to legalize or not to legalize? - Off-topic

I hope this is okay mods/admins, if not, please trash.
I was going to add it to apost in a thread, but thought it would make people post just to share their remarks.
and i figured since this is the off-topic area that it'd be ok.
but I got the number sent to me in a text
that's in the quote i'm about to paste in here,
you can call to vote,
or go to the website to learn more about it.
i know some smokers on this site,
so i thought i'd post for all the other US smokers.
this is kinda my point of view in the quote
as i just posted it as a bulletin on my myspace.
so please don't get offended,
it's my oppinnion,
and we're all entitled to our opinnions,
and feel free to state yours,
but please do not fight over this topic,
as i know it can be controversial at times.
thanks, and here's the quote:
to vote for the step towards legalization,
or call to vote: 9734093274
its a new jersey number.
It's bound tohappen sooner or later.
I'm for the industrial kind's legalization more so then the kind you smoke.
The industrial kind is what they used for the original constitution, rope, etc.
its usuable for like over 260,000 different genre's of products.
not 260,000 products, but genre's of products,
What I mean is, for example a sidekick is a product, a cell phone is the genre.
catch my drift, it's extremely useful.
and that's not the so called health stuff associated with it.
the industrial kind can be grown on 98% of the earth's surface.
the 2% that it cannot is at the north and south poles, but if you found dirt there,
it could grow.
it's estimated that one year cultivation/sale of the industrial kind can bring the United States completely out of debt and pay for almost all of the government bailouts. thats hundreds of trillions of dollars for out debt, and add hundred billions more for the bail outs.
that's a **** ton of money.
and that's not even the drug aspect of marijuana.
which would prolly make enough money for the rest of the government bailouts that the industrial kind couldn't pay off.
now should we american's be spending hundred of billions of dollars trying to fight marijuana each year, or should we embrace it and make money off of it?
also, fun fact, marijuana is illegal because of thc, but then why is Marinol legal even though it's synthetic THC? Gee, I wonder if it's because they can't control the growing of a natural plant....
Besides, isn't this america? here it's all about capitalism. so why shouldn't we capitalize on this product and make our country ****in ridiculously rich and then we can afford to help the nations in poverty and afford to keep everyone in america fed as well.
doesn't this just sound like such a better thing then spending billions of dollars on fighting this every year?
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American people made too much money raping Africans and forcing them to pick cotton.
Hemp could have stopped that industry before it even started and lots of Rich people would potentially not be rich now......
I wonder how many household brand companies still exist that actually rose to positions of power during those times through the use of slavery. The mind boggles.!.
History is the biggest teacher and I think it will be a long time before people can look back and unravel (without any form of biased prejudice or some sort of adjenda) the reasons behind the criminalisation of Hemp and the pushing of tobbaco - alcohol and other taxable substances that cannot be grown perfectly and easily in your garden with a minimum of fuss. In the right environment, most people could grow a banging plant with polenty of smoke potential in their own gardens.
Life is hard, but could be so much better and easier if we all grew veggies and hemp.
The lure of the city and capitalism is starting to fade now, hopefully with more education and time people will understand that its better to grow natural food and weed than get on a commute everyday and take Ritalin.
No one else makes money if you stay in your community and become self sufficient though!!
If all people wanted was - Healthy food, excercise, good sex and a bit of chiung smoke for treat. The world would be a much better place.
Sadly, its much more socially acceptable to drink 5 pints of lager and start a fight that to smoke a big one and mong out. Sadly its more acceptable to go to war with another country than to back down and make a peaceful approach to every situation.
I dont think that big industry is the answer CodyBear. In fact, money is not the answer. Money is a representation of non critical resources. What do you need to live? Food, water and shelter. What is money? Oil and stones/gold etc........? I dont actually know what resources money represents now days.....How can my £10 note represent anything when our government is in so much debt to the Fund?
(same for USA -except its in much more debt)
I seriously dont share a vision of the future where every one works in a big factory. I desperately search for a vision of the future where communities are self contained and completely self suffiecient, clean and green
Ho-hum I am not holding my breath - not until I win the euro lottery and buy my own island!!

This is waayy off-topic, This is a still a phone forum.
Legal & political discussions just stir up bad feelings. If you want to discuss this I think you'd be better in a another forum
Thread Closed


Obama - Dream Come True or Disaster?

Hi all,
I think it's fantastic that Barack Obama is President Elect of USA.
As this is an international forum I thought it would be interesting to see whether there is a difference of opinion between US Citizens, and those outside the US. I am British.
What do you think of Barack Obama's success in the election? What are your hopes, expectations, fears and concerns about for his administration?
It would be helpful for the purpose of discussion to state whether or not you are a US Citizen if it's not in your profile.
I am a U.S. citizen and I believe it's a great thing. I'm not so sure he'll be the greatest man ever to be elected to office, but I know we dodged a bullet by not electing McCain/Palin. Imagine George Bush with a Vice President that considers herself experienced in foreign relations because she lives across the Bering Straight from Siberia... What a joke.
I live in the south and I think that the old days of the racist guard are over. It's an amazing thing, and I have a gut feeling he could be a historic president outside of the black thing. I was over joyed last night and even got a little misty eyed...and this is coming from someone who is a staunch Nader supporter. It's so amazing to see my state go blue!
burgertime said:
I live in the south and I think that the old days of the racist guard are over. It's an amazing thing, and I have a gut feeling he could be a historic president outside of the black thing. I was over joyed last night and even got a little misty eyed...and this is coming from someone who is a staunch Nader supporter. It's so amazing to see my state go blue!
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Sir, I commend you and your state... From the south, you still turned up blue. It's great to see states like NC and VA (who hadn't voted Democrat in over 40 years) making the right decision. This election has renewed a bit of the faith I had lost in the American people as a whole, the ability to see beyond race and beyond the fancy credentials and realize what this nation really needs. Congratulations to all Americans, and let's just wait for the day... What is it, 01/20/2009? This was one hell of a first election for me, great way to start voting.
I'm in Italy, very far from US, and maybe i dont know anythiiii...
But from first sight, i did non trust McCain. I was more disappointed, when i saw Madame Palin.
Cannot say i trust Obama, as i dont know his politic history; but i thik he's better.
We will see in the near future.
I think the idea of this being a "historic" election is over rated, and also the most racially charged one. There is no way anybody can convince me there wasn't a large voting block that voted for Obama purely on the bases they considered him "black". It should be written in the history books the US elected a mixed race president. To label him "black" is a slap in the face of his "white" mother.
I for one am sick of the concept of "race". I reject the racial color lines and do not subscribe to any race other than the human race. There will be forever racial tension as long as we label ourselves "black" or "white". It's time we give up our whiteness or blackness, and everything in between. It creates division and doesn't promote any unity.
Having said all that, I will support the new president and wish him well. My only fear is, it doesn't matter who is president, it's our senators and congressmen that controll this country's destiny. And unfortunately they are controlled by the highest bidder.
I'm from Austria and watched the whole election night on CNN Int. and other local senders. I think its a very good first step. Obama can't do it any worse than Bush did it the past 8 years and I think he will be better than McCain too. There's a chance that the US now can fix their broken image in the world and fix their problems in the country itself. Hope it works.
One more thing: I didn't consider McCain to be a big problem as president, but I didn't like to see Palin as vicepresident. You can say what you want, but with 72 years theres a higher risk to become unfit to be president, than with 47. And in that case Palin would have been a disaster for both, the world and the US - imho.
So, my best wishes to the US citizens. I think it was the right choice.
chalid said:
I'm from Austria and watched the whole election night on CNN Int. and other local senders. I think its a very good first step. Obama can't do it any worse than Bush did it the past 8 years and I think he will be better than McCain too. There's a chance that the US now can fix their broken image in the world and fix their problems in the country itself. Hope it works.
One more thing: I didn't consider McCain to be a big problem as president, but I didn't like to see Palin as vicepresident. You can say what you want, but with 72 years theres a higher risk to become unfit to be president, than with 47. And in that case Palin would have been a disaster for both, the world and the US - imho.
So, my best wishes to the US citizens. I think it was the right choice.
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That's exactly what it comes down to... I don't think Obama is our Lord and savior, I simply think he's better for the country than another George Bush. McCain loved to say "they say I vote with George Bush 90% of the time, but I'm not George Bush." Well obviously you're not, but ****, 9 out of 10 is 9 out of 10! 10% better than the last 8 years is not good enough.
It's a disaster unless you'll be one who will enjoy the benefits of socialism. "Spreading the wealth" isn't something that helps the economy or promotes job growth. Raising taxes stifles the economy and increases dependency on government programs.
So whether it's a good thing or not is subjective to whether you make money or take money.
I have a job. His proposed tax changes will hurt me more than help me and I don't make that much money. And by "not much" I mean not much more than a full time wal-mart checkout person.
Black93300ZX said:
I simply think he's better for the country than another George Bush.
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He didn't run against George Bush. So a vote for Obama was NOT a vote against George Bush.
McHale said:
He didn't run against George Bush. So a vote for Obama was NOT a vote against George Bush.
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Did you read what else I said? You're right, McCain isn't George Bush, he's 90% of George Bush.
GWelker62 said:
I think the idea of this being a "historic" election is over rated, and also the most racially charged one. There is no way anybody can convince me there wasn't a large voting block that voted for Obama purely on the bases they considered him "black". It should be written in the history books the US elected a mixed race president. To label him "black" is a slap in the face of his "white" mother.
I for one am sick of the concept of "race". I reject the racial color lines and do not subscribe to any race other than the human race. There will be forever racial tension as long as we label ourselves "black" or "white". It's time we give up our whiteness or blackness, and everything in between. It creates division and doesn't promote any unity.
Having said all that, I will support the new president and wish him well. My only fear is, it doesn't matter who is president, it's our senators and congressmen that controll this country's destiny. And unfortunately they are controlled by the highest bidder.
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Many Republicans and Democrats vote straight ticket, this is no different then a black man voting solely on race. They are both dumb reason to vote. That being said I just can't see how anyone can say this is not historical. I agree with you on the labels thing though.
McHale said:
It's a disaster unless you'll be one who will enjoy the benefits of socialism. "Spreading the wealth" isn't something that helps the economy or promotes job growth. Raising taxes stifles the economy and increases dependency on government programs.
So whether it's a good thing or not is subjective to whether you make money or take money.
I have a job. His proposed tax changes will hurt me more than help me and I don't make that much money. And by "not much" I mean not much more than a full time wal-mart checkout person.
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You're right, we should stay in Iraq for another decade like McCain wants, spending $12 billion a month, I'm sure that'll lead to tax cuts... Oh wait, how does that math work? Oh that's right, it doesn't. Considering Obama said the only tax hikes will be for people with $250k+ salaries, I don't think your "not much better than Wal-Mart salary" will suffer as much as you think. I guess you can call me a taker, because I, along with much more than half of the planet, forget our country, agree that Obama is a much better selection. Stop listening to the McCain campaign and what daddy tells you, tax hikes for higher paid citizens is not socialism, look it up.
burgertime said:
Many Republicans and Democrats vote straight ticket, this is no different then a black man voting solely on race. They are both dumb reason to vote. That being said I just can't see how anyone can say this is not historical. I agree with you on the labels thing though.
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I don't recall many times Obama mentioned in his campaign that he was black, he didn't use it as a leverage point at all. That's why the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton failed so miserably in their political escapades, it was all about race. With Obama, he showed how he can change the nation, not with his skin color but with his intelligence and his views... McCain just brought up being held captive 5 decades ago and hoped that would pull him through.
McHale said:
"Spreading the wealth" isn't something that helps the economy
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Actually it does. The more money people have the more they can spend, which for sure will boost the economy.
Socialism. What is that exactly? Please explain
And another thing: Its true Obama didn't run against Bush, but McCain did. If there weren't the last 8 years McCain could have won this. But unfortunately for him, Bushs politics failed over and over again, which naturally strengthened all political enemies. And one of those is Barack Obama.
GWelker62 said:
I think the idea of this being a "historic" election is over rated, and also the most racially charged one. There is no way anybody can convince me there wasn't a large voting block that voted for Obama purely on the bases they considered him "black". It should be written in the history books the US elected a mixed race president. To label him "black" is a slap in the face of his "white" mother.
I for one am sick of the concept of "race". I reject the racial color lines and do not subscribe to any race other than the human race. There will be forever racial tension as long as we label ourselves "black" or "white". It's time we give up our whiteness or blackness, and everything in between. It creates division and doesn't promote any unity.
Having said all that, I will support the new president and wish him well. My only fear is, it doesn't matter who is president, it's our senators and congressmen that controll this country's destiny. And unfortunately they are controlled by the highest bidder.
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Very well said sir. I actually did not vote for either of the two more popular candidates. I agree "there will be forever racial tension as long as we label ourselves "black" or "white." Why can't we all be called Americans. Isn't that what makes American great? That no matter where you came from or what ethnicity you are, you are still an American first. Not Mexican American or African American, Asian American, Italian American, German American, etc. why not just be American.
I agree that it is important to keep and cherish historic traditions and customs. Each different ethnic group brings something good to this country and it's important to recognize that. Maybe this election will help bring this country closer together. There is no doubt some real tension is surrounding this country. I would like nothing more than Americans to come together.
I for one will give Barack Obama a fair shot. In his speech last night he said, "And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn – I may not have won your vote, but I hear your voices, I need your help, and I will be your President too."
His speech was excellent last night. He is a great orator and I am encouraged by his presence and hope that he does well. I trully do.
Black93300ZX said:
You're right, we should stay in Iraq for another decade like McCain wants, spending $12 billion a month, I'm sure that'll lead to tax cuts... Oh wait, how does that math work? Oh that's right, it doesn't. Considering Obama said the only tax hikes will be for people with $250k+ salaries, I don't think your "not much better than Wal-Mart salary" will suffer as much as you think. I guess you can call me a taker, because I, along with much more than half of the planet, forget our country, agree that Obama is a much better selection. Stop listening to the McCain campaign and what daddy tells you, tax hikes for higher paid citizens is not socialism, look it up.
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I agree with you. I never thought I would say that. We are spending way to much in Iraq and need to leave as soon as we can. I don't think that John McCain wanted to spend another decade in Iraq but that is neither here nor there now.
President Bush spent money like a Liberal. I have never seen a Republican candidate spend so much money. It's funny that Republicans run under the platform and spending but many of them as just as bad as there Liberal counterparts. I hope that Barack Obama reduces military expenditures like the one in Iraq and direct this attention to Afghanistan.
I am not however going to argue with you concerning the tax increases for people of 250k+. If he does that it will be curious to see what effect this will have on the real economy.
...but remember when you start taxing companies that will entice them to seek else where to incorporate. Which takes the jobs with them. I just hope that we can come to a middle ground because the real problem of America are not going to be settled overnight. With a clear majority in both the House and Senate the Democrats will have complete control of everything.
burgertime said:
That being said I just can't see how anyone can say this is not historical.
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I agree.... Just note I didn't say it wasn't historical, I said it was over rated.
GWelker62 said:
I agree.... Just note I didn't say it wasn't historical, I said it was over rated.
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Sorry read too fast!
McHale said:
It's a disaster unless you'll be one who will enjoy the benefits of socialism. "Spreading the wealth" isn't something that helps the economy or promotes job growth. Raising taxes stifles the economy and increases dependency on government programs.
So whether it's a good thing or not is subjective to whether you make money or take money.
I have a job. His proposed tax changes will hurt me more than help me and I don't make that much money. And by "not much" I mean not much more than a full time wal-mart checkout person.
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Do realize that 90% of current America from around 1920 on has embraced socialist ideas?
Have you been to college? This is a socialist ideal, you give tuition which is then spread throughout to help out say a sports program you have nothing to do with. In turn the money the sports program makes is then spread (usually unequally) to academics. So are you also anti college because of it's evil socialist agenda?
How about police and fireman? They are paid through taxes which "share the wealth" to those agencies. Ever notice how some wealthy small towns have over the top police departments? This is because the "wealth" is being distributed there. Are you also against fireman and police?
How about your highway and roads? Should we abolish these because the "wealth is spread around"?
You would probably answer no to all three. So actually research stuff before you start making broad over dramatic statements about something you know nothing about. Americans have such a narrow view of socialism because of our involvement in Vietnam and our hastiness to decry anything slightly socialist.
Obama has socialist ideals, this makes him no more a socialist then you if you pay taxes or went/go to college.
I'm from Canada and I'm pretty happy with who won. Mind you...I'm a conservative at heart and always will be, but with the two men that were running, I think the best man for United States won. Years from now, history will tell us if it was a good thing or bad. Until such time, the storm has to be weathered.
...oh...and for those wondering, Canada is more or less a socialist country.

Marxism, What do you know of it?

I wanted to start a thread of a subject I know nothing about. However, I am very interested in learning Marx's language within his writing. Capital is a great novel by Marx. However, the book is written with discussion in mind. I would like to know what you know about Marxism and how you agree and disagree...
marxism mean that all means of production is controlled directly by the government
everybody make the same salary
no poor people equal opportunities for everybody no matter the status of parents
no way for risk takers and people with bright ideas and people who compete
to excel and make better products and cheaper prices and dreams for those not there
yet to strive to gain what the successfully gained
often see americans abuse these terms along with socialism which pretty much is the same deal
about countries with higher tax's more welfare and more strict gun laws then usa
one can feel what one like about those 3 things but it don't as I see it equal socialism
I feel Marxism is the most wrongly followed belief in the world. For any definition you can refer to wiki.
Marxism takes away all incentive to excel in any area.
Rudegar said:
marxism mean that all means of production is controlled directly by the government
everybody make the same salary
no poor people equal opportunities for everybody no matter the status of parents
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One word: Utopia.
^^^wrong. that would be the end of human progress.
It died a few years ago.
Marxism has a noble aim but - as already pointed out - is a disaster in practice.
We will have general elections next weekend. People are bored of the same platitudinous speeches of politicians. The campaign is made of scandals. There is no credibility. No values. No one believes, no one knows, the political philosophies of the parties. Not even them, I think. Abstention will be high.
Marx and Engels had a lot of innovative ideas and Marxism in its pure form is probably as close to a perfect society as humanly possible. It has never been implemented anywhere in the world.
It is debateable if Marxism would lead to stagnation of thought and progress. No way to know for sure, unless we get a real life example. I personally don't agree with that conclusion.
Communism is a perverted version of it that lets a small number of people on top of society enjoy anything they want and have a free hand with power and control while the common people live in poverty.
Capitalism and Communism have more in common than you know...

Your thought on paparazzi

So I was wondering what you lot think of paparazzi photographers. I'm sure I will see mixed opinions and some flaming, but I'm just interested what you guys (and of course girl ;-) ) think. Once this thread gets moving I will tell you why I posted this.
I despise them. I consider them failed journalists and art majors. If I was famous, I would probably have lawsuits against me for cracking their skulls.
And it's the idiotic public who can not seem to get enough "real life" bull**** from the tv that is fueling the fire. [/rant]
I find them annoying Every where i go they follow me, they list everything I buy, Cant they just leave me alone Jk no paparazzi ever follow me apart from that one time when i threw half eaten hot dog at them, it was more of a chase though
Fair enough to them though, it's there jobs, but when they just follow people for nothing eg. going to the shops, thats annoying no one cares what they bought.We care if they marry etc. though
So now my opinion. I'm a part time paparazzi (and she's my biggest fan, she follows me and had a job yesterday. When some people say it's illegal it's 100% legal to photograph anyone on public property. Even though I just started I consider myself an old school pap (as in having a huge lens waiting on the other side of the street photographing without the celebs seeing me). The new type of paparazzi piss me off. They stand in front of doors and bombard the celeb fith flash, which doesn't show what they are doing. Why do we do it? There's a market for it. Many people are annoyed by paps saying that they don't respect the privacy of celebs, but yet these same people are the ones that buy and read all the gossip magazines trying to know what their favorite stars are doing. Also my shots from yestarday might jeapordize someone's marrige
jaszek said:
When some people say it's illegal it's 100% legal to photograph anyone on public property.
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no , its not like that ... its 100% legal to photograph you on public property
and its also 100% legal but ull be on the ****ter with a broken nose and felony charges for assaulting an officer(just to be sure) before u kno it if u try and film the popo (cuz theyre gods)
It's legal stalking that is fed by the dollars of the stupid.
Stardom has its cost. And I guess that cost is jackholes behind a bush or other places with a camera.
good day.
I, personally, don't hate paparazzi. Just regular people (mostly) trying to make a living.
What I hate is that there is actually a market for this garbage. I blame the tabloids, and the "spell" Hollywood has over us as a society.
I hate celebrity gossip magazines. I dont care what a "celebrity" is doing unless I am watching them in a movie. Paparazzi are annoying, but the publications that purchase their photos and make up BS stories are inane and frankly just scum.

Apple's death warrant?
It's super lame they are going to do this.
the company says the affected sites are to be mostly cinemas, theaters, concert grounds and similar locations
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Who the hell records movies on their phones? Now if I see something at a theater I want a picture of I cant have it just because my phone will think I might be in a movie viewing area? What about all the theaters in malls? No taking pictures in malls because there is a movie theater?!
And concert grounds? They really think they have the right to take our devices capabilities away from us during festivals? Hell I take more pics at festivals than I do any other time!! This pisses me off really bad, its the first step towards the government having total control over all our devices and when we can do what with them. I really thought about putting the swear filter to the test for this post. I am disappoint.
Can't see this going down with the general public....seriously bad move by Apple if it goes ahead....which is good news for android!
slaphead20 said:
which is good news for android!
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I dont see it that way, I think if this goes over it will eventually be required in new phones. But I hope I'm wrong!
WiredPirate said:
I dont see it that way, I think if this goes over it will eventually be required in new phones. But I hope I'm wrong!
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But if Apple has a patent on it?!
WiredPirate said:
I dont see it that way, I think if this goes over it will eventually be required in new phones. But I hope I'm wrong!
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Even if it winds up required (which it wont) there's only one contender with custom Roms that can remove it. I can't seem to remember who though
slaphead20 said:
But if Apple has a patent on it?!
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lol, that would be best for everybody.. Unless it becomes required and manufacturers have to pay Apple to use it by law.
WiredPirate said:
lol, that would be best for everybody.. Unless it becomes required and manufacturers have to pay Apple to use it by law.
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well if you read the article Apple has indeed patented it, and Samsung aren't going to copy that one if they even the slightest bit of common sense
I just read the article and it's coming across as all kinds of morally disgusting. Imagine police brutality that nobody can record on their phones? Or if nobody could record the pepper spray cop walking around paper spraying students? I am not much for conspiracies but this is setting all kinds of bells off.
063_XOBX said:
I just read the article and it's coming across as all kinds of morally disgusting. Imagine police brutality that nobody can record on their phones? Or if nobody could record the pepper spray cop walking around paper spraying students? I am not much for conspiracies but this is setting all kinds of bells off.
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Several states do not want you recording the police, I think some have passed laws against it already.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
WiredPirate said:
Several states do not want you recording the police, I think some have passed laws against it already.
Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using xda premium
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Illegal or not if I felt my rights were being violated, I would do anything in my power to record what transpired. If a company worked with police to prevent me from doing that then they obviously don't want my money.
063_XOBX said:
Illegal or not if I felt my rights were being violated, I would do anything in my power to record what transpired.
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I agree, and I would too. But the government holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force, so your going to get your ass whooped or be locked up for taking that picture. Plus the police will just confiscate your device, so better have it uploading in the background or you will never be able to prove it. And even if you do have the pics they will not be usable in court if the law says you cant take the pics.
Craziness. Also one little tweak for hackers to get their hands on and wreak havoc on iOS users. If it's on the phone it's in the code and in theory anyone with the right knowledge could take advantage of it.
MissionImprobable said:
Craziness. Also one little tweak for hackers to get their hands on and wreak havoc on iOS users. If it's on the phone it's in the code and in theory anyone with the right knowledge could take advantage of it.
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I hadn't even thought about that. Hahaha, sucks for them.
WiredPirate said:
I agree, and I would too. But the government holds a legal monopoly on the use of physical force, so your going to get your ass whooped or be locked up for taking that picture. Plus the police will just confiscate your device, so better have it uploading in the background or you will never be able to prove it. And even if you do have the pics they will not be usable in court if the law says you cant take the pics.
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It doesn't matter if they're applicable in court. Groups like the ACLU would have my back on it and I would spare no expense (even beyond support from any groups/organizations that supported me) in making it into a PR nightmare for everyone involved. Just look at the Rodney King trial. He was involved in a high speed chase while driving with a blood alcohol around .19 and wound up being front and center in one of the biggest civil rights cases of the decade. Public perception has a lot more sway over how things are handled than facts.
I just want to clarify that I'm not belittling what Mr.King had to go through, just pointing out that illegal or not, the Police need to be accountable for their actions.
063_XOBX said:
It doesn't matter if they're applicable in court. Groups like the ACLU would have my back on it and I would spare no expense (even beyond support from any groups/organizations that supported me) in making it into a PR nightmare for everyone involved. Just look at the Rodney King trial. He was involved in a high speed chase while driving with a blood alcohol around .19 and wound up being front and center in one of the biggest civil rights cases of the decade. Public perception has a lot more sway over how things are handled than facts.
I just want to clarify that I'm not belittling what Mr.King had to go through, just pointing out that illegal or not, the Police need to be accountable for their actions.
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Agreed, I hope it doesn't come to that though.
This just in, this just in: Apple sucks! Back to you, Jan.
063_XOBX said:
It doesn't matter if they're applicable in court. Groups like the ACLU would have my back on it and I would spare no expense (even beyond support from any groups/organizations that supported me) in making it into a PR nightmare for everyone involved. Just look at the Rodney King trial. He was involved in a high speed chase while driving with a blood alcohol around .19 and wound up being front and center in one of the biggest civil rights cases of the decade. Public perception has a lot more sway over how things are handled than facts.
I just want to clarify that I'm not belittling what Mr.King had to go through, just pointing out that illegal or not, the Police need to be accountable for their actions.
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And it's okay if you did belittle him. The dude was a piece of crap through and through. It was just the excuse LA needed so the animals could come out and riot, rape, pillage, and murder. You're very right about public perception. The media in all its glory never lets a crisis go to waste. Most police "brutality" videos never show the whole scene/situation from stop to finish. I also wager to say that police brutality occurs at a much smaller rate than what the public "perceives" to take place. Not to mention look at the statistics of how many law enforcement officers exist in the U.S. then compare that to the actual, honest to goodness, police brutality incidents and I bet it's less than 0.5%.
Are there piece of **** cops out there? Yes. But I don't see anyone firing politicians these days for royally ****ing up your life. I don't see any media people losing their job for blatantly swaying public perception and falsifying the news and often times just short of inciting riots.
But hey I'm just a little guy in the DOJ who calls it like he sees it and may have wrote a few thesis papers on police corruption and brutality.
I have no problem with being filmed while on the job. My problem is where you take a snippet of an escalated situation to portray me as going beyond my duties as a law enforcement officer and painting me as a bad guy. More so, law enforcement deals with the worst of the worst on a daily basis. We try to do our jobs to the extent that the law allows while also trying to keep the public happy. We are not here to serve you. (IMHO), nor protect you. Exercise your 2nd amendment right for that. We are here to separate the good from evil before you have to.
Each day I'm tasked with waiting for someone to push my adrenaline on overload, knowing today, could be the day, I go meet my maker. I also have to remember that I represent the agency I work for, and public eyes are always watching. I also remember that no matter how much an individual tries to do harm to me verbally or physically I must act in a manner accordingly to how I've been trained and know when to never go above the needed use of force.
While you may sit there and belittle me, I have to push that aside when you call me to come help, assist, save you from whatever danger came your way. In return I ask that you, from one human being to another, always remember that I too make mistakes. That at any point in time I could be sued, my family could be in danger, or any of us could be killed, all because I had a SPLIT SECOND to make a decision on how to react to a highly stressful and downright pants ****ting situation, because you, John Q Public, along with the law said I must follow my duties of removing bad guy A from the streets.
So I ask you, the next time you see a "police brutality" video streaming all over the web or media, please be sure you have all the facts before you cast your first stone. Put yourself in that officer's shoes from start to finish.
Also you as a citizen, it is you duty to know your rights, as a citizen. Use them if you find an over-zealous "authoritative" figure encroaching them. Be polite, be courteous, and be right. You ask the same of us.
So here's some facts. Law enforcement officers have the highest divorce rates out of any profession in the nation. We also have the highest suicide rates. The average life expectancy of a law enforcement officer is 57 years of age. Coincidentally that is also the maximum age allowed before mandatory retirement in the DOJ. Now ask yourself.....what do these tidbits tell you?
ETA: And some tidbits about me. I think the war on drugs is a waste of time and money. I think Fast & Furious goes all the way to the top of the administration and they should all be in prison. I'm neither democrat nor republican. I do not support socialism. I fully support the 2nd amendment and believe every citizen has a natural born right to carry a weapon. I do not think all prison inmates are guilty. I do think Washington DC needs a reset button. I support the military and the war on terror. I do think Iraq was somewhat of a mistake. I do think the current police state has gone too militarized and should be tamed. I like to think we as a nation can do anything we want, but realize that more and more this becomes a nation of sheep or people that don't concern themselves with the things they should. I think reality TV has ruined 51% of the current population.
And as much as I love technology and Android, I think smartphones have set people's social skills back decades, if not centuries.
got556 said:
And it's okay if you did belittle him. The dude was a piece of crap through and through. It was just the excuse LA needed so the animals could come out and riot, rape, pillage, and murder. You're very right about public perception. The media in all its glory never lets a crisis go to waste. Most police "brutality" videos never show the whole scene/situation from stop to finish. I also wager to say that police brutality occurs at a much smaller rate than what the public "perceives" to take place. Not to mention look at the statistics of how many law enforcement officers exist in the U.S. then compare that to the actual, honest to goodness, police brutality incidents and I bet it's less than 0.5%.
Are there piece of **** cops out there? Yes. But I don't see anyone firing politicians these days for royally ****ing up your life. I don't see any media people losing their job for blatantly swaying public perception and falsifying the news and often times just short of inciting riots.
But hey I'm just a little guy in the DOJ who calls it like he sees it and may have wrote a few thesis papers on police corruption and brutality.
I have no problem with being filmed while on the job. My problem is where you take a snippet of an escalated situation to portray me as going beyond my duties as a law enforcement officer and painting me as a bad guy. More so, law enforcement deals with the worst of the worst on a daily basis. We try to do our jobs to the extent that the law allows while also trying to keep the public happy. We are not here to serve you. (IMHO), nor protect you. Exercise your 2nd amendment right for that. We are here to separate the good from evil before you have to.
Each day I'm tasked with waiting for someone to push my adrenaline on overload, knowing today, could be the day, I go meet my maker. I also have to remember that I represent the agency I work for, and public eyes are always watching. I also remember that no matter how much an individual tries to do harm to me verbally or physically I must act in a manner accordingly to how I've been trained and know when to never go above the needed use of force.
While you may sit there and belittle me, I have to push that aside when you call me to come help, assist, save you from whatever danger came your way. In return I ask that you, from one human being to another, always remember that I too make mistakes. That at any point in time I could be sued, my family could be in danger, or any of us could be killed, all because I had a SPLIT SECOND to make a decision on how to react to a highly stressful and downright pants ****ting situation, because you, John Q Public, along with the law said I must follow my duties of removing bad guy A from the streets.
So I ask you, the next time you see a "police brutality" video streaming all over the web or media, please be sure you have all the facts before you cast your first stone. Put yourself in that officer's shoes from start to finish.
Also you as a citizen, it is you duty to know your rights, as a citizen. Use them if you find an over-zealous "authoritative" figure encroaching them. Be polite, be courteous, and be right. You ask the same of us.
So here's some facts. Law enforcement officers have the highest divorce rates out of any profession in the nation. We also have the highest suicide rates. The average life expectancy of a law enforcement officer is 57 years of age. Coincidentally that is also the maximum age allowed before mandatory retirement in the DOJ. Now ask yourself.....what do these tidbits tell you?
ETA: And some tidbits about me. I think the war on drugs is a waste of time and money. I think Fast & Furious goes all the way to the top of the administration and they should all be in prison. I'm neither democrat nor republican. I do not support socialism. I fully support the 2nd amendment and believe every citizen has a natural born right to carry a weapon. I do not think all prison inmates are guilty. I do think Washington DC needs a reset button. I support the military and the war on terror. I do think Iraq was somewhat of a mistake. I do think the current police state has gone too militarized and should be tamed. I like to think we as a nation can do anything we want, but realize that more and more this becomes a nation of sheep or people that don't concern themselves with the things they should. I think reality TV has ruined 51% of the current population.
And as much as I love technology and Android, I think smartphones have set people's social skills back decades, if not centuries.
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got556 said:
And it's okay if you did belittle him. The dude was a piece of crap through and through. It was just the excuse LA needed so the animals could come out and riot, rape, pillage, and murder. You're very right about public perception. The media in all its glory never lets a crisis go to waste. Most police "brutality" videos never show the whole scene/situation from stop to finish. I also wager to say that police brutality occurs at a much smaller rate than what the public "perceives" to take place. Not to mention look at the statistics of how many law enforcement officers exist in the U.S. then compare that to the actual, honest to goodness, police brutality incidents and I bet it's less than 0.5%.
Are there piece of **** cops out there? Yes. But I don't see anyone firing politicians these days for royally ****ing up your life. I don't see any media people losing their job for blatantly swaying public perception and falsifying the news and often times just short of inciting riots.
But hey I'm just a little guy in the DOJ who calls it like he sees it and may have wrote a few thesis papers on police corruption and brutality.
I have no problem with being filmed while on the job. My problem is where you take a snippet of an escalated situation to portray me as going beyond my duties as a law enforcement officer and painting me as a bad guy. More so, law enforcement deals with the worst of the worst on a daily basis. We try to do our jobs to the extent that the law allows while also trying to keep the public happy. We are not here to serve you. (IMHO), nor protect you. Exercise your 2nd amendment right for that. We are here to separate the good from evil before you have to.
Each day I'm tasked with waiting for someone to push my adrenaline on overload, knowing today, could be the day, I go meet my maker. I also have to remember that I represent the agency I work for, and public eyes are always watching. I also remember that no matter how much an individual tries to do harm to me verbally or physically I must act in a manner accordingly to how I've been trained and know when to never go above the needed use of force.
While you may sit there and belittle me, I have to push that aside when you call me to come help, assist, save you from whatever danger came your way. In return I ask that you, from one human being to another, always remember that I too make mistakes. That at any point in time I could be sued, my family could be in danger, or any of us could be killed, all because I had a SPLIT SECOND to make a decision on how to react to a highly stressful and downright pants ****ting situation, because you, John Q Public, along with the law said I must follow my duties of removing bad guy A from the streets.
So I ask you, the next time you see a "police brutality" video streaming all over the web or media, please be sure you have all the facts before you cast your first stone. Put yourself in that officer's shoes from start to finish.
Also you as a citizen, it is you duty to know your rights, as a citizen. Use them if you find an over-zealous "authoritative" figure encroaching them. Be polite, be courteous, and be right. You ask the same of us.
So here's some facts. Law enforcement officers have the highest divorce rates out of any profession in the nation. We also have the highest suicide rates. The average life expectancy of a law enforcement officer is 57 years of age. Coincidentally that is also the maximum age allowed before mandatory retirement in the DOJ. Now ask yourself.....what do these tidbits tell you?
ETA: And some tidbits about me. I think the war on drugs is a waste of time and money. I think Fast & Furious goes all the way to the top of the administration and they should all be in prison. I'm neither democrat nor republican. I do not support socialism. I fully support the 2nd amendment and believe every citizen has a natural born right to carry a weapon. I do not think all prison inmates are guilty. I do think Washington DC needs a reset button. I support the military and the war on terror. I do think Iraq was somewhat of a mistake. I do think the current police state has gone too militarized and should be tamed. I like to think we as a nation can do anything we want, but realize that more and more this becomes a nation of sheep or people that don't concern themselves with the things they should. I think reality TV has ruined 51% of the current population.
And as much as I love technology and Android, I think smartphones have set people's social skills back decades, if not centuries.
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I would never make an unfounded claim about the Police, especially not one about Police brutality. I believe that like all people (they're only human) they are mostly good. However if for even a second I believe that my rights are being encroached upon I will not hesitate to use any resource I can, media included, to bring it to light. Most "controversies" are a bunch of hype and not having all the facts, but if even 1/10th of a percent are real they need to be brought to light. Any time a person is given elevated authority over another there needs to be some kind of check to keep them in line. The media isn't perfect, but it's the closest thing we have to a semblance of something that "watches those who watch over us".

Truth about ecig's

Just feel like I need to get this out there, theres lots of stuff going on with E-Cigs, I one day would like to quit smoking with E-Cigs, or at least have the "healthier option".
But there are so many states and officials and big tobacco trying to get rid of them, or stop their innovation, there really is a WHOLE lot of mis information and conception about E-Cigs and vaping devices that it just kills me, really, don't judge it just because you read one article on G+ or you saw a report on news, most of those are twisted and misleading. Anyway, there are so many people here on xda that I thought maybe a good place to spread the word, I know a lot of you smoke, so maybe this is a way I can also help you decide. Here is a good video to watch, and there are many more about vaping on youtube, just look them up.
It's sad that the world revolves around money, so the big companies spread so many fake facts... In Hungary the government wants to make laws against e-cigarettes, because in Hungary you can ONLY buy regular cigarettes in the "National tobacco shops". People realized that vaping is healthier and cheaper than regular cigarettes, so the Hungarian vaper community grows day by day, so less people buy cigarettes. It's absurd that the government is against the people's health.

