image unconditionally...
performing update
Patching system image unconditionally...blockimg version is 4
maximum stash entries 0
creating stash /cache/recovery/2bdde8504898ccfcd2c59f20bb8c9c25f73bb524/
234885120 bytes free on /cache (0 needed)
/cache/recovery/last_command doesn't exist.
erasing 333337 blocks
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
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writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
writing 1024 blocks of new data
Decompression failed with TRANSFORM
missing 3648635 bytes of new data
failed to execute command [new 2,72343,73367]
script aborted: E1001: Failed to update system image.
E1001: Failed to update system image.error: 1001
Updater process ended with ERROR: 7
I:Install took 8 second(s).
Error installing zip file '/sdcard/'
Master_TC said:
Save all your data and go this way:
1. install latest TWRP ( and firmware 9.0.4
2. in TWRP delete all partitions (Dalvik, Cache, System, Data,...)
3. reboot into TWRP
4. format Data in Wipe - Format Data - type "yes"
5. reboot into TWRP
6. connect your phone with your computer and copy the custom rom into your phone
7. install your rom and if needed gapps + magisk
8. enjoy your rom
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I'll tried this, but didnt work for me, still got the same Error
EvilChickens said:
I'll tried this, but didnt work for me, still got the same Error
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OK, can you install successfull any other custom rom?
Master_TC said:
OK, can you install successfull any other custom rom?
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I'll tried different versions of LineageOS and /e/ and all didnt work
EvilChickens said:
I'll tried different versions of LineageOS and /e/ and all didnt work
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That's strange. You have the right firmware and TWRP installed on your phone? Which versions do you use and where have you downloaded them?
OP 3 or 3T?
Master_TC said:
That's strange. You have the right firmware and TWRP installed on your phone? Which versions do you use and where have you downloaded them?
OP 3 or 3T?
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I'll use TWRP 3.3.1-0 :
and firmware 9.0.4:
EvilChickens said:
I'll use TWRP 3.3.1-0 :
and firmware 9.0.4:
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You have a OP 3T, so the files are right..
I have a 3T too withe the same files and i can install successfull all roms....
Please install the firmware again - reboot into twrp - install the rom below (dirty unicorns)
Don't forget to wipe all partitons and format the data partition!
Do you get the failer?
Master_TC said:
You have a OP 3T ?
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EvilChickens said:
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You have a OP 3T, so the files are right..
I have a 3T too withe the same files and i can install successfull all roms....
Please install the firmware again - reboot into twrp - install the rom below (dirty unicorns)
Don't forget to wipe all partitons and format the data partition!
Do you get the same failer?
Master_TC said:
You have a OP 3T, so the files are right..
I have a 3T too withe the same files and i can install successfull all roms....
Please install the firmware again - reboot into twrp - install the rom below (dirty unicorns)
Don't forget to wipe all partitons and format the data partition!
Do you get the same failer?
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Yes I still got the same error
coud you try this recovery version?
With last version of TWRP (3.3.1?) I was unable to flash files in /system partition, with this version I resolved.
syntesys said:
coud you try this recovery version?
With last version of TWRP (3.3.1?) I was unable to flash files in /system partition, with this version I resolved.
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Sadly still got the same Error, Error 7.
Use code tags or upload the file. Your posting of the twrp log is a mess.
EvilChickens said:
Decompression failed with TRANSFORM
missing 3648635 bytes of new data
failed to execute command [new 2,72343,73367]
script aborted: E1001: Failed to update system image.
E1001: Failed to update system image.error: 1001
Updater process ended with ERROR: 7
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As you can see the decompression of some content of the flashable zip is failing. This means your zip file is broken. Check the checksum of the flashable zip after transfering it to the device.
I think this could happen sometimes, but I tried a lot of installings. Also i tried installing the zip directly. Overall I tried installing the zip around 65 Times.
But in the next install I will check the checksume on the device, but for now i am unable to test it. But why then I can install the Stock OS with Stock Recovery without any Problems? (But this takes a long time like 2 Hours)
Thank you very much for your advice, i didnt thought about that
EvilChickens said:
I think this could happen sometimes, but I tried a lot of installings. Also i tried installing the zip directly. Overall I tried installing the zip around 65 Times.
But in the next install I will check the checksume on the device, but for now i am unable to test it. But why then I can install the Stock OS with Stock Recovery without any Problems? (But this takes a long time like 2 Hours)
Thank you very much for your advice, i didnt thought about that
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The log's lines I've quoted are biunique: there's data in the zip missing or broken. I don't know why it's missing or broken, but as a matter of fact it IS actually broken. Possible reasons are wide spread through the complete chain of transmission from the machine the rom wss build on to the final installation device. That's why one should always check the integrety of a flashable zip on the target device prior to flashing - twrp can do this automatically for you (at least for md5sum - never tried with los sha256sum).
EvilChickens said:
But why then I can install the Stock OS with Stock Recovery without any Problems? (But this takes a long time like 2 Hours)
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2 hours? If i install the latest OS 9.04 on my 3T it takes 15-20 Minutes. Do you have a SDcard in your phone, which is casing the problems? If yes, then put it out...
No, i went over ADB

