[Q] Random Browser-related question (PC Vs Mac) - Off-topic

So I love the internet.
I love accessing the internet.
I love the speed of Google's Chrome browser.
But I own a mac.
It's a dual boot OS X & Windows 7, and I've noticed that Chrome for mac is wayy slower than Chrome for windows. Can anybody else relate to this/confirm?
I don't see any reason why chrome for PC should be so much faster than the Mac version, but that's what I'm getting & it's making me use windows on my mac all the time - making me question why I bought an Apple computer.
If anyone knows a solid answer to this or suggest a faster Mac browser I would be over the moon cause it's been bugging me for months now

Change to Windows

I use FF on my PC, but chrome on my mac. I have no problems with it. It is very fast and stuff like that.
Macbook something, 2.26MHz C2D and 4GB ram

jaszek said:
I use FF on my PC, but chrome on my mac. I have no problems with it. It is very fast and stuff like that.
Macbook something, 2.26MHz C2D and 4GB ram
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i hope you mean 2.26Ghz

urbanengine1 said:
i hope you mean 2.26Ghz
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Or do I? I run PS CS5 on 2.26 Mhz and it's blazing fast. lol.
Yes, I mean GHz.

You could try running the Beta branch of Chrome to see if that helps?

DirkGently1 said:
You could try running the Beta branch of Chrome to see if that helps?
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Isn't everything from google always in beta? lol

I use the Dev channel and Canary build. ( Canary build can't be your only installation of Chrome so I'm forced to have the Dev channel also) Canary build is blazing fast and I love the name!

EDIT: I cleared my cookies & that seemed to do the trick.. Often the simplest solution is the best
Don't get me wrong, Chrome is still fast for me on OS X, just not as fast as it's Windows equivalent, and that's what's bugging me, and for the record mine's also a macbook something 2.26 GHz w/ 8GB RAM (overkill I know but the RAM was on sale).
I have thought about permanently using windows, but in general the Mac OS is just prettier & less prone to freezing or 'Not Responding' & better.
I was hoping there were perhaps some networking or other settings I could alter to increase the speed, but no mention of anything so far. I read that turning off IPv6 can help but I tried it and didn't see any results, plus I have that enabled on windows so it shouldn't be the reason there's a difference. I also tried some other DNS servers, but they screwed around with the internet access at my university so I had to rever the changes back to standard.
I'll give the Canary build a try
EDIT: Turns out you can only get Canary for Windows
Thanks for all the responses


firefox takes up WAY too much memory!

this is how much Ram firefox is using as I start to type this message.
Ok so recently I've been realizing that firefox has been making my computer very very slow. especially when i watch youtube videos they lag horribly! I checked my task manager and firefox was using 800mb of RAM!!! the number seemed to keep rising too! On the Average I have about 10 tabs constantly open.. usually more when there are lots of new topics, but in the end I'm back to about 10.
I tried a test... 2 actually...
my first test is opening all 3 browsers (chrome, firefox, and opera), Open 10 tabs, then simply go to the task manager to check how much RAM each is using. my second test it periodically glancing at the task manager as i type this message.
that is how much firefox is at now. I have done NOTHING with firefox, I'm typing this message on chrome.. the number seems to rise on it's own! It's like it's storing an infinite cache!
Now let's look at the other browsers... I've let them sit for a while with 10 tabs open...
chrome - 43,620k
opera - 99,312k
firefox - 182,314k
after about an hour or less of browsing firefox usually makes it to 800,000k+. Is this happening for anyone else?
edit: I just had to kill the task because I was checking my myspace and all the sudden it wasn't responding. I check the task manager and im at 100% CPU usage and it's using 600mb ram.
The Memory Leak in FireFox 2 is a well known bug. FireFox 3 does not have that leak.
Unfortunately, the memoryleak is still present in FF3.
I use this tool to free-up RAM, FreeRAM XP Pro:
I hate Firefox. Me and a few buddies of mine on another forum always quarrel and have this debate (I would link to the thread but..). I gave it a fair game and went out to try it. Now i'm forced to use it since i crashed my HD and have to boot Linux. Let me say...it's HORRIBLE.
I liked IE7 way more. FX renders the page horribly. It'll display user avatar instead of showing it, no new posts instead of showing the icon, smiley face html instead of the real face, etc.
As soon as i get my laptop fixed, i'm going back to IE7.
And o yea, IE8 is the worst thing Microsoft has EVER unveiled.
IE8 is still in beta dude. Wait for it to perfect
Carty said:
IE8 is still in beta dude. Wait for it to perfect
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I know that and personally i wouldn't even call it an Alpha; it's that bad.
In my experience Opera is the best!!
maybe in 1 or 2 years Chrome will be a good one also
I've got to say Opera is the best. I stuck with IE7 for a while, but I got sick of the crashes, so I tried Firefox. I had it set to reload my prev tabs on reopen. Well, Firefox crashed at some point, then when I tried to reopen Firefox, it would crash again because of the saved crash point.
Not to mention Opera has the Speed Dial page along with slide gestures.
lol IE8... it was like the developers were in the middle of typing their code and all the sudden they said File>Save and released it as a beta. Usually beta's have some error, but not too bad, they should atleast be stable. Like someone mentioned above, shouldnt even be considered an alpha.
Opera is great except no spell check, i should google and see if there is a plugin for this.
chome's spell check is horrible. it has probably 500 words total in it's dictionary. Some words it didn't think existed, such as the word familiar, (and i cant remember what the others were). I'm sure in the future this will be fixed.
I like everything about firefox, even the fact that I have downloaded a speed dial for it!
I'm having issues with youtube and firefox, same with chrome. youtube videos only play for about 2 seconds and then stop, also there is no sound. I have to exit and wait for the task to be killed and then try again. anyone else having these problems with youtube? IE and opera dont seem to suffer this problem.
Firefox on *Nix works well The new IE isnt all that bad at memory ive noticed, but then ive never noticed Firefox having an issue either on my work laptop. Maybe you need more ram? 8gb on my dual Xeon tower runs nicely
dude i have 4gb of ram.
and this is what i have open at ALL times.
Photoshop CS3 Extended.
Mozilla Firefox 3
and it still runs smooth! :O
I have 1.5 Gb
And I have always open
Opera (At least 6 tabs)
And I canĀ“t really complain, average response is ok... (Vista included)
Firefox 3 does not have the memory leak present in everything pre-v3 beta 5, so it's something else. I've been using FF3 since the late alphas and the bug was there all the way up to beta 5 when it disappeared and they made dramatic improvements in speed and memory usage.
If you're complaining about RAM usage in a browser these days, perhaps you just need to get more RAM to begin with. I've had Firefox 3 loaded up with 40 tabs of Flash-laden content of all kinds and image galleries with hundreds of pics and barely see 400MB of usage so, I can't imagine why people even bother to complain anymore unless they're stuck with 1 GHz Celeron and 256MB of PC133 RAM...
kidnamedAlbert said:
dude i have 4gb of ram.
and this is what i have open at ALL times.
Photoshop CS3 Extended.
Mozilla Firefox 3
and it still runs smooth! :O
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LOL i was being sarcastic although 4gb isnt too bad seeing as how its your max amount on a true 32 bit OS
I on the otherhand am running a few different flavors on my tower ( Vista is a beast on there but I MUCH prefer leopard ) so the 8GB comes in handy esp when im watching tv on 1 monitor, working with CS3 on the other and have 5-10 tabs open in firefox
if you guys read my first post, you would see firefox takes up significantly more RAM than the other 2 browsers I tried. keeping firefox running for up to an hour uses 800mb of ram!
while opera and chrome manage to stay around 100mb or under, with the same amount of tabs or more!!
also, another thing happened today, I left firefox open and walked away from my computer to play guitar, I played for about 20 minutes, and when I got back it says "not responding" and I checked the task manager and it was at 856mb! I only had one tab open and it was minimized. There is defiantly something wrong, the other browsers dont do this.
IE7 is ok, no memory or compatibility issues, but no spell check and crashes too much.
great news!
i found a spellchecker for opera, I'm gonna try it now!
not so great news!
im 7yping this !n opera right now, and aS uuu can see it doesnt even fix my err0rz!!'
It looks like you have to right click and click "spellcheck" and then it searches for spelling mistakes, but that isnt as simple as the red underline to indicate an error.
Firefox still tops spellcheck!
If you read my response you will see I asked what version of FireFox you are running, It really makes quite a difference.
FireFox 3 Is much more leaner on the Memory.
JimmyMcGee said:
If you read my response you will see I asked what version of FireFox you are running, It really makes quite a difference.
FireFox 3 Is much more leaner on the Memory.
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yup I'm using FF3, and I've heard the exact oppisite! I heard that in FF2 there was no memory problem and it appeared in FF3.
the exact version (that says in about) I'm using is 3.0.3.
bbz_Ghost said:
Firefox 3 does not have the memory leak present in everything pre-v3 beta 5, so it's something else. I've been using FF3 since the late alphas and the bug was there all the way up to beta 5 when it disappeared and they made dramatic improvements in speed and memory usage.
If you're complaining about RAM usage in a browser these days, perhaps you just need to get more RAM to begin with. I've had Firefox 3 loaded up with 40 tabs of Flash-laden content of all kinds and image galleries with hundreds of pics and barely see 400MB of usage so, I can't imagine why people even bother to complain anymore unless they're stuck with 1 GHz Celeron and 256MB of PC133 RAM...
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...or unless they are running Vista.
I never seen something hog so much power when idle. Anyway yeah, FF uses a lot of RAM. You might want to invest in an additional GB
my firefox is only using 85,148k no real awesome computer either, only running on 1gb ram vista pre sp1 and a core2 that runs at 1.6ghz

Opera mini 5 beta in the market.

Its great, go get it. Huge improvement over the last opera browser, especially for people like me with below EDGE speeds.
A browser can't make your internet connection any faster than it is. Data is data. And don't talk about data compression -- ALL browsers compress data.
Opera might be ok, IF they throw out their trash proprietary rendering engine in favor of something that actually works (like khtml, or even better, gecko).
I tried it and didn't like it much. It renders pages in a zoomed out format with only one level of zoom. Using the trackball for the mouse was very imprecise.
I still like Loccy's BetterBrowser.
least you can upload with it.
lbcoder said:
A browser can't make your internet connection any faster than it is. Data is data. And don't talk about data compression -- ALL browsers compress data.
Opera might be ok, IF they throw out their trash proprietary rendering engine in favor of something that actually works (like khtml, or even better, gecko).
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Do all browsers compress data the same way Opera Mini does? Opera uses special servers at which pages are compressed before being sent to your device. All other Android browsers do not do that (such as the Eclair browser in CyanogenMod).
It's for that reason tha Opera Mini really can speed up your browsing experience over slow connections.
Just don't do any online banking, etc...The Opera server approach has always creeped me out, but I guess it's no different than your ISP tracking you. This beta is pretty nice, but needs to be more configurable to remove some of the cutesy stuff. Anyone know what the user agent string is for this, because some sites tell me "not allowed for your device"?
TeeJay3800 said:
Do all browsers compress data the same way Opera Mini does? Opera uses special servers at which pages are compressed before being sent to your device. All other Android browsers do not do that (such as the Eclair browser in CyanogenMod).
It's for that reason tha Opera Mini really can speed up your browsing experience over slow connections.
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lbcoder said:
A browser can't make your internet connection any faster than it is. Data is data. And don't talk about data compression -- ALL browsers compress data.
Opera might be ok, IF they throw out their trash proprietary rendering engine in favor of something that actually works (like khtml, or even better, gecko).
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yes, data is data, but the time spent waiting for a page to load is not only downloading data, it's also spend rendering. if you eliminate the time spend rendering by using powerful servers to do the grunt work, all you have to wait for is data. that's why nobody uses this on the nexus one, it can easily render pages quickly. our g1s and mt3gs and cliqs etc. are do not have that beast of a cpu (obviously) that is snapdragon
lbcoder said:
A browser can't make your internet connection any faster than it is. Data is data. And don't talk about data compression -- ALL browsers compress data.
Opera might be ok, IF they throw out their trash proprietary rendering engine in favor of something that actually works (like khtml, or even better, gecko).
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mini opera use proxy - mini opera proxy big fast machine with fast internet - big fast machine with fast internet compresses web page - big fast machine sends compressed web page to phone - phone gets smaller page faster/cheaper - win
its fast , it works, its not great on Android as we are used to more functionality ( but its fast )
you just seem to be missing its goal.. which tbh is aimed at mobiles with slow/expensive data connections, not smartphones with 'data plans'
im on it right now its blazing fast all it needs is multi touch and it would be set
lbcoder said:
A browser can't make your internet connection any faster than it is. Data is data. And don't talk about data compression -- ALL browsers compress data.
Opera might be ok, IF they throw out their trash proprietary rendering engine in favor of something that actually works (like khtml, or even better, gecko).
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lol you are an idiot for reasons listed above
it's pretty fast.. but it irks me that i can't easily select links to open in another tab.
I love the speed. It's ridiculously fast. But I wish it would use a different user agent screen as it treats my phone like I'm on my old Nokia 6101/3 lol. It doesn't realize I'm at least on a smartphone. I dont get the enhanced Google/Gmail/ESPN webpages, I get the uglier mobile ones.
I can see this taking over Dolphin as my default browser because the speed is just incredible. Just needs more functionality.
The thing is blazing fast. Its a pretty good browser in its own right. BTW, double tap to zoom
TeeJay3800 said:
Do all browsers compress data the same way Opera Mini does? Opera uses special servers at which pages are compressed before being sent to your device. All other Android browsers do not do that (such as the Eclair browser in CyanogenMod).
It's for that reason tha Opera Mini really can speed up your browsing experience over slow connections.
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The correct way to implement data compression is to use gzip/deflate from the actual web server you are connecting with rather than proxying through someone's overloaded extra-slow server.
gonintendo said:
yes, data is data, but the time spent waiting for a page to load is not only downloading data, it's also spend rendering. if you eliminate the time spend rendering by using powerful servers to do the grunt work, all you have to wait for is data. that's why nobody uses this on the nexus one, it can easily render pages quickly. our g1s and mt3gs and cliqs etc. are do not have that beast of a cpu (obviously) that is snapdragon
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Remote rendering? Not likely.
Rendering must be done locally, otherwise things like links won't be clickable.
And as far as rendering locally goes... well nice thing is that a REAL browser will become available in a not-so-distant time.... https://wiki.mozilla.org/Android
Until then, google/khtml will do.
Firerat said:
you just seem to be missing its goal.. which tbh is aimed at mobiles with slow/expensive data connections, not smartphones with 'data plans'
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So... android... smartphone with data plan... in other words, this platform is not its goal.
Big fast machine that make data small is the job of every web server that you connect to.
razster said:
lol you are an idiot for reasons listed above
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Same to you.
You obviously don't know how the internet works.
lbcoder said:
Same to you.
You obviously don't know how the internet works.
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Evidently you did not, because you were unaware of concepts to reduce page rendering speeds.
Opera Mini 5 is a vast improvement over the stock browser. I was jealous of my friend's iPhone browser the other day. I am pleased to say after downloading Opera, this is not the case anymore
lbcoder said:
So... android... smartphone with data plan... in other words, this platform is not its goal.
Big fast machine that make data small is the job of every web server that you connect to.
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and no
your totally missing the point of opera mini
edit: just tried opera mini 5, and you know what it is faster !!!
I'm not overly keen on it, but I can see myself using it when I find connection is not all that great..
so lbcoder,
have you actually tried it?
or are you afraid that your conclusion will not match your preconception?
Firerat said:
and no
your totally missing the point of opera mini
edit: just tried opera mini 5, and you know what it is faster !!!
I'm not overly keen on it, but I can see myself using it when I find connection is not all that great..
so lbcoder,
have you actually tried it?
or are you afraid that your conclusion will not match your preconception?
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I've tried various versions of opera before and my conclusion is that their rendering engine is a piece of trash. I'm not willing to waste any more of my time on it.

[Q] Fennec Alpha

So fennec went alpha this week and wanted to know if anyone tried it yet?I've tried to use it but it keeps crashing, has anyone had this issue?
As much as I like firefox, I'll not get this until they trim this chubby app down some. 31mb?
Sent from my CDMA Hero. I got me some hot froyo on hero action here!
couldnt get this app to work either and the size is crazy if u want a different browser try OPERA thats pretty good if ur looking for some fast net or just wait for a better realese
WOW mY English is Atrocious
Yea I like opera but don't like that you can't really download stuff from it. But yea wanted to try out fennec to see how it runs but it's a no go so kinda disappointment.....eh
Actually, Fennec's quite a few good ideas, expecially for Firefox users. I mean, it can syncs your open tabs (the ones you left open at home before leaving!), bookmarks, search history and site access infos (so you won't type those old pass/user you can't even remember).
Moreover, you get plugins... not a big amount of them available, but this could just a matter of time if this catches up; and tab management is on par with Android browser's.
Main downside is related to page render speed and program open, they just fail before Android stock browser (which I think is quite awesome, I have to admit it, in terms of performances and compatibility).
Definitively still a "to keep an eye on" project, though.
just installed the app, but it wont even open
I find it unbelievable that this has even been considered for a release to anyone!
After several attempts to install, I finally got this bloated mess to work, slowly and with no features that haven't been done better elsewhere.
I was truely expecting more, Firefox and Thunderbird have become bad enough lately, with this rubbish Mozilla have scored 3 out of three.
Haven't tried this alpha yet, but I played around with an older Version. I also tried the WinMo version and I can tell you that Fennec on Android is much better than the WinMo version. On my HD2(running Froyo) it installed without problems and it didn't crash. But because the UI had no priority over the webpage rendering it wasn't really usable. But I think I read somewhere that in this alpha the UI has priority, so when I can I will give it a try again. But the only reason for using Fennec are the sync features.
You people should READ THE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS before commenting on whether things are good or not. It CLEARLY states that MSM720xA based phones are NOT COMPATIBLE. Regarding the one who managed to partially get it working.... I don't believe you.
Specifically, the program is built for ARMv7 instruction set. YOUR PHONE SUPPORTS UP TO ARMv6 instruction set ONLY.
To put this very simply.... the program is NOT COMPATIBLE [yet].
lbcoder said:
You people should READ THE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS before commenting on whether things are good or not. It CLEARLY states that MSM720xA based phones are NOT COMPATIBLE. Regarding the one who managed to partially get it working.... I don't believe you.
Specifically, the program is built for ARMv7 instruction set. YOUR PHONE SUPPORTS UP TO ARMv6 instruction set ONLY.
To put this very simply.... the program is NOT COMPATIBLE [yet].
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There are nightly builds, which work on Armv6.
I have it running, on a HTC Magic.
The main deal breakers are that it takes forever to load and that the GUI doesn't scale and all the buttons are too big.
Coming from my standpoint, that really didn't call for caps, as what you believed and clearly read into the announcement didn't eventuate anyway.
I am positively glad about that, I hope you are too xD. So far Armv6 isn't going to be left behind (all too far).
20100905 fennec works on hd2- arm 7
Fennec seems to work on HD2 (an ARM 7 device).
Not sure I like the rendering of pages like xda-developers.com - but it works.
Seems like it has potential.
Definitely has a potencial, but it's too slow and so not usable for normal android experience...waiting for beta release
works on the vibrant but very very laggy. UI is ugly but simple to use.

Android on your PC

For anyone that's interested in running Android on their PC see the link below. It can either be natively run or run in a Virtual Enviroment with VMware or Virtualbox.
I'm currently trying it out with VMware and everything seems to working just fine, play store, you tube, internet, even sound is working. The only thing I've come across is the gallery force closes.
For a quick and easy setup to run in VMware or Virtualbox download the image from here: http://www.osboxes.org/android-x86/
See the screenshots below of it running on my Desktiop:
Thanks for the heads-up @ashyx, just had it running in VirtualBox on Kubuntu 14.04. It was a little buggy, kept getting playstore FCs fairly constant, even though I signed into Google.
Apart from that it runs well enough, I'm a little busy dealing with a dead hdd on my raid, so I only had a cursory glance, can't wait to spend more time with it when time allows though, thanks again.
rastus.rob said:
Thanks for the heads-up @ashyx, just had it running in VirtualBox on Kubuntu 14.04. It was a little buggy, kept getting playstore FCs fairly constant, even though I signed into Google.
Apart from that it runs well enough, I'm a little busy dealing with a dead hdd on my raid, so I only had a cursory glance, can't wait to spend more time with it when time allows though, thanks again.
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Strange must be a virtual box issue. Play store was just fine for me. Im using vmware workstation 12 on a Windows 8.1 box.
I even managed to use the 02 TUGO app to send text messages from my pc.
I'm surprised how well it works actually.
Could be 'cause I tried the latest version 4.4-r3 which according to the available downloads, only works on VB. The version previous ver, 4.4-r2 works on both VB and VmW.
Might roll back and see if it works better.
rastus.rob said:
Could be 'cause I tried the latest version 4.4-r3 which according to the available downloads, only works on VB. The version previous ver, 4.4-r2 works on both VB and VmW.
Might roll back and see if it works better.
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Yes I installed 4.4-r2, however in android build settings it states kk 4.4.4.
ashyx said:
Yes I installed 4.4-r2, however in android build settings it states kk 4.4.4.
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Got around to giving 4.4-r2 a run, smooth as silk. Playstore updated all the software without a hitch too, so it not only now works, it works well, Much fun coming up.
Where would one get some help setting this up? I've tried several times to get it to boot from a USB hard drive and it just tosses me into the grub> prompt when it boots.....
Really would like to tinker with it. It will run from install but after that...no joy.
EDIT: Got it going! Switched to 4.4.r2 worked a charm!
Kinda neat seeing it run on a AMD Phenom CPU.
flhthemi said:
Where would one get some help setting this up? I've tried several times to get it to boot from a USB hard drive and it just tosses me into the grub> prompt when it boots.....
Really would like to tinker with it. It will run from install but after that...no joy.
EDIT: Got it going! Switched to 4.4.r2 worked a charm!
Kinda neat seeing it run on a AMD Phenom CPU.
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Its good for developers, better than the Android emulator allegedly.
interesting stuff !

Firefox heating N6, compared to Chrome

I'm privacy and security aware person (as far as possible,of course).
In this respect I've dropped using Opera once in the hands of chinese company. I missed Opera much.
Tried few others (on second phone ) and narrowed the list to Chrome and Firefox.
I prefer FF but have to admit the scroll slowdown is skipping, I need to do custom DPI because otherwise it switches to tablet mode (awful on N6).
And more over I believe the battery is fast discharging, back of the phone heats much more than using Chrome.
Have to admit Chrome is much more fluent, responsive looms like lighter on battery. But I can't trust it fully...
What is your experince? Can something be done at all? Is it me that face those?
Why don't you use chromium instead? it's basically the open source part of chrome.
Hi, I use it on my Linux machine but which one is the build for Android?
TodNex said:
Hi, I use it on my Linux machine but which one is the build for Android?
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Kiristiba said:
Why don't you use chromium instead? it's basically the open source part of chrome.
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Was going to recommend this but you beat me to the punch! I haven't used FireFox on either my desktop or phone in a long time. Last I remember it does feel noticeably slower than Chrome/Chromium. Another browser to check out is Brave Browser. It's based on Chromium and was founded by the co-founder of the Mozilla Project.
Going to evaluate it today ... Appreciated
You could pull a logcat. See what could be causing it as I use FF as well as do most of the mods. Chrom and Chromium are just not that great for many people.
hi, I will pull one.
do you use any optimizations of FF, I've tried to force GPU rendering from dev option of Android, also disabled animations of OS. Trying to play with AdBlocker plus to see it ads suck in the CPU'. GPU rendering seems to cool the CPU somehow, still for 4-5h of usage FF has consumed 28% where my hungry display consumed 25% of all. Usually when using Chrome display was on top.
Just an idea, can the sync be causing mhch more CPU.
I will play with wiping it again and reinstall. Previous time did not help.
TodNex said:
hi, I will pull one.
do you use any optimizations of FF, I've tried to force GPU rendering from dev option of Android, also disabled animations of OS. Trying to play with AdBlocker plus to see it ads suck in the CPU'. GPU rendering seems to cool the CPU somehow, still for 4-5h of usage FF has consumed 28% where my hungry display consumed 25% of all. Usually when using Chrome display was on top.
Just an idea, can the sync be causing mhch more CPU.
I will play with wiping it again and reinstall. Previous time did not help.
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Yes the sync is badly coded. I dont use it myself as I have no use for syncing that type of info even though I use FF on all my personal stuff and it is used on all the company PC.

