SMS Application Scroll - Tilt, TyTN II, MDA Vario III General

When I open the Messaging => SMS application on my 8925 tilt (running
WM6) and then i open a message (e.g. the last unread one), the scroll
bar is always WAY far down, such that I can not see the actual
message but only white space. So the first thing I always need to do
after opening a message is scroll up to actually see the message. Most if not all of my SMS are 1 to 4 sentences max, which should not require a scroll bar to begin with...
anyway i have been dealing with it for a while now, but its getting a lil annoying now especially if i try to use the phone in 1 hand..
Does any1 know why this is happening? is there a fix?

i think the issue is caused when a certain setting is enabled using KaiserTweak (search for this application on xda and download it)...
i can't recall the exact name of the setting but it was something like "DPAD support in Internet Explorer"...disable that setting and do a soft reset for good measure and i think your sms view will return to normal.
good luck!

Ur da man...that sure seems to have fixed the problem for now...thanks man!


Few Kaiser Problems

I have spent 1 day with the Kaiser, i sell them but never use what i sell, they go to fast. So yeah, 1 day so far. I like the phone, a bit heavy but its expected.
1- I installed the WM6 threaded text (i have to have that) so now sometimes when i get texts, it vibrates and makes the sound i chose. even though vibrate is off in the notifications.
2- The phone vibrates on a soft reset, no that big of deal but i havent seen anyone correct it.
3- The weather doesnt pull up my city, but i did find a fix for that.
4- I cant COPY and PASTE in my emails. I tried copying from one email, creating a new and then pasting, PASTE wasnt even an option.
5- The scrolling (touch flow) is very difficult with a screen protector on, is there any way to increase the sensitivity of it?
6- the home screen. I like their concept with the digital clock. is there any way to make that any smaller, so when in landscape, i still have the full view of everything on my screen.
(they should have made a TODAY quick launch button on there, i know i can set the button to be one, but they just should have.)
can anyone else who installed the threaded text messaging found here
sorry for the link but its the only way to be sure people know what i am talking about.
Please help. especially for #1 you know how annoying that is?
Oh and it also vibrates on the SILENT setting too.
also, id like to replace the word DELETE with NEW on the email screen.
once in your inbox it has delete on the left and then menu on the right, where you can select NEW.
on all other WM devices, NEW was on the left.
any ideas?
1. Which threaded SMS program did you install? If its the Palm threaded one, then there's a separate notification type for those. So, changing the normal SMS notification type doesn't do anything. You have to change the one that's called "Messaging: New Message: Palm threaded" or something like that...If you installed some other program, it might be similar, but I couldn't say.
2. No fix for that so far. It's such a short vibrate, I guess I don't see the big deal.
3. I guess you must live in a pretty small town. THere's quite a few cities in the list. But even then, it's changeable using a hack.
4. I can't seem to do that either.
5. Don't know if you can change the sensitivity, again, there might be some hack of some sort. But, I am using a screen protector and dont have any issues with it. What kind of screen protector are you using? I didn't use th eone that came with it. It looked cheap. I'm using the PPC Techs one, that are great.
6. No way to change the clock size in the HTC Home plugin. You would need to use some other home plugin/clock program to customize it.
jomo25 said:
Which threaded SMS program did you install? If its the Palm threaded one, then there's a separate notification type for those. So, changing the normal SMS notification type doesn't do anything. You have to change the one that's called "New Message: Palm threaded" or something like that...If you installed some other program, it might be similar, but I couldn't say.
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thats where i got it from. but see where it says "once the divice is finished rebooting open resco agian and navigate to program files / palm messaging. You should see this"
i didnt see that and didnt do those steps. it was already in the correct folder.
I don't know about that. I just go to Settings, Sounds & Notifications, Notifications Tab, Event : Messaging: New Message (Palm), then set the type of notification you want for that event.
jomo25 said:
I don't know about that. I just go to Settings, Sounds & Notifications, Notifications Tab, Event : Messaging: New Message (Palm), then set the type of notification you want for that event.
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I did that. The weird part is, i have it on silent and still get the vibrate on the SMS.
negri21 said:
4- I cant COPY and PASTE in my emails. I tried copying from one email, creating a new and then pasting, PASTE wasnt even an option.
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I can copy - but it seem it is the paste into an email that is broken.
I was able to paste into a note, but something I had copied from the note would not paste into an email. This seems to be a bug - Anyone knows if other WM6 devices can paste ok?
You can copy and paste into emails - it's a weird bug, but the paste option becomes available only after you've typed at least one character into the body of the new email.
negri21 said:
I did that. The weird part is, i have it on silent and still get the vibrate on the SMS.
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From all the searching i have done on various boards with this threaded SMS app it appears this is a well known bug. If you reset the audio profile it does not buzz until you slide the keyboard out at least once during a session, then it vibrates from then on. If anyone comes across a bug fix or a "most recent" version that does not suffer this for Kaiser TYTN II than I would be pleased to know.
dakotadave said:
From all the searching i have done on various boards with this threaded SMS app it appears this is a well known bug. If you reset the audio profile it does not buzz until you slide the keyboard out at least once during a session, then it vibrates from then on. If anyone comes across a bug fix or a "most recent" version that does not suffer this for Kaiser TYTN II than I would be pleased to know.
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that is it i am sure!
I just had mine beep like i waned to, on emails. So i know that works fine. But as far as the vibrating on sms, i cant get that to stop. I open and close the slider and still does it.
Go here
i moved this problem to its own thread.
BaldBoy said:
You can copy and paste into emails - it's a weird bug, but the paste option becomes available only after you've typed at least one character into the body of the new email.
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does not works for me
I have the same issue when writing SMS as well
I'm using FlexMail as a replacement of Pocket Outlook however.

Strange message quirk

All the roms i tried had this quirk, and i'm wondering if theres a fix. when i open a message either an email or text message, the screen focus is way below the beginning of the message. Maybe 5 lines too low. So then i have to scroll up to see the beginning of the message. I'm at the regular text size and this is the standard t-mobile ship rom i'm running, but having tried 3 other roms in the last 48 hours its something i noticed carries across. I dont recall if my wizard did this also, but its pretty annoying. Any ideas troops?
theformula said:
All the roms i tried had this quirk, and i'm wondering if theres a fix. when i open a message either an email or text message, the screen focus is way below the beginning of the message. Maybe 5 lines too low. So then i have to scroll up to see the beginning of the message. I'm at the regular text size and this is the standard t-mobile ship rom i'm running, but having tried 3 other roms in the last 48 hours its something i noticed carries across. I dont recall if my wizard did this also, but its pretty annoying. Any ideas troops?
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I'm not sure what you're talking about. Mind posting a screenshot of what you mean?
Yeah that made no sense to me either.
ok so in the two attachments you can see how the message opens, file is called coincidently "opens" and the other shows how i have to scroll to the top to view the beginning of the message(message top). Disregard content =)
Maybe it has something to do with being hooked up to my SBS Exchange box?
pothead haha baby, nothing better than a hot chick that blazes. Period.
So any ideas on why my phones acting shady?
narrowed this down to something within "Schap Advanced Configuration v1.0" everytime i install this program my messaging goes haywire. Anyone have a clue why? Kaiser Tweak doesnt mess up my messaging and has many more options, im going to use that from now on. I love this phone!
Everytime I've tried it, Schap's tool has never worked properly on my Wing... and always caused problems... bc of the difference in the device it was coded for and the Wing...
Kaiser tweak is great, everything works except the 3G options obviously
Might be a thread here...
culprit found!
I had precisely the same problem with opening messages roughly one page down from the top. After few hours of surfing I identified the culprit - Schap's Advanced config. When I turn on the item "Navigate with direction pad" on the tab "Internet Explorer", the message opens correctly. When I turn it off and restart, it opens wrongly. I tested it on my HTC Artemis, but it is probably the same on other devices.

Messages open at the bottom!?

Anyone else got this... Every time i open a message it seems to default to the bottom of the message... i.e. a blank screen. So I have to scroll up to the top of every message i get!
How do i fix this!? its really annoying!
I have the same problem... I think it is rom specific though... I am using WM6.1...Sleuth V3
It's a registry hack issue. Install Kaiser Tweaks and disable the D-Pad scrolling.
If you are using Kaisertweak, make sure you have the D-Pad Scroll Navigation set to default.
fantastic - thanks
when i installed KaiserTweak i basically just put everything onto it's advised setting
Which option is it? I cant find it in KaiserTweak.
CorruptedSanity said:
Which option is it? I cant find it in KaiserTweak.
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In KaiserTweak Collapse all the trees one by one until you get all the way down to PocketIE. In there set D-Pad Scroll Navigation back to Disabled.
AFAIK, this is not a registry problem. in fact all you have to do is to choose the way your messages are arranged
at the right upper corner of the messages application (right below the clock) there is a tab that arranges your message by: Message Type, From, Received, Subject
normally it's ticked to received, but if you hit Received again you will see your messages arranged from the older one you got and the newest is at the bottom... all you have to do is to hit Received again.. And you're done
duke911 said:
AFAIK, this is not a registry problem. in fact all you have to do is to choose the way your messages are arranged
at the right upper corner of the messages application (right below the clock) there is a tab that arranges your message by: Message Type, From, Received, Subject
normally it's ticked to received, but if you hit Received again you will see your messages arranged from the older one you got and the newest is at the bottom... all you have to do is to hit Received again.. And you're done
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Perhaps you should read the actual issue again, cos you're talking about something else
oh, my bad...
knwoing this is the isuue, it happens with me also sometimes
Hi Guys, Thanks alot. that was really starting to bug me, and I had the feeling that the only way to return it to "normal" would be to hard reset, so just deseleting the D Pad in the Tweak and soft resetting has saved me alot of trouble.
Thanks Again,
KaiserTom said:
Hi Guys, Thanks alot. that was really starting to bug me, and I had the feeling that the only way to return it to "normal" would be to hard reset, so just deseleting the D Pad in the Tweak and soft resetting has saved me alot of trouble.
Thanks Again,
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Hey guys,
I'm experiencing the same thing with a Helmi AKU 3.5 ROM that I've put on my Universal. I know that KaiserTweak is for the....Kaiser, but I was wondering if anyone knew exactly which registry hack to change to "disable DPad scrolling". I read in one of these posts that it was under the PocketIE settings, and I do know that my PocketIE has been hacked to support "high resolution mode", so maybe this is what is causing my issue (although I've found nothing about the setting in IE itself).
If anyone can enlighten me (probably with a Registry setting), even if you've already 'fixed' your Kaiser, I would appreciate it immensely, as this small issue is slowly driving me nuts!
Thanks in advance all,

Text Display Doesn't Work Right

I have tried searching the forums, but can't find anything about it. When I get a text sometimes and try to reply, the display where the words are showing up that I'm typing is smaller than usual. If I type more than one line, I can't see what I'm typing (and don't know if I'm making mistakes).
I think it usually only happens when I'm replying, though I have noticed it happening during normally opening up the texts. Sorry I'm not as descriptive, I have been using a tilt for about 8 months now (2 separate ones) and haven't really found a rhyme or rhythm to it yet. Is there a fix for this or anybody know what's happening?
Thanks for anything.
I haven't run into this myself at all. Are you speaking of the size of the text input box, or the font size of the text you're typing, or both? What programs do you have installed? Have you tried a soft-reset?
It's happened with every WM6 program I've run, as much as I can remember - ever since the I've had the stringed text messaging. WM6, WM6.1, Dutty's Rom, Laurenitis' rom (did I spell that correctly?).
I've done soft resets as well. I wasn't sure if it was a common thing that I just couldn't find searching. Anybody else run into this?
Sorry, it's the text input box that's the problem and I currently have the official wm6.1 installed. I've got a # of other programs installed:
AE Buttons Plus
Google Maps
SlingPlayer mobile
I also use gullum diamond keys
If you go to Control Panel, System>Screen, there is an option to set system wide font size. Try increase that.
I have the same problem. It's as if the text input box at the bottom of the threaded SMS 'hides' behind the bar at the bottom where the softkeys are, so you can only see about 40% of the box. Very annoying if you're typing more than one line.
I've tried changing the font size, which doesn't help.
Changing the orientation of the screen doesn't help.
Ending the "SMS/MMS" application and starting it again doesn't help.
A soft reset sometimes helps, but not often.
talksoncorners said:
I have the same problem. It's as if the text input box at the bottom of the threaded SMS 'hides' behind the bar at the bottom where the softkeys are, so you can only see about 40% of the box. Very annoying if you're typing more than one line.
I've tried changing the font size, which doesn't help.
Changing the orientation of the screen doesn't help.
Ending the "SMS/MMS" application and starting it again doesn't help.
A soft reset sometimes helps, but not often.
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i've experienced the problem you are describing on some of the recent HyperDragon ROMs by SJ...make no mistake about it, HyperDragon is an EXCELLENT series of ROMs.
for me, ending the sms/mms application and then starting it up again ALWAYS works everytime i've experienced the issue
...and i think it is caused by rapidly closing the hardware keyboard shut (which causes the screen orientation to begin switching back to portrait) right after typing a text reply in a thread and hitting send followed by pressing the hardware OK button (to close the thread and return to the inbox)...threads you open afterwards will then show this "shortened" reply input field. i'm not certain about the above scenario but i think i was doing some or all of those steps in some order just before experiencing the issue whenever i have experienced the issue.

[Q]3Q's: GSen; close apps; compose SMS

Hi folks,
I have gathered a few questions you might be able to help me with.
Using: O2 XDA Diamond, Olinex 2.4 unsigned, Radio, Panosha Simple 1.1, the usual tweaks
GSen. It might be useful to some, but I just don't need this flipping anytime I move the device. I renamed the gsen.exe to prevent it from being loaded on startup. This works, but I get a nasty error message, of course. That doesn't bother me, but I'd still like to know if there's a more elegant solution to this, like a registry entry disabling GSen altogether.
Is there a way to make pressing the little "cross" button (top right corner in most apps) close applications instead of minimizing it? To finally kill a program I have to use the task manager. Any idea how to add a little more power to this button?
About composing messages: Entering a name in a new message used to make the corresponding contact entries popup in formerly used ROMs. That's no more. I now have to open the adress book, choose a contact and select "Send Text Message". How can I get the lost feature back?
Not sure about 1 & 3, but for 2 unless it's been altered in the ROM your using, goto Start>Settings>System>Task Manager>Button, you can change the action the small cross does.
but this seems to have been changed in Panoshas ROM, there's no "task manager" option in the settings.
Anyone else got an idea?
Managed to solve problem No. 1)
Deleted shortcut file for GSen in /windows/startup/
Problem No. 3 is what disturbs me the most, now. Any ideas?

