Truth about ecig's - Off-topic

Just feel like I need to get this out there, theres lots of stuff going on with E-Cigs, I one day would like to quit smoking with E-Cigs, or at least have the "healthier option".
But there are so many states and officials and big tobacco trying to get rid of them, or stop their innovation, there really is a WHOLE lot of mis information and conception about E-Cigs and vaping devices that it just kills me, really, don't judge it just because you read one article on G+ or you saw a report on news, most of those are twisted and misleading. Anyway, there are so many people here on xda that I thought maybe a good place to spread the word, I know a lot of you smoke, so maybe this is a way I can also help you decide. Here is a good video to watch, and there are many more about vaping on youtube, just look them up.

It's sad that the world revolves around money, so the big companies spread so many fake facts... In Hungary the government wants to make laws against e-cigarettes, because in Hungary you can ONLY buy regular cigarettes in the "National tobacco shops". People realized that vaping is healthier and cheaper than regular cigarettes, so the Hungarian vaper community grows day by day, so less people buy cigarettes. It's absurd that the government is against the people's health.


national feelings

read in another thread about people talking about national feelings and patriotism and the likes
i never really understod the concept at all
when the country i live in win at sports, win a war (been 1k years )
invent a timemachine break guiness record of standing on ones head
i really dont get how it should reflect on me for better or worse
i never contributed to any of it apart from being born a surden place
i fail to see how i could take pride in any of it
sure i vote and i agree and is happy about some aspects on the system of where i live but i'm 1 in 5million
i can only really take any pride in things I do myself
maybe it's kinda like religion with feeling strengh in feeling one is a part of something bigger then oneself
who knows
but in the grand sceme of things i believe that nationalism have caused more wars in the history then religion
where religion have just been used as an excuse alot more
Group Identity mate. It sucks. Same reason people go crazy over a stupid football team.
If people thought for themselves and had a little personal accountability this world would be very different.
I agree. people forget that our phsycology is also an artifact of evolution. after all, as a group we are very successful.
the culture here pays lip service to patriotism but it seems to me that in countries like America people genuinely feel that patriotism. Propogander/media must play a big roll in this behavior.
nothing wrong with patriotism. but it tends to go overboard. nationalism does cause conflict but it also gives people a sense of belonging.
HPJ said:
Group Identity mate. It sucks. Same reason people go crazy over a stupid football team.
If people thought for themselves and had a little personal accountability this world would be very different.
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my dad gave me a great sense of practicality. his philosophy is: there are really no losers in sports except the fan. both teams, both players on both sides are millionaires. when they lose a game they don't kill themselves. when the season is over they go home to a mansion. the only loser is the fan who thinks life is over after their team lost.

to legalize or not to legalize?

I hope this is okay mods/admins, if not, please trash.
I was going to add it to apost in a thread, but thought it would make people post just to share their remarks.
and i figured since this is the off-topic area that it'd be ok.
but I got the number sent to me in a text
that's in the quote i'm about to paste in here,
you can call to vote,
or go to the website to learn more about it.
i know some smokers on this site,
so i thought i'd post for all the other US smokers.
this is kinda my point of view in the quote
as i just posted it as a bulletin on my myspace.
so please don't get offended,
it's my oppinnion,
and we're all entitled to our opinnions,
and feel free to state yours,
but please do not fight over this topic,
as i know it can be controversial at times.
thanks, and here's the quote:
to vote for the step towards legalization,
or call to vote: 9734093274
its a new jersey number.
It's bound tohappen sooner or later.
I'm for the industrial kind's legalization more so then the kind you smoke.
The industrial kind is what they used for the original constitution, rope, etc.
its usuable for like over 260,000 different genre's of products.
not 260,000 products, but genre's of products,
What I mean is, for example a sidekick is a product, a cell phone is the genre.
catch my drift, it's extremely useful.
and that's not the so called health stuff associated with it.
the industrial kind can be grown on 98% of the earth's surface.
the 2% that it cannot is at the north and south poles, but if you found dirt there,
it could grow.
it's estimated that one year cultivation/sale of the industrial kind can bring the United States completely out of debt and pay for almost all of the government bailouts. thats hundreds of trillions of dollars for out debt, and add hundred billions more for the bail outs.
that's a **** ton of money.
and that's not even the drug aspect of marijuana.
which would prolly make enough money for the rest of the government bailouts that the industrial kind couldn't pay off.
now should we american's be spending hundred of billions of dollars trying to fight marijuana each year, or should we embrace it and make money off of it?
also, fun fact, marijuana is illegal because of thc, but then why is Marinol legal even though it's synthetic THC? Gee, I wonder if it's because they can't control the growing of a natural plant....
Besides, isn't this america? here it's all about capitalism. so why shouldn't we capitalize on this product and make our country ****in ridiculously rich and then we can afford to help the nations in poverty and afford to keep everyone in america fed as well.
doesn't this just sound like such a better thing then spending billions of dollars on fighting this every year?
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American people made too much money raping Africans and forcing them to pick cotton.
Hemp could have stopped that industry before it even started and lots of Rich people would potentially not be rich now......
I wonder how many household brand companies still exist that actually rose to positions of power during those times through the use of slavery. The mind boggles.!.
History is the biggest teacher and I think it will be a long time before people can look back and unravel (without any form of biased prejudice or some sort of adjenda) the reasons behind the criminalisation of Hemp and the pushing of tobbaco - alcohol and other taxable substances that cannot be grown perfectly and easily in your garden with a minimum of fuss. In the right environment, most people could grow a banging plant with polenty of smoke potential in their own gardens.
Life is hard, but could be so much better and easier if we all grew veggies and hemp.
The lure of the city and capitalism is starting to fade now, hopefully with more education and time people will understand that its better to grow natural food and weed than get on a commute everyday and take Ritalin.
No one else makes money if you stay in your community and become self sufficient though!!
If all people wanted was - Healthy food, excercise, good sex and a bit of chiung smoke for treat. The world would be a much better place.
Sadly, its much more socially acceptable to drink 5 pints of lager and start a fight that to smoke a big one and mong out. Sadly its more acceptable to go to war with another country than to back down and make a peaceful approach to every situation.
I dont think that big industry is the answer CodyBear. In fact, money is not the answer. Money is a representation of non critical resources. What do you need to live? Food, water and shelter. What is money? Oil and stones/gold etc........? I dont actually know what resources money represents now days.....How can my £10 note represent anything when our government is in so much debt to the Fund?
(same for USA -except its in much more debt)
I seriously dont share a vision of the future where every one works in a big factory. I desperately search for a vision of the future where communities are self contained and completely self suffiecient, clean and green
Ho-hum I am not holding my breath - not until I win the euro lottery and buy my own island!!
This is waayy off-topic, This is a still a phone forum.
Legal & political discussions just stir up bad feelings. If you want to discuss this I think you'd be better in a another forum
Thread Closed

trifle for ya, problem for me :/

I have to write an essay "Is mass tourism a course or a blessing" . I've wrote this:
Nowadays lots of people visit foreign countries to widen their knowledge about other communities and spend their holidays in warm countries. For years a travel industry becomes a global issue, but it also could be a deliverance for local communities.
Firstly, the areas which are visited by tourists, develops quicker than the other ones. Thus, there are more and more cafes, restaurants, gift shops and other places where the tourists might spend their money. As the tourists are interested in staying in the centers offering various facilities, the local government takes care of their traditions and monuments. In addition, the inhabitants are able to find a job in the large touristic centers.
Nevertheless, tourism has many weak points. First of all, lots of prehistoric unique places are destroyed yearly only because of thousands of people who visit these places every year. In addition, the people do not care of what they admire, watch or walk on. They both chisel their names on the rocks or trees and take the piece of cay as a gift or a souvenir. Talking about tourism industry in general, it must be said that developing tourism makes all nice-looking places turn into similar resorts therefore it does not matter where you are going to travel for - they just all look the same.
To sum up, tourism has lots of advantages and disadvantages. It seems we have a choice whether we want to save the virgin nature and places or support this big industry and destroy more and more beautiful country sides. In my opinion, unfortunately, we cannot stop tourism development.
Could you please check my mistakes in grammar etc? It's wery important for me. I learn english for 5 years and that's my final essay. It's easy for english- speaking so please help me.
damian205 said:
Could you please check my mistakes in grammar etc? It's wery important for me. I learn english for 5 years and that's my final essay. It's easy for english- speaking so please help me.
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Can' t help you because my english is worse than your but.. wery important->very important and I learn-> i have learnt
damian205 said:
I have to write an essay "Is mass tourism a course or a blessing" . I've wrote this:
Nowadays (Nowadays is a slang term and isnt considered grammically correct, at least thats i was lead to beleive) lots of people visit foreign countries to widen their knowledge about other communities and spend their holidays in warm countries And to enjoy a different culture. For years the travel industry can become a global issue, but it also could be a deliverance for local communities.
Firstly, the areas which are visited by tourists, develops quicker than the other ones. Thus, there are more and more cafes, restaurants, gift shops and other places where the tourists might spend their money. As the tourists are interested in staying in the centers offering various facilities, the local government takes care of their traditions and monuments. In addition, the inhabitants are able to find a job in the large touristic centers.
Nevertheless, tourism has many weak points. First of all, lots of prehistoric unique places are destroyed yearly only because of thousands of people who visit these places every year. In addition, the people do not care of what they admire, watch or walk on. They both chisel their names on the rocks or trees and take the piece of cay as a gift or a souvenir. Talking about tourism industry in general, it must be said that developing tourism makes all nice-looking places turn into similar resorts therefore it does not matter where you are going to travel for - they just all look the same.
To sum up, tourism has lots of advantages and disadvantages. It seems we have a choice whether we want to save the virgin nature and places or support this big industry and destroy more and more beautiful country sides. In my opinion, unfortunately, we cannot stop tourism development.
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ive put corrections in red suggestions in blue and debatable language differences in green
i may have missed some so u may wanna wait until theres some more input
also it seems a bit short,
you may want to include a few examples to make it relatable
ie maybe note how the swine flu break out affected tourism in mexico (ask orb3000 or + que ppc to help as they live there)
and maybe comment upon on how tourism in new york and the rest of the usa
here are somw tips you could maybe include
# Tourism generates more than $3.5 trillion worldwide
# 18 million Americans are employed in travel and tourism-related jobs
# One out of every 10 people is employed in travel & tourism
# T&T generated $99.5 billion in revenue for federal, state and local governments in 2000
State of the Industry after September 11:
# Airlines: experienced $2.1B in losses and more than 130,000 layoffs
# Employment: domestically, 10percent drop in demand; Globally, 30percent drop in demand
# Hotels: $2B lost in room revenue
# Meeting & Convention Industry: Up to $1B lost
you may also feel the need to extend this further to include natural affects on tourism, we do know that people entering a land not enterde much can have unwanted effects on the land
but in the case of new orleans, the nature staved off a lot of tourists for some time. this may or may not have made the job of fixing the place up slower as there waws no revenue from tourists they did try harder though heres a news clipabout it
Six months after Hurricane Katrina, Mardi Gras floats, beads and revelry are luring in visitors, and helping New Orleans' devastated tourism industry roll toward recovery.
"For us it will be a little bit smaller than prior years. But the way everybody is looking at it here, it's sort of the community planting the flag in the ground saying 'We're back,'" said Stephen Perry, president of the New Orleans Metropolitan Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Perry expects the city to see only 60 or 70 percent of the usual number of Mardi Gras visitors this year -- 300,000 to 400,000 people. (Let the good times roll)
Hospitality is the largest industry in New Orleans, having employed 85,000 people before Katrina and generating about a third of the city's operating budget, according to Perry. Before Mardi Gras, tourism had rebounded to about half its normal level.
Mardi Gras usually brings in about $300 million in tourist dollars, and Perry expects at least $200 million this year.
"This launches the recovery of not only the city and its economics, but paves the way for people to begin to come home because it provides the funding that we need for things like schools and hospitals and police," he said.
Jamie Hood, 40, from Atlanta, Georgia, visited the Crescent City with friends last weekend as Mardi Gras celebrations kicked off.
"The parades were wonderful. From that aspect we had a great time and it was just like the old days," he said. Hood is a logistics and transportation provider, making his third Mardi Gras trip in as many years.
Not everything was just like the old days, of course. The neighborhoods he and his friends passed through shocked them.
"You hear the terms 'war zone' or 'it looked like a bomb went off' -- I couldn't describe it any better. That's really what it looked like," Hood said. "The actual French Quarter was the same as it always was to me."
Many of the city's tourist attractions are open for business. Others plan to reopen later in the spring and summer. MORE HERE (from cnn)
Thank you so much, your helped me soo much . It is short, but have to be less than 250 words. Thanks for soo many examples, but If i put them into esseay, It will be too long. It's simple essay so I only need a grammar correction
well i do what i do when i do what i do
damian205 said:
I have to write an essay "Is mass tourism a course or a blessing" . I've wrote this:
Nowadays lots of people visit foreign countries to widen their knowledge about other communities and spend their holidays in warm countries. For years a travel industry becomes a global issue, but it also could be a deliverance for local communities.
Firstly, the areas which are visited by tourists, develop quicker than the other ones. Thus, there are more and more cafes, restaurants, gift shops and other places where the tourists might spend their money. As the tourists are interested in staying in the centers offering various facilities, the local government takes care of their traditions and monuments. In addition, the inhabitants are able to find a job in the large touristic centers.
Nevertheless, tourism has many weak points. First of all, lots of prehistoric unique places are destroyed yearly only because of thousands of people who visit these places every year. In addition, the people do not care of what they admire, watch or walk on. They both chisel their names on the rocks or trees and take the piece of cay as a gift or a souvenir. Talking about tourism industry in general, it must be said that developing tourism makes all nice-looking places turn into similar resorts, therefore it does not matter where you are going to travel to - they just all look the same.
To sum up, tourism has lots of advantages and disadvantages. It seems we have a choice whether we want to save the virgin nature and places or support this big industry and destroy more and more beautiful country sides. In my opinion, unfortunately, we cannot stop tourism development.
Could you please check my mistakes in grammar etc? It's wery important for me. I learn english for 5 years and that's my final essay. It's easy for english- speaking so please help me.
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All I could find besides what others said.. Oh and right before the essay, "I've wrote" is bad. Either "I wrote" or "I've written".
Today, many people visit foreign countries to widen their knowledge of other communities and to spend their holidays in warm countries. For years, the travel industry has been a global issue, but it also could be a deliverance for local communities.
First, the areas which are visited by tourists develop more quickly than the other ones, which is accredited to the development of more cafes, restaurants, gift shops and other places where the tourists might spend their money. Since the tourists are interested in staying in the centers offering various facilities, the local government takes care of their traditions and monuments. In addition, the inhabitants are able to find a job in the large touristic centers.
Nevertheless, tourism has many weak points. One example is that many of the prehistoric and unique places are destroyed yearly because of the thousands of people who visit these places every year. Also, the people do not care of what they admire, watch, or walk on. They both chisel their names on the rocks or trees and take the piece of cay as a gift or a souvenir. When considering the tourism industry in general, it must be said that developing tourism makes many nicer places turn into similar resorts; therefore it does not matter where you are going to travel to, for they all will look the same.
In conclusion, tourism has many advantages and disadvantages. It seems that we have a choice whether we want to save the virgin nature and places or support this big industry and destroy more and more beautiful country sides. In my opinion, unfortunately, we cannot stop tourism development.
I have corrected as much as I can. I didn't really understand what you were trying to say in, "When considering the tourism industry in general, it must be said that developing tourism makes many nicer places turn into similar resorts; therefore it does not matter where you are going to travel to, for they all will look the same." though.
i wouldn't expect mass tourism to affect the country side,
after all i cant think of areas of country side where "mass " tourism happens.
i suppose landscapes by beaches may be affected but i would expect that even without tourism, due to local dwellings.
just my opinion

Your thought on paparazzi

So I was wondering what you lot think of paparazzi photographers. I'm sure I will see mixed opinions and some flaming, but I'm just interested what you guys (and of course girl ;-) ) think. Once this thread gets moving I will tell you why I posted this.
I despise them. I consider them failed journalists and art majors. If I was famous, I would probably have lawsuits against me for cracking their skulls.
And it's the idiotic public who can not seem to get enough "real life" bull**** from the tv that is fueling the fire. [/rant]
I find them annoying Every where i go they follow me, they list everything I buy, Cant they just leave me alone Jk no paparazzi ever follow me apart from that one time when i threw half eaten hot dog at them, it was more of a chase though
Fair enough to them though, it's there jobs, but when they just follow people for nothing eg. going to the shops, thats annoying no one cares what they bought.We care if they marry etc. though
So now my opinion. I'm a part time paparazzi (and she's my biggest fan, she follows me and had a job yesterday. When some people say it's illegal it's 100% legal to photograph anyone on public property. Even though I just started I consider myself an old school pap (as in having a huge lens waiting on the other side of the street photographing without the celebs seeing me). The new type of paparazzi piss me off. They stand in front of doors and bombard the celeb fith flash, which doesn't show what they are doing. Why do we do it? There's a market for it. Many people are annoyed by paps saying that they don't respect the privacy of celebs, but yet these same people are the ones that buy and read all the gossip magazines trying to know what their favorite stars are doing. Also my shots from yestarday might jeapordize someone's marrige
jaszek said:
When some people say it's illegal it's 100% legal to photograph anyone on public property.
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no , its not like that ... its 100% legal to photograph you on public property
and its also 100% legal but ull be on the ****ter with a broken nose and felony charges for assaulting an officer(just to be sure) before u kno it if u try and film the popo (cuz theyre gods)
It's legal stalking that is fed by the dollars of the stupid.
Stardom has its cost. And I guess that cost is jackholes behind a bush or other places with a camera.
good day.
I, personally, don't hate paparazzi. Just regular people (mostly) trying to make a living.
What I hate is that there is actually a market for this garbage. I blame the tabloids, and the "spell" Hollywood has over us as a society.
I hate celebrity gossip magazines. I dont care what a "celebrity" is doing unless I am watching them in a movie. Paparazzi are annoying, but the publications that purchase their photos and make up BS stories are inane and frankly just scum.

[Q] 7-1 paris terrrorist attack, how do you think about it?

so, i'm curious how the users of xda think about the charlie hebdo attack of last week?
i think the UN should compile an army force and send them out to the middle east to prevent the terrorist groups
from traveling further and try to prevent groups from attacking innocent and harmless civillians (anywhere in the world)!
i believe the people of Isis and Al-qaeda should be taken out by force! honestly i don't approve of any violence! however in this
case the diplomatic way didn't had any positive result! therefore for the first time i'm saying yes to open fire! obama and other worldleaders should
finally put action to their words! these terroristgroups are an absolute thread to freedom of speech and expression!
so please give youre opinion and you're thoughts about this awful tragedy
(sorry for my broken english) i'm dutch :silly:
my condolances to the victims and family of the fallen!
je suis charlie
And as such the victims will have died in vain. Charlie Hebdo stood for freedom of speech through humour. They abhorred violence.
Murdering others because you don't agree with their ideas, however controversial they may be, makes you no better than those who murder others because they disagree with their ideas.
Murdering innocent people because you're upset over a cartoon is pure cowardice. It's not brave, it doesn't make you a hero. It makes you a pathetic coward.
But answering violence with more violence isn't the answer. That's how this whole mess started in the first place.
The problem here is religion. For as long as history can remeber, people have been slaughtering innocents in the name of some fictitious god. Christianity is no better, or have people forgotten about the crusades?
Cue more butthurt people now painting a target on my head just for saying that. Freedom of speech kids, it works both ways. You get to preach about your god to those who don't want you to, and we get to ridicule it. If we aren't allowed to ridicule it, you're not allowed to preach to us. It's both sides of the blade.
Religious followers being upset because someone drew their fictitious figurehead is as ridiculous as all of us going on a murderous rampage because someone drew the Android robot with a pink hat. But people are so brainwashed from birth that they can't see the sheer idiocracy of what they're doing.
That is what lies at the heart of this. But nobody wants to see it. All the imams have condemned the attack, but not a single muslim is willing to take a good hard look at their religion and see that it needs to change. In the west we have learned to accept (the hard way) that there are others who believe different, and we have learned to share our lives with them. We accept that someone won't pray at dinner, that someone won't thank a god every evening. Now it's time for muslims to make that growth as well.
What none of them realized is that those controversial catroons weren't meant as an insult.
The west learned through Apartheid that a seperate society doesn't work. We adapted.
The French shared their country, their lives and their culture with the muslims who came to live in France. They took them into their schools, their busses, their shops, their homes. They gave them the same rights and liberties as citizens.
Charlie Hebdo welcomed them into their lives by sharing their humour with them.
And as a reward for their acceptance, they were murdered.
And that is unacceptable. It is also why there is now such a backlash. If you come to live in our counties and want to share in our lives and become. A part of our society, you can't cherrypick the parts you want. It's all or nothing. You want the right to practise your religion in our society, then we retain the right to practise our humour.
I have gained a newfound respect for mayor Aboutaleb. That man should be an example to all muslims.
Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk 2
ShadowLea said:
But answering violence with more violence isn't the answer. That's how this whole mess started in the first place.
The west learned through Apartheid that a seperate society doesn't work. We adapted.
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A wonderful humanist once said an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.
Then I look at history the Christian crusades where many were murdered. Centuries later into the 21st century where Muslims, and I'm not meaning all Muslims, have the spotlight in committing many heartless acts against humanity. The cost of human life..................... the torture ,abuse,deprivation or murder of a human being there is never an excuse for that. I'm assuming these individuals have a built up, or have instilled in them, a hatred for the western way of life and use religion as an excuse to commit atrocities.
Apatheid indeed did not work, several of my friends who are Caucasian have worked in South Africa and it was an unsafe place to be for them.
There will be a balance for both, I'm thinking 2 or 3 lifetimes away. Hope is almost always a positive thing.
I have Muslim friends, some I have known most of my life and they are very different to what I have seen in the media.
I think I have written enough I'm emotionally drained.
Round and round we go
Political threads aren't really something that we allow. To much potential for emotions to get out of hand resulting in flaming of members.
Thread Closed

