Question regarding calendar notifications - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

Hi, i have a Traditional Chinese TyTn II. I have this weird problem, where my calendar notifications goes crazy, and i get like 20 notifications of the same appointment, even after i dismiss it or close it, or sometimes even after 5 hours after the time.
I sync my Tytn to my company's exchange server, so that my be the issue? If not, how can i make it stop?
Thanks in advance,
Newbie in WM6, Luis

How many partnerships have you created with your pda? Are you setting any rules on sync? This could happen when you have different partnership on the pda and is exchanging the same information.

WM5 and 6 both have this problem. I have used a freeware called Scarybear Check Notifications (which I found on XDA), and right now I use a software called MemMaid. Anytime I softboot, I automatically check for "duplicates", and delete them. And for good measure, I check them before bedtime (to ensure my alarms aren't overloaded). My guess is you have a pile up if you haven't been using a program to check for duplicate alarms/notifications/etc.

Sorry for the late reply. I was out on a trip and did not check back on your answers.
I'm syncing only to my company's exchange server. I did at first sync with exchange and my own computer, but then i stopped doing so, because i thought it was that that was creating this problem. I disabled all notifications on my exchange server, and did so with the kaizer, but, it means that i have to be looking at the screen to see what i've got to do (not that many things, but...)
So, if I install the duplicate checker, i can get rid of these?


Removal of Outlook Mail From Device

a birdy told me this is actually a "feature" of Ce 2003!!!!
what a crap idea that is to feature something garbage like outlook :roll: either way Have any of you clever ppl worked out the neccessary steps in pissing it out of my inbox?
i only ask because im a fuzzy bastard by nature :twisted:
Cheers Guys
not 100% sure what you are saying really
if you mean activesync mail in outlook then try disableing the
sync of mails in activesync on the pc
if you mean some other mail account you can just delete it
I think he means can you remove the outlook account from the mail app on the pda.
I have 3, SMS, MMS, Outlook. When I add my Hotmail and Imap folders too its getting crowded. I never use the outlook sync function so can the whole folder be removed?
sorry guys. yes i did mean the later.. wish to remove the "outlook" folder from my Mail program in WinCe2003, on a I-mate Jam..
You cant simple remove the account. its actually disabled, i have dis-enabled active synce to synce bewteen outlook etc etc but still it remains..
My source telles me it cant be removed without neccessary registry cheats.
anyone know what they are?
I know how to do it.. It causes a problem though. Afterwards all my text messages (sms) do not trigger a notification. No matter what is set in sounds and notifications...
Registry editor..
Rename ActiveSync to ActiveSync-
I'm still messing with it to see if I can get my sms notifications back. I'm not sure what else this might affect. Renaming ActiveSync back fixes the sms notification, in case you were wondering..
Thank you very much for that sir.
Ill let ya know if i manage aswell to work how to make it go Ding..
scottmbritton - Any luck with this
I know that this is a very old topic. I could find any newer ones, so just gonna kick this 2 year old topic back to the top
Does anyone have a good method to delete the outlook account without losing sms notifications?
I've been wondering about this forever as well.
nope, I ended up enjoying lack of notifications from memory, all those moons ago. ah register.. how I miss yee.
Sent from a 2.8 inch screen

Automatically download images in Outlook Mobile?

I use Pocket Outlook for my email to a great extent. I am sick and tired of clicking on two links to see the images in each email.
Switching to another email software package would be considered, but which one of them can connect and synchronize with my desktop outlook?
all the third parties one use the default databases so it syncs the same way, the application just displays the data better and gives more options.
Not true
All the third party pocket outlook replacements do not use the same outlook databases at all.
Still looking for either how to turn this on by default or for suggestions on actrual third party replacements that do a good job and do use the same DB...
I agree Kruse,
I have not found any 3rd party email SW yet that is all inclusive with the Outlook contacts database.
On a somewhat similar topic, would you or anyone else on this thread know how I can delete or turn off the (Mobile Outlook) feature that currently duplicates all of my sent emails and returns them back to my inbox on My Kaiser/TytnII? I've searched the forum for about three days and found nothing so far on this topic.
If I try to delete them the next time I Send/Receive they just show up again, which is ultra frustrating. The same sent emails (that I deleted) keep reappearing until some pre-determined setting in either the mobile or PC version of MS Outlook (expires I guess) and/or decides it is time for those emails to not register in the inbox as new mail anymore.
Could this somehow be an Outlook setting on my PC?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Sent items in inbox - solution (gmail, mapi)
You are not using the "recent:" setting, look into the setup instructions in google, that will get rid of the sent stuff appearing in the inbox. Basically, in your settings on the handheld only, the email address you set up in your configuration should not be
but instead:
- Kruse
superhero7 said:
Current Status/Issues/Challenges:
MSVC 2 work w/ wired headset. (desperate)
Confused about GPS ports and Hardware configs. (Can't get it to work anymore)
Click to expand...
Click to collapse
I note that your sig shows a version 1 hardSPL. Do you still use this SPL now with your 1.65 series radio? Have you seen the *Hopeless* GPS after 6.1 update thread yet? If you use a SPL designed for WM 6.0 with a WM 6.1 setup, you may encounter numerous problems. Checking the thread referred to above should help get your GPS up and running again

diamond wm6.1/problems deleting e-mails off server

Tried the several ideas (unchecking-checking e-mail server deletion option and hard reset) posted on, but without success. Messages stay on server (have several different e-mail servers), relevant feature for me to organize on the road. Had a HTC 3300 until last week, with no issues on this matter at all, now with Diamond/WM 6.1 it simply doesn't work. Made several more tests, notice that until connecting again to server for sending new message, seems that the deletion worked but once new message is sent, messages are downloaded again. Didn't find any mention to this on several threads (am I missing something?) and appreciate help to fix!
same here.
what i did is instate of using POP, I change to IMAP.
my email support both POP & IMAP.
I've got the same problem with POP3 accounts. I'm guessing it's a WM6.1 thing - used to work fine with the exact same config on my TYTN II.
Would really love to hear from anyone that finds a fix.
i don't think that this is depending on wm6.1!
i had a trinity with wm6.1 and always synced with exchange (as i do now
with my diamond) with no problems.
since i have the diamond the deleted items don't disappear in my exchange
account, when i return to office the deleted items are still there...
I can confirm that this is a bug with exchange and wm6.
You delete or move an email and it will not make the changes to the server until an email or appointment is pushed through to you.
only solution is then to wait for WM7?

several email accounts - receive together

I have several email accounts configured and want to check them manually. But instead of doing a send/receive for each account I would like to have this done for all accounts by pressing just one button.
Any ideas how to obtain this?
(Running the original HTC ROM 1.93.407.1, no modifications/config tools installed)
This is a nice idea but I think you need a other emailclient for it, I have been using flexmail in the past if I am right that client will do the job.
Thanks for your reply Wilsas.
Beeing very satisfied with outlook as itself I do not want to change the included email client due this issue. But thanks for the tip.
My hope was that it is possible an easy way by maybe with Mortscript (no idea, never used) or to configure the TF3d email menue to do so.
Maybe a simple program that does nothing else than performing the send/receive action for all accounts found when startet and then quit itself.
I don't now or you found already a solution for your mail problem, I found Momail this is a free mailservice which support Push and forward so you can receive all your emails in just 1 accunt and even reply whit the original account.
Same here. I'm using mail2web for this. All my mail is forwarded to this account so I only have to sync with this one.
Bad thing about this is that when you reply, it's not using the correct account...
With the mailproviders that I use, I have also the possibility to "catch all" and was thinking about that too.
Due time issues I paused my researches.
I am pretty sure there is an easy solution by coding/configuring just a few lines.
With MortScript there should be something like Run( "tmail.exe", '-service "GMX"' ). But autoreceiving seems not to work.
Here is someone that comes a bit closer to a solution:
An other way could be following:
A linkklick starts a script that sets the config to autoupdate for all accounts to (lets say) 20 sceonds and after some time change it back to "off".

No notification / alertsound for direct push from exchange subfolders

Hello Everyone,
I am a recent addition to the WinMo community and to the X1 bunch in particular.
I have been messing about with my new Xperia (hardSPL, Custom ROM etc. etc.) and I seem to have run into a shortcoming that is WinMo related and not ROM related.
Apparently (I have searched the forums for this quite extensively) there is no way to have a notification (sound or vibration) to inform me when an email has been pushed from an exchange server directly to a subfolder of my inbox, based on a server side rule (i.e. having all the emails sent from my office go directly to my inbox subfolder that is labeled Work Emails).
I am sure plenty of people here have exchange accounts with subfolders, so there must be a solution. Moreover, I cannot understand how this feature is present on email clients for Symbian devices for Microsoft Exchange but is not supported in Microsoft's own Pocket Outlook (RoadSync for Symbian has this feature).
So far I have found the following 2 work-arounds (i would not define them solutions):
1) FlexMail 4. I have not tested it myself but apparently it does notify subfolder emails. However I don't like the idea to spend money on an application that cannot be integrated in TF3D or SPB.
2); This is a small app specifically ment to fix this issue. However it is not compatible with any of the shells for WinMo 6.1.
So here I am asking the community the following question:
Is there any way to fix this?
Is this fixed in WinMo 6.5?
I am not a programmer, but it would appear bizarre that there is no way to associate a notification to an email, simply because it does not appear in the inbox but in a subfolder of the inbox.
Please help a newb ;-)
P.S. I don't mind paying for a solution. As long as I don't have to give up any functionality of the ROM simply to get the phone to vibrate when I receive an email to my subfolders.
Mate, I understand your frustration!
I have found this a pain since I had my first windows mobile device (Orange SPV - and the 14 devices since!) and have given up on M$ ever fixing it (if they see it as a problem!).
To answer your question, No it is not working in 6.5 either.
Here's hoping that it will in Mobile 7 but I ain't gonna hold my breath!
This is really bad.
I am hoping someone is going to post and shed some light. What I don't understand is the fact that from a coding point of view this would seem as a trivial matter. All that is required is to extend the settings applicable to the inbox to all the subfolders, in such a way that if a new message in the inbox triggers a vibration and graphical notice the same applies to a new message in a subfolder.
However, the fact that there seems to be no fix for this is very problematic....I have 5-6 subfolders for my email account. All the business people I know use multiple folders...I would go insane if i did not have an automatic way of sorting incoming messages....
I guess I will have to work out a way to get around this problem.
Can someon confirm that FlexMail 4 positively notifies emails to subfolders?
Any other email client for WinMo is most welcome as well.
Thank you
Ok, someone has suggested installing second today and using the blackmonlab software therein.
However, this still appears to be a less then optimal solution.
I am thinking about putting a bounty on this, I am willing to pay for a cab/registry fix/hack ....whatever really, that will give me notifications/alerts for email received in my exchange subfolders.
Hey, m8, I am facing your same problem.. It is unbelievable! Did you find any solution?
Hi All
I use "X826" Rom and get notification as soon as mail is send from Exchange server to my X1.
Work 100% - Best Rom that i have used

