NC going to get Android Market? - Nook Color General

So before I purchased the NC last night, I asked the sales rep if there were going to be any software updates to Android. He said they are expecting an update early next year that will include the Android market and Flash support. I wonder if it's a version of Froyo or maybe Gingerbread?
Regardless, I'm taking it with a grain of salt since it came from someone in a store, but I thought it might be worth mentioning.

Sirchuk said:
So before I purchased the NC last night, I asked the sales rep if there were going to be any software updates to Android. He said they are expecting an update early next year that will include the Android market and Flash support. I wonder if it's a version of Froyo or maybe Gingerbread?
Regardless, I'm taking it with a grain of salt since it came from someone in a store, but I thought it might be worth mentioning.
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A Froyo "base" is expected, since it is needed to add Flash. I don't see them adding Market, since they went to the trouble to set up their own Market, but I suppose anything is possible.

it won't be the android market, just the B&N Market. Just root and save yourself a lot of hassle.


Can I ROOT out of the box?

I'm looking to buy a NookCOLOR today to have myself a cheap, nice tablet. Can they be rooted out of the box? im not familiar with the version#s or anything.. can anyone help me out as far as what ill need to do? Pros and cons?
DroidHam said:
I'm looking to buy a NookCOLOR today to have myself a cheap, nice tablet. Can they be rooted out of the box? im not familiar with the version#s or anything.. can anyone help me out as far as what ill need to do? Pros and cons?
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I would think it depends on where you buy it. I am pretty sure from hearing about it that Barnes and Noble employees are required to open and update their stock with current software. But Best Buy's and such I don't think do. Being as the last 2 NC's I bought had v1.00 on them even though 1.0.1 had been out for quite some time. No doubt 1.1 rooting should be available anytime now. And it won't be a concern. But for a guarantee I would go with BB or someplace other than B&N, mind you, you might get better support if you need that sort of thing via B&N. I got all mine from BB.
So 1.1 isn't rootable? Is there a way to tell what version im getting before I buy it?
Im completely new to this. I have a Droid Incredible rooted, is this similar? Run the clockwork recovery mod then flash a custom eclair rom or something of that nature?
All the BB by me are sold out, does anywhere else sell them?
Barnes and Noble brick and mortar, some walmarts, of course best buy... I had to go to a city way south of me to find one after best buy couldn't exchange my defective unit and had to return my cash.
Well all the best buys within 200 miles are sold out. The B&N down the street has them in, I guess ill have to chance it.... I REALLY hope I can root this thing
No, there is no way to know what software is on it till it boots, but seriously I wouldn't concern yourself with it, as long as it isn't B&N I doubt it is updated. Like I said all the ones I have gotten in the past WEEK were 1.00 not even 1.0.1. And 1.1.0 will be rooted anytime now, within today or tomorrow if I was a betting man. So it will still be rootable pretty quick.
And I bought all mine online, did 1 Pick up in Store, the others I had shipped, so even if it isn't in stock in store you can wait a couple days to get it! There is also Amazon!
I'm going to pick one up from B&N today, maybe if I tell them im in a huge hurry theyll let me go without updating it, lol...
Hopefully the newest version gets rooted soon
Bought mine at the local Walmart and it had 1.0.1. I knew more about it than the person who helped me, but it was much more convenient. I brought it home thinking I would hold off rooting it, but within 2 hours rooted it was!
I just foun someone in my town on craigslist selling "mint condition" version 1.0.1 with case for $225, we'll see...
DroidHam said:
I'm going to pick one up from B&N today, maybe if I tell them im in a huge hurry theyll let me go without updating it, lol...
Hopefully the newest version gets rooted soon
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Hopefully the Craigslist works out, otherwise I would go BB Online, Amazon or find a BB or Walmart that has one cuz like I said earlier, I think the B&N guys open their stock and update so when customers pick them up they are updated and work the way they are supposed to in their stores. So if that is the case, there is no pleading that you are in a hurry, it will have already been done before you pick up the box.
My advice is to keep checking your local Craigslist. I put a WTB ad and found one, new, for $200.

No stock in stores this week (Feb 6th-13th)

I went into Best Buy to perhaps buy a NC, only to see that all supplies have been pulled and won't be available until the 14th.
I've heard this could be an attempt by B&N to try and block rooting from happening by updating the hardware.
Has anyone else seen anything about it?
JaysFreaky said:
I went into Best Buy to perhaps buy a NC, only to see that all supplies have been pulled and won't be available until the 14th.
I've heard this could be an attempt by B&N to try and block rooting from happening by updating the hardware.
Has anyone else seen anything about it?
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Yes, it was false.
In an earlier report it was suggested that shipments of the NOOKcolor from Barnes & Noble were halted in order to institute an edition of the e-reader that would be a bit more difficult for hackers and modders to break wide open. A source has now come forward saying that speculation is totally false.
While shipments have indeed stopped for the time being, the stoppage is actually the result of a bug in B&N’s inventory system. Shipments were halted so that a company-wide stock count could take place in order to update current numbers before resuming the reception of new units. The bug and halt on shipments also coincides with a production delay coming out of China. Here is B&N’s word on how they will handle current in-store stock:
“B&N’s short-term solution to the problem is to move stock from one store to another to cover demand, with cooperation at the local level between stores.”
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So it looks like you won’t need to get your drawers in a bunch over the NOOKcolor gestapo-ing away the ability to do cool things like, say, install Honeycomb on your rooted e-reader.
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I always wonder how people only hear the first part of a rumor (for example the minimum requirements for Gingerbread and then again minimum requirements for Honeycomb) but never the second part saying the rumor was untrue.
Anyway, yes, that rumor is 100% false.
In Stock
I went to a B&N last week (San Diego, CA) and was told they would restock soon and the nook salesperson asked if I wanted to be placed on a waiting list and that they would call/email me once they had stock.
I received a call and email saying that it is in stock and that they would hold it for 48 hours:
from Barnes & Noble Booksellers <Barnes&[email protected]>
to [projectedv]
date Tue, Feb 8, 2011 at 1:02 AM
subject Your Barnes & Noble Booksellers Order # 2984-160538 is NOW AVAILABLE FOR PICKUP.
Dear [projectedv],
Thank you for your order for:
1 NOOKcolor, 1400532655
This order will be available for pick-up on 02/07/2011 and will be held through 02/09/2011. You are welcome to stop by the store to pick up your order.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
The Booksellers at Barnes & Noble Booksellers #2984
10775 Westview Parkway
San Diego, CA 92126
This e-mail was generated by an automated process. Please do not reply to it.
Shop on-line at -- click here to learn more
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And I was able to use 2x groupon for discount! =D
Oh cool! Thanks for the update guys!
JaysFreaky said:
I went into Best Buy to perhaps buy a NC, only to see that all supplies have been pulled and won't be available until the 14th.
I've heard this could be an attempt by B&N to try and block rooting from happening by updating the hardware.
Has anyone else seen anything about it?
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I bought one Monday night and was told it'd be available the 28th. Got an email this morning saying it was ready to pick up today!
I should have checked again today for local stores - they have them in stock today. Didn't when I went in there yesterday. lol
Maybe Honeycomb thingy help this baby out of stock.

Flash & BN App Store in April Update Official

or at least HSN Official Web Site:
NOOK Color™ 7" Touchscreen LCD Tablet with Wi-Fi and eBooks
which says:
Coming Soon "Sneak Peek" Updates
HSN will have the "sneak peek" of the new Nook updates, which launches in April
The new updates will be sent out automatically if your device in connected to Wi-Fi
HSN customers will receive the update first
Shop the NOOK Store for a wide variety of fun and engaging NOOK Apps
Download all types of apps to get even more out of your device
Some of the exciting new apps include Angry Birds, Lonely Planet Phrasebook and Drawing Pad
Adobe Flash
Expand your web experience by watching videos that use Adobe Flash
Built-in Email
Stay connected via built-in email, just like you do on other tablets and high-end smartphones
No need to go through Internet browser
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Yeah, that about as "official" as the "Chigako Bulls" T-shirt I bought from a street vendor in Beijing.
just as official as an e-reader turned tablet
hoping the update is true
dsf3g said:
Yeah, that about as "official" as the "Chigako Bulls" T-shirt I bought from a street vendor in Beijing.
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OK, this was posted by an "Administrator" (whatever that means) on the Official barnes and Noble Nook Color forums:
"Hi all- If you’d like to get a sneak peek of some of the upcoming NOOK Apps, check out HSN this weekend to see them demonstrated. Then stay tuned! Everyone will receive the update as soon as it is ready this Spring."
Aside from a stock 2.2, what i really hope for is a new kernel, that Dal and other devs can use to make CM7 and HC (when its out) even better...
Browsing is much faster on 2.2 as well. Good news!
If the B&N Forum administrator can be trusted, I suspect that what we'll see is a web browser running embedded Flash videos and some cook-books with embedded video demonstrations. Wouldn't surprise me to see Angry Birds or some such, also, when they talk about "all the other things the Nook Color can do."
I will say that it kinda rubs me the wrond way to see the Nook Color on HSN. I associate that show with overpriced Packard Bell's (and lets face it: Packard Bell were overpriced at any price) and $15.00, 10 Carat "genuine faux diamons."
dsf3g said:
I will say that it kinda rubs me the wrond way to see the Nook Color on HSN. I associate that show with overpriced Packard Bell's (and lets face it: Packard Bell were overpriced at any price) and $15.00, 10 Carat "genuine faux diamons."
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does the fact they are selling the NC for 299 have anything to do with that?
sent from nookcolor
Sorry, I'm new here, but Home Shopping has the nerve to charge $300, $50 more than every other store, for the Nook Color, and that $50 buys you a lousy 2 GB SD card with a bunch of free Gutenburg Project books??
I mean, I knew they have no shame, but.... WOW.
That might be the most expensive 2 GB SD card EVER.
I wonder if google apps will be available. I'd really have no need for rooting if only the basic applications were available through their market.
s52m3 said:
I wonder if google apps will be available. I'd really have no need for rooting if only the basic applications were available through their market.
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Well it says Email App... even iphone has Google apps, despite Jobs' feud with Google, so it seems likely that BN would also have google apps.
BTW, as some have mentioned, HSN will use the "$299" price as a starting point for saying "but only if you call now, you get it for" in order to make their actual price seem more like a deal.
ADude said:
Well it says Email App... even iphone has Google apps, despite Jobs' feud with Google, so it seems likely that BN would also have google apps.
BTW, as some have mentioned, HSN will use the "$299" price as a starting point for saying "but only if you call now, you get it for" in order to make their actual price seem more like a deal.
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Sadly, that isn't the case. The only devices that are shipping with GApps, are those that have a cellular radio (aka the phones, and some tablets). Non licensed devices (like ours, and others) do not ship with it (though it doesn't stop us from putting them on.
List of the books come with Nook on HSN
Sent from my NookColor
Divine_Madcat said:
Sadly, that isn't the case. The only devices that are shipping with GApps, are those that have a cellular radio (aka the phones, and some tablets). Non licensed devices (like ours, and others) do not ship with it (though it doesn't stop us from putting them on.
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That doesn't stop B&N from licensing it for the 2.2 Update.
I'm wondering what it's going to do for those running rooted stock? For once I don't want to be in the first batch to upgrade.
xdabr said:
Sorry, I'm new here, but Home Shopping has the nerve to charge $300, $50 more than every other store, for the Nook Color, and that $50 buys you a lousy 2 GB SD card with a bunch of free Gutenburg Project books??
I mean, I knew they have no shame, but.... WOW.
That might be the most expensive 2 GB SD card EVER.
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No, it's not. Bought a 2GB MicroSD when they first came out, and it ran a cool $180 (plus sales tax!) at the time, as they were exclusive through SanDisk to one cellphone carrier for a good few months (Verizon IIRC). Curse of the early adopter, saw them drop to sub-$100 just half a year later or so.
Talesin_BatBat said:
No, it's not. Bought a 2GB MicroSD when they first came out, and it ran a cool $180 (plus sales tax!) at the time, as they were exclusive through SanDisk to one cellphone carrier for a good few months (Verizon IIRC). Curse of the early adopter, saw them drop to sub-$100 just half a year later or so.
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I buy my 2gb cards for $5.99 at Micro Center now.
victle said:
List of the books come with Nook on HSN
Sent from my NookColor
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Yes, that's my point! They're a bunch of old classic literature that is <b>all</b> available for free via Project Gutenburg (33,000 titles and counting) and other venues.
If there's a single title there that you'd actually have to pay for, please let me know; I haven't checked all of them.
This is a rip-off. But it's a tangent; the point of the thread was about the B&N update. (See also the recent bad news about Honeycomb being withheld.)
Divine_Madcat said:
Aside from a stock 2.2, what i really hope for is a new kernel, that Dal and other devs can use to make CM7 and HC (when its out) even better...
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I'm with you , if this provides a new kernel that can be integrated in CM7 and HC great, otherwise I honestly don't care at all Not hating on anyone on stock, I rocked it for awhile, just saying once I flashed cm7 I didn't look back...and I wouldn't be surprised if that's going to be the road for most nook rooters (not necc. cm7, but also HC, phiremod, etc...)
by stock I mean stock-rooted...I was on stock for about the time it took me to charge the device
Looks like B&N has finally had their own press release for this (and not the Facebook one either)....

[Q] Where's the B&N Update?

Anybody seen the announced B&N update which was supposed to come in mid-April?
Not that I'm anxious or anything!
You beat me to it. I was about to post the same thing. I am praying that it fixes the screen and gives us more touches. Two is just not enough for gaming. Give me 3-4 at least.
A. Nonymous said:
You beat me to it. I was about to post the same thing. I am praying that it fixes the screen and gives us more touches. Two is just not enough for gaming. Give me 3-4 at least.
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While that would be nice, i would not count on it.
keep in mind, any B&N update will be for their functionality, and not ours. Nothing i have seen on THEIR software facilitates the need for 3+ touches, so thy won't waste time implementing it.
As it is, i wonder if we are even placing too much on the update in terms of code base. I don't believe they ever updated their code release to be in line with the last two updates, so we may not want to expect it this time either....
cameraz said:
Anybody seen the announced B&N update which was supposed to come in mid-April?
Not that I'm anxious or anything!
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BN never said mid-April. Their press release said "spring" which could be anytime between now and May 21.
HSN said mid-April. You might ask some of the folks in this thread who are convinced it's coming.
When the next update comes, it will still be eclair (not froyo) with the BN app store. BN is only supporting Google Android SDK Platform 2.1 API 7.
Divine_Madcat said:
While that would be nice, i would not count on it.
keep in mind, any B&N update will be for their functionality, and not ours. Nothing i have seen on THEIR software facilitates the need for 3+ touches, so thy won't waste time implementing it.
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You're probably right. IN fact, you're most likely right. Part of me is very tempted to buy the Xoom just because it has more touches. Can't bring myself to part with the money though.
Nah hold out just a bit more man, plenty of similar priced tablets coming out this year with a better size to them (closer to the nook's size).
I got my eye on one of these puppies:
Hopefully, Samsung will price them competitively.
cameraz said:
I got my eye on one of these puppies:
Hopefully, Samsung will price them competitively.
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Updated: Samsung came clean with the pricing at its press conference this morning. The WiFi 10.1 will hit on June 8th -- the 16GB version will cost you $499 and the 32GB $599. The 8.9 is $469 and $569 for 16GB and 32GB, respectively.
Right from the page you linked.
I too like the 8.9, but the price and Touch software could be a deal breaker for me. Need to see something a bit more competitive to my nook color before I bite the bullet again.
Maybe if I see CM7-8 on it by the time it goes down in price ;p
Gin1212 said:
Updated: Samsung came clean with the pricing at its press conference this morning. The WiFi 10.1 will hit on June 8th -- the 16GB version will cost you $499 and the 32GB $599. The 8.9 is $469 and $569 for 16GB and 32GB, respectively.
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Looking at the material cost for 7" and 10" tablets (NC and iPad), future tablets will all be priced at around $200 and $500 with IPS screens. Any tablets priced less than $200 (7") or $500 (10") will be scrimping on some aspects - most likely the display.
By waiting, the improvement you see in tablets with IPS screen is performance or memory.
fpga_guy said:
BN never said mid-April. Their press release said "spring" which could be anytime between now and May 21.
HSN said mid-April. You might ask some of the folks in this thread who are convinced it's coming.
When the next update comes, it will still be eclair (not froyo) with the BN app store. BN is only supporting Google Android SDK Platform 2.1 API 7.
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Then someone needs to update store reps. They've been touting an "android 2.2" (never heard em say froyo) in "mid month."
fpga_guy said:
BN never said mid-April. Their press release said "spring" which could be anytime between now and May 21.
HSN said mid-April. You might ask some of the folks in this thread who are convinced it's coming.
When the next update comes, it will still be eclair (not froyo) with the BN app store. BN is only supporting Google Android SDK Platform 2.1 API 7.
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I thought they were going to include Flash support. If so, wouldn't they need 2.2 (froyo) or higher?

Tweet to get our phones

we are starting a twitter trend #wheresournexus4 to try to call enough attention to the fact that google hasnt shipped us our phones in a timely matter. Hopefully this will move them to get our phones to us sooner and prevent this from happening again. Surferdude73 has tweeted all the tech celebs and many have started to tweet and rt. remember there is a 100 rt limit per hour. Thanks for your help guys lets do this!
#whereisournexus4 12/4 going on right now
credit: whenbearsreign , surfersomething 69, dirtywhatever, doctor..., and some more people
dont blame me this is a satire thread: more info in the official play store thread if you want to discuss it with these guys
already been done from the original backorder... #wheresmynexus4
Limbo Land For Life!!!
siloner said:
already been done from the original backorder... #wheresmynexus4
Limbo Land For Life!!!
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Currently being done in the "[Official] Play Store orders & shipping thread!" as #WhereismyNexus4
It's in all the companies best interests to get as much stock out and sold as quickly as possible. I don't think they're withholding anything from you and I don't think tweeting about it will do any good.
If they go the other route and make it open for pre order people are going to complain that their pre order hasn't changed status.
It's a lose lose situation until they make more phones.
Sent from my Nexus 4
DarkRyoushii said:
It's in all the companies best interests to get as much stock out and sold as quickly as possible. I don't think they're withholding anything from you and I don't think tweeting about it will do any good.
If they go the other route and make it open for pre order people are going to complain that their pre order hasn't changed status.
It's a lose lose situation until they make more phones.
Sent from my Nexus 4
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This is not about people who haven't gotten stock yet. My order for one has been stuck on pre-order since day one on the 13th. I got tired of it and went out and bought one outside of the play store. Now this ones gonna be a Xmas present but I can't seem to get my order jammed free. Every time I call they tell me nothing is wrong and Google wallet says the same. My order just seems to have been lost. Some people fully charged not just a pre-auth charge and still no tracking. Yet more on the 13th and 27th who got charged and got tracking but but there order seems to have just disappeared. Thank you for your time I'm not going to speak on this anymore here. My intentions are not to start any type or argument merely to help inform others of what has taken place to some. We are all the Google faithful.
Tweet people Tweet
I can see the frustration but that's how the play pre-order system works. The same thing happened with my order for a nexus 7. Day one order, Nothing until it's shipped and no indication of it being anywhere until then. If the rep said there is nothing wrong I can guarantee that you'll get it when it's ready.
Sent from my Nexus 4
DarkRyoushii said:
I can see the frustration but that's how the play pre-order system works. The same thing happened with my order for a nexus 7. Day one order, Nothing until it's shipped and no indication of it being anywhere until then. If the rep said there is nothing wrong I can guarantee that you'll get it when it's ready.
Sent from my Nexus 4
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The problem with this is myself, and a lot of people in the Play Store Order & Shipping thread, have been waiting since the 13th for our devices. This wasn't a pre-order, it was an actual launch. We have no idea where our devices are and people who ordered on the 27th, when the store re-launched, already have their devices. Some of those people have tracking numbers but no phone has been shipped. With the hashtag, we're trying to get attention from either Google or the media to get this resolved.

