[Q] Something to put on a grave - Off-topic

Sorry about putting this here, seeing as its not the most cheerful subject and all.
A close friend passed away recently and I wanted to get something to put on his grave, I dont know if you've seen them but you can get these large plastic frames that have real flowers on them arranged to make text like "Brother".
I wanted something like that but a bit more permanent and I want to be able to put custom text there.
Are any of you aware of any such service? Time doesnt really matter but as always I havent got tons of money to spend so I dont really know where to look first.

raze599 said:
Sorry about putting this here, seeing as its not the most cheerful subject and all.
A close friend passed away recently and I wanted to get something to put on his grave, I dont know if you've seen them but you can get these large plastic frames that have real flowers on them arranged to make text like "Brother".
I wanted something like that but a bit more permanent and I want to be able to put custom text there.
Are any of you aware of any such service? Time doesnt really matter but as always I havent got tons of money to spend so I dont really know where to look first.
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Talk to the funeral parlour. They should know where to arrange a stone engraving service of sorts.
Other than that, I don't know
And I'm sorry for your loss.

Sorry to hear about your friend. Spike Milligan had "I told you i was ill" as his epitaph. Personally, i'd prefer something with humour rather than something somber too, but most churches have strict rules about this so you'd have to check to see what is or isn't deemed acceptable where you are.

DirkGently1 said:
Sorry to hear about your friend. Spike Milligan had "I told you i was ill" as his epitaph. Personally, i'd prefer something with humour rather than something somber too, but most churches have strict rules about this so you'd have to check to see what is or isn't deemed acceptable where you are.
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Infact due to church rules, he had to have "Dúirt mé leat go raibh mé breoite" which is the Irish for "I told you I was ill"
My sister met Spike once as a young relative of his went to our school, he was a fun guy.
Some rules are pathetic such as not allowing Daddy or Mummy.
You can get realistic small flowers which can make up the flower arrangements such as MUM.
Another thought would be if you have a group photo, or the pair of you together, get it printed on metal/acrylic/perspex so that it can be placed with the grave and cope with the weather, just make sure you get assurances from the printer that their process is suitable for outdoor display and resistant to fading.


Your thought on paparazzi

So I was wondering what you lot think of paparazzi photographers. I'm sure I will see mixed opinions and some flaming, but I'm just interested what you guys (and of course girl ;-) ) think. Once this thread gets moving I will tell you why I posted this.
I despise them. I consider them failed journalists and art majors. If I was famous, I would probably have lawsuits against me for cracking their skulls.
And it's the idiotic public who can not seem to get enough "real life" bull**** from the tv that is fueling the fire. [/rant]
I find them annoying Every where i go they follow me, they list everything I buy, Cant they just leave me alone Jk no paparazzi ever follow me apart from that one time when i threw half eaten hot dog at them, it was more of a chase though
Fair enough to them though, it's there jobs, but when they just follow people for nothing eg. going to the shops, thats annoying no one cares what they bought.We care if they marry etc. though
So now my opinion. I'm a part time paparazzi (and she's my biggest fan, she follows me around....lol) and had a job yesterday. When some people say it's illegal it's 100% legal to photograph anyone on public property. Even though I just started I consider myself an old school pap (as in having a huge lens waiting on the other side of the street photographing without the celebs seeing me). The new type of paparazzi piss me off. They stand in front of doors and bombard the celeb fith flash, which doesn't show what they are doing. Why do we do it? There's a market for it. Many people are annoyed by paps saying that they don't respect the privacy of celebs, but yet these same people are the ones that buy and read all the gossip magazines trying to know what their favorite stars are doing. Also my shots from yestarday might jeapordize someone's marrige
jaszek said:
When some people say it's illegal it's 100% legal to photograph anyone on public property.
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no , its not like that ... its 100% legal to photograph you on public property
and its also 100% legal but ull be on the ****ter with a broken nose and felony charges for assaulting an officer(just to be sure) before u kno it if u try and film the popo (cuz theyre gods)
It's legal stalking that is fed by the dollars of the stupid.
Stardom has its cost. And I guess that cost is jackholes behind a bush or other places with a camera.
good day.
I, personally, don't hate paparazzi. Just regular people (mostly) trying to make a living.
What I hate is that there is actually a market for this garbage. I blame the tabloids, and the "spell" Hollywood has over us as a society.
I hate celebrity gossip magazines. I dont care what a "celebrity" is doing unless I am watching them in a movie. Paparazzi are annoying, but the publications that purchase their photos and make up BS stories are inane and frankly just scum.

Someone who CC's your boss on every e-mail

There’s this guy at work and nearly every time he e-mails me, he CC’s my supervisor.
It’s really annoying because that leads to my supervisor getting involved in things that really are none of his concern.
My supervisor is already a micromanager and very reactionary (always assumes that if he's being asked about something that someone's not doing their job)
Also the guy who's doing this is one of those people who loves to get involved in other people's projects and pretend to be a part of them, so that leads to people going to him for status updates instead of me.
Any advice on getting him to stop in a diplomatic way without it pissing them off or putting him in a position to want to "step it up" and get back at me?
Stonent said:
There’s this guy at work and nearly every time he e-mails me, he CC’s my supervisor.
It’s really annoying because that leads to my supervisor getting involved in things that really are none of his concern.
My supervisor is already a micromanager and very reactionary (always assumes that if he's being asked about something that someone's not doing their job)
Also the guy who's doing this is one of those people who loves to get involved in other people's projects and pretend to be a part of them, so that leads to people going to him for status updates instead of me.
Any advice on getting him to stop in a diplomatic way without it pissing them off or putting him in a position to want to "step it up" and get back at me?
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Send him an e-mail that'll be very embarassing to CC all over the place.
Actually, these kind of people are quite dangerous, because they like to keep their backs covered. So be careful.
One thing I'd like to find out is, ultimately, what is the gripe? Is the CC annoying you, or the CC annoying your boss and then your boss annoys you? Finding out the root cause of a problem instead of treating the symptoms will be way better.
FIght him like a man, next to the water cooler
jaszek said:
FIght him like a man, next to the water cooler
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Psh... real men fight with keyboards. May the man with the heaviest (1982-circa clickety keyboard) wins!
Spill coffee in his workstation so his computer dies a slow smoking death. Then take everything in his cube and freeze it in jello. Then put pictures of a small penis in the womens restrooms with his name all over it.
pm me his and your boss email, ill email him gayporn and cc your boss
kdj67f said:
Spill coffee in his workstation so his computer dies a slow smoking death. Then take everything in his cube and freeze it in jello. Then put pictures of a small penis in the womens restrooms with his name all over it.
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Y'know... I'd pay good money (ok, at least a buck or two) to see that.
Seriously, the dude's a loser and a trouble maker (as has been said up-thread). My advice would be to either completely cut him out of the process (death by starvation) or go further up the chain of command with materials and documentation and complain (death from above). Remember, there comes a point where the job isn't worth the hassle and frustration.
I had similar problem.
My boss is female. My colleague is male and trying to make his mark. I have one day every week when I work from a different office. He waits till I'm not around to ***** about me with her. I am more senior and better at the job. Even though she trusts me implicitly, it still annoys me that the guy is behaving like a little prick. He asks to have days off in the most busy times and only asks her when I'm not around; as if I would say no! I can cope with the work on my own and nobody asks him for anything if I'm around.
When he's done the *****ing thing 3 times I've blown my top with the two of them, collected some reports on all the works I've done and threatened to leave. They would/could not get anyone cheaper and with the same level of knowledge and control. The emails stopped and now, as long as he does not mess the work too much, I cannot care less what he does. I do my work and **** a snoot at the rest.
Unplug all the fans but a couple from his PC so it dies a slow painful death
He is probably a sociopath. These people are all around us. They're completely functional and often successful. They're not psychopaths, they won't start killing people. But they have no regard for the feelings and troubles of others. They will lie, cheat, manipulate their way to the top by any means necessary. Thats who you're probably dealing with. (There was this GREAT article by a big name psychiatrist on workspace sociopaths on reddit a while back but I can't find it, sorry)
Now, I've learned through experience that these people exploit the **** out of "diplomacy". They take advantage of the fact that you don't want to make a big thing out of this, they KNOW you wan't to keep a low profile and they exploit that weakness to bully you. Dealing with bullies is easy. Just walk up to him and tell him to stop. Flat out, plain and simple stop. Let him know crystal clear that you know what he's doing and you want him to stop. No diplomacy.
You could also fight fire with fire.
This will have repercussions ofcourse. It might mean going into a stupid office politics "war" with the guy. So think about it and choose whats right for your particular situation. But keep in mind that these abuses tend to increase and it will get to a point that it will make your worklife miserable. Its best to deal with it early and make the ****er know that it will cost him to **** with you and he better go find someone else.
OR I could be wrong and the guy is just advocating for transparency in the company (Doubt it. He only CCs your boss, not others.)
I say find him after work and beat his ass. Then pretend nothing happened when you are at work.
Definitely an option. But be very careful cause its really ****ing illegal >_>
With personal experience the proper way to handle hostile problems is to report it to management and human resources. But keep in mind that you also have to work with these people to so cool down before you say something that makes you look like the ass.
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My boss always CC's his goddamn boss when he emails me. Grinds my gears
Sent from the fireproof HTC Inspire 4G
natious said:
pm me his and your boss email, ill email him gayporn and cc your boss
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one and only real(and legal) solution , invite to gay clubs too just to "hang out"
also , do it while pretending to be a colleague sending from home address , keep doing till he stops
natious said:
pm me his and your boss email, ill email him gayporn and cc your boss
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This made my weekend.
Sent from my HTC Glacier using XDA App
I know these types of people all too well. Having dealt with some myself. these people are not top be trusted, they can't wait to pull the rug right under your feet. They want to get ahead by making you look bad. My advice to you is to speak with him directly and ask him why he is doing it and tell him it makes you feel uncomfortable. As he can't be trusted he may have moved to bcc your boss instead, so you should voiced your concern with your boss as well. You must cover your ass at all times with this guy. So document anything important concerning him and always answer his emails as if your boss may be in bcc and don't take any **** attempt from him to make you look bad especially via email and answer him to set the record straight, r this is party of documenting.
Sent from my GT-I9000 using XDA Premium App
A dark alley. A late night event. A mindless ass-kicking.
It could be fun.
SciFiSurfer said:
A dark alley. A late night event.
It could be fun.
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Sent from my HTC Vision using XDA Premium App
See? Thats what happens when a passive agressive sociopath makes the big mistake of ****ing with a psychopath.

ALS Ice Bucket Challenge for XDA members!!

The Rules Are Simple:
After being nominated by someone here on XDA you have 24 hours to:
1) Video yourself being drenched with freezing ice water
2) Nominate 3 more XDA members to do the same
3) Post the video in this thread
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Be Sure to inform those who you nominated right away!!!!!!
If you do not complete the requirements outlined above you are to donate $100 in support of finding the cure, more info here:
ALS Association - Ice Bucket Challenge
The first challenge is put forth by me @demkantor
and nominating
@Judge Joseph Dredd
you guys have 24 hours!!!!!
1st XDA ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
Honored to be nominated @demkantor if I was already nominated to do it by one of my friends should I just post that video here and nominate other people? Hate to break the chain, either way I'll be donating more money to this great cause !
I don't know if this is a good idea...............
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1520
shimp208 said:
Honored to be nominated @demkantor if I was already nominated to do it by one of my friends should I just post that video here and nominate other people? Hate to break the chain, either way I'll be donating more money to this great cause !
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Well I did two separate videos, one with friends and now this one with just XDA members nominated... So I say you get two!
404-Not Found said:
I don't know if this is a good idea...............
Sent from my Nokia Lumia 1520
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I have a feeling you will be in the short list for nominations..........
Good thing nobody knows me here so I won't get nominated.
Although I'm not saying I don't wanna get nominated.
Sent from my Moto G using Tapatalk
Even 9gag is sending me these videos now (oh god, that last one It's going to take months to get that image out of my head! Thank you for that 9gag -.- ), don't make me watch more people who don't know what ALS is pretend they care.
ShadowLea said:
Even 9gag is sending me these videos now (oh god, that last one It's going to take months to get that image out of my head! Thank you for that 9gag -.- ), don't make me watch more people who don't know what ALS is pretend they care.
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Really surprised about the animosity and judgments I'm hearing about this, not necessarily you but also on another thread. Not wanting to see more videos is one thing but assuming someone doesn't understand the purpose or are just pretending to care.... Eh don't feel like ranting...
demkantor said:
Really surprised about the animosity and judgments I'm hearing about this, not necessarily you but also on another thread. Not wanting to see more videos is one thing but assuming someone doesn't understand the purpose or are just pretending to care.... Eh don't feel like ranting...
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It's not so much an assumption as actual experience. The mother of one of my classmates had ALS. (she passed away a few yars ago) I know what ALS is in both the personal and medical sense.
As such, it is utterly distasteful how people are using this as an excuse to put videos of themselves on the internet in a vain attempt to gather attention.
The idea of the campaign is to raise awareness. I guarantee you 90% has not even bothered to Google what ALS really is.
At least the famous lot actually donates. The superficial idiots on Facebook don't even bother to do that. This is merely another 'look at me!' hype. Nothing more, regardless of the wonderful intentions of the few who do actually know and care.
I have seen some brilliant ones from people who do know what ALS is. Sadly, the majority is using a good cause to gather attention to themselves, and that is insulting.
ShadowLea said:
It's not so much an assumption as actual experience. The mother of one of my classmates had ALS. (she passed away a few yars ago) I know what ALS is in both the personal and medical sense.
As such, it is utterly distasteful how people are using this as an excuse to put videos of themselves on the internet in a vain attempt to gather attention.
The idea of the campaign is to raise awareness. I guarantee you 90% has not even bothered to Google what ALS really is.
At least the famous lot actually donates. The superficial idiots on Facebook don't even bother to do that. This is merely another 'look at me!' hype. Nothing more, regardless of the wonderful intentions of the few who do actually know and care.
I have seen some brilliant ones from people who do know what ALS is. Sadly, the majority is using a good cause to gather attention to themselves, and that is insulting.
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Look if your trying to say we don't Google stuff before we're dumping ice cold water then your damn wrong. In case you don't notice it many people do donate and throw ice cold water at themselves. Maybe some people can't afford to donate but atleast they can spread awareness by posting these videos. I bet nobody knew what ALS was until this trend came along and everybody searched what ALS is.
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ironman38102 said:
Look if your trying to say we don't Google stuff before we're dumping ice cold water then your damn wrong. In case you don't notice it many people do donate and throw ice cold water at themselves. Maybe some people can't afford to donate but atleast they can spread awareness by posting these videos. I bet nobody knew what ALS was until this trend came along and everybody searched what ALS is.
Sent from my Moto G using Tapatalk
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She wasn't saying "nobody Googled it and therefore everyone is doing it for attention". She's saying that there's a hell of a lot of people out there who have done just that. I completely agree.
Out of everyone who I personally know, I'd say that around 90% have done the ice bucket challenge. Out of that 90%, there's around 20% (not exact but an educated guess) who have no idea what this challenge is even for. I know that because they've clearly said, either in the video or in comments after making the video, that they don't know why everyone is suddenly doing this but it seems like fun so they'll join in.
While that could be a sign that a lot of the people who I know clearly have no idea about such things and that everyone else knows the reasons behind this challenge, I've seen a lot of people across the internet stating the exact same that I am now. That shows that there's way too many people who are simply doing this challenge purely for attention as they have no idea that this is for ALS or even what ALS is.
Even though I initially didn't know what ALS was, I did know what MND was. After researching the reason behind this challenge, I then noticed that these are just different names for the same disease and therefore actually knew how serious ALS/MND can be.
A few people on Facebook have nominated me to do it and, while it may seem harsh, I've declined because of the fact that everyone I know has either done this challenge or at least knows about it. Therefore, me doing it and sharing it with those who I know will not raise awareness.
Even though I'm not currently in a position to donate to ALS/MND, I likely would if I was able to.
My apologies if this came across as confrontational as that wasn't my aim - I just wanted to get my point across
Again, not trying to single anyone out but showing disdain for everyone doing this challenge is a bit absurd. I only heard about it a few weeks back and being I don't use Facebook I wasn't nominated until I posted this video where I had found out how big it has really gotten.
I usually don't partake in internet fads for many reasons no matter the cause, but I saw how well this was working, they raised something like two million last year without the ice water stunt and this year its over $50 million. Also knowing someone personally myself I figured I would continue the love
Yes I only donated 10$ and I would have liked to think I would have given a bigger donation but the wife and I had our first child 2 weeks ago and we are now on a budget.
So being this stunt is working and even if the majority don't donate or post videos for the wrong reasons it still spreads the word which to me is better than nothing at all
Again my complaint isn't that someone doesn't partake or doesn't donate, its when I see broad conclusions made about those doing this and then openly mocking them or judging them to be superficial assholes, although some certainly are after watching a few videos posted.
But in the end it was my mistake to use XDA as a social media outlet for non development related anything as what I have seen this won't continue as I thought it might. I guess I'll have to dust off the old MySpace account or whatever people use nowadays (anyone remember friendster?)
demkantor said:
Again, not trying to single anyone out but showing disdain for everyone doing this challenge is a bit absurd. I only heard about it a few weeks back and being I don't use Facebook I wasn't nominated until I posted this video where I had found out how big it has really gotten.
I usually don't partake in internet fads for many reasons no matter the cause, but I saw how well this was working, they raised something like two million last year without the ice water stunt and this year its over $50 million. Also knowing someone personally myself I figured I would continue the love
Yes I only donated 10$ and I would have liked to think I would have given a bigger donation but the wife and I had our first child 2 weeks ago and we are now on a budget.
So being this stunt is working and even if the majority don't donate or post videos for the wrong reasons it still spreads the word which to me is better than nothing at all
Again my complaint isn't that someone doesn't partake or doesn't donate, its when I see broad conclusions made about those doing this and then openly mocking them or judging them to be superficial assholes, although some certainly are after watching a few videos posted.
But in the end it was my mistake to use XDA as a social media outlet for non development related anything as what I have seen this won't continue as I thought it might. I guess I'll have to dust off the old MySpace account or whatever people use nowadays (anyone remember friendster?)
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You've misread our posts. We're not showing disdain for nor mocking everyone.
Only the majority that are using thia as just another harlem-shake-planking-hype.
ShadowLea said:
You've misread our posts. We're not showing disdain for nor mocking everyone.
Only the majority that are using thia as just another harlem-shake-planking-hype.
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Fair enough, my finger isn't close to the pulse of social media campaigns so I wasn't aware how much this sort of thing was disliked
If all this thread turns out to be is complaints about Facebook or whatever I guess I'll just close it as I obviously didn't understand what people thought about this sort of thing.
No hard feelings
demkantor said:
Fair enough, my finger isn't close to the pulse of social media campaigns so I wasn't aware how much this sort of thing was disliked
If all this thread turns out to be is complaints about Facebook or whatever I guess I'll just close it as I obviously didn't understand what people thought about this sort of thing.
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There's always two sides to these things, the people who think it's great, and the people who hate social media hypes for their shallowness. Oh, and everyone else, who get tired of seeing the same thing every day for weeks.
No hard feelings
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None given, none taken
Luckily, at least today my Facebook will be so overflooded with news about the Emmy awards that these videos don't stand a chance.
Thread Cleaned and back to the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge....Thanks.

Off Topic: MoMo Challenge

Hows everyone doing tonight!?
I've been on XDA for about a year now...and I don't post really at all, because I like sitting back and learning from all you who actually know what your doing !!!
My question is about the MoMo Challenge.
Reason being- My 7 yr old daughter has seen it pop up 3 different x's. On seperate shows. And now....she cries and covers her ears and runs and hides anytime this stupid [email protected]$! Is brought up.
She wont sleep in her own bed (which is getting old! ), she wont go into a room if the lights are off, she no longer wants to watch YouTube ( which I'm actually happy about - but I wont say that to her!), but this jackass is earning a extra special place in my cold blooded heart.
The simple fact that -whoever this is- is going after kids- targeting little kids who have no idea whats going on and dont want to see mommy or daddy get hurt, makes me angry.
So the question is....why have they not found the maker of the videos. Is it really that hard to trace back to its source? I swear I seen a app for it!!! Any knowkedge would ve greatly appreciated !
I call shenanigans. Momo is/was a hoax.
Cool story though! :highfive:
The only Momo that i recognise are Nepali Steamed Dumplings, which are delicious.
So I heard the news say the same thing. I dont know how that's a hoax. A hoax is like what Orson Wells was able to achieve. The story aired as a radio news cut in (breaking news) on a regulary scheduled radio show.
This cut into a episode of Peppa Pig. And tells children ( ages 4-10) , how to correctly slice their wrists proper to achieve maximum damage. Another short disturbing interuption, telling jids to go to the medicine cabinet and swallow pills, also happened during a peppa pig short.
And what of the 3rd which happened during a completely different show? Telling kids that they should poison their parents. In each apparently they tell kids not say anything to anyone, cause if they did they would never see their parents again.
My understanding of a hoax, is to deceive a person, or group of people, whether as a joke, prank, fraud, deception to achieve a hysteria or frenzy. I'm from NJ ....the legend of the Jersey Devil , whether you do or dont believe in supernatural is considered to be a hoax, Bigfoot, loch Ness monster. Ive never heard of a hoax that gives specific instructions to kill yourself, no matter what age, or to hurt, harm, kill others....with a stipulation that if the rules arent followed other members of a family would be abducted, harmed, or killed.
When the mofia or Gangs do that.....its a federal crime. Conspiracy, manslaughter (murder wont stick because they arent personally doing the violent crime) as an accessory to the fact , and insighting a riot even (I'm not a lawyer but have my fair share of lawyers! Lol), But this ,again is called a hoax? How so?
My last question is it was mostly/ largely and to my knowledge only found on two shows...both of which were thru youtube kids. So kids who are 10 and under are the target of a "hoax"!?! It sounds a lot like bull**** to me!
I think the videos slipped passed or werent checked by you tube. They uploaded them. The videos emerge, kids get freaked out, parents talk, emails got sent, and to save their add for not doing what they said they do, found them- removed them...and came up with the ingenious idea of calling it a hoax because now no one can find the videos. My wife found one....its pretty creepy
And as the father of a.7 and a.2 year old. If my kids.did something to themselves becuase of it. I would do everyrhing I could to find that guy......
But my actual question for XDA is....because I know theres so many ppl here that know their stuff. I mean its the reasin I'm here....I want to learn from the ones who know- the ones who honed their skills, or their craft , to such a high level- in hopes that it rubs off- and I learn the way it works properly.
????: " How hard, or is it even possible, to catch the person who made the video, through I dont kow , reverse engineering?? Like what has to take place in order to find out where that embedded video came from???
Sorry for long winded post....bad habit of mine.
But the last one ...is my actual question.
Thank you for the replies
Hoax or not, as a parent monitor your child while online period.

If you think the entire world turns around you, you are crazy. It turns around me and my very huge modesty. ROTFLMAO

Well, let us begin.....if you may pass around, the virgin's blood, the black candles and the tongue of a dead man whom killed himself.....Woopsy doopsy! Another forum...sorry, my bad.
I don't like to talk much about myself, least of all in an internet forum.
But fair is fair, and I am asked to introduce myself.
So I'll make an effort, without guaranteeing any results.
I'm in my middle forties.
I'm sitting on my bed while I write this.
Be right back: nature calls, and she's a batch.
Back, and I seem to weigh a little less now.
I feel light as Trump's head.
So, coming back to me, myself and I: I always loved computers, although I never quite understood them very much. Some claim that I know a lot about computers.....but this opinion is only shared by those who know absolutely nothing about them, and see them as entities which could eat them alive if they pressed the "wrong button". I know better: I have a limited knowledge regarding computers, but I do possess an endless curiosity, and I always seem to find somebody whom is kind enough as to give me her/his time to teach me, or help me out of deep shi-t when I, very rarely!, take a path that I know nothing about and "boldly go seeking where no one has sought before"......
As you already know by now, I love Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Thrillers and Terror; this in all medias: movies, series, graphic novels, comics, mangas, animations, books.....
I love to row, ski, practice volleyball and rugby, ride a bike and a horse, run, go rollerskating and ice skating, swimming and climbing.
I also write a lot, but nothing's been published so far. I happen to read way more than I write though.
I spent seven years in a wheelchair/using crutches, and now I am riding bikes again....it feels like the first time I rode one, when I was a child.
Let us simply say I come a long way to where, and when, I stand today.
I may not be of a lot of help to you, because my knowledge is really limited. Now. But, with your kind help, it will come a day when I will be able to give my helping hand to others in these matters as well as some others.
Looking forward to keep in touch with you all.
Live long and prosper, from Geneva, Switzerland.
(To your questions: YES, I love chocolate; YES, I love cheese; YES, I love watches and have half a dozen of them, several of which I repaired myself (and one I broke on my own too, for being an arrogant moron); YES, I love mountains: so, if you leave aside that I don't love banks, the swiss stereotype is fully fulfilled--well, I could love a bank if I owned one, but that not being the case.......)
PS: "Aexis" is not a typo error nor a choice because other names (Alexis, for instance) were already taken: it is my real name. And Tenax is my last name, after I chose to change the one I was sadly born with: for those of you whom don't know Latin, "Tenax" means "Tenacious" (as in "Tenacious D", the movies and the music). Modesty is not one of my defects, neither is arrogance.
Ah, my sense of humour is not shared by many: I am absolutely crazy about Monty Python, Chaplin, Buster Keaton, the Three Stooges, the animated original series of the Pink Panther (and I bought the entire DVD collection), Mr Bean, Not the Nine o'Clock News, Fry and Laurie, Red Dwarf and sooooooooooooooo many others. I even have a t-shirt that says: "I speak fluent sarcasm", to make things clearier for those with an impaired or atrophied sense of humour.
If you read until here, thanks for your time, and hope to "see" you soon!
Hi Tenacious Alexis!
Ahh, madness: the best way to make friends. Allow me to shamelessly pull this out of context:
aexistenax said:
I am absolutely crazy
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It's been a pleasure to read your introduction. I have a T-shirt that has "I have six words for you" on it, what a blissful moment when they ask me what they are. Yes, T-shirts truly mark our sense of humour. Honest feedback: "it will come a day" may be the reason you haven't been published yet Great to read about your recovery, must've been quite the rocky road. Let's try not to circumvent the swear filters, it's a nice place here Oh and let's not make things political because there's no end to that and this place is all about our universal love for tech. Hey, I also have a Swiss watch, a MyKronoz ZeTime. Its quality is indeed quite remarkable! Anyway, I'll keep it short. Pleased to meet you.
Timmmmaaahh! said:
Hi Tenacious Alexis!
Ahh, madness: the best way to make friends. Allow me to shamelessly pull this out of context:
It's been a pleasure to read your introduction. I have a T-shirt that has "I have six words for you" on it, what a blissful moment when they ask me what they are. Yes, T-shirts truly mark our sense of humour. Honest feedback: "it will come a day" may be the reason you haven't been published yet Great to read about your recovery, must've been quite the rocky road. Let's try not to circumvent the swear filters, it's a nice place here Oh and let's not make things political because there's no end to that and this place is all about our universal love for tech. Hey, I also have a Swiss watch, a MyKronoz ZeTime. Its quality is indeed quite remarkable! Anyway, I'll keep it short. Pleased to meet you.
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Thanks for the warm welcome, and my apologies for "breaking the rules" regarding politics and"swearing". I was, as you realized, kind of testing the limits.....but I'll fall inline from now on.
Well, most of the time at least.
Ok, many times.
Alright, make it a few times.
Or two.
Or one.
Ok. I'll try my best (not) to misbehave.
You can quote me on that last line out of context as well......
Silly though, I'd have loved to know what your answer is to those asking naively "which are the six words you have for me?". I bet my soul that the censorship for the swearing would not let you write that answer here.....Nope, scratch that: I already sold my soul, so I can't bet on it anymore.....
aexistenax said:
I'll misbehave.
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Gotcha! Oh don't worry about it, you were merely bending them a bit. We appreciate some passion in the conversatios around here.
As for how I respond to that question: I just stare at them in silence for a bit, they usually figure it out. If they really don't get there I start tapping the words one by one.

