Kaiser Charging Problem - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

I'm creating a new thread because I think my charging issue is unique...
My Kaiser will show an orange light and indicate that it's charging when:
1. Powered On and plugged in to: USB, AC power Adapter, or Car charger
but it will not take a charge and the orange light goes out after about two minutes.
2. Powered Off and plugged into: USB, AS Power, or car charger
but the orange light remains on and it never charges (tried 5 hours)
The device also does not sync, I don't see anything physcially wrong with the USB port, but it was damaged by water several weeks ago, it hasn't worked properly since.
I've been getting by with an external battery charger that I purhcased from Ebay.
Does anyway have any ideas? I've reflashed the device since then as well and there is no change in how it reacts to charging..

Hi echofive
I have the same problem with my Kaiser but at least it charges with just one of my 5 AC power adapters. Not in my Car charger and not on a USB connection.
Maybe it has something to do with the small USB pins on the Kaiser which are not properly aligned. You can try to bend them.
Good luck.

Hello, I was having this same issue and (long story short) I believe that it is the small USB pins on the phone.
Here is what I found (sorry knda long post). I have two ATT TILT phones. My Original Tilt phone got soaked in water but I was able to almost salvage the phone by soaking it in Denatured alcohol and letting it dry. This 'wet' Tilt has all functions but cannot read sim cards. It does however charge perfectly.
The replacement Tilt I have works like a charm but refuses to charge. Regardless of USB charging, off the wall charger or car charger, the orange light comes on, says it is charging but in 2 minutes the light goes out. The phone is still listed as charging but I know it is not charging because the battery level continues to drain. The phone does sync to my PC and I am able to transfer files to/from my new TILT via a USB cable. Just cannot charge the device.
I have 3 batteries. 2 stock batteries and the large 3200mah battery. All three batteries will not charge on my new TILT. I tried charging it via USB connected to my Computer, Car cigarette lighter, Car inverter charger, official TILT charger from CINGULAR ATT. Completely unable to charge the device.
If I attempt to charge the batteries (all three of them) on my old 'wet' TILT the batteries charge regardless of what method I use. It will charge via USB connected to the PC, USB connected to wall charger, official ATT TILT charger, or car charger. No issues. So I know the chargers, cables and batteries do charge on a TILT. Both TILTs are official ATT TILT devices. Two of the batteries are stock and 1 of the batteries is a SEIDO 3200mah.
Sometimes I get lucky and the new TILT phone does charge. In these cases I charged the phone using the Wall charger and the battery was over 50% capacity.
Now I know the new Tilt USB port is working because it syncs to my PC just doesnt charge after 2 minutes (light goes out) and battery continues to drain (watched and tested this after 3 hours of observation). I ended up ordering one of those TILT USB connectors which have a 3.5mm headphone jack and USB port.
This device: http://www.amazon.com/i-Trek-Stereo...8&s=musical-instruments&qid=1230877732&sr=8-4
What is weird is that I can now charge my NEW TILT using the USB port on this connector with this connector attached to my new TILT. If I attempt to charge the TILT using the onboard USB port, it stops after 2 minutes and the light goes out.
Personally, i think it has something to do with the pins. Hope this helps someone.

Jinkage said:
Regardless of USB charging, off the wall charger or car charger, the orange light comes on, says it is charging but in 2 minutes the light goes out. The phone is still listed as charging but I know it is not charging because the battery level continues to drain.
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Been there, had that problem and the solution was even simpler and didn't involve the charging/USB port at all. Get a cotton bud (US folks call them Q-Tips) and spray some contact cleaner on it (not anywhere near the phone) and use it to carefully clean both the gold strips/terminals on the batteries along with the gold spring terminals on the phone. Although they may look clean, invisible grime film can make the connection fail and cause this problem. This is also a good tip to follow with ordinary household battery rechargers and NiMH cells. I haven't had this problem since but still carry out a terminal clean every few months to be on the safe side.

My phone wouldn't charge anymore. Searching through threads I found a magnificent magnified picture of the mini-USB port and the way the right part of the port was bent down a little. It was exactly like that with my phone, I used the pointing stick to tilt it up a little (be careful it may break of the pins, and that would lead you far from home!), which fixed! Haven't had the issue since!

Have you still the link with the picture . I have the same problem an i am afraid , that i can kill my Kaiser

Nope, sorry...

I had a similar issue with my Kaiser. It would charge with a USB cable and an ac adapter but not in the car. It used to but stopped. I took a dental tool and lifted the two little legs inside on the bottom of the mini usb port so they would contact the charger again and all is well.

nikagl said:
My phone wouldn't charge anymore. Searching through threads I found a magnificent magnified picture of the mini-USB port and the way the right part of the port was bent down a little. It was exactly like that with my phone, I used the pointing stick to tilt it up a little (be careful it may break of the pins, and that would lead you far from home!), which fixed! Haven't had the issue since!
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Great Tip!
had the same issue as you a long time!
tilt up the pins: no more problem!

I straightened up the last pin. I was beginning to think it was my AC Charger...I plugged it in my Ashtray charger and it charged without a problem. I will see if this takes a charge. I didnt use any denatured alcohol, I just took the compressed air canisters used for computers and cleared out the usb port....
we wait now


Vehicle chargers won't work...

Okay, I'm stumped. I'm already getting a replacement device from HTC under warranty so my problem is solved, but like many of you, I HATE NOT HAVING AN EXPLANATION FOR THINGS!
I'm also wondering if anyone else has had this problem? About 10-Days ago my Kaiser (Tilt) stopped charging via the automotive charger. The A-C charger works fine, but the vehicle charger sent to me with my device from AT&T completely stopped charging my device. I went to the AT&T store & bought a new charger, It didn't work. I changed power points, & cigarette lighter in the vehicle &, it wouldn't work. I tried the charger in the vehicle of two different AT&T sales guys & also tried multiple chargers, & it wouldn't work. Is there any reason why the unit would lose it's ability to charge via a vehicle charger while still retaining it's ability to charge through USB to computer & through the A/C home charger? It seems to me that if the charge portion of the MB was fried, then all charging would be affected.
So how can my device charge fine through all means EXCEPT the vehicle charger?
Again, AT&T is sending me a new device, but I hate not having an explanation for the problem, drives me Nucking Futs!!!
Any ideas, anyone?
I dont want to sound rude but have you checked your power settings?
Under the "Advanced" it has a option for "When device is turned on, do not charge the battery when connected to the PC."
If this is ticked it will not charge via the in car charger.
It's a known issue, not just with the Tilt
I had the same problem with my Axim X50 and X51v.
The original sync/charge cable wouldn't charge from the car's lighter, while non-branded cables did so without any problems at all.
This happened with other Axims as well, so I know that it wasn't a defective unit.
I then purchased an HP Ipaq HW6910, and encountered the same issue with my wife's Mazda 5 - the HW6910 woudn't charge if the cable was connected to the charger, when I started the car. It only worked if the adapter and cable were disconnected while staring the car. This did not happen with my Mazda 3 or my Mitsubishi.
And another thing I discovered, is that some cables are not designed for use with car chargers, but they work perfectly with AC chargers.
I bought a couple of retracting sync/charge cables for my HW6910, they worked only when connected to the mains. But regular cables worked perfectly with both power sources.
Jygar said:
I dont want to sound rude but have you checked your power settings?
Under the "Advanced" it has a option for "When device is turned on, do not charge the battery when connected to the PC."
If this is ticked it will not charge via the in car charger.
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Yeah, It charges fine from the PC, & from an A/C source. But the HTC TYTNII car charger that came with my device, as well as replacement car chargers don't work.
wisniak said:
I had the same problem with my Axim X50 and X51v.
The original sync/charge cable wouldn't charge from the car's lighter, while non-branded cables did so without any problems at all.
This happened with other Axims as well, so I know that it wasn't a defective unit.
I then purchased an HP Ipaq HW6910, and encountered the same issue with my wife's Mazda 5 - the HW6910 woudn't charge if the cable was connected to the charger, when I started the car. It only worked if the adapter and cable were disconnected while staring the car. This did not happen with my Mazda 3 or my Mitsubishi.
And another thing I discovered, is that some cables are not designed for use with car chargers, but they work perfectly with AC chargers.
I bought a couple of retracting sync/charge cables for my HW6910, they worked only when connected to the mains. But regular cables worked perfectly with both power sources.
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Funny, I just ran out to the truck & grabbed one of the guys Blackberry chargers & it looked like it was working. But SK Tools reports an even bigger (negative) amp draw (like discharging twice the normal rate). So with the BB charger it dischages even faster. Maybe reversed polarity Guess I should've checked first. That's a moot point now though as I await my new unit. Weird though.
Well i was using a BB charger that worked fine up until this morning. i bought my phone when it first came out so it wasnt easy to find a charger made for it at the time. i never had a problem until today. i also noticed that the Usb terminal on my device was bent. i called htc but they charge way too much to fix it. i have no idea how or when the terminal broke but it does still charge when pluged into pc or into the wall. ill have to spend $80 to have ppctechs fix it.
wassup, i`m in SF Cali, I had a att 8525 that was doing the same thing. I assumed it was the phone when it 1st started happening. After a week or so it was bothering me so i started playing with it trying to figure out if it was a setting, bad flash, or hardware. I noticed that if the phone was off it wood charge but not if it was on. I started flashing my phone and testing (for trouble shooting purposes) and for the first 2 or 3 roms problem still existed, then one of the roms i flashed to would turn on the back light as if it was charging but no LED or charge, when this started happening I realized that if i turned my fone off it wood start charging and continue to charge when i booted the fone back up. So if when i got in the car i pluged in/ shutdown/ waited like 45 sec or 1 min. / then booted it would temp. fix the problem for as long as my fone was on the cable. At some point after that many weeks/roms later i noticed it was working correctly again, So I had decided it was a glitch in the rom, But i`m not a Dev. or fone guru so I really dont know what it was, but hope this helps someone.... PEACE!! ~bboyphrog1~beatz`n pieces krooh~
flexte said:
Well i was using a BB charger that worked fine up until this morning. i bought my phone when it first came out so it wasnt easy to find a charger made for it at the time. i never had a problem until today. i also noticed that the Usb terminal on my device was bent. i called htc but they charge way too much to fix it. i have no idea how or when the terminal broke but it does still charge when pluged into pc or into the wall. ill have to spend $80 to have ppctechs fix it.
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The slight diagonal slant on the bottom right? It's supposed to be like that. All AT&T Tilts (and I'd assume TyTN II's, but I've never had one to compare) have a mini-usb port that looks that way.
i looked at a 8525 and the usb terminal was straight. i even took a pencil and straightened mine out. it should be bent. that wouldn't make sense because the charges slot is not bent. i think the problem is that one side of the terminal is not soldered to the board and can easily be broken. in another thread 3 people have the same issue. as far as the car charger goes ill do some testing but until today it was charging fine while the phone was on.
this issue is known ,it even happens with the htc tynt.... by simlpy rebooting while in the charger it starts working again ..at least with mine.
I've had the same problem. I went to the lcoal AT&T store and they said they never heard of it so I thought it was just me. It looks like many of you have the issue. I wish I knew what it was. It was really bad with my 8525,
i thought Faria developed a cab to fix this issue in the hermes forum? might be worth having a search for it and when i get home i will see if i have a copy on my pc.
any of you guys get anywhere with this? I have exactly the same problem. posted in a couple of other threads actually.
Not sure whether the usb port is damaged, but it's certainly is slightly "down" on the right hand side.
It charges perfectly on the mains and perfectly from usb, but not in the car.
I have used a normal car charger, spent £50 on a Carcomm powered mount and tried one of the separate chargers that you plug the standard mini usb cable into. Nothing works. This is driving me crazy (if you'll excuse the pun!) a the primary reason I bought the Kaiser, was for GPS.
well i also just found out 2 of my minisync cables dont work anymore. 1 of them still charges the phone but neither of them sync the phone anymore. it still syncs fine through a normal usb cable.
I am using a moto Razr car charger and it works fine so far.
Okay, confirmed on my replacement Tilt: The USB port is arrow straight. Someone earlier mentioned it being lower on the right side & indeed my DEAD DEVICE was as such. Looks like a bad job of connecting the port to the device.
It's a good idea to take a look at your charger before you plug it in to make sure the charger USB connector is not bent or mi-sshappened.
i have the same problem i went through 4 att car chargers adn 5 phones. They are crap. Its not the phone its the charger if you play with it you will see that it comes and goes. The end tip on the charger is bad doesnt make a good connection. i have yet to find a good car charger.
Mine stopped charging using the car charger supplied and a brodit. A friend's kaiser charges OK with the same chargers.
No-one has mentioned it in this thread, but my phone, shows "charging" in the battery control panel and the LED lights up to confirm this. The percentage charge value decreases as though it isn't being charged!
As others have done I noticed that the corner of the plastic centre of the connector nearest the reset hole was slightly bent and I assume (though can't remember doing so) that I missed the reset hole with the stylus tip and pushed it in. Menu driven resets for me from now on!
HTC Europe didn't know anything about this fault, so seem to be happy to repair / replace it under warranty. It's with them at the moment, so I'll have to wait and see.
faria said:
this issue is known ,it even happens with the htc tynt.... by simlpy rebooting while in the charger it starts working again ..at least with mine.
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that didnt work for me. only one of my chargers work now.
RSVRover said:
Mine stopped charging using the car charger supplied and a brodit. A friend's kaiser charges OK with the same chargers.
No-one has mentioned it in this thread, but my phone, shows "charging" in the battery control panel and the LED lights up to confirm this. The percentage charge value decreases as though it isn't being charged!
As others have done I noticed that the corner of the plastic centre of the connector nearest the reset hole was slightly bent and I assume (though can't remember doing so) that I missed the reset hole with the stylus tip and pushed it in. Menu driven resets for me from now on!
HTC Europe didn't know anything about this fault, so seem to be happy to repair / replace it under warranty. It's with them at the moment, so I'll have to wait and see.
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Please let me know the outcome. mine is getting worse by the day.
Now I'm confused.
Because the device charges over USB I just assumed it would draw <500mA (the max output of a USB port) but the specs say it draws up to one amp.
Having owned a high-drawing device before (Axim x50v) I know that trying to pull this out of a USB port can blow your motherboard. So are these safe to charge over USB??? How does the device know whether its being charged over USB or mains - are there different charging pins on the connector?

Car Charging Problem?

Anyone else having trouble with their car charger not charging their at&t tilt? I have 2 aftermarket car chargers from cellphoneshop.com and having problems. Im using DCS wm6.1 v1.5 rom and radio I plug the charger in, the red light on the charge goes on, the orange light on the phone goes on, the battery status from quickmenu in the top right corner blinks on/off, the phone says its charging, but the phone isnt charging. The battery is going down like it normally would while all this is going on. Ive tried 2 different car chargers on 2 different vehicles and still the same problem. I dont believe its the car chargers since the 1st one i used is the one ive been using for the past 3 weeks now with no problems and the second car charger i tried is the same as the first but brand new out of the box both with the same problem. I just flashed to this rom today and this is the first time trying to charge my phone with this rom via car charger so maybe its just the rom? Im stuck at work til 11 so i cant test it on my usb or home charger til then. Any ideas or do u guys think its just the rom? Thanks! Ive never had this problem with duttys 2 newest roms, just this one i flashed back to today.
Sometimes the orange charging light on the phone will flash on/off super fast! Also sometimes the orange light will disappear and while its off the phone will still lie to me and say its charging.
is there anything running on the phone when you plugged it in? my phone wont charge after i've been using 3g for some time and it heats up. also is there any other device you can test the charger with?
XtreMe_G said:
is there anything running on the phone when you plugged it in? my phone wont charge after i've been using 3g for some time and it heats up. also is there any other device you can test the charger with?
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Yes, i have java, hotmail, and palm messaging on in the background but having programs on in the background never made a difference before nor did being in 3g coverage which is what im in 95 percent of the day living in southern california. No other phones to try the chargers on. Ill try turning the phone off for a bit and charge it and see what happens. That would determine if the coverage or backgrounds apps are stunting the charge.
Im convinced its the rom now. When the phone is powered off the orange light is there showing its charging then after a few minutes disappears. I then unplug the charger and plug it back in but this time instead of an orange light theres a red light that stays on! I then unplug the charger and the second i unplug it the red light goes away and the phone turns on by itself. I dont think a simple car charger can do all that to a phone. I really liked this rom too. Oh well, just gotta charge my phone when i get home on the home charger if that works and reflash back to duttys march 08 rom.
Anyone else have similar car charging problems?
It's not the ROM, it's the charger. Generic chargers are not wired the same as HTC chargers. HTC shorts pins 4-5 on the mini-USB end of the cable signaling the phone to enter into charge mode. Normal mini-usb chargers don't and so it's intermittent. If you purchase an HTC charger OR modify a cable the problem will be solved.
If you have other HTC phones, you'll see similar issues, especially when the battery is <10%.
The phenomenon is pretty well documented elsewhere on this site.
liquidsilver said:
It's not the ROM, it's the charger. Generic chargers are not wired the same as HTC chargers. HTC shorts pins 4-5 on the mini-USB end of the cable signaling the phone to enter into charge mode. Normal mini-usb chargers don't and so it's intermittent. If you purchase an HTC charger OR modify a cable the problem will be solved.
If you have other HTC phones, you'll see similar issues, especially when the battery is <10%.
The phenomenon is pretty well documented elsewhere on this site.
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Huh, you could be right because the stock home charger that comes with the phone works perfect charging. So do i have to buy a ridiculus $40 car charger then from at&t? Guess its too good to be true when the generic is only 4 bucks.
i use my car charger all the time when i am driving and i dont expereince any of these problems... aside from the fact that it chrages slower then the AC charger but its understandable...
liquidsilver said:
It's not the ROM, it's the charger. Generic chargers are not wired the same as HTC chargers. HTC shorts pins 4-5 on the mini-USB end of the cable signaling the phone to enter into charge mode. Normal mini-usb chargers don't and so it's intermittent. If you purchase an HTC charger OR modify a cable the problem will be solved.
If you have other HTC phones, you'll see similar issues, especially when the battery is <10%.
The phenomenon is pretty well documented elsewhere on this site.
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Ive never had problems though with these generic charges with other roms and yes i've charged my phone from 0 to 100 percent on the generic car charger i have before. This is the first time ive charged my phone with this rom and with the car charger so thats why i would say its the rom since it has charged many other roms perfectly. Do you know of a good place to buy an htc offical car charger? The best i've seen on the web so far is 25 bucks.
I'm going to get one of the USB car chargers.
Even the chargers ATT sells can fail. They are just repackaged junk for the most part with low current ratings.
$25 is pretty good for an HTC charger. Highly recommended to go this route.
Those who have success with the generics are just lucky as the chargers don't meet specs. The odds are good that it will let you down someday.
As I mentioned above, there's a lot of info on this topic already posted elsewhere on the forum.
Got an official HTC Charger (in at&t packaging even) from eBay seller "NakedCellPhone" for $10 + about $5 shipping.
They're marked as for the Cingular 2125 & a few other older models but it works perfectly.
If so, it DOES & only USB to PC or Automotive charging is affected, you've most likely damaged your USB port pins while trying to soft reset.
Take a look at the USB port on the device. If it is curved or lower on the righ side, congratulations, you are both the Perp & the victim. The USB port was poorly placed by HTC, & the stylus was poorly placed by you.
Sometimes it can be (very gently & at your own risk) bent back into shape depending on which one of the two usb port versions your device has.
BTW, if you have a business account they are only $15.00
Not all chargers are the same.
The stock OEM charger has a rating of 1A. Most car chargers that I have seen have 500mA to 800mA rating. In most cases, with these lower current chargers, you won't notice a difference except for possible longer charging time. Though, if your battery is really low, <20% or so, your car charger may not work.
I have experienced this phenomenon not only on HTC devices like the 8925 and the 8125, but also the Siemens SX66 as well.
As a side note, I've read somewhere that charging using a USB cable to your computer allows for 500mA, UNLESS the PDA is syncing through ActiveSync when the PDA asks permission to draw 1A of power. If I remember correctly, the OEM charger shorts a couple of pins to simulate this situation, but of course, the power converter/inverter is also rated at the higher current as well.
I'm not sure shorting the pin on a lesser rated charger is going to have much effect, except possibly breaking your device or cable.
I just don't understand how the generic can charge my phone everyday for almost 3 weeks now then all of a sudden stop and acting so weird, see posts 2 and 3. Then i try my second generic car charger right out of the box and does the same thing. Yes, my phone charges perfectly through the usb on the computer and the home charger it came with so i dont think its the port on the phone thats messed up. Guess ill have to invest in an official htc car charger and see how it goes.
GSLEON3 said:
If so, it DOES & only USB to PC or Automotive charging is affected, you've most likely damaged your USB port pins while trying to soft reset.
Take a look at the USB port on the device. If it is curved or lower on the righ side, congratulations, you are both the Perp & the victim. The USB port was poorly placed by HTC, & the stylus was poorly placed by you.
Sometimes it can be (very gently & at your own risk) bent back into shape depending on which one of the two usb port versions your device has.
BTW, if you have a business account they are only $15.00
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The 2 last pins on the right side are down just a notch from the rest of the port but its pretty much always been like that, even when the car charger was working. Only having problem with the car charger, computer and ac charging works fine. I'll try to move the pins up and align them but its so minor how much they are down.
cardyin said:
Not all chargers are the same.
The stock OEM charger has a rating of 1A. Most car chargers that I have seen have 500mA to 800mA rating. In most cases, with these lower current chargers, you won't notice a difference except for possible longer charging time. Though, if your battery is really low, <20% or so, your car charger may not work.
I have experienced this phenomenon not only on HTC devices like the 8925 and the 8125, but also the Siemens SX66 as well.
As a side note, I've read somewhere that charging using a USB cable to your computer allows for 500mA, UNLESS the PDA is syncing through ActiveSync when the PDA asks permission to draw 1A of power. If I remember correctly, the OEM charger shorts a couple of pins to simulate this situation, but of course, the power converter/inverter is also rated at the higher current as well.
I'm not sure shorting the pin on a lesser rated charger is going to have much effect, except possibly breaking your device or cable.
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You guys think this charger is worth a shot or just pay the extra 20 bucks for the official? http://www.semsons.com/hipocarchwim.html It says its power output it 850mA!
Here is the cheapest original htc car charger i could find, www.talkietech.com/htcvecarpoch.html Heres some specs, OEM HTC Car Charger (81551) Features:
HTC Cell Phone Vehicle Charger allows phone to be charged on the road
Original Genuine HTC car charger guarantees maximum durability and performance
High quality aluminum brushed LED indicator light
Part# 81551
Compatible with:
HTC Cingular 8525, Cingular 8125, HTC Cingular 2125
HTC T-Mobile Dash, T-Mobile Wing, T-Mobile MDA and T-Mobile SDA
HTC T-Mobile Shadow, HTC Touch, Sprint Touch
It doesn't say though it works with the 8925 or tilt, would it still work on my at&t tilt? I think it would since my tilt's home charger charges my 8525 fine. What do you guys think?
deeznuts said:
The 2 last pins on the right side are down just a notch from the rest of the port but its pretty much always been like that, even when the car charger was working. Only having problem with the car charger, computer and ac charging works fine. I'll try to move the pins up and align them but its so minor how much they are down.
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I can garuntee they didn't come "down just a notch". There ar multiple threads about this issue. Sometimes it causes auto chargers to fail completely & somtimes it just causes a bad connection.
When the device was new, it was straight as an arrow. I know this because I have a TYTNII & a Tilt & this happened on the Tilt. I would drive into the local store & tell them you are having charge issues. They'll let you test out one of the stock chargers, & if that doesn't work, then it's a connection issue because of the mis-shappened port. The pins in the USB port are pretty small. It does NOT take much deviation for them to lose good contact. It also happens more frequently on the devices that have the open ended pin block.

Batterty is alive, but won't charge

Well I'm at about 2% battery life, and it will not charge. I'm using my computer to charge it. Charging it from the wall hasnt worked for me for a while, not sure why.
Anyway I was wondering what it can be? I doubt my battery's dead or something is wrong with the phone... I'm sorry if this question's been answered, but I couldnt find an answer on google.
If USB charging works, but not charging with the AC adapter then the adapter is either bad, or plugged into a bad power outlet.
Nope it's neither of those because Ive tried two working AC ountlets and two warking cables. However, that's not my problem, my phone died and I can't charge it :-/
Ya so the phone died. It didn't look like it was going to charge on the USB, really weird. Anyone ever have there phone refusing to charge? While it was alive I tried to run activesync; that didn't work. So what should I do?
Btw, I've had the phone for a couple months now and I haven't had any big problems. I don't think it can be my phone failing, worst case just the battery. I've had something similar before but it fixed itself, doesn't look like thats happeneing now.
Maybe charging from the computer wasn't such a good idea. I recommend changing the battery and the charger and always be a nice boy and charge from the outlet ::- ).
I had the same thing happen to me - the connector at the bottom was broken. I had to do a return to factory. I looked (using a magnifying class) at the bottom of the phone and clearly see a crack in the connector.
It doesn't charge from the outlet.... I kinda just explained that lol
jrd said:
I had the same thing happen to me - the connector at the bottom was broken. I had to do a return to factory. I looked (using a magnifying class) at the bottom of the phone and clearly see a crack in the connector.
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Hmm my connector does look a little bent. However it would of had to be like this before, and it was charging until I let my battery get to 5% :-/
I had a similar problem with my Kaiser a couple of weeks ago - it started to crawl and a soft reset took over 15 minutes to come back up to a working state, after which the battery wouldn't charge. It definitely wasn't the charger at fault as that still works on my TyTN. Phone was about 3 months old, so called Vodafone UK who seemed to think it was software related and so provided next day swap out. Old battery works in the new handset so never did get to find out if it was hardware or software that caused it to die.
Here's what probabally happened... you meant to stick you stylus in the reset hole and accidently put it in the usb hole... thus bending your charging port. I did it and when I plugged it into my car it would actually discharge the battery.. but when I plugged it into an outlet it just wouldn't charge.. if I were you I'd go see if it charges in a car
I appear to have a similar issue when charging from PC usb, and have identified that if I put pressure up or down on the charger it will charge the kaiser. But if plug in the charger without applying directional force it will not charge. Currently i have a small weight resting on the mini USB chargin input.
So obviously something up with the connector. But I haven't jammed anything up the usb port to my knowledge. Are these ports really that flimsy?
Tilt owners: If charge mechanism breaks, is ATT cool?
Oh no, now I can't charge or sync my Tilt.
My power is slowly running out.
What do I do? This is covered by manufacturers warranty in a year, is
ATT going to take my Tilt back and give me a new one?
I need my phone to be working and working well.
axonn said:
Maybe charging from the computer wasn't such a good idea. I recommend changing the battery and the charger and always be a nice boy and charge from the outlet ::- ).
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Charging from the computer should be better than the wall, given that the USB ports on the computer have a 5.5v output, while wall chargers have 5v.

Will not charger of wall charger.

My 18 month old Tytn is not longer charger via the wall chager or car charge. But strangely it will charge is connected to the PC. I have tried a few different wall chargers including the original one and also test the wall charger on other charge by USB plug devices.
I have done a hard reset and also re-installed the stock rom.
Any other idea's ?
Same strange thing happens to me since 2 weeks.
No Charge with power adapter, tried different modells.
No Charge in car
But Charge via USB from PC . And Activesync works...
Any Idea would be very helpful.
tytn2user said:
My 18 month old Tytn is not longer charger via the wall chager or car charge. But strangely it will charge is connected to the PC. I have tried a few different wall chargers including the original one and also test the wall charger on other charge by USB plug devices.
I have done a hard reset and also re-installed the stock rom.
Any other idea's ?
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Same here, no fix, just dealing with it, hoping the charge by usb doesn't crap out.
A few months ago I receive a wallcharger from a friend who had a HTC TOUCH, as I inspected the voltage on my original TYTN II charger and the touch charger I figured out the touch charger would do the job, so I plugged in and for a brief moment the amber light go on, but almost inmediately it went of, so I guess it would not work with my phone.
But I rechecked the voltage and got me thinking what could be wrong, and after messing around a little bit with the charger and the usb plug I found out that for some reason if I plug the usb jack all the way down it doesn't make contact with the phone usb, so I have to plug it half way to make it contact and charge the phone.
Maybe that would be your case.
Good Luck.
in my situation the yellow loading light of the TytnII is even switching on when I connect the power charger . But even after being yellow=loading for a full night .
No Change in battery status
My Tilt had a loose Mini-USB connector thing.
OK. After reading people having the same problem I decided to pull mine down and take a look. Expecting to find a blown SM fuse on the circuit board. To my surprise I did not find any SM fuses in that area of the USB plug. While I had it apart I noticed some damage to the USB socket, viewable from the outside without having to pull it apart . I re-assembled the unit and VERY VERY carefully tweaked the damaged pin (pin 1 in my case) with the tiniest sewing needle I could find in the sewing kit. I bent the gold color wire back into a position matching the other 4 and pulled it into a wall charger and it started charging. So the problem in my case was a damaged pin 1 in the USB plug visible from the outside.
Charging is done by the two outside pins.
For the pinouts check out http://pinouts.ru/Slots/USB_pinout.shtml Picture on the left hand side of the screen called MINI is the same as looking at the plug on the tytn from the outside.
While looking at the plug with a magnifier I could clearly see that pin 1 was collapsed into the plastic center part and would not be making contact with the USB charger when inserted.
I will need to take more care when inserting a USB plug from now on and reduce the amount of time I used the plug. I have been geocaching with my TytnII the last few weeks and it has resulted in a lot of plugging in each time when returning to the car. This practice will have to stop for me if I want to get more millage out of my tytnII.

Charging while navigating

What's the deal with the battery on this phone. It takes several hours (3-4) to go from (near) 0 to 100% charge, with USB.
And, when using navigation on the phone, with a car charger plugged in, the phone still loses a little bit of charge. All other phones I had, they would charge somewhat slowly with the GPS on (since GPS is using draining a lot), and never seen one that loses charge even while connected.
I have tried 2 different car chargers, both aftermarket though. Do you see the same?
hkk said:
What's the deal with the battery on this phone. It takes several hours (3-4) to go from (near) 0 to 100% charge, with USB.
And, when using navigation on the phone, with a car charger plugged in, the phone still loses a little bit of charge. All other phones I had, they would charge somewhat slowly with the GPS on (since GPS is using draining a lot), and never seen one that loses charge even while connected.
I have tried 2 different car chargers, both aftermarket though. Do you see the same?
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Most of the car chargers only deliver 500mAh - when your phone is plugged in, go to settings-> about phone and see if it says AC or USB charging. You also need a car charger that is rated at more then 500 mA.
But even with a charger rated at more then 500mA - the phone still thinks it is plugged into USB. I got around this by modifying a USB cable - I connected the data lines together on the micro usb end and the phone thinks it has AC power and charging keeps up with GPS.
BTW I am using a 2 port car charger (2 1Amp USB ports) Griffin I think, but i tested with many others, and after other internet searching realized the wall charger shorts the data wires and we can mimic this on a car charger.
Thanks for the reply.
Can you give more details on how to connect the data lines together? And, no issues doing that?
hkk said:
Thanks for the reply.
Can you give more details on how to connect the data lines together? And, no issues doing that?
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No issues for me. First - use a decent USB cable. Also, see this thread for more info... one of my posts is page 2. Page one shows you an easier hack for testing - no cutting required.
I took a USB cable and did all my work on the micro end - where the connector for the phone is. I stripped back some of the outer insulation, so i could work on the inner wires. I didn't cut the whole end off. The two wires that are not red and black are the data wires. I cut them, stripped them, and soldered them together. These 2 wires are from the micro plug end, so i created a loop back or connection of the 2 data wires at the plug end.
V+ Red wire -------------------------------USB Plug @ Car Charger
D+ ----------------| connect
D- ----------------| these 2 wires
V- Black wire ------------------------------ USB Plug

