sync phone with exchange and laptop at same time? - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

Hi all
i have a curious question i hope someone might be able to answer (maybe youve had this problem before in the past too?):
i have an exchange server, a laptop and this phone - the phone pulls emails from the exchange server - the phone is occasionally plugged into the laptop via usb - what i need is to synchronise the phone with the exchange server, and then synchronise the phone with the laptop, so effectively pulling the emails off the exchange server with the phone and then pulling them off the phone onto the laptop.
ive tried every way to do this but it seems that the phone will only let me synchronise with the exchange server _or_ the laptop, not both at the same time which is kinda annoying - am i missing something obvious here or is it just not possible?
thanks for reading this rambling confusing wall of text! i lubs joo <3

I'd definetly be interested in the solution, cause I'll be getting an exchange account soon.

i think the only way u can go about that would be to add the another email account to your phone so it pulls the emails directly off the imap/pop server

Solution to your problem
If you want to use activesync with 2 PCs or activesync and MS Direct Push you have to set the following registry key:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\ActiveSync\EnableNonLocalCrossPollination] = (DWORD) 1
-------------------------------------------------------------------No space [EnableNonLocalCrossPollination] (bug in editor?)
This will also work when you want to synchronize with 2 different Exchange organizations (my situation).
Good luck, Cesare

wahey! thanks for that Bluetec! i shall give it a shot as soon as she comes back and let you know how it pans out.
thanks again!
p.s. yea the editor puts spaces in very long unbroken words to make sure it doesnt distort the html rendering of the page


Recommendations for good IMAP email client???

I know this is not the place to ask this question, but you guys are experts and I would think you would have the best answer to this question. I need an email client for an IMAP server with TLS...actually it's a Cyrus IMAP server running on SuSE 9.0. Outlook is alright, but I can't just send an email, rather I have to send and receive at the same time. I've tried WebIS mail, but it seems to be really slow.
What are you folks using?
ProfiMail 2.24 from LonelyCatGames
Thanks! I've downloaded it and am going to try it out.
BeyondtheTech said:
ProfiMail 2.24 from LonelyCatGames
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So I have it working. I setup a Rule not to download mail over 2 days old, but it still wants to download my 3300+ emails in my IMAP Inbox. I've read the manual, but can't figure out how to overcome this. Any thoughts? If you want to PM me, feel free.
Use WEbIS mail 2.11 or Q Mail.....I use is the best.....tried Profimail but no good as compared to these.
As we seem to have warmed up the mail topic is there any solution to an old problem of mine?
A simple solution to your problem is a carrier pigeon. Hahahahaha. oooh, too much coffee.
I found that an IMAP email service works best. I use If offers great spam filtering (sometimes too good) and since they offer IMAP as well as POP (which I never use) I can get the same mail at my office, home, PDA, brother's house, guest computer....anywhere. Dump the activesync and outlook/smtp idea and try imap., also has the ability to check POP servers for mail.
I just thought having an imap server might work better for you than regular POP. is $25/year, but I'm sure there are others.
Do I read you in the way that will pick up my mail at and I will pick up this mail from them, thus I keep [email protected].
You see I am not looking for a [email protected]
dig ? or was that to short?
MDAIIIUser said:
Do I read you in the way that will pick up my mail at and I will pick up this mail from them, thus I keep [email protected].
You see I am not looking for a [email protected]
dig ? or was that to short?
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Oh, I dig Honeybunny. I'm totally down with that. Yo, yo... (I really need to stop drinking so much coffee). (or others...I just run Linux hence my reason for this) can go out, pick up my email from gmail, yahoo, (not sure about hotmail...rememeber linux-user) and put it into my Linuxmail account. Since you're using an STMP account from say, Google, you can always sendmail thru that service. Check on Linuxmail, send on Google. The only downside with that is you won't be able to keep a copy of your sent mail on your IMAP.
This company looks pretty good too: I might test them out, but I don't want to ditch my linuxmail account. Take a look at them.
One other quick note...for work, we have an IMAP server and I have a Tmobile account for email as well. When I'm traveling (I'll be in the UK June 19th if anyone wants to get together) I can get email from my IMAP server and I will send via my Tmobile account. Tmo has a feature where you specify your email (say, and when I send mail on my i-mate it goes thru the Tmo service, but you would see it as [email protected] instead of [email protected]. Its pretty cool.
I'm not too keen on Messaging because it won't allow me to send without receiving first....which is just really, really stupid. I use WebIS Mail to just shoot out an email to someone via the Tmo service. WebIS Mail has got it's own set of issues that I'm trying to deal with now.
Food for thought. Feel free to PM me if you want. I can call ya too.
hmmmm, I have solved it in a different way ...
mostly due to often accessing my mail from different locations and at the same time willing to keep my mail in one place safe, easy for download ...... I decided to invest in piece of hardware called Linux based Toshiba Magnia SG20 being among other very clever email server for both POP3 and IMAP mail service, ok it was an expense .... but finally now I can access my mail from virtually everywhere and have my mail traffic and storage off the computer I currently use, I can download necessary mail and respond easily, synchronization is no longer an issue with WebIS Mail ;-))
I made my work's IMAP server from an PIII800, 40GB drive, and 1GB RAM. I installed SuSE 9.0 and Cyrus IMAP, Postfix, spamassassin, Sendmail, etc... Cost=$90 and I can access it from anywhere in the world. The computer was an employee's computer which was upgraded. I was going to toss it, but decided to make a mailserver out of it. SuSE was already installed on my work computer, so it really didn't cost me much.
I have to admit, the Toshiba looks interesting. Too bad they don't make it anymore.
While I can take a new Mini Mac and do the same thing for about $500 on a personal level, it's really not worth spending that much time for a personal email server. I'm happy with third party providers.
WebIS is still not running well, so I dumped it and I'm sticking with Messaging. I tried ProfiMail and that had some drawbacks as well.
Boys and thier toys, 1 gig memory, bit of overkill or not. <Grin>.
Sure its a solution, ms exchange with active sync would work fine for me to, oh yes and my own domain, mx record and a fix ip.... but...
Not all of use are teck heads. No offence but should there not be a solution for say USD 29.95.
Anyway Webis lets you move sent items to a different folder (as in to the active sync folder). Now will have to play with that, work out how to set webis as default mail app. I have now set up up a pop account/folder and that option has gone. Find my sms and waste a lot of time to end up junking it. Oh well what else to do untill a new rom comes out. Still think it sucks unless you are a corparate user with all that nice infra.
Thanks tom
Could someone recommend me an email client that does imap and it's posibble to set on which days of the week from when till when and how often to check for mail automatically?
MDAIIIUser said:
Sure its a solution, ms exchange with active sync would work fine for me to, oh yes and my own domain, mx record and a fix ip.... but...
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Instead of a fixed IP, you could run DynDNS like I do. It tracks your current IP and reroutes everything to your computer. I have cable internet, so my IP changes every couple months, or after a power outage. Your DNS and MX would point to DynDNS and DynDNS would route folks to you. It's a pretty sweet setup.
MDAIIIUser said:
Not all of use are teck heads. No offence but should there not be a solution for say USD 29.95.
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I completely agree...about the tech heads. Someone should make something more simple, but I think the expense would be too high since it entails a complete computer system. Linux has an email server built into it while Windows does not, but then you have downsides to using Linux as well.
MDAIIIUser said:
Anyway Webis lets you move sent items to a different folder (as in to the active sync folder). Now will have to play with that, work out how to set webis as default mail app. I have now set up up a pop account/folder and that option has gone. Find my sms and waste a lot of time to end up junking it. Oh well what else to do untill a new rom comes out. Still think it sucks unless you are a corparate user with all that nice infra.
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I rarely use Activesync so setting up my email for that is pointless. When I want to send an email, I want to send it now...not when I can get to my computer to run activesync. You should try finding a email company that has an IMAP server. Once you have that, you'll never want POP again.
bolasz said:
Could someone recommend me an email client that does imap and it's posibble to set on which days of the week from when till when and how often to check for mail automatically?
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If you're talking about doing it on your pda, it's not going to happen. You can set email programs to check every x minutes, but that's about it. If you have your gprs on 24 hours a day, then it might be possible, but otherwise I don't see this as an option with the 3 email programs I've played with (Messaging, WebIS Mail, ProfiMail).
Ok, so I up the e-mail stream without a paddle.
BTW, The Activesyn I only use to get the contents of my mail box of my Laptop and on to my device. I send mail over wifi on the pop acoount (then have to copy the sent item to the activesycn folder, then sync to get it on the laptop)
I was aware about the DynDNS, won't help my much live between to families, two households and the only thing fixed in my life is the tel number of my Phone and the fact I have a laptop, so no space for hardware that cant be baged in a minute.
So Looks like I need to get my own address and some hosting that gives me IMAP.
With all that done still have not found a good E-mail client. (q-mail?)
What was the thread on that subject ???? <GRIN>
Email anytiMe is possible.
yes! Download email any day and anytime without gprs on is possible. Use npop freeware and set it to download email upon execution theN use powerstart Shareware to schedule it to exeCute npop at any day and what time as you like. it will Connect gprs then download then disconnect, perfect!
Googled Powerstart and got to many hits, have a homepage were I read what the app does? Found npop.
Keep in mind the question was IMAP, not POP. Will it work on IMAP?

New To Push Email - Please Help

Hello all,
I need to have instant notification of my emails and thought the only way was Blackberry until I heard of Push Email.
I have a K-Jam with the latest imate os. I've read that this version has push email with it but cant see it in the programs or anything.
What do I need to install etc to recieve emails from my ISP. What backend setup do I need? I have a pop 3 account that is web based too and i am on the O2 network in the UK
Thanks for your help guys.
Push Email (or "DirectPush" as Microsoft seem to call it) only works in conjuction with an Exchange server I'm afraid. It doesn't work with POP3 boxes.
There are probably some companies offering POP3-->Exchange services for people like yourself wanting push email who don't have Exchange (or there will likely be some) but I don't personally know of any at the moment.
DirectPush works by connecting to an HTTP server (Exchange) and keeping the connection open/idle until something changes then a ActiveSync is performed. The POP3 protocol simply doesn't have anything to allow you to keep it open without sending something constant to keep it alive which would seriously add up on the traffic.
thanks xanth
I'm actually gonna have an Exchange Server 2003 soon. I read that I need SP2 installed aswell
Where do I go from there then? ie configuring my k-jam.
Configuring the mobile devices themselves isn't particularly hard. When you set up the sync instead of syncing with Outlook you specify with an Exchange server and just follow the prompts. It seems to connect/realise DirectPush (SP2) is available and that's it. You configure the schedule... and away it goes.
I found setting up the server was the hardest part. Well not hard, just more time consuming. You'll want/need to create you own SSL certificate (which will need installing on the device) unless you're purchasing a commercial one and configure the IIS timeout value (I'm still experimenting with this one) and then finally actually turn on DirectPush from System Manager. I think that was pretty much it though. Configuring Exchange etc in the first place takes more time than setting up push.
I'll have a pop and let you know..... thanks
I am trying out a commercial hosted exchange service ( now.
This works very wel, but it has a price too: 5.95 euro per month for the lite package/
Push Email works very good.
As an alternative I am thinking about setting up my own exchange server and having my company-email and calendar forwarded to that one.
What do you advise to run exchange 2003 SP2:
- Windows version / SP?
- Hardware
(I am on a 20Mb down / 2Mb up broadband connection wich allows me to run servers, so there is no issue)
Well you'll need Windows 2000 or 2003 standard server or higher (won't run on a non-server platform), but see this link for full requirements:
I am curious though, how will you forward Calendar events (and contacts?) from one system to another please? I'm not sure I'll ever want to do that, but certainly sounds like something worth knowing!
What would the GPRS cost be to have this open/idle connection active all day and night. Would it send check data every few minutes?
I only ask as my contract talk plan gives me 100KB of data a month for free but after that I pay in chunks.
Here's a paper you cna read...
Mines seems to use between 6kb and 9kb an hour when idle. I wouldn't take that as a rule, just my personal experience. Obviously it goes up a lot more when the actual emails come in!
Wow that's a fantastic guide! Should be put on a new post/stickied or something! Thanks for the files!
That's like 5.5MB a month without a single email going over!
Guess I wont be switching it on then.
Thanks for your reply.
Well it could just be down to me having flakey service or something and it reconnecting a lot (I haven't noticed that though), but the 6 to 9 kbytes was from running GPRS Monitor and running a report and looking at the overnight hours where I know I didn't get any emails for hours on end.
Router settings
The other thing that is going to make a difference would be the setting on the server. The longer the session can be kept open between the router and the phone the least amount of data that will need to be transfered. For example 15 minutes seems a common amount of time to keep the line openm, at the end of those 15 minutes your phone will initiated a new connection i.e. traffic. Obviously the more often it does this the more traffic generated and the more power needed.
Can i push task or agenda items which are located on the public folders?
scaseman said:
Hello all,
I need to have instant notification of my emails and thought the only way was Blackberry until I heard of Push Email.
I have a K-Jam with the latest imate os. I've read that this version has push email with it but cant see it in the programs or anything.
What do I need to install etc to recieve emails from my ISP. What backend setup do I need? I have a pop 3 account that is web based too and i am on the O2 network in the UK
Thanks for your help guys.
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The reason you want push is to receive an e-mail sent to you IMMEDIATELY The problem I see with push mail is you can't really use forwarding between services because it adds delays that defeat the point of it. It is not essential to have Exchange but most current systems employ it
So you need to implement push using your current e-mail address and provider for best performance
For example if you use a specific e-mail address for all your mail that is what you need to access if you don't want to change your e-mail address
If your e-mail provider uses IMAP there is a solution. It started off fairly shakey but has got quite reliable - it's vgsmail (\ppc)
It uses IMAP idle to connect to your current e-mail (assuming IMAP support) and WORKS
As said using this is the best way of avoiding changing e-mail address and low cost (just data costs) - uses 3or4MB a month just to work - but if you're using your pda for mail you need to be on a good tarriff --- say T-Mobile web'n'walk - soon to become ulimited.
It takes about 10-30 seconds from an e-mail being sent to my PDA notifying me --- all for a one off cost of $21
scaseman said:
Hello all,
I need to have instant notification of my emails and thought the only way was Blackberry until I heard of Push Email.
I have a K-Jam with the latest imate os. I've read that this version has push email with it but cant see it in the programs or anything.
What do I need to install etc to recieve emails from my ISP. What backend setup do I need? I have a pop 3 account that is web based too and i am on the O2 network in the UK
Thanks for your help guys.
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The reason you want push is to receive an e-mail sent to you IMMEDIATELY The problem I see with push mail is you can't really use forwarding between services because it adds delays that defeat the point of it. It is not essential to have Exchange but most current systems employ it
So you need to implement push using your current e-mail address and provider for best performance
For example if you use a specific e-mail address for all your mail that is what you need to access if you don't want to change your e-mail address
If your e-mail provider uses IMAP there is a solution. It started off fairly shakey but has got quite reliable - it's vgsmail (\ppc)
It uses IMAP idle to connect to your current e-mail (assuming IMAP support) and WORKS
As said using this is the best way of avoiding changing e-mail address and low cost (just data costs) - uses 3or4MB a month just to work - but if you're using your pda for mail you need to be on a good tarriff --- say T-Mobile web'n'walk - soon to become ulimited.
It takes about 10-30 seconds from an e-mail being sent to my PDA notifying me --- all for a one off cost of $21
My hosted exchange trial gave e my answer: not gonna work the way I want it. The trouble is with the forwarding of calendar events (that what i want it for).
So setting up my own server will not bring any relief either.
Waiting for my company to support push or me getting a business Blackberry subscription.
Good to try anyway.
does anybody has any experience with this vgsmail stuff?
my e-mail provider supports imap and I could live with a delay of 30sec....
hi, Guys
I am using O2 XDAII unit now, and I am going to push an email to the XDAII thru GPRS. I've seen you guys' discussion above, it really gives me a clue to do the further research.
hi, Edsurb, Re: "Waiting for my company to support push or me getting a business Blackberry subscription", does it mean there are 2 ways to push an email?
(1) We can set an MS Exchange Server 2003 then do some setting in both Exchange server side and the XDA unit, I wonder if the XDA unit can get the email thru GPRS once after the email is sent, how long will it be delayed, how much it costs, it seems it is a way that the XDA unit checks the Exchange server periodically while not a true push, right?
(2) To get a blackberry subscription. Is it a true push? Can a XDAII unit get a blackberry subscription from O2 network?
Thanks a lot for your help!!!


Hi there,
I have got the following code when rying to sync with my exchange server.
This was working perfectly with my HTC S710 and WM6.
Now that I have the TYTN 2, I cannot sync at all .....
Certificate is OK
Exchange server is OK
google/msdn it
fusi said:
google/msdn it
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Something I have already done but they all sends us to the exchange server ...
The issue is that niothing changed on the exchange server and I was able to sync wth my S710 .... why no with the TYTN2?
Hi there,
I get the same problem on my Tilt only not all the time. Usually my phone works fine, but then about once a day I go into active sync and notice that I have this error and I have to soft reset my phone and sync again. Then it goes away for about another 24hrs. before I have it again and have to soft reset.
I posted a topic about this and have tried googling it also to no avail.
If anyone has figured it out I'd appreciate it.
It sounds like you don't have permission to sync with that phone.
Try going to the your oma (outlook mobile access) site with a computer, then your phones browser. I'm not exactly sure the url of your outlook mobile access, but it should be something similar to this:
Webmail URL =
If you can access the basic oma mail, you should be able to access exchange to sync so check your settings. If you get an access denied error, contact your nearest IT person.
I fixed it by opening up Outlook 2003 on my PC, going to Help and then running "Detect and Repair". Has worked flawlessly sense then. *knocks on wood*
more info
what did you do to fix the issue in outlook 2003. Is that on you pc at work or at home? My issue is the same, except that my pc at work is connected to the network it does not access the exchange server over the web. I have been beating my head against a wall since I got the phone, and I can't get it to sync over the air. And was your phone hooked to the pc when you did this?. Thanks

mulitple microsoft exchange accounts?

Is it possible to have multiple microsoft exchange accounts on my Kaiser - Running Dutty's latest rom 04/03/08
also what would happen with the calendars and contacts?
chriscc01 said:
Is it possible to have multiple microsoft exchange accounts on my Kaiser - Running Dutty's latest rom 04/03/08
also what would happen with the calendars and contacts?
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In my opinion this is not possible since you only have one activesync client.
Would be nice though....
ok heres is the situation, i have 2 exchange accounts, and i can access one via IMAP but then i dont have same sync up as an exchange
can one of the gods write a program for this
Gods any ideas - im sure nothing is out of your capabilities
just found the above link, havent tried it yet
made the registry change but cant see any ability to add any further excange accounts!
someone - anyone - GODS do you have an answer to this?
I have tried and tested this solution however havent had the required results!!! I have an exchange server (my own) and my laptop (work) and I am trying to synch so that I have all my calendar appointments on my phone and my own exchange server! When I synch with my work laptop I get all my own calendar onto the laptop but not on the phone!!! any ideas on how to work around this issue????
Basically I want to synch 2 calendars!! Surely there must be an easier way!!!
As far i know its not possible. it works like outlook. Outlook support (until now) only 1 Exchange account (if u use RPC-HTTP you can switch profiles). And on a PDA there is only one client available. And other technical issue is security, like blackberry, there is a remote wipe function (wipe your PDA if your PDA get stolen). And this not possible if you have 2 exchange accounts (in case of 2 different domains example 2 different companies). Policies on the PDA will be forced by the exchange to make this possible.
So to give you a conclusion, until now its not possible. However if somebody find a hack, it could be possible. But microsoft doesnt support it (yet)
Sandbunny said:
As far i know its not possible. it works like outlook. Outlook support (until now) only 1 Exchange account (if u use RPC-HTTP you can switch profiles). And on a PDA there is only one client available. And other technical issue is security, like blackberry, there is a remote wipe function (wipe your PDA if your PDA get stolen). And this not possible if you have 2 exchange accounts (in case of 2 different domains example 2 different companies). Policies on the PDA will be forced by the exchange to make this possible.
So to give you a conclusion, until now its not possible. However if somebody find a hack, it could be possible. But microsoft doesnt support it (yet)
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cheers sand bunny thought I maybe attempting the impossible!!
Bearing in mind I have two exchange calendars - is there a workaround that may enable me to get my work calendar in my kaiser? Is there an app that allows you to send the calendar file to my phone in a single file format and then enable me to load into the kaiser calendar? Alternatively is there a calendar sharing facility or publish claendars that may enable me to use both calendars in my kaiser??
anybody got any experience of using the following app:-
seems to state it can do what I am after - have installed it and trying to get the thing to work though it appears pretty complex!!!
cheers sand bunny thought I maybe attempting the impossible!!
Bearing in mind I have two exchange calendars - is there a workaround that may enable me to get my work calendar in my kaiser? Is there an app that allows you to send the calendar file to my phone in a single file format and then enable me to load into the kaiser calendar? Alternatively is there a calendar sharing facility or publish claendars that may enable me to use both calendars in my kaiser??
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Do you use GPRS or UMTS 2 sync your PDA? Or do you use the computer?
I use UMTS2 - I tried that On Schedule software and it doenst appear to do what I need it to! I have tried the registry change and then synched with the desktop pc as well as the exchange server and that doesnt work!!!
Even sent a .ics of my work calendar for the next week and that didnt work!
Surely it shouldnt be this difficult!!!
i do this. here is what i do.....
I have an exchange server that i use active sync with. this server is at company 1.
i have XpressMail running at company 2 that connects to an exchange server.
I have 2 calendars and 2 email accounts that are always in sync. I also have 2 address books. pretty neat.
at company 2, my desktop PC is always on.
Id runner that is exactly what I want to achieve - how do you do that? is it something that XpressMail has built in as I cant get anything to achieve this with Outlook 2007, exchange 2007 and active sync!
XpressMail is a free feature on all AT&T / Cingular smartphones.
if you do not have AT&T then you cannot use it.
I also use Facade. since Facade has an xpressmail plugin, i get both calanders and inboxes on my home screen.
rules me out then! back to the drawing board!
has anyone used pocket mirror?
Perhaps this warning is unnecessary for most users here but be careful where you install XpressMail because your employer might have a policy against it.
rules me out then! back to the drawing board!
has anyone used pocket mirror?
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I just called Chapura and they said this product only works via cradled sync so I didn't bother speaking further.
made the registry change but cant see any ability to add any further excange accounts!
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I have it.
One exchange server is my company serveur (used by activesync on my laptop)
The second one (maybe it's the trick) is one OTA (
Working like a charme.
I am synchronizing with my laptop which has Outlook account on a server, my home (stand alone outlook) and mail2web.
rom I have two exchnage servers one mail2web personal and one work exchabge server! I want to synch over the air for my personal exchange account however would be happy to synch via laptop for the work exchange! this is where the problem starts! does your solution resolve that? I only really want the calendar to synch but just cannot find a solution which intergrates with two calendars!
jdsx I would be happy to synch over the pc for my work calendar as I could do this at the end of the day! do you think chapura will cater for this?

Can't synch POP mail to desktop Outlook?

I may be late to the game on this issue, but I can't believe what I'm hearing from another source. Hope I put this in the right forum.
Is it true that when we send or receive a POP message on our PDA that there's no way we can synchronize that message back to Outlook on the desktop?
What I need to do is to have any message received or sent using Pocket Outlook with WiFi or 3G/GPRS while away from my desktop syncrhonized back to Outlook via ActiveSync. I've been told this can't be done.
In other words, what we have here is the electronic Roach Motel for email?
Someone please tell me it's not true.
I don't think that's true. I haven't used Outlook/Pop Mail since my Dell Axim Days, but to worked then.
What's true is POP is a one shot deal. If you download the message from your email server using POP to your Mobile, you can't download it from your email server to your Desktop Outlook.
Yes, I understand that with POP, you have the option of either keeping the messages on the server, or having them deleted after download.
Here's a scenario. This is what I'd like to happen. Please let me know if it's possible with a standard POP/SMTP server (NOT an Exchange server, and IMAP isn't an option for me at this time).
1) I synchronize my device with my pc and emails are updated to their respective folders on the PDA while physically connected to my desktop. I then disconnect and leave my office.
2) While on the road, I download an email to the device using one of my POP accounts via either 3G or WiFi. I respond to that message and send it back. Now, I have one new message in the In Box on the PDA, and a response in my Sent Items folder on the PDA.
3) When I return home, I want both those new messages - one in the In Box and on in the Sent Items folder to be synchronized back from the PDA to the desktop.
I've been told it's not possible. Can someone confirm, and if it's true, please explain to me (in layman's terms) how messages manage to go into the machine, but messages downloaded using the PDA just don't want to come out?
BillTheCat said:
I've been told it's not possible.
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AFAIK, it is not possible in the way you want to do it. Out the box WM will only do this with Exchange Server email. You have to go with a third party service like Xpress Fail that pushes email off your desktop Outlook to your phone.
Maybe someone could suggest a service that actually works, because Xpress Fail sucked for me.
You have probably been told this, but I set up Outlook on the desktop to leave an email on the server for 10 days. This way the phone and desktop get the same email. But thats as good as it gets with a POP account.
One more thing, the "Outlook" account you see on the phone is used for Exchange Server email. You can select it to sync with your desktop, but all it does is load up the email from your desktop.
GWelker62 said:
AFAIK, it is not possible in the way you want to do it. Out the box WM will only do this with Exchange Server email. You have to go with a third party service like Xpress Fail that pushes email off your desktop Outlook to your phone.
Maybe someone could suggest a service that actually works, because Xpress Fail sucked for me.
You have probably been told this, but I set up Outlook on the desktop to leave an email on the server for 10 days. This way the phone and desktop get the same email. But thats as good as it gets with a POP account.
One more thing, the "Outlook" account you see on the phone is used for Exchange Server email. You can select it to sync with your desktop, but all it does is load up the email from your desktop.
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Incredible. I'm speechless. So, the phone really is like the D-Con roach motel.
I'm incredulous that we have a system that gets Email from the desktop to the machine, and a machine that can send and receive emails while away from the desktop, but can't manage to get the messages back to the desktop when you return.
I just fail to understand how something seemingly so simple can be so complex. After all, POP email is just more or less a text file.
Ok, I've been thinking about this.
Of all the Email addresses I have, the majority of them are in my control. There is only one email address ( that I have no control over and offers only POP.
If I migrate my domains from GoDaddy (which does NOT offer IMAP) to another IHV, can I have my POP email automatically forwarded to a 'ghost' IMAP account at a new host, and accomplish what I want?
I still get back to being amazed that Microsoft hasn't had the forethought to supporting synchronization of POP messages from the phone back to desktop Outook. How F'n stupid is that???
Thanks in advance for any thoughts y'all have on this matter.
I think in Windows Pocket PC 2003 it did sync with POP. But the Windows Mobile Line assumes everyone is using exchange servers. Microsoft makes a lot of assumptions like that.
To answer your question, You will get two benefits out of your solution.
1: You will be able to use IMAP.
2: You won't be using GoDaddy anymore.
I'm currently in quite a similar situation - I use Outlook 2007 on my desktop to download ALL my email, 95% of which comes from my Yahoo account. As it stands right now, I POP download my emails to my Outlook (Yahoo doesnt support desktop IMAP unless you pay), and I IMAP it to my Tilt (Yahoo does, however, support IMAP to mobiles, i guess? ). Currently I'll BCC a copy of any email I send to myself, and then once it's POPed back to Outlook, I just move it to the Sent Mail. It's a hassle but it's the best I can do.
The one annoyance is that if you don't close Outlook before leaving home, the POP automatically marks the messages as "read" once downloaded, and so when the Tilt IMAPs them in, they're already marked as read and so I don't get notified.
If you figure anything out (that doesn't require access to my own server!) please let us know lol
JimmyMcGee said:
To answer your question, You will get two benefits out of your solution.
1: You will be able to use IMAP.
2: You won't be using GoDaddy anymore.
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LOL! Yeah, I'm thinkin' yer on to somethin' there. Looking at Dreamhost as an IHV. At least they support full shell access for more than one administrator so I can separate my domains that are serviced by another party.
Ok, but here's a problem. With IMAP, do I have a local copy on my machine, or must everything be stored on the server?
BillTheCat said:
LOL! Yeah, I'm thinkin' yer on to somethin' there. Looking at Dreamhost as an IHV. At least they support full shell access for more than one administrator so I can separate my domains that are serviced by another party.
Ok, but here's a problem. With IMAP, do I have a local copy on my machine, or must everything be stored on the server?
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I prefer DreamHost myself.
In IMAP they are stored on the server, but most desktop email client give you the option to save a local copy. As to how, it depends on the client though.
JimmyMcGee said:
In IMAP they are stored on the server, but most desktop email client give you the option to save a local copy. As to how, it depends on the client though.
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Ok, so bear with me, because I'm still getting my head around how this all works.
Let's say I migrate my hosting and set up IMAP accounts for my various email addresses. Then I set both the PDA and my Desktop respectively to download and delete messages from the server. Will messages sent and received on the PDA (therefore stored on the phone) be replicated to the desktop using ActiveSync when I reconnect for a synchronization? Or will I find myself back with the same situation I have with POP where ActiveSynch won't 'see' the PDA's IMAP folders and refuse to copy messages to my Desktop Outlook?
Basically an IMAP server the Email stays on the server. Then with your desktop of PDA downloads the message it is a "Shadow copy." IMAP allows multiple client to access the same Mailbox and the same time if needed. POP hates that.
Active Sync won't have any role in this.
If you download on your PDA, you will get a "shadow" on your PDA and the original message will be on the server. You can then go to your Desktop machine it will look what's on the server that it doesn't have as a shadow copy and then download a shoadw copy of that. Meaning at that point, both Devices will have the message in it possesion.
JimmyMcGee said:
Basically an IMAP server the Email stays on the server. Then with your desktop of PDA downloads the message it is a "Shadow copy." IMAP allows multiple client to access the same Mailbox and the same time if needed. POP hates that.
Active Sync won't have any role in this.
If you download on your PDA, you will get a "shadow" on your PDA and the original message will be on the server. You can then go to your Desktop machine it will look what's on the server that it doesn't have as a shadow copy and then download a shoadw copy of that. Meaning at that point, both Devices will have the message in it possesion.
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Wow. "Shadow". Now there's a term I haven't heard since my OS/2 days. Man, do I feel really old.
What you're saying is that essentially we then have three sets of copies of both sent and received mail in three different locations, the servers and local devices just setting their 'flags' as needed, correct?
Ok, I guess at this point I guess I really just need to set up an IMAP account somewhere and see how it works in practice so I can get my head around it.
Thanks for all your help!
BillTheCat said:
Wow. "Shadow". Now there's a term I haven't heard since my OS/2 days. Man, do I feel really old.
What you're saying is that essentially we then have three sets of copies of both sent and received mail in three different locations, the servers and local devices just setting their 'flags' as needed, correct?
Ok, I guess at this point I guess I really just need to set up an IMAP account somewhere and see how it works in practice so I can get my head around it.
Thanks for all your help!
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Basically, yeah.
Maybe use a GMAIL account via Imap and seee what happens when you check it from two locations.
Feel free to shoot me any questions you have.

