HACKED - Off-topic

Everything was hacked!
All my passwords were changed and I am being held at ransom!
he wants 250,000 euro
for all my info
F%#*& You!
I got some passwords and **** back but I AM PISSED!
He stole money from my paypal over the weekend... $687.83 which i am getting back through paypal
Im supposed to call the FBI number the cops gave me... but I want to meet this guy in person.. he better hope to God he doesnt ever see me!
Just a heads up on me right now.... been going through a lot of **** right now!

I just went and changed my paypal password to protect the donors. And remember, most of the time when people hack your accounts they dont figure out the password, they answer the security questions correctly.

Yeah watch what you put up on any of your online profiles, not too much personal information, like your dogs name, or favorite color.

dude that blows, but like brandenk said, they usually get the security quesion right so i would suggest changing all of those too. i'm a security freak and i use keyscrambler to encrypt my keystrokes so phishing scams and fake pages can't get my info. hope your day get's better man

damn your life just got hacked. Wish you good luck bro

Is there a way of tracing his communications with you? If you can, you may be able to take some legal action bro... Check out some internet forensics on the matter. I work at a Law Firm, so I'll check out some of their tools for this.
That's sooooooo not cool... People die for stuff like that man.

Very bad situation
Wish you patience and for sure hackers will pay
Good luck and good vibes to you mate

Thanks all,
Sorry bout the post in the wrong section but I had to release my frustrations fast before I exploded
I think I got it all taken care of through paypal, my bank, and google.
I lost some data but i dont think its anything he can really use against me or even if he saved it before I deleted everything...lol
Seems like a newb job after I think about it...
I was kinda like... " hows this fool gonna hold me for ransom with useless info that I went in and deleted myself once i got my mail back... lol"
I dont have anything anyways and my credit is shot... Good Luck...lol
I have his info now... how you gonna hold ransom with payment through paypal and get away with it anyway? lol

That sucks bro glad you got it all fixed.

LOL...def a noob job...I hope he pays for it.
I had someone try to steal my information once. I fell for a weak phishing scam like 6 years ago through AIM...luckily my aim pass was not any of my other passes.
Ummm, if anyone knows how to get aim S/Ns back hit me up...please...I have a lot of old college contacts that are now gone.

bummer...glad you got your stuff back from the noob hack!

Randum that sucks! you have any idea how he got all your info? Anything to do with the G1 you think?

Even now that it's all resolved you should call the FBI.
The F**** should pay for what he has done!

paypal number generator thingy, verifies identity
a few months back I got an email from paypal and they offered me one of those encryption key fobs , lotsa people have them for work nets etc, after I give my login and password then the # key the fob gives me , if I dont have my key there is a phone #(my cell) that paypal will call me at and a computer reads me my number so I can log on when im not home or just dont have the fob, I keep the thing velcro'd to my desk...
ask paypal, it was free and adds a pretty darn good security layer to paypal and fleabay also they both use it everytime i login.
RandumAccess said:
Everything was hacked!
All my passwords were changed and I am being held at ransom!
he wants 250,000 euro
for all my info
F%#*& You!
I got some passwords and **** back but I AM PISSED!
He stole money from my paypal over the weekend... $687.83 which i am getting back through paypal
Im supposed to call the FBI number the cops gave me... but I want to meet this guy in person.. he better hope to God he doesnt ever see me!
Just a heads up on me right now.... been going through a lot of **** right now!
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IMEI Spoofing

Well any of you gurus of the cell phone know how to go about this?''
You're unlikely to get any help on this, since the number one reason to change an IMEI is to get around a network block on a stolen phone. Most of the people here paid a lot of good money for their phones, and don't want to give any assistance to thieves (whether you are one or not makes no difference, any information posted here could easily help or encourage others to steal and crack these phones).
Changing IMEI's is illegal in many countries anyway, so there's a good chance you'd be committing a crime just by doing it, even if the phone is yours.
IMEI changing is going to get you sore!
EDIT: Oh and search, this has been discussed to death on here before.
superchargedrs said:
Well any of you gurus of the cell phone know how to go about this?''
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Oh, its really easy. Just take your phone to your local police station. They will provide you with the further instructions. HTH.
I vote this thread be closed!
kimtyson said:
I vote this thread be closed!
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and stop stalking me, My Subscriptions is full of post's last updated by you lol.
Dave- LOL! I guess you and I are the only ones with time on our hands. Sorry for stalking. Take care.
kimtyson said:
Dave- LOL! I guess you and I are the only ones with time on our hands. Sorry for stalking. Take care.
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Im stuck doing a boring risk analysis (I'm a Software Developer, normally) at work. Every 5 minutes I get distracted and end up on here.
The good news is that we have successfully hijacked this potentially illegal thread.
ok first we need to debunk a few things. One if some crackhead stole a phone they wouldnt go through all this trouble to sell a phone when they could just sell it on the street or craigs list for that matter. On top of that this is my phone I dont need to steal a few hundrad dollar phone.
Two as far as it being a crime I know that my local law enforcemnt A probablr doesnt even know what a imei is nor do they care as they have enough real crimes and speeding tickets to write, this reminds me of cutting that tag off a matress.
Three I did do a search with allot of this bs on the black helicopters are going to get you crap, but the threads had little usefull data...people how is this diffrent from spoofing a mac or breaking the sim lock lol reach down grab your balls and wake up!
Now I doubt I would go through much trouble to bother with this (I havent even loaded a new rom), so could someone amuse me with this?
why do you want to do this?
i only ask in reason of morbid curiosity...
superchargedrs said:
ok first we need to debunk a few things. One if some crackhead stole a phone they wouldnt go through all this trouble to sell a phone when they could just sell it on the street or craigs list for that matter. On top of that this is my phone I dont need to steal a few hundrad dollar phone.
Two as far as it being a crime I know that my local law enforcemnt A probablr doesnt even know what a imei is nor do they care as they have enough real crimes and speeding tickets to write, this reminds me of cutting that tag off a matress.
Three I did do a search with allot of this bs on the black helicopters are going to get you crap, but the threads had little usefull data...people how is this diffrent from spoofing a mac or breaking the sim lock lol reach down grab your balls and wake up!
Now I doubt I would go through much trouble to bother with this (I havent even loaded a new rom), so could someone amuse me with this?
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I think the problem is that if xda devs provides information on how to change the imei they could be held accountable. Todays curent climate of terrorism bs that the security services make up to justify thier own existance means if you change ur imei they can slam you with some trumped up charge (or atleast in this country).
People who change thier imei have something to hide, or so they say. Sim unlocking isnt classed as that bad, and for mac spoofing I cant comment.
There was a thread somewhere discussing theory, but I havent seen it in a while. I cant post a link cos im on opera mini. There was some good info in the link i posted by vijay.
Another though, think of it as changing your VIN number on your car, why would you ever want to do such a thing.
Also, I have re-read the vijay post now, and theres a link to a site where you can get more info. Please read V's advice, don't get us into trouble and be nice to each other .
PS sorry for going off topic.
superchargedrs said:
ok first we need to debunk a few things. One if some crackhead stole a phone they wouldnt go through all this trouble to sell a phone when they could just sell it on the street or craigs list for that matter. On top of that this is my phone I dont need to steal a few hundrad dollar phone.
Two as far as it being a crime I know that my local law enforcemnt A probablr doesnt even know what a imei is nor do they care as they have enough real crimes and speeding tickets to write, this reminds me of cutting that tag off a matress.
Three I did do a search with allot of this bs on the black helicopters are going to get you crap, but the threads had little usefull data...people how is this diffrent from spoofing a mac or breaking the sim lock lol reach down grab your balls and wake up!
Now I doubt I would go through much trouble to bother with this (I havent even loaded a new rom), so could someone amuse me with this?
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oh well that makes it all better after you point it out like that.
Maybe we should tell him.
superchargedrs said:
ok first we need to debunk a few things. One if some crackhead stole a phone they wouldnt go through all this trouble to sell a phone when they could just sell it on the street or craigs list for that matter. On top of that this is my phone I dont need to steal a few hundrad dollar phone.
Two as far as it being a crime I know that my local law enforcemnt A probablr doesnt even know what a imei is nor do they care as they have enough real crimes and speeding tickets to write, this reminds me of cutting that tag off a matress.
Three I did do a search with allot of this bs on the black helicopters are going to get you crap, but the threads had little usefull data...people how is this diffrent from spoofing a mac or breaking the sim lock lol reach down grab your balls and wake up!
Now I doubt I would go through much trouble to bother with this (I havent even loaded a new rom), so could someone amuse me with this?
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Go grab your own balls, FFS. You think we should "amuse" you with information that makes these phones more stealable, more re-sellable, more targetted by crims? Forget that. If the information is already out there somewhere, you get off your arse and go find it. If it isn't, good.
I love it when people hoard information, being the king of there own little hill. Well I will find what I am looking for later I guess (like I said I am in no rush), I just like knowing what your not sposed to know...ya know lol
As far as stealbility (sp?), you guys DO REALIZE that the people that steal phones and stuff of that ilk don't think that far ahead...right??? If they cant sell the phone the probably just through it out, though in the end of the day its is the same for the guy that gets his phone stolen.
What????????????????? Was that english?
here's the truth:: no one here knows how. but instead of just saying so, they love gettin on
a high horse and spittin out morals..
especially when they dont know what they are talking about.
they will keep extra change from a cashier or an ipod found in a gym, but thats different isnt it?
just sheep here..
some do work hard to provide roms etc..
if you want really out of the ordinary things, you will find few here..
some are groundbreaking, like chainfire and others. if anyone knows where to find info, its them.
superchargedrs said:
I love it when people hoard information, being the king of there own little hill.
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yes i quite like it up here with my encylopedias thanks
no-one on here will know anything about IMEI spoofing or changing, and tbh no-one here with any self respect wants to know. they are (for the most part) happy with their phones/devices and have no need/want to fool around with something so blatantly illegal.
the only people that will want to know are scum-of-the-earth crims.
enough said, i join the vote to close/delete this thread.
amkaos said:
here's the truth:: no one here knows how. but instead of just saying so, they love gettin on
a high horse and spittin out morals..
especially when they dont know what they are talking about.
they will keep extra change from a cashier or an ipod found in a gym, but thats different isnt it?
just sheep here..
some do work hard to provide roms etc..
if you want really out of the ordinary things, you will find few here..
some are groundbreaking, like chainfire and others. if anyone knows where to find info, its them.
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Thank you so much for being the official spokesperson for the board.
I agree with quasi_mojo. Close this stupid thread.

Need some opinions on this Drama im going through

About 3 months ago a friend of mine asked me to join a biggest loser group on Facebook. I needed to lose about 30lbs so I joined up.
The entry fee was due during the middle of October, a couple weeks after the contest started. The due day came I didn't pay and I figured they dropped me. So I stopped giving my weekly updates.
Well this week the contest ended, and I got a nasty message that I still owed the entry fee and 2 months worth of fees for not reporting my weight. They wanted to pay the winner and they were short my entry fee.
I sent a message back that ill pay my part, but since its a week before Christmas im short on cash and it will have to wait till Friday. Well that wasn't good enough, they needed it that day. I told them sorry I couldn't.
So instead of just dropping me and taking me out of the equation. They just dug into their own pockets to pay the winner my part. And they are still continuing to hound me about the money.
Was it too much for me to ask to pay that Friday. It wasn't my choice they paid the winner my part.
If I was running this thing, and I had someone who didn't pay by the due date. I would have removed him from the equation and ended it right there. Not try to collect a bunch of money a couple months later.
Tooleman694 said:
About 3 months ago a friend of mine asked me to join a biggest loser group on Facebook. I needed to lose about 30lbs so I joined up.
The entry fee was due during the middle of October, a couple weeks after the contest started. The due day came I didn't pay and I figured they dropped me. So I stopped giving my weekly updates.
Well this week the contest ended, and I got a nasty message that I still owed the entry fee and 2 months worth of fees for not reporting my weight. They wanted to pay the winner and they were short my entry fee.
I sent a message back that ill pay my part, but since its a week before Christmas im short on cash and it will have to wait till Friday. Well that wasn't good enough, they needed it that day. I told them sorry I couldn't.
So instead of just dropping me and taking me out of the equation. They just dug into their own pockets to pay the winner my part. And they are still continuing to hound me about the money.
Was it too much for me to ask to pay that Friday. It wasn't my choice they paid the winner my part.
If I was running this thing, and I had someone who didn't pay by the due date. I would have removed him from the equation and ended it right there. Not try to collect a bunch of money a couple months later.
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Okay, I am the Drama Llama and all so this is my thing .
I'm going through something similar, except its eBay fees and its a lot more money lol... But anyway, If you weren't paying anymore, why didn't you just tell them you were gonna drop out
Figured they had a brain and would figure it out..
Guy didnt pay fee and isnt reporting weight.. obviously he is not in the contest..
Actually with corporations it's much different.
He stopped paying us, but lets keep him in so at the end we can slam him with a huge fee and send our friends at the collection agency to his house.
jaszek said:
Actually with corporations it's much different.
He stopped paying us, but lets keep him in so at the end we can slam him with a huge fee and send our friends at the collection agency to his house.
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Yea, what he said!
Tooleman694 said:
Figured they had a brain and would figure it out..
Guy didnt pay fee and isnt reporting weight.. obviously he is not in the contest..
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Nobody on the intarwebs has a brain or knows how to use one correctly while online.
But the dood should have posted on the FB stating he was dropping out of the contest to go back to eating Ho-ho's and have been done with it.
Yea, I'm going to have to agree with the general consensus. When it comes to money, more specifically, being paid money, it is advantageous to just assume that you are still in the program that way the "organization" can still get paid and claim ignorance.
Sent from my shoe, I mean....Epic shoe... I mean Samsung Epic! http://mobilehighway.blogspot.com/
wow is all i can say. as an attorney, thats absolute bull****!!!!!!
some people really become so embroiled in facebook, it takes over their whole life. has anyone seen Idiocracy?
if you didnt sign anything -- and a facebook post will never hold up in court -- then my friend, you just walk away. no harm. i hope you learned your lesson for getting involved in such a soapy facebookish thing in the first place. I mean --I could very well be 1000 pounds and lie and post weekly updates about "feeling so good, so thin so sexy my pants fit me now!" and collect the winners money all while hiding behind facebook and drinking bacon grease and sucking crisco through a coffee stirrer straw all the while.
i wouldnt worry about those douchebags but i understand they are probably your friends... so thats where facebook really gets irritating.
now... ask yourself this question -- are these your true friends? Would your true friends betray you like this? I mean facebook?! because this is in facebook you did not betray anyone... you betrayed yourself by agreeing to be part of such a joke, but thats OK, i betray myself everyday lol. Its one thing to go to an eating disorder group and get involved in a group effort, but facebook... come on!
friends dont do that to friends. Besides... guess what the fat ass "loser" is doing with his/her winnings? 80% sure its going right into cheese, chips, bacon grease and crisco.
androidcues said:
wow is all i can say. as an attorney, thats absolute bull****!!!!!!
some people really become so embroiled in facebook, it takes over their whole life. has anyone seen Idiocracy?
if you didnt sign anything -- and a facebook post will never hold up in court -- then my friend, you just walk away. no harm. i hope you learned your lesson for getting involved in such a soapy facebookish thing in the first place. I mean --I could very well be 1000 pounds and lie and post weekly updates about "feeling so good, so thin so sexy my pants fit me now!" and collect the winners money all while hiding behind facebook and drinking bacon grease and sucking crisco through a coffee stirrer straw all the while.
i wouldnt worry about those douchebags but i understand they are probably your friends... so thats where facebook really gets irritating.
now... ask yourself this question -- are these your true friends? Would your true friends betray you like this? I mean facebook?! because this is in facebook you did not betray anyone... you betrayed yourself by agreeing to be part of such a joke, but thats OK, i betray myself everyday lol. Its one thing to go to an eating disorder group and get involved in a group effort, but facebook... come on!
friends dont do that to friends. Besides... guess what the fat ass "loser" is doing with his/her winnings? 80% sure its going right into cheese, chips, bacon grease and crisco.
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Thank God we have an expert!
Lesson to be learned here; delete your Facebook accounts.
Oh I'm no expert here but the best thing I've ever done other than root my phone is..delete facebook...I hate it with gusto!
Tooleman694, I am so sorry to hear about what happened. That is totally unfair and I feel your pain man. You get into a group to try to drop some weight and some guys try to rob you after you drop out? That hurts. Short on some cash near Christmas? That hurts.
Actually, I don't feel your pain at all, because what actually happened was you signed up and then decided not to pay any fee because you were getting your ass kicked in the competition and didn't want to cough up any more money. Sounds to me like you're a gigantic TOOL. Oh wait, your name already makes that very clear.
The best part about all of this? If I hadn't taken your money while you were too busy trash talking (and losing), maybe you would have some money to pay that fee. Or buy some better gifts. Or both.
JccFOR3 said:
Tooleman694, I am so sorry to hear about what happened. That is totally unfair and I feel your pain man. You get into a group to try to drop some weight and some guys try to rob you after you drop out? That hurts. Short on some cash near Christmas? That hurts.
Actually, I don't feel your pain at all, because what actually happened was you signed up and then decided not to pay any fee because you were getting your ass kicked in the competition and didn't want to cough up any more money. Sounds to me like you're a gigantic TOOL. Oh wait, your name already makes that very clear.
The best part about all of this? If I hadn't taken your money while you were too busy trash talking (and losing), maybe you would have some money to pay that fee. Or buy some better gifts. Or both.
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At the OP... This is why some things are best kept of the interwebs
The people their about will alwys find them.....
But tbf Jccfor seems like an arse (No offence )
money ? competition ? facebook ? man u best be joking , let the suckers hang dry , if they cocky (and stupid) like that they dont deserve a penny
Events and causes on facebook are like bowel movements full of crap.
Keep your money and never join crappy facebook crap again. Defriend and unlike if neccessary, and try to block the fools who are harrassing you. Also NEVER put personal information on facebook that would allow someone to ID or find you in real life. My facebook profile is made up completely.
Also as the lawyer said you dont owe them anything. If it getys worse or you get sick of it to the police and say you are being harrassed online. Save all emails and posts.
hungry81 said:
Events and causes on facebook are like bowel movements full of crap.
Keep your money and never join crappy facebook crap again. Defriend and unlike if neccessary, and try to block the fools who are harrassing you. Also NEVER put personal information on facebook that would allow someone to ID or find you in real life. My facebook profile is made up completely.
Also as the lawyer said you dont owe them anything. If it getys worse or you get sick of it to the police and say you are being harrassed online. Save all emails and posts.
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so how do ur friends find ya , if its made up
tell them they did a great thing by paying the winner out of there pocket and congratulate them. thats what id do haha.
souljaboy said:
so how do ur friends find ya , if its made up
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I only tell the ones I want to find me how to find me
Why would you pay for help to lose weight?! If you really wanted to lose weight, you'd use your common sense and think to yourself that you need to burn more calories then you intake. Simples. Anyway, there are more helpful, free sources of help. Well xda is one for mobile phones. Vommon sense again, you'd think that searching a body building forum would be another.
Wow epic failure at common sense
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
!PANDA said:
Why would you pay for help to lose weight?! If you really wanted to lose weight, you'd use your common sense and think to yourself that you need to burn more calories then you intake. Simples. Anyway, there are more helpful, free sources of help. Well xda is one for mobile phones. Vommon sense again, you'd think that searching a body building forum would be another.
Wow epic failure at common sense
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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:sizzle: Panda BURN!!!!
If you didn't sign a legally binding contract, you don't owe them anything.
!PANDA said:
Why would you pay for help to lose weight?! If you really wanted to lose weight, you'd use your common sense and think to yourself that you need to burn more calories then you intake. Simples. Anyway, there are more helpful, free sources of help. Well xda is one for mobile phones. Vommon sense again, you'd think that searching a body building forum would be another.
Wow epic failure at common sense
Sent from my HTC Desire using XDA App
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I believe the idea is that whoever loses the most wins or something like that, the point is winning the loot is an incentive to lose weight... unless I'm missing something.

I did a stupid thing....

So this has absolutely nothing to do with Android or anything...
So me and my wife have been together since freshman year in high school we are now 27.. have a 7 year old and a 1 month old. I love her.. and would never cheat on her..
A week or so ago I got a message from a cute chick on facebook saying she wanted to be my friend. I asked her why she said because she thought i looked cute in my pictures. I told her she wasn't so bad looking and we had a kind of flirty conversation. I did however tell her about my wife and kids and we talked about things like where we live and what not.. noting more than a PG conversation..
So i left my FB page up and my wife snooped and read my messages.. she is now crying..
I do feel bad that she got her feelings hurt, but i don't really feel like i did anything wrong..
Let me know what you guys think about my mess i made... just curious about outside opinions..
Well, just tell her it was a mistake.
You were stupid and just liked the attention. It wasn't like you intended to cheat on her.
Think about how you would feel if you seen her doing that to you.
Nothing will gain you're trust back from her but time...
The above is very good advice.
This seems like a weird place to ask such a question, but what the hell, I'll give it a shot too.
Tell her you love her very much and that you would never, ever cheat on her. You have to be absolutely sincere about this and make yourself believe it even if you actually did think about cheating. Any doubt that you show she will pick up on now.
PS: I've never understood why everyone loves Facebook. I hate that ****.
shawayne21 said:
Well, just tell her it was a mistake.
You were stupid and just liked the attention. It wasn't like you intended to cheat on her.
Think about how you would feel if you seen her doing that to you.
Nothing will gain you're trust back from her but time...
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Thanks. Good advice
Haints said:
The above is very good advice.
This seems like a weird place to ask such a question, but what the hell, I'll give it a shot too.
Tell her you love her very much and that you would never, ever cheat on her. You have to be absolutely sincere about this and make yourself believe it even if you actually did think about cheating. Any doubt that you show she will pick up on now.
PS: Facebook sucks.
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I am sincere. I had no intentions of cheating..
LOL and i know but I am here alot you guys are like family and it seemed like a good place to get non objective view..
Its reasons like that me and my wife share a FB account. Full freaking transparency! Just tell her you got caught up for a minute because we all like to be flattered once in a while. I'm sure she has flirted at some point behind your back.
In times of great personal conflict and inner-turmoil with the ones I love, I also think of turning to an cell-phone internet message board of complete strangers for advice.
badaphooko01 said:
Its reasons like that me and my wife share a FB account. Full freaking transparency! Just tell her you got caught up for a minute because we all like to be flattered once in a while. I'm sure she has flirted at some point behind your back.
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+1 to this. My wife and I share one too and have the privacy set high. We orignally got it to "spy" on people but have since put some stuff on there. Agree also with the "everyone wants to feel special" once in awhile aspect too. I can garauntee that if you try hard enough, you can find some instance that she has flirted too, but why would you want to do that b/c you'll just end up over analyzing everything. Just say you are sorry.
Side story:
A long time ago (15+) before FB, G+ ot twitter, I used to work nights in college. I got home late one night and my girlfriend at the time was asleep. The phone rang and I used to have this habit of screwing with tele-marketers to hopefully piss them off enough to drop my number.
This time it was just a wrong number, but there was a shy, what sounded like a cute voice on the other line that apologized for calling the wrong number. Before she got off the phone, I asked her what she was wearing and messed with her a little bit, then hung up. Told my girlfriend in the morning about it and we laughed (full disclosure-sorry I'm honest like that).
Anyways this girl called back the next night too and this time my girlfriend was up and we totally messed with this girls head and got her to agree to meet for a 3-way (only problem was she didn't know my GF was on the phone so it was going to be with her and her boyfriend-I don't do two swords if you know what I mean).
Long story short, we completely messed with this girl and my phone company at the time had this feature that if right after you got an annoying call you could hit *57 and if you did it to the same number 3 times in one month, it got their phone shut off for a month for harassing.
If you can't or won't follow though woth something, don't chat with someone you don't know. For all you know, it could have been me on the other side of the Facebook message.
PJcastaldo said:
Thanks. Good advice
I am sincere. I had no intentions of cheating..
LOL and i know but I am here alot you guys are like family and it seemed like a good place to get non objective view..
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Yeah man, what you SHOULD do now, dont know if youre willing to do so, but you should just give her your facebook password. If you know youre not going to do anything like that again, she should be able to have it.
It will get a LOADDD off her shoulders knowing she doesnt have to sneak up on you, but rather look for herself at any time.
Hope everything goes well for you man. Just give it time.
hope everything is working out.
Im just a couple yrs older than you and have have been married about the same time, have 1 child also; so I can understand how this would be a really emotional situation for her and then you.
others gave good advice. be honest w her. tell her it was a mistake. let her look through all your other FB, email, ect... messages to prove to her that this was a one time semi-inocent situation.
even though you did nothing wrong, and maybe you did not, but put yourself in her situation. if you found that on her FB, you would probably be pretty pissed too (at least I would be).
so let her look at everything, give her your passwords, what ever you need to show her that this was a one time incident, that it was nothing more then casual chatting, but you understand that she is upset and you see how it looks now, you would be too in her situation, and that you wont do it again.
good luck
Online cheating is cheating.
I have a different opinion.
I think you should have never added her and never had any type of conversation with her. There is no reason a married man with children should be adding random females to his Facebook.
Secondly, you said you had no intention of cheating, but what about online cheating? What if she had asked you to get on Skype so she could give you a little show. Are you telling me you wouldn't go and watch and maybe join on Skype yourself?
That is my opinion. We live in a new world, and online relationships are a form of cheating in my opinion. You wouldn't sit with this girl at a coffee shop and chit chat, you shouldn't online either.
That's why I'm getting married till I'm like late 20's/early 30's
Hope it works out mate!
Sent from my T959 using xda premium
PJcastaldo said:
So this has absolutely nothing to do with Android or anything...
So me and my wife have been together since freshman year in high school we are now 27.. have a 7 year old and a 1 month old. I love her.. and would never cheat on her..
A week or so ago I got a message from a cute chick on facebook saying she wanted to be my friend. I asked her why she said because she thought i looked cute in my pictures. I told her she wasn't so bad looking and we had a kind of flirty conversation. I did however tell her about my wife and kids and we talked about things like where we live and what not.. noting more than a PG conversation..
So i left my FB page up and my wife snooped and read my messages.. she is now crying..
I do feel bad that she got her feelings hurt, but i don't really feel like i did anything wrong..
Let me know what you guys think about my mess i made... just curious about outside opinions..
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Tell her you love her AND that you were A COMPETE DUMBASS for having a meaningless, stupid convo. Then be good and don't do this AGAIN!
Sent from my HTC Sensation 4G using Tapatalk
One day I was at my girlfriend's house, her hot sister came to me and asked if I would like to sleep with her. I was shocked, and, as fast as I could, ran out of the house to my car. To my surprise my girlfriend was outside leaning against the car. She then said, "I knew I could trust you! ", then gave me a hug and told me she loved me.
Moral of the story?
Always keep your condoms in your car.
Wow, what a mess you've gotten yourself into.
If you haven't already, I think you need to first know and understand why your wife is upset.
After years of marriage, she certainly knows you as a person. If you're the type of person who doesn't cheat, she probably knows it. So it's not really a matter of "cheating".
It's a matter of loyalty and sense of security.
It's inevitable that people change over time. They're older, wiser, have different perspectives, etc. But the one thing that doesn't (ie, shouldn't) change is your commitment to your spouse.
when people first started dating, they think they're the perfect match for each other. After years of marriage you might:
-pack on some extra weight
-lose some hair
-no longer buy flowers for your wife
-no longer put up the toilet seat
-have different political views
-discover both of you have different tastes in music
But, damn it, she knows that at least she can confidently say "After all this time, my husband still loves me."
And if she has a bad day at work or if she just needs a hug, you're there for her. No matter what, you're suppose to have her back. You're her pillar to lean on. She might not need your support all the time, but she knows that if she does, you're there all the time, rock solid.
That "pillar" is what you've compromised here.
So when trying to make amends, don't focus on the FB chat. That's not the real issue at hand. Do what you need to do to let her know that you're still there for her.
plz forgive him, it's nothing, he's a loving husband if he's asking such a small thing here, that means he loves you alot.
Sent from my X8 using Tapatalk
DevStaffAndroid said:
Sent from my X8 using Tapatalk
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now THATS a helpful answer xD
Sent from my GT-S5570 using XDA App
Me and my GF had a three day fight cause I never changed my Facebook profile from "single" to "in a relationship", and she thinks she had it bad. Of cpurse her drama queen sister conviced her it was so i can cheat. I only log in once or twice a month and never thought to change it.
OP you guys should just delete all your Facebook profiles, its more trouble than it's worth, like the situation you got into.
Facebook is nothing but a gathering for information and statistics anyway.
Simply don't post stuff at all

You guys have that sometime you forget very important things?

You guys sometime forget very important things although you prepared it all very good, but at the last moment you still forget it.
Today it happened with me, I sent mine passport away for an visa application, but after I got home I see that I forget to put the required flight ticket with it.
After that I read suddenly that the travel plan is still needed, first I though it was not needed any more from 22-03-2012, but just now I read that it is not needed any more from 22-03-2013.
So now I'm confused, did I read it wrong or did they first put on that page 22-03-2012? Well I send two mails with the missing documents, I hope they don't charge me administration costs for those 4 A4 prints they need to make for me now.
CRAP! You just reminded me of something! Sorry about your problem but I got to go! Literally!
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
I have no idea what op is saying
icenight89 said:
I have no idea what op is saying
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Actually... I don't either lol the last two paragraphs lose me! I can't stay focused
Sent from my LG-P999 using xda premium
icenight89 said:
I have no idea what op is saying
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I guess you never need apply for an visa which requires you to put many documents with the application.
That's where I'm talking about, I forget to put two important documents and I already e-mailed the documents to that company, but I got no response back. I could be they just print it and add and that it, but I would like an response.
I'm now like tracking the package I send to them and I will call later again if I see they got it. As they must see the mistake them self to, they must control it on mistakes.
ohhh, u made a mistake applying for your visa, gotcha. Can't say I feel ur pain bro, im Canadian. Hope it works out for u thou
The annoying thing is, normally she answers the mail kinda fast, but I haven't got an reply on mine mail anymore since 22-03-2012.
I guess they are busy? May is probably a month many people will apply for a visa. Oh well I just keep tracking the package and if they wanna charge me € 15 administration costs for printing 4A papers then I will send an mail that I found a company who does the visa application cheaper.
But I don't think they send it to the ambassade whichout checking everything. I'm just human so I can make mistakes to.
Everything will come alright the company mailed.

i kinda need a lil advice

i have been the victim of shenanigans and Its probably sad that i have found xda to be more of a community then the one i live in and opperate everyday. i know that i need some kind of assistance putting together a timeline od the shenanigans my computer was used for while being away i know if i do not figure out exactly how to show everything in a compelling and unarguable way I'm going to (God Forbid) held liable for stuff that i literally could not of possibly done or I am going to have to pay money that i already do not have (shenanigans) to fix this . Your probably wondering why im asking on here for any kind of advice or to be pointed to someone who knows some digital forensic stuff and that is simple . some of the smartest people in the world use xda everyday. also i just have a feeling this is the first step . so i am embarrass about this and do not want to give out to much info over the web but ill explain a little and see if anyone can help me out.
thank you
1) on January 30th i left my house , computer on and left for 3 weeks.
2) i got back and noticed my computer was used by roommates during this time and they commited the worlds dumbest attempt of mass fraud amd from what i can gather 10 other crimes including but not limited to federal assistance fraud , medi-cal billing fraud , 6 other government assistance fraud ordeals and also received 100k in pandemic assistance under my name, like i said using my laptop.
3)drained all accounts and put them somehow far into the negative. im assuming through others finding out before me and flagging transactions that PayPal just took cause i never responded to there attempts to find out why i was destroying my PayPal business account
4) they did all this with my laptop and didn't even attempt to cover tracks. didn't even use an incognito browser . it shows in my history in chrome all the places they went and me and my wife passwords used .
5) right after i left they must of grabbed my laptop and went to the part of the house that has the internet they pay for . they honestly left a breadcrumb trail in the likeness that only the worlds dumbest people would. i cant get over this part
6) please do not say go to the police, they sent me to civil court saying they don't care,
7)they also cleaned out everything i owned my house is empty. they are gone .
and last but not least i sadly spent allot of my life making choices that do not allow me the ability to just call the police. i know we are all the same , but this simply is not true . if i was to call the police they would show up and tell me good , and they hope my day goes even worse. it doesn't really matter but they are really offended about the face that i beat a case in which they tried to use corrupt tactics and lies to get me in trouble for something . bad cops suck
well that's my schpiel ill check back when i can . i don't know why im doing this right now lets just hope you guys got something that can take allot of stress of my plate and allow me to be the good father and loving husband i should be

